xt7ht7279x7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht7279x7m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19220111 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-01-jan11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-01-jan11-ec. 1922 2011 true xt7ht7279x7m section xt7ht7279x7m Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus- tees, University of Kentucky, for the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, j'anuary 11, 1922,. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky; mnet in regular monthly meeti.g in the President 's office at the University, on Wednesday, January 11, 192%. at 11:0O o'calock . M. The following mem- bers were present: P. P. Yohnston, Jr., and Robcrt G. Gordon. Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Wel'iagtion Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present. The meeting was called to order by IIr. Johnston, wrho oresided. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee were approved as published. (1) Report of the Business Agent. The financial report of the Business Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes, The report was as fo llows: January 11, 1922 President Frank L. Molrey University of Kentucky Dear Doctor McVey: I am submitting a financial statement showing the cn.dition of our accounts to and including December 31. 3.921. "le have been un- able to complete the regular monthly statement by this date. Very t ru ly (Sie~vC! D. d. Peak Business a"gent '4 University of Kentucky Statement of Income and Expenditures as at December 31, 1921 General Fund Income to November 30, 1921 Income for December Expenditures to November 30, 1921 Expenditures for December Excess of Expenditures o-ier Income Excess of Receipts over Exerenditures for General Ledger -'-ccounts 1920-3.921 Accounts Payable Liquidated during Current' Year Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the Fiscal Year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1921 -- GenerLa Furd Cash in Bank December 31, 1921 -* General Fund Trust Fund Receipts to November 30, 1921 Receipts for December 19021 Expenditures to November 30, 1921 Expenditures for December 1921 2,340-87 -"I- 27 - 2 1,602.40 :73875.L Excess of Peceipts over Expenditures Cash in Bank July 1, 1921 -- Tru st Fund Cash in Bank December 31, 1921 -- Trust Fund Expe rim ent St. 3ti ol. Incorme i.o Novem-nber 30, 1921 Ilcoo-e for' December 1921 Expenditures to November 30, 1921 Expenditures for December 1921 70,267, G6 95,667.81 2R)41 2._ Excess of Expenditures over Income 25,764,60 1920-;.97:! Bills Reoeivable Collected ( State Varrants) 8, 384A'7 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts .7, 380.23 Cash in Bank July 1, 1921 -- Experiment Station 29,942 03 Cash 4n Bank December 31, .921 -- Experimeiit Station 12. 61 6 $ 175, 9:89. -6 93 .3.6.4'l Z8o 562.76 . ,03, i35 C, o 0-5 269, 154.27 _79 A72,o78 81,258.51 220, 999.48 46, 818. 84 92,922013 _ 5 CS 28,2 0 i . , 393.939 _ 3 ,617' 99 2 _34. 15 1,276.84 _.. 1.1. - 5 - 88,043.49 -- i",.021-- (i9 3. Extension Division Income to November 30, 1921 Income for December 1921 Expenditures to November 30,1921 Expenditures for December 1921 $125, 023.49 19.448.30. 144,471.79 130,442.53 24, 63.8.43 155, o6o . 96 Excess of Expenditures over Income 1920-1921 Bills Receivable Colledted (State Warrants) Exoess of Reoeint s over Expenditures Cash in Bank July 1, 1921 -- Extention Division Cash in Bank December 31, 1921 -- Extention Division Balance in Bank December 31, 1921 Combined Fund Outstanding Notes to cover Overdraft as at December 31, 1921 Deficit December 31, 1921 Received in January from State Tax 10,589.17 2 8,'5199 18, o62.82 28, 635 I 36 10,5?9.54 13,857. 88 240,000. 00 226,142.12 215,226.09' 10,916.03 (Signed) D. H. Peak Business Agent (2) Rij~ht of Eminent Domain, President M,4cVey reported to the Com- mittee that Judge Stoll had drafted a bill to be presented to the Legislature, giving the University the right of eminent domain, and that the draft had been submitted to the Attorney General for criticism. (3) F'iLlin of Vacancies on the Board. The following communications with reference to the expiration of the terms of office of certain members of the Board vrere read and ordered incorporated in the minutes. University of lentiacky Lexington January 12, 1929 The Executive Committee University of Kentucky Gent l emen:, On December 30, 1919 I obtained from iir. Carr, Assistant Secretary of State at Frannkfort, for record, the followinq informa- tion regarding the appointment of the members of the Board of Trustees of the University, under act of the General Assembly, ap-roved March 26, 1918. 4. On April 27, 1918 Mr. J. I. Lyle, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Senator Froman and Judge R. C. Stoll were appointed for a period of six years, making their terns of office expire on January 1, 1924. On April 27, 1918 Mr. P. P. Johnston, Senator R. P, Ernst, Mr. Rainey T. Wells and Mr. J. R. Rash were appointed for a period of six four years, making their terms of office expire January 1, 1922. On April 27, 1918 Mr. J. W. Tuiner and Mr. J. M. EEllison wire appointed for a period of two years. On MIay 15, 1919 Mr. W. H. Grady was appointed for a period (if two years. Sometime during the year 1919, Mr. Frank McKee was appointed for a period of two years. T-he terms of of fice of this gi oup expired January 1, 1920. I received a letter from the Governor dated February 27, 1920, stating that he had reappointed James Vt. Turner, Frank McKee and T. L. Hornsby for a period of six years. The same year Mr. W. Rl. Grady was reappointed to represent the Alumni for a period of six years. The terms of office of tlis'group now expire January 1, 1926. Mr. Hornsby wfrs z~z:e.;tYd toi;iio)e-d Mr. Elliston. It will be noted that in accordance with the act, eawt p has one member from the Alumni of the University, one member from the State Board of Agriculture, and two members from the State at large, one supposedly from each of the dominant political parties. It will be noted that our record agrees with the statement of Mr. Vaughan, Secretary of State, attached hereto, with the exception of Mr. Wells. But Mr. Wells has already served four years so that eues- tion could not be raised now even if Mr. Vaughan's statement of the record is correct.. I take it that this part of the Governor's re- cord is incorrect. The appointments to be made at this time, there- fore, are successors to Senator Ernst, MIr. WNells, Mr. Rash and Mr. John st on. Very truly yours (Signed) Wellington Patrick Sacsetary of the Board Commonwealth of Kentucky Office Secretary of State Frankfort January 10, 192.2 Mr. Wellington Patrick University of Kentucky Dear Sir: Upon careful reading of Chapter 42, Acts of 1918, I have the follow- ing understanding of the method by which the Board of Trustees of the University is made up: 5. On wit after Maroh 26, 1918, th& date the Act referred to became effeotivo, the Board shall be made up of 15 menbers, 3 of whom are members ex-afficio - the Governor9 Sunerintendent of Publio lastrue- tion and Gommissioher of Agriclture. The other 12 members, appoint- ed by the Governor, arie divided into 3 groups. the first group is appointed for 2 years; the second, for 4 years; the third, for 6 years. Each group shall consist of four appointive members. In making up the personnel of each group one member shall be a member of the State Board of Agriculture; one chosen from the Alumni and the other two shnal be distinguished citizens of the Commonwealth and shall be chosen ..eaqivtir o 1 .oautnzae p~litii al'arties. There is also a provision in the Act reouiring that: the first group shall serve until January 1920, the second group until January 1922, and the third group up-til January 1924, or until after their successors are appointed, After the expiration of the terms of all the foregoing, appointments shall be made for a term of six years. The lxeoutive Journal showes that on April 27, 1918, the Governor Maade the followin.g appointments of members of the Board of Trustees for the University- H. M. F roman J Lyle R. C. Sto 1l R. G. Gordon These four were appointed for a sil-year term, whioh means9 of course, that they shall serve till Januoary 1924, or until their sue- cessors are appointed The Journal of this same date shovs the following appoiantll.Bs jsmes Rash Pe P. Johnstoa R P. Ern st These three were appointed for a four-year term-, which means until January 1922., or until their successors are appointed. I do not understand why the Governor did not appoint four members in tbis group for a four-year term until January 1922. The Journal of the same date shows the following appointments: Je M, Elliston I'ainey T. Wells J. W. Turner These thrbe were appointed tar a twe-year term, which means until January 1920, or until their sucoessors are aonointed. I do nt.t Understand why the Governor did not appoint four members in ths group. 6. The last order or record of any kind of business transacted by the Governor in the year 1918, whether appointments of notaries public, remissions of fines, pardons, respites, or commutations, or any other kind of business, so far as the Executive Journal discloses, was on November 20, 1918, There is one order dated January 1, 19)9, showing the appointment of Ben D. Ringo as a member of the State Ta;: Ccmmission. There is no other Executive order of any kind so far as the Journal shows until April 1, 1919, on which day, it appears, the Gcverncr appointed Nat B. Sewell as a member of the Wrklmen s Comrensation Board. After that order no entry swas mosae on the Executive Journal until1 May 19, 1919, the day Lieutenant Goveriior Black became CovernlorH and the last order made on Governor Black's Executive Journal was Y-c'7ember 15, 1919. I call attention 'to the foregoing la:. of restcr:l cal the Executive Journals to suggest the possibility that other members of the University Board may have been appointed by the Governor, but no record of same oan be found on the Executive Joir nal. The Executive Journal of December 18, '919, recites that the Governor on that day appointed James T1. Turner and Frank W. McKee to succeed themselves, and T. L. Rornsby to succeed J. M. Elliston. The order further recites that these three mnen were appointed for the term beginning January 1, 1920 and ending December 31, 1925. The Exeoutive Journal of March 18, :921 recites that the Governor on that day appointed R. J. Bassett as a member of the State Board of Agriculture to succeed James R. Pash, whose term expired March 1, 1921, The order also says that the said Bassett will hold the said office for the term prescribed by law. It appears that there is scme tangle in these matters. All I carn do to aid you to untangle them is to furnish you the facts as shove by the record here, and I have done this as clearly as I know how, Although the Journal shows that Mr. Wells is appointed for a two-year period, M4r, Wells informs me that his commission recites that he was appointed for four years. If there is anything further I can do to aid you in clearing up this matter I will be glad t o do so. Very truly yours (Signed) Fred A. Vaughan Secretary of State 7' (4) lRaort of Committee on Purchase of Dormitory kuipnent, The report of th6 comm'ittee on the purohase of dormitory oouipment was read by President MoVey, ai follows- Contracts had been let to the March Store, Lexington, Kentuoky, for 100 beds at $7.90 eaoh, 100 pillows 3t 95 cents each, 100 mattresses at $5.45 each and for 50 rockers at $10.,81 each. Contracts had been let to the Rogers Furniture Company, Frankfort, Kentucky, for 100 chairs at $i23o eacEi, 38 chiffonniers at $17 each and for 25 chiffonniers at $16 eaoh. Contracts were given to the Central School Supply Comnany, Louisville, Xeatuoky,. for 56 tables at a total of $1086. Contracts were awrarded to Brower and Company, Lexington, Kentucky, for furniture for the main rcoa aft $565 total. On motion, the report of the committee was app-roved. (5) Regulations Governing Use of Dormitory0 On motion, President MoVey was authorized to prepare regulations governing the admnission of stu- dents to the dormitory and regulations governing their conduct while oocupants thereofe (6) Resignations, The following resignations were reported by President MoVey. On motion, duly seconded, they were accepted: Resignation of Pernell Crum, assistant county agent, Martin County, Kentucky, effeative November 30, 19210 Resignation of Herman Carman, assistant county agent, Campbell County, FKentucky, effective Novenber 30, 19214 ReHsignati on of Mrs. Ozema T. Lyle, home demonstration agent, MoCracken County, Kentucky, effective December 31, 1921., Resignation of Dr. A. G. Ireland, Physician, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, effective February 1, 1922. He resigns to accept an app6int- ment as Direotor of Hygiene and Physical Education, State of Coinntiout. Resignation of M. L. Hall, fieldX agent in club work, effective Decemaber 31, 1921. Re resigns to accept a position in Purdue University. Resignation of A. S. Chapin, field agent in poultry, effective December 31, 1921. Ile resigns to accept a position at Polytechnic Ins5itute, Cookey. ville, Texas. Resignation of Miss Bernndette Keller, home demonstration agent, Union County, Kentucky, effective December 31, 1921. (7) apointnents. The following appointments were recommended by President MoVey and on motion approved. Temporary appointment of :oha L.' Offutt as special agent, Experiment Station, at a salary of $175 P_ month, effeetive Januar7y , 1922. Continuation of employment of Mica Catherine Taylor, home demonstration agent, Oldham County, Yentuoky, effeotive December 1, 1921, for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $150 a month. S. (8) Inerease in Salary. On recommendation of President MeVey an in- crea"e was made in the salary of J. S. Yankey, Jr.; seed inspector, depart- meat of botanyExperkinot Station, from $900 to $1;O"O a ye'r, effective Jtmuary 1, 1922. (9) Leave-of Absence for Dr. G, Davis Buc-kler, On recommendation of President MoVey, sabbatical leave of absence for one year on half pay, be- ginning August 21, 1922, was granted to Dr. G. Davis Buckner. chemist at the Experiment Station, for purpose of study at the Uaiversity of Berlin, University of Paris, and visit chemical laboratories in London, Leipzig, and other European cities. (to) Re-lease of Vnn Meter Farn. On motion the Experiment Station was authorized to renew the lease on the Van Meter farm for the year 1922. (The farn was leased a year ago by authority of the Board, for a year, with the option of re-leasing each year, for t period of five years.) (11) Garden for Guidance School. On motion an expenditure of approxi- mately $200 was authorized for the purpose of purchase of seeds, tools, etc., for the conduct of a garden for a guidance school for ex-service me. It was stated that the Federal Government would rent the necessary land and that the University should furnish the materials for instrlction. (12) Resolution of Mari on Courty Farm Bureau on Seed and Ferti lizer Control. The following resolution from Marion County Farm Bureau was presented and ordered inoorporated in the minutes. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Marion County Farm Bureau at the county agent's office on January 2, 1922, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Marion County farm Bureau has given consideration to the information given 1b the county agent as to the proposal to remove from the Experiment Station the feed, fertilizer, and pure seed control work and the junior agricultural club work, it is the belief of the Board of Directors that such action would be against the interest of the farmers of the State, and that it would also cripple the tork of the Experiment Station. Whereas, the above work has become so well established as a part of the plan of operation of the Experiment Station and has met with the approval of the farmers of the State and the general public, such change would entail the expenditures of considerable money for eouipmewt and will very likely lessen the protection now given the Trrmers. T.he Board hereb directs the Secretary to send a copy of this resolution to our county representative, J. E. Bickett, and our Senator, Frank Daugherty, also a copy to Dean Cooper, opposing any such action that will result in the change of administration of this work. On motion, the Seoretary of the Board was instructed to aoknowledge receipt of the communication and express appreciation of tbe Executive Conmittee for the attitude of the Marion County Fain Bureau. Missing page(s)