xt7hqb9v1s76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v1s76/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1950 Memorial Coliseum athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1950-1951) programs Memorial Coliseum coaches Rupp, Adolph men's football (1950) rosters statistics UK vs. Purdue University (December 9, 1950) "Kentucky vs. Purdue, Sports Dedication", December 9, 1950 text "Kentucky vs. Purdue, Sports Dedication", December 9, 1950 1950 2012 true xt7hqb9v1s76 section xt7hqb9v1s76 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY MEMORIAL COLISEUM Kentucky m. Purdue _7 T__ tion SATURD 9, 1950 MEMORIAL COLISEUM HERE IN STONE AND STFFI. IS RAISED A MEMORIAL TO SEA IE OF KENTUCKY WHO CAVE I HEIR LIVES IN BATTLE THAT WE MIGHT LIVE IN PEACE ERECT AND STRONG AND FREE WORLD WARD 1941-45 \RE LEFT GROW OLD: E YEARS CONDEMN. . D IN THE MORNING IN MEMORY OF MEN WHO DIED Dr. Donovan THIS IS A HOUSE built not on sand but on a firm foundation. Fabricated out of steel, stone, concrete, and brick, it is more substantially built than the Coliseum at Rome and should stand as long. This is Kentucky's Coliseum. It belongs to the people. Erected as a memorial to our honored dead of World War II, it is to be used in the service of the living. It is an honest building. This is a house built not for superficial purposes but for an honest program of education. It is a sports arena where thousands may gather in wholesome recreation to witness games of skill played by men who display the finest quality of sportsmanship. It is a gymnasium where students pursue courses in physical education to the betterment of their minds and bodies. It is an auditorium where students and citizens may meet to hear the world's greatest speakers and thinkers bring us wisdom and knowledge. It is a music hall where we may assemble to listen to the great artists of all nations lift us to new heights of aesthetic appreciation. May it, also, frequently be a temple where we may worship and be led into closer communion with God. It will ever be a shrine where the brokenhearted may come to pay homage to their own who paid the last full measure of devotion To these ends we dedicate this Memorial Coliseum. PRESIDENT FACTS ABOUT THE COLISEUM LOCATED ON EUCLID AVENUE between Lexington Avenue and Rose Street, the majestic Memorial Coliseum has a seating capacity of 12,000 for basketball games and 15,000 for programs in which folding chairs may be placed on the playing floor. Seating space for approximately 300 persons is provided alongside the 75-foot six-lane swimming pool. All seats on the building's west side, approximately one third of the total, are theater-type chairs, and the remainder are bleacher type. More than 80 per cent of the Coliseum's permanent seats are at side court. The building contains ticket sales offices, offices for the athletics director, football coach, basketball coach, all assistant coaches, swimming pool director, and the sports publicity editor. Locker rooms for football, basketball, baseball and all minor sports also are located in the new structure. Excavation of the building site required removal of 40,000 cubic yards of earth and more than 10,000 cubic yards of rock. Construction required 1 1,000 cubic yards of concrete and more than 500 tons of reinforcing steel. Other construction materials used in the building include 3,500,000 brick, 3,000 tons of structural steel, 2.3 acres of roofing, and two acres of terrazo flooring. Measured from the Euclid avenue side (the front), the Coliseum is 82 feet in height. Its acoustically-treated ceiling is 49 feet above the playing floor, and the span of its main trusses is 225 feet. Twenty-six double-doored exits allow the building to be emptied of a capacity crowd in little more than ten minutes, and a combination heating and ventilating system produces six to eight complete air changes per hour. The basketball court, laid on a sub-floor of concrete, is permanent and cannot be removed. Near perfect from an acoustical standpoint, the huge auditorium can be used for concerts and lectures as well as for sports events, conventions and all-University convocations. Programs during the school year include concerts by James Melton, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Don Cossack Chorus, Artur Rubinstein, and Jascha Heifetz, and lectures by Elmer Davis, Charles Laughton, and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. The Coliseum's permanent equipment includes a large electric organ, facilities for radio and television broadcasts, and ample space for the working press. Names of the 9,306 Gold Star Kentuckians have been lettered on permanent plaques which occupy recessed wall panels in the Coliseum entry ramps. Bronze stars have been placed in the concourses of the building by the Student Government Association in honor of the University of Kentucky men who died in the war. [31 Earle C. Clements Keen Johnson Simeon Willis APPROPRIATIONS for the Memorial Coliseum, totaling $3,100,000, were made under the administrations of three governorsKeen Johnson, Simeon Willis, and Earle C. Clements and by the General Assemblies of 1942, 1946, and 1948. This sum was not sufficient to complete the building as planned, so the University's Board of Trustees sold $825,000 worth of bonds to finish the construction. These bonds will be liquidated over a period of twenty years out of income from athletics events conducted on the campus. In round numbers, the Coliseum has cost approximately $4,000,000, of which the taxpayers have invested $3,100,000. Formal Opening of Memorial Coliseum, May 30, 1950. Albert D. Kirwan Leo M. Chamberlain Bernie A. Shively rft&tetic& at "Kentucky ATHLETICS at Kentucky are organized under the Department of Athletics and a corporation known as the University of Kentucky Athletics Association. A firm believer in sports and sportsmanship, Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President of the University, has general supervision over the Department of Athletics. He also is vice chairman of the Board of Directors of the Athletics Association. Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan is secretary of the University Athletics Association and serves as faculty representative to the Southeastern Conference. He is a former player and football coach at the University. Bernie A. Shively, former All-America guard at Illinois and former football coach at Kentucky, serves in the capacity of Director of Athletics, directly supervising one of the nation's top athletics departments. Maintaining over-all control of U.K. athletics affairs is the Board of Directors of the Athletics Association, composed of the President of the University and ten other directors appointed by him, including five members of the faculty of the University, the president of the Student Government Association, an alumnus of the University, a member of the U.K. Board of Trustees, and two others. Frank D. Peterson, University Comptroller, serves the board as treasurer. The current Board of Directors consists of the following members: Dr. H. L. Donovan, Chairman Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Secretary Vice Chairman Dr. M. E. Ligon Dr. Frank Murray Jerry Jones Dean D. V. Terrell R. P. Hobson Tom Ballantine H. D. Palmore Guy A. Huguelet [5] ADOLPH RUPP 'THE BARON' "THE MAN , N THE BROWN SUIT" sounds like the title for a good mystery thriller and might very well be if Adolph Rupp, the Universiiy of Kentucky's affable wizard of hardwood magic, had not long ago been tagged with the descriptive title by sportswriters because of his preference of brown as a game-night wardrobe. The 1950 "Coach of the Year" is known to the basketball world by a variety of other titles, such as "Mr. Basketball," "The Baron of Basketball," and "01' Rupp and Ready" but none adequately describes the man who has done more than any other modern tutor to make the cage game a national spectator sport. Beginning his 21st year at the Biuegrass school, Baron Rupp can look back over a two-decade reign of unparalleled success an amazing record of 410 wins against 77 losses in 20 seasons coaching Kentucky basketball. For the re-building job Coach Rupp accomplished on the sophomore-studded 1949-50 Wildcats (25-5), weakened by the loss of four great stars, the New York Basketball Writers Association named Rupp "Coach of the Year." In 1944, he won the highest individual coaching honor in the basketball world election to the Basketball Hall of Fame sponsored by Helms Foundation. Rupp was the tenth coach in the history of the sport to be so honored by the California organization, which in 1949 selected him as Coach of the Year for the second season in a row and designated the Wildcats as national champions for the third time an honor given no other collegiate quintet. [6] Rupp's Kentucky Wildcats can boast an unequaled record of 71 victories against 15 defeats in major tournament competition over the past 20 years, including participation in 14 national classics. The Bluegrass cagers were the first team in basketball history to win two NCAA titles and a National Invitation crown. Coach Rupp and his "Fabulous Five" represented the United States as a unit at the 1948 Olympic Games. Kentucky Colonel Rupp is the author of a best-seller, "Championship Basketball," which is already being translated into foreign languages. During the past season, he was made an honorary citizen of New Orleans and received the first plaque of appreciation ever awarded by the Sugar Bowl basketball committee. He was honored in 1949 as the outstanding citizen of Lexington, and holds high office in the Oleika Temple of the Shrine. In 1945, Rupp was named to the Kentucky Hall of Fame, the second man to be so honored in the history of the state. Coach Rupp is a native of Halstead, Kansas, where he captained the high school cage team. Later, at the University of Kansas, he played under the tutelage of Dr. Forrest (Phog) Allen, a noted basketball mentor. As a high school coach at Freeport, Illinois, his teams won 71 out of 82 games prior to his entry on the Kentucky scene in 1930. Baron Rupp's capable assistant is genial Harry Lancaster, former Georgetown college athlete. 1 [7] ! [8] Kentucky Members of the World Champion 1948 Olympic Basketball Team: Coach Rupp, Beard, Barker, Rollins, Holland, Jones, Groza, Line, Barnstable. ^adbetfitiM at "Kentucky ANY STORY OF A MAN who began "on a shoestring" and moved along to acquire a financial empire has a parallel in the story of University of Kentucky basketball. The first quintet at U.K. was a one-basketball outfit, and the ball used for all practice and games was furnished by the players, who chipped in a quarter or a half-dollar apiece to buy the heavy little balloon. Basketball appeared on the campus soon after the turn of the century, the game itself then very, very young. The school made no provision for a coach, but a gymnasium had been provided perhaps with no such specific purpose in mind when Barker Hall was erected and placed in use in 1902. The south end of the new structure housed what has since become known as Buell Armory, where cadets drilled on a dirt floor. In the other wing was a shiny new gymnasium. Kentucky's first recognized varsity hoop team, according to available records, played only two games in the season of 1904-05 and broke even. The pioneering cagers participated in 12 games the following season. Thomson R. Bryant, now Assistant Director of Agricultural Extension at U.K., was one of the first varsity hoopsters. Dick Barbee was another. Finally, a duly designated basketball coach came along, for the season of 1907-08, in the person of one W. H. Mustaine. Many of the players in the first decade or so of Kentucky basketball were survivors of those rugged early-day gridiron altercations on near-by Stoll Field, who mostly turned to the new game for a little fun and exercise [9] during the winter months, but the sport had established itself in its own right by the time a U.K. team captured the Southern collegiate championship in a tournament in Atlanta in 1921. A Lexingtonian, Bill King, cashed the free throw that nipped Georgia 20-19 in the final contest there, bringing the first of many championships earned by U.K. in basketball and spurring public clamor for a better court. The first gym, which for the last 20 years has been known as the women's gymnasium, was the scene of several of the early state high school basketball tournaments although having room for only three or four hundred spectators. Alumni Gymnasium, then viewed as a huge structure, was used first in 1924-25, and many wondered whether its 2,800 seats would ever be needed. It seemed particularly fitting to most that the first Kentucky team to use the spacious new gymnasium was composed largely of Capt. Jimmy Mc-Farland, Will Milward, Burgess Carey, and Lovell (Cowboy) Underwood, all of whom had been regulars on the team that brought the national high school championship in 1922 to old Lexington Senior High. Rounding out the first team for that campaign was C. T. (Turkey) Hughes, who was to become the first U.K. athlete earning varsity letters in four sports. Fairly soon after the appearance on the scene for coaching duty of Adolph Rupp, championships began to come with regularity, crowds began to overflow the "huge" new hall not just occasionally but for most of the games. Alumni Gymnasium had been badly outgrown long before it could be abandoned for the world's handsomest basketball hall a climax in a story of success from a shoestring start. LARRY SHROPSHIRE. Alumni Gymnasium, Scene of Many Wildcat Triumphs. ONE OF THE NATION'S outstanding young football mentors, Paul Bryant has become synonymous in the South with the rise to national prominence of Kentucky's Bluegrass Wildcats. In five seasons at the helm of the Kentucky football machine, the 36-year-old former Alabama star has lifted the victory-famished Wildcats out of the doldrums of the Southeastern Conference football cellar and firmly established them as one of the nation's leading elevens. The outcome of the efforts of 'Bear' Bryant and his staff of capable assistants has been Kentucky's best record in the modern history of the school, its first major post-season bowl appearance (Orange Bowl), and a visit to the coveted Sugar Bowl this year. A native of Fordyce, Arkansas, Bryant starred in football at Alabama from 1933-35 and became an assistant Tide coach following graduation. After four seasons, he moved to Vanderbilt as line instructor and worked with the Commodores two years before entering the Navy in 1941. In 1945, Bryant became head coach at the University of Maryland and, in one year, gave the Terps their best football record in history (6-2-1). Moving to Kentucky for the 1946 season, Bryant took just one year to accomplish the seemingly-miraculous feat of rebuilding the shattered foundations of U.K. football into a solid front. [11] "paat&aCt at "Kentucky U.K. FOOTBALL teams played 459 games in 62 seasons without receiving a bowl bid and, with the exception of a few seasons, did little to command the attention of the gridiron world. Then along came Paul Bryant. Under him, the Wildcats played 54 games through five seasons and they: 1 Received invitations to three bowl games; 2 Became the first Kentucky football team in the school's long grid history to capture the coveted Southeastern Conference title; 3Astounded the football world by rising from the role of whipping boy for the S.E.C. to one of the nation's major and feared powers. This awesome and successful "Five Year Plan" was constructed on 39 victories, 13 defeats, and two ties. Of the triumphs, 14 were achieved in confeieice play. And those victories in five years are more than Wildcat teams had won in the loop in the preceding 12 years. The hard-working, serious Bryant is the 26th coach in the school's history. During his tenure, and besides turning out three bowl teams and one S.E.C. champ, he has produced nine All-Southeastern Conference players and two All-Americans. Previously, Kentucky had had only tackle Clyde Johnson as an Ail-American in 1942 and these All-Southeasterns: Ralph Kerch-eval, 1933; Bert Johnson in 1934; Clyde Johnson in 1942; and Wash Serini in 1948. [12] Added to the honor scroll are tackle Bob Gain, mentioned on many Ail-American teams in 1949 and a near unanimous choice in 1950, and quarterback Babe Parilli, a 1950-AII-American choice. Kentucky received its first bowl invitation to the Great Lakes Bowl at Clevelandin the gusty year of 1947. Cold, piercing winds lashed off Lake Erie, icily sweeping through the canyon of Cleveland's giant stadium. On that bitterly raw, gray December day, a chapter was added to Kentucky football history. The fact that only 10,000 people challenged the miserable weather to see the game, in which the Wildcats licked Villanova, did not dampen the elation of Kentucky rooters. The setting was quite different in 1949. Behind the tropical background of enticing Miami, Kentucky went to the Orange Bowl, where it was conquered by Santa Clara. But the Cats were making progress. They climaxed their epochal rise in 1950 with an outstanding 10-1 record and their second major bowl invitation. On New Year's Day, Kentucky will play Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl. Back in the handlebar mustache days, Kentucky came up with some creditable outfits. Football actually started in 1881 at Kentucky, and the Wildcats won the first game they ever played. The score: State 7Vi, Transylvania 1. Transy came back, however, to win the next two, 2-1 and 3% to 21/4. The scoring of this rugby football is peculiar. Newspaper accounts give only the score, and no explanation. So began Kentucky football history. It will be interesting, indeed, to see where these amazing Wildcats go from here. LARRY BOECK. Aerial View, University of Kentucky Athletics Plant. The Kentucky grid staff: Back row (left to right) Trainer Charles Harper, and Assistant Coaches Ermal Allen, George Chapman, Bill McCubbin and Dick Holway; seated. Assistant Coaches Frank Moseley and Carney Laslie, Coach Bryant, and Asst. Coach Clarence Underwood. Assistant Coach Unis Saylor is not in the picture. ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACHES CARNEY LASLIE . . . Product of University of Alabama (1930-32). Joined Tide staff for year after graduation before moving to Blytheville (Ark.) High as head coach. Served next as line coach at V.M.I. Entered Navy in 1942 and coached North Carolina Pre-Flight eleven. Following release in 1945, he joined Bryant at Maryland U. and moved to Kentucky with Bryant in 1946. FRANK MOSELEY . . . Quarterbacked Crimson Tide elevens of 1931-33, playing on same teams as Bryant and Laslie. Backfield coach at Kentucky from 1934-42. Entered Navy in 1942 and served as gunnery officer aboard aircraft carrier Lexington. Joined Coach Bryant's staff at Maryland U. in 1945 and returned to the Bluegrass in 1946 with Bryant. ERMAL ALLEN . . . Joined Kentucky coaching staff after being ruled ineligible following Wildcats' first two games of '46 season in one of SEC's most controversial cases. On leave in 1947, he played T-quarterback for Cleveland Browns. CLARENCE UNDERWOOD ... A 1938 graduate of Marshall College where he was a varsity guard for three years. Coached at Beckley (W.Va.) High. Joined Kentucky staff in 1948. RICHARD HOLWAY . . . Regular left guard and alternate captain of Kentucky's Orange Bowl eleven of 1949. Dick joined the coaching staff following graduation. GEORGE CHAPMAN ... Added to coaching staff this summer after successful career at Augusta (Va.) Military Institute. Graduate of Georgia in 1935. BILL McCUBBIN . . . Played three years as Wildcat end (1937-39). Part-time assistant on U.K. coaching staff for five years. UNIS SAYLOR . . . Played a year with U.K. freshmen before an injury forced him to quit. Joined coaching staff as part-time assistant this season. CHARLES HARPER . . . Named Kentucky trainer last season after serving at several major universities. Graduate of Mercer. [14] Don Seaton Frank Moseiey BASEBALL AND TRACK are two of the oldest sports on the University of Kentucky athletic agenda. The first baseball competition on record took place April 3, 1896, when Centre and U.K. (then Kentucky A. & M.) split a doubleheader, Centre taking the first game, 12-6, and Kentucky winning the nightcap, 13-9. The track team dates even further back, having begun in 1894, according to the records. No individual meet scores are set down for that season, but the statistics do show that the team won second place in the state meet, including a first place in the tug-of-war. Since their birth back in the turtle-neck-sweater days, both sports have advanced steadily, and in the past few years have been contributing their share to the mounting athletic prominence the University is gaining. In 1950, Kentucky won the Western Division SEC title, but was defeated by Alabama in the playoffs. The Cats participated in the NCAA tourney, but were ousted by Wake Forest. The baseball team, coached by Frank Moseiey, posted a 16-7-1 record this year. The track team, led by stellar hurdler Tony Dallas, lost only one meet in 1949 to Tennesseewhile winning three dual meets. Dallas compiled the amazing total of 731/2 points in 4 meets for Coach Don Seaton's aggregation, or an average of over 18 points per meet. In 1950, the harriers split even, winning two and losing two. Dallas again was the most prolific point-maker, despite being injured part of the time. BOB GORHAM. [15] i Breckinridge Fencing Reece Swimming Paton Tennis Atkins Golf 7?cft