xt7hqb9v4656 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v4656/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1980 1980 1980-03-05 2020 true xt7hqb9v4656 section xt7hqb9v4656 S ff ' ' h UKPD h ' 'd
ta er crwses Wit , gets t e thl e SCOOp
Last of a three-part series. (Editor's cities. it would bca iiuscarriage of itis~ an accident or soiiictiuug." for and areas to concentrate on during town. Road “1)". (ireg Page Stadium Jurisdiction poses a problem for
note: Followingis areporler'sanalysis tree to tack this phrase to the l Kl’f) Iliock. who turns 32thismonth.has patrols. \iew «partinentsand Complex Drive I'KI’I)‘. some officers Nil) lht‘} should
o/UKPDi'naclion. Thyeponflspem students, in their iiormaldaily iou» been with l Kl’l) for only lotii At the briefing. officers are told . VDISIRICI IHRIilei. a walking have |urisdiction throughout Fayette
atolaloffihoursriding with office” fines. do not generally associate with months. . what areas they are to patrol that district in the main campus area (OUNM
on patrol. officers. But after riding on patrol for "We take morecoiiiplaintcallstdur- evening. . . including Iaylor and Dickey Halls Currently. liK police cannot answer
43 hours during the past month. one mg the second shiftt."Brock said. Ihe UK is divided into six districts. / DISIRICI' I‘()llR. a walking misdemeanor calls off campus. even
By DALE G. MORTON quickly becomes avvarcoftliciriiivalii- second shift runs Iroitt 3 pm to II 5/ I)|S I RICI QNI . a riding dis- district through Cooperstown Apait- though r¢§Pi>nsc “m? 10 any PIHCC on
Sun Wm” able service. p.m ti'ict concerned vvtth activity on the inents and the Complex. or immediately surrounding campusis
Basically, thcl KPl) isdivided into “We’re more service orientated. north side of campus. lltc boundaries t’l)ISI RICI FIV'F. a walkingdis- a minute or less.
It is said that there are two sides to three shifts oi‘platoons with each though we do have our share of are Cooperstown l‘irive. Woodland Inc! in the I'K Medical Center area. While riding with the officers. a call
» every story. and the UK Police are no shift focusing their attention in differ- action.“ he said. . Avenue. Euclid Avenue. Holliver / [)‘IS I‘RIC'I SIX. the contmand came to MI" I R() police about a fight
: exception to this rule. cnt areas of law enforcement, lhird platoon. working from If Street. Scott Street. I imcstoiie Street car which makes its rounds through In Poncho‘s. a Mexican food restau»
When one first thinks of the UK 'I he first platoon. 7 a m. to .1 p.m.. pm. to 7 am. is more traffic orient- and Washington Avenue. the above live districts. rant located across the street from
Police. tickets and towing are proba- devotes most of its time to security ated by nature of their hours It isdur- . VDISI RIC'I IWO. also a riding Ihough these districts are the offic- I'KPI) headquarters. I KI’I) Officers
bly'the first thingsthatcometo mind. ielated cases. mg this time slot that most of the district IOCllhlng‘tfll south campus er‘s mam patrol areas. officers will COUId not legally walkacrossthestreet
Also ranking higlt is the old phrase. "Most of their work is report ftak— observation for this story took place. areas. Boundaries are Huguelet assist on calls and patiolaneighboimg ‘0 5LT “h'dl “‘15 happening “HIV“
“How come they‘re never around ingt." second platooit ()fficer (iicg l;ach shift begins with a briefing. Avenue. Cooperstown Drive. Coium— district if another car is temporarily called for assistance by a \lI’IRO
when you need them?" Brock said. “ I hey don't do traffic designed to inform officers of any ear- bia Avenue. Rose Street. Washington out of service either takinga report OIIICCI
'lhough this may be said for larger hardly at all unlessthere happens to be her crimes as well as things to watch Avenue. | imestone Street. Shaw me or transporting someone to jail. Continued on page 6
' \‘ol. LXXII, No. l20 Ker E l l'niv‘ersity of Kentucky
Wednesday. March 5. I980 an independent student newspaper Lettington. Iventucky .
K nne d i q,“ v "hf: x; 1. . It i ~m-“‘ I . II WWII» ..,,.,,, V . MMMMMM MM H M ,MMM MM .9», I‘ll“: . M'MfiM Arch I tec tu re
Cart I .t' " 1' ' .”:i' “ , f? i ' a St CI t I
, er Sp I , . .. .7 .-, g . u en 5
Anderson ., at; .,--.V t f y I 4 1 , , ., r ”7'? get to study
I l a}; "27. M. .‘ . . . , M . 0 [gm
. -' ;.. _. ‘. . .- . ' , . I
VICtOI'IOUS . ‘ ' ' ; y I , .. . .. , ' in Europe
(‘ompiled from AP dispatches ' -. ' , -* fl . M ' 5/, 5?, if};
. ‘_ , . .. ' '- “WW " a . ._. ' ', By GERALD s. MASON
President Carter welcomed a 1' ,. " .. i f . It 3. ‘ I a .‘ .. ”’4,” é? .. .. Reporter .
mont yesterday and congratulated X“~ 1.. I. . , 5 . ; I .M .... . .: . 4‘ .3. «3‘7- 4 On May I3. approxtmately 40 IJK
Edward Kennedy on winning in the ' . .' .... . ‘ - t w» ‘. ‘ {g ” i": " ”. ' architecture students will board a . . '
senator‘s home state ofMassachusctts. ~ fl! ’ L . plane in New York. bound for Europe.
‘ But in a statement released by the - ' - . ,~ ' ’ The College of Architecture spon-
White House press office less than an . 5 .. waft. -; ,5: . “1"” '_ sors a summer program where stu- ‘ .
' hour after the polls closed in the two .. ,x .3”; 4 . dents can get credit while they tour and
New England states. Carter indicated . . f I Maj” . '13,; I study the architecture ol certain I1uro~
he was looking ahead to primaries in " M . '1 . 6,-- f 2 f pean countries like Italy and frame. '
more h0spttablete.ritory next week ~ . -- ' 7- . ~ g “ ‘ . 4 ": :9“ " if: . Atthe beginnmgofeachyear.archi~ '
. ~ ‘ notably in the South alter scoring a . f ., ”2;; i M ' tecturc professors present three to five -
3-l split with Kennedy. his chief rival ( > H ’34; A different extensively detailed pro-
- ’ in New England. ”” "’ “ M . “' .M "‘_ I .' (be 3 ’ grams (the professors really do their
' Meanwhile. IIIinots Rep..lohnAnd- _ M . a "a." “4’" - ’ W- i’ {/3 9i homework to provide intricate ‘
' erson ekked out narrow victories in . ‘ I w ,. = . s 1:27 a, detailed anahsis‘ of their tour) and .
- both Massachusetts and Vermont. , a: . -. ...' M .. ‘ I . y ’ "WWW vote on the two that they want most.
- beating Reagan h)‘ a percentage POIn‘ . .. 71%;“ 7 .‘ ‘ . f? Clyde Carpenter. “5509“!“ dean 0f
. ‘ in Vermont and Bush by a percentage M5; 4.4%? 3:“: ' .. MM .. , -. 1;}; the College of Architecture. said. "It .
pomt in Massachusetts. . 2’04?” . ' Mg; [. ”if .. *Wig'Mgz: has always been the tradition among
. It was a surprise victory for the lib- ff’ '..’;.-" ““344; . ' ”a, . . Iva/’1” ' " 5/. architects tor at least most architects)
. ' eral congressman as he seemed to be ‘ ' » M . gas" 1%,, M/ 41/ a a and serious architecture students to
- . . ‘ picking Up steam in his casual cam- I; . , .." . ' aoég v study abroad. .\'o good architect stays '
paign. Vermont and Massachusetts . .. . . - if: at home "
. traditionally go with the liberal candi~ tiaé5%*/.M ”4/ . . M-Mmé c:*” a, " . “Cr-i Although they can take a bigger or '
dates. 80th Reaganand Bush are eon- /.M«}V‘M%%W ' I "f. smaller course load. most students
' . sidercd sometime in ”i“ W 0' cw #22. «5” "1.”. a... usually take six hours. which inciude a »
Anderson. :Wfifi}Maat/4” “:9 ”4 w .y 74 ' I ‘ M required history and studio class. In '
Carter had defeated Kennedy in the " My . M ., 1. Ma" so. 1 2‘ 3 fl.“ / the studio class. analysis and sketches
Mame town caucuses and in the New " -. '33». W . ' ‘?&M£‘$"%M ' are made of particular buildings
HamI’Sh'r‘: Wm“) helm“ “'“mng By nitsiii: \'.\'\ HOOK/Kernel Staff *‘Udif‘d- . .
. yestereday‘sVermontprimarv'andlos- S l' h I h “Ihe program we have is a good
. ing the Massachusetts contest to the p Is -sp as one. but it's by no means unique.
. senator. Notre Dame‘s architecture students.
"I deeply appreciate [hf expression As ifthe drinly weather wasn‘t enough. David Hurst. engineering senior, got water on him as he was walking down South limestone Street in front of the with the cooperation of the Catholic
of strong support from the voters of a double take when a l'Iv' Physical Plant Division truck splashed some dirty Student Center. The drizzles are scheduled to change to snow today. Church in Rome. spend their entire
Vermont." Carter said of his easy win _ _ third year studying in Italy." Carpen-
there. “and wish to congratulate Sen. Desplte many benefits ter said. "And there are other schools.
' ~ Edward Kennedy and his campaign such as the University of Tennessee
. ' organization on their victory in ' ' l which collaborates with Denmark; »
Massachusetts." Few taking a vantage 0 rl e-S arlng programs (‘olumbia and Cornell sponsor tours
. Carter said next week will see 412 abroad. but theirs' is quite expensive. . .
. ' ' . . delegates at stake in l0 states Ala- “That‘s one nice thing about our _
I bamag “353k“: Plorida. (ieorgja. By Jl'DY JONES "'Ihcy' also geta floating pass sothat ing Program. said gas prices are ing and gas mileage: recovers the program. it is inexpensive. compatible
Hawaii. MISSISSIPPI. Oklahoma. siaii “lllt‘l all the cars involved can use it." Pad— already a problem. especially fortliose expense of mass transit; and encour- with other schools already distin-
South . Carolina. Washington and gett added. "Ihere are 39 of these who commute. "Since last May. there ages employees to participate in the guished programs." I16 added.
. Wyoming. Ihe opportunity to reduce air pollti- passes active on the main campus. so has been a 40 percent increase in gas city-organi/ed program. For an ill-Slaw student. II (10515
"Ihese important contests will coit- tion. ease traffic congestion. cut fuel that represents at least I20 persons prices. Some drivers who commute “()ur total effort includes 67 to 70 $2300 forthenine-weck session. which
Continued on page 3 waste and save money sits in the lapof involved." from Frankfort spend $200 a month people. with seven of those using mass covers tuition. air fare and hotel.
Lexington citi/ens through ride— Padgett said people don't partici- on gas." transit." said Strohl. “We‘re really (VOIICCIIWIL 1h“ “WIIIICCWW pro- '
GO N El sharing incentives. pate mainly because they are in the l)avis‘ program. funded by a proud of our program." ICSSOFS have 800d connections. IIK
. However_ according to campiisantl habit of driving their own cars. and 338.000 grant front federal. state and While Strohl feels Second Nation- has had many visiting ICCIUR‘TS and
Senate defeats metro sources. only a few are taking because gas prices. are not yet high local sources. matches potential car- al‘s program is a success. he agrees critics wholiveabroad and can dispose
advantage of the programs available. enough to be prohibitive. “When gas poolers with others from the same with Padgett that the final. ()ver- valuable mformatton. make arrange-
CHE representation l'K encourages iide-sliarmg by goes up to $2 a gallon. people will give community wliclmmg incentive for ride-sharing ments and gl‘l the students into certain
. allowing riders to share a parking pcr— more serious thought to ride~sharing. ()ne serious effort to encourage car- boils down to simple economics. buildings they normally “OUId have
A b'”- passed la“ “ch b} the state mit. according to Director of Public Basically. Americans have a loveiiffair pooling was initiated by Second “Ihe president. the governor and not 509".
Senate Education Committee to place Safety Ioui Padgett “ l lime or more with their cars. and they'don‘t want to National flank. according to bank the mayor call for carpooling to case “You got to givecrcdit to the faculty
a non-voting ex-officio student repre- riders can share a peiiiiit. and can get give tip their freedom.“ Vice President Imi Siiohl Sound the energy crunch. And.economically. members SPtmwrs-n said Steve Ben-
sentative on the Council of Ilighcr an A permit at the cost of a H permit.“ Carol Davis. coordinator of the Nationals three-pair incentive pio- we must reduce the use of fuels."said nett. a fifth-year architecture studen- .
Education. was defeated for the Padgett said. I exmgton Bluegrass Area Rideshar- gram reimburses carpoolers toi park. Strohl. t.“F.veryday. from 8 am. to 5 pm. we
- second time in as many days during had acomplete schedule worked out."
. senate session yesterday. 0d “We might spend a couple of weeks
Senate Bill I94. sponsored by 30th a - in one place. and by the end ofthetwo
district Education Committee senator natlon “u" I'mh‘m) "med '“ I'm “Eek yesteerday “”h weeks we knew every little nook and
Ed Ford. would have allowed for a WITH Bl'SlNIISSES STILL LINIM.‘ up to hoi- négigliiiummom“alkdandwm gmmngmmkmg cranny in town."Jan Allen. a fourth—
nbévn-voting student representative to state row money despite record-high interest rates. minor \l‘ltlinllhc nonhcm mmkim m the C"! another guer- year architecture student. said.
selected from one of the eight state hflnk‘ .‘Wcrdat ”IN-‘d Ihe" Prlmt‘ lendmt! “Ht“ Wit It . M. d/ ht m“ d n, if tical art for all the glamour that seems
Public institutions. as an ex~officio THI~1( APIIAS()N('l-ZA(.‘.-\IN been putontheso- ”wrd l7and 0"“ half percent. lib"l gangvagc d 0 “Hal 0 dp‘ I P l involved the students 0 ”"0” h
‘ ’ . . cadquarters fleeing before police arrived. - 8 8
member called “bottle bill“ in the Senate committee. Ihe Increase began by ( hase Manhatten Hank and I“ 'hesmlcmalc mmmued at thecmhassv. the Vat- intense preparation. readying them-
CHE executive director Harry Ihe Atlfls‘ullmcimd Natural RevourCL‘sCommtttL‘t‘ matched by new) "we” mayorhankcamcinrcsponse ican dispatched a veteran diplomat Monsignor selves forthetour. Manv' take prepara-
Snyder. a Strong opponent of the bill. d;fe:tleld various parliamentarv efforts yesterday by ::;hf::: :53; the Federal Reserve is determined to Angelo Pio. to Bogota on an unexplained mission. tory courses m conversational French
“mm a“ 38 senators can) ”.“s WCCIv IO lrecorlt the‘pug‘r: Tit: firm: lil-rinlllis\(“ (dfik' 1“ ”Iht‘ I'Cdcral Reserve R now telling us It is aiming h and. Italian. Also. the students take
urchhtth I: Time against 58 [94' r:th hllpth-‘tnt liad medatMnMincumnr'M said Hem. for a recession." said William (iibson. an economist weat er Sem'nars offered b." the IaCUItyand do
Follolyiihg aalrhrvajflfbijhcgdlffiz resigned to yet another defeat of the bill he has intro- :‘IEMECM‘wM‘f‘P Exit: {firm :1: Emu: fli'rlwilMltllli‘» “ITH WINDS INCREASING and temperatures lhtccynilllf gecsyfiiiICIEEabom the Placcs
scnator-at-la B T" B It h duced for four consecutive legislatures . I: . r.‘ "E 0 d (“9" d c“ 0 falling into the mid and lower 30s. ram willprobably M . i. . . .
. _ rge n me man. t e Ihe measure which would place a minimum S—eent "‘ “ mm" the economy. turn to snow during the afternoon. ( fearing andquuc One "“08 “e "y ‘0 CNN?) to them
b'” was reintroduced to the 5cm” AI deposit on most beverage containers and outlaw metal world cold tonight with lows from IOto ISdegrees. Tomor- in the seminars is that we are the for
first. the vote was tied at I7. but one cans with detachable openers. has never made at otit of row wlll bemostly sunny with highsinthe upper 20sto cigncrsin their country. We warnthem
senator changed his vote to defeat the committee THF SHm-Z \T THF guerrillaoccupied Domini lovvcr We about marijuana.“ (‘arpcnmi said "A
b'" With a V0“? 0i III-I6 _M_.__, _ ., .. _. m ........ .._..-.--.__-________. _________ _, . _7 _~ ("minucd on page 5
—--_ ‘A-‘l -- n- -- -—- —

 KENTUCKY Debbie “(Daniel
Ir/iior in ( ’llt’f Mark (irun Kim Aubrey [humus ( lurk John ("lay Guy Lander;
Ker 6 J!) Posse-ti Bob ( ochnne hinviuimimii filirur Spur/y hill/or l""’"‘“" 0’ PM'OK’GP’"
(nry Willis 4yyoiiuii Ii/ilory Paul Mann .
”illldt’lru‘ Ii/iioi ( indy McGee s. l‘. Robinson 3m“ mama David Maynard
Jacki Rudd 4yyiytunt 4\\l.\‘lufll Spur/y [-.‘iIr/iir Pholo Manager
New Mime) Lisa Douurd (o/ii riliiory I'lllrrlalnmrm I-jrlrmr
editorials & comments (um/my [Jr/or li/ff‘llflJ/I.1’Ift‘l
'Possible illegalities’
F h / b d f t ' bl
\londay night. the Fayette school board put on a stgttc funds based on average daily attendance." the blems. drug problems. discipline problems, but the lack of interviews with students and teachers to com-
lengthy display of seleettye yrsion as it debated the li'iiirgioii Ill’Hl/t/ quoted Herron as saying during simplefact that theseproblems hayealwaysoccured is ment on the problems but one ofits strengths was
. w Ki t. I \ it haiiiiel Z‘i iiiyestigation of Henry (‘lay Monday‘s boaid iiiCCIIiig. no esctise for school administrators toclosetheireyes that by not telling school officials ofthe investigation.
High school school \tipct’lnlcndcnl (itiy l’otts is also taking the to them. Young was able to operate as a student. without risk-
, in way of background. (‘hannel 2’ sent one of its same course by turning Young could possibly bcgiiilry In the series. Young would discussthe problems she ing being routed to only the best classes and having
‘ . _ new reporters. kellk‘ll iotiiig. ltlL‘lii'till in Henry (lay of thiid~degree forgery by knowingly rising incorrect cncoutitcrt‘tl.ulid hercha'geswouldthen beanswered her real identity slip around school through the
in order to inyestigate lirst~hand. yarious complaints information on school registration forms. by the school‘s principal. Bill Hurt. On most occti- grapeyine.
iibiiiii lack or disihline and other problems in the llie falsification of school records is a lofty con- sions. Hurt would simply say that the school was Herron said he was concerned that the station did
~ school -\ired last week in in e installments iatter cent. but llerron and Ports are ignoring a related aware of the problem and that the teachers.adminis- not trust school officials enough to tell them of the
' receiting a clean hill or health by the station‘s arroi— poiirt brought tip by the teleyision report that stu- trators or security personnel were handling it as well plan in advance. Judging from the reaction theschool
ney i. the series looked at rruaricy. in~class tilslplllicfi dents who skip classes are usually listed as present on as they could. lhat really is small comfort to the par~ board has had so far. it seems doubtful they would .
' racial issues and teaching these same attendance records sent to the state. erit of a high school age child. have giyen their permission.
' \t board meetings on l-eb 35 and again \laich 1. It is a shame though that llerrori has listed this What the school board needs to be doing is to Potts. Herron and the other members ofthe board
. . school board chairman Rey l)on lleiioii complained "possible“ illegality as his “primary concern.“ [be closely examine the WKH series. using it as a guide- who are throwing tantrums over the series are acting
I ' V ‘ that ioring‘y ciitollrticnt at lleiiiy ( lay may hayc w Ki l series. while not ar‘. outstanding example of line to pinpoint the various problems now affecting like mini-potentates who have had their authority
.‘ caused the school to send lalsc attendance figures to intestigatryc iotirnalrsm. did porrit out scycral prob- education throughout the school system. But the undermined. Theyare refusingto recognize the forest
' the state goternrnent lems within the school that the board seems to be board seems more upset about "possible illegalities" of school problems by concentrating on the trees of
‘, , "\li {mum} concern !\ puwhk. illegalities m put- ignoring and the manor in which the station conducted the “possible illegalities.“
. . I ting her iioungi on our rolls as a student \\c send y\ll of its remember what it was like to be in high, irireryiew. In doing so. they are doing the students. and the
U those attendance rolls to l'rankfor: and we reeeiyi- school loi many years there hate beert truancy pro- llie series did hate its drawbacks including a entire community. a grave disservice.
- T l . l - M ’
~ wo aspects of eugenics In news
‘ V l l l l
- show perversron of screntlflc theory ~\
' . V .1 By .l()ll\ S( \RBOROI (ill only .i stgriicrit o! i-lli soi. :"‘y.l‘ie'i'l she \a/i (ierrnany. |l seems. was a bit ‘ M
‘ . ' \\lli nor do as “well" on such a rest as rrrore honest during' the satire decade.
J '. In an odd manner. news releases “ill the child who has had eypostrrc '\tid w hat 0f the "diagnosis“ Records —- M
V V during the last week hate focused our \\ hateyei the (it'lt'llt lheoiists rrnclir apparently show that such diagnt ses ~ ‘
it . ~ . .iterttioii on two aspects of what is shoot. it still 'cIrtaiiis with the ‘..ritic~ “UH" glis'lt by UPPCI and middle class :- M
. I ' loosely :ern‘ietf “eugenics "Uri theoric ~ystcrris ot the l‘dte‘tils that will dcter- doctors. well—qualified by the starid~ .' , '
. . ' hand. we 1;.id w ith amused fascination :ri;rie "intelligence " \oyy ii the women aids of training in their day. btit whose / i ‘u I
{-7 . or the "program" in ( .ilitorriia whet tirnd their husbands; do. indeed. pro~ ptcrtidices now glar’c brilliantly before f I. ,/ -— -—--
i. chi. "healthy. intelligent, childless yide that necessary nurture ol thcsc Us ‘ l H” H a
. :. married worrien'areartificially iriseni- young nirnds iwhat ll the woman l‘y So we still hope. in the manner of .t l u y . .
_ t I . mated with the sperm of \L‘lk'klt'tl married to sortie slob who thinks \cticratcd theme of science lictiori ‘ l h 5;:
. 1 winners of \obel l’ii/es in science ()rt matfiernrties is either strrprd or .i tales. for some secure. titicrttcstionablc ______‘\ \ ’0 O
I ‘ th-- ith ‘r hand we hayc learned to our bore’i. then. maybe. the cyperitnent method by w hich to produce a “super \ i K .. :V A
- . U L A ‘ ' a . .. 7 .. ’ [a or C)
. ’- unease that the state of \rrgrnia cortv will produce more tired: \linds ()dds race itlic e\perts tit l os \ngelcs ‘ / w - “I - ‘ W
. ‘ . ducted .i “liiirrirriic”program ot stcrilr- are against it, giycri human riatiircatitl deny tlrrs cliargcl. arid soriiclrow to pm I. ’5 Q ' i 5; W‘-
. I i 'l /atrori diagnosed sub~irrtelligcrrt general proclryiticswrtlirnour society down that cltrsryc duality called 1 §& '..:__4
‘ . . _ :1 lrrirriari bnzrgy. so that Ilict would lie “—— gt‘liitls '\tid w lit'ti tlic l’tihlic is dupctl M /g’ l -. 5:;- . :: §j~
‘ ,r V. unable to wet citrate lllt'l? own kiral - - into belicyrng that an I( . in and of vs): / ._ ' 3/" . “v‘ i
I " : \\c are .ilsii irfiorrncd that only .i tery In mente agitare itself. is that which “rhinitis" a human War ‘ m! Ef‘ {J 7(—
i. _ . i tew women hat e been so inseminated being “smart" or “stupid." we obscrye ri’ggg 1 , .
. . in the (.ilrtorriia plan. and that the \ow for the \‘ltllllld sterilt/ation tl‘c l‘ctpcttatiori or fraud of the worst $4
1 I state oi \rrginia stopped sterili/ing plan It was. so to learn, begun tor the soil '\1 least \ iigttitri has ceased sterrl- x " ’
- *V mental "dc-techies" in I‘V.‘ liotli highest rnotiyes \ly'llliil tletcctnes i/tng “tindesrrablcs.”btit tliclaw rsstrll H’ ‘ » W
,1 ' I ' l‘lartswcnt rritooperarrontortltchicfi tyoirkriow.the"l’oor \Hrrtc lr.rsh"so onthcboolys ltttirrisottt.trftcr.ibitof M -.
.' ti ‘_ .cst "scitrttrtzc .irid irumorrc rtiotr'yt's.“ loathed by the rriiddlc and upper dctcctryc work on the part of rotir'rial- g ”ML...
. ”.1‘ and both should y.ltl‘k‘ its some wotid classes of the early filth century! ists and a cotipleof physicians. that the "
. . : t"llit.‘l‘.l .t not anger at the peiycrsion would simply pass on rhcii “bad“ clcyctt-yeai'~old girl was no more —————__._——‘——_—_
I . to which socalled stientrlic 'ficotics tights. and thtis the state worrld be "dcfccmc" than millions of others .
_ f , ..iri be s‘il‘ll eted toiced to pay for their upkeep. pay for lint the nauseating power of .t "scicn~ L etters t0 the Editor
- . . i lost "2. (aliforriiii plan it .s the crimes they would corrittiit.ctc It l|llL diagnosis" led to her continual.
. '. v .isstririetl this reasoning goes. that would not do or course. simply to lrfe»long anguish as she tried without
I .‘ in; s"~'-tsi't‘i:l\ titult ltt‘s'llIL'ctiy‘t' (JIM esterniindie them ithat would be tlllill» success to hate children llrirriarre’ —____—__————.—_________ _
g , . tIL'Hl‘ rl‘.'~' ‘i‘tl llis"\~l‘s'i “Hills“ “tll ttmllt‘i- W “lo lit” \lk‘lll'is llls‘m» ll" . Credit to God she's ready to receive (hi’lsl. because the Kentucky 'l'heatre.
. . . . .isstxtt' ctiiriiiit liicii lst arttotig tlie2i thezi own good and the good of the John Scarboroughteaches history and she's really resisting -- but \hm com~
. . ‘ ttflspllllu \t iitrhcy ’ ( iniiircd that the socicii at Logic t" It no”. om~ from the classics at l K. His column appears ln response to .ludy .lones‘ analysis pletirig her purpose .If Sue was ques— The film caused atremendous stirin
. =, . g g -~ women are selected for lllt‘tl llllt'lllr records. that the state of \irgirira not every “ednesday, of Miss e\rncrica‘s‘flflminute pit stop" tioning (‘hervl 1160;" her faith then Japan. outselling such big American
‘ . :. genceas w: li but cdt‘i‘lit' planners pie only sterili/cd \\t‘lll’clt iii this tlesig» at the Maranatha Book Store. l am don't you ”m“. mavbe Sue is tryingto films in Star Mars and Saturda'lw'ighl
. . . ti’sl so easily w hit the tuttl\ childhood hired class. but teniale t hrldicii oi letters. ”mum“ and commen- disheartened. In the first place. factual find some answers‘fl’erhaps Ms. .lones fetter. It was the'all-ti'me box-office '
‘ .' o: mm» .riildicii will be likc' \ll one sllcfl women tone dociiiiiciitcd .1s h.” um“ ”um be typed and triple— material belongs on the first page. not should try to look beyond the actual favoritern Japan. i he film is narrated
. A, - . , his to do is to cheek through ilieearl‘. iiig lllL “operation“ pcrtorrrred on her spaced. and must rricltide the an opinionated article, A more words spoken fora deeper meaning. in English. It depicts the day-to-day
‘ '; . y , lites or thcti'eat \lzriilsof our stitlt'l‘y. tubal ligation when she was writer's signature. address and appropriate place l” M‘ .lones‘arti- ”"1er that Ms. Joncsdid ”mg“ “it" 0' one‘of nature's "105‘ intrigurng
- .‘ .. .iiid it will be noted tirar not only was cleyerri. because the physicians of the phone number. I K students cle would haye been on the editorial tltc interview with Cheryl. but it is not animals. ’lhe story shows that these
. '. my ‘hlm " “Hm “”‘7 bl” "1‘“ ”“1 1h“ m‘ lb“! ‘lVlmll'llV‘l ”k" u“”‘"“““‘lu sliorrld include their \car and Pill“ Possible for (‘hcrvl to do everything. are intelligent amd capable 0f human '
.. .' - ‘1 ' home :r‘iyitonmcrit was such to traits were passed along \\hat isdis- mm”, and [imwnm employees Second. Ms. .loncs shouldn‘t hayc Sm.“ not in charge of her total emotion.
_ ‘ i‘ enciiiiagc .i lllll iletelopment of that iiribirig here much .is it is disturbing shotild 1M their position and cr'ttrci/ed Miss America for giyrng her schedule “1. l' f ‘l' . . .
, intelligence lher-c are often books. concerning the ongoing ('alitornia department. personal testimony. l think that it is y ' . _ cgacier ox‘c rngstoexistenccrn
' ' L - music art and rntrlti lingual bath experiment. is thc acceptance of the wonderful that we hate a Miss Amer— I” ( heryl s‘performance. which .“a” one of the world 3 "‘95‘ desolate pla-
‘ grounds in these lilllllilc's. irot merely state of \rti-‘mia that a Physician's ”l“ I‘l""”"/ may “mldc’l‘c ‘” icrr who is proud to share her (‘hris» “deadened.” 1" Judy film“. opinion. CC“ stubbornly refusrng contactlwrth >
. . ’ 1' . --, . high IQ "diagnosis" of "mental detecirye" was m?“ wml'hmmn‘- and “WW“! trarttty. (‘hct_\l l’rewitt claims all her by hersayrng soltly. “”3“”th lord." man in a “In!“ wilderness envrron-
,. f 3 .., “UM... J. m. .ill gm“. .1” u) [N held h, be up,“ n, ”H. mm H, law in writers may be limited l-drtors “Ru.“ and healing is because of the it wasn't the songthatdidanythingfor ment in which only l0 percent survive
/ " measures \‘llill .ichild lrasabsorbed by Supreme ('ourt ruled in the maror'ity ”‘CHC ‘he “Fm “Nd” l‘" correct lord. and in this “rnc generation."rr‘s me, .It “i" the “"3” and stncere ”Ch 3'93“
, . i‘ the rims tie raises ihc test if the child that the state. iritlccd. had authority. ‘W‘ng- gmmmi” “"d clarity. refreshing to know that (beryl. in her "PM” ”W ”rd“ ”1‘" really ”Ugh! The film crew went to the island of
' ‘V. f this not lidda full opportunity rosain pioiidcd a medical opinion had been ““1 mil} dClC” 1' MIN“ positron. giycs credit to (iod. not to my ear. 1““ for the fact that'she was Hokkaido in northern Japan in I974
.‘ '. , 3 m, m. “Mimi ”me “mum. m ”Mama“ statements herself aeknowledgrngthe Lord forgiyrngher and four vears later came back with
‘ , 3. .’ M for .ltrdy‘s ”1mm“ of ('hcryl's the ability tosrng is what isimportant. over '50 hours of film. It had meant
_ asking others to pray for her to have, AN" “h“! might reach one person sitting camouflaged for hours on end.
‘ ,3 -._ 1 the strength to ptit on her makeupand might "m! reach another. "Udll heard waiting with telescopic lens for the
‘ g - i , fi\ her hair e\ery day. ('heryl has to the song; ‘ heard ”“3 “Ck“W'CdEmW foxes to go about their daily activities.
,_li‘ ' ii)" . wear rnaketrp and fi\ her hair as part ”l the I'Nd' [-.ach person has h" 0““ It meant suryiving the bitter cold of
y ' 'I‘ ' i of her lob of being Miss America. channel [0 “h'Ch he '5 attuned. winter to capture on film the foxes
,5 ;’ "\ Being Miss America giyes ('heryl a I don't WP any “mm?“ in (‘heryt crossing the frozen glacial Sea of
' '.' . f. A Q: chance to witness to others. being a “"5an and M155 America. ()khotsk.
, -’ , ‘ (‘heryl‘s story may be similar to She is rising hcrtitle forthe opportun— ' y y _‘
l I \ , lloratro l\lgers‘story.but look atwliat ll} ‘0 witness to others. I “'35 “33”} Narrated by Arthur Hln‘ n '5 a
..i I . . 3) ’ 6? (‘heryl was saying and how she was surprised ”‘1“ MW"? “(‘Uld attack remarkable story and a remarkable
’ . 1, , \ , L’ healed. Her leg was two inches shorter Ml" AleC“ {”10 is trying “‘dQSUC'h Wm lhwas fortpnate enohughdto hay]:
. .’ . Hy thantheotherandttwaslengthenedin “ beautiful thing. MN America '5 seen! 6 mgvtehasrtllmcfint an wou
. ,, W a faith healing scryiec She gives all beautiful 0” ”“3 “U‘S‘de- bl“ CW“ recommen " lg y or everyone to
. . . credit to the lord. Kenneth Hagan more beautiful on the inside for shar- 5“-
‘ . . , . conducted the faith healing service in ”‘8 hcl ““9 “f “0‘1 “"‘h Others» Also. the film is particularly signifi-
' .. . / 7 .1 which (.‘heryl was healed. and he Praise ”l“ lord cant in Kentucky today. The glacier
. ' r ,r l i ‘ f attributed the miracle only to the ‘ fox isavarietyofthe same red fox we
,7 ' a ' "5, lord He said that healing could be "PM. Mc‘ombs have here, It has the same physical
. ' I , A {'1 “l , 5 possible only rfonc helreycs and if one Nutrition Junior appearance. the same behavior and
' (é). ‘ 9 mnwgm erClK‘S Out in that hCllL‘f. being com~ ‘ . both are becoming endangered. State
I ' ( y l , . / PM“) “PC“ ‘0 (it‘d- for ”W prayer ‘0 Pi"! Blev'f“ . . Representative Herbie Deskins of
, fi ,' 6 ; be answered. I bclreye that this is how ( lime-l "mm“ ”mm Pikeville is currently promoting a bill "
L} , f -“'." g V __ ; . (‘heryl was healed. by faith. Isn‘t that GI - f0 in the General Assembly to prohibit
, " ll. WI‘p“ll. é what religion is based upon'.‘ ac'er x the use of land traps on our Kentucky
’ . , g __ ' ' Eff Q’s]._ ‘ It appears that .ludy heard only the The (i/arrer For. an acclaimed Jap- foxes. This bill is an effort to protect
' ' ‘ g k $13M“? §: ’7’ , J ff/ surface of what (‘heryl was saying. ancse documentary about a family of the species in Kentucky.
/ “or: 2‘», i; g' ”My” I; fl/ Miss America may have seemed smug those beautiful and endangered anim-
& \9 “I. 5 a SI! 1 J J and self-righteous in saying. “I did an als. will be shown Saturday and Sun- (‘Irolyn Smith
D“ \2: interview with Sue Wylie. . . I think day. March 8 and 9.at land3pm. at. Lexington, Kentucky

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