xt7ht727dd92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727dd92/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-01-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1981 1981 1981-01-12 2020 true xt7ht727dd92 section xt7ht727dd92 k
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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 84 l lli\ t-rsity of h entucky ' .i.
Monday..lanuary 12. I981 Inindepmdml student mum”. l t‘\ingtiin. Kt-iriut-ks i ’
— # "i . .
O Pi. F
en ra ize - to be he (1 uesday
-_____._____________._..__.__ __.__. j»: ?.':
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S‘Ome Simple guidelines make lillrsn'llil’: ..'i3i~iii-G‘ 1. Pii‘t.1|!!ullultnua‘u‘Wit i-Ptt.tirt..i....... - . ., 1 l i".-
‘ ‘ g l . ; :1
a o I n i, '. ' I
scheduleadjustmentpamless "W." l -~
. i A If I cruis‘r it . . ....r..... . , .‘..i;
llllllllllllllll . . . w . t r i- ~ . . . -I-. . , . . . s Lit: .__ I "L;
knows what toIespcct and who follows a ldhlcs lor every section. It will also pro- ~ 5;, “its: :7 U T: M Q C E {,5 I E R!;l,l III; E“! lle‘ I Ille i . .j
lewsiinpleguidelrneswilllindtliepro. \idestep-by-stepinstructionslorevery 9999999599399993999399990599999?99999999999999989999999.99999 99090940734139999‘4 .
ceduremuch quickerandless painful. scheduletransaction. ' " ‘ j ” 95‘ Eli)“- ‘ ' I ' ~-:: ' ' ' i 1 ' ' ' H 1‘ ”i "3".“ ’ ‘ i" ' . ‘ ” "3 ' ‘ ‘0 t ‘ :tass’ es ‘ ' " “' i. 3

Before coniingto Al)l)<[)ROP, hasea / Pick up art lBM permit card. One 2 L) ”I? 93? {51‘s N G C S pJ‘T E' pi ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' “'7 T l 5 .'
goodideaoflwliatyou‘re addirigand sutiicardisassignedtoeyerystudent. 999959999999999399994999999999999999999999999909399819995‘i899‘39ll3”r.4"IT‘Q‘UGPTC‘EQT:
what you‘redropprng. Plait ahead ()ncc These cards are kept at the entrance. and V i l E b os'i azil‘osc ‘ r 9 H Li a ‘- | i J V . ll .. L m . U‘ ' I ” a I i ' i z ”y l '.
you're sure what you need. pick tip a each student tnust liascthis card to enter W ‘ ,Ig‘
m"Pl‘UPL‘r card (“1th a card |\ thUITi-‘d ADD-DROP. for the rndisidual. this time include .idiusting the number ol —-1 . l .
for each class change) at the department ,1 Pick up an ADD-DROP slip. He also suggested that eiery student credit hours lor \al’lflhlt’ courses .iiid centrallzed ADD/DR 0P l '
t.ib|csloc.iledonthe concourses aird cert Reiiiciriber. orieis all you need. conlei with his or her adiisot before changing 1'“!th OPUUPIM “l“s'll llls‘lllsls' l . ‘ ’
titil llooi ol tlic('oliseum. . . . I making any changes. audit. F‘d\\-l.’lll,dlld letter grade \ote it Advance ”2“”er students who wish m add or drop l f . .

You‘ll also need one ADD-DROP slip (reorge Dester. Lls associate registrar. Other good ideas: hang onto your should be mentioned that students classes should report [0 Memorial (’oliseum on Iiicstlti). : .' .V
- ullt/lNI/l‘ one ~ to complete all your prostded otherII suggestions. "Add copy of the ADD-DROP slip for future should not. when changing fiotii letter Jan. 13. ill lill‘ time corresponding with ”W“, itlsl "tunes. I Is .‘
schedule . transactions. , Each Al)” belot's‘ WU de. hLI dd‘lw‘d- lhb “Ill reference, toserily classes you have add- grade to passlail. take more than tfie Students mu) am“. late. hul Will not he atltt:illctl “Mn“ -. I
DROP slip has space lor seven class improve both the ellicrency ol the pro- ed and dropped should rm- need arise. three pass-fail options allowed by the their appointed “me. i .‘ .‘
changes. cess as a whole and make things quicker Double check your social securits l'nisersits. i .' .

. ' ‘ ‘ luesdti)..lanuary l}. I‘JXI l e .’
number every lime you write it. I . vI
Arrive at your appointed time (see Dester notes that as many as (woo f t -‘
sidebar]. Students are processed students will probably make use or ““00 8"“(1‘0 i:tlll “V” l . V. ‘-
Dates to Remember alphabetically. \‘l'hile it might be smart ADD-DROP. Not .ill of these will be for “’33" Chi-Di ‘30 P‘Ri l 3 f
to arri\e ti little early to beat the line. no adding and dropping, but the slltcili sin ”:00 Dj-f 2:le R.l"'“ '_ '9: 1 .
student will be admitted beloreliis or her dent should espect a large crowd and ”:3" “'HC" 21‘2” ""l l ‘
appointed time. They may, howes er. ar- come prepared. 121"" Heu-Kh 31ml \ ”l ‘. 2 _ I. .'
Jan. lZ- Registration for new students Feb. 3 - Last day to change grading the late. ADD~DROP opens at lo am on ”:30 Ki'Mh 333" ‘4" r .3
“ho lime msr “drum.- registered. 3m. option (pass-fail to letter grade, letter Otherltamflsllml‘ll‘al Cit” be "Mt-1H” Tuesday. >____________M__ _l 7’. '
dent (‘enter Ballroom open for payment grade ‘0 pass-fail. credit ‘0 audit 0T audit ,‘l
of fees. ll) pictures and \alidation l0 s‘rs‘dlll- LEN day 10 drop a course I y . "
through i‘l’ld‘d), Jan. 16. Remaining “liliOUl ll appearing on the SlUdcnl‘S nder the wtre
i parking stickers may bc obtained at the transcript. i.”
LJls' police station. ‘ . . ' I;
y r x '
. _ Numerous deadlines Will keep many students busy ;. ..
students cancelled for nonpayment of '.."I'I;
.tdi:Ticdid;:i:i:*dllfttirddgilt)sl.).li)a*s{t(1:110; :It‘g-q“RI::lI:J:I:IeI5II::¥m€m Ol tees plus $50 By II.ISA WALLACE . . fees through the last day payiiietits will delay llld\ be espcttctl li‘i 'iitlciits \s.. = sIs- \- _;- ,y i. _ I "I V’.
‘ .. ' ' Assistant Entertainment [:dttor be taken. Jan, 27. are paying lces altci he to P; messing s :t". ;~,. .2 ti ii ,. .. P ,
student may officially drop a course or . _ ' .
. . The deadline for withdrawal from the is done on .i triontlrrs mus tllti sltltlt‘l. t.ri .i ; r . _:.i" rt l. r .
cancel registration witli the Registrar for . . _ » . . . 2.. ,
a ftill refund ol fees. Students at UK are used to having Lnrversity, changing to part-tune status. who do not present pi or t-l :‘tl\llls'l". . .:s s i ~.ll .l.:'. lilc'tlt owls .- ' ~I.II .
. . .. deadlines imposed on them in classes. or reduc‘ing credit hours in order to treteipt or cantclletl cllc‘ckl ll1.t\ li.isc tlcri't crew tl.ill'll‘ 'tk‘l‘H'liL‘lil .tces ,
”h’ 12 ' [“N dd) for lrlrng an ap- and registration for a new semester br- receive a full refund of fees is Jan. I}. “a” it" it \«lhslttlh’t' \lisks'l I i
plicatIion Ilor May degree In College mg. mm H another m or deadlines Jan. 30 1. (he dcadimc m,- \orikiramng t rtiitlier utilises 'lLll striden- am ' “ “l“ " " r' ' ""‘
Jan. l4-(‘lass work begins. Dean 50m“. students *hOUldbeilWflW ”T- or dropping a course to teccise an Ht) s‘ills' i‘l ls‘k‘ l‘d‘llls‘hl -il "PL" \‘Hsh’lit “ I‘“? 32.....1isr. h" 1“” i t‘ ”w“ '- I
Advance FCSPSTCTed “WW” “ho did percent reltind. After March 5, no (enter it possrlitcioaiaid lli‘lcirtll‘s "‘ ll - “" \‘ '35 P‘leli“ \- ‘ ,; I 'I
not pay fees by mail may do so Jan. 12- moms) a.” be refunded [n cmic-mt Health lccs for tile \t‘lltic \.'lllt'slt‘l "‘t'“ ”“ “ ‘ "‘ “ 'i '1; ,'
. _ March 5 _ “N day to drop a course. 16 in the Student (‘enler Ballroom. “jrhdmmng or rcducmg credit hours. may .ilso ht- inisgtl iii the \t H‘tilltirslll "*“" ""- ' ‘> - -: l “ it. lr‘i‘il ‘ .

Jan. ”‘20 - Late registration for ILast day to withdraw from the Universi« Tables “ill be arranged alphabetically Students who failed to pat) registration The fee is $21 lor the scineici i)L'.ltllll|c‘ ‘1'" '-‘“ l‘ l firm. hills rim: lit '. L'- ‘.
returning students and new applicants tv or reduce course schedule and receise TOT ”“5 DUTPO‘C- lees bs .lari. 27 may be reinstated until tot pmtitctii ol the health ‘cc is leb s 'Vl‘l‘V‘l ‘ ‘ -' '1‘ ‘-’ " ‘e‘i ‘ “l \V P " '1 i. '.
cleared late mr admlwnn‘ .A $20 fee 1‘ any refund. Late registration will be conducted feel). 5'. A charge ol $50 will be requrred s\l1Cl Jan. to. h.|\lilt‘llls iti.i\ he made .ii l‘“ r"; t‘ 1
charged to students who register late. ' Jan. Isl-20 for returning students who for late payment and reinstatement llls‘ lillllllih «ltlsl ( iills‘slli‘tp ottis‘t‘ or ‘1 l’utkr . «its... :‘t‘ s‘ it .rm infilt- iii. ‘. ’

did not adsance register and new charges. ills” “Ni!“ \‘Ws'c‘ i‘l'P-s‘ l” '\l“ls‘\ 4 "Ms l“ ......‘. i "-‘l l\ Witt :.i'r.~ “
. students whose enrollment was process- ll)s may be picked tip without a ll's‘ lls‘elllll \s‘fllse“ i‘l'lse' Ass‘k‘l‘“ i‘l‘ "W "W" i" Rm.- MN I ilsili‘ Hi“ i‘

Jan. 20 - Last day to enter an organiz- . . . , _ . . ., , .. . . '-‘-

. . . . , ‘ . March l6.2|.Spnng\uL‘a[10n ed late. These students should report to replacement lee until Jan. 2‘. \alida» slissloi‘tlh \unm. it lli. .ll . or! .i II, I
ed class for [.th Spring Semester. L35! the Mezzanine of the Patterson ()ffice tioiis will be made at tlietitne of fee paw \lilils'tlh "i‘tii \igtt up for Institutisc c . t ' ' . ' i ' 2‘: ‘
day m_ oltrciaiiy withdraw from the Tower between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 pm. merit. If students pay their let-s belore sti‘s'IttL's' PII llis' \l “Pullout“ slut in: its ~. ’. ,'
lIJnit-ersrty and receive an 80 percent re- April 13-22. Advance registration [UT on Jan. l4-15. and at 204 Miller Hall picking up me” ll)s. they sliouid bring [citrrmrr wet-t Ilil‘cc “ham ““0”” \_. . . . .P<. ,r - w. .. ‘. I ‘1. .
fund. the 19%| Fall Semester and both Summer from Jan. 16—20. their receipt [0 photo ser\rces In order m “I“ M NH“, I“! “1“”ch h .‘s‘ . . .I . R1 . III i".

SCsstons. Registration will be on a first come- get amirdairori sticker. -\ lt'PlL‘sclllttlHt' for Blue t ltiss ltluc “‘sl's' . ~ . . "' . \ ‘ ‘ 9.5111 :1
first serve basis. Eligibility will be delet- Shield will be in lllt' liallroorii irorii P) Is'IH i-‘r i ~ » .t i‘r _I~‘.’- V

Jan. 27 - Last day for students to pick mined at this time. A student will be in- late TCFNCTPPPS \lllds‘m‘ mil) haw llb d m ht 1p m Jr: “(L-r. ,\ “My“. dye... .. M iei. .. . - . ~ .,' flit-‘1.
up ll) cards from Photographic Services May |. find oi‘class work. eligible to register ll h? remams ds‘lm- lal'dulc‘j‘“ m" “"1““ “N" i“ ”‘9 13"" ing to enroll in an insurance program. sits“ ho" a“. ‘
in order to avoid replacement fee. Last quent in any fee payment or if ”18‘ Mid “WWW“ *‘l‘lls'e'v 5cm" who Is not registered tor hours with it... \ll--l'-P‘ » ‘ - ii’ ,. ;
day for payment of registration fees in academically ineligible. “mum!“ RoomZZU. L lll\L'lsll\. must obtain .llllllitll.'.lltiilr ilii'i‘i .1. it ~‘ ’ ~ ‘ -
order to asoid cancellation of registra- May 4441”“! esaminations A $20 late fee will be- charged. “‘“l‘ld‘” inunagerot B‘Illlng‘dl‘dh‘l‘ liorii llic Ht‘dl'll\t‘l\lc‘t‘s0lllc‘t ”W“ ‘P‘ ‘ t ' _ . ', -.
lion. ' ' Students who late register my my their “WWW 3“” (”“th ”Pd ”Pi“ “We Meal Ltlltls will be \JlltiillL‘Li for the .tcots ‘>
Winter wonderland

t s

C ld th f t h Id 1 t t d t t d l

0 W80 er orecas S 01! a er S It en S 0 reSS warm y

- . ..
. 3) ”5A WALLACE C‘ss’mlal I" order P0 ward 0“. L‘Oldk Dr. J. Jones advises students to stick ieast be a changeof scenery.“ “marsh .\ “mu“. “NH”... ”M. H... An” “I. .IHI I‘M.” \, . IWL, . i. _ f ’3 .
Assistant Entertainment Editor Students should avoid the temptation to to established schedules and not to grse “in ”1stch promo“ m .. isorc mm (WWII sir’h'l‘tid'mi; ,. m I . . " :‘I .

skip meals and grab something out s‘l up going to classes. “Classes are rarely She also suggests staying in close cori- “1mm; .md_ depending on the p.iiiitiil.ii .rmt .'.., \‘...I.I.\..Ir.,..II .I, «1“ .1» .I, ." 1

Kentucky “ml?“ are alm0st 3* un- \K‘Ndlng machines because 0T L‘Old Ct‘lidl- cancelled at UK duetothewealher.“she tact with friends and to plan actisities diicrsion.educational J“ “WHEN, “II“ .U “I. I.” . , -" f '
predictable as Kentucky basketball. and “0“» said. ”Planning something to do every with people whose company you enjoy, In“, PIN his; W .i»..l R ., .- q... . s '3'
”"3 b0" way “‘SUT‘lW the winter at UK balms balanced meals containing day. even just going to classes will at eien if your mood makes you lecl un- Reading. handicrafts. indoor sporis. and mum“. “' , . 'i'I
isto prepare yourself l'orthe worst it has selections from the basic four food ‘ ‘ ‘Ir
to offer. Forecasts so far have predicted groups will greatly decrease the chances 5‘ ‘ n O ' ° ° ° .‘ 3‘ I '
a winter season with less precipitation of catching a cold. ()n the other hand. 6C S or lnanClal ald reClplents W 111 be ' .
biit much colder than normal boredom may cause some to while away 7 ' _ ‘l
temperatures the hours nibbling on Hershey bars or . . fi . . V. "1 .

Dressing warmly is good common chips. Medbury warns students not to Issued dall throu h P rlda 1n Student L t ~ ..
sense. and it helps tn the battle against significantly increase their intake of car- y g y e n er . . I
colds and flu. Patty Medbury of Student bohydrates (sugars and starches). “A lot ‘ -
Health Services ad\ises that students of fat isn't the best way to keep 3! “I0" ROBINSON The checksthemselses are dispersed in still processingapplications and will coir ”m“ (”l V R““" "3 ' “"‘i' i ’
wrap “it whenever they 30 WWW“ lhl‘ “am‘in‘hc said. Associate mm" the second line. and are issued by Bill- tiniie to accept applications tllllli funds ll”"“”‘~“- Mm“ Ill“ ""‘ “ "‘ " l“ ““"" . ‘ f ’
wintenesen for a short time, Ordinarily. il' students eat WOW”), Students who are to recieve financial ings and Collections. llpon presentation are no longer d\"||lflhic t out-trio. ;;.. . . r. . -, “or...” .

Medbury said that a great percentage Vitamin supplements are not necessary. aid checks will be able to collect them of‘the student's authorization slip. he or ..I m... Am MM. .c , HIM” I . . .
"ll ht‘d)’ heat is '05! through lh“ head. ‘0 HOWCWK ll WU know WU aren't getting throughout this week in the Ballroom of she ispresented the check by a cashier. N” 6‘ “l“m'ml “' “Pplk‘ll'm‘ “'H b" one ih.u iiiiolses sl.lllsillls. fill his l‘... i ‘
wearing a hat will keep you warmer. enough vitamin (‘_ for instance. one the Student Center. Acollection gallon made duringtheliisi week of school No ”hwmnmnI WWW. m... .w w. ' ‘ .
Although frostbite is a rare oecurance. a vitamin (‘ tablet a day will satisfy the will be sgt up in that area. and Financial The financial aid station Will open at 9 notilitations will be sent alter classwoik mm dm I‘m“ .ilter \loritl.rt .llltl illt‘s . . .
severe case can cause irreparable tissue body‘s requirement. Aid Office personnel authorited to issue a.m. daily. and will clme at .1 pin. an begins Students with questions or those dm - .

. damage. The fingers and toes are most When winter weather sets in for good. aid checks will bepresent. hour before most other stations in the wishing verification on their and status
apt to be affected by fmstbiIte; gloves. outside activities may be hampered. Re» According to Bob l-ialsey 0'. the Ballroom, should (ht-ck vulhthe office r\s to the sliitlctll's or. rho w... . .
thick socks and waterproof shoes or marnrng indoors for long periods of time Financial Aid Office the recipient will . . . WWW...” ”w”. INC ”NW “N liii.iri . .
boolsarea mu“ cam“ some people m feel lethargic and I throu h two lines at the station The Students who applied late tor financial \tirderits who do rioi ruck up their .Hr \id t‘s‘i‘t‘h‘ hIm. “CHM“. Hm i. .

The body is more susceptible to colds depressed. "Cabin fever" may pose pro- g.‘ . g ‘ . I. ' ald- 0' Wl‘l‘ ‘0 apply, or have: not \t‘t checks during this week should Irisi go qum . - ,
during the mm" because its natural blems for a few students. but some “m. hm M" be operated by Fmam'?‘ A'd been notified as to their financial aid to thc liii.incral ‘\Iti Ollitc to collett .sn '
resistance to viral infection may be pie suggestions from student health scr- Office personnel who wrll authorize [he “NUS ‘hOUld check With the Financial authorization slip lliis slip should their ~,\lr ,9.“ WM“ ”Jr.“ \IMI ‘ls H
lower. Maintaining a proper diet is vices may help somecopealittle better. student receivingthechccktodo ‘0‘ Aid Office later in January. The officers be presented .it the Billings and t ollet ll) " ‘

's 4 I s y p .

Z-THE KENTl'CKY KERNEL. Mondl '. Janus! 12. I98]
T1115 SChedule of Classes Supplement lists all of the OPEN ‘ +9030! AHE 670C004 ADV Sir; INFS'RL :ECLTHZRATIONALE 2 TBA EMANUEL/
1 Classes 101- the 'l'98l' 80.17109» Semester which are available for Cohseum 3 ST 56 V L ES ED” 1" AHP DANIELL
- . ‘ 5 '5 1d ha e
‘ ' "Z”‘SE'St'SQLEC jjgfilgg1gl' 1981' sane of the cour es ‘1 t6 V +90310 AHE 6700005 ADv SEM IN ALL HEALTH EVAL STU 3 TBA EMANUEL/
1 v I‘ e 5 ' .
y T1115 Supplenent must be used In conjunction wIth the regular PERFORMANCE IN CLIN SETTINGS PFEIFLE
11 ~ 1 Cl 5 Sl re the da 5 when classes meet, times. an >
. 363513360011L‘Yle‘EEea [€018 those Courses (or sections) which have ”90409 ME 854 00] BIOLOGY OF DISEASE 3 73" ALBERHASKY
I 1 l I for-
bee".ddded or Where there has been a Change in the or g "a n +90425 AHE 860 001 FAMILY PRACTICE PRACTICUM 8 TBA STAFF
* ‘IILI' Itvu
7111- Format 01 thIs Supplement is the same as The regular schedule, c
. ~ I ‘ )~V“ [”8 66116663 are 113ted alphabetlcdlly +90433 AH“ 861 001 CLIN PEDIATRICS FOR CLIN ASSOC 4 TBA STAFF
+90441 AHE 862 001 CLIN OBS & GYN FOR CLIN Assoc 4 TBA STAFF
x ,. r. . g Y
I. 1 ‘ NC,; I. 1016nce reqistratjon dates for 1311 Semester 1981 and +90468 AHE 865 001 CLIN RADIOLOGY FOR CLIN ASSOC 2 TBA STAFF
. . - l E V ‘ 1 I ' ~ A ‘ l l3-22, 198]. Advante
SSE? 2:32:5n5?25;2331i;3 13:1311 con11661nq students. 190476 AHE 866 001 CLIN DERMATOL FOR CLIN ASSOC 2 TBA STAFF
" '1 1': 1- 1111‘7er51ty Senate requlatTons rTive deUlty 11Te1IIbers the “30492 AHE 869 00] CLIN INTERN MED FOR CUN ASSOC 4 TBA STAFF
‘ ‘ 1' . 7,. - ‘ 11 d 1ot attend the first
'. p‘. 32519?622 fig:§?;g§.3‘“de”“ w O o ' - +90506 AHE 870 001 CLIN EMER ROOM FOR CLIN ASSOC 4 TBA STAFF
‘ . 712114..» 511.111, .1 _fi_ _.
1 . CNU 504 001 CNu 602 001 aCNu 702 001 CNU 781 001 CNU 782 001
. . . . .. 111.1 m1 _ , ,
, I ’ I N 11‘ 1'11111 L 111x11. [11.311111 (1‘101‘1’1‘. 111L111 110111611“. Studlt“) . 88C dPPV‘OPNGte de‘mmmenta] ITSLIHQS.
. _ ‘1 : 1:; 11:).7111: L 1' w"_1‘ 1 "“"""""‘“‘"~ "”E
. . CPC 501 001 '
. ' 1 1:1 1,1 :1 . 1 ‘
'1 - -‘ i‘ T711 11:11.1 ixptv‘lh‘llildl LIIIICHIIOII LULH‘Rt“), See 11001701117181.» departmental lIStIIIqs.
?' 4-: memqgflm
. . v ' . T‘ _ Q 1
‘ COLLEGE. OF AGllICUl.IURE CH 101 001 CH 210 001 CH 220 001 CH 420 001 CH 481 001 CH 501 001 CH 511 001 1
I , m..1:,,,L.',.r~:-;L ECONOMICS L)_E_HVTVAVLWH7Y_G_I£NE
’ I E 8'; 10' 6.1 8'- 312 011 AE/ 399 001 AEL 480 001 AFC 522 001 AFC 606 001 *AEC 661 001
' - .ME. :01 6;» AE1 314 001 11C 411 001 AEL 501 001 AEC 532 001 AEC 640 001 AEC 768 001 D“ 940 001
1 ”if 1‘ ..1 8.7 513 101 31L 413 001 *AEL 502 001 REC 535 001 AEC 646 001 AEC 769 001 HEALTH RADIATION SCIENCES
1 . -E‘ '19 i ‘ ,;;. 1' 0* 4' 011 A r 516 001 AEC 580 001 AEC 660 001 AFC 780 00 ‘**"——“—‘ “’““““‘
_ . . géf g3: ‘f} A:: g5; 03} 12%; jleggl E” HRS 545 001 =HRS 690 001 «HRS 695 001 «HRS 710 001 «HRS 715 001 «HRS 720 001
‘ - 1031 AF =02 .31 AI” . 9 IARH NAN'F N NT 3 MWF 1100-1150AM AGN N8 JUSTUS
, ; l._ .. 3 )1 NANCEC 1 MJE 1E £0.10“- TEQiT‘iOLOGY
‘ .. r111 ., 1' r 17p 1 - . 71 R .
,. ~12131 . 661 1L1 PROGRAMHI16 900 11 EC 3 MNF 0300 0350PM 161 320N BRADFO 0 MT 120 001 *gMT 833 002 *HT 855 00] MT 856 00] MT 857 002 MT 860 00] MT 866 00¢
., . ' MT 501 001 MT 845 001 *MT 855 002 MT 857 001 MT 858 001 MT 866 001 «MT 895 001
’ ,'/-.' ACngk_'0FAL EfijlfingjflC *“MT 833 00]
' ” - :ALC 15 .1; “.5 345 001 *s37435 MT 833 001 INTRO LAB METH II - HEMATOLOG 3 T 1100-1150AM HS 214 GARLAND
' f . “ ‘ ' ‘ a ‘ LAB MN 1000-1150AM MDR3 210
1 “ :«000001 *x37443 MT 833 002 INTRO LAB METH II - HEMATOLOG 3 T 1100-1150AM HS 214 GARLAND
' ,1 “‘4* ~' LAB Mw 0200—0350PM MDR3 210
' ' . T :08 360 001 FAGR 367 001 AGR 395 001 AGR 510 002 AGR 599 001 AGR 721 001 AGR 770A001 1 ,
. 3 , ,1 a.» 361 002 AGR 367 007 AGR 399 001 ’06P 557 001 AGR 658 001 =AGR 736 001 AGR 7708002 *37460 MT 855 00‘ CLINICAL SEROLOGY 3 ” 0800'0950AJ “5 5‘3 LVONS
. . . A32 .61 901 A58 396 001 A02 401 301 :AOR 560 001 AGR 681 001 cAGR 768 001 AGR 799 001 LAB T 0900‘1150AM MDR3 '24
1 A.~ 3 1 1 . 4C: *8. :02 AGR 4 1001 *AGP 0‘ xAGR 697 AGR 769 001
‘ , - b‘ "‘ “R J t ’ 7) )1 566 O ' 00] *37478 HT 855 002 CLINICAL SEROLOGY 3 N 0800-0950AM HS 513 LYONs
.- . - . , '1g5;1 Au~ 557 111 SEEJ BIOLOGY 2 MwF 1100-1150AM AGN N11 TEKRONY LAB T 0200'0450PM MDR3 124
7 _ :' . 5:.04~ L,« 566 11 :.IL 810L301 3 MRI 1000—1O5OAM AGS 108 SMITH Efll§l£lfl;lfifififlfil
'. . =PT 805 001 :PT 818 001 cPT 835 001 :PT 856 001 PT 868 001 «PT 888 001 PT 898 001
_ . ’ 5 . 3010;_ )M;;0.L; ~ RPT 815 001 PT 828 001 :PT 838 001 «PT 858 001 RPT 876 001 ‘
_ ' i1 'f A; 1.0 061 35m 313111 as: 364 001 ASC 399 001 AS: 534 001 ASC 683 001 ASC 780 001 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE ' ‘
. " '4 1A»- 119 002 AS; 104 002 ASC 378 011 CSC 4046001 *ASC 538 001 ASC 684 001 ASC 781 001 1 -
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, .' . 310 1061031 4R.U 109 007 810 351 003 BIO 524 001 810 594 004 2810 740 001 810 798 001
'- ; COLLEGE OF IH_LIED HEALlll PROFESSIONS , .2 '_ ‘ 81° 109 008 5’0 35‘ 004 810 525 001 BIO 617 001 BIO 768 001 BOT 763 001
, “BI“ ‘97 903 BIO 802 001 BIO 395 001 810 529 001 ~BIO 621 001 BID 769 001 MB 768 001
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[A . PER 11; 02: gfg :03 283 210 2040051 6.» 544 OOl BIO 635 001 810 770 002 MB 769 001
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' _' - ”01 a1: '1 . 61; 6706002 ART 842 001 :AHL 858 001 FAHE 863 001 +AHE 870 001 AHE 8808002
SHE 111 10 .1601 6718001 11001 054 001 =AHI 859 001 +AHE 865 001 +AHF R71 001 AHE 880C003 +Added course
' AA. 01:2. 1 .;41 A1 L114 601 856 001 ‘AH[ 860 001 *AH[ 866 001 -AHE 872 001 FAHE 8800004 ‘Chanqed COurse ‘ ‘ , '
M 1.1. 1 .10; 17’ 001. W 8.36 102 ”W 66] 001 .11“. 0,. 1955 vacancies (ollegc of Arts and Scncnccs ~ Contnnued
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4-11”: Kl-lNTl'('K\ KERNEL. Monday. January, 12. 198]
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