xt7hqb9v2g5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v2g5k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19801031 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, October 31, 1980, no. 342 text The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, October 31, 1980, no. 342 1980 2014 true xt7hqb9v2g5k section xt7hqb9v2g5k -`___.._. - C7,/V y_ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER 10/31/80 No. 341 Fwg? annnn-:nunnnnnnnn-nn:an-nnannan-nuns--nun:nnnnnn-nnnnnnnnnnan-an-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn CALENDAR . November l "Changing Perspectives on Historic Preservation" LTI. 9:30am—4:0Opm. November 4 Election Day November 6 University of Kentucky Libraries Staff Organization. Silver Jubilee Celebration. Solarium, Special V Collections Department, King Library. 3:30pm. November 7 "Frauenliebe und Leben," Schumann's most famous song cycle contrasted with Loewe's 1itt1e—known work. Phyllis Jenness, Contralto and Julie Nave, Piano. Gallery Series. King Library Gallery. Noon. November 14 Administrative Council Meeting. Room 305 Thomas Hunt Morgan Building. 8:30am. November 14 Piano Master Class. Walter Robert, Professor Emeritus, Indiana University. Gallery Series. King Library Gallery. Noon EXHIBITS Robert Penn Warren — Books, manuscripts, and memorabilia. Special Collections, King Library. Through November. "Ballots and Bandwagons," Hillbrook exhibit of presidential campaign memorabilia. University of Kentucky, Center for the Arts. Through November 4. WILLIAM JAMES HONORED "In tribute to his 1eadership," the black com unity of Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, has honored Dr. William James, University of Kentucky Law Librarian. The plague commemorating this honor was awarded October 19, 1980. Contributors: Nancy Baker (editor), Faith Harders, Barbara Galik, Paul Willis. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506 -2- L ` PUBLIC SERVICES CONFERENCE — UNIVERSITY QF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ALUMNI PROGRAM Ann Ricker and Barbara Galik attended the fifth annual University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Alumni Day on October 25, 1980, in Champaign, Illinois. The theme of the program was "Public Services: the implications of current trends in Technical Services." Michael Gorman, Director of Technical Services at the University of Illinois Library, was the keynote speaker. According to Mr. Gorman, technical services, as a separate entity, is strictly an American invention. Future changes in automation should eventually abolish the distinction between technical and public services. Mr. Gorman also foeesees a true national network based essentially on OCLC, the abolition of the card catalog as we have traditionally known it, and the abolition of individual departmental libraries. He sees the future library as one with all files on—line and available to the public and as one which is organized around specialized subject areas rather than library function. In his opinion, the University of Illinois will have an "electronic state library," i.e. a full service on—line catalog, not totally retrospective, but containing bibliographic access to the resources of the entire state in one data base within two years. During the afternoon, James Rush, former Director of Research at OCLC, spoke on national networks. Arnold Wajenberg, Principal Cataloguer at the University of Illinois and head of training for AACR2 in Illinois, also spoke on AACR2 and the user. Both he and Gorman stressed the fact that AACR2 is not geared toward special and academic libraries as past codes have been. It has a deliberate universality designed to be more V logical to the user. As such, it should serve as a better code for the public. OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT The Library has the following three vacancies: LT I Circulation, LT II Agriculture, and LT II Acquisitions. Although a decision has not yet been made on the filling of these positions, any staff member interested in one of these vacancies should see Faith Harders so that if one or more of these positions is filled, we will have the names to put on our job I requisition. Final approval for the filling of any vacancy is with the Vice President. Head of Reference, Memphis State University. Salary $l8,000—20,500. c Application deadline November 31, 1980. Assistant Head, Catalog Department, University of Florida. Salary up to $18,500. Application deadline December 15, 1980. Cataloger. Clemson University. Salary $18,000. Application deadline December 31, 1980. Head Librarian, Sears Library, Case Western Reserve University. Salary $20,000. Director of Libraries. University of Mississippi. Salary $40,000 minimum. Humanities/Social Science Librarian, Baker Library, Dartmouth College. . Co / Ocfobe/L 1980 ff The Umvexustty 05 Kevttuelzy Lzbrtaxtéu $14155 Ongamzatton mowthty suppiieinewt to the Gum Bean. ‘ FROM LSO The biggest news of the past few months is the LSO Silver Jubilee. The LSO was organized on November 11, 1955 with Jacqueline Bull as its first president. We are going to commemorate this occasion with a whale of a party. By now all of you have your invitations and we hope you are planning to come. In addition we have invited back retirees and old library friends. We are also making a special effort to get the newcomers there so if there is someone you know who has joined the staff after March 18, 1980, offer to attend the reception with them. The social committee is working hard so I hope all of you will turn out and appreciate their efforts. Toni Powell, LSO President On Sunday, October 12, approximately 15 people met at the James Lane Allen Fountain in Gratz Park for the LSO walking tour of historic Lexington. The tour lasted about 2 hours and all of us left with some interesting pieces of information, one example being that the fountain was dedicated to the children of Lexington by James Lane Allen. Thanks to Ms. Kerr and Mr. Langsam of the Lexington-Fayette County Historic Commission we will have a better appreciation of the Gratz Park area when we again visit there. And, thanks to everyone who took part in the tour. Andrea Bryant __" °T I would like to add my thanks to Andrea for arranging this tour with the commission. It was an enjoyable event. ·- Toni. I FROM THE STAFF (left from the last Wax Bean) SUSAN McCARGAR has been named head of the Acquisitions Division, Mann Library, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. - Susan was formerly ' V Head of Acquisitions at the University of Kentucky. GERALD MUNOFF, Curator of Photographic Archives, Special Collections, has an article in the current journal of the Kentucky Historical Society THE REGISTER entitled “Dr. Robert Peter and the Legacy of the Photography in Kentucky." MkKE·COURINEX, Curator of thee H%Flbrook Collection, was one of the speakers “a& `·'l the "Ath amnuad ACTS meeting August 22, 1980 held in the Q l §allery`of King North. ; g CONDOLENCES _¤ e sfo KA%E IRVINE (retired head of the Reference Department) on the recent loss of·her sister Jessie. Both Kate and Jessie had many friends in the j Library System. ‘ A _ To NAZAT HASAN (Microfilming Center) and her family on the recent loss V of her mother. On behalf of the Library Staff we have sent a plant. — · L Env Hniueraifg uf Kentucky Lihrariez ‘ Etaff Qrganizatiun inuitez gnu tu iuin in zelehraiiun uf iis imenig—fifih anniuerzarg. Ehiz ziluer iuhilee mill he celebrated un Enurzdag, Nhuemher E, IHHH at 3:3H p.m. in the Sularium uf the Spezial Gullectiunu Department uf King l Lihrarg Nurih. Refrezhmeniz mill he nerued. g R.S.D»§. by ®riuher EH, IEHH: Eh: Barbara Hahn ` ,_ Bindery » King fihrary Nurin Eelephuneg ' campun 3—2?4H aff campus 25H—HHHH and azk fur ‘ _ exienziun 274H