xt7ht727df1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727df1x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1982 1982 1982-10-13 2020 true xt7ht727df1x section xt7ht727df1x K E r IT I , Cl ; 1 r , eh’
_ ...i I u I
‘_ . . ' Ktelbedileeveencm
' ’9 a ' Sophomore tailback John Gay, who
_* ‘ storied one game for UK this season.
.~ will lironsier to the University of West
. ( Vlrg'nlo Gay cited a lock of playing
._.._._..,.,. . " ; . "me conflicts with Coach's and m. d“.
,.,_‘» _ .9" ’ lance "0er his Pennsylvania home as
M reasons for the action
V ___.. .
°" LXXXV. No. 46 Wednesday, each" is, 1982 M—Mfl
-_..-__ "M— Anlndependent student newspaper u,,- e -, {K k
W 'V '5' Y 0 entuc y, Lexington, Kontucky
I I _.“—gt
0 Ish st R 'th I' e n ansk
I'l ers c as WI p0 Ic ' Gd
WARSAW Poland (AP) Ang I
v . — 31, the second ann' -~
workers fought riot pOIice in Gda ry ' ' ' lversary Of the 0nd day and militants called {0 '
and marched on Communist Peril; fougfifigg‘fofigdanltl _ . general strike throughout the reglio: £0322: :figviet state. A government press spokesman launched the
headquarters in the Baltic rt es- rs eavmg the ship- to Protest the ban on Solidarit wit- d - i: eavmg the Gdansk told reporters in Warsaw that eight he ‘ independent union on
terday after an estimate?!o ioyooo ziigaté".d.r$°{fers Pearly all work- nesses said. y, is?" shaalrcl an underground commit- Shipyards and factories in the tri- t Baltic coaSt'
Shil’yard workers struck for the sec- “'l‘herigfliis at fightike' . . .. Th?y said the workers flashed V- strike througgeiflge for a “"2”“ city area, of Gdansk, Gdynia and The scene was reminiscent of Au-
ond day to protest the ban on Solida- worker t ]d mg smilin’ one for'Vlcml'y victory signs. chanted The re rt mu Gdansk region. 5090‘ were sthk Monday and that gust 1980 protests that launched the
rity,witnesses said. holdi 03, 1a ”WW We are “solidarity Will Win!" and painted l coniiiti'nedco d not be '"dependem' Police had fought pitched battles ”dependent “"i°“ °“ the 3"“
tamgdcoanmunist government mili- tive :rge theseyl'fusnswiinielgl {112383133 bile words ”hSeolidarity Shipyard" in ymOt 90““é surrounding the Si" Ely-gym and onlookers late into coaSt' urnal

riz t e ' ' 5 i Q ue Over t V. . ' ' - . Ip- m ' ' ' reporting'
the birthplacilal‘i'fttrifgmlfggyfi‘ti 32:53: gr work, but their attitude is sign in Gdansk. I Lem" shipyard 13:: db]; was: gt? water cannon Workers in Gdansk festooned the frtlhiséiiignskjdr lti'itsnearb ' '
pendent union, making strikers “a. Abo eemen . They also left portraits of union ore . it change at 2 shipyard gates yesterday with ban- to evade ove_ ' y an”
ble to stiff summary penaltis for ut 8,000 workers struck in chief Lech Walesa d P . pm. and departing workers were ners reading “Fight' 80‘ , ,, . . a communications blackout

. . Gdansk and 2 000 stru k - m 3" dish-born cheered b about 2000 u - - - mg hdamy‘ m "s “and day 3m”. the
notworkmg Officials said b 3211' . c m e near- Pope John Paul II han - y . onlookers and Solidarit Stnk ' De - ' m'
‘ . tic . 8mg on the who chant u _ .. ' ' ‘y e in tense of northwestern Baltc

Some workers leaving the ship- y Port Of Gdea for the sec-_ gates of the plant named after the a"d”Brav:'ivorIi$,'§iii"° Waleea! Union Rights. The scene was remi- cut off, but sttegnn'diaiilsoomawtai:
y_ar d told reporters they had been . ." ;._,i‘:5‘4f.“5if!'i I. 73' y‘ ‘ w.» W ~44 _., w ,. -.. . mscent of August 1980 protests that sources reportedthecitycalm
{mid for striking. Others said some .: . . ...'»ii“9}: “fl-"77*; =- :1. ”if? :5; w???“ . ' 7% ”P" '
Em: had mew“ "mes ‘° “5 '5?- p5" *1 ' - ii ':.',-': a i f"‘i>:5.+~i;~'锑iii"“" s ” s "' WED Y '

- .‘ 5 s5,.. s: 5. ...,e, . ,,.-.:.:-. .. '=-""-..;-"-‘ we» "9-. (-5. v

Witnesrrig 823?”??? sed ;;-. {Xi‘an f',:~;»-,;—=’r.. "’ "rapists-’i‘iin 5:: .53 i.1=-':“~:'%g: ; .si‘fii'fi s N ESDA
about 1000 1 9° SP". i .ie,’i m5 i :‘i *9“ is; z'dht'miw'h in:
outs'de 'the pimp" Wm “a?! “med 5.? ,3,- Aerie“: i217." - i , «. 33in 2; is”; $2.?" ":77“ '7" 53“?" swigdé‘iffil‘sir w‘" 9‘4 Fm AWMM

1 shipyard, the“ fll'ed tear 3" f 51?.) filrmifpp J», ;- 5' 5 g“; "$111,, (47;, _.2‘4. 13%;;2’3‘ lug 5%“ :' “‘39:". " 53,3 ”3%,”, ‘7 3‘2:
gas, water cannon and smoke bombs ”'3 / l an s m ”7" <3 «3-3? "5“ “i ’3'" “9’“ $15”, wu'v' : '
when the crowd regrouped and 'i iii-23?: \ r "I ' "cliqh‘f’é‘i: ane rate cat to 12 pe'cent
surged toward the party headquar- {‘3- 5-'52 / fig} '-
ers. .1; .. V .' NEW YORK —- ‘ ’ ‘

Authorities said 148 people had ii ' f their rime l J'hree 0‘ the "0"0" 5 blggesl banks slashed
been arrested in Poland’s worst vio. é, _ f 12 P en lng rate a full percentage point yesterday
lence Since riots and protests swept ,3. x " . f: .0 ”7‘9"" the Iowes‘ level f°r ”‘9 key bUSlness bOH'OW-
Gdansk and scores of cities on Aug. ii . T.“ ‘ . ‘ 5" finicky}; L {‘4‘ lng role In 25 months.

1" I, . , .513- w. J ’. .. , 3,1,:73r,'{§' - '15 The move followed eorl' h ' ‘ ‘
l '1, rise}, . ‘. . . , " 331:3"?! " " ' . ‘ ’4é, :Y‘l'"r';' ‘ ‘ ‘ ler s orp deChnes In interes‘
Afro-American 31.13% g" em - - mm ‘ {4%}: ‘3'“ “”95 °”d °m'd 95°Wln9 expectations of further relief
. . it. «in ' . .. . ; ,..  i ~ geese 27;: wh'c“ hmewmrlbuled *o a rally in in, stock mans. '
Film Festival l , = of? - i} ‘ 3533,57“ =34: M°l9°n GU°l°nlv Trust the nation's lllth largest bank
5., , . ‘ _ . , _ ~ " = p.233; ., L» announced its cut at the t ' '
. g . 5. . 3-1.9" . . . k inf?” I, g 5 art of busmess today and was
begins tenth year :. ~ = ' , , ~/ " ‘ ‘°”°w"" by 3°“ °‘ ““6““ N°- 'r W Chemical Bonk
, No. 6, a few hours later. '
President Rea on, f '
BYKATHIE MILLION .1 , ,.., cision said of th: encle fmfib‘élulo‘lh? Morgan Guaranty de-
SPEClalProjectsAssistam :5" - ' 3%., - . - ' "a is 5 ““I‘ $3 H’f . ' 1: 5‘ ington that h .. .0 a ' ‘S'gn'ng Ceremony in Wash-
Wm * » : w» Jim—'2 ”News ‘5 ' h- . e “i ”7'9” “9°59“ '° °”°"‘e' W“ °‘
M 2‘s .. '53. ., . .. :. .. "~051M5i-i3l3nfwi-J ‘fT-r'~;,.~iff<}_f~;ga 3&5}; “5%, 35.2,: ' suns lne ”"5 morning.

,' y e iCe of Mi- ;& 43425-31343 :8; ”‘57". .g .5 '1I!:z%53;.:'i.2.>."-g,'1‘; _.,53- ”’53": "ff VP, .l‘_:.-,*«; :t’ _ . .. n e .

"Duty Studentflfam‘ will begin its :31 i I, 3a," sugar, 3. ‘ ,1 gr , “ML . r. flittpwsh Search continues for Vlsme-spiker

10th annual series tomorrow. fl} ‘3 .4 Mi" '3" "5' ff") "fie,1?§’i¥§’i‘fifl 'w

fil'In'lhse Zeo‘gen-weet: .Series of feature <3 R —i- ""':~— » “MES ligffifi'fig H "J" ' ”:3"; g”: GRAND JUNCHON’ CO'O' "' The Search for O "Copycat" Who

. um . ‘- , "'-5 7,1"...——~:_ m. " '5‘ ' - -

will include aggeahhficezngy fig": _ if; “j; Sfim »\_V ‘:_ put hYdrochlorlc cod in bottles of Visine A.C, eye drops

. . ' ' .- ..._—.——- 4" M i /
mom” Donald Bogle and Phillis -.- _,- :73; M: 35w“ —. :5 C°"‘e"'.'°*e.d here Yes'erdOY alter investigators ruled out
“Botmlan. f _ 1 “,-. R ("'17 .o— «it; y 1 n- ____ , )3, we? -. _ . -- 5; contamination of the manufacturing plant,

08 e. ormer staff writer of ‘ g . .1. .,u L 41 3‘2: “3‘s; " . i 5 ' :" .‘~'.".«‘iz»:"“7-" 2'1", in A h°59”°' Willem Whose 9 e 0 b ' '
Ebony.m3882ine, will exhibit a lec- "v.1 ‘ l \ l 7’" "" y‘. "P ' f “'31 °' *‘f’étfi' gt??? 3’:§;fi‘* 3‘ drops Monday was released shorilysbetfbri:d by Clad-spiked
“Fe/Sllde Program. “Brown Sugar: ' L . l I f ' = l . l ’52“. ‘i.’ “: "'Ffiv' 1355-332? '1' 3g 2"“ with doctors so in h h ld " ‘ _n00n yesterday
Eggs/e gears t?“ America's Black , _,. _:;¢,_,mm*w ’9 , ‘m . A 'v' Z'iz'ftiihigf‘ésn'r‘g 5“"; days ,, V 9 e 5 cu be all right in three to four
. “ [1me rs’" along with the ‘3’: W . L‘hu...’ '7'}: g :7 its": ,.. -, 1:931"; 7.17.Il:’{,.1',;:,'::.:“' 1. g .
film Stormy Wheather" at the Ken- :4 \ ”nae-’- i“ .. . *fifi ~21?“ "‘ ' Thousands °f impounded homes of eye drops from
lUCkyTheatreat7p.m.0ct.23. ‘1" -5 l . 1; _ .:,fr:,.«:.§§ ,.rCC" it? stores in Mesa County were inspected as olice h h

Bogle, also an author, examines 1 L 5 "s, ' ' iriig‘ki‘é‘é' . , \ "nut" who the th' k d ' ‘ P SOUQ t ' e

the Slereotyped roles black actors . ,, ‘ ~ A. \R s. i /Z‘ \ T le ' d Y In reacle to pUbllCllY about the Chicago

and actresses are forced to portray , \ a.“ \ .4 g ‘ ‘ " ’ K y Info ":1“ ers' , g ,,

In his book “Toms, C00ns, Mulat- ,.. \ ‘~~-’ ., f“"5"-w::g._ , K . 5 ' 9 ”me 05 ""5 mom'nQ: Police Lt. Robert Kibler

hfieclram/nliz' and Bucks" and in .i' ‘ . , g . \-——-’ ,,,_~_,/—’—.,§_/._-; ff T»- E sald late Tuesday afternoon. "We have no leads, no sus-

ure 5,] prfientation. ;_ ~ «H-.. ,_ - . - , :5 “#5:: ".-~'- ,~_.; », Q 1: pects and no new bottles. We re 'ust d ‘ m
In a news release he said, “Blacks 7'. k‘ . . 75., .."""’- ‘ ' '» "i if? 33%: f”; ‘ g3 ‘ ° '°' °f Q'OUndWOTk " I °'"9 e groundwork
have. aligays been stereotyped in " ' T‘i'ltfiifii'if" " " . " ' s ' ‘93:»? " ":8 :71; i ' '

moms, ut the great actors were 51 ' F~..*'.*'4."‘;=-:-"- s- '3 ' ‘ 45‘ Mfg-"is? . g N tw '

. . . , .. N I ‘ ""'"' ' "‘ ii " ‘ I \' '- '

able to mdmduahze mm mm and :2: __, , g -. 1 , . 1’wa g; e;- e orks turn Republicans down

makeaperiional'statement." " l l l ; 5;. 57., Z" . < ‘. "stratify?" 2 ' WASH ‘

.Klotman, a diffictor of the Black " i J; C 7:11"? ‘ 39" 7",? *2: 1153's,; mas}: ‘13-?35L! :3 ‘ ' INGTQN — Pres'dem Reagan's requeS' for free lime

Sélmtcemif/Archive at Indiana Uni- N- _.” f_'__‘ m - fin???" 1’? , lr°m ”‘9 "“‘l°r ”Works for 0 ”non-Partisan" Speech on the

rsn ,v '
progrii'm 1“B‘i$relsthh§r film/lecture l esommy “me Shm" “‘6' ”‘8 Rep“"“°°" N°“°"°' C°m5
i H a ows on a $1]. JACKSnvmm-melsidii mittee "led UNSUCCGSSlUll to b ' ' '

ver Screen, on Nov. 13 m the UK . h' d _ . y uy 0 Similar block of time for

Student Center'l'heater. A ref I eCllVe mOOd lm to ellver a campaign Speech.

“grateful? wililxfipen its gamm- Two painters on a scam 'd K Yes; :poktismo: for the Republican committee confirmed

.. . pg ar com y film . . 0 next to incaid Tower are cast with th I' ' ' ' r CY of l e group had investigated the oss'b‘l‘
Pfygrtlgndme, Tystarring Richard cllstorfed reflection by the Citizen's Union Bank in this impressionisii’c Sfénénes of the bUlldlng Into a purchasing time for what would have been on aiowledl'y'YPZf

y son. ' litical address d h -

In addition to the contem . . . . ' °“ °d eve“ been told by ABC lhat time
films, two classics, "st. ”123% Wants change In traffic law m'gh'bem'mwe '°"‘°"°W "‘9'“

Blues” starring blues singer Bessie ““9““ 5‘39“" ‘5 scheduled ol 7:30 pm. EDT foni ht
Snnth, and the 1943 film “Stormy I and will be carried live by NBC and CBS but not ABC 9
Weather.” with Bill Robinson, Lena [BSIden ' The White House has said it will [be a ' ~

Home and Cab Calloway, will also ar e W't port on the econo _ _ g non-partisan re-
bepresented. . t ’ _m'c sllual'on- An approach will be taken

The Student Center Theater holds “$7.7 f-.. ' "WV ~~ . —______ 0 W 9nd make ” a dISCUSSion Of the facts, rather than a
500 mph, and Deborah Cook a By ANDREWOPPMANN campaign Speech. said Mark Goode. Rea on's ' '

, . g g televmon
staff assnstant in the office, said at " News Editor °°°rdin°l°'- H” 5’ W9'9 0 COn'lplllgn S eech ’d '
least 200 are expected for e h . “'_' . . ' ° hard-hin' . p .. ' we wme a
seriw ac film g ing Compulgn speech and buy time.

.. . ,9, _ w '5‘ ______._—
zoomemuglgaily riggilapproximately “ft?” ' ‘ l M ' Th 'dent f Supreme can t t d d

. u . ea im series." she 5"" ”23"" ‘ .. ' h e ”81 0 Lexington Anti- I" O 80f e
igédpeoiil lasso? depending on what -" ~ ' ' * Dnlmi‘ Dllivers semce said his ar- on unequal pay

e s s esare.” " ' . ' ,"- ‘ ['5 or C arges of drivi while in-

COOk said over 1,150 people at. ,7 . _ toxicated was “an eye-opngiing expe- WfiSdHIhIdGTON — The Supreme Court said yesterday that it
tegfied‘fi‘lstyefar‘s festival. . , . . ~ I”, k rience.“ me ec; eh Whether emP'OYers can give women smaller re-
sore; in] :Logllgéfgnls {icing spon- ‘1 ,. ., “hi 1 Zn Shoals” me that the breatha- I mer:h c ecks each month because they are likely to live
inglon Citizens for Gulf ihe ux' . " " ' ' . . oyvifrrlxg l simi'w flat [would be onger on men'

OPment and the Kentucl:lraThDevel- » . ; ,.. 0 “Chucksgltil [mt sald Charles The court must ludge lhe legality of an Arizona mum.
and all programs 3" eatre, . _ ' _ a . 25. 01'491 Lake- menl benefit plan for state em l B ‘ -
.excePt the ones at . ." ' . tower Drive. “I was confident l eve t | d ‘ ‘ ' p oyees. m the 'mpoc' Of "5
zginlftglg‘gl‘y Theatre, are free and . , ‘g 1,. l wthlould pass it without ShOWlng any- to n U: 90:0,” W'” be fEll nationwide affecting Amer.
yone. M; s ‘ . . "8." l ns w 0 war or private employers as well

A schedule of t ' ’ - . , , ., . . . _ g -
isas follows: his Years festival , . h , «4.: "‘ . j Tafiaégségofgggfififigtagf Alpha theThjemef ln5ur:nce 'ndUSlry fold the lustices that banning
Oct. “.730 pm. —"Bustin' Loose" . 7. v cessfu] c8ndidate f0);- studentunzgg: C l: 61:52:??? used actuarial tables in retirement plans
€3th ”Transmasnifican Dambamual- \ . ernment president in 1980' was ar- DU 5‘3 h ‘ ."I(‘)n 0 year to the (05‘s 0‘ sum plans.
bi": aztlhesmdenlCenlernieaier, . . rested at 1:45 am. by ”S 9 ludlcloilv forced break w,th the post will indeed

. r1" 7.3031113? “Clarence and . ; ”Fulfill/Fayette Urban-County revoluflonize the insurance industry ' the court was 1°|d
Ange and Radio’ at the Student , . . ‘ 1’0““ in a parking lot near his The Arizona plan was struck d b '- -
ggnter'l‘heater. ,_ apartment building according to p0 Court of Appeals h' h ‘d 0W" Y the 9m U.S. Circun

t. 23. 7 pm. — “Stormy Weather" " . ' licerecords. ' ' 5 w 'c 50' H homes a 1%“ fedem' l°w
2?: “Brown Sugar; Eighty Years of s ‘ In addition to DWI charges, he banmng sex dlsmmmonon m employmem'

er!“ 5 Black Female Super- ‘ . was also cited for having an expired
stars, 31.75. 4 insurance sticker on his vehicle On

. NOV-‘fi7i30—“Death 0” Prophet, / . Monday. he pleaded not guilty in
and "Malcolm X: Struggle for Free- } District Court.
.. W, ,.., J . ,0: wanna:
. rs“ with some friends Saturda
Studentgggf of the Class," at the :(entucky Horse Park. After going
. v . , __ or pizza after leaving the rk he
Nov. 18 7-30 — “Black Shadow ' p.“ '
. , . s m Jilivlm Kern. a ‘ sald m travel“ M “ to“
lib: Silver Screen“ and "st. Louis ' m " he”wes driving “felt." feeling that Iroundyfl‘l'm b. cloudy and “0' with rain and . M...
Delia. Student‘pamer'nmter. ghorles Malkus, president of Lexington Ami-Drunk Drivers ‘ Malkm saidhe registereda.1lon 70'" hf lll
“W . 2, 7.30'— Killer of Sheep" and 1 ervuce. folks to reporters in Triangle Park about his arrest ‘ the breathalyzer __ '01 percent over I . W b. cloudy with a 20 ”non! chance of
Thee tare Universal‘n Student Center ' on a charge of driving While intoxicated. Malkus, a UK grade the legal limit, . re "m“ u Io" in the "“d ‘0"
a er. 1 Vuote, promlsedlo abide by the low"in the future. 1 1 am very consci-tiois 0‘ the I. will b.‘°m'"' .,"." cloudy '"d ‘09. 90W
. 5.. no... M, 3 with a high around co. m"

K5“? no I
em we.» am- W 1.9... crum- Steven H. town-er um I. nod-h- 3.0. V.“ lien W
I I Editor-initial Now: Editor Arts Editor Sports “"07 Special Prawns Editor Photo Editor Graphite Editor
P E R5 ASION J0me Ilwlnfllnk Cindy MO! WP. ““00 Hider hum Kettle Mllllon IonVuu.‘ this A...
Managingidnor Editoriolidiror NHLMJI. AulltmlSpornEdik‘r SpociolPro'anAssiunn' (hiolrhotogmpnor Copy Dosh Chief
Auutonl Arte Editors
Referendum fOI‘ health fee is a 00d 'de L
9 a
By a 20-9 vote, the Student Government most actively supported the referendum: . ’
association Senatei Monfday night approved a students already covered under comprehen- a“ CH. OKAY! OMX/ WE. L I, :
0v. 1 calnpuswi e re erendum on the pro- sive health plans, who have a vested interest , 1..
[Siosed mandatory fee for the Student Health in seeing the mandatory fee defeated. They flaw ONE! WELL flap A S l UDENT
ervice. are confident, with good reason, that their .1
It’s about time. _ peers, strapped by rising costs and financial REFERE-N DUM 0" THE MANDATORY
Although SGA Pres1dent Jim Dinkle intro- aid reductions, will vote their pocketbooks. HEALTH FEE lSSUE m //
duced a referendum proposal at the Sept. 8 But the Senate, which supports the manda- I LL): Q:
Senate meeting, it has taken over five weeks tory fee, managed to ignore them until Mon-
of deliberation and a Senate endorsement of day, going so far as to extend its official , . ' _.
the mandatory fee proposal ——roundly de- blessing to the proposal on scanty evidence f7fi‘§ll,fmi ‘
nounced as unrepresentative of student opin- of what the majority of students desire. {7/ ' ' ’l f // , ‘ v / ‘ 5
ion —~tofinally bring its approval. Even Dinkle’s rather melodramatic declara- ’ , -, ' " 3.
Even then, only the threat of a general stu- tion that he had gone from supporting the " ’ w W x
dent assembly forced the final holdouts to fee to opposing it on the basis of. what he be- Em; ,‘l‘f ‘ K i .
capitulate. lieved to be student opinion didn’t crack the f, ,. / -‘ ‘
What was achieved by the delay? A few stonewall. llll‘ll” “,m‘ / A ,,
amendments to the proposal as endorsed by The Senate has thus failed to pass the . lllllllllllllllllnm llllmiilll“ ll "“""'.' l}. _..‘ V l ' ,
. . . , .. n .l. 1.. s x .
the Senate, refered to by their sponsor, SGA most elementary test of the Sincerlty of a ‘ :5 "" ,..i....|' “l ill .. \\ g .. ;"—_
. Vice President David Bradford, as “compro- representative body: it has not adequately :g' ll, ‘llllllllll‘llnlllH-ll‘llu“ ,l‘ ‘lllll E i
mise measures.” And an Opportunity lost to represented its constituents. The responsibil- 13‘ ‘ 5"“ “‘ "l "“ IW§ : .- 3 .' 7
economize on the referendum by running it ity for organizing and conducting a credible 33‘ “““““y ~ “ x ‘5 i g 7 I? ‘f
coincident with freshman elections, which referendum lay solely with it. And with an i; l "4;.” :5 “9% ’ .« / 1
also might have ensured a larger turnout for issue affecting the entire full-time student a; ll ll}"§>‘““‘l {2% y
both polls. body, approval of a referendum as soon as "= H“ ‘\ .. —-—1« ' ’
The only benefit — not a small one, by any student opinion was clear — which it was al- , ’ ““““ i gar—K 7' g
measure — was the public exposure pro- most from the beginning — would have been ' ,.n. ‘ Z’fig ‘-
'ded b _ - - “ll'lllllllllllll' |‘l‘ ‘ 7 9
v1 y the extended debate on the mea the only appropriate action. _ w gun": , .‘ kg:
sure and the health fee proposal. A signifi- It is not a question of who is right and who L- “ ii," i, i}
cant portion of the student body, which is wrong — the Kernel, like the Senate, sup— 1 . '- _, = ""4
might otherwise have remained silent ports, the fee — it is a matter of senators’ “ ”1;,"
\ through ignorance, has stepped forward to being so out of touch with the student body ~-‘-?’-' Q: \
express its views on the matter. that they cannot be considered true rep— 1; 1‘ ‘ '-._..'-.IT{.-. . ¥ ‘
Most of it has been from the side that has resentatives. .
l Hg?%~ .
fit \ l min“. , Partyln seems like a waste a time .
' j , ‘ . A:
, , , ‘ , a; ‘lparty: you party; he, she, it par- serves as one to a great number of a sideline role in society, but cer- deal with your own emotions. You
‘ 1 ‘ I l ' ... fl 7 ties—everyone parties. people. Intimes of need, its there. tainly not the position of prominence do have emotions, don’t you? w:
. ‘ I i ll il; ‘ l1: ‘ ; The idea of an entertaining night ——————— it holds today. It IS too easy to get Ego: Yes, and as a matter offact, ’ng ‘
. . . g. - ,2», ‘,.. ‘ - ‘ invariably includes some booze or caught up in a “party mentality" many times when I am drinking I $.41
: L . =4 if}, V‘r/[x‘u’fflfl {“355 ~. 3 drugs to help it along. This attitude Greg andmissout on many experiences. can relate to my friends more open- 55
‘ ' ,1. $C {/5 4‘7 7‘7 \. jg}. pervades our society and is a result * Cam . fish' . 11 t' ly. The alcohol breaks down our bar- g;
,5 l A, .7! x ‘7’ (g. {-3 ~, , . of cultural norms and just plain bo- . a d dinghobb‘mg, c0311 co ec ing riers, we feel good, and we have
, ‘ ”f? 1/ 7,} ’ "“‘U . ’ '3. )7, redom. But Partying is overrated. . ‘ MADDOX goal) r {135.31.}; igeglmiw some honest taihs- ?
f ’én » \g ' X‘ , / H, ‘ A, 1 It‘s just not the big deal many peo- themuszll we ha“ t' v: lmeh or" Alter ego: Are you sure those are g:
a? am hr 7" '3 (I f 1" \sw‘.‘ ple make“ Wt tobe. _———-——— and Work‘wfhenvteo fikeor lsfs: 0% true feelings or are they manufac- 31*“)
/J2 I; “(4 ‘1, \‘ Kl/flll 7/71)“ Mm, Party may I'lOt be a verb, but .par- Then the bottle empties and the the drudgery from SChOOl :fid Jofk tured along With the “(canal at the it“
Rig/2” 1 - “r? .1132, ,‘ tying is certainly the main activity last joint is smoked but the prob- we rt , ‘ distilleries? ‘3'
-_ .. . , . a . . . _ m 9/ 4 [New at college. Many people have been lems remain: that paper is still due; Afiual’ly our education and our Ego.‘ They are as true as anything T”
g! . w‘ ‘ riflirl'fiv/ partying since their early high you remain unemployed; you still job should'b: enjoyable parts of)life else in this world. .
.v" , . . » u?g,...,,.,,~m ,// a school days, and it has become part can’t get along with your: (choose But it’s the remaining free time and Alter ego: That's right. 1 see now. .3
’ (/_ ' :2 of the routine, almost a tradition. one) mother, father, girlfriend, boyf- what ou make of it that ives life In a way. I salute the wasted gener- .
‘K -2 5-D A j ~ . Drinking and smoking give the night riend, society, self. its mozd its direction g ation. To hell with massacres, star— .
: ity.- ‘ .‘ 2 mm an eigentdity. It’s what you’re sup- I can’t understand why so much ’ ' vation, war, poverty, hatred, and
v , .-\ ' n P05 to 0. time and ener is 5 nt on this ac- suffering, right? 1
"“W*'F"’E L°$E use: WE LL “’57 mm ”1""- We can. Partying is not a religion — but it tivity. Perhapsgypartylpl; should have Ego: Okay. so what else is there If i mind my own business and '
, to <10? Partying is more exciting stay numbed half the time, maybe I
- I I than fishing 0' (0'9 you serious?) won’t notice the world. What's A
coin collecting. wrong with shirhing a responsibility
Responsibility for handguns must fall on someone
have a thrill a minute? There's no seeyourpoint, Ego.
room for the small simple things Ego: Well? What can we do to cor- L
0h. the ignominy of it all! If Cali- brary card. There are 170.000 gun defeated it largely because it pro— sent referendum. Police chiefs back “"y'm’e: “WWW” "9' “me" mm“‘“°59P'°b'°ms“"y‘?“y?
fornia passes Proposition 15 on Nov. dealers in America. Now California, posed to buy guns from owners, and it. Andy anfit"? , _ ' . Alter 9&0! Try, my friend» "Y-
2, as seems likely, no resident will a state that has a 19th of the U.S. that would have cost a pile of Meanwhile, in a queer twist, law- €30: Yes’ and I 'dentmed w'th MGhethe attempt ,
be allowed to carry a handgun un- population, would change all that. money. yers for James Brady, the White om Camp bell’ the. tow" drunk. I . . L-
less registered, and if caught doing Since then, Massachusetts has in- House press secretary who suffered "m." from alcohol either ”figment Looking at We through blurry a
50 Will face a mandatory six months , stituted a milder law that has had permanent injury in the attempt on or “8 relaxingeffect, dependmg 0" eyes and percelvmg 1! “Mb a half— "1
in jail. ’5 some success. At any rate, Boston Reagan’s life, have brought a $70 Whatmoo“ mm' . . . baked brain ,JUSt seems empty t° w
The issue 0t gun CONN] has be' ' gun robberies have gone down 35 'million damage suit against the Alter e80: Oh' so dnnhmg ‘8 a me. Maybe 't s a personal chalce. I
come one of the most sensitive sub- TRB percent and gun murderers 50 per- makers of the gun that shot him f'lend 0f yoli's- Well- he. may relax hope we do have the chOlce, that it's jg
jects in the country in recent _ . cent. down. you :r growde excrterlnenzjlllmt the; not predetermined by our social en-
years.Polls show that the ordinary ' ~ ' ' ' - "9" ° Vim" cf"? “80 ' you ' vironment. "N'-
Most experts link guns and cri- In 1977. the NRA tossed moderates right, along with social issues like Miami. It is an easily concealed ”“9 °"‘." ”°"’ W ‘f w“ ”mg "“‘Ch ‘° tee‘ P'cn'csv Playsv °°“' :»- ‘
meThere have been five national 0“! 0t its leadership and how H3110“ school busing, school prayer and lightweight, fl caliber snub-nosed, around mm too muCh' , . certs, mow”; read a bOOk’ play an
crime commissions, each 0f WhiCh Carter. a former Texas Border Pa— abortion. cut-rate handgun number L731332. . Ego: 0,,” come on. It s "at that b'g '"Stmmem’ travel abroad, learn a
has recommended tighter restric- trol officer with a bellicose swagger, _ _ The brief in federal court argues adeal. It ssomethmgto do. new skill. .,
tion. runs the place. The NRA's present . In the Conservative Digest, pub- that gun manufacturers have social Alter 980: Can t y0u_be more Fre- Numerous activities are worth .,
Last month a Justice Department membershipis around 2.3 million. “She? by right-Winger .R'Chal‘d Vl‘ responsibility for selling such “five ""1" that? “WWW °"¢° "' 0 getting into: be a Big Brother or Big : ‘
study said 30 percent of the nation‘s The organization has a well-orga. guerle, I find an advertisement by a monsters It would be good to pin re- While isflne but you overdo it- Sister to a child, visit the elderly at
households — nearly 25 million nized, passionately-concerned consi- Pe'T‘Odlca' published "‘ Marlon, sponsibility on somebody some- Why do“ y°u help “her Pew“? if nursing homes, campaign for your 55-;
homes — were touched by crime in tituency. and it can send off 100,000 Ohm. called 99mm“ Glhl News. It where you have 3° "me" “me fo' Part3" favorite candidate 0" WW5t for a
1882. letters or telegrams to Congress at charges that ”liberal politic1ans and ' _ _ h ing? There are many volunteer or- good cause. 2
But the belligerent National Rifle the touch ofa button. It terrifies pol- bureaucrats ' are Plotting “to take ““3 '3 the?“ "a?” °.’ Rf" “"1 sanizatlmthalneed helP- Partying may be the main activity
Association denies that guns and iticians. yourgunsaway." Strout. a Pulltle' P'le'lemw 'z‘ Ego: Who are you — Ann Land- at college, but with all the offerings 7;,
crime are connected. It ardently op- But the NRA is clearly worried by 3‘" increasmg numbers 0‘ people Pom" Who has been w“: t {2