xt7ht727df2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727df2h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1983 1983 1983-04-18 2020 true xt7ht727df2h section xt7ht727df2h ! ‘ 1 v I . . I , ‘ . Q , - . . .c . to -
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l P D ’ ’ UK ruggors dommotod Cincinnati yostor-
l ' I _ l day to win tho linols at tho Little Kon-
s tucky Dorby Rugby Yournamont by 0
-ft‘ ‘ // misleadingly close score at 6.3 UK: ro- "” " 4 ’7 ,--.,_
. .- , cord movostos 5 See story page 3.
d, _o
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Vol. LXXXV, No. 153Monday, April 18, l983 An independent student newspaper i Universny of Kentucky Lexmgton. Kentucky
Criminal cha ht ' t 6 GSLI d f d
From StaffnndAPRer-ts ney general and the IAItlanta office of the US. of Manual aid. IStocIkham said KHEAA inquired about 500 or less per case. and the matters were settled
Department of Education sItnspector general. . a students application earlier this year. before any through civilcourt proceedings.
m_ h___ Borden said those offICials “have been c00perating. prosecution plans were announced. But Borden's a enc . be an ch to is f' I ~
and within the last few days they and the FBI have in- Stockham id th t‘ f h , ' g y g #0 ng I 5 ”5 to see If
. . . . ed f .. fthe 'bl . l t f saI . e prosecu ton o t ose who filed borrowers had fraudulently obtained loans by such de- .
Indictments .are expected 5.00." m at least Six cases of terynew a ew o . pOSSl evto a ors. . . .. raudulent applications w1ll benefit the guaranteed loan nces as seeking more than one loan. wing different
alleged fraud in a state-admimstered loan program for ‘We expect criminal proceedings against SIX. Bor- program. “I think actions that result in the prosecution names at the same address or dropping out of school
college students, according to a state officiai den said. “We're not sure about the seventh." of persons who have taken improper advantage of the after receivmgaloan
The cases are believed to be the first in which crimi- Borden declined to discuss specific names or the program are in the best interest of all concerned." he “Within the last SlX months it appeared to me that
j nal charges have been sought involving the state's guar- §Ch°°ls that the people attended. 311‘ he said the C3585 said. there have been increasing instances of this abuse "
anteed loan program for college students. involve “at 1935‘ three institutions in Kentucky, possibly ~ Borden said ‘
. . . _ four." Stockham said the improper use of the loans must be .‘ .
One case mVOlVOfi alleged forgery and tals1fication of . Q Q curtailed, “especially since so many recipients have not The State 5 ”Ohm“ m the guaranteed loan "0‘
loan forms byaborrower of $30,000. However. he said there has been no indication of any yet repaid theirloans." Ed am began 1“ 1973- Since then. the Kentucky Higher
. . wron doin b an official connected with those ‘ ucation Assistance Authority has guaranteed 83.013
IPaul Borden, executive director_ of the Kentucky schoogls. g y y In the past. Borden said. there has been a "multi- loansforatotalof$176.9million.
Higher Education ASSistanceI Authority, the states stu- . . . . . tude" of cases in which action was taken against stu- Borden urged students who think they may have inad-
. . dent finanCial aid agency. said the names of seven pos ‘They may be seeking an indictment against a for- dents who had refused to pay their loans. But in these vertently violated their loan a reement' to. 0 he
Sible offenders have been turned over to the state attor‘ mer UK st dent “ 'd D 'd H Stockh in UK dir tor ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' g s C ntact t
u . sai 8V1 - a . 80 instances. he said, the money involved was usually $l.- Higher Education AsSistance Authority
9 Q; . , . g”; as“ h s $1 s,~ a . .i. , it , ‘. .. 4“ m . VET» at. . a ’. fit. ‘ - " i
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-.......-. was» . __ata-a ' - , a afar ,.
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The l983 Little Kentucky ’ . .
Derby Festival was held over -————-—- _ l
".9 weekend and “mm, in_ I. By'SICO'l'I‘ tt'thIOlT “Over the past five years. LKD campus cafeterias. a golf tourna-
cluded a balloon race Sotur- ..- ‘t SeniorStafthriter has been on a real slide." she meni. bike and balloon races. and
- , e ~ \ said “I think this year LKD has performances by several area
day afternoon (above) in the s ‘ . ~
. . Q QiQIQQ: c: \ _,..>.~»~ _ ____W-_v,-- ,w.-,--,.,.,.- .. _ made a real turnaround. Vie knew bands The rugby club played host
field in front of Common- » N g . . ~. .
lth Stadium Music was ‘“ \. - 5*“ . it had to change from the past it to a tournament Saturday and
“1°" 1 l - . .m-"“" 3‘? Q. . QQ " \ 39' I" Balloons. bands and parties theeventwasto continue.“ yesterda.V
penti u also as (above right) ' Q marked the 27th annual Little —'—'—""'"'—"I"' Although no serious injuries
a ton olI the Erector Set, a Q . 'Q Kentucky Derby celebration. F°V '9‘0'" 0' Y°"°"‘°Y3 were reported in the rugby tour-
CIiIncianIiIotih new wave Qroup, .. \ “if which began Thursday and ended balloon race. see Page 3 nament. Dr Lindsey Douglas. a
s owe er enjoyment. A - 2 Q. ' . yesterday. _____—___ surgeon from Ashland and a
. pie-eating contest (right) was Q “i ‘1‘ .. Despite unseasonably cool Anne Sibbring. a marketing )u» rugby player. said he only saw "a
held at Blazer Hall Cafeteria e , b 1‘ f“- - weather. Cathie Northern. LKD nior. agreed that this year‘s LKD few cracked nbs and a couple of
. and Valerie Ford, nursing .‘ rout V . y ' chairman. said this year's actiw was far superior to past cele~ dislocated shoulders “
I. sophomore, got her till. ‘ “B“ was“ ‘fl $ ' ities were"better than ever.“ brations. "Last year's was noth- "i would say' everything was
A». Isms-sari? .. . .I‘ ‘ “It all went so well." Northern. ing compared to this year." she pretty safe this time." Douglas.
"‘7‘“. a communications sophomore. said “There are more things to who has been playing the sport
said. ”1 really just can‘t believe doand more people domg them ' since 1972. said "I Just love it and .
nrnvaunooxrxtmaiaoi. it. LKD featured speCial meals in See LKD,pageb
MONDAY between the two nations and security ar- I I . I
rongements tor Israel's northern border.
FranAssociatodPross reports Syria Saturday reiected Israel's insistence grlcu “re s u E" S o VISI Ina
_ for a simultaneous withdrawal ol Syrian and
Tape reveals contract dispute Israeli troops from Lebanese territory, say-
as part 0 mutua exc an 9 r0 ram
Q Q LOUISVILLE — A tape recording has dis- .‘
closed that Brighton Engineering Co. exec- union supporters dispersed
. utive William H. May asked for restoration W can agricultural technology.“ Gra- "Just the number of people is
- of state contracts with his firm during a . . ' Stafth' 't ' ham said "Institutions like the gomg to get me."t‘arter said "Like
Thanksgiving Day, 198l. meeting in Gov. WAzISAwiI Ptlaland Z 1:033: Tamed W'"‘ n er Shandong Agricultural College were here in middleclass America.
John Y Brown Florida home a copyright mac ine pistos route , d OI 0;in sup» encouraged to explore avenues of theres two cars and four people toa Q
_ ' , .. . ’ , porters in Warsaw on yester ay. w to Cor- ' "W'TT' " ' access to the West " house But it's everybody every-
story "i yesterday 5 “WW” Of The COUV'e" dinal Jozef Glemp traveled 1° Gdansk and . Q Because Chen Shu1-tai. dean of the where over there "
Journal said. . met with Lech Woleso in a strong gesture of Sixteen College of Agriculture stu- Shandong Agricultural College. was The group will live in college

The contracts had been canceled despite ch rch 5 art for the outlawed who” dents and two faculty members will a vismng plant pathology professor dorms. communes and guest homes
May's $21000 contribution '0 Brown's guber- u Q upp _ f. h begin a l7day visit to China May 9 at [K in 1943 and had developed ties during theirtour, Robertson said
notoriolcampaign the story said POl'Ce "1 WO'SOYVI moved '" ° '9' l e to study agricultural techniques in with faculty members. be extended "lt‘s not gomg to be like staying in

M th t d ' l | 't crowd at an unottiaol ceremony marking the college‘s first exchange program an imitation t0 the College of Agri- the Hilton by our standards.“ Will

I°Y '90 9"? ‘1 persona OWSU' the 40m anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto with China. said John Robertson. as culture to develop an exchange pro said "Most hotels there have a cen»
090m" Motts dUr'hQ ”‘9 clpprOIiumately one- uprising. sociate dean of instruction for the gram. Barnhart said tral bathroom and a bowl and pitch-
hour meeting, which Brown did not attend. Authorities detained at .905, three peo- college Robertson said the college is at» or ofwaterin therooms"

The meeting was taped by Metts without I _ l d' S lidarit '5 term r no“ nol The exchange has not been threat- tempting to help China by sharing Will said she will have to remem-

May's knowledge, the story said. Brown P 9: '"C U "‘9 0 Y e . ° ened by the damage to cultural ties agricultural technology and proud her not to drink the tap water “As

fired state Public Protection and Re ulation spokesman. who tOld the CFOWd that it the between the ['S and China result- ing duplicates of selence Journals. far as I can see. well have a chaice

S t N ‘l J W I h Th d f 9 Warsaw ghetto lighters were alive today ing from the l‘nited States' granting which China is missing because of of drinking thousands of different

Iecre ary Iei . ec urs ay or arrang- they would ioin Solidarity in the "figh, for ofI political . asylym April 4 to itscloseddoor policy types of tea. Coca-Cola. and I hear
' "‘9 the 'OP'"9~ truth, lreedom and human dignity." Chinese tennis star Hu Na. 19. who in return. the College of Ag‘rtcul— their beer selection is incredible,

US. Attorney Louis DeFoloise subpoenaed At another gathering Glemp told l0 000 defectedlast July. Robertson said tum hopes to learn from China's 3g. "We‘re told to expect to eat any-
the tape and is investigating Brown's 1979 f ’hl I t td M . W th t “We‘re still going.“ be said "This riculture. characterized by high thing ~ cats and dogs and very
gubernatorial campaign for possible viola 0" U 0 °"I°U °°" 055 '" ("50W 0 is not a government-to-g0vernmcnt yields small crops. and high labor little beef. she said 'But we can‘t
tions of election laws a star in the Lexin . the Communist government has not "3- agreement. The cultural exchange intenstty. said Edwin Carter and \‘a take our Western philosophies with

.' y 9 sponded to initiatives to open a dialogue programs «that were canceledi were leric Will. agricultural economics us and condemn their customs We
'00 Herold-Leader said Saturday. with Solidarity, and that the Polish people between American and Chinese gov- graduate students who will be have to be open to whatever they
are "humiliated belore the world." ernments We re a more informal among the travellers have to offer us ‘

LCM"... p.80. forecast - type of agreement. between the CM Because two-thirds ot the Chinese Each student must pay $311!).

versity of Kentucky College of Agri. people depend on agriculture for which includes all costs with a 9600

NEW YORK _ Israeli Defense Minister culture and the Shandong Agricultu- their linng icompared with 4 per to $700 allowance. Robertson said

Moshe Aron: predicted yesterday that his . (”hi College. with the blessing of the cenctIepr Amfiicans. crItIip‘sh are haIIIiId Eh]? tf‘hIiInese government gs paging
these overnmen ten . res ting m i or Qvie s. a o eincountrycosts. esai

€quer W°UlI‘I‘I '90Ch 0 peace 09'99'“I‘I’"' WEATHER Walter Graham. associate director Willsaid The group will include SIX women

With Lobanon In "WI "0' '‘30 d'StOM future. of international programs for the The average yield of wheat is so to and 10 men. and is composed of un-

Although he declined to be more specific, ‘ College of Agriculture. said the ex 35 bushels per acre. while some dergraduate and graduate students
Aron: said "a lot of progress" had been change program is possible because Chinese records show 14o bushels. Forestry professor Calnn Liu. pres—
made. of the 1978 shift from China's closed- Carter said ently on sabbatical. will travel with

Arons, speaking lrom Tel Aviv via sotol- door 901le under Chairman Mao The agriculture students will tour the students

H h k ABC' "Th' W k 'th D 'd ‘ .0 Tse-tung to an emphams on educa crops agricultural communes. "l h‘ . . ll .
'I° 0° ItIJP 0" I 5 '9I 9' W' . 0‘" P.'¢.'" chance 9' "9'“ "WW 'M' tion and Western technology crafts and Silk-worm factories. the Q t .nk “9 "‘3 going tobe oyer-
Brinkley, also said that his country is war mornlng, wlth cloorlng pooolblo In tho With the death of Mao in 1976. um- Great Wall of China. the Summer rhelmflmmfilns 'l 5 5° different
riod about growing Soviet military ossis- ohornoon anda hlgh In tho low 40., versnies reopened and are now on Palace and lit mayor cities through» err(t2(1ina~md ”‘3 “9 re “59d m- ROb'
tance to Syria. locomln. mostly cloor tonlght, low In couraged to dM'OP "95 “1th Amen» 0‘" “Sleml‘h‘na ‘ 53'

Israel currontly is negotiating with Lab the upper 20.. can universmes. Charles Bamhart. They Will not trak'el by car while The Chinese Will probably be

anon not only 0v" withdrawal 0' "s lorcos Moo" . n tomorro hl h ' fl. agrrculturcdeansmd in China. btit by boat. train. and equally overwhelmed “I hear
. from Lobonon but also ovor tuturo relations Y n "V w. ' n . “About three to ll\'(‘ years ago. the small plane because the socialist they're tt‘hinesei still fascinated by
l . UPN'W'OIOW 50h political decision makers in China government prohibits private own» a white person like kids“ come
~ . _____....____.___ decided to men China tip to Amen ershipof cars. Willsaid up andtouch your hair."Willsaid
, . t , .
. ’ l l s-

 . w- - .. ' ‘
t m
I II" sum:- Muir-w Own-n» John OvINln Wei-v "Nov-on Llnl s. Ind-b. 1.0. Vunuoou on (”Hold
i no iii thv' NEWSIUAHN Aintditot Sportsldilir Sp-imIPioiouskditui Pliiiiiildiiiii Giophiistdiiiii
P E RSUASION Jame-Idiom ”out. “that. kan Sc".- II" I. WIlono' JV. Dun MOVIIO' Kathi. Mllllon u" Van "005 ch,“ A", 'r
\u .N .9. ii . t i' .ii tit 'm AumamAits Editor AuutantSpoHI tdiioi spuiai plo.0(V§A|ltsV01W (ti Q.Phiilnqtup'19l ,..i. .i .
CHE administrators unite —I ‘ ' ”A :4 E I ll H BSD E :5 g
' // Maw...5'/R-$HA LL we
I . T7E
t0 fl ht for COMMON cause NSCUSS SOME MA R5
9 ”N // , or GRAVE lMPORTANCEP ,
° . .4 ,
i f I .I . \ . v/ 111‘
1- I . ‘. j /
End of internecene warfare may be on horizon , ~ j ,.//_<’“ r
it w /(’. W/A
Lnited we stand. diVided we fall. Which is all the more reason for the univer- ( . 4 J i
The Council on Higher Education has fi- sities to unite.and now. ‘ 4‘ 'Il/L/q /,fl
nally gotten around to recognizing the sense The university presidents endorsed the la- ' c / y t»
of this famous motto. After state universi- boriously drafted funding formula in Feb- 4‘“ ‘ / ,l ..
ties‘ allocations were cut by the General As- ruary. Now they can face the coming legis- ’ .jjw
sembly three times in as many years. the lative session with the single goal of [MI/W/ 3.44 _
CHE has decided to forge a compromise be- obtaining more money for higher education ( "” Q To M 5
hind which it and the universities can stand instead of more money for their own partic- i f! 1F: / Ni" 1 .
united for the first time in a long while. ular schools. services or programs. ~ %“ \ \ It i
. . . . . . With Kentucky‘s educational system \’ ‘ .ii 1
In the st. mve ities have sent individ- -. . . . ./ i 11,, t
pa u rs -. . ranked the worst in the country, it is high , i , ’Q‘ | l
ual lobbying groups to the General Assembly . . w . . C .
- . . . .. . . ~ time the educators themselves buried the / t \ ., . ‘ i
to promote the" mdeual needs. The W hatchet and then did the same with the bud- ' " ‘ 7< «
fighting that resulted — dubbed “internecine et cutters‘ axes While each ma have valid "I I . i
warfare" by CHE member Morton Holbrook grounds for wantin a bi er yiece of the 3' ,, / - " \
_, has been hurting the overall attempts to gHE‘s bud etarv is to begiickgrin amon "~'t- 1/ \ ‘ “I: ‘7 i
increase educational spending by dividing g ~ p '. . g. g ’ I i: ”4/ i
.. ' themselves over the Size of slices while poli- ‘7 / .-
lobbying efforts. . . . ., UL ; . i
' tiCians reduce the general rec1pe would be / ' - “3/" i
Last week. the CHE approved a new for foolishness. , C .\ i.. A ,, go
mula for dividing the state's budget between The CHE and Kentucky‘s institutions of / . w W Wu”, ‘3.
the various universities. It will guarantee learning are finally united to voice a clarion $10 5% a ’ g g
each institution the same funding per credit call for more funds. And considering the nu- / z? t ‘4 ' g i
hour for any courses they all offer. thus re- merous cutbacks in educational funding in r \ . g t,
moving any need to squabble. the past few years. the lobbying effort can ( f3” - g is
It will not. however, guarantee the schools only grow strongerand with it. Kentucky‘s % a \ Q .
will receive the overall funding they need. educationalsystem. my) '
b .
Effects Of sexual harassment extend 1'0 rape Of the m hd
A Women of today are no longer con- hours every shred of pride. seltcon- thing. the guilty parties become The other major abuse that grate them?“ All he did was look at me and did
tent to stay in a confining ennron- fidence and self~respect is stripped more obnoxious to see our reaction. fully does not happen too often is the Then I wonder what my parents not utter a word. He also freely puts l
ment They are actively involved in away Feeling naked and exposed. I The things I consider major actual physical groping. rubbing. or would think of this happening to me his hands on my waist or shoulders .
various sOCial situations. ranging go home while my mind is dazed by abuses and the most detrimental to “aCCidental” touching. My waist or my friends. their reactions. then as he walks past.
trom recreational activities to pur- humiliation What could be so de- a woman are physical groping and and shoulders are squeezed, my againlam filled with humiliation. Sowhatdoldo'.’ Nothing!
suinga career meaning that each day I suffer? malicious gossip and rumors. Which thighs and legs grabbed. and my My reaction to my abuser? Some. I know sexual harassment is a fed-
This interaction has gven women Sexualharassiiient' is the worst. I am unable to say. bottom is pinched or patted. I cringe times I angrily retort. or try to era] offense. and I have heard of
the enjoyment and contentment 0f _——-—— Like old hens. they watch for any- every time I have to walk next to laugh and pretend nothing upset me. cases that have been tried. But I
being able to achieve. compete and thing they can deliberately misinter— one of these “feelers." Most times I try to be alone so no don‘t have the guts. I barely had
contribute to the world around them Guest pret for their own enjoyment. My fear has caused nightmares of one will see my hurt. But each day enough gumption to say this much.
This high‘ of self-confidence has OP|~|ON They will even manufacture juicy being cornered without an escape. I‘ll come home and relive the let alone having to detail the actual
helped promote feelings of female little tales to spread. My own super- Although I have class'fied the sexual events. words and deeds I cannot do it? I
equaity in both men and women ———————————— visor fed rumors of lewd events he harassment events, minor and I will resolve to report the offense have no desire for revenge or pun
There is an interference that stops For tour years I have worked for tween him and me <1 gave him a major. they are all so profound in to one of the supervisors. But then I ishment of these men Some are my
the "feeling of equality” growth a company predominately employ- ride home for several days while his their effect on my mental being. remember how I did that before and friends who unknowingly hurt me
sexual harassment Not only does it ing males Hui of 90 employees on car was being repairedl Some of I am sure you are wondering just my work friends shunned and crit< They just fall in withthe other guys
keep men from newing women with my shift. six oi as are female Not a the men have even been so bold as what I feel and what my reactions icized me. They believed I was If only they realized how often
respect it shatters a woman's view day goes by iii which someone does to suggest an affair. are in these incidents. Although my wrong in the way I handled the situ- sexual harassment occurs and were
of herself not humiliate me Some of the minor There are also many inquiries in- reactions vary. my feelings have al- ation. aware ofits very poisonous effect
Every day. Monday through Fri- afflictions are the filthy words. ut- volving my sexual life. habits. pref- ways been the same. After each Then I think about going to the Sexual harassment is truly a rape 9
day I attend morning classes I am tered so freely. and the vile jokes erences and even my anatomy abuse I feel so ashamed and dirty. I shift manager, but again I remem- ofthe mind
very proud of my progress toward a told The presence of a woman. or These questions and “or remarks question myself: "Am I the type of her doing that. A supervisor was
degree After classes I drive to my ther myself or another. has no deter~ never fail to leave me speechless. if girl who brings this on myself; have calling me a degrading name. and 1 Pamela Mullis is (I ('ttnlpliit'F St‘l ‘.
part-hm? 10b and Within three “"8 the“ ”h the language If any- notintears. I said or done anything to provoke asked the manager to speak to him. once sophomore
rass‘ed ilkt- you were last month in please him higher education need proper fund- have the largest numbers of stu- Babies are the same as buns It V
[Pom I Knoxville If you want to impugn our motives ing in order to provide that educa- dents. you pluck a baby from its mother's .
POUS CTOP However. I'll assume (‘oach Hall for writing the editorial. you‘d best tion Students come to UK from all over womb before it has fully developed.
and his boys can actually give the find better grounds When you look at the candidates. the world. from Australia to Zim~ then you haven‘t killed a baby. you _
(‘ardmals a good game Such a se- Furthermore. your charge that a don't just look at their personalities. babwe. but Asia tabout 42 percent» have just removed an inconvenienci-
\tter reading nationally Circulated ries would boost the already high colleg" newspaper's job is to “help Look at how they stand on the most and the Middle East (about 30 per- tothe mother
sharpie from the editorial against image or the college game. ranking foster new attitudes“ shows how crucial issues of the day. Look at centiare homefora majority. This country was built on the prin»
.n; annual l‘niversny of Louisville- it with \tir'h i'arolina-North ('aro- little you really understand about their qualifications for meeting We need to encourage internation‘ ciples of life. liberty and the pursuit .
l riiyersity of Kentucky basketball hnt' Stale lbt'l'l‘lA. Purdue~ln- journalism's mission A newspaper‘s those cruc1al issues When you do al students in their attempts to con- of happiness. Inconveniencing a '
game i felt I had to write and give diana. ct .ii Thank God your pre- job. whether at the college. city. that. you'll see that Steve Beshear is tribute to and participate in the life poor woman with an unwanted ‘ '
you my thoughts aboutit historic mentality doesn't prevail state or national level. is to be fair the candidate who has a plan to face of the University of Kentucky, I human in her belly clearly violates .’
Let me preface these remarks by elsewhere iest the game go down and accurate Apparently you think the challenges of the lieutenant gov- hope SGA will work with the Inter her rights to liberty and her pursuit
.taitng that I am not from Ken- thetubes of journalism merely (Ls a license to ernor's office and has trained him— national Students Council. of happiness The mother was here
'ucky nor am I assocxated in any I hope tiny Brown can somehow incite controversy —.. such as the selfforthe office before the fetus so her rights should.
way with either university I am convince those in charge to look past overblown hoopla surrounding the I hope that you will support him in Angene Wilson and do thanks to our Supreme t‘ourt.
-, only a far. of good college basket. the narrow mindedness and bring proposed L'KAUL game the primary on May 24 Associateprofessor come before the unborn baby's right
tiaii this game to trUItiOn. And i hope Yes. these are the 1980s. McGuire. Education toiiie. ,.
1 mum the parts of the edltonaj [ your outlook changes before you try so grow up In the meantime. as BillyJMabry It‘s the mother's two rights .-
read It; be the most self-serwng landing a job in the real newspaper President Otis Singletary said. “We Second-year law student against the baby‘s one Any grade ?
piece iif pompous ass-kissing crap world unless you‘re looking to have more important things to . . . school child will tell you that two .
l ye ever read in any college news work for thf‘ JOhh Birch $00913 WOVU‘Obout " . . . FrUIiless Wh'n‘ng beats (me, .
paper It was a slap in the face to Times PorIICIPCiion No social order. no government .
anyone past or present u who has body. n0 organization. or indmdiuil .
worked on a college newspaper and Jerry MCGUIFE' Steve Besheor As faculty chair of the Internation- Pro-life people need to accept the should have the right to inconve _
‘hat includes myself Delaware State News and Maryland al Student Committee. 1 want to sup reality that abortion is legal and nience America‘s activccitizeiis. ‘.
The job of a college newspaper State News port the efforts of the new Internet they can‘t do anything about it. All We are a people on the move In ‘ .
and the people who publish it is to WWW Delaware I am writing in support of Steve tional Students Council. composed of Of the whining and protesting that born babies slow us down but thanks :'
help foster new attitudes. not perpet» Beshcar in his race for lieutenant presidents of every foreign student anti-abortion peopledo is fruitless. ‘0 the Supreme COUTL “9 are m“ .
uate (”d _];m ('row- values or the governor associanon. to advocate interests of The Supreme C0urt.the Unshakea' able to dispose of ”Us mt‘onve :
kind of aristocratic snottmess that Fiiitor v reply Let's set the re Steve Beshear has the type of international students on this cam- ble. infallible distributor 0f justice in nience. Fortunately. we have taken v’
evidently touls the air at [K This is and straight. McGuire First. if you background that all Kentuckians can pus the United States, has made a deci- this great step for OUTSOCICU'
the 1980s gang You ought to get rid had taken the time to look at our beproudof I hope the Student Government sion and that decision is unchange- If America‘s pro-life movement ' .
0i your antebellum mentality flag. you would have seen the tag Steve has served as student body Association v.1“ reconsider their able. Exceptions to the Supreme would accept the fact that abortion V_.‘
Did you think your “courageous" line An independent student news prEsldenI at the L'niversity of Ken» postponement of an amendment that Court‘s infallibility llike segrega- is legal and right. then we could
stand would somehow result in a paper right below our nameplate tucky. was a top graduate in his law would have resulted in cooperation tion. busing. the death penalty. pro< move on toward making America‘s
bigger grant from those who under- That means we VPCPIVP no monev school class. was voted the outstand» between SGA and the International hibition. CW“ rights. etcl are .iust HCUVQ citizens even less income -;
write your paper” Did you think you whatsoever from the University We mg freShman representative while Students (‘ouncil in choosing the that — rare exceptions. The abortion nienced. The elderly COUM be dis .
could show the clip to a prominent stood to gain no financial benefit by he served in the Legislature and be head of the SGA's new International issue will never become a member posed of ,.. thereby lightening our . '
i'K alum in the future. thereby as- running the editorial And besides. has been an aggresswe attorney StudentsI)epartment ofthatclub. lax loads. balancing our govern
suring yourself a job and a spot in Joe Hall s stand ls‘ opposed by many general The lfniversity of Kentucky is for. Pro-life humanitarians seem to be- ment's budget and relieving us of ‘
the Wildcat higher echelon” members ofL'K‘s administration steve‘s primary issues are two tunate to have 535 international non< lieve that just because all of the in- our responSIbilities toward the cider
It's hard dealing with a mind set Second of all. the only prominent that should be on every college stu- immigrant students from 64 coun- gredients Of a bun are 9'59"! and ly. =-
that finds it "foolish. destructive. L'K alumnus we can think of who dent's mind _. education and jobs. [rips studying with us Readers of the bun is in the oven. you have a So all of you prolife. anti abortion
and undesirable" for UK to play mm a newspaper of note is Paul Steve Beshear knows that the best the Kernel might be interested in loaf of bread. Well. just take out the peOpIe out there. give up and mm -
LOUISVIiie every year. but I'll try Janesrh. ererulive editor of the Con tool that a college student can carry knowing that of the .135 students. 372 bun before it is cooked all the way form. ‘
Those adjectives fit. all right. if "er Journal. which favors the game into the job market is a highquality are in graduate programs. Engi- and you W1“ 599 that all YOU have is Jeff Nicolas
you‘re worried about being emba- We (P'tulniy weren't trying to education and that institutions of neering 1137i and Agriculture (76> alotofstickydoughl l'ndecidedsophomore
noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed
we -Mw Zet’rfi new to): WOW” I 1; .* "
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