xt7hqb9v2h54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v2h54/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1972 journals kaes_bulletins_213 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.213. text Bulletin n.213. 1972 2014 true xt7hqb9v2h54 section xt7hqb9v2h54 , Regulatory Bulletin 213 C KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS K REPORT, 197 2 h , lllx T University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Lexington DIVISION OF REGULATORY SERVICES KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION H. F. Massey, Director Walter Graham, Assistant Director W. J. Huffman, Coordinator Fertilizer & Pesticide Programs Neville Hulette, Auditor _ FIELD STAFF ` Ben W. Cox E. Hugh Ray Claude E. Hensley Eugene Vanderpool Wilson M. Routt Elmer Cottongim ' William K. Robertson Wallace L. King Samuel D. Whitehead LABORATORY STAFF Valva C. Midkiff, Chief Chemist and Coordinator Chemical Laboratories John T. Adair Judy Dombrowski Elizabeth Brown John A. Shrader (Microscropist) Norma Holbrook Debra Morris Poo An Thio Robert N. Price Ellen Perry Sue Herald * * * * * * * * * * * * · This report compiled and prepared by W. J. Huffman Analytical data by Laboratory Staff CONTENTS Companies Represented by Samples Reported in This Bulletin ———-——-——--— 6 Introduction -—-——-———-—-———-———-—---——————-——————————-—------—---——-—- 8 Labeling Requirements ——————-—-—————————-——--——-——— — ————---—----——————- 8 Field Inspection -——-———----—————-—-----—-—-————---—-—-——--——-————----- 8 Pesticide-Fertilizer Mixtures ~—————-———----—--——-——————-—-—--—————-——— 8 - ~ Explanation of Tables —————-——-——--—---————---—————--—---—-————----—-—— 9 Analyses of Products Containing Atrazine ------————~——-—-——---——-———-—- 10 I Analyses of Products Containing Carbaryl ——--——-—-——----------———-----— 10 Analyses of Products Containing Ciodrin —-——-——---———-————-—---—--—-——- 12 Analyses of Products Containing Co—Ra1 --—-—-—--—-------·-————-—----~-— 12 _ Analyses of Products Containing DDVP -———-———-——-—--—-————————--—-—---— 13 Analyses of Products Containing Diphenamid --———--———~——---—--—-—-————- lh Analyses of Products Containing Dipterex --———-————--—----——-—-—-—--—-- lh Analyses of Products Containing Disulfoton -————--—-----—-————-—-——---— 14 Analyses of Products Containing Endosulfan —-—----——--————————-——---—-- 15 Analyses of Products Containing Linuron ---——-—-——-———-—-—--——-————-——- 16 Analyses of Products Containing Malathion --—------—-—————-------———-—- 16 Analyses of Products Containing Methomyl --—--———-—--—-—---—-————-—--—— 17 Analyses of Products Containing Methoxychlor —-—--———————-—--—--——————— 18 Analyses of Products Containing Methyl Parathion -——-—---—--———~-—----— 19 Analyses of Products Containing Monocrotophos --------——————--—---—-——— 19 Analyses of Products Containing Paraquat ----—--—----—————-—--—-—---——— 20 Analyses of Products Containing Parathion ---------—--»-- - -..—-.-...... 20 Analyses of Products Containing Rabon -————---———-————-—---——-—-—-————— 20 Analyses of Products Containing Ronnel ---------———————-—----———-—-—~-- 21 Analyses of Products Containing Sodium Hypochlorite —-————-—----—-——~—— 21 ' Analyses of Products Containing Sutan —----——-———---—-——-—-—---—--—-—-— 23 . Analyses of Products Containing Trifluralin ---—-——-———-—————-----—-—-— 23 Analyses of Products Containing Mixtures of Pesticides --——-——————-———- 2A 6 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES REPORTED IN THIS BULLETIN Ag Supply Company E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Company Industrial Drive 6054 DuPont Building Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240 Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Allied Chemical Corp. Economic Laboratories Box 2061R Osborn Building Morristown, New Jersey 07960 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Allied Mills, Inc. Elanco Products Company P.O. Box 459 740 S. Alabama Street Libertyville, Illinois 60048 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Anchor Serum Company E-Z Flo Chemical Company 2621 Belt Highway Div. Grower Service Corporation · St. Joseph, Missouri 64502 P.0. Box 808 Lansing, Michigan 48903 Babson Bros., C0. 2100 South York Road Farmland Industries Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 3314 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, Missouri 64116 BASF Wyandotte Corp. 1609 Biddle Avenue Farnam Companies Inc. Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 Box 2151 Phoenix, Arizona 85001 » Central Soya Feed Division 300 Ft. Wayne Bank Building Franklin Laboratories Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 1777 S. Bellaire Street Denver Colorado 80222 Chemagro Corporation Box 4913 FRM Chemical Inc. Kansas City, Missouri 64120 520 S. Clay-Box 9903 St. Louis, Missouri 63122 Chemical Formulators Inc. “ Box 26 Geigy Agricultural Chemicals Nitro, West Virginia 25143 Ardsley, New York 10502 Chevron Chemical Company Good-Life Chemical, Inc. 940 Hensley Street Good—Life Drive Richmond, California 94804 Effingham, Illinois 62401 Wm. Cooper 6 Nephews, Inc. W. R. Grace 6 Co. 1909 North Clifton Agri.Chemical Group Chicago, Illinois 60614 100 N. Main Street Memphis, Tennessee 38103 DeLaval Separator Company 350 Dutchess Turnpike Hat-Ra Chemical Company Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 1100 N. Adams Street Henderson, Kentucky 42420 Diversey Chemical Company 212 W. Monroe Street Jones Chemicals, Inc. Chicago, Illinois 60606 100 Sunny Sol. Blvd. Caledonia, N. Y. 14423 The Dow Chemical Company 2030 Dow Center Carl Kaster Midland, Michigan 48640 516 West Main Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Dragon Chemical Co. 7033 Walrond Drive Kerr—McGee Chemical Corp. Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Kerr-McGee Bldg. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 7 COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES REPORTED IN THIS BULLETIN (Cont'd.) LeGear Laboratories Inc. Shell Chemical Company 4161 Beck Avenue 2401 Crow Canyon Road St. Louis, Missouri 63116 San Ramon, California 94583 Louisville Chemical Company Smith-Douglas Div. Borden Inc. 601 E. Jefferson Street Box 419 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Norfolk, Virginia 23501 J. W, McCoy Southland Corp. 321 N. Franklin Street 2841 Pierce Street Madisonville, Kentucky 42431 Dallas, Texas 75233 Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Corp. Stauffer Chemical Company P.O. Box 333 P.O. Box 10 Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331 Dayton, New Jersey 08810 Moorman Manufacturing Company Supersweet Feeds Div. Quincy, Illinois 62301 1200 Investors Bldg. < Minnespolis, Minnesota 55402 Niagara Chemical Division FMC Corporation Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. ‘ 201 Lovejoy Avenue 5200 Speaker Road South Haven, Michigan 49090 Kansas City, Kansas 66106 Patterson Chemical Co. Thuron Industires, Inc. 1400 Union Avenue 12200 Denton Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64101 Dallas, Texas 75234 Penwalt Chemical Corporation Tobacco States Chemical Company 3 Parkway P.O. Box 479 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102 Lexington, Kentucky 40501 Chas. Pfizer & Company, Inc. Tuco Div. of UpJohn Company 235 East 42nd Street 7171 Portage Road New York, New York 10017 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 Ralston Purina Company Tykor Products I Checkerboard Square 50 West Broad Street St. Louis, Missouri 63199 Columbus, Ohio 42315 Rigo Manufacturing Company Union Carbide Corporation 638 Benton Avenue 270 Park Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37202 New York, New York 10017 »Riverside Chemical Co. Uniroyal Chemical Division Marks, Mississippi 38646 Amity Road Bethany, Connecticut 06526 Sapo Elixir Chemical Co. 9870 Big Bend Blvd. United Cooperatives, Inc. Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 lll Glamorgan Street Alliance, Ohio 44601 O. M. Scott & Sons Company Marysville, Ohio 43030 Woolfold Chemical Works, Ltd. East Main Street Sep-Ko Chemicals, Inc. Fort Valley, Georgia 31030 3900 Jackson Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Yale Chemical Co. Box 715 Nashville, Tennessee 37202 8 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 INTRODUCTION During the period January 1 through December 31, 1972, hl5 pesticide samples were analyzed. LABELING REQUIREMENTS Chemicals that require registration under the Kentucky Economic Poisons Law must bear a label stating directions for use, which, if complied with, are con- sidered adequate for the protection of the public. With few exceptions, the label must contain a warning or caution statement, designed to prevent injury to man and other vertebrate animals, vegetation, or other useful living things. The front or display side of the label should also bear the statement "Keep Out Of Reach Of Children." If the product is shipped in interstate commerce, the label should bear the EPA registration number. The label of the product must also contain an active ingredient statement which shows either the name and percentage of each active ingredient together with the total percentage of the inert ingredients, or the names of each active ingredient in the desending order of their percentages together with the name of each and the total percentage of the inert ingredients. The ingredient statement of any product may be of either form, except in the case of compounds which are highly toxic to man. The ingredient statement for products containing highly toxic compounds must list the name and percentage of each active ingredient. Highly toxic materials may also be required to be colored or discolored for the protection of the public health. The label provides the public with information on the uses of, and the percau— tions to be taken in using all economic poisons sold in Kentucky. The name and address of the manufacturer or distributor, the net weight or measure of the con- tents of any package or bottle, and the brand or trademark under which the product is sold must appear on the label. FIELD INSPECTION _ In order to adequately enforce the provision of the act, field inspectors are authorized to collect samples of economic poisons and devices and to enter any car, warehouse, store, or other place where economic poisons or devices may be stored for the purpose of inspection or sampling. They are also authorized to issue and enforce a written or printed stop sale or removal order on a lot of economic poison when the material being offered for sale is in violation of any of the provisions of the Kentucky Economic Poisons Law. They are authorized to hold this material at a designated place. PESTICIDE—FERTILIZER MIXTURES An important group of specialty products are the products in which an insec- ticide, herbicide, or other economic poison is incorporated into a fertilizer. These products must be registered under the economic poisons law and the fert- ilizer law and the labeling must meet the requirements of both laws. KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 9 EXPLANATION OF TABLES The following tables are compiled by active ingredient. Manufacturers are listed alphabetically above their respective products. The examinations reported are official samples of pesticide products offered for sale in Kentucky. Of the samples reported, 68 samples were found to be deficient in one or more of the active ingredients guaranteed. Twenty one products were not regis- tered when the sample was taken, and one sample was mislabled. The symbols in the right hand column of each table have the following meaning: P (Passed) denotes the amount of active ingredient found was not significantly at variance from the amount guaranteed. D (Deficient) denotes the amount of active ingredient found was significantly below the amount guaranteed. X (Not registered) denotes the product was not registered in Ken- tucky at the time the sample was taken. M (Mislabled) denotes the product did not meet the label require- ments in all respects. _ 10 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING ATRAZINE Regis trant Atrazine Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS AAtrex 4L 43.00 43.60 P D0 43 . 00 46 . 60 P D0 43 . OO 46 . 26 P D0 43 . 00 45 . 66 P D0 43 . 00 44 . 10 P AAtrex BOW 80.00 84.77 P D0 80 . 00 84 . 68 P D0 80 . 00 84 . 25 P D0 80 . 00 84 . 64 P D0 80 . O0 84 . 22 P D0 80 . 00 84 . 60 P D0 80 . O0 84 . 20 P D0 80 . 00 81 . 30 P D0 80 . 00 86 . 80 P Do 80 . 00 83 . 75 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CARBARYL Registrant Carbaryl g Product Guarantee Found ___ Z Z Remarks AG SUPPLY COMPANY Sevin 5 Dust 5.00 5.10 P - D0 5 . O0 5 . 20 P D0 5 . 00 4 . 80 P D0 5 . 00 5 . 00 P D0 5 . O0 5 . 50 P Do 5 . 00 5 . 50 P CHEVRON CHEMICAL CO. Sevin 5 Dust 5.00 4.90 P D0 5 . 00 5 . 00 P D0 5 . 00 4 . 80 P D0 5 . 00 4 . 60 P Sevin Garden Spray 50.00 54.40 P DRAGON CHEMICAL CORPORATION NOR OUT 1 3/4Z Sevin Dust 1.75 1.65 P D0 1 . 75 1 . 90 P Sevin 50 w 50.00 52.50 P E-Z-PLO CHB*(ICAL COMPANY Sevin 5 Dust 5.00 5.90 P Sevin 50 W 50.00 52.70 P D0 50 . OO 49 . 60 P A KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT , 19 72 11 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CARBARYL (Cont 'd .) Registrant Carbaryl Product Guarantee Found % % Remarks FARMLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. Coop 5% Sevin Dust 5.00 4.20 D W. R. GRACE & CO. NACO 5% Sevin Dust 5.00 4.90 P MILLER CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CORP . Sevin 5 Aqua 53.68 52.80 P LOUISVILLE CHEMICAL COMPANY LC Sevin 5 Dust 5.00 3.55 _D_ NIAGARA CHEMICAL DIVISION FMC CORP . l Sevin 1.75 Dust 1.75 1.30 D Sevin 50 Wettable Powder 50 . 00 52 . 80 P _ . RICO CHEMICAL COMPANY ' Kj.11—Ko 5% Sevin Vegetable Dust 5.00 5.90 P _ D0 5 . 00 4 . 90 P Do 5 . O0 5 . 50 P Do 5 . 00 5 . 50 P D0 5 . 00 5 . 60 P O . M. SCOTT & SONS Kode Lawn Insect Control 8 . 75 9 . 60 P STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Sevin 4 Flowable 42.60 39.50 D TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL C0 . 1 3/4% Bean Dust 1.75 1.76 P Do 1 . 75 1 . 45 Q D0 1 . 75 1 . 97 P D0 1 . 75 1 . B0 P D0 1 . 75 2 . 10 P ’ 5% Sevin Vegetable Dust 5.00 5.00 P _ 10% Sevin Dust 10.00 10.60 P Sevin 4 Flowable 42.60 41.68 P Do 42 . 60 44 . 80 P D0 42 . 60 43 . 50 P UNION CARBIDE CORP . Sevimol 4 40.38 40.50 P Sevin 50-W 50.00 53.70 P Do 50 . 00 52 . 90 P Do 50 . 00 49 . 90 P Do 50 . 00 50 . 80 P Sevin Sprayable 80 . 00 80 . 60 P UNITED CO—OPERATIVIES , INC . Sevin Dust 3.00 3.10 P D0 3 . 00 3 . 15 P 5% Sevin Dust 5.00 5.10 P Sevin Spray Powder 50.00 53.30 P 12 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CARBARYL (Cont ' d .) Registrant Carbaryl Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks WOOLFOLK CHEMICAL WORKS , LTD Security 5`Z Sevin Garden Dust 5.00 5.04 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CIODRIN V Registrant Ciodrin Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY Ortho Ciodrin Dairy Spray 2.00 2.16 P PFIZER AGRICULTURAL DIVISION . Dairy Spray 15.40 14.60 SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY 3Z Ciodrin Livestock Dust 3.00 3.10 P 3% Coidrin Insecticide 3.00 2.74 P Do 3 . 00 2 . 71 P Do 3 . 00 3 . 01 P Do 3 . 00 3 . 05 P SUPERSWEET FEEDS DIVISION Cattle Pest-O—Ki1 Con. 14.40 13.60 Q TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL C0 . , INC . Tobacco States Ciodrin E.C. 12.37 13.10 P Do 12 . 37 12 . 20 P Do 12 . 37 12 . 90 P UNITED C0-OPERATIVIES , INC . Unico IZ 1.00 1.18 P Do 1 . O0 1 . 18 P Unico Stock Spray Con. 12.60 12.60 P Do 12 . 60 12 . 40 P D0 12 . 60 14 . 30 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CO—RAL Registrant C0-Ra1 Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks ANCHOR LABORATORIES, INC. Anchor Fly 8. Louse Dust 1.00 1.01 X KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT , 19 72 13 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING CO—RAL (Cont ' d .) Registrant C0-Ral Product Guarantee F0und Z Z Remarks CHEMAGRO CORPORATION C0-Ral Emulsifiable 11.60 12.46 P D0 11 . 60 12 . 23 P C0—Ra1 25% WP 25.00 25.60 P _ D0 25 . O0 27 . 40 P D0 25 . OO 26 . 20 P O .M. FRANKLIN SERUM COMZPANY Franklin C0—Ra1 4.00 4.14 X MOORMAN MANUFACTURING CO . Mccrmans Cattle Dust 1.00 1.02 P ` PFIZER AGRICULTURAL DIVISION Pfizer Horn Fly & Lice Dust 1.00 1.06 P _ _ RALSTON PURINA COMPANY 4 C0-Ral Cattle Insecticide 4.00 4.22 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING DDVP Registrant DDVP Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks . LLIED MILLS, INC. Wayne Fly Filler 0.50 1.49 M `ENTRAL SOYA Sugar Fly Bait 0.50 0.31 D ' ICO MANUFACTURING CO . Kill-K0 Fly Bait 0.50 0.52 P D0 O . 50 0 . 63 P D0 O . 50 0 . 00 D HOMPSON-HAYWARD CHEMICAL C0 . De-Pester Dairy Spray 1.00 1.61 P lis REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING DIPHENAMID Registrant Diphenamid Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks TUCO DIV. OF THE UPJOHN COMPANY Enide 50 W 50.00 52.64 P D0 50.00 52.18 P D0 50.00 52.Me P D0 50.00 51.87 P D0 50.00 52.66 P D0 50.00 50.26 P · D0 50.00 51.11 P D0 50.00 52.62 P D0 50.00 53.66 P D0 50.00 51.46 P D0 50.00 51.87 P D0 50.00 52.0A P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING DIPTEREX ` Registrant Digterex Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks FARNAM COMPANIES Super Die-·F1y 1.00 0.85 X MOORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY M00rman's Fly Bait 1.00 1.10 P CHEMAGRO CORP. Dy10x 807. Soluble Powder 80.00 79.80 P D0 80.00 82.50 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING DISULFOTON Registrant Disulfotcn Pr0duct Guarantee F0und ___ Z Z Remarks "AG" SUPPLY CO. Plant Bed Granules 15.00 15.36 P LZHEMARG0 CORPORATION Di-Systmn 15% Granular 15.00 16.21 P D0 15.00 15.27 P D0 15.00 15.40 P Di-Syston Liquid Conc. 65.00 68.60 P KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 15 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING DISULFOTON (Cont 'd .) Registrant Disulforon Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL C0 . , INC . Tobacco Bed Beads 15.00 16.09 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING ENDOSULFAN Registrant Endosulfan ' Product Guarantee Found 0 Z Z Remarks "Ac" SUPPLY c0. Thiodan Tobacco Spray 24.00 26.20 P Do 24 . 00 24 . 30 P ' D0 24 . 00 26 . 90 P Do 24 . 00 24 . 70 P Do 24 . 00 23 . 40 P D0 24 . 00 25 . 20 P E—Z FLO CHEMICAL C0 . Thiodan 2EC 24.00 25.70 P Do 24 . 00 23 . 60 P ’ W. R. GRACE & CO. Thiodan 2EC 24.00 23.80 P Do 24 . 00 26 . 00 P KERR—MCGEE CHEMICAL CORP . Thiodan liquid — 2 24.00 25.60 P . NIAGARA CHEMICAL DIV . Thiodan Miscible 24.00 25.70 P D0 24 . 00 24 . 30 P D0 24 . 00 22 . 60 D Do 24. 00 2-3-. 50 F Thiodan 50WP 50.00 52.90 P RIG0 MANUFACTURING CO . Ki11—Ko Thiodan 4 Dust: 4 . 00 4 . 50 X O • UNITED CO-OPERATIVES INC . Unico Thiodan E.C. 22.80 25.30 P Do 22 . 80 22 . 70 P D0 22 . B0 26 . 40 P D0 22 . 80 24 . 50 P Do 22 . 80 24 . 20 P D0 22 . 80 23 . 00 P 1 WOOLFOLK CHEMICAL WORKS, LTD Security Thiodan E.C. 22.30 22.30 P 16 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING LINURON ' Registrant Linuron Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks E . I . DU PONT DE NEMOURS & C0 . Lorox G 10.00 10.68 P Lorox 50.00 54.70 P D0 50 . 00 54 . 50 P X Do 50 . 00 52 . 00 P Do 50 . 00 52 . 10 P D0 50 . 00 52 . 50 P D0 50 . O0 54 . 20 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MALATHION Registrant Malathion - Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks "AG" SUPPLY c0M1‘·ANY ’ Malathion Emulsive 50.00 51.50 P Do 50 . 00 53 . 00 P Cythion Premium Grade Malathion 50 . 00 47 . 70 Q ‘ CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY Malathion 5 Dust 5.00 5.80 P D0 5 . 00 4 . 40 P D0 5 . 00 2 . 40 D Ortho Malathion 5 Emulsive XB 55.00 56.90 P E—Z—FLO CHEMICAL CO . 57. Malathion Dust 5.00 3.90 QQ _ Malathion 25 WP 25.00 24.70 P FARMLAND INDUSTRIES COOP Malathion Conc . 55.00 57.20 P NIAGARA CHEMICAL DIV. Malathion 5 EC 56.00 54.80 P PATTERSON CHEMICAL COMPANY 55Z Malathion Enulsive Conc. 55.00 54.10 X 4 Du 55 . 00 59 . 30 X STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Malathion 5-E 56.00 57.50 P TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL CO . , INC . 5Z Malathion Dust 5.00 4.60 P Do 5 . 00 4 . 80 P 50% Malathion EC 50.00 53.00 P ‘ KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 17 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MALATHION (C0nt'd.) Registrant Malathion Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks TOBAcc0 STATES CHEMICAL 00., mc. (c¤n:'d.) 50% Malathion EC 50.00 50.90 P D0 50.00 51.00 P 57% Malathion EC 57.00 51.40 Q Do 57.00 57.50 P UNITED C0-OPERATIVES, INC. Unicc 5% Malathion Dust 5.00 4.50 P D0 5.00 5.50 P . Do 5.00 4.80 P Unico Louse & Flea Powder 5.00 4.50 P Do 5.00 5.80 P Q D0 5.00 6.50 P - Unico Malathion WP 25.00 23.50 Q Do 25.00 23.40 D D0 25.00 23.70 Q Do 25.00 20.90 Q . ‘ D0 25.00 19.80 Q D0 25.00 19.40 D ’ Unico Malathion 5 EC 57.00 56.80 P D0 57.00 56.70 P D0 57.00 57.30 P WOOLFOLK CHEMICAL WORKS, LTD. Security 25% Malathion 25.00 23.40 D · D0 25.00 25.20 P L Security Malathion 5-E 56.10 56.60 P Do 56.10 54.90 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING METHOMYL i Registrant Methomyl Product Guarantee Found I Z Z Remarks E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS 5. C0. Lannate 90.00 91.80 P Do 90.00 95.20 P D0 90.00 94.10 P Do 90.00 91.70 P Do 90.00 92.10 P D0 90.00 91.00 P ' D0 90.00 92.30 P Do 90.00 93.90 P Do 90.00 93.20 P Do 90.00 93.10 P 18 REGULATORY BULLETIN 2].3 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING METHOXYCHLOR ’ Registrant Methoxxchlor Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks "Ac" SUPPLY c01~tPANY "AG" Meth0xych1or—2 E 24.00 26.80 P ALLIED CHEMICAL i Arcadian 50% Methoxychlor WP 50 .00 50 . 70 P Do 50 . 00 51 . 00 P Do 50 .00 49 . 90 P CHEMICAL FORMULATORS, INC. Chemform Methoxychlcr 50% WP 50 .00 A8 .00 P D0 50 . 00 A9 . 60 P D0 50 .00 55 . 60 P _, ( E . I . DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO . Dairy Cattle Insecticide 50.00 51.50 P Do 50 . 00 50 . 80 P Dc 50 . 00 50 . 60 P ‘ Marlate 50 WP 50.00 51.00 P Do 50 . 00 50 . A0 P Do 50 . 00 50 . 80 P D0 50 . 00 51 . 00 P MOORMAN MANUFACTURING CO . M00rman's Insecticide Dust 3.00 3.30 P D0 3 . 00 3 . (40 P RIGO CHEMICAL COMPANY Ki11—Ko Dairy Cattle Dust 10 .00 9.20 P _ STAUFFER CHEMICAL CO . Stauffer Methcxychlcr 50-WP 50.00 50.20 P TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL. , INC. I Beef Cattle Dust 5.00 5.60 P 7*5% Methoxy Garden Dust 7.50 7.70 P 247, Methoxychlor EC 2i+.00 23.60 P D0 24 . OO 25 . OO P D0 ZZ: . OO 26 . 10 P UNITED CO—·OPERATIVES, INC. Unico Methoxychlor EC 23.80 23.30 P Do 23 . 80 25 .20 P _ Unico 50% Methoxychlor WP 50.00 50.50 P D0 50 . 00 50 . 80 P Do 50.00 51 . 00 P KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 19 ‘ ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING METHYL PARATHION ` Registrant Methyl Parathion Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks RIVERSIDE CHEMICAL COMPANY Methyl Parathion 4-E 44.00 45 .10 K STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Methyl Parathion 4-E 45.42 45.77 P Do 45 . 42 45 . 40 P D0 45 . 42 45 . 70 P · D0 45 . 42 44 . 50 P D0 45 . 42 44 . 20 P D0 45 . 42 45 . 90 P Methyl Parathion H-E 44 . 60 45 . 50 P Methyl Parathion 4-E 45 . 42 4l . 14 Q ` D0 45 . 42 42 . 00 D Do 45 . 42 44 . 80 P Do 45. 42 45 . 50 P _ D0 45 . 42 46 . 80 P . D0 45 . 42 45 . 60 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MONOCROTOPHOS · Registrant Monocro toghos V Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks SHELL CHEMICAL CO . Azodrin 3.2 39.10 43.15 P Do 39 . 10 39 . 51 P D0 39 . 10 40 . 93 P D0 39 . 10 41 . 23 P D0 39 . 10 40 . O0 P Do 39 . 10 39 . 99 P Do 39 . 10 40 . 37 P . - Do 39 . 10 40 . 47 P D0 39 . 10 41 . 90 P D0 39 . 10 43 . 36 P D0 39 . 10 42 . 78 P ` D0 39 . 10 43 . 59 P ‘ D0 39 . 10 40 . 70 P Do 39 . 10 41 . 13 P 20 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING PARAQUAT T Registrant Paraguat Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks CHEVRON CHEMICAL CO . Paraquat CL 29 . 10 30 . 20 P Do 29 . 10 30 . O0 P Do 29 . 10 30 . 40 P Do 29 . 10 29 . 50 P Do 29 . 10 32 . 20 P Do 29 . 10 29 . 90 P Do 29 . 10 32 . 10 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING PARATHION K Registrant Parathion · Prcnduc t Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks W. R. GRACE & CO. Parathion Flowable 80.00 85.60 P · SMITH-DOUGLAS DIV. Parathion EC 46.50 50.20 P STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Para thion 8-F 79.77 81 . 14 P Parathion 15-WP 15.00 15.00 P TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL C0 . IZ Parathion Dust 1.00 .93 P WOOLFOLK CHEMICAL WORKS , LTD ’ Parathion 15Z WP 15.00 14.70 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING RABON Z Registrant Rabon Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY I Rabon IEC 24.30 24.50 P Do 24 . 30 24 . 70 P Do 24 . 30 24 . 50 P Do 24 . 30 24 . 30 P KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT , 197 2 21 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING RONNEL Registrant R0nne1 Product Guarantee F0und Z Z Remarks DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY K0r1an 24E 24.00 23.83 P V D0 24 . 00 25 . 52 P D0 24 . 00 23 . 82 P GOOD-LIFE CHEMICALS, INC. Korlan 2E 24.00 23.65 P RIGO CHEMICAL COMPANY Kill-K0 Hog Lice Granules 5.00 4.26 P UNITED CO-OPERAT IVES , INC . Unico Lice-X 5.00 4.76 P Unicc R0nnel—2 23.80 24.13 P D0 23 . 80 24 . 20 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE Registrant Sodium Hygochlorite Pr0duct Guarantee Fcund _ Z Z Remarks BABSON BROS . CO . Surge Zinicin 10.50 5.60 D ‘ D0 10 . 50 7 . 19 D D0 10 . 50 5 . 60 D D0 10 . 50 6 . 20 D A D0 10 . 50 8 . 20 Q BASF WYANDOTTE CORPORATION S0dium Hyp0sh10rite 12.00 4.15 D D0 12 . 00 2 . 90 Q . D0 12 . O0 8 . 90 Q_ D0 12 . 00 3 . 60 Q DE LAVAL SEPARATOR COMPANY Chlorine Sanitizer 6.00 5.60 P ~ ‘ D0 6 . 00 5 . 36 Q D0 6 . 00 5 . 50 P D0 6 . 00 5 . 30 Q D0 6 . 00 5 . 30 Q l DIVERS EY CHEMICAL CORPORATION Dibac Liquid Bactericide 8.50 4.90 D D0 8 . 50 3 . 40 p_ D0 8 . 50 8.00 P · D0 8 . 50 6 . 80 D D0 8 . 50 4 . 50 Q D0 8 . 50 8 . 20 P 22 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (Cont ' d .) Registrant Sodium Hygcchlorite Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks ECONOMIC LABORATORIES INC . Klenzade X—4 Liquid Bactercide 6.40 4.10 Q D0 6 . 40 7 . 00 P _ Klenzade XY 12 Disinfectant 8.40 6.10 Q D0 8. 40 5 .80 Q ERM CHEMICAL INC . ERM-Chlor Bactericide 8 . 40 6 . 80 Q); HAT—RA CHEMICAL COMPANY 4 Sno-G10 Bleash 10 .00 9 . 80 P D0 10 . 00 8 . 50 Q _ JONES CHEMICALS, INC. Sunny s¤1 "1s0" 12.00 12.20 P _ Do 12 . 00 7 . 70 Q D0 12 . 00 11 . 10 Q Do 12 . 00 B . 70 Q CARL KASTER COMPANY ` Hy Chlor 15 . 00 8 . 20 Q . J . W. McCOY B—7 Liquid Bactericide 7.00 5.20 Q PENNWALT CORP . I B—K Chlorine Bearing Liquid 5 . 25 4 . 80 P D0 5 . 25 4 . 40 Q D0 5 . 25 3 . 5 3 Q D0 5 . 25 3 . 40 Q B—R Bactericide 5.25 4.30 Q SAPO ELIXIR CHEMICAL COMPANY , Wash—White 5.25 3.90 Q SEP-KO CHEMICALS INC. Mon0K101· Sanitizing Solution 6 . 40 6 . 20 P D0 6 . 40 6 . 80 P Do 6 . 40 7 . 16 P THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION CHEMICAL DIV . LOC Ch10rine—Based Disinfectant 8.40 7 .60 X `_ TYKOR DEPARTMENT—BORDEN CHEMICAL DIV . Tykor Klor-10 10.00 3.90 Q YALE CHEMICAL COMPANY · Yale Hypochlorite 5.00 4.00 QQ KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT , 1972 23 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING SUTAN Registrant Sutan Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks STAUFFER CHEMICAL CO . Sutan 10-G 10.00 10.83 P Sutan 6-E 78.25 81. 30 P Do 78 . 06 75 . 81 P Sutan 6-E 78.25 81.83 P Do 78 . 06 82 . 41 P Do 78 . 25 83 . 74 P Do 78 . 25 82 . 56 P ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRIFLURALIN _ Registrant Trifluralin Product Guarantee Found . Z Z Remarks ELANCO PRODUCTS COMPANY Elanco Treflan E.C. 44.50 45.11 P Do 44 . 50 45 . 91 P Do 44 .50 44 . 5 5 P Do 44 . 50 44 . 05 P Do 44 . 50 44 . 05 P Do 44 . 50 44 . 53 P Do 44 . 50 43 . 55 P 24 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES Registrant Product Guarantee Found 'Z Z Remarks "Ac" SUPPLY c0m¤ANY Burley Leaf Tobacco Spray Endosulfan 12.20 12.27 P · Malathion 12.20 12.61 P D0 D0 12.20 13.22 P D0 12.20 11.60 P _ D0 D0 12.20 12.20 P D0 12.20 13.00 P D0 D0 12.20 12.40 P D0 12.20 12.20 P D0 D0 12.20 12.20 P D0 12.20 13.20 P ALLIED MILLS, INC. Wayne Super Livestock and Dairy Spray Cicdrin 0.25 0.44 P Vapcma 1.00 1.34 P . D0 D0 1.00 1.11 X D0 0.25 0.20 X ANCHOR LABORATORIES INC. ~ Dairy Cattle Dust: Meth0xych10r 5.00 4.82 X Malathion 4.00 3.68 X D0 D0 5.00 5.04 P D0 4.00 4.11 P D0 ' D0 5.00 4.90 P D0 4.00 3.60 P CNETRAL SOYA Fly Spray Cmncentrate Ciodrin 10.00 9.90 P Vapona 2.50 3.29 P D0 D0 10.00 11.30 P - D0 2.50 -— — NM. COOPER 6. NEPHEWS, INC. Cooper Dairy 8 Stock Spray Vapona 1 . 00 1 . 24 P Cimdrin 0.25 0.32 P EZ PLO CHEMICAL COMPANY Prime Leaf Tobaccc Spray . Endosulfan 12.20 12.70 P Malathinn 12.20 12.40 P KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 25 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (C0nt'd.) Registrant Product Guarantee Found Z `Z Remarks E—Z FLO CHEMICAL COMPANY (Cont'd.) Alfalfa Neevil Spray Methoxychlor 25.90 23.60 P Malathicn 23.37 19.50 D Super Kill Tobacco Spray Endcsulfan 12.57 12.15 P Parathion 6.29 6.92 P FRANKLIN LABORATORIES, INC. Franklin Livestock Insecticide Powder Methoxychlor 5.00 4.97 P Malathion 4.00 3.93 P GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Alfa-Tcx Methoxychlor 20.00 22.80 P Diazinon 10.00 10.00 P Do D0 20.00 22.00 P Do 10 . 00 10 . 50 P D0 I D0 20 . 00 20 . 00 P D0 10 . 00 10 . 60 P D0 D0 20 . 00 21 . 50 P D0 10 . 00 10 . 80 P D0 . D0 20.00 21.90 P D0 10.00 9 .90 P D0 D0 20 . O0 22 . 00 P . D0 10 . 00 10 . 00 P W. R. GRACE 8. COMPANY Naco Dual Tobacco Spray Endcsulfan 12.30 12.50 P Malathion 12.30 13.20 P D0 DO 12 . 30 12 . 60 P DO 12 . 30 12 . 80 P D0 DO 12 . 30 13 . 22 P M DO 12 . 30 11 . 60 P D0 DO 12 . 30 12 . 91 P D0 12 . 30 13 . 32 P LE GREAR LABORATORIES, INC. I LeGear Dairy and Cattle Dust Methoxychlor 5-OO 5·2O X Malathion /*-OO 3·[*2 X 26 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (Cont'd.) Registrant Product Guarantee Found Z `Z Remarks THE LOUISVILLE CHEMICAL C0. Double Duty Tobacco Spray Endosulfan 12.20 13.50 X Malathion 12.20 ll.60 X D0 Endosulfan 12.20 12.20 X Malathicn 12.20 12.97 X _ Do D0 12.20 12.51 P _ Do 12.20 13.00 P NIAGARA CHEMICAL DIV. · Golden Leaf Tobacco Spray _ Endosulfan 12.20 13.40 P Malathion 12.20 12.50 P Do Do 12.20 12.40 P Do 12.20 12.50 P D0 l . Do 12.20 12.80 P Do 12.20 12.80 P ` D0 Do 12.20 l3.!40 P Do 12.20 11.80 P Do Do 12.20 13.50 P Do 12.20 12.70 P D0 D0 12.20 12.22 P Do 12.20 12.15 P .. RALSTON PURINA COMPANY Purina Dairy Spray Special ·· Ciodrin 1.00 0.96 P Vapona 0.25 0.30 P Do Do 1.00 1.15 P Do 0.25 0.30 P Purina Fly Checker _ DDVP 0.23 0.32 P Dipterex 0.25 0.07 Q RICO CHEMICAL COMPANY Fly Spray for Dairy & Beef Cattle Ciodrin 1.00 1.22 P Vapona 0.25 0.19 P Do D0 1.00 1.12 P Do 0.25 0.22 P f KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 27 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (C0nt.d) Registrant Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks RIGO CHEMICAL COMPANY ' Kill-K0 Multi-Purpose Tobacco Spray Endosulfan 12.20 12.85 P Malathion 12.20 12.07 P Piperonal Butoxide 0.70 0.63 P Pyrethrins 0.07 — - Kill-K0 Tobacco Saver N0. 2 _ Malathicm 22.32 24.60 P Endosulfan 14.88 15.60 P Piperonal Butoxide 0.75 0.47 Q Pyrethrins 0.07 - — _ D0 D0 22.32 23.20 P Do 14.88 15.40 P Do 0.75 0.59 Q D0 0.07 - — D0 D0 22.32 23.70 P D0 14.88 15.60 P D0 0.75 0.48 B D0 0.07 - - ‘ D0 D0 22.32 23.10 P D0 14.88 15.90 P D0 0.75 0.59 Q_ D0 0.07 - — D0 Do 22.32 23.00 P ` Do 14.88 16.20 P Do 0.75 0.61 P Do 0.07 — — D0 ` . D0 22.32 23.20 P D0 14.88 16.00 P D0 0.75 0.61 P D0 0.07 - — SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY Ciovap Ciodrin 1.00 1.06 P Vapona 0.25 0.20 P D0 D0 1.00 1.12 P D0 0.25 0.24 P D0 Do 1.00 1.25 P D0 0.25 0.30 P Ciovap E.C. V Do 10.00 10.60 P Do 2.50 2.00 Q D0 ‘ Do 10.00 9.80 P Do 2.50 2.34 P 28 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (C0nt'd.) Registrant Product Guarantee Found Z 7 Remarks SMITH DOUGLAS DIV. Thiodan-Malathion l-1 E.C. _ Endosulfan 12.42 12.50 P Malathion 12.42 13.10 P D0 D0 12.42 12.30 P D0 12.42 12.97 P Thi¤dan—Parathi0n 3-1 Dust Endosulfan 3.00 2.60 P ' Parathion 1.00 0.95 P Thiodan-Parathion 2-1 E.C. Endcsulfan 23.48 25.60 P ` Parathicn 11.74 12.45 P SUPERSWEET FEEDS DIV. Supersweet Dairy Spray Ciodrin 1.00 0.79 D Vapcna 0.25 0.17 D · THOMPSON-HAYWARD CHEMICAL CO. Clean Sweep Tobacco Spray ~ Endosulfan 12.20 12.60 P Malathion 12.20 13.10 P D0 D0 12.20 11.90 P D0 12.20 12.00 P D0 D0 12.20 13.60 P D0 12.20 12.60 P D0 ` D0 12.20 13.70 P D0 12.20 12.30 P _ D0 Thiodan 12.20 13.60 P Malathion 12.20 12.00 P D0 Endcsulfan 12.20 12.30 P Malathicn 12.20 12.80 P THURON INDUSTRIES INC. Simax Ciodrim 5. DDVP Cicdrin 15.00 15.10 P mnvv 0.93 1.05 P TOBACCO STATES CHDHCAL C0. 10Z Sevin Dust with Sulphur Carbaryl 10.00 10.20 P Sulphur 70.00 69.70 P · Tobacco Spray · Endcssulfan 12.20 13.30 P Bialathion 12.20 11.70 P D0 D0 12.20 12.80 P D0 12.20 13.20 P KENTUCKY ECONOMIC POISONS REPORT, 1972 29 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (C0nt'd.) Registrant Product Guarantee Found Z Z Remarks TOBACCO STATES CHEMICAL C0. (C0nt'd.) Tobacco Spray Endosulfan 12.20 12.70 P Malathion 12 . 20 13 . 10 P Six X Tobacco Spray Malathion 22.32 24.20 P Endosulfan 14 . 88 16 . 00 P Piperonal Butoxide 0.75 0.66 P Pyrethrins 0.07 — — __ Do Do 22.32 23.90 P D0 14.88 15.90 P · D0 0.75 0.63 P Do 0.07 -— ·— Do Do 22.00 24.10 P Do 14.88 16.40 P D0 0.75 0.67 P ` Do 0.07 — - D0 D0 22.32 24.10 P D0 14.88 16.00 P · D0 0.75 0.69 P Do 0.07 — — Do Do 22.32 23.80 P · Do 14.88 16.40 P Do 0.75 0.68 P D0 0.07 — — D0 .· D0 22.32 23.41 P D0 14.88 15.67 P Do 0.75 0.65 P D0 0.07 — — D0 Do 22.32 23.33 D0 14.88 15.71 P D0 0.75 0.64 P Do 0.07 - - Blight & Insect Dust Methoxychlor 3.00 3.40 P Malathion 4.00 3.50 P · Cap tan 5 . 00 4 . O0 Q Fruit & Vegetable Spray Methoxychlor 12.50 12.50 P Captan 10.00 9.70 P Malathion 7.50 7.60 P ` UNIROYAL CHEMICAL Solo Sodium N-1 23.60 26.40 P _ Isoptopyl N-3 22.20 21.50 P Do · Do 23.60 25.20 P Do 22.20 22.60 P 30 REGULATORY BULLETIN 213 ANALYSES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MIXTURES OF PESTICIDES (Cont'd.) Registr