Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus- tees, University of Kentucky, for the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, j'anuary 11, 1922,. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky; mnet in regular monthly meeti.g in the President 's office at the University, on Wednesday, January 11, 192%. at 11:0O o'calock . M. The following mem- bers were present: P. P. Yohnston, Jr., and Robcrt G. Gordon. Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Wel'iagtion Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present. The meeting was called to order by IIr. Johnston, wrho oresided. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee were approved as published. (1) Report of the Business Agent. The financial report of the Business Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes, The report was as fo llows: January 11, 1922 President Frank L. Molrey University of Kentucky Dear Doctor McVey: I am submitting a financial statement showing the cn.dition of our accounts to and including December 31. 3.921. "le have been un- able to complete the regular monthly statement by this date. Very t ru ly (Sie~vC! D. d. Peak Business a"gent