We, the students of the University of Kentucky, having an abiding faith in the value of intercollegiate athletics as an instrument in promoting friendly relations among universities, do adopt this code of sportsmanship for this Memorial Coliseum:
1. Winning or losing, an athletics team of the University of Kentucky will have our continued and wholehearted support.
2. We expect our team to measure up to the highest ideals in sportsmanship, and we pledge that our conduct shall be equally as praiseworthy.
3. The visiting team and coaches, and the officials are our guests. As such, they command our respect, courtesy, and hospitality.
4. We shall in all ways abide by the regulations of the University governing the use of the Coliseum.
5. Bearing always in mind the sacrifices of those to whose memory this building is dedicated, we pledge ourselves to a standard of conduct worthy of these honored dead.
6. We call upon all who join us in the support of University of Kentucky athletics teams to join us likewise in support of this code.
The Student Government Association of the University of Kentucky