xt7hqb9v484q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v484q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1997 1997 1997-04-11 2020 true xt7hqb9v484q section xt7hqb9v484q   




By Mat Horton

Features Editor

Birdfeeders at an off—campus restaurant were
taken down yesterday after nearby store owners
expressed concern over the material used in them.

Phillip Lipsey, a service manager from Orkin
Exterminating Co. in Lexington, installed the feed
ers at the McDonald’s restaurant on Limestone
Street across from Holmes Hall around 1 1 a.m.

The grain in the feeders was mixed with a material
called Avitrol, which upon consumption, causes the
birds to make noises that scares away other birds
from the area, said Susan Kirkpatrick, public rela-
tions manager at the company's headquarters in
Atlanta. Kirkpatrick said the restaurant had an over-
abundance of black sparrows in its parking lot, and
()rkin used a material registered with the Environ-
mental Protection Agency.


After the feeders were put up, McDonald’s
received several phone calls from neighboring busi—
nesses about the material used and its effect on the
birds, and the feeders were removed about 1:15 p.m.
yesterday afternoon.

Bob Andrews, owner of Paisley Peacock, noticed
the feeders while at work and asked Lipsey what he
was doing.

“He told me to ‘mind my own god damn busi—
ness,”’ Andrews said. “He said (the material) would
only ‘disorient’ them.”

Andrews said Lipsey put up four feeders along the
fence separating Paisley Peacock’s and SQecial
Media. Each sat on a metal pole about 10 feet high.
and had a black base and red roof with a black lasso
attached to each roof. Andrews called Environmental
Services. the Mayor Pam Miller's office, the citywide
McDonald’s office in Richmond, Ky., and his Coun—
cilperson, but had not been contacted by any of the

1‘06“,“ Tfli MIC Comedian Chris
Rock delivers the laugh: on his new CD ‘Roll
With the New. ’ See Diversions, page 3

WINE Partly sunny,
high 6 5 . Cloudy with showers
likely, low 55. Shower: tomor-
row, high 6 5 .




Raven Neu, who works at Bagel Bay, said
Andrews came in to the store at ”:30 a.m. irate
about the feeders.

The bait, Andrews told her, would “disorient the
birds so they will do their messes elsewhere," she

Another Paisley Peacock employee, Uana Tovat.
went to ask Lipsey’s name and to talk to a manager at
.\lcl)on.ild's. She said the manager she spoke with
did not know about the feeders because she had been
sick with pneumonia for the last two weeks.

“I le just gave me his card and he really didn‘t s.l\'
anything," ’l‘ovar said. “l lc really didn't know am
thing; I'm sure he knew what it was about." V

Larry Delph from the Fayette County Health
Department .said it dispatched a worker to survey the
situation but was aware that ()rkin was using a legal
substance. i ’





April 11, 1997
o Hotlink 5 Hip—1;:
Z N ETLZ‘E {Si'tirz‘___£

lllt'emima 3 lied-point 4




remove liirtlleeders at Mellonald’

(fhemical or no, Andrews said the company made
a mistake.

“Anything that's not natural tli.it's put into the
bird feeders is poison," he said "It's like eating! a
.\lcl)on.ild's burger P1 iisoli." .

Kirkpatrick said both parties did not intend to
merely kill offbirds, but “help .\lt|)onahl's take care
ofthe bird problem and make sure the coiniminitv is
comfortable" with the procedure

”\Vc have held off, we're renewing the \lllllilvtll
.iiid we'll go on from there," .she said L

This is not the first time Lenngton has on d to
cut down on its bird population. ()scr (:l‘illsllll‘JS
break, [K and the city exterminated .‘(ill lila. kbuds
and crows Usingr DRC IN”. a (‘llt'llll«'.il used hi the

US. Department of Agriculture that causes kidney
failure in the winged animals. (.it} and l'niversiti'
officials feared the build up of bird dtoppmgs might
cause a breathing disorder in humans.


Inspirational award
given to quadriplegic

By Kathy Betting

News Editor

After nominating last year's Carol S.

ty bond.”

\Nith one year left of college, Hancock
said she wants to do her teaching there.

“I plan to go back to my hometown to


Adelstein award wmner, presented to the
disabled student who inspires other stu—
dents at UK, Pamela Hancock has
received the honor.

Hancock, 2 Henderson, Ky. native and
a senior in the five-year special education
program, was nominated by UK learning
specialist Victoria Samson and art educa—
tion professor Donald Hoffman.

“Pam does not see herself as anyone
special,” Samson said; Hancock wants to
pursue her degree and career.

Hoffman said when Hancock, a
quadriplegic, began his class she was not
sure if she would be able to complete all
the Work.

“She began to realize there were ways
for her to adapt her activities," he said.
“She lost her fear of working with the

He said she compiled a journal of her
experiences in the class as a guide for stu-
dents with disabilities.

“She trained me,” Hoffman said. “I
became much more patient and aware of
what it takes to strengthen a student—facul-

teach and after a few years get my master’s
degree," she said.

Hancock said she wants to teach special
education to act as a role model.

“Young people who have disabilities
need role models,” she said. “They need to
know they can compete with the rest of
the world.”

\Vhile at UK, Hancock has worked
with the Lexington bus 5 stem to make
sure all buses are accessi le to disabled
people. Before she graduates, she said she
would like to see the UK Career Center in
the Matthews Building accessible to all
students or have the center moved.

“The whole idea for people, people
with disabilities, to come to college is so
that we can go to work,” she said. “We
need that office and the services there.”

The Carol S. Adelstein Outstanding
Student Award takes its name from the
wife of retired English professor Michael

“She used a wheelchair as a result of
polio, but raised a family and led an active
ive,” said James Kuder, vice chancellor for
Student Affairs.


‘49.... am “they“ “ ;



“8”“le lWit'hael Adelrtein, hwhand of Carol Adelstein the au‘ard‘sfimmler, hands the [WT zi‘mm'r, Pamela Harlem/c, the drum!
given to the disabled student who inspire: other .rtuzlentr at UK Lott year, I lam-ml: nummuml the sinner oft/w il'ii‘tll'tl.

Danzers to I‘thll‘ll
lfll' second 88380"



By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

The Wildcat Danzers have
become so popular in their first
year as the Thoroughbabes, they
have been asked to return next
year .

“People just love them,” said
Walle Gerdts, the Thorough-
blades’ promotions and game
night director.

A fan even called Gerdts to ask
when the Thoroughbabes would
be dancing again, because he
wanted to bring his father, who
was about 80 years old.

The Thoroughbabes have per-
formed at four of the hockey
team’s home games. They will
dance tomorrow at the Thor-
oughblades’ last game of the regu-
lar season.Criticism of the dance
team’s name as sexist by a Lexing-
ton Herald-Leader columnist did
not hase Gerdts or the team.
Ger ts actually appreciated the
media attention because she said it
helped create public interest.

“I think that she could not have
done more for us,” Gerdts said.

Gerdts had the idea for the
name after her husband called her
a “thoroughbabe” when she first
got the job with the organization.

Dawn Walters, the dance
team’s coach, said the team does
not view the moniker as degrad-

“It was just a cute name,” she
said. “Nobody was demeaning us
—- everyone has been fair to us.”

Objection to their name isn’t
the only obstacle the dancers have
had to overcome. They have had

to learn to dance on ice.

A mat measuring 18 feet by 40
feet separates the team from the
ice. But the dancers have still top-
pled to the floor a few times in
practice to the amusement of
security and game workers, said
Meredith Lankster, a senior

“We’d have 25 girls on their
tail ends,” she said.

But they have never fallen dur—
ing a performance. The scratches
the hockey players make on the
ice with their skates provide extra
friction to hold the mat in place.

Unlike a regular show, the
dancers can’t perform their entire
routine facing a single direction
because Rup Arena seats fans on
all sides of the floor. If they did,
many fans would not be able to
see all of the action.

Performances at the hockey
games differ from typical shows in
other ways. The dancers have not
attempted moves that involve
leaping because of space limita—
tions and the danger of sliding.

And the shows have been more
crowd-oriented, Lankster said.
The Thoroughbabes have tried
out themes ranging from funk to
country. Lankster said the Danz-
ers are elated to have the opportu-
nity to return as the Thorough-

“It’s been an absolute blast,”
she said. “We’ve had a lot of sup-
port from the fans and the organi-

The Wildcat Danzers kc t a
hectic schedule outside of eir
role with the Thorou hblades.



m It Senior Chub-z Coleman actiterfiir a Thoroughbabes routine.
as ed the Wt‘ at Danzers to return again next year.


The hockey team has

week, including shows at the
Louisville Zoo and Kings Island in

The Danzers placed fourth in





By Gary Wult


the panel.


a eed.
firth" gr

tion competition in Daytona, Fla.
last week.

Tomorrow‘s game starts at
7:30 .m. All 59 tickets are on sale


The team has performe an aver- the Dance Division IA of the for _ in celebration of Fan
age of two or three times each National Cheerleading Assocm- Apprecmtion Night.
M .. ' ""1" l y i l .-. v’” C
. " . i ’ , 1 . ’ . 7
~ , I, . . , ,, .ri.‘i‘. ‘ . :
. . , i . F‘f ‘ . I , t J ,


Auction News l‘klitor

UK Lambda, the gay and les—
bian organization, announced
yesterday they initiated the boy—
cott of the UK Speaks Out on
Sexuality that officials canceled

In a press release, officers and
board members of UK Lambda
said they declined to participate
in the forum because ofjournal—
ism sophomore and Kentucky
Kernel columnist Ben Rich, who
also was scheduled to serve on

“We cannot in good faith or
conscious participate due to the
fact that a known bigot and
homohater had also been asked
to be on the panel,” the release
stated. UK Lambda president
Matt Solberg said he realized
that people have opposing views
on homosexuality, but by serving
on the panel the group would be
accepting homophobic and
homohatrcd views. In yester-
day’s Kernel, Rich said in a col—
umn that he had wanted an open
discussion, and that he would
treat the panelist and audience
with respect, but Solberg dis-

“In terms of whether he could
be able to maintain himself, we
doubted it,” Solberg said. “The
only thing he's done is bash and
show he is hateful.”

Craig Dylan Wyatt, Contem—
porary Affairs Chair of Student
Activities Board, said he chose
Rich because he held a common-
ly held belief on sexuality.

llll Lambda says no
to Speaks Out panel

“(There are) a lot of people
who hold his kind of views that
aren’t ready to come out and
express them and I knew he
would," \Vyatt said.

He defended Rich on the
term “homohater" saying that
people often confuse th his writ
ing style as hate speech, when he
may be joking or using: sarcasm.
\Vyatt echoed Rich's comments
that he would carry on an intelli-
gent coim-rsation.

However, Solberg diszigrccd
saying that what a person writes
mirrors what they think.

“Being a fellow columnist,
who you are. and what you
believe is reflected in what you
write," he said.

\Vyatt said UK Lambda
members told him on Monday
they would not participate in the
panel. Then, faculty members
who were to serve on the panel
also said they would not partici-
pate, which lead to the cancella—
tion of the event.

Wyatt said the session on sex-
uality would be postponed until
the fall semester.

“I decided to put time and
distance between now and then,
(with the idea that) people would
come around to see that Ben
Rich doesn‘t have horns growing
out of his head," \Vyatt said.

Solberg did not know if his
group would participate in the
session if Rich were on the panel
in the fall. “It’s a tough call,"
Solberg said. “I don't know
exactly what we would decide.”

Rich could not be reached for
comment last night.

“MW , .





Friday, :pr11 ll, I997. Krmutl'y Krrm'l




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News Editor .................... . . . . .......... Kathy Reding
Associate News Editor ............................. Gary Wolf
Features Editor ................. . . . ............. Mat Herron
Editorial Editor ........................ . . . .Tiffany Gilmal’tin

Assistant I-Zditorial Editor ....... . .......... . . . . .Chris Campbell ’ '

Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. ............ Chris Easterling
Assistant Sports Editor .................... . . .OJason Staplcton
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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 . . . . ...................... Independent since 1971
026 Grehan Journalism B|dg., University of Kentucky
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. . .Sheri Phalsaphie







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The Gra uate ch00 Doctoral Dissertation De enses




Nam: (‘ada llrinuiin

Program \iimng

I‘uatruiwn I'ille \piriiiial Needs of Dung l‘aimm A
Mnhmlolupul was»

Mayor l‘ruieuor I‘i :erll’h Brink-H1

Date April lo. 1"‘1‘

I'm: 10(1) a in

Flam .li “burg: ol Niinmg

Name RDII‘YI lIr-f‘blr
l‘mgm’n Marlnvuou
Dissertation 'I‘irle' llmulm v
Major Professor Dr (:ul ire
Dare Apui 1‘, 199’

Time. 1 $0 p In

Max:110 Karrie Hall

21\ . I \jutrrnl Spheres



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Nan: Kimberly I «can

PrognnL Anthropology

Diuenariori Title Risky Bummx \gncriltiire
T)IVIY\III\,21IOII and Saul Rdari viii Ill ihe \niirhetn
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Dale Ami ix, 1w)”

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Plant ‘05 I ll Morgan Building

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[Marni-on I'iile Kn Av A'r1n . ' , :m‘ mrrl
mom rumor..." and l‘hmqnn a.» my...
of (Miami-s \riII Inmmgllvlrr . \.91.-.~>.n\i...ieru
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MW Profuaor Dr Mary Shnlir

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Nann- Melmda Willi!
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Name Dani“ AJilev

Propane l‘hamucnitisnl \txmn

Dissertation Title 1hr Role of \1 mums" a. A“;
Transporter 1 in I’mtrumg ibe Pain imm A...mm“m
Mum Professor I) Robert Valid

[Mt April l.‘ 1997

Tint 000 am «Seminan mm a m Defrmfl

Name Earl H Nan

Prop-ant Vouiiorul lulu-alum

Harm-m Tide School MIWI( W
I: w ( Ituipatmml Safety at l‘eruevnl by ()mfia‘l Safety
I’rofauornli and Safety Filtraron

“not l’m‘e-ors Dr (.I’urles Byers. Dr lover Iopn
Date April 11. 1‘1)?




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Wlilcats Iooliin
I0 escape colla

8y 0. Jason Slapleton

.-l\'.i‘1\MIII Spam Editor

The UK softball team swings
back this weekend against two
teams from the Magnolia State.

Tonight at 6 p.m. the Cats take
on Mississippi State at the UK
softball stadium off of Alumni
Drive and Ole Miss at 1 pm. Sun-

The \Vildcats will attempt to
redeem themselves after last week-
end‘s poor showing against Geor—
gia when it dropped three of four

Ole Miss defeated UK earlier

in the season, so revenge may be
on the Cats’ minds.

“1 don't think they should have
beat us back then,” center fielder
jacqueline Haynes said, “and I
definitely don't think they should
come in here and beat us on our
home field,"

Big performances are needed
from some of UK’s key players to
win this weekend and lose its last-
place Southeastern Conference

Kcary Camunas is a hot (lat
going into this weekend, coming
off a career-high 11 strikeouts on
\Vcdnesday night against Dayton.



Camunas also had a good day at
the plate, going 2-for-3.
She has one of the highest bat-

ting averages on the team but only

a andfu of plate appearances
because she has been concentrat-
ing on her pitchin .

“I like to hit," (glamunas said. “I
just haven't got much of a chance
this season."

Coach Beth Kirchner said she
is pleased with (Inmunas' prowess
at the )late, but her main focus
should e pitching.

“Keary has a real good softball
experience coming from Califor-
nia, and she has a lot ofconfidcncc
up at the plate," Kirchner said. “If
she continues to pitch well, we will
allow her to hit, but if her pitching
suffers then \\'L' will take hcr out of
the lineup, because the pitching
aspect is definitely more important
to us.

Another (Iat who is expected to
turn in a good performance this
weekend is Haynes.

Haynes played for L'K's club
softball team for the past two


years, and has become a major
asset to the team in its first year as
a varsity sport.

“She has been a Godsend for
us,” Kirchner said. “She has
shown a lot of maturity and in
dealing with 13 freshmen she has
been a real stabilizing force for

Since the injuries to Meredith
Scales and Brooke Tilley, the team
has called upon Haynes to help

She has moved into two very
new roles as center fielder and
lead—off hitter.

“It was hard at first because
center field was the one position
that I had not played in my entire
life," Haynes said. “I'm comfort-
able playing anywhere in the out—
field now."

Kirchner said she is happy with
the performance of her new center

“She's played real solid for us,"
Kirchner said. “I don't want to say
I'm surprised, but she has done an
exceptional job."


SEC loos ‘spice up' Knoxville relays

By Price Atkinson
Smfl’ l I 'Hrrr‘

Heading to the Sea Ray Relays at the Uni-
versity of Tennessee in Knoxville this weekend
will be the UK track and field team with anoth-
cr opportunity to pick up some more NCAA


UK begins individual competition this
morning with relay action slated for tomorrow

ilftcrni N in.

All events will be timed finals instead ofprc-
liminai‘y and finals hciits. Fach cycnr will run
oncc. with the overall winner to be determined
from the fastest timc from each hcat.

Assistant coach l‘idrick Florcal said he is
cxpccting big things from the UK tcnm this


“I can‘t wait for this weekend because I
think wc‘rc rcally gonna shine; it's just a mattcr

of getting a couple of things together,“ Floreal


Floreal indicated how competitive the meet
will be because in the past, a cut was nccdcd for
the large number ofcntries in certain events.

“To give you an example, some ofout best
people didn't get in," he said. “If everything
holds true to what they‘vc been doing, then it'll

be :1 dang good mcct."

Florcal said.

The format of the Sea Ray Relays is .1
change from l.I\[ wcckcnd's rclay oriented

lllc‘ct in Austin.

“It‘s gonna be slightly different in the fact
that we're gonna run more open events," Flo-
rcal said. ()pcn events are those in which any

Most of the teams from the Southeastern
(Zonfcrcncc will be competing this weekend.

“livery time we compete against (SFC
opponents). it kind ufspicL-s it up a little bit."

individual can compete.

The women's IOU—meter dash should be one


of the most exciting events of the meet, espe—
cially for the (Eats.

UK placed third and fourth in the 100-
Richardson finishing just .07 seconds ahead of
teammate Michelle Brown.

weekend with senior Passion

“I think with Michelle and Passion in the

100, it‘s gonna be kind of tough because
tlicy"rc both running so well," Florcal said of
his sprintcrs.

Florcal is expecting good things from the

MRI—meter runncrs on the men‘s side because

of the lack ofopportunities.
“I think Mark Millcr and Dwight Phillips

and ‘.I fcw othcrs are gonna take care of busi-

ncss this weekend," he said. “They haven't had
a chancc to run their own cvcnts because it's
been relays for them."


Football player
caught stealing

UK coach I‘lal Mummc said
there will be no team disciplinary
action against defensive lineman
George Massey, who pleaded
guilty to shoplifting charges.

“\I'c explored the situation, and
I did not find George to be at
fault." Mumine said. “It was an
innocent mixup."

.\l;isscy. 20, an AILSEC fresh—
man selection last year, is the sec—
ond \I'ildczit football player in two
months to plead guilty to shoplift-
ing charges.

A sophomore from Lynch,
Massey was arrcstcd Feb. 15 on
charges he stole ‘.l telephone from
Best Buy in I.cxington. Massey
pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor
in Fayette District Court on
March 27.

()n _l.in. 2i. Derick Logan.
Massey 's tcammatc and the South—
castcrn (ionfcrcncc‘s 1996 Offen-
sive Frcshman of the Ycar. was
arrested on chargcs of stealing two
shifts from :1 l'jilycltc .\Iilll store.
The I’K tailback plcndcd guilty
FL‘II. _.

Both playcrs can have the
chargcs crascd from their rccords
because they both have entered a
Faycttc County diversionary pro-
gram, a form of alternative sen-
tcncing. If the players complete
community service requirements
and stay out of trouble, .1 Fayette
district judge could dismiss the

According to court records,
Massey walked into Best Buy on
Feb. IS with a cordless telephone
he needed to return. Instead,
Massey took a new telephone from
a store rack and replaced it with
the one he had brought in.

Massey then tried to walk out
of the store without paying for the
new telephone, court records say.
The phone he took was valued at
$99.99; the one he brought into
the store was valued at $59.99.

World lulu lime to cit-Bats

Six former UK football players
will play in the World League, an
NFL-supported venture, which
begins regular-season play on
April 12.

Oliver Barnett, Chuck Bradley
and Alfonzo Browning will lay
for the past-champion Barce ona
Dra ons. Don Robinson will play
for hein, while George Harris
will suit up for the London

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers
have also loaned ‘95 grad Reggie
Rusk to the Scotland franchise.

Compiler/firm! rmjf u'n'r reporrv.




l/Vz'n sets up rematch
with N0. 2 Georgia

By Dave German
Stu/f ”filter

The fifth—ranked men's UK
tennis team received a boost,
leading to a victory over Vander-


Niskcr 6-2, 6—7, 7-6 (6) to con-
tribute to UK‘S 18th victory of
the spring season.

Revenue over Georgia?

The “'ildcats finally get their
rematch with Georgia when they
meet the No. 2 Bulldogs in

The two teams last



The boost came met in the USTA/ITA
from hot-hitting National Team Indoor
freshman Carlos semifinals held in
Drada. 1th d h February in Louisville

Asusua e e t . where Geor ia beat the
of the Cats’ sqfiad The ,1] flaw Cats,5-0. {I
worked to its advan- 4110 tbelrfi’flt “If we win against
tage. . brothers out Georgia on Friday

Fifth-ranked {berg [[3- night, it should give us
Cedric Kauffmann 01-" to he a lot of momentum
blew out Paul Thur- g g ,, going into the Ole Miss
inond 6-2, 6-1 at ”42} match Sunday and the
No. I singles to set V postseason," said UK
the tone early. Ariel Gallan junior Ariel Gaitan.

Dan Spaner UKtmnisplayn‘ Gaitan said the
squeezed by Peter aboitttoday‘r crowd will factor into
Blach 6-3, 6-4, fOI‘ """I’h‘b with the competition.
lowed by $0 homore Gm?“- “They‘ll have all of
Patrik Jo ansson, their frat brothers out



who dismissed Todd

Peter of Vanderbilt 6-3, 24), 6-0.

Drada finished off the Com-
modores by winning a dramatic
third-set tiebreaker in the decid-


ing match. He topped Andrew

there. It's going. to be
crazy,” he said. “We just ave to
remain focused."

UK has three players in the
top 100, No. 5 Kauffmann, No.
l5 Ludde Sundin and No. ‘75


MIT MRTOI Knvirl staff


EVE 0N VOII The UK baseball rmm rakes on Tcnncxxec this u‘i'clmid in ll three—grime .vcrier at Cliff Hagan Stadi-
um. .‘li‘ a rem/r 0fTue.sd1{y'i' .m'rcp of ll 231cm h’eiirlli‘liy' imd .Iliiizrhall, Ihi' (Jim poxrcd rhi’irfirn hark-ro—hacle u‘inx
uf‘rhe moon. Despite their swims this Il‘t’t'lt‘. rhe Cary are struggling with an I [—32—] overall remrd and a 5-10
Southeastern (.‘onfrrenrr rcronl. 'li'niic.\:\'i'i'. ranked .Vo. .‘i’ in the nation. t'IIl‘I‘t’IlflI’ [t’ildx the SEC East with an 8—7
room]. The hot time the nu: rim/x mrr. L'lx'got thi’ var ofrhc l 'nlmm'iv‘i, winning 3-of-3 games in Knoxville.

Cats leave Commodores shipwrecked

Marcus Fluitt.

No. 4 ranked John Roddick
and No. 9 Eddie Jacques lead

On deck the Cats can look for—
ward to playing their final home
match of the spring season Sun-
day at the Downing Outdoor
Tennis Center against No. 6
ranked Mississippi.

The match was originally
scheduled for l p.m., but has
since been rescheduled to 12

Woman fall to Till!!!“

The UK women’s tennis team
fell to No. 21 Tennessee yester-
day; No. I3-ranked Manisha
Malhotra led the Volunteers.

The loss is the second straight
for the Wildcats, but UK head
coach Mark Guilbeau said the
team can learn from it and pre-
pare for Louisiana State, its last
opponent of the season.

“I don‘t want to take anything
away from Tennessee but today
wasn‘t our best day,” he said. “We
lost our concentration and that
took us down.

“Physically we can beat LSU,
we just have to stay focused.”

UK takes on the Tigers at 1
pm. on April 15 at the Hilary].
Boone Tennis Centre.

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Chris Rock
Roll W'itb the New
*t** 1/2 (out offive)
Dreamworks Records
By Brett Dawson
Senior StaffCfirir

Chris Rock has found himself,
and he‘s not Li’l Penny.

Sure he’s eat as Pennv Hard-
away’s marionette sidekick in
those Nike commercials. But Rock
is a standup comedian, and on his
second album of standup material,
Roll lVitb the New, he proves he's
among the best in his field.

Ex )lorin current issues more
than c (ll( on his first outing,
Burn Surpra, Rock is nothin short
ofbrilliant on his second (.2 ,con-
sisting mostly of highlights frotn
his HBO special “Bring The

\Vith “Black People and
Niggaz," Rock establishes a signa—
ture bit on Roll [Vii/J 1}): N n". llis
shots at his own race rive him a
legitimacy too many of iis genera!
tion's I)ef(lomedy]am comedians

Rock rolls through salvos at
Vl'ashington. l).C. mayor Marion
Barry, wondering how the trou-
bled politician ever got a ticket to
the Million Man March.

“You know what that means?"
he asks. “It means even in our
finest hour, we had a crackhead on
sta e."

ock lam oons black people
who claim t at only a negative
stereotype perpetuated by the
media has given African-Ameri—
cans a bad name.

“You think I got three guns in


in house cause the media’s out-
si e?” he says in an uproarious bit.
“Ted Kop )el ain’t never taken shit
from me. 'hen 1 go to the money
machine, I ain’t looking over my
shoulder for the media.”

Don‘t be fooled by those shots,
thou rh. Rock doesn't spare anv-
one Efrom his biting humor. He
lets white folks have It, too —
especiall ' when he launches into a
tirade about the 0.]. Simpson
murder trial. A mostly white yury,
Rock says, would‘ve reached much
the same verdict.

Had the jury been white and
“that was .lerry Seinfeld charged
with double murder and the only
)erson that found the ’love just
happened to be in the ilation of
lslam, jerry'd be a free man."
Rock rants. “Be eatin' cereal right

Some of Rock‘s best material
comes from the ()._I. trial, in fact,
and he tackles it better than most

“Black people are too happy,
white people too mad," he says. "I
ain't seen white peo )le that mad
since they cancelet M'A'S‘l 1.
Black people are like ‘Yeah, we
Wonl‘ \Vhat the fuck did we win?
livery day 1 look in my mailbox for
my ( )-.l- prr7e -,, nothin'."

Along the way Rock pokes fun
at community colleges (“You
know why they call it community
college? '(Zause anybody in the
community tan