xt7hqb9v255m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v255m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19400116  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1940 1940 2013 true xt7hqb9v255m section xt7hqb9v255m Best uopy Available

Fhe Kentucky Kernel

The World
Whirls On




Belgium Mobilizes

In Europe last week the situation remained practically unchanged except for the remobiliza-tio- n
of the Belgium army. Back in










16, 1940

Boy,' Broadway's Pugilistic Virtuoso COMMENCEMENT

Wildcat Boxers Open Slug Season

November, you remember. Belgium
was terribly alarmed by the heavy
concentration of German troops on THREE-AC- T
her border. It was thought that the
Nazis were planning to launch a
lightning flank attack on the Al5-UK
lied forces in France by way of the
low countries. But for fome
or another the attack did not come,
and the men of the wooden shoes
Student-Writte- n
breathed a deep sigh for relief. Now.
however, the Germans have again
massed troops on Kin? Leopold's
border. Again, the Belgiums have
been called to their colors, and. this
Dr. Alfred Horatio Upham. presI am appealing to you through The Kernel to make
time, the Ooi minx may not be bluffFirst full length drama written
ident of Miami University, Oxford,
by a University student ever to be
an effort to be present at the meetings this afternoon
Making up in slugging power
Oh'o, will deliver the mid-yeproduced by Guignol is "Lonesome
The Watch On The Rio Grande
when representatives to the Student Standards comwhat it lacked to ring technique,
commencement address to approxTune." a three act treatment of
a potentially powerful Kentucky
This new development is being
mittee will be elected.
imately 125 graduates at 3 p.m.
Kentucky Frontier Nurses as'
boxing team opened its season with
carefully watched by a certain na- the
All Lexington students are to meet at 4 p. m. today
February 5, in Memorial hall. "Accent
sociation, by Ruth Jean Lewis. The
an easy 2 win over Xavier unition directly to the south of us. The play opened last night for two
On Youth" will be the subject oi
in the Union music room to elect one man and one
versity Musketeers last night in
certain nation which we refer to
the address.
scheduled performances at the lit
woman to the committee. At the same hour, all men
Alumni gym before 1500 customers.
Mexico is watching all of the de- tie theater.
Dr. Upham holds degrees from
boarding houses will meet in Room 206 of the
living in
velopments in the European war,
Knockouts were scored by the
tit- ....
Miami, Harvard, Columbia and Waiiimii ii
MacVey, senior in the
Union and elect one man to the committee.
for It realizes that its ultimate fate arts
Cats in two divisions, 123 and 135
bash and served on the summer
college, has the
Wednesday night in the Henry Clay high school auditorium, the
Because the proposed committee is such an imporpound classes, while two decisions
is a, nation depends largely upon role and Judith Cavendish (Mrs.
faculty of Columb'a and was presiLexington Junior League will present the third in its series of legitthe turn of events across the seas. Mary of
tant group in the regulation of student conduct, it is and one forfeit extended the marof the University of Idaho beOdets. Eric
Breckinridge), founder of the
imate theater productions, "Golden Boy," by Clifford Garfield in
We are speaking from the economic
gin. The Xavier wins were on a
to your advantage to see that representative students
fore assuming his present position
Linden; is cast as Joe Bonaparte, the role taken by John
standpoint, because of the fact that association.
forfeit In the heavyweight class and
at Miami.
are selected for these positions.
Others in the cast are Dorothy
the New York production.
greater part of
Mexico derives the
a narrow verdict in the 175 pound
Love Elliott, Robert Allphin, Helen
Dr. Raymond F. McLain, presiher national income from her sales Friedman, Douglas Dick, Erma Jane
Bill Duty,
dent of Transylvania College will
to European buyers.
11 3
George Martin. Kentucky's
Ries, Arthur BicknelL Jean Cum
be the speaker at the baccalaureate
President of the Student Body.
govPrior to 1938, the Cardenas
pounder was awarded a forfeit ovmins, Glenn Martin, Virginia Hay
services to be held 4 p.m. February
ernment sold most of its products den, Maybelle Connelly, Elaine
er Ray Steigerwald. Xavier fresh4, in Memorial hall.
to the United States with Great Smith,
man, in the opening clash, but
Katherine Nichols, and John
mid-yecomProgram for the
Britain as the next best customer Clark.
the two met in an exhibition bout
mencement is as follows: InvocaThese two nations bought huge
that was evenly fought.
The story concerns a mountain
stores of oil from Mexico. It is true
tion, the Rev. Hayes Farish, pastor
Kentucky was off to a fast start
feud aggravated by the marriage of
Sweater Sessions have been
of the Woodland Christian church,
that both bought the oil from priv- a daughter (Erma Jane Ries) of
when Lawrence Smith, using his
discontinued until after examLexington; address, Doctor Upham;
ate companies that were run by
right hand like a broadsword,
conferring of degrees and the adtheir own citizens living in Mexico Dick)one family to a son (Douglas
knocked out Red Cahill early in
of the other.
of the Union house
and leasing the oil lands from the
ministration of the pledge. Presithe third round. Cahill. whose
The author, Miss Lewis, was grad
announced yesgovernment; nevertheless, the Mexdent McVey; Alma Mater, Univerbest punch was his shoulder rammed
from the University
"Golden Boy," story of a prize
ican government got most of the uated
sity glee clubs and audience; bene
wrote "Lonesome Tune,
into Smith's stomach, opened fast
fighting violinist, with Eric Linden
profit by enforcing an export tax June. She
diction, Mr. Parish. Also featured
two other one act
but the Kentuckian's counter fighton the outgo'ng petroleum. This as a sequel to a class and then and Bernice Claire in the leading
will be the singing of "The Lord's
ing was too much. Late in tr.e
roles, will be presented at 8:15 p.m.,
system operated very well for some plays written for
Prayer" by Mrs. W. H. Hansen. Mrs.
full Wednesday at the Henry Clay high
first round Smith put Cahill to the
time, until Cardenas decided that combined the three into a
Lela Cullis will play the organ pre
length drama.
mat for the count of nine with a
school auditorium. The stage play
his country wasn't getting enough
lude and postlude.
Mrs. Lolo Robinson,
President Frank L. McVey an- looping right Pursuing his weakof the profit, that it was being ex- manager of the theater, lists the is the third of four to be brought
nounced the list of convocations ened opponent. Smith ended the
to Lexington this year by the Lexploited by the foreign capitalists. production
staff as follows: cos- ington Junior League. It was originscheduled for the spring semester scrap a round later with another
So he instigated his
tume mistress, Betty Breedon, as- ally scheduled for February 13.
in a letter sent to the publicity bu- series of rights to the face.
policy of expropriation
taking the
Thompson; properreau. Although the l'st is not comIn the 135 pound bout, Kentucproperty over, running it by sistant, Delores
production, which first played
ty mistress, Letha Hicks, assistant,
pleted as yet speakers have been ky's Cabell Posey, swinging like a
a government monopoly, and paying Dorothy Hill; lighls manager, Billy in New York, then in London, was
The four men who make up the acquired for the February, March gate, batted Lee Seitz colder than
the private owners for their loss.
Quirey; stage manager, Winston written by Clifford Odets, author
a witch's kiss after one minute of
and April convocations.
Gordon string quartet, the organNaturally, the United States' and Blythe; director, Frank Fowler, as- of many successes.
The first convocation of the sec- - the second round. Posey opened
ization which is to play at 8:30 toBritain were horrified. They were sistants, Dorothy Love Elliott, John
Six students were intiated into
Student tickets for this and "Hed-d- a
night at Henry Clay high school au- ond semester will be held at 10 like a tornado and sent his less
losing one of the richest oil fields in Clark, Maybelle Connelly, and Rob
Gabler," to be presented April Phi Alpha Theta, honorary history
ditorium as a feature of the Com- a. m. Monday, February 19. when experienced antagonist to the seat
the world. Sharp notes were sent ert Allphin.
3, ere available at $1.30 a seat for fraternity, at 5:30 p.m., yesterday,
munity Concert series, each have Dr. Lulu Sweigard will speak on of his pants for counts of nine twice
to Cardenas, but to no avail. As a
in the Red room of the Lafayette
of the two plays.
had a successful solo career, but "Ease. Poise, and Posture in Every- in the opening round.
hotel. New members inducted inlast resort, the two democracies quit
"Golden Boy," a tragedy, is the
Seitz answered the second bell
buying the Mexican oil and
Tentative plans for a women's prefer the less worldly rewards of day Living." Following this. Dr.
cluded Louise Galloway, education
story of a New York violinist who
some of their neighbors to
junior; May Chris Dedman, com- vocational guidance conference to the chamber music to which they Hans Leonhardy will speak on with the Jaunty step of a man beboxing
turned to professional
"Hitler's Aims" at 10 a. m., Mon- ing led to the appendectomy ward
have dedicated themselves.
do so. too. This left the Mexicans
against the wishes of his Immigrant merce senior; Lillian Sellars,arts and be held and February underwent
day, March 18.
and with his first cut, Posey crashed
educaapproval at a meeting
sciences Junior: Ava
without a market.
of the group is Jacques
First violin
father. He later falls in love with tion senior; Mrs. Grace Cramer of the general committee Friday
Mr. Mark Ethridge. vice president him to the floor.
They turned to the other Euro- Need For Scientific Thinking
Gordon, who began as a child prod- of the Courier
the sweetheart of his fight manager. Webber, graduate student; and Ruth afternoon in the Union,
.Journal has been
The Cat margin was extended to
peans and began selling large
Stressed By Rural
igy in Russia, came to this country
- 0 aa
El wood Cham- Sanger, education senior.
amounts of the liauid gold to Gertwo day conference at 15. studied here with Franz asked to address the April asserab
i Date for the
ly but no date or topic ha been bers, punching hard with a rttjht
many and Italy. Soon, the two fasImmediately following the initiahas been set for Monday and Tues- Kneisel, was concertmaster of the set. Dr. McVey said.
that snapped like a buggy-whicist nations were consuming as
tion, a banquet was held honoring day, February 12 and 13. Keynote Chicago Symphony for eight years,
"There is a need for scientific
Although plans for a May conmuch as the United States and Bri- thinking and cause and effect ob
the new members. Leslie Allison, address, outlining the theme of the gave up his orchestral position and vocation are being made, the Pres- gained an easy decision over Charles
tain formerly did; Mexico's eco- servations," Dr. Howard W. Beers
president of the group, extended convention, will be given at an a profitable life as a virtuoso to de ident's office was unable to name Marqua in the 145 pound class.
Chambers' first blow of the night,
was restored. told faculty, members, and initiates Educators To Meet Sunday; the welcome, and William Baker, opening convocation for all women vote himself to the quartet which
nomic equilibrium
the speaker for this occasion or a straight left, placed Marqua in
Then war was declared. Britain at a banquet honoring new members
Will Discuss Projects
alumnus, acted as toastmaster. Dr. students at 2 p. m. Monday, Feb- bears his name.
for the June commencement, say- a posterior pose for the tcU of nine
blockaded Germany, shutting off of Alpha Zeta Friday night in the
T. D. Clark, history professor, made ruary 12 in Memorial hall. Judge
For Festival
David Sackson, the second violin, ing that they would be announced and took away most of
the Mus-kle- 's
her trade. Cardenas's oil monopoly Union.
the principal address of the evening Dorothy Kenyon, counsellor at law, is a New Yorker, a graduate of the later in the spring.
began to suffer a loss. His agents
New York, will be the speaker.
Dr. Beers, professor of rural sociol
Central Kentucky music teachers on "Sources of Folk History.'
Art, and a tal
Institute of Musical
During the second round Marqua
set out to find new markets, and ogy, and rural sociologist for the will attend the Central Kentucky
Other hignlights of the conven- ented composer whose transcripThe committee on arrangements
was out on his feet after catching,
they are stin looking for them. Experiment station chose as his Music Educator's conference at 2 was composed of Jane Auxier, Eve- tion will be a discussion of mar- tions are features of the quartet's
chin first, a round of ringing rights.
That's why Mexico is watchin? the subject, "AZ. versus Azaz."
pjn. Sunday in the Art center. No lyn Ewan, Leslie Allison, and Mrs. riage as a career; tea at Maxwell programs. William Lincer, the vio
Despite a decided weight handiPointing out that too many of registration or admission charge will Ray Murphy. Actives of the honor Place
shifting scene in Europe she wants
for conference speakers; la, was born in Brooklyn and, like
cap, Andy Slatt pushed the Cat
our efforts at social adjustment be made.
to sell her oiL
ary are Leslie Allison, Jane Auxier, luncheon for committee members, Sackson, received his education at
Mason, formerly graduArnold
margin with a decision win ovvr
today are for people, rather than
Mrs. Harlowe F. Dean of LafayLAST MINUTE FLASHES:
Virginia Chase, Evelyn Ewan, Ruth delegates, and faculty members, the Institute. He is now busy writate instructor at the University of Paul Sheetz, Xavier football cap
ing a book on the history of music Wisconsin,
New York J. Edfar Hoover, chief in cooperation with them. Dr. Beers ette high music faculty will speak Marcus, Ruby H. Murphy, William and a women's banquet Tuesday.
has recently come to tain In the
Fields to be discussed as voca- and Its relationship to world his- the University to serve as assistant
of the TBI, in an expose of sedi- said that therewrho a difference sub- on "Trends in Music Educators' Or- Riley, Marvin Rabin, and James
Tom Zinn, showing a willingness
work with
ganization." followed by a discus McCarthy.
tions activities going on in this city, tween leaders
tional possibilities for women in- tory, i
professor of Geology.
to mix. dropped a close decision
clude law, library work, marriage,
announced the names of 18 members ordinates and those whowork for sion of materials to be used in the
ViolincelUst Naoum Benditzky is
Since his graduation from Yale In to Xavier's Milt Conver in the
Kentucky high school music festimedical technology, music, personC hristian Front as them.
of the
Russian born, studied at the St. 1928, Mr. Mason has done work at Ughtheavy-weigbrawl for the
"Not only in agriculture, but in val to be held at the University
nel in business, personnel in edu- Petersburg Conservatory, arrived in Columbia and Wisconsin. He has
planning the overthrow of the nacation, radio, secretarial work, so- America via the Near East and Par- completed his field work antr is Muskie's first win of the nieht.
tional government. Men whom he all fields," Dr. Beers said, "the indi- next spring.
Mrs. Ruth Stallings of Winchescial work, recreation, advertising, is. He came here In 1921 and im now writing his doctorate thesis. stalked throughout the fight. Zinn
accused included seme members of vidual must ask: What is the situahis elusive opponent but
would we like it to be? ter, conference president, will preaviation, costume designing, extenthe National Guard; others belonged tion? Whatwe
mediately Joined the newly organA member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma was never able to tag him with tK.e
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, working
do to change it?"
side. Chester Travelstead of Henry
sion work, fine arts, government ized Gordon string quartet.
to the naval and marine reserves. What can
Xi, and Phi Sigma Kappa, Mr. kayo punch that gained him thr
In conclusion Professor Beers Clay high music faculty will dis- with members of the political sci employment, home economics in
Ore was a member of the
During the summer the four men Mason has Just returned from a University Intramural title.
pointed out that persons must be cuss details for division No. 1; Miss ence department, is acting as spon business, institutional management,
band cf Fritz Kuhn.
live in Falls City, Conn., where they month's reconnaissance in Mexico,
careful of traditions and loyalties Ellen Blanding of Paris high music sor for a series of luncheon forums and Journalism.
That the organization was connecthave founded a summer colony. where he has been investigaturj
and must balance thinking with faculty, details for division No. 2; to discuss the problems of research
ed with any foreign agent or govJeanne Barker is chairman of the
and Miss Leila Mason, of University and techniques in economics, his- general committee. Faculty mem Here they practice programs for possibilities of research.
ernment baa not been proven.
the winter's tour, give local conMaster of ceremonies for the ban high music faculty, division No. 3. tory and related fields.
Plans of the Christian Front, as quet
bers serving as advisers and assist
certs on Sundays, teach their varwas Alfred Strauss, chancel
At each of the nine meetings a
The panel discussion will be led by
disclosed by Hoover, included the
ants on the committee are Mrs. ious instruments.
assassination of 12 congressmen who lor of Alpha Zeta. The banquet Miss Caroline Pike of Georgetown guest professor will be invited to Frank L. McVey, Dean Sarah G.
followed initiation ceremonies, held and John Shelby Richardson of lead the discussion on topics in Blanding,
Alike in their dedication to music,
had affronted the club by voting to late Friday afternoon.
Assistant Dean Sarah
members of the Gordon quarhis field of specialization.
repeal the arms embargo. The orHolmes, Miss Jeannette Scudder, the are
New members of the agriculture
varied in their personalities
Members of the recent graduate
The first of these forums will be Dr. Vivien Palmer, Dr. Statie Erik-so- tet
ganization also bad designs again&t
honorary are William Judge, Moore-fieland interests.
group of the American Association
held at noon today in a private
Jews, federal reserve banks, post
Dr. Margaret Ratliff, Prof.
Gordon studies scores, Lincer's cf University Women will meet at
Robert Rawlins, Ft, Thomas;
dining room in the Union. Prof. Mildred Semmons, Miss
offices, and armories. It meant to
Logan Caldwell, Danville; Martin
Four additions to the staff of the E. Z. Palmer of the economics de- Van Meter, and Miss Doris Seward. passion is books, Sackson's hobby is 7:45 p. m. Thursday at the home
t tart ite revolution by seizing the
dogs, and Benditzky is attached to of
Clay, Myers; University Bulletin, weekly calendar partment will lead the talk on the
Shearer, Susie;
Frank A.
Student special committee chair- his garden and specializes in Rus- of Mrs.Lexington Hughes, president
fnsltmi hens in New York and at Frank Clark, Glenn
YW Senior cabinet will not meet
Frankfort; Harry
the came time assassinating key Boyd, Paducah; and James McCon-ath- of events on the campus, were an- "Statistical Approach to Research." men are Betty Paddison, exhibits; sian herbs. All
YM Senior cabinet will meet at
the members of the
nounced yesterday by the editors.
Miss Adeie Gensemer will speak
All graduate students In the Uni- Helen Reichenbach,
government officials in every major
student perg
New staff members are Virginia versity are invited to attend the sonnel; Rita Sue Laslie, ticket sales; quartet are
enthusiasts on "Modern Music" and will dem- 7 p.m.
city in the country. The leader of
Freshman club, 7 p. m.
Clark, Patricia Snider, Jae Marshall, luncheon and participate in the June Mehne, room arrangements; and compete yearly for the chamonstrate her subject with recordthe Christian Front was named as
Student Standards, 4 p. m. room
and Jane Noble.
Farmer, lunch and banquet; pionship of the group.
John F.
204. 206.
Douglass, hospitality; MargarJean
ODK, 4:30 p. m. 206.
et Blackerby, invitations to deleRecordings of Glen Miller, 3:30-- 4
gates, Louise Calbert, publicity;
p. m. Music room.
Peggy Denny, program.
Labor Law, Magnetic Theories
Publicity committee, 4:30 p. m.
Other general committee student
Will Be Taught,
Room 127.
members ar Mary Virginia Fulcher,
Lances committee meeting. 4 p.
Says Senate
Ida Joe Shouse, and Mary Ellen
m. Room 127.
Two new courses, "Labor Law'
Music committee, 5 p. m. Room
by violations of the provisions of
the beautiful song "Concerti" by
"Should students making an A and "Modern Theories of MagnetThe January Issue of the Ken- the anti-tru- st
statutes, shall re 127.
standing be exempt from final ex- ism" were approved at the last Two members of the University Hagemann. Mrs. Robert Ogle was
SuKy. 4 pm. Room 204.
tucky Law Journal, quarterly pub- cover threefold the damages susmeeting of the University Senate music faculty, Donald W. Allton, the accompanist.
House committee, 5 p. m. Room
lication of the law school, which tained by him. It also discusses the
for addition to the curriculum.
Mr. Allton, whose numbers were
The weekly program of recorded was
organist, and Robert Ogle, bari
released last week contains nature of the case in question and 206.
Taught by Prof. Amos Hall
presented during parts II and IV dance music will be presented at
Mary James A & S junior "If
Alpha Sigma Phi, 7:15 p. m. Room
"Labor Law" will be offered tone, presented a Joint recital of began his recital with the "Prelude" 3:30 p.m. today in the Music room articles on the interpretation of the conflicting assumptions.
they get As during the year, they
will get A on the exam, unless only in summer school according vocal and organ music to an audi
by Buxtehude, followed by Franck's of the Union building. Glenn Mil- the tax law in Kentucky, developLabor's Rights
Pitkin club, noon.
drastic happens and to present plans. It will be open ence of approximately 800 people "Andantino,"
George N. Stevens, professor of
and the "Scherzo ler's band will be featured. Such ment of the labor law, legality of
Y Junior roundtable, 4 p. m.
students shouldn't have to take the to third year men with "Torts" as Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall. Pastorale" by Federlein. The con records as "Little Brown Jug," "In- the arms embargo, and several iaw at the University of Nebraska.
Y Senior forum. 5 p. m.
Of the program's four divisions, eluding numbers were the choral dian Summer," "In The Mood" and student notes on various phases of discussing "The Development of the
a prerequisite.
Y Social Service group, S p. m.
"Modern Theories of Magnetism" Mr. Ogle shared in parts I and III prelude, "In der 1st Freude," the "Careless" will be played on the lawJchn Prewitt, Commerce freshLabor Law in Kentucky." presents
Sale for Taxes
man "Small tests through the will be taught by Dr. F. W.
during which he introduced songs "Carillon" by De Lamarter, and 30 minute program.
as concisely as possible a study
year find out how much you know
Earl S. Wilson, head of the Ken- - of the case and statutory law in p. YM Advisory board meeting, 3:15
It will be a one semester, of both old masters and contem the "Finale from Symphony No. 5"
course, offered every porary writers.
tucky department of revenue, in an Kentucky bearing on labor
on what you are studying at Just three-cred- it
Part 1 included by Widor. Mr. Allton played with
Y Sophomore commission. 7 p. m.
that time, but the finals find out other year. It is intended to supple Caldara's "Sebben Crudele," Gluck's an admirable style, and his interentitled "Sale of Land for lems. Labor's right to organize, the
government legislature, 5
what you remember of the year's ment and bring up to date the "O del mio dolce Ardor" from pretation of the various numbers,
Taxes in Kentucky," sets forth the restraint of trade, use of tajunc- - p. Student
m. Room. 204.
course in electrodynamics, in which Paride et Elena, "Der Munsensohn" particularly that of Bach, was exconditions which must exist before tions to prevent strikes, and the
many cf the latest discoveries about by Schubert, and Hugo Wolf's "Ge-b- cellent. From the standpoint of
Jeanne Bonne, A & S junior
land can be sold for taxes and the right of labor unions to sue, are
". Part III included d'Indy's technical skill he did full justice
"They should not be exempt from magnets are omitted.
manner in which the sale must be also taken up by Mr. Stevens.
There will be a compulsory
courses in which they major, be"Lied Maritime," "My Lady Walks to the heavy demands of Widor's
made. This law, according to Mr.
The legality of the arms embarmeeting of Delta Sigma Chi at
Last of the semester's Unin Loveliness" by Charles. "What If "Finale from Symphony No. 5." The
cause they should know these very
Wilson, has for years been the go repeal is examined by Dr. Amry
7:13 p. m. in the Kernel newsion hops will be held from 9
welL However they should be ex"Cheating" or "'Your Money's I Never Speede" by Dowland-Sow- source of a number of interesting Vandenbosch. head of the depart
audieVice showed its appreciation by
room for initiation, and basiness
p.m. to midnight Saturday in
empt from incidental electives."
legal questions.
Worth" will be the general discus erby, and Beach's "Ah, Love but a generously applauding Mr. Allton.
ment of political science. Dr. Van- reports.
the Bluegrass room of the
Jane Cherry, A & S sophomore
sion topic for the Freshman Y Club Day." Mr. Ogle sang with good
Are Threefold Damages Under denbosch says that it Is legal and
The music offered at this Joint
club, 7 p. m. Ag. building.
Union. Admission price will
' Exams scare lots of people to death meeting at 7 pjn. tonight. Hazel tone quality and a fine sense of recital was well selected and the
the Anti-TruAct Penal or Com- - that the motives for changing the
Scabbard and Blade, 7:15 p. m.
be 50 cents for stag or couple.
and they forget everything they Perkins, chairman of the YW cam phrasing. His appreciation of style program was finely balanced.
pensatory?" an article by Lawrence regulation have no bearing on the Armory.
The Blue and White orches
know. Exams should be given only pus service committee, will lead the and effective handling of dynamics
Void, professor of law at the Uni- - question of its legality.
The University Concert Band,
He also
Alpha Chi Sigma. 7:30 p. m.
tra wui play and six no- when the professor is in doubt as discussion, wheh will be based on clearly indicated his artistry. The under the direction of Charles
versity of Nebraska, deals with the adds that a neutral government,
breaks are scheduled.
to whether or not a student should the honor survey recently con- audience was warm in its applause,
will appear next Sunday
question of whether any person, committing no act which
Future Teachers of America, 3 p.
ducted by the YW.
and for an encore Mr. Ogle sang afternoon at Memorial hall.
in his business or property '
(Continued oa Page Three)
m. Education building. Room 131.







Full Length Drama
Opens Monday










For February



By Flooring

Knockouts Are Made
By Posey, Smith
In Two Classes

Student Standards Election

Memorial Hall






Sweater Swings
Cease Until
After Exams



Partial List Of Speakers
For Assemblies Released


Odets'. Drama. Billed
For Wednesday



Sweiffard Will Talk
At Convocation





GUIDANCE MEET Gordon's Group Billed
In Concert Series
Historians Pick Six
For Honor


Judge Kenyon Billed
To Be Keynoter


Beers Addresses
Alpha Zeta Diners



Conference Planned
By Music Teachers


Mason Of Wisconsin

Joins Geology Staft

Political Scientists
Will Hold Forums



Recent Graduates
To Meet Thursday






Two New Courses
Put On Curriculum

What They Think

Organist Allton, Baritone Ogle
Applauded On Joint Program

Tax, Labor, Embargo Laws



Current Issue

Glenn Miller Music

Eb-le- n,


War-burto- n.



Semester's Last
Union Hop Billed


For Saturday



4-- H





* ht N

sarilv mean that the ASU flJ I whole harbor1; this
favoritism, since each individual rhapier is autonomous (ihe group's constitution grants them
this riht).. and is entitled' as surh 10 disagree
with the jmliYv of ihe national office or ilie an
nual convention.
Ihe rharter also gives each
hnl,,rr ,hc PvilcRC of adopting its own indi- vtdnal policies, even though these lielicfs
verv antithesis of those of the New York office.
Another reason we lielieve the convention mav
not have reflected the opinion of the entire
order is that the Communist element within
the I'nion (though decidedlv in the minority)
is better organized and more thoroughly disciplined than the rest, and it went to the Madison convention determined to dominate it. Since
any member could attend, and since the Communists made it a point to attend, whereas the
did not. the convention naiur-- I
ally took on a deep pink shade. This system of
"representation." which appears to be rather
dangerous to the ASl"s
is noted bv
the Nation and the New Republic,
Rut how mcinljers can have the gall to insist
that the convention did not show up Red we
fail to understand. Thf Kfrmi desires to ive
every organization a square deal, but it also
desires to present the truth, not propaganda.











Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce




National Advertising Service, Inc.
I ftUege Publishers RepretftUmlit-420 MoiM AVE.
New YORK. N. V.
CMtraco ' otroa ' LOI amcclcc
Sa F.a.fisco
One Semester


I. oris T. lr.iXH

$2.00 One Tear


Editor-in-Chie- f

Managing Editor
Xews Editor


("iroRor Lamason
John H. Morgan

Business Manager

Good Facts But
A Bilious Presentation
"'We're Not So Dumb!" leafThose
lets distributed on the campus recently may lie
"just propaganda" as we have heard it sneered,
but students would do well to realie that it is
"propaganda" of their own making ai least indirect v.
A careful reading of ihe printed matter will
uveal one of the joint sponsors of the circulars
as lie National Student Federation of America,
an organization which numbers among its members the I'niversitv of Kentucky student bodv.
Too had thai really rather good fails should
he totalled in phrases so helligerent . so jyugna-- i
inns, so militant. II 'hen
the framers of
Year's Resolutions" understand that
tin aijnoaih suth as this onl gives kentueky
students nervous indigestion?


Continuing- The
ASU Controversy





an editorial siating facts which led to the conclusion thai ihe American Siudeni I'nion had
laUen the exi rente Left turn ai its Dccemler
toi k in



Bark Worse
Than Bite?










jp- -















Since thai time we have been taken to task
several local affiliates of that organization lor
saving "T