xt7hqb9v473k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v473k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1986 1986 1986-10-10 2020 true xt7hqb9v473k section xt7hqb9v473k \ \ . ‘ '
I ‘ Vol. XCl. NO- 33 Established 1894 Universny ot Kentucky. Lextngton, Kentucky Independent since 1971 F’ldOY. October ID. 1986 l I .
Large voter turnout — Carroll offers ways '-
1 O I I l ' V V . V I
- . , -
for Stlldent senate ., .. - * ' ()f SDIVIng problems .
, . v I .. I, . ~ I I. '
. ' . . A. . . .
. 7%? .. 2 4 "i." .: Former Kv a v - r‘ n. . , ' ‘
. f I I ct on . I -, , . -0 ernor may aeam Sctlx . r;
-. , . . ., e . . .. - . .
resltman e e l .. . i ~ . . . . -.
' t _ \ II ‘% top pOsttton desptte prtor allegattons . I , II.
ladegast and Hembree clatm Vtctory . . ... mm”. \\\t\o\s . -. .3 I IIII
‘ l'lt.'t.httttt:e\\:ttw l: "' . '. '1‘
m LlOSC 80A freshman senate race 2-, .. » , . v - v .
/ . . . . -a. ,. ..: .- - : , Ir ; ~ I ‘I
I I . . / l’tttlltt'f l\l'!"tlt‘K‘. (.o\ .Inttan M . , . " .1 _. t -" . , » ", i
I'.\ l .\. ltl \\f.l£lt\ll Ht tales Illll) 12 2 percent ot the tresh- c. » . t'a' t pat. .o? ;. at.’ to .. group of if “ .' " '. l- ' ‘
\l.tll \trtler man class 'l‘hat htgh voter percent- .I, I s ‘5: ' .v 3.. WWW" ..pI “Ina m. “I” i 35‘ F I '. ‘ .' r ‘I ~
age almost doubled last year s 6,5 I ‘ it . ..t a ..5 ., pun-Hm, guln-I‘ndhn-Idl " I; 3 '. I» -' '. . .
L In one ot the best voter turnouts n percent turnout ' . “ ‘ on (tulate :r'. the Ma} prnnar§ ’ .-' . 3 > "
recent years. harl Ladegast anIo \\ ot tum. Hemhree satd he dorm ’ . . anon more about state tunern. II I'I; I1}. .I . «f;
. 'l‘ttn llemhree “ere elected as the not haw an) major pteces ot legts- I ‘ , ‘ - or: ha: I.“ other Lune person." , . I‘ - ' 'II »'.-' “If.
f lotto-87 Student Government Assocta- latton to propose. ltuweVet‘. he and , ‘ I l ..w t. ‘ttl’l :5. .. speech sponsored N .N D -; ‘ wk? 2 - .-_~'.
I tton treshtnan senators. he does generally agree \HIlh "all of ‘ r _ -, ~. T: 'ta t K t «we-- itentol rats ‘\nd i l; ‘ “l - . " .'n - ' j' 2-”: .T.
lattettast. a pswhology freshman. the Issues on the senate; tloor rtght ‘2'»; , I . s : t - prrtudttt ~.v - tr ‘ .- ~ r- > ‘ I' » -.-. .-"
I .. ~ - < ~. . a . ‘r ~ I v. I I.
I retetved l'Jt) ot the 401 votes Ca>l now .9 I *2: : gl‘ 1:. reterenl-e to (no teal-rat tmestt- 3;, . ‘ "‘ I ,' LI‘ » V '
; anll liemhree. a pre-med freshman. [attegast also pomted out that he I. ”l s l . Log...“ m. warp-I...” ”Hm mm to , 3.. II». '- ~ I ' ': ‘. .I'}II:I I_
. tt‘t't'tI\ ed one less at 119. "ItnslIuanls to be there for the fresh- "A- “m .IIIIIIIIIIIII mm m- mat [ “up“. It“, may II as “ . I. -.' . .II ‘- . I .- I .‘ III.
. "\\e re real happy wtth the Oul- men cloud t‘.1‘. ..truthdaex out I have ' .; . U 7"" ”A"
eotne." satd Greg Reaves. campatgn He added that durtng the early ltm Hembree celebrates as he .s onnoonced as o SGA treshmon sonmmm 1. WNW a, m. ”mph. ”f s, -. £5 . . '. ‘I .II.-‘I~"‘I
- emrdtnator "There were a lot 01 stage ot ltts term. he would ltke to senator. Hembree recewed 119 votes Rental-rt, .. .’.’I ' f l : '.;~' " " '. i' ‘
. good eandtdates and they all ran a put .. tl‘lt.\\\\illl\ o\'er “llst' Street to KHH‘AH .1- 'm mu- at on coal-r 3" "’ .-"..II . I: . ,-
. gmxteatnpatgn ' . eomhat the s-(lanuerous “rattn- n; llh eatnpatun' “II: a matot :al paw .u- Maya: H) thtnk that W,» 'IKlll‘l. .;\' '2. ”HI“, film III «’ar , - II , . .- . .-I.III. II ' 33.
llemhree s runntng male. Lucy prohlemthatextsts ml tnhtselmertctor) mom “I“. :2... .h - M . . . .-.~ . , . «
rm: JN- ' ll .'... “ll ' "" S s" ’ ,fi' \- ' , ’ - 4‘ C .\‘-v. Q a) . ' .' ' ’ 1v ,
‘t‘ ' - n \ , - . . n . A... 1v I .I . ,
M w fill w “ - . " .. e 4 ' . . - . .
. n - . at ,, ~ . - t . . Ar ~ .
'J '3 V j ‘ ~ ~ ». ’ ~,-‘. 1”: " ' . " . " .. . “1-5.;
.- _ ‘f ' ? .v I 1 .- ... . I I h,“ I I }. I .v
a ‘ ‘.» - I . .I , " . II ‘ . . . II.'
. _ I .. .“. ~ ~I‘ ~ , . 4 ,, .' -' . Q . I
-‘ 0.. &;“:.a.. ’ L‘s ‘ :7“ ~Dbu ‘ ' ‘y r ‘ ’ .l '7‘ 7
i»_ {VIM :5“ («x a -“‘.~.:¥§s§ . ' F 3 w . I .l ’ ‘ . III , I ‘ . , I I [I I.I I.I. I .
- We}; y- .5". h l .0 . l. u... u . l’ o 'I I; , .'-' .. I-‘C .'
.. “T: ”fiat-0, -» - es»- -.~- . . 1 El! ~ .Q a an ,. ~ r. s. r. ‘ a A. . .. .-. --: w an
.» .. . . .ij‘ \ \ I.‘ . I‘ I cn~ ,’ ~ . .‘v t ..:-r o 3 ~ I r - > . -III,”-
.\ \ ‘ ‘ ' “ “"* '5 ~. -. ”41$. .. .' I" «— w’ . i’.‘ ‘ '
., . A ‘ r 0d " P v- m A; 1 “- “ ' . “ ' . ' I. j ‘
I . . . ... . ‘ .. I_ ~ : I - n . 4 ”It ' . . . . . , ' ' I - x .
‘v: ‘h “‘ . - " ' ‘ -.e- ,9. “ ~ "' . . 'r “ . ' . v,‘.’ _. . .. ‘ ‘ v; a». w“ 1' ’ a " -~'
‘1: . . . ‘ . _ ' ' ~ '4‘“ . l ' "“8; w: - «(1. l" " ‘.;~‘~»~.*», - ..- r... ~‘ 9'41". . ‘ ' ‘. ' ‘ .
IIWALWIIM IQ! tel slat! . i. . J ‘3‘ ‘I I- I: ‘. 3' 'I! 'I
A d h , ff' -,
n teyreo . .
. r - . ' -. . ‘l "
. . . , . ,.
Horses break out of the eate during the third race at kccncland \esterdax afternoon. No. II. \ltllL‘ltt\\. udder. l‘\ Mac ”a“. “as \tctortous. ('atamcl lh w lltllshcd second and |.. 3 n l» \ld t‘mwtx 2W -‘ " ‘ l. , . ‘ 3'5». ’.- '
_ - . l . .
’ .- ' . I1, ’ v 'I
Wfl_,_’._fl_r~# . ' . I. I‘ ' . t I I I
‘ ' 1- '. - I‘ .‘l .3.
E - F m r UK " ' * Develo men I council - ' ~ “"“‘
I1 t 6F - 9 Ol‘ e , .. jg: . . -. .,-.._;.
erge IC an as ]c s . _ . .- _ ..
‘7 S‘LJEuIt “H ‘ ‘ ' l 1' I _; . l " ~ .~
selects 12 new m ‘mber‘ ~' ‘
o x m, e. . - ' .
y pa 0 y »
° f .335. In t \ lll \Nl“ BU\lFl-'I{ o thomotes tour are untors and ' ’ ' ‘ | I l
n) Immanuel»: dies at 84 25"! ..:—No 115:; “Harp ' 71‘ _. .. . .. J . . . '. "f."
»\rls‘ Fdlmr I. ’9 ,(9‘\ . . t It! .lltt an st Illa!“ ., ,‘~ . II, I
I . . I . 'l’t \‘dl'l 'ht l‘: chosen represe” .n _ ’ ' U ~ ‘. ‘ ’ .
ll o ld l I I I'll d THEATER REV'EW II‘I.‘ 3‘3“? “ml“ ” I . The Student Development (‘ounctl Nude range ot sltltlt’ttl> on lam I . I 2 I II ..I‘
\ “-'Il‘lh :5 mteut 1" .l. u (“Kl'o N“ ‘ M ,, has chosen tts new members for the pus . . - ‘ ' ‘- . .
\i ‘ 4 z: ' . ‘ — - _ _ , . ‘ - . . -. “
:lt It It! in h I; \‘ 5. Don last. N'alotl. tttttttet he...: or V lttttott. school \ear. ratstng the total \ mam; Loat ot shl ts to prepa .- . . . , .
:l ,I . . ., . I -- ~ -. . .
ll 7 ..Kd ”.(dd ll: (lrnldn§e« Ol l l\ S MUHCLII edttt'attot. tll‘ltat‘tmenl '2. memht't‘shlplltw -”d"rl'lt‘-‘"l‘*"‘ patttt‘ulat‘l} ”“Nh ' ' - 2 ' ‘ ~- 1
IIItItI s:asonII lm [ht IonItzIesI-tun whtIuIalsoIdouhles asIIthe narrator tor “hunt the pump“: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . Q}. I I - _ Thtrt) students applied for u“, 12 mm tor thea “mm and wmm I I . ; I. I *.'
I'IIIEI .mth In ‘3 wor . l> 9” Ht I'l hel‘antasttcks center \\.t.\ ttatttetl. (hm “ednesday , me I positrons. and “the quality of apphr Iwars Howmet none ot the llt'\\ I ‘ I I . z ‘.
‘l I ‘L‘ H "4‘“0 '“lt’nllt'lldlll lt‘ddh her 1n.\lal'onto. Ill He Aas Ht . .. cants \\.ts ewellent." sanl Molly members are trtshnten In fact. no! . .' ' .,"
Hut that 1! ts It Is. metaphort- ””0 4' trap “l (ltstllustnnmenl. ,‘tlaltt‘tt'e l'la\ meeutne director ' . Sehrand Sl)('ehatt‘person wttt-treshntanapplted . . ‘ ’
call) put. a ,[m-Iy of budding thus aequatnltng her “‘lh realttIV ot llmtt'ron ~Delta Kappa \tho §; 3: . The selection eommtttee. headed . ' . I '
ualls and teartng them down and and tIths leadmg her back to her “Wk”, under Seaton as head of pro t; ”I: f by .\lllltlI\ \larttn. spent 21;. hours or \‘ ( (n V ” - 1"“ ~‘ - ~ ' . ' : ‘ .‘2
pollute on masks and taking mm“ 0”" tesstonal eutrteulum tn ph}stm| ed- mmncsvoerAanlov ”(‘1 3 "0“?“th ”19 apphcattons = -' . .
them ott and hutldtng walls Nothtng new here a stmple lteallon. called Seaton “a ntee per- Tht‘ ('Otmttll‘t‘t‘ WHSISlN Hl 80W” » . . '- ' .' .
auatn theme and a simple storvhne son and a gentleman “ |)tt\ (‘Asll NI-‘A l U\ ”mm ”mum” and ”WW demh m ' T .
The flux...» 01 "The Fantas Seaton. \tho \t't‘Vt‘tl at l'K tor 3.3 'relurhnu Stunt nt hm'et‘nmettl ,\~ * ‘ I. ‘
Mn“. Fantasltcks" exhibtts the ltCks" ts In tls cleverness as a tears. recen'ett t'onstdet‘ahle reeog III "I o‘ . ~nder track and I I: .-..tltott l’t’t'sltlt'tll Itonna (Qt‘(’('t1\\v_ - . . . . .-:»... .. . '.’ _ ~ ' r
many. elusn'e forms 0f love and parody lt pokes fun ‘ll Flt/ahe. nttton as an author and “as a na MM.” ‘ A “‘I H . _ .‘. ” tat-enzwll Is not a anSltl’memlwr - '~
. . . . . . . . . . . as .hte tr. ..m ktnd ot \H‘dlllt‘t I _ . 3.7.. sponsors the Ken- ‘
then thretls us ptedtctabl) and than drama and at modern ttonal itulltttt‘tl} on satel) and \\h'r h- ttrst ‘tttte to [K \etlon It. .ttltlllttttt t . [\Ht letters ot [(‘l on.
hlunth ‘0 the form [hill ~‘hl’Uld be drama and at taktng the easv th'l-Nul‘lifi‘ M'ld , ,HI I‘ H t ”L'_ t‘oll» e ot .»\r‘ts ‘I menttatton .tppltt‘attls “(‘rt‘ ehosl n lucky Gutld of Artists and . ’ '
embraced. [t 15 the story “f a boy \\a\' home “The Fanlasttckst' \Vtth three ('Hllt‘-tl1tlt'.\. Sealon t'o lttLtaIsIIet ItIlI :tIIIIIthf III 'IIIII‘I .k- ..n the hasts ot their past leadershtp Craftsmen Fall Fair this . . I . .
Paul E .\'lt mt t I '- I . . .V . . . . - - i . 5 -‘ z. .' v.1 ‘ ‘V‘ T ‘ ‘ | .\ -\ wrtenee 'atn us tn\‘t)l\ |m -r.t ‘ '
httha \larlnlrhlld‘t wélrthitalluirrlt 13:; works as a broad utltghltnmrnt txroItt ttIn the.“ tIIIlIll lIuIItonI tIttIzII t tnattslltp m n“. ('lll‘rlt‘lllulll. ( Ht.‘ 'IIIlIIII IIIII IIIIII‘I 'l\lg”lL{t' ‘ ' weekend. See PASTIMES. . , .
. ' . ‘ . through suhlle t‘ealtzattons tn a "m“ T‘ m “"5 M suu 5“ n ". \tl'l .\e..‘.on's l)lllpl),\(‘ll adthttons tn H M l . ‘. ‘ , ~ , Page3. ‘ ‘
as Itouths and are restrained sttceesstul ettot‘l to tear awav ste‘ H “as adopted around the countr) .II ll I I ll! strt'tn IIIII“ tgt .. ’lttll tlunexer M'htantl noted that l.l \
. . ’ ' ’ . ‘ \ . t 'l. 'l I .r ) . n i K . ‘ ,
trom see-mg each other by then rump“. 1 la) sattt "sewn t‘(llltl)nt~‘ uere r. ‘h ‘lllLtl WINK ”I” do”. 1“” tiltltltktt" "’ ”“""""""‘ OI. MI“ is UK's first con- ~ I
eonntvmg fathers Such is the made and over one mtlhon copies ‘ L \l T .. ‘ ‘ “WW"- ‘dttl "H“ “t ”t“ 4W“? ‘ t of the
. ,. . . . .. wth the l'lllltlL! and handhng ot . . . . , terence oppone"
pl0_\ thetr fathers Mtlham Breed Though the l h produclmn produced h. I. I m ”m,” ,m tnudwn “ “““‘” "‘m‘ “d‘ W “I”: “ 5.. m P09.
l \ -\ ‘ " a ' ' r . ,
and Brtan Anthony Sosbyt put to starts shaktly. It butlds on tts own Seaton also served as \llrsll) 't‘he )t'o tr III‘I ltter \\ I; lr'llh - armx season. .
task as a hit of reverse mycholo- ran energy twhtch seems to he track coach tor H seasons and led terred “II IT“: l'ollege I)" Txgrleu‘l HUI PM” “-h l“ tit“ J *tU‘II'lt'": 5-
g) that IS desrgned to bring the the product 0" tnexpertent‘e in the teams to a record 43 mm and '38 tnre (‘l'n end ‘ llllllllN‘t \\ ho had a sntttetent atnonn‘ . é . evils .I . , ’ .»~ I t x
two lovers together. this gem” to overshadow Its (leteals Top Southeastern l‘onter l'K \‘t‘tton (‘tnttr “htt‘h oputett ot llltll‘ plus the tleqre to put I I.) ,I A. . ' . 135';
\ . n \ i , . I _ ‘ ~ I -.- ...
. . . - . . ; g t \v. ‘ ‘ _ ‘ tttt'llt‘ he sat t . * '- 'r -, ffffit‘w".
But when the plov works letter faults (“2:0 htjlyfimtmt‘h 1:12:11! r;:::;:(:f: tr. the tall ot H012. Includes a gymna ‘ ‘ ' . -. .W‘ swfiaiifi.$ '7.“- . . 3,
perfect. all parties become disen- {\larkwald takes chances wtth of hrs (18%: ‘ ‘ stunt. e\eretse rooms. \xetghthl'ttng ‘\\e re \erI\ proud ot the mile
~ . -- ' ~- .~ , - . -. ‘ . 1 mentandclassrmms that have come m ho' rd . '-
lh‘:\r"lheda\':nglatf;:fl ‘thheemscetl'gsneisn lIng' hOlzcil‘glhgggflg'tl‘rlaflznlil‘dd ( K 5 cross countrI\ teams “n” w (qtllellore eomtng to [K Seaton was thtnk they‘ll do a hoe “Th r‘l‘rlrnrieh‘tt Today wlll 5’ 9"” “""W
' ' ~ ' , ‘ '. ~ . ard's rlor- meets and lg“ 1‘ under SeatoIn and \\ttlt'l\ reeogmzed as a ht h school lllfl the l'nn'erstlx and llt‘lt‘l the stu and cool with M h: around
T 9 b0) departs tn typical prodt 0f goodness agg p9 were the SH champtons tn malt and ' ' 52
gal son style and the girl mourns mance ts htl-and-mlss but gutsy W9 ‘ ‘ ‘ math and teacher “'th he dPVPI- time Up .Itwut supporting 1!." sum 65. Tonight will be fair end
But as she mourns. she falls for nonetheless Btll Felty and Kurt :0 t . t t th ht oped an adaptatton of the “T" toot- .\lar_\ Kalhrtn Trt. llr\l Ixear advts cool wlth tom from m. m”
. . . . . . . . . ' n s tnnova ton o e ru )er .» . -
the stor's anta ontst t Vt Johnson are brtlhantl) mtt) d “ ll otsttt
Fl Gallngenrngevin $12223? tsaslapsttck acttng duo tied asphalt-sut laced track was “the to “PP" ‘0"
' ‘ first of Its ktnd,” (‘lay saul “ll re- \crt'tt“ "- We" t-‘ne ot the new members are

 1 4 ‘ , 4 ' 1

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. ‘ 2 KENTUCKYKERNELFI-khy,0cm10, I!“

.. ' . _ \ .

. .~ -- - Vices . .- 1- 1.. - em4 . _ 4 44

4‘ 41-1 ~ ree S ll 1. 4 - _ -- 4t .:-4- 4 1 4. W.

-. .1 ; '1 .e E 44 -‘ :2 4.4411133 '1 1 ' 4 4 4“.”1 $559135 MW‘“ 4

. ‘ ~ ‘ 4' 1-;21. x1. 1 ». 4'. 2‘ 41 ’ . .' ,{g- 1* ’31-. 4 gm: 4 y

1 \ . \ ‘.' . ‘ 4, ,,,‘.’. 4. ., . . Y ' _.. 4 g N“ _, «3hr ‘ w ., '. ,-1 _

‘4 14' te to un ouser . e4 ‘
re oca . «4.4.5 . 4e .4 -
. . gs .. “ D- 11-454“ .31.? . .1 e .. - » . “1 1 . 1"“? 9'3}

. ‘- ;-.‘ , . ~ . - ‘ -- , .,.,. - . “‘44'A&v&‘.;‘¢x> \ 4‘». ., .. 414441. 9 44,

1.: . 1 . 14 H» nun l'lL..\l-\.\ 9809*? MW t" d“ 0““ mu) f‘k . 3“? y." ' ~> it‘s! 1 34344.3?“ .3 ' . 315:1

:1“: 13.1"“. ~ ‘ .' ' _ \\'1'.'t‘f signed tor one tn Patterson Of 1C? “:4: _ 'V 0 £14 . .1 - {3.3: ”at“ .. 1 .114 ' 11 1 _ 3:! ":1

.3"-*'»‘;\15.1‘;.,4 Tower if“ “\\ 4! . ”Egg?!“ 1 1‘ 1 V ““1 '3” fig‘h. " '

- -\ - s- 4* -- u .» iwn‘ i -

.31. 4: .. . -,- .4 4 t1 in about ad» ' .1 ,1 . *4 :3 . -~.- ., ‘: 4."- 4"
1‘91"?“ £4} 3' ' ‘ M... l «.1. 4‘31»? student {man "“0”“ square footage reduces the 15’s.; 3t} .—1‘ O "4 ‘ 4:4 ..‘ 4 ._ 1 E ’54,;

.3...” ‘ . 1 . e .. . .._, thk- , it B M itensm 0; people in the working . 3g. . ._ -',' z _ -..- < ‘ m 3,;

. 4.4 : . -, .4 . 1 Hit 4- .n t (.1 is m - ‘ t0 . . .-, ‘ ”1:1 . ,. . 1 n

14.‘~""g“ ‘4, ‘ 1. ,. mi ”TM” 5pm.“ making it better for peop e y -_-,._,~_,_.9 34. . 3; . g- 4; .. — e; ‘4 _ 3:2. ..

1w: “...5 H- 4 ”" 3 1 “M" ‘ u to [helt‘ work H Stockham said. ”“9 . ~.r' .1 ’ _ V ' . ., . 2.. fight .331? ' Wiener-‘3»; ., . . 3‘; '

1- ‘ .-.t-. ‘-"4 ‘ 4 . 1.- - .4 t. he a neu humt‘ ‘ ‘ 4 1'1"“ 1'-‘ “ ‘$4» '3'- ‘ ‘- ..’. 1-". 4
71. ‘ '-'-‘f1- - ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ " 1i “‘1 ut space mm; but it S better . 7 .1, ,’ 64 4 - *4.-

"“‘ :é"e§l':';.‘t‘31 -4 1' :u .i' t‘ 'nM itx‘ated on the E ( I “ A . 4 t fiatterfion Office . I ‘f\ 4-, .14 ”a... i 1
fii'i‘ev'Ff-a . 4 .s an. t1'iinkhouser nund than tt “4*” 1‘ 1 \ 1 . b . 3.. 1

.4‘4 21-5 “-31 Timer ' ' "fl 1 ‘ " .

4.3.3.- 4'. 31;“. ‘ ‘ 1&3,st 44- J 3, 3.7,.

314.5%...‘34114; ‘mn: .1 to 4 p m rm . 1 _ 1 . I the mo“. came at 4“ 1' " “‘1‘ . . " . " '1: ’1 )

-.\' “$1.91!?!" 1 - - i .ii the Lexin 4 smmdm 5"” - . " 4. 5’7”] 4 -

1... s .,...i ..\t g . t “as .4 e "I
”“343“:3 n M t‘ o n house a difficult time or year. so I 4 ‘4 m m! '

WE'VE ‘ '\ T " E f, A; E)?» Funk ititticult in terms 0t processing our 44 e \ ".._, 1 1 I .e» g
.35. $3,: 31.3} J“ \ .i .. \ U. . - tork , : . . e J, _ . 'I .

4245-1211: til" 4 “ .-.. - 4 ' - , ’

:ft“.;:'.‘:,"-.‘:‘ \‘t 1 4. ..4 \ed into met; ”3‘“ “The Ph)‘.\l(‘al Plant -Divis‘iont ,1 - a,” .

4'.“.""".1"“!‘ 4- -- 4r the summer an t’ , , . H] b of movmg our .1 1. - v.

1 f‘n’l‘k" ' 4. did an exul ent J0 .. _ , .1 . _ ,

-,4_..\3_ ,1} if)?“ :2«1-'t'.\\ has meant more § uipment and furniture. he said. . .1 g .I “I: _, «4 .1

. RAJ-.1: 'v‘r -‘ 4 4 . t‘t‘b taculh ‘q -- 1 1 t 1 . ‘ -4 ‘ 1 41 4

é‘t-‘ilfct. 41H". ’ ' ““‘ ‘ ' In one dau- ”‘9 Phb‘ca pa“ '9 ' ' ' . -‘

LtI‘I'V'Lft4EI'7’31 , ' d I. I‘VIhlng 1 1 . ‘24-.» ,4.» .

-, .g- .nme me, x g
.15. ‘4}:‘1. “t’i’fité ) .. b

14.44 v- 4. 4, 4 t 1 both tht‘ ‘ '

.‘gitz‘irbtfl'ft‘, .. . .‘h 1”“ or ad Todd .1. t1 Cnurse. it took time tolset up. ‘- - ,7

‘2‘41334 . 1 ..’..-»- 'n? ‘1, d ,m but all our computer equipment. . 4‘. ‘
t;§§jt;~."2"11~.';€3;";.4, ‘ ‘j‘ 44“.}...472; ‘1‘: A tiles. desks. chairs and this whole "a
44‘“ it“: " “ ' “ ‘ " V ‘ thing “as mm ed in one dav " 1.3;. - ..

t-‘t a‘ 4 ‘ e f; 1 . . 1
SENT-Kip." - 4 . 11:1.4t1itii1 ..t sin Although the more didnt take k ..
51:33.1;‘4'32315? 1‘91 : mat that Vt hen \ er} long. preparations upset the . "1 ‘ g. .-
w‘i’lbflft‘kfi. . i 1 4ti'I‘ttI‘Itttct‘it Vt‘d\ in mvrkers routines 1 ”1 f 1 i
".44 r H's 2' ’v . . 1 . ..1‘ ' 1
4.14.32»: :4.t_ -4 ,..- .\.i.\ iietessdr} [U 4 : r 4- 4
‘)»“';'“:'.!fi'§ . . 1 - :\ .tntch was a dis 11 think there's a certain amount 1 . ,- . 1 \ % e
thgt-jfiqyf . .- -- 4w,- 1m- students and n! \Il‘Osi that goes mth the move. thm 411. 4- f4. ' ‘ .. 1 5
'1‘ -4-1:’4..1.¢..:é‘-".' t \t) ig-nn because we were in a ' t -. 4,1 ti4~1 .

"3‘ t. ..‘ :lltnvlz- .th 1 . x - ‘ 11 ‘ . 1 ,. . ‘ _ , ‘1.“ . 1"“. A 7 . . 1 , f e, a
1,14 “111;!‘1- {F531 \er\ bus} time. 1 think the W’ple .e 1 1‘ - W5; 1% 13-1 x :92.” 1.1 1- . " . ‘ I 4 '1’» ' ”41,6114?” ‘, 1’" ' ”$ "A???“ ’s 4&5.
11.3%; £11413”: . .- . . 1 - 4 t>d t rden of the move" 42*" 1..» ' f4 «311% - .44 1 4 . 4» 4 . - .4 ..

'5 .t‘34.4‘s.3',1‘-4";1‘4.' 4 1 .t".lt‘.'1' :i‘. muttering ttlt the adu t )U W a 4 a 1 1 ‘ "‘1'- u 2, , ..s. first" ’1», 14 - r W“ 1 M1... M
.1‘1-4’311‘5‘9114'. . 4 -. 4 . ' 1 4 ti stwkhamsait 1 ; 1- ~ ' 1 , 3.1. 4.“. , 'r ‘ . '1 ’ , . - .. ‘ 1

; 4;“ i651 . . u u. i. . h.t\t . ..1, 4 v. v I " W0"
’1i"'.‘4"14.‘--'t-"r’w , “it l.i1h\ unou‘t'lmm “' "
--4.4:.1-.-.1.:.a.-:~~ - *1 ~ . .

”an: ,. :- . I ' n9“

.'»4<.-'.-‘:.’- 1.4.3313; ,. .1 A «um einpimee .n It s tlht mmmg into a _ .
3415.4.‘grl'l'x‘ft'fifvh" . v, .4 , \ t ' 4 (did "“y'hen you {lrSt
2,145,452? I H“ h‘ 1:511 h:-\1(:r\thmg 15TH quite the Respec‘ for red. Whlte and l)Iuel t ti m Butlqu POW cO’hets tiom UK Kentucky State

1;..12,‘ -.,‘ J". . .t' t . . ‘ _ . I

.§;:;$;~‘E-"‘i,431;.;¥4. . -1 - r:..- in. n4 squari- .\1.\ Min want it It takes a while to UK Pershing “'95 'OVV‘” m" “09 during the onnuo ‘re‘treo Georgetown tronsvlvcnwo and Centre were In ottendonce
i1}“4.""‘;"ifil‘i‘5§r‘ . . ”,1 “,0.th “-1; things oreanized. but 1 think ceremonies yesterday afternoon in front of the Administra-
142.71«§,'.‘2‘4- 1' - .41 ,. .\ ii 1 . ..

’ 3'."‘“2."1'“"‘z ‘ . 4 i 4 v 'hv t- v )‘k\ If? lt’dfit‘d \A tth It.

(313.40.139.14. 11ers .tw .ini. ..tt .ti 1 t. p
:14 1 3,114.3 east-’4 .

,--.-......,. ______—_____

-...1-'.4;>. 4.4.4:.(7 ,

'1 Prather s former rivals downplay
1' , .

. State senator bows out “’velatwaysattempted

'i Yet/2‘3““ . .

‘ '13“ "1‘ h deCiSions o o 9
1.4.54 to maket ese 1
4‘ - 18 no In on o 0 er
.«’gf'zrféi'tfiftif; () f race for governor , leading Wllh my head V
1, ~ 141; 6,1,5; 4

i ”14* :“1" n
gsév'vf’tf o and no“ my heart“ In ( “\Rl Fs‘ Wt)! FF 4L’tl' 1441’ \\dl].lt‘t' \‘. tr..t:\«t:, tlt‘l ltt‘tt ...it most ot Piather‘s hatheis m t
.1: .-‘.-'-.'-, .‘» ‘ “rt, 4 4 ’ ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ ‘ - n. . ~ 4- - .4 1. v-z . s tmine
f-‘:Z=.i:’é;4e:'-:;.":3¢“ Ul‘es Beshear su ort State Sen..loe Prather \_\,(K_lau,dpres, m. .1..\.- n... ..n 41t'.itlytNH|tl '1! ii trund ..
e’je‘ref‘ q“ “MUM“ 0‘“ "m: Mppmunh .inot I” Hi‘iscoe staked the same dim“-
..1-4.;.1;»'.-:‘*1.’;,43-,<; 4 HtANhl-URT — Joe Prathu s u]..[il]1( puma .tt. \mng one m Prather 5 map, sup
14', muss-- '1» 4 4 " ‘ ' ‘
'1'2"?-§";“"“’47"‘11 4 h t‘ \ Ht [It l't» \ t mernnr t‘i)ininittee mt] be re- agree on issues such as economtt \tithdrawal yesterday from the-198i ”“40 are ”M SUI-pr...“ ..r disap porters m Lou‘sytlle. uhom ht
{4" "4 4 .311-"(1 1: t.. 4 4 ' ‘ - 1 - , , . . . _ - ‘. , ~ ,. , ,. -
”157543;” "5‘ 4 timed to the individuals on a pro- development. education. transPOIta governors race sent his “Val: p()inted.”Br1\t'tx‘ \md “Hum ”m identif). had alrtad}
‘34113'1;y‘5e'-’4:.“f"3¢‘;";‘ ”(.dbl\l< tion and agriculture. scampering to downplay Its impor- _ . ‘ agreed 1.. mm“ a fundraiser tor
(”:rQr‘» , , . 4. - \‘at(4 \‘t‘; .tw “pr- “Ag-1.15., alluded to polls show- There has been a parting ot’ the tance. and to step up attacks on the Former (,m Julian tarmil. an Wilkinson
’“{“("*e “I I 1. .1 \ he harsh th it he trailed badh‘ m the field ways on other issues. and their t‘eta- man he endorsed — Lt. G0v1 Steve unannounced hut actm- candidate. . ‘ t rm n, H.
'-'.'. ”I’VE? -., 4 ..‘ q ‘1‘ . e 1 44‘s t i e ' > > 1 . . , , ‘ ‘ I . . ‘ :1 t \m ', ‘.> “ 1
~§~eiietf=5fee§é~94 4-114th :4 .mex ant! ..‘)“.qu Democratic hopefuls [ions were (spemally cool during the Hesheap .. and he had .i strong. tt‘t hm. tni than. I 41““; ‘ it “until,” mm
[,3:‘2,{;.‘;é,\\;';;;7?5 1 4 1 tttt'tr' ‘t’t‘ t“ he he heir said intermediaries car~ 1986 General Assembly Besheat‘ 4* Prather. a state senator from \ine wine Unlt‘ that thl> iiecisioii would H‘tdl‘.‘ 1‘” . "‘"1 ”‘1 V‘Nhhu- '4. ..
(15‘3"; - "”41"”?4" Demx‘r‘t! 4-t null-nee back and torth be- lieutenant governor. presided m9? (.t'0\(’. said at a news conference he made and had begun telephon l'r.tll’tt't1\.tlttittttt xii“ {U404 ”M“
"Iff':“"‘41454é:3?’4’} I 11 4.” eh 1:( I. ht Elem; hetore he and the state Senate. \thtch Pmthf‘r this that he couldn‘t raise enough mone} me Prnther s t‘éttttp’dtgt‘l "”“Ir'h” wmemm}id M tdndw (4 (ihhhnfhx tic.

.‘ ',-":.‘1‘»"-.‘-.‘~1‘f 1,» ‘ 11» 4" 1’ '4 W? 1 ‘ .4 . . ., . . .1 1 .4 n. - on ‘s .‘in in a _ _ 1
lg-‘z4"§»’j-.".‘.--}E 4. 4 . . .4 \ support I" I47 Pr 'her Eat together to discuss the served as president pm ‘9'“ f0! «1 to “age an adequate campaign Mr tnis ”lurk: wa‘mm E
.. ,4-"-e~1- 4134' ' ‘ ’ “‘ 4 _ , . ' 4 ' -1 ,_ . . 1 {up ‘ ‘
fii=¢ » 1 .. ;i.4-nt4ai1 dt’spttt’ their ,.mdra-.t..1L-..ri_\-thisweek. . decade. the Democrart‘ic nogmgmatrtggfsm Be» B} In“; pl-ather .\ tampaign (join . . ‘1
:v‘gg’;’ 44"“1'Wf-t‘d“ 111 1 with: 10 add SUbSU'm‘au} ‘0 Abortion. especially. has been a “.0. ”'d‘ tC: [:33 git'ferencis on mu“... m“ m“. [O‘gth‘ proratet .c Hate-wine I“ pram” .4 l‘wt‘t t It“;
ti‘ngf“ 44 147’4'tfiptwt “wk“ nu ‘.ItI‘.]('ttttltt} that this campaign sore point betucen the inn Beshear ~ht‘dt, dtspl ( t Ell“ h believed tttt‘idr4itt the mom} H mm... ‘ Insenv» ,0 (3m Martha [fitnt 44 4 4
{‘33;‘.-1..41u,t‘-?,;5... ‘ ‘ , . . iitint‘ xtith m} J “In”. eit‘nt‘t‘a’icd'“ Beshcai‘ has taken a more moderate pus‘lttt'm some Issues. XLane 0 . .. ,). . t ‘ thttst‘ tutt t‘lght m“. Ustmt'nt‘ sald Bt’sht‘ar M“ Itttt\1
.,.1.;,.,.u..x- (.49, 1 1 ~ ~ I’ 41h . to have the best Shot at no “t re solict mt, . 4 I] din H
‘fiéibif-i’fgfit‘? V} E > 41 ‘ hear! Przithet‘ N“ 1 on a woman's right “0 an abortion ““3 ear “ mm and indeed expect to get .i hon \ ._\ L'tin'tOd the role ot (0 tits .1 ,
-““;'.1"/;Ifh"“f‘r’.‘1'»3;i{§f, ' » ' "1'1”“ ”W1" ”mm" “(‘UCW'” ‘” 1“" Withdrawal from than Prather. “hose Catholic hack. nir)‘. . B . cam ign m1in- share of them." t'ai'roll said. addine: .eiratmii candidate ii ereatdtutt
§;L(.?.1,1’1’.}'-.1i1\“4‘f1f 1 - - :i 41 4 1. t'msht‘hr 1he ”the“ active Democratic candi- ground has led him to take the most Danny rtscoe. Pa 1 1 .- WWW
3' K 13-5 F- - ..,- 1' v 4 . ., _ .\ . 4 , . _ - , . - 1 , , _. , ,... , ,. ~.. - . 1'14jse.14;4"’ 1.13"“? ”mug " 13‘

.4 - 1' ‘ ' ‘36 51014 ”“1“ “1 ”“9“ ““h "1"“; 0.9mm, '9’?!“th powtmn pus-11W 1‘" ”“1 gem-1 1, 4 4 1 ’1 - ~1 .1 . Eta?

6‘33). p 1&1}? ' mm H, .\U It 19” {iting {1) Li} Ctdlm 1“ Prat 9‘ 5 SUP sunjt’cl. Rhea!” J 4 ‘ . , 4» 5;; . . “.._“ j’TZ-fiie‘rjié :2 . .e- ‘ ‘1 3;, .. 11, *7 1.4:» _,1 . 1 “C Fifi?
£51575“? 4'1". -1 n. 1‘ 't 3 '1111 )t amt- ,4 .- I'e’1‘1'.":'t4:. 4" 4 M ' Effigy '41
1’?"§t54"1‘g‘f'iii"» “ ‘ u. k ( ( ( pl N” 4 . - Perha most importantly Prath- ”331$"

.4:~,'4.t1’-;‘_41\¢.L;,.' t mum is em”: I“ M’ Prather said he neier considered PS » . 4 .;. 4411-1-55},
445.21gt-‘4itrsti .. 4. 4 .4 :1 . L’t'\'(‘r"4tI‘ .4 raCt'C tht‘tm‘lng in mth any other of the er said Beshear has the best shot a“ 34:? ‘%
-i441‘:e"4’;:‘-1.4‘31&'1f 4 4- ~44»! Derriocratic candidates. even though Winning the nomination 41nd the gen- E3” guw$

.154494‘4’52Ias4‘4f4 1 . 1 . 1 . ... . - .., m acknowled ed that he and Re- eralelection- fine-:4...
>;;‘;w(a,1e3e'r,n : rim "‘:-“.1‘tt‘ih.‘ 599-41“ {3, 5t“ ""“33
‘41;I’.-;.1i*1‘~.€=“11.‘:?'4: .4 1 - '4 NW: 4 v report that >ht’dr d“ “01 >99 ">14”??? on every- Przither. 46. is not seeking [‘9'919‘" #34‘3411’1515516.

:37 (4.57:53‘1’2'7t'9' . N... 1.4:. g -4 ~ 4)" ‘nn’ tiun to the 10th District Senate st‘at .4 “5:4 371-44“

,i;2_?.,_,,.\., ‘, .. . A.-. 1,1..ntl.4._. n ‘ .. “'14;
.:4;'.=“.i;«,?§:=‘,$t;1‘;-.\.. . 1 .,, , ”h. ..‘lmpmgn yes. I disagree Wllh bteve Be- m. has held Mm... 197.} He .md m. 7‘. . .
‘h‘fg’flfiflt .. 4 ““4” 1.44 “ 1 .it $415,1I171It hear on some ()1 the issues. but 1 has not dichssed his role in the Be .’ "
”Nti‘x “. . . i h4 inn't disagree “1th him On the ‘5‘ shear campaign. but Beshear said SEQ .14.-
e, 4e, .45.”)..“4, .t..- .. \t.iedui¢ tor t t L _ ,3. .1 1 ..
4x33343¥>,"115 ‘ $1.52. ; 4‘ ;;1__”‘Un needed {ur 11 5.16.5 that I thlnk Should be the thrust he WOUJd welcome } lather-5 'n' n"? 5 CU I H , .
-.31.‘%?‘;13\S§51‘3.5-4‘ - i' -.. .i The $.ui.1....is «ii in this czimnnsn- Pra‘hersa'd \‘Itlt‘t’mem I” 4* (‘é‘mpa‘m 1”“ m h" ”4. “
"1.55:9“ 4 1 : .4 1 ',"it‘ .Iw i’i‘athe: :oi‘ t’i‘athei‘ said he and Beshear administration ESE?
it 3&3?) C53,“? 4 43%).

:4 14.44.5- _

i’e-I 14:4; 3",. is... 4
4.. 444x44444444444444444444444¥ 4: .- ¥
't~".41-4‘42i1'€1i "=.- 14131;: . . .4-1 .
44:21: 1444:1434”: 1. - — ~ 4: 4 : 4 ”
f4- * WEEKEND PA !! fl .4“. 4:. . 4 4 .- 4.
341343.11'1-‘423'37 * ,. ‘k g 32 E 1 : ~
1”“ o KEYS TAVERN e 4 4; t - - ~ 4~—~4
,’§t}~i~‘t‘ * g Tw 47 015475 * is is ft", ' 1 j . , f1 ,4‘ 7

1 14"14’1‘4'14?'~;=-‘4'.:J‘1“4 * .- - N“ Io t“ ed” L' ll z. “/5314, 44‘ t. 5 1 1: 11.4 1 1' ’ ‘1
4’;1‘,312"4'P~;": * 01"“, “(Need In concert. . Eveoo N 8 “09’0" * :33“; 4 i" " ‘1 "1; 13' e \A 0 es; ’s e '1: 1.
1:153; ”'3‘": 4' 0.00%? wk 9’09“ for; * ° '
”1&4; ”fi'érl‘z“ * {s- OCH .4. 733.. . 4 “Q

a .. .. f 4 , ' .. 1 ”..‘.“
g'.';r|‘:‘;' ¥ (NO cover for the LOdIGS) : 41,-.4,n_ ”e o a t, on ,I .
‘zi’13‘.'.1;:¥ '4)“; . N ‘
.43511‘»! H.521} * ‘k "mfg, r e .
32,-, :1 ”"64"; 9-11,- l I it}? I ,
0t):4'4.’3§-:F. Do.» 1 Forget. The Keys has great food too. 4k 42:
‘-«‘4!-"{-‘-'£235‘r‘ . l . | ‘k few
.. ,9 ‘.‘ e .’:'4 o 1 j__j_...;_
Q’ 1? Late ngh‘l’ Breakfast Party hl 2.30 a.m.. ..e.
.':"1"-(:.1?3.’1:~:e;t, . D fflE . H T ‘ 1::.’
I .-,J‘).,.‘,..“ ”I “ $3.51;
3.2-4.1.44g4e:4§ 44444444444444444444444 4444444 ,1 “’
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é; Effiga‘ 37.3%.. If 0 r - o e z z a e r 262:".
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15”)“.3'}, 11,; . . - . 271531:
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.‘ta’f 1.1..4'2‘1‘ true a Large Whole CHEESE Ptzza FREE! .' 424;.
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”if“, '> '5’; 5" W‘ 1' Of 8 large Whale pizza at :: “ ‘DEO mm m mag mf/Es 0F 11*
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1f: 6'1‘:-;-. II our regular price, and receive a u RE (EA 5‘ S .
:4, 3‘. You can buy our famous. It izza~ FREE! I 55254;.
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4’ -' .5 '1’. ‘ for your convenience: II (C. l l I /, It , ycflanwl
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l 6. {.3 "1.", w shall: INGREDIENTS - W u u " T '.

'1 ",1‘.:" " . . """ “‘"’M'* m " 7 ' €513 “3' u
'_' , .4 MIX no MATQIJ 193151514- " LO” Q?!“ 1 ° 1'
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. .4 , ' .nvI-vo lo a . In! .4 Hulhmm o 4’

,- MM: ::..:.... .11.: .. H... .. a mum: mu I: , p n msifils. M’ T H - q 4 .
.. _- . . . , , . .. .. .1." ... \urt H mm mum. "-4- 1 ."11'
. ,' '1; 71...“..2'... v...- .....ep............. “ maiogsvma: ROAD :' o a. s. mpgg‘ts" 9 a 1 4-;

‘J ' .' . 1Mu-1Ihm pr! Iu‘o cook to 1

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'1 ’1; .' TAKE OUT tzusssqua1lnnslgf‘sss_-332: .. IN 000 11.1311"

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' " “,- ' ,1 ' Phnn' union nrropu-d -- but not necessary ()uv piece- of a“ ’ , 4- A
' .’ 1" puz- .r' "adv when vou an (‘omo inm the "on and plnro . 3

“-4 1! vouv Into-out order "..‘. 1 _ , , g 4, . '1 "1 '

 I I
KENTUCKYKERNEL Friday, 061000! 10, 1986' 3 , .
;—~' F511; ‘ 45F- 7, e ' fit" "" z t . ' , - '
“éf‘mfg / ‘Ffl‘i—‘l -. ~ g ““' ..... ,
0"? “4:2”; 7"- , ‘ 5 ' 1 . i ‘ 7'" . ‘3‘ ' = :r' 5‘_ - 7. Am Edno' '
‘ 'Eili / ' / . *f El "l5 45“: ~ ' WuMlllor '
I’ 1111 1 _ i a. 1 1 1 . '... ‘ _1 ’.f‘ léii ‘§ "5' -m ASSIS'OD' Arts Edt ' "
l- -’ — “'Z l -— 7:“. .fi—t , ' ‘;_ :— ‘O' , '
. C .- 5 . '
' '-MWW-W‘ ' ‘ ShO W and SB“ ~ 1'
__._ B f . . . - . ’ .' ' 1 "
\ ~ 5 5 t - . .»
3.12 g ,, erea a1r glves craftspeOple chance to exhlblt met Ch'dITClISC ., x
u ' 1 . . . - 1‘ -r
5w. '1 ' ’ fig“:
g’garal lg l’n N “I l \\ \ltl) -_ .__._-_-,__- -—--—~—*—-——-- 11(1' 11f 11'. ,
L 5 ' \lalluJJllg Editor 1 '1' , 1 . 11g-
55m \(7 0 . TAKE ME TO THE FAIR .. -- .-
as ' ' ' l , , ' ' 3 .1
' '\ I BEREA. K) 'l'ht-cruttspwtplr\nll ltt‘ 1 1.2'1 :1," '1'?
t-ttmmgttur ttt thc\\‘00d‘.wrk llt‘f'k‘lhh Location: Indian Fort Theater Take the Berea em ott Sou" v. , ttl . 1. K , l 1,.}.'1 , 1,13 1'
t 1 “WKW'l 1 21 and 90 east (take a righti, It s a contusing lnlerSE‘Cll'” My» .. .1 .Qt . 1... l -‘1. 1: 3",- ,j'."""‘-'
“54"” c“Y 59'00" 2350 Woodhl” Sheppmg Center Torvtght and tomorrow \\l1l(‘hl,\'llllll\(i1\lht‘r(’\\'()[‘. l he plt-nl) rtt theater is on the left three ”11191 dowr‘ the road