xt7ht727d863 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727d863/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 8 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.7/32 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VII The Department of the Navy, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VII The Department of the Navy, Number 32 North Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt7ht727d863 section xt7ht727d863 *2* HX I i N V · V I N N N I " `V Nm_`Nr! · ‘ ln I I \ ~ I 1 N 1 N I I w wllllwIIIWIJIIJHIHHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIP |I~”:H rm *********** = _ I 3 GMES L+L.N¤1&323 L. I » ‘ I § V * ‘ ”""" ‘`‘’ o"—o··· ~—e N INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES , A ;_N I N · IN THE STATES . ¤ F I I i I I r ; A , ` SERIES VII _ ‘· . ° gg ; I W I THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY N N I I No. 32» NORTH CAROLINA · N . N The Survey of Federal Archives §§IiL;{ » g ‘I’· ‘ Works Progress Administration IN I ¥ I of North Carolina I N ·;$]KIf* ,» Raleigh , - ;QI“.I?.‘N 1959 E I N =•==•==•==•==•==1=·•==•==•<=•==•= ‘3Q;EL; . » N T ~ 2N€°YNrN I N E I‘V< ¤- YIQEPQSQTQRY A ! NNIT i' ` I IN V I a ‘ o I 1 N - * . { N} II NLP . ` UK L.,lBF\AR|E$ N ·2'NN’NZNN . , ? . . ' . `N¤`I" . Q :I "`,, N ~ _ · `.N, INN , N Ni I NN ‘ § $¢_ N . N ’ G 9, ~ I <‘ e . *4} 'IN: Q I . { I 5 N I o I A . l l QI . · 2 . A F r ¤ . J a M! ’ ` Q . i (E x € VI i . lv i l A ` f ` 1 5 •···"···—··· ~—— ——·-• M ·..·.........·.. - .-.......,.., V ».............. > ................· ........,1 .».[.-....... i .Q.·..·--H. ·' I I ` I g I I - I I I II I ` A A INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN TIE STATES I I I I I I I I I Prepared by I I I `»_ The Survey of Federal Archives Q F Division of Professional and Service Projects II Works Progress Administration II . . yi The National Archives I Cooperating Sponsor 4 I I VV I 2 _ 1 I Y ` I ‘ I I I { SERIES VII. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY I I NO. 32. NORTH CAROLINA I I I I I I EY , . I I I I I I Raleigh, North Carolina j, The Survey of Federal Archives I 1959 I I Jie 11 ~ The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamer, National Director l 1 Emily Bridgers, Supervisor ;V Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator May E. Campbell, State Director Of E A WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION 3 ‘ 1 F. C. Harrington, Administrator gi Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator A; k iii ( · PREFACE W 1 T The Inventgry of Federal Archives in the States_is one of the products ‘ of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- ( it wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l936 to l , June 30, 1937, and has been continued in North Carolina since that date , as a state project of that Administration. J The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I W y, consists of reports on the Administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, W =- and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal . ,v archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed informa- _ tion secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate W ,1 series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except I ,3 the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. >W Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza- 3} tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding g numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to ;§ each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory ,§ for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. , Y§ For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of 5} related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive Ai dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was W Q; secured), general description of informational content, description of the Q? system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and ` F purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in W *; folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical I condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room Q; number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the yi Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey {5 worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is W) on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial informa- lW tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed _? abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See ), addenda." W W) In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of ~i Dr. C. C. Crittenden, regional director, with Miss Mattie Erma Edwards as ,§ assistant, from its inception until June 1937. Since that time it has g, been under the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers. This Inventory of the ;) records of the Department of the Navy in North Carolina was prepared in It the Raleigh office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by »; Dr. Henry P. Beers of the Division of Navy Department Archives of The {l National Archives. ( W W9 Emily Bridgers, Supervisor fg Raleigh, North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives v; January 28, 1939 in North Carolina U iv l N < K V I S y i CON'I']£N'IEi ` ·§ Page E E Navy Recruiting Subetation ........ . . . . . . 1 i CAPE HATTERAS (BUXTON) ig Radio Direction Finder Station . . . . ........ 1 _ CAPE Looicour (BEAUEOBT) ig Radio Direction Finder Station . . .......... 2 CFARLOTTE .g Navy Recruiting Substation .......~ . ...... 2 i GREENSBORO Qi Navy Recruiting Substation (not surveyed) ....... 5 3 NEW BERN { N Navy Recruiting Substation ..... . ........ 5 B0YNEB•e HILL (BOBLAB BRANCH) l 1 Radio Direction Finder Station ............ 4 U RALEIGH i K Navy Recruiting Station . . . ............ . 5 SAL ISBURY ii Navy Recruiting Subetation . . .......... . . 6 N WILMINGTON S? Navy Recruiting Substation ............ . . 7 ‘% E 1 ( I I 4 ASH VILLE ·i NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION ( V, Post Office and Court House, Otis St. E ‘§ This station was established in Asheville on March 5, 1934. It re- i i ports to the Main Recruiting Station in Raleigh, and has jurisdiction l _é over the following counties; Ashe, Avery, Burke, Buncombe, part of ij Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Madison, · ,§ Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, and Yancey. Applications and ( 4; correspondence are destroyed every two years. I I `E l. CORRESPONDENCE AND INSTRUCTIONS, 1934 to date. Official corre- yj spondence, instructions, and circulars, including medical critique, travel · ,§ orders, enlistment quotas, G. C. T. tests, data on moving pictures, general Q information, msc. data, etc.; also personal correspondence. (Daily, of- Q ficial.) 9 x 12 folders, l ft. 6 in., in metal filing case. R. 29. (57) ( iq 2. M DICAL CHECK-OFF LIST, 1934 to date. Records relative to uncom- i Q pleted applications, including correspondence, reports, etc. (Daily, of- i { ficial.) 8 x 10 folders, 2 ft., in metal filing case. R. 29. (58) f 3. WAITING LIST, ACCEPTED APPLICATIONS, 1934 to date. Name and ad- ,{ dress of accepted applicant, age, education, court record, military 1 jj service, and marital status. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, l in., in , steel card cabinet. R. 29. (61) QP 4. DISPOSITION OE APPLICANTS, 1934 to date. Record of completed en-=y=€{ ; “ ? [@??§i&i%E Q{!%$E¥ § i ·?E > . ‘ .’."¥‘?A?;'*:‘Ei i i %{i§?l§3¥?il{%逥-¥E» ¤ `i 1 ` · :%$*i€%?;%’%&®2E‘j‘ ? X ,~ ; ?{[{?,;;;i=‘;;&i§f'» A A " f { igmnwé ` Z . in ¥, 4 *}I1;» ¤ {ei; i ` } $ Y Q s V gg ‘ § " Q 4 I g r ?; i iw: di % $ #1 i ¤}¥¤< ¥ § . 5 W 1 — { ‘i 7 S" 1 ' ¤ E E * % 2 . 3 d § zi I Ii; | ‘ Fg- *[& , {it QE » " ‘ * 3 ._ Q V I ;W $515; gig; Ly i? »s%.w, M ’ in&&@a¢igsei,lE¤ E =\