xt7hqb9v468z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v468z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1983 1983 1983-02-23 2020 true xt7hqb9v468z section xt7hqb9v468z l I _ .
r N“ \
Katscllndl place
After losing by l8 points to Sunday, the
Lady Kat: mode amends on the second
‘1- ; stop at their road trip by defeating Flor-
‘ ' ida 78-68 last night. UK, which dropped __
_ /’ ,1" r , to eighth in in. latest AP poll is as» *— “"
' ' ‘ 3 n, i sured at second place in the SEC East
(tr With the wm See page5
-- . " ‘6 ' \
3—,,2,‘.___.h_..—_..~ _ WM-“ _‘ . ,3___-,__,,~_~__‘2_____.__h.—____________
Vol. Lxxxv, No. 120 Wednesday, February 23, was An independent student newspaper University at Kentucky Lexmgton Keniucky
' L b d t f 'I't' I t' ' ' |
ow u go , poor am I ies c oud op imism in te ecom
——.___ . .
By St‘tl'l‘l‘WlIJlill’l‘ program sluture suite that gives so little money to years Unfortunately. i believe they merger between lt'lH‘UlnmunK'd producetin-program
Senior Stall Writer ”l (‘if'l'l help ““1 remain ”P” higher education. we seemingly are fixed—in, still teaching concepts lions and ”lit Will Murphy. a re Borrowing i-qiiipiiieiit has created
niistic.' he said "The iield is so can‘t compete in terms ol lzicilities in telecommunications oi 30 or 23 porter for ('llS aililiate WKi’TrTV iii problems tor the \lullt‘lll> lioweyer
7 rapidly growing. I mean my good- with other major universities across years ago " lexington teaches sey'eral ’l‘hey complain oi little \liltllti time
The lollowtni,’ is the second part oi ness. in a lew' years we're talking the country," Donohue. though. said the depart "Bluegrass Dateline ' stallei‘s in an aiidluiuipmeiit iailuies during their
o Wiley on ’liv department ot tele ithUl 19““ ”l thousands ”l yobs lX‘lnE Bryant believes. however, that her ment's youth may he contributing to upperley'el telwommiinications production courses An Hllt employ
iiiltlnlltntt‘ulltlns. locus-mg on the ereiilt'tl cause lTK'S program IS fill“ in lls "17 low l'inancingandlackofreputation course The staiiers. iii turn. lllllllt' ee. who wished to remain unideiiti
iiiiiblt'ntstlltit‘t's But Mark Bryant. an assoeiate l'ancy. students are acquiring new Art (iallaher. main campus chaii» ()lR's eqmpment and personnel to lied ior tear oi being tired de
prol'essor in the department. he concepts they would not necessarily celliir and Vice chancellor lor acai scribed the Ullll/iilltili oi iillt s
,1 Although department of teleeoni liey'es the department‘s current achieve elsewhere. demic allairs. acknowledged the , equipment as “ridiculous
" iiiunications chair Thomas Donohue slall‘ IS lt'SSlhim adequate ”F0? instance." “"34“" Said. "I telecommunications department is "There is really no way we can
: describes the department‘s l'iiianc "I really l'eel sorry ior the stu- came l‘rom the l'iiiy'ersdy‘ ol Texas. facing a severe financial crisis. but service the needsloi the lt‘llH'tlnlnlll'
mg as "ludicrous." he still mam» dents graduating this year and where they hay'e had a welldey'el said the allocations oi some other .- nicalions deparilm-m the mun...
tams a degree ol Optimism lor the next.” he said. .-i)eeziuse we live in a oped program over the past 3o programs Will increase lx-iore tele _‘ said 'w-p try, but come on w
communicationsdoes " - . have only three iield cameras tor
“(‘ertainly the engmH-rmg depart D “‘ . oyer 3oostudents
t , - = t ~ x . . g = ,. s . s ments and the sciences are high on 7. .. , , _ ~ _ §
T ‘ a Q 1“, 1 .— .A " the priority list oi money allocar b i w‘ “u. "lml’l‘ 0"" l‘m'“ ”M
1W . ., _ t .‘ (diary, . L W . w lions." Gallaher said. "It is unlortur i ' ' ”ndwmmlml
, “ ‘ .: ~ , .p "at“ abet" ”w ”warm-m- but . . ixmnhm- wt he had “0PM ...
g - c j 1' - l‘ ' It when the program “'35 “film W“ ate a nationally recogiii/ed pro
Bit} Vi‘». ' 3“ ' . , \ encountered massn'e budget cuts ‘. , gram "l imeapmiipngp “0mm“.
* ' “f5" “ j -. ‘ ,. 3W3.“ lrom thestale g 3 ' 0 , . said “But come on w hat cai; l do
, “{w Mg. g. \ He agreedi w'itlihlmlnoliuets assess- ’t _ with nomoney""
.. *=~ 1 . . y ‘1‘“ L —- " ment regar ing e ac o money ' ‘ 3 ». .
:H wit? y“ "i know they are understail‘ed and é \ (.allaher ‘UgliMlWl ”I“ ‘lt-‘iml‘l
4 ' " 3» ‘X ’ u underfunded. but the money Just is f . lllilll‘t:,?(ll:lll Illmll ,illlllll,\,\mn\l”1.11”.“
fl“. , g F. . not there." (iallaher said 3‘1)” 1 ll ’ 1 in l" ”It“: H “ll"
' it» ,.i i‘ Donohue has coped with the lack THOMAS DONOHUE l ey H“ ~‘ ““b” I" "“”‘ ‘l"“”"”‘
5 H ’L l ol' financing by seeking other re» ——'———— mg, m‘)“ 1m“ ”lfl‘m'Z'? "”‘l ml“
‘“ {“4 a” git-- sources. including a stronger w'ot'kr ”Wh h n” ”m“ \( “Ml" ”PM”
'1' ‘5‘ mg relationship with the ”Nice ot en t 9 pro' »\iid l)tllltlhll(‘ agrees i want. the
Instructional Resources and a great gram was started iew and the good he \iitl 'l! l
a "" er concentration ot courses ollered could cut my enrollment in hall 1
' at night. to maintain a quality proA we encountered lieliey e I could coiiipari- our student
gr ‘9 ”- gram. - body to any maior school ii: the
Paul Ley'eque. assistant director MESS/VG budget cats country ' I
ol (lllt. descrilx-d the relationship from the state . . . . I .. ‘
between telecommunications and his ”l“ l’m"l)”'l" “’l mm” ”l‘lll'ml"
, department as “mutually l)(’n(‘llr know they are ”’7' m ltl'lllilllll;;lut ior I‘m. :l,('ll7”:lmlm ‘:
:2; .. -< , . . , ‘ ,. "iiii . 'i ’tlltt 1|‘llkl‘l‘ll‘ \‘llll
’ 3%. M , la Udl lk Stud h” Mmlllmm. hdlK derStaffed and un' “The:choltltlt'lll\ 'l‘ayloi‘said
. “no iay'e ie wrong a i iii e a iou pro
, The contract to Chemical Waste Management Inc. has .\ campus group (“HM ”Minis” vmsmmmx They SW them m la/fi. ‘ _ 1 pm»
come under SC'U'mY bY Congress 05 PO" Of 0 ballooning iiators .-\iionyiiious is being iormed when they are oiten bright and per ‘ -' .- f _ ,3. “j
investigation into whether politics played a part in the "su- by Dr i’eg Taylor. assistant (lll‘t‘t'r tectionists ‘i‘ ” g f ' "I;
perfund" program to clean up dumps posing threats to the Mr loi‘ learning skill-s at My5 “tun “it“ fuller “‘0'“ “hill 'l'ililtll' 5t} “,3...“ --,\, in] - . g 1‘
health of millions. selmg and lestiiigi enter walled. large (lilSt‘Kltlil lllll‘t‘litlll} _-..._:¢~ _ v, J3: r ~ y-
- . She got the idea lroiii a counseling 'l‘ ey set unattama )t' goa s tor .-_. C‘ ’ r‘ "’W , A ‘ .
Chemical Waste, of Oak Brook, ”l" '5 represented by center in Berkeley: (‘alii. and he iheiiisely'es and then make eycuses 'r . ~, "“ ,.€“5§?~ ' “
Denver lawyer James Sanderson, who for 15 months was a “H,” ”s needed here The Lll‘t’Uil M. n“! domg mp”. “My suiiermg .e , VHF "
paid, port-time con5ultont to EPA Administrator Anne Gor~ will meet Mondays and Wednesdays iroiii wli;it Taylor called ’procrasti é ‘ l i l , x t ‘
Such 7.. Anne Burtord since her weekend marriage. Sander- troiii ,t .i iyo p iii Feb ".18 through iiatioii \yiidroiiie She said their ' ,4 ‘ — g 13%.“)? ~ T
son removed himself from consideration for the No. 3 job at -‘\i"‘ll ti HiI ”111' tilroiip [:{tflltliii oi the ili'eoi'jy ”h it I cant get ll right - ”a”; ‘ i V N
. . . (‘eiiter iii t ic. ati iews m ( mg w‘iy yo ier‘ . V'J‘C, .
the EPA after he was accused 0‘ improperly aldms another Taylor attempted to lorni the l’rociuistiiiatiiig otters \tillit‘ re w //' 1- ‘ ; IT‘AVN
client while working for the agency. The FBI is investigat- group ”m.“ MM.“ but had I” re» “um” 'l‘aylot‘ mid There‘s the oc ’ . _. 4/ , ‘ '91: j W
i"9. schedule it tor a week later. and casional time when one puts oil _:_“;‘ j*-:’~’ 73;- ___1 ‘ \ ‘ \ g ”10;?
‘ . Rep. James Florio, D-N.J., one of five House subcommit- then l‘y registrants tailed to show up writing a paper or \llltlHllLl and does 5; \ w R; 1‘ ‘ c ‘ {b
tee chairmen investigating the agency, has demanded ex- "he piuicriistinated and then they well anyway it s a gamble, with the , \ .Lfi ‘. \L 1,2,). \ . . K /;
. pi'ocr.‘istiiiated. she said the two reward being more time tor othei ‘wi- \ 1 ,t —_ ”by
planations from Sanderson and Burlord by tomorrow. Sond- “h“ ”mum.” “PH. helped li\ ind. things , u 023““ \‘l::1\‘~-«v . up ‘ i
erson said he did nothing improper and "l resent being \'idualcounselors ' 'l‘liehiggest vmnpl‘vums“NM has -__ i ”4“” war-cx M L .' . 2
dragged back into the follies in Washington." Taylor and Ken 'l‘arletoii. a grad heard iioiii students is that they ‘:‘~"-~"-‘___.~.;_:$sr—T> \\\ ' ’
uale student. will co lead the group can’t ii:.iiiagc their time or read last . _ 7” __ ".22...-“ ~ “\’\ , -
, . sessions Taylor said \lit‘ has re enough She said she hopes the ,._. ""“ R‘ “"“‘ AM‘,‘ ‘, l ‘_,-(
OPEC member says base pflce VOId ceiyed at least a (lo/en phone calls group iiieiiihers will t‘imli‘ttll' prob fl, _‘~———-_-“ L______, \‘l’ . _ &
about the new group and is “y'ei‘y lems and help each other She said . L ‘3’?“ l" , Q7 \
RIYADH, sgudl Arable _ The United Arab Emirates de- tiplllllhllt' that all those signed up ill'ix-i-‘lxlltldlltlll will be approached _ _:.———-4 ' , .r.
. . will makeit a point oi getting here ’ li‘oii‘ l~\'*iilli1lt’> ”it“ “t‘ lllt’dll,‘ ”1 ' l ‘é’ )3 L fl
clared OPECs $34 base price dead yesterday. and Saudi Sm m”! ”Imus! “wrwm, ”W's“ tum“, ,‘.‘.i,,m_\ leading m Drll'l‘thll . I __ w * .a.
Arabia vowed to take whatever measures are necessary to ‘ mum's -» > ,
protect its oil wealth in the face of a global price war. I a I n l
Self-extmgwshmg Cigarette Issue smoulders
members Kuwait and Qatar amid reports they were consid-
ering slashing the price Of the” o" as much 0.5 $7 a barrel, From \l‘. Slal'fReports Health Research liistitiilc .it i K \litl in linology .is .i \ilt'l\ t.\\tlt‘
l°ll°W'"9 0 $5.50 CUT bY OPEC member Nigeria and 53 cuts currently is d\till;il\lt‘ to piodiicc .i so: (“\lll‘ lriioirii.i',.-ii' coiiipiim by 'llt‘ i s l- are -\dmiii
in North 590 Oil by non-OPEC members Britain and Norway. guishing cigarette lairly lllt‘\il‘li.\l\t‘l\ llil' .siiatioi: sinus that iii My xiiiokiizi; i‘iaterzals lL‘
Qatar's oil minister, Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Khalifa al "thercai‘esoiiicrealproblemswitlitliis tilted fll‘t‘\ tr iyl 'yiH homes ly: :rig 3 Hi people
Thoni, said, "For sure there will be a price cut . . . a good l.ttl'lS\'ll.l.l‘I The tiioyi-iiient to lillet' i'igti l).i\l\ \‘iltl one oi the pi‘olileiiis that has been .illi-l :iiiiiriiig llyl‘t others ll..'i..i.:i \\l|.\ est-.iiiated
chance of by more than 54... He made the comment after a iettes lirersale has ignited .iii aigiiiiieiit between laigely ignored is the eiiecta M‘tl eytiiigii.sliiiig .i. salsiiiiliioi. . ‘ .. ‘ .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .

. . g . . tliel .\ tobacco industry and iiie sately e\peit~. cigaiettecoiildli.iyeontheliealtlioi \ttlitkt‘l\ loohey \tltl iolmtw yo. .yim s \lidlt the till
three-hour "199'”‘9 0' "‘9 home 0‘ S°Ud' 0" Minister consumergroups and medicalauthorities ‘ »\iiytliiiig that you add to .i cigarette to slow cerii litl' solely but they or :cyc 'ne proposed leg
Ahmed Zoki Yamani. tine possible solution might be a cigarette ‘li.it down its liuriiiiig rate will hayc two possible ei isiatioii is iiiisdirectu: ili said there is no

puts itselfoiit ii‘ no one has pulled on it ioi two or iects on the way people smoke that i’lLIJt‘t‘lli‘ i‘\'.\".lli_1 ey 'di'hi‘e oh how :oin; .: iLL‘dl‘t‘llt‘ \llltlllit
three minutes \iltl les "It will lilt‘l‘t‘iht' the number oi putts twahlctohiirn without y'.itl\|lli;.i tll’t‘lidfdl‘tl
“This is a very. very complex issue, said \Ml that .1 person will take and it may \’.tll\t‘ the in" l‘ests ll.i\t \lill\\". that \i‘lt‘i‘ turiiiiiirc llitllt‘l~
liam ’l‘oohey, a spokesman tor the Tobacco liisti \im topuii harder 'cry «a: be ignited Iuy .i \ .garctzi iii tt‘.\\ llldl‘
. tute. an industry trade organilation ".\'o one is l).iyis said an increase in the iiiiiiilyer and ill two minutes But litli.l\'t't‘ ‘llilll.\ll\ rcpresenta
in layer of accidental tires or carelessly smoked tensity oi pulls would eypose people to lllL‘llt‘l tiyes li.i\e \llil a cigarette ’li.i' would put itselt
WEATHER l‘lgai‘ettes But solar. we know oi no tis'hiiology leyels oi tar. nicotine and t‘dlliilll iiioiioyidi- the out in li‘\\ than two llll'ill't‘ pioboh‘y would not
ayailahle to produce a product that would be ac hazardous \lilt>l;llit‘t‘.\ incigareitiwinokc Hr iii.irkei.ible inmosc t would hay.- 'o be re
"“litahletoconsumers ' The 'l'llltl is not n‘sear long this area ciii‘icm lL‘llli'il oticii
Andrew Mctiuire. executive director oi the ly hiii llayis saidworkersai theiiistitiitenreioi The tobacco "illl\lt'\ ll.i\ suggestui that ii
liiirii t‘oiineil oi San Francisco(ieneiuil Hospital. limit“: lht‘ \lllhilltm t‘lt‘N‘l.‘ ““"t‘ t't‘llt't‘l‘llt‘tl M‘Ily \‘Illl lllt‘ lltl‘tt'litl’t‘ l'ltlii‘?” l“ ‘lt‘H‘l'tl‘
Nlltl the tobacco industry must begin to take IT about both sides oi the issue lic \illtl Hill ll ~ Home l‘t‘5lxl.|nl luniitilt‘i‘
sponsihility for the Lilli deaths each ye.ii in premature to push tor legislation on llii\ until .i sec. “t‘lltlt‘ll Ford l‘ i\\ .iii.i oiic oi the to
A 20 P."."' chance 0' morning showers today, 50- hoiiwiues caused by cigarettes lot iiioreieseaiyhisdoneon llM‘Mll‘lt‘l . lyiiic industry .\ stauniliesi siippoiieis in too
it we could put a person on the moon we ltep .ioe Moakley. lt.\l.is\ .iiid Mn \l.iii gti‘.\\ \iltl that he lI‘lli‘\t‘\ llll two iiidiistiies
“”"lng P'rflY "00‘7 by 9"."‘oon WI,” 5 M.“ I" ”" could adlust the way we make cigarettes to keep t‘i‘.iiistoii , l) y'alii .ilready h.iyc said they would \i‘llltl lrsiiccessiiil iii siicha pl'tlk‘l'le
'0'” '0 M" 505- trom killing people when they are accidentally push ltlll\ this session that would permit the con \toakley howeyei~ said the cause oi the tires
Partly cloudy tonl'ht, low In th. mld to uppgr 30g, dropped] said Mctiiiire. who has criLsaded seye \llliit'l' l‘rodiiet mlety t‘oiiiiiiissioii to dcyciop ii.i vs cigarettes, not luriiiture llis legislation has
p.79" Iunny tomorrow, M'h I" the low 50!. ml years for thy ik‘yelopnient oi sell t‘\llllfllll\li tioiial guidelines tor cigarettes .l\ igiiiitioii picked up the support oi many organizations iii
ingcigareltes sources The law under which the commission eluding the American \ledicai -\.\\ll‘ldll|)li .iiid
__.__ layton “HHS. director oi the Tobacco and operates prohibits ll from dealing with cigarettes the lllli‘t'imllillldl \ssm'iatioiioi Firei‘liieis
l j ‘-

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2“ V‘ . y
Kama *
Ill! Moldov- Andnw Opp-nun John cum" Mldoy hum Llnl t. I“... J... VIM Don Club“ l
Editor In Chief Now: td-toi Am. td-tot Spofll (dilo- Spa-at Prom" Editor Photo Editor Gropbtu Editor ,
P B RSUASION Juno. I‘VII‘ ”on“ .O'Nlihko “It” Illl I. VIM Jr. WHO'ICO' ICON. Mlluon ”Vin"... Chit. Ash
Monogmgtdtiot tlt‘siliU’ldilw AutstomAru Editm Autltunt Sport! Editor Sponoll‘toiuuAnistuttt Chic. Photographer topy Desl(t i- 1
Current worry about falling Oil prices is an ironic twist
. - H E m I (
W on WI merica ear-n --. ——__ vowed-77:75 one 3
W . 23'. t Loom yam/ma-.. ,
th t' I t' ' ' d C" ? m M l
a ISO a IODISM IS on y in , .
During the lust (hit-adv. Americans imminent if the United States failed to rene~ ' , J,“ 1'": “-—
watched with horror as the newly formed gotiate its stance on Israel ‘Wh‘Ch " d‘d' .. 5‘ m El Am l
organization of Petroleum Exporting (‘oun— after "191.30” AUd- reViewmg the record 0f ~_ .~ Ls _.._.‘ 9‘ ' *~ ‘
. . . . . ,__, -_ < > ,_ ~ \
tries put the screws to oil prices. quadru— survwal 0f Pan-Arab organizationS. they ‘ {M Pitt [/63 R 1:
pling the perrgallon cost of gasoline iii less 3'50 predicted It WOUId “Ot SUTVW‘? " yet the f g Wm M .‘t .t BN3 l .. 't a t, . ;
than Six Vim-5 banking community was more than Willing .___ . _ 1.”. 7.1— A "A t/ - t_ Q
1),“, prttdmmns we”, made t, depres- to loan its members billions of dollars on the l . h ' EL . t: E h ' - '3: _ r'v ;
sioii would result. the American dream assumption that the Inflation 0‘ 0‘1 prices 1‘ ' 3 m ,5 4‘ f J: t “-354 J at 3 ‘
would be lost and all hell would break loose. forced WOUId Per515t. even increase. .227-1:‘-;‘ ' "Ti-:41“ t _ “.r't .5; ’ " K t t
~ . . . t . , ., - . . . . '-Ver1¢v '3" r- \“ ‘ctt g
how. .is [lit long-standing rivalries of If indeed the direst propheCies come to gum {WA Ill}? {"3“ 5; M x 5 ‘ .
til lat members threaten to tear the organi» pass _ and many seem to believe they will, :M” “3‘ _A _ _ \ ; "‘3?" ‘- 3 "2’, t k i l
latioit apart in a price war. many are view- as the plunging gold market indicates _. per- . ' 7—“ — "— My *" -— ”‘5 "/ ‘ ‘7 ’n’lt‘ M l l
. . . . i ' ‘ i
ing with equal horror the imminent decline haps the isolationistic thought that caused i 574 E “,1 W. .i W fut“ P t l
INVRHSNIW WWW .. the problems in the first place will be put to ‘ a“ MA » / ’ ’j 0
”tits ll'tttlllt' turn of affgttrs potlnts up the rest forever. ,r' ' . ",, “““ *‘- P "‘ ‘ ) f 3 l
trtit i of w tat .\ntertcatis ave so ong detiied . . . . ,' é
, our iiitei‘dependence with the rest of the Elm”: hkely‘ gou'g‘h]. a: "(lithe pafSt‘ .n W'“ .TO DAY, ‘ \ji l
world, When gas prices went up. even the 0:.) e it'enew ‘ eh la lb’lon 31 Herglg ‘ ‘ ' i l
Alaskan pipeline couldn‘t save us And now I Is coun ry tabs anlujns 3 ea e pl ar 0 e- , -\/V‘ORL.D '- E
. l ' .
that they re coming back down. our banking "were” m lfl “1h erness refillalgs lstrong. ONOM'C «,

t 2
structure is strung out on massive loans to But m a war w 059: cultura. , 'p omatic .;
oil-producing nations that may default as oil and especially economic “95 are increasmg, S—rE :
“avenues fall the surest road to disaster 15 Simply to go on - ‘

tit course. all this could have been t'ore- believmg weare above '1 all. I I i
seen and avoided with a little common Money makes the world go round. and its ,/ Nil i it It. it In lt‘t -&t ;
sense Betore ttl’Et‘ was formed. Middle not going to stop just because we want to get ~
East experts had predicted its inception was off.
0 nt tt't des concerning sex are conf sing atb t *
lattes-st m iust a prude .i rape victim just couldn't conceive ly different nature. A young sation I‘d had with my friend. t'n- ual. we threaten to destroy any learned about caring. and how much F,
\ w liile back an article appeared ot a triend as someone capable of . ' . _ derlying both the supposedly real shreds of intimacy we have left. we have yet to learn. ;
in 'his M xr concernin' the lta ie coiiiinittin‘ a crime if attacked. busxnessman was upset. It seems h” situation Greene described and the When I was a teenager. lying in I hate to sound like a ho less ro- :‘ 1
l l L l l“ - girlfriend had repeatedly slept With . . , . pe . ‘1
t'risis t'enter .\ spokesperson be shed then have to rationalize the nold r man who laimed he'd had imaginary one wed discussed. l the back seat of my fathers mas- mantic. but if we lose sight of the t
moaned the :act that many rates act as some sort of Irverse f'lat- a e ' C . sensed a rather casual attitude stve Oldsmobile. trying my naive im rtance of intimacy. and regard 2 i
- l p‘ a vasectomy Later this cad ad- . p0 . . . , i
are not reported because they re tery write it off as a pass that just mitted he‘d. lied The young lady about sex that offended me best to seduce some reluctant date. sex. as just another indiscriminate ;
perpetrated by trieiids of the He got carriedtoofar feared she was pregnant. and her (‘all me old-fashioned H you “.1”. it often seemed those girls were as bodily function). what then is so spe- I};
“m" lhpdm‘lhidnm ”'l‘m'r‘m. boyfriend came to Greene in an out— but I still think ot sex as something eager “5 l “’ (MW ""0 m“ 9193‘ cialabout “M’- ,2
- . . .‘ ‘_ fl ‘ ’ . suresofsex Perhaps the voung couple Bob ‘1
\lv , ‘tl\'\ i «t. - - rage. asking the columnist if he fragile and precious. shared by per , . ~ g
_ lllll it, Lttal.\ at ustd i In later ve-irs in more mature Greene described knows a love be. 4
isk ‘(1 ~ n i . . .i i i "k didn‘t think this man had done his sons who care deeply for one anotli ‘ ~ ‘ " ‘ _ ' , :5
‘1 ‘ “ "UM” mm" l-‘mm‘ “m ‘ l d f . d t b] . . t' er m ways more meaningful mm relationships women have re- yond my prudish c0mprehenston. t
rapes ”I ml: mm, “nu” RU um“ i 3 :‘w Guy w' a y rien a erri einjus ice. mere lust. .Wh'il more‘perfect “I‘w counted to me thoir versions of those wherein random sexual encounters t :
p9”? Bmdu‘w ‘hm r“ ”MM" 0 ,, PIERCE Cautiously. Greene asked the bol of trust ‘ of watt“. l.‘_t.('_,‘m‘_d adolescent scenes, By making it with other partners are insignifi-
“‘1’ ”mm nip!“ .' ' 4 young man if he wasn't a bit upset and moments cherished ‘ than ,i seem the boy was the prime mover cant. and not matters of the most : ‘
i thought we had some sttrl of so .' " ‘ over his girlfriend's infidelity No. private act of love shared exclusive iii those back seats. they felt less painful sort ot betrayal It could be
mantic mistindcrstanding. so 1 men the young man said. shelhas a right lv by those persons guilt for giving in to temptations itiy female lrietid has a perstwctive
ironed the name or a mutual mate todo whatever she wants. As for the ' ’ they'd lx-entaught to resist. oti sex that enables her to view
acquaintance liid she mean to say. But somewhere iii that scenario young lady. she allowed as how she I'm not advocating the archaic no- \t'ith tny strict religious upbring- “friendly rape" as an act of ms '
i asked. that if this person torced lurks the sneakily sextst notion that hadn't been particularly attracted to tion of saving oneself for Mr or Ms mg. I know a little something about placed affection.
himself on her slit“ wouldnt report maybe the woman enjoy-ed herself this older man. but he seemed to Right I don‘t care to add hypocrisy guilt. myself in fact. a good deal of Perhaps l‘m making too much of
it" she said she would not because itist a little. as if the forced ctrcum have a lot of money. and they‘d met to my list of faults I‘m not even out the futi iii those early sexual experi- a couple of isolated circutiistances.
it wotildn te\;ictly be rape stances reltey ed her of any gutlt that at a posh health club, and anyway. to berate practitioners of the (lite etices came from the giddy knowl- trying to regard them as globally
\ot i'xiltf \. rape somehow it had random sex might otherwtse create. he didsayhe‘d hadavasectomy. Night Stand I‘ve always thought edge that l was doing some wrong representative of a sexual permis~
never occurred to the that tape like \Kell. l didn't care to think of my Bob Greene and I shook our heads such encounters were tnorc the re Forbidden trutt is always more siveness that precludes the beautr
murder gradiiatmi through \arying self as a classic chauvinist pig, anc in prudishamazement, sult of loneliness and misplaced juicy ful.if temporary.exclusivity of love . ‘
degrees she seemed unwilling to utter all. the situation under dis The pregnancy was a false alarm longing than simply crude acts of i suppose most of us first encoun~ Maybe that's because I'm just a ' t '
pursui- the matter but I couldn' cussion was hypothetical i told my Lucky for the young lady. who'd at promlSCutty ter sex to circumstances somewhat sexually repressed. old-fashioned . 2
iorget itsottuickh \i-li there must be subtle sexual dif ready had two abortions and didn't But when a young tiiaii is more less than pristine ln later years we puntan who hasn't caught on yet .
Why would a rape ‘v'it‘lln‘, iittitlnut' terences in the human psyche particularly relish a third. But even concerned with another man‘s lying may regret those clumsy and mise that love between one man and one
to regard a rapiq .is .i iriomi some accounting for such drastically (it though she'd taken a feminist philos- to his girlfriend about contraception handled encounters ideally. we gain woman. however transitory the an
one whom sht- d want to spare the \ergcnt opinions (linding two per- ophy Class and had. as she put it. than With her betrayal of his trust. enough perspective to recall those rangement.is now obsolete
humiliation Am degradation U, W“ “me “ht, (in most issues find them- “been around.” she just couldn‘t be» and when a friend of tnttie claims times with a nostalgia lying some- In that case. l'm pretty damned -
ectition" \Vztlt triends like tiia' w ho selves in comtortable agreement lteve the audaCityof this man who‘d shed refuse to consider her where between remorse anti smug content With my pi'udishness
needs enemies‘ I iiist couldn' tiiix ("est la vieasitwere lied to her Her boyfriend agreed it "friend‘ a rapist regardless of his content (‘oinparing those awkward ‘
hertersev\pi.in.ttion \ lew weeks later. ('hicago “L was "reallyimmoral." actions to the contrary. l can't help teen-age gropes with later and more Gary W Pierce is u Kernel colum '
The hub other explanation i could biine columnist Bob Greene de- l couln‘t help thinking there was feeling some concern. As our atti emotionally rewarding moments of nist who wonders what the world is }
imagine rl:s'tirt»-d me l’erhaps stlt‘tl scribed a sexual scenario of a slight- some parallel here With the conver tudes about sex become more cas love shows us how much we've comingto , 1
c 'l
The government attempts to keep h .. .. . ., . . . . . . , . _ , . . . _. . t.
, .. p ysically or urbally Many times tlne would hope that the next arti- fettly healthy fetus with (very hope it
oppressed QrOUps yanous ”FDR’s-“l” "“n‘jrllleh from I t - the gay person may answer in retort cle written by Emanuel Brown Will for a norntal life"
' . ‘ getting (together and organizmg pow- ncorrec premlse to verbal abuse otit of frustration for reflect through background research The author goes on to chastise the ‘
UN ”111N183 “Vt‘nmfl ”Him 3”“ t'rttfl‘Wdlm‘tnr I _ y ‘ being attacked on the basis of their and correct restatement of facts. Right to Life movement for its “ab-
people intended a showing ot the link Triangms also does a good . sexualpreference We“ H m is affected by apathy t0» solute morality" and “smugness ~~ i
“1m hnk triangles. “h"h “”5 1"“ 0‘ depicting lesbians and gay “‘35 amused somewhat by Ema- It is not the gay population who wardsthesubtect Yet. she is just as absolute and ‘
sponsored by the (lay and lesbian men as particularly outspoken par- nuel Browns comments in Mondays ”hit people on mo” “wings m tnad- ' smug in her own assessment of the g
t'iiionofStudents ticipants in nearly every struggle Kernel only because his article was equacy and insecurity" but ”mm, (‘hrist-illartmann issue '1
The film‘s primary foctis was to ll for rights. especially in the struggles written on an entirely incorrect who profess to be ()[Xtt'j—njmd(-(L lib President (Mi ['8 if being troubled by the lack of %
lustrato the many ways in which les of blacks and women After all. premise . eral and intelligent people who votcc concern for human life. which I see x
btans atid gay men are discrimi someofusareblacksandwomen! Several times in the past. the their own insecurities by striking . . all around me makes me an "ex- ’3
natedagainst inthisculturc That is why it was so amazmg to prestdent and now the vice preSident out. m vanous ways. at ‘u lifestvle Jushflcohon? tremist -. that's fine I would sub- é
tll‘lt' of the strengths of this tlttt'll me to mid a statement that recog- of GALUS have been misquoted. not their own ' ‘ m" however that those people de- i
mentary 1“ m“ ”l-‘mhm‘l W“ m" ”m" the I‘m" between all oppres- Brown stated the Feb. 18 3’00"? cov: As far asofferingevidence reflect i am writin iti res mse to the mandin the rt lit to act on the l;
t‘tth' «fll' -‘h'tlhd dt thfl “PikTr l‘ g p‘ g g t
”d “r‘ " ‘ ”ppr‘sw’” ’ """d'l" 5“” "m l d a ma 9 0 ac- ering e lm n , tang 85- ing gay and lesbian persecution. guest opinion by Molly lsaacs Mc- assumption that life does not extst at 5
“M 9““ '5 compared '“ m" ”Wm“ “mum“ "“5 fa” for all Kernel spectfically mentioned that perhaps Brown would have bene lA‘tKl which appeared iii the Feb 21 conception are just as "extreme." 5
sum of other minorities including readers to see il was quoted in Fn- their chief opponents were other mi- fitted from the film that (MUS pre Kernel In any case ‘name calling is no 50_ 5
\“lftlhf‘f‘mld I'llf'fl‘kfi ‘ Y ? '18!) ‘ Ft‘Vlf’“ 0" the film t. W35 50 er- noritta Sl‘d" azblacks and “flint ._ sented. It stated that iii Boston alone lti tier article. the author attempts lution to anything. The only real an- '
.“ (n'a “(WU “m. WW1 “ it mnmlbl} W‘flntfrpreted "1 Ema- 1" reaity: 0W9V9r~ 39" “LS there are to to Zn reported attacks to Justify abortion by first assuming swer lies in a renewed regard for i
“hllt‘rmdlt‘ power strtittiire is “\[N' nuel Brown sl‘eb etcolumn remark was as follows. ‘ t 9 weekly on people “1mm H“, g“) euthanasia to be an accepted prac- thesanctityoflifc t
ranMnE H-rinttmlt‘ instability or till. Admittedly. my quote was taken struggle of (‘lVll rights for gays and community Never mind what the“, “(1,. which to niv “(th20 is not a It strikes me as mm“. that. if 3'
"'5' ”mm“ ”‘ poorer W“ ww'm” ”l" ”t ”"1""! m m" rey’iew 0‘ the lesbians '5 “ed to. the oppressmn 0f numbers would be in other major cut and dried issue bv a longshot. abortion becomes legal. doctors in '
factions. the typical dtlltllnlstrllllU' film. btit _.ow he came up with his other minorities." such as women cities ‘ andthencomparingittoabortion hospitals and clinics everywhere l
response is to focus people . .ittcti translation is a 'mystery t0 me. and blacks. The comment. “me" Also. Brown should keep abreast We allow people with no brain at.“ will be striving to preserve human 3
tion away front the greedy shrill Whatever the reason: I can only and blacks. was not included in her of the uhdpppuhlicired attacks. as tivity to die. so iii the same manner life