xt7ht727df58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727df58/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1986 1986 1986-03-04 2020 true xt7ht727df58 section xt7ht727df58 W

m Vol. XC, No. M Established “94 UOIVOI’SI'Y of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky "#4090060!" since 1971 Tuesday, March 4, [”5 '
$100 11' 'd ' ’ 4' ‘

n m1 iontoai , . .. -

. ’i - . 5

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-' Nicaraguan rebels m 4 . - -
H) (il-I()R(iE(il'Il)l)A ——————— . ~ ’ l x “I 'V ‘ ‘ . f- . 'VI;
AssoCiated Press Reagan Sald that If the I ‘ . - - » .~ I; .1,‘

WASHINGTON — President Rea- Sandinista government . . ; 2 ~, T ,,
gan called on Congress yesterday to . . . . 3’43 " r . .. . r I " .' 1'
support $100 million in assistance to achieves fll’lal VlCtory9 \ ‘ “ ‘ '~-_' :i' . ‘ ‘ r . :-.-.-‘
anticommunist rebels in Nicaragua. ' “ , . ' ., _n .3 .
saying those who resist will be held It WOUId Open UP the A 'Q ., I ~ ' ' . f ‘; ii f V_. '.
“fully accountable by history." pOSSlblllIy Of SOVICI , ~ g ' . y I If {If

Reagan said that if the Sandinista - - ' fi “ ' ‘ . i’ . ‘ g
government achieves final victory, military bases on ' , m in ‘ " . . ' x .P'. {Wtfl
it would "open up the possibility of America’s doorstep.” ‘ "‘- .--~ g . .. A .2" I l . .I '
Soviet military bases on America's X _ . ~ “ " ‘ ; - ( w ." ;|I: .5 3 II]:
doorstep. threaten the security of — ‘ ° i l . ‘ 1". ' j,
the Panama Canal and inaugurate a and subversivcs just two days‘ driv- , ‘; . ‘ ' i I "s; “ . .- ".‘c'
Ligferiiirdfihindgggcgf tfhdflgakgyfl- ingtime from llarlingen.Texas.“ I ‘ ~ g; .g ,» . »I 7 . " {If};
refugees.“ LI SIIasIsiIstaSnt-e tIoIIthe Contra? gov: " , I . - Z. EI

" . . . is iiiii et 0 27 mi ion nnon- . no“: ' . ; "- \ . -.‘ ._ i
I The president issued his statement de which expires at [the enfl 2f . 'I I, ._ I” ' 3% at 3"" .. . ' g " bf
TI {klei :I‘fb‘g‘et Room ashIhe was March, Reagan is asking Congress \‘3. ‘ . , e V .. , V " ’3‘
1‘"? 9‘ ’~' I e top eaders 1" Of ‘the to approve around $100 million over .. *" . . . . I‘ y
resistance forces. known as the (on— the next 18 months. A House vote is V ’ - , ~ ' ~ ' . -'
tras. and by more than two dozen expicled m about twoweeks. . f " ,
L .5, business supporters of the rebel _ . _ . . ‘
cause, Reagan said the SOVIC‘I Union has { '~ ' ‘ ' ' ' .
provided the Sandinistas with $500 . i ‘ - _ “

Reagan s oke a few hours after million in assistance and that with- . cuvowcu “erne‘S'uf' . _- g '* a.
Secretary of) State George P. Shultz holding aid from the Contras could Fan'taStlc . _ . » i..
outlined the stakes in Nicaragua in leadtoa“strzitegicdisaster.” UK guard 8099' Harden ‘5 greeted bY l°"5 after yesterday's Winne' of Tennessee and lVllSSlSSlPPi Thursday ""9ht l” 'he i l A I ‘
Similar terms duringaspeech to the II open practice at Memorial Coliseum. The Wildcats meet the Scutheastern Conference Tournament. 3 ' . 1 - I
Veteransof Foreign Wars. He said the rebel (ontras need . . I .- _

more than humanitarian aid to con- _ ~

It the United States fails to back front the helicopters and tanks now . . . C ' ~ '. -.
the (‘ontras “our worry will then be in the Sandinista arsenal. Because lre ep artment lnstltu tes new fl re c 0 es ‘_ _ . i ‘ ._

a Soviet and Cuban base on the of congressional opposition. the ' 'I - ..
mainland of Latin America. a re- t'nited States has not provided any ~ . ‘
gime whose consolidated power will military assistance to the Contras By BRAD COOPER illegally converted to apartments tend to find it and bring it up to min- HOWGVGF. Sallee said that if apart~ . .
allow it to spread subversion and since the spring of 193.1~ StaffWriter withoutabuilding permit. imum code." merits already had ladder escapes j -, '
terrorism throughout the hemi- McDaniel said all apartments will Because the buildings on East and from third floor apartment blllld' ~ ' ‘ '. . 1
sphere.“Shultz said. In his speech to the war veterans. The Lexington Metro Fire Depart- be requued to have the following; West Maxwell streets include room- ings. owners would not be required - '
. _ Shultz said the alternative to demo- ment has developed fire code stan- two exits from third-floor apart- mg houses as well as apartment 10 install stairs. ' ‘ ~ g -_ . '
R933?" said that 'f Congress "3‘ cratic rule in Nicaragua is a Latin dards which it will apply in an ”1' merits. proper sized windows for buildings, the fire department has Uh? East Maxwell Sire?! building . '.
19115 h15 request for $70 million lh America comprised of “two three spection of small apartment entry of firefighters in case of a fire. developed an additional set of stain. owner said the 00d" 1.“ nothing “9“ . '
direct military assistance and $30 manv Nicaraguas __ a hemisphere buildings and rooming houses sclfclosuig doors. an enclosure dards. and is something that the fire de- . ’ .
million in non-lethal humanitarian of burning churches. suppressed throughout Lexington. around the main furnace and smoke "The fire code for rooming houses partment ShOUId UCUVt‘l." be 1h' ' / . .
“"12".“Uum mean “consondat'o'? 0f newspapers and crushed opposi- The inspection. brought on by the detectOrs. will be more stringent because there volvedm . ‘ '
it privileged sanctuary for terrorists tion," death of a 5-yearold boy in :i fire on Apartments will not be required to are more people in small concen- Juan “(‘l'hflhdel- 41 ['K graduate _ I .
East Maxwell Street. began yester— furnish fire extinguishers. said tratedareas,”Salleesaid. and an East Maxwell Street house ‘ .
° -- day. Although the inspection is cit}'- James Sallee. acting fire marshal. Rooming house regulations will owner. said he thmks the We de- ' ~ a . '
wrlter tells ‘ywv‘sd -;‘ wide. it focuses on East and West However. any apartment that our difter from apartments in that they partment l5 domg a 800d 10b and . "
»w ., Maxwell streets. an area near cam- rently furnishes them Wlll be re- will be required to have a fire alarm that the new 99d? "15“.! all that _ ~ . ,
o o i (.2 ’5‘; PUS where many L'K students live quired to keep them in working con- system and two exits from each stringent." ~ ' ;
3'5':VIV.I..:£5'~“'E' ' .. " dition. floor where tenants live. .. . . . . . ,
0f hlS llfe The standards were developed by “We‘re doing this in the citv and L'nder the code stipulated bv the The fire department hi“ (”I W“ .- ‘ l .
r ' -. W the fire department after it sur— we‘re not ‘ust sin lin towne} on V't 1 F' P t t' Ag: _. _ tea. lives and that 5 what they r“ l," . -~
0 o “3;; -'~ , _ . , , . J , g g 5 1" iona ”9 m cc ‘0“ ,‘b‘ma business for. Hernandez said “It s , .
V t I .=g;-; ieyed East and “CSI Maxwell street East and West Maxwell streetsi tion. apartments are required to their dutv to come and av ‘He' .x
In 1e nam 3 V l Ire buildings last month. The survey de- out." McDaniel said. “If there‘s an have stairs as a means of exit from Ivow have at to ‘orrect :h. .' .06‘ l ; V .- ,
2 termined Wthh bUlldlth had been apartment house in the City. we in- third floor apartments. lem - «~ g L Ls pl - A ~
War aided O’Brien if I D l . . . . . l I I
m ch 005mg career C 3 SC 00 O O mex ensrve S 11 en C l C . I , I , .
H) JL'LIAPHEIFER a. Second year dentistry majors given opportunity to gather hands-on experience _. .r» a: r ‘
(‘ontributin Writer Us * - x ‘ ' . ,V ,
g ..’ "'5 : By WENDYSl'SAN SMITH dents individually supervised by fac- good care here as at any town den- and praCllCQ’d dental PWCWUW‘ 0h .~ .7, - V. - ' ~ '

Tim O‘Brien fought in the Viet- *” Staff Writer ulty members, tist.if not better." plasllC.Sl0n0 and extractedteeth .. u 5
nam war Throughout college he ral~ ; ' . . “We watch three to five students Ed Smith. also a second year den- "It a secondayear did a filling on : . I; " ‘. . T‘. x
lied against the war. and then in the ' ' TheICollege 01 Dentistry '5 dental at a time. talking to them all the la] student. said. “Our patients someones tooth. it may be the first . f‘ I’ g , I _ .- '
summer of 1968 on his way to Har- clinic is offering full—time students a time. If a dental student is doing know they are gomg to get good patient he or she has worked on. but . . -.1 y. . ', a
yard Graduate School. he was special dental program for Signifi- dental work. I am within a few work done because we're being that person has done 20 Of those ‘ '4" -,‘.' I. .3 ",I‘
drafted. He felt a little superior and TIM O‘BRIEN cantly reduced rates. . feet." said Dr. Charles J. Cunning— graded on it. They can be confident fillings."Cunnmghamsaid .i ~. ':II I
was “a little pissed off." For $45. students can receive den- ham. assistant dean for clinical af— their work willbegood.” “The dental students have had pa- 1; : 1.‘ ~_, _' ‘. I. "4

Before Vietnam. he never thought ciato was published and won the tal work thlU‘Iilhg d13gh0515 and fairs in the(‘ollegeofDentistry, tient contact since the second se- - .- .. 't’..I . .593“.
about being a writer. O'Brien said 1979 National Book Award. Last treatment planning. X~rIayIs. oral hy- ”We have instructors looking over Students may be apprehensive mester of their first year They start . 1. (“fun/1. ,.
last night during a lecture/reading night he read two chapters. “Getting giene instructions. limited gum our backs. Checking on us. making about allowing a dental student to earlier than most schools in treating ‘ ,5?"
sponsored by the English depart- Shot“ and “Calling Home." to the treatment and fillings. sure we are doing top-notch work.“ work on their teeth. but the dental patients." said Sally Porter coordi— .. .~ _‘ f
meiit. crowd ofabout 100 Patients will be treated by one of said Laura Gushue. a second year students have taken technique nator of patient services ,“ v.' 3 '9‘..-

In Vietnam. where he was a The main character of his partial- 40 second year dental school stu- dental student. "Patients get as courses in which they‘ve learned 1§~:1:¢‘i1;3:-:$§.~R-2-I-.o.~>-‘;:;»:-:<::i'-'-:i:i;<€ .l - v '-'-il‘-‘T.-:‘i: -‘ 33 = - " ”-111" ' ' i '
C k ' Test your mo ie trivia sk'lls
. a true gem, ,, 1 _  . .
~“"’ *‘ Wl ESE scar rain- easer S
. Everlys return ..
I ‘ww xiii; Staff reports
‘ iiit: Alida?” Rt [- - . There's nothing like a little trIVia
. . . ‘I I to while away the hours. If you're
. sum Coolie: The .II-an and "is Music I, . > ’” _I- ' M“ bored With triwal board games —— or
Sam (‘ooke Abk co/RC A Records . a have already memorized all the an-
' ' -‘ Z"_-;.',.I-'1:_‘ swers — try your hand at Oscar
, - ‘5" : ' " ‘ 1 trivia.
. , ' f "' »’ , » . »:;-z:. . . . .
I I . -~ gesis that this double album offers t. ' ' . y fmdghgwtm? "3? years fade?”
. ‘ nothing but the most polished 3:: I " war ‘ u m e mean line see .
I ' - " I . material from one of the finest soul 3.7;?” 3.3-1}. if I I‘ -I- how many 0‘ the following questions ' ,
I . . , II singer songwriters of the late 508 a I: You can get rightIIAnswers will ap.
, ' and earlv 605, including hits like 1,:; . ' 13.7.; Pear m tomorro“ 8 Kentucky Ker- 'f‘
. .‘ --‘ 'A " Bring 1{ On Home To Me” “Won- . I-_-- 38%: . net, and all you non-Winners Will get
' . ~ 1 - , ik‘i‘tul World‘and “(‘uDid " ‘3 the b18865t "0‘9"m YOU V9 "ever
‘ . 'A . .' 51‘!‘~*‘>‘ EL‘ another reminder 0f ' . ' -. ‘ l 1 Four actors have won Oscars i
I L3 . , ' l‘imkr s nntmumg influence on pop ”it "3;: ' .W ' I . . '
'-. '..» * I sillilt‘lN. complete with several liner ”g .z" : - . " for “iii“?!{mg- Name them. the
. . ‘. . I hm. quotes from the likes of pau} fig .. . ’5‘. “mg. Yearan e ims.
. .‘ V " Young and Rod Stewart praising the 2:? a: - ' ' ' -- -» , -
~ .' f '5 lalesinger's work. g? i “3:35” . :. -- - ’7 % .2' Who was the firstoperformer to .
i V. . ’l‘hc digitally remixed versions of 5 a, ' ‘ win consecutive Oscars.
' ‘ - . ’l‘it‘>t‘ songs 5 as familiar as they vie-’5} X“ I 4: - ‘
., ...- I“, h, anyone ()\'er the age of 25 or 3‘»; I k f 3. Whto W?S the Oglmto inIack pSIr- I
' ' " . , ' - ulnone who tunes in Solid Gold Sat- «3‘ , ---g.. farmer-d €hwd2tan car. ame e
, 1 . . ~ ' urtlay Vight ~ remind us how little . " iman e e. we
~ ' . , _ t"'t i5 . .t i a . .
i'h ' I mil:- bgidlsfied? Segrgogeflrlli]: '"°'°‘°“"""°”“ “cm“ 4. Of the 57 films named Best Pic-
' ’ , :0“ I” “Ah“ 5 stars were old The softer side of legendary soul singer Sam Cooke's music has ture only one was a western. Which “moms KernelGroph‘u
. . . . . 9
. " ' enhughiostand up toa microphone. Ibeen repackaged in an excellent neIwIIdoulIgle.album (QuechonI one. the character they played and the Oscar. Name her. the year and the
. ' " As Rolling Stone Keith Richard Sam Cooke: The Man and HIS Music, which serves as a fine , . titleofthefilm. film.
' ' . sins r the liner notes, Cooke is the companion piece to last year's gritty live album. “5- What Oscar-Withlnintg IJOIlI'mI Ford
' . ‘ . kind of vocalist other singers match -——— .1 "Wh I W I ,. f D’ “I ‘t . ‘iEmT a???” on e e eiismn m 11. Has anyone ever directed him- 18. Only five pairs of co-stars have
» " ' ‘ .’ illt‘l'msiwh against, and "105‘ Of REVIEW lBioth I: I." 2:13:11 pmm Ire ‘ 'a' S ‘ “ self toan Oscar victory? ever taken home the Best Actor and
. ~' mom gilhacktopumpinggas. e * . . 3‘ ‘ -. ,I , . . . Best Actress Oscars. Name them,
I ”I, “I” and His Music includes — The only original song is Don s up‘ 6.IVihat was the first filmIIm color 12. Name the onlv presenter to the films and the years.
. >8\'t’l‘al lesser known and hard U) town country-styled Ill”? traCk‘ 81‘ [O‘VIn theBeSl Pleture oscar' award himselfan OSCér.
V 4 , ' find t'mike classics. notably “That's set of Cooke racking the house down ready racking up “m9 0“ “TVS 19. Name the actor Wh0 was the
. ”on t n to Me" and “Touch the Hem on the club circuit that shows a com- VH'I adultcontemporary channel. 'li't WI??? “:35 the lasI; btlag.‘ Iand 13. Has any film produced all four first to win an Oscar for a role in a
of ”3‘ Hal-merit," a couple of fine pletely different side of one the most The Everly Brothers may have “ leIIlm 0 Vim a 05 IC ure acting winners? musical.
' ‘ git-.946 numbers recorded early in imitated and revered singers of the Sam Cooke bfhat whenflt comes '0 "3 Oscar.
hi' -rreer as the lead singer of the popera uencmg 0 er per ormers. an 14, Which film has won the most 20_ On] seven rformers have
' Suzi: Stirrers. These will surprise have been hailed as heros by every- 3‘ Meryl Streep won a Fe“ .AC Oscars” won Oscai‘ls in both‘lZading and sup.
. ‘ tin-wine who thought that the fervent Born Yesterday Everly Brothers body from the Beatles to the Long 3:95 ayagat'“ ”11982 fit” $0?th porting acting categories during
,. Iw‘ disciplined vocal style Cooke filercuryri’olyGram Records Ryders. That gets to be a pleasant 01cc. 9 er ac ress won an 15. Only two motion pictures in the their careers. Name them and the
, . ii!‘"‘}; ' to these songs was pioneered sort of problem with this album. es- Oscar ”for play mg another famous history of the Academy Awards films for which thev won.
" ' . :.;_ Vldr-m Gaye or Al Green. Speaking of old-timers. Phil and peeially when the Everlys kiCk 0“ SOPh'e‘ have had their entire casts nomi- '
' , .1 A 'Q'hringe is Gonna Come" is the Don Everly are - believe it or the ILPIw‘th roots-rockrng Rank find . nated for Oscar contention. Name . .
. , Irrmk iI‘Ut' gem. a beautiful. pray not *Sllll going 5erth File 5 ‘Amanda Ruth. done up Just 9. This Oscar-winning actor ap- the films and the performers. 21. What historical character gar.
I ,9, I,“ gong that closes out this enough like the original to leave the peared in the best film of 1977 and nered the most Oscar nominations
' , package just as it once did Cooke's Born Yesterday is the follow—up to listener wondering “'h" '5 influenc- 1978. Namehim and the films. 16. What was the first sound film for the performers who played him;
- rare-er. becoming a paignant hit 1984‘s reunion LP. EB '84, which mg whom these days . to win an Oscar'.’ Name the performers and the films.
' ' .‘hOt‘liI‘, after his death. made some waves on Top 40 radio But 91059 are only amusing games 10. Only two actors in Academy
' .’ ll rim-e l\ a drawback to this re» and garnered the brothers some of to Play The real 1on IOf I89"? Ypsti; history have won Oscars for playing 17. only one woman has ever been 22, What was the first sequel to
- Cup}. at is that Cooke is whitewashed their most glowing critical acclaim. day 15 — as-it 31“?“ hasIbeen w' the same character. Name them. nominated for a Best Director win an Oscar as Best Picture?
; as ready a highly successful croon- The latest album seems geared the Ever lys _ "“59 SOaF‘Dg vacals
. or at pop songs. For a clearer pic- more for popular acceptance, in— and r azor-sharp harmonies that . ,
‘ ture of Cooke and his music, this an- eluding an irish pipe-livened version somehow have never 39‘ run up Read The KentuCRy Kernel
' ' 'holnex shouid be matched with last 0: Bob Dvlans recently unearthed agamsiagenera'm" gap W‘ '
, Inniz' < _t. nu. Cooke Live at the Hare “Abandoned Love and an even qu1-
' ‘ mlurv (tub, 1963. a gritty live eter cover of Mark Knopfler's frag-
‘ ' Ké‘i‘i‘iel
. ; Fditor in chief Elizabeth Caras
‘ News Editor Fran Stewart
. I Assistant News Editor Linda Hendricks
. Assistant News Editor Cynthia A. Polormo
' < Editorial Editor Aiexonder Crouch
‘ '~ _I Sports Editor Willie Hiati '“ TI 4
‘ i I. -' Arts Editor Gary Pierce I "' ”its; ‘9
I“! v . . Special Projects Editor Scott Word .7 /
' I . r Features Editor Kakie Urch _‘ .3; ,I-_ '
. . it s. ".1
. I . , I Photo Editor J.D. VonHoose fl/r'a' $333 ,9]. a .w ‘
_ _‘ .I . _ I- Adviser Paula Anderson :- “—1. -~'\\ (”s ' M ‘ $3.3 l ' /
" . - . Advertising Manager Linda Collins ‘ “high-f '\ {2“ ’45: ‘3‘“ ' /
. » ~ 1 . Production Manager Rhonda O'Non ,. 1V ‘ i '- - . £15 £52,; ‘3 (
. _ . . .Igjag. . ' \ v. 5; a, '35s fa. \
« . v. i _ «in-fl; 'o.\\ . fl \ gun/- is) ngfl . f E433... N‘K 5:931:19: )
.' 1' ‘ Tr». Kentucky Korncl IS published on class days during the academic year A §I~.' i q( "I” \%‘g§§;§ ““1 ’3; I
‘ ' V Cr ’9 weekly during the summer session. 2 I t 3] J ‘5 K‘fig‘é?“ “3% “
. ‘ _ . ' Third ziass postage paid at Lexmgton, KY 4051‘. Mailed subscription rates a XI: 2 ‘ Viiéé‘é,‘ {5:33. Va \__ ‘5)f. \p
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. ‘ ~ ' ' '. ‘ 0 p dv W 40l65. i $7 " " '5 i- Iii: ii
‘ I' ~ ~ 5 ' ' ‘ ,-I 2'? €3p0h’1.l"Ce should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room 2l0 - ’ I ' " ' -~' '1 \ i I 1' v\\\>-F'II ’f:-.:II'"'5‘.;§1§.I "
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Panel advocates workplace drug testing "one; .2 .
k)ll.‘:“.'l,i [l'w‘l itil‘l (,iiltl
By PETE YOST terception of narcotics with anti- Kaufman said counseling. educa~ ment does business with some 15,000 com
AssociatedPress drug programs aimed at reducing tionandothereffortsarenecessary companies employing 23 million tlon In th. mp“. W ”1" ”km .A ( m“ "K’
. _ , . , 3 Telephone Directory
WASHINGTON .ck a”: “9“?“d.d‘°' ""C" subs‘amesv Calling drug trafficking and abuse “‘"kerb' . , l .llillt‘lil . t‘ll't‘l i3 )l
. . . ed .— m It”: h ' repor 58' ' “the most serious organized crime At a news briefing, the commis- The SWIISLS i
:98 '5 228811.12 gaime 53.1103; ucra- It added that the U S dr ob problems in America today." the re» sion‘s deputy director, Rodney B. V' ~‘Y ir‘“
We en rpnse a cons ' u a “3’ ' ‘ ug F ' port says the president should direct Smith. stopped short of saying that t I h ‘iltlllt‘lll t t‘lllt‘l
tional emergency that should be met lem has become a. threat to national all federal agencies to formulate all working Americans should un- . ep on. numb." If. i
“"‘h WWW“ “'93 "5““ and a" mm” 5"“ “SM“ ”is“? "‘95" “immediately clear policy (lergo drug testing. but added. "We 273.74.: d 213,74" ”"‘* " ”W "m
grosswe intervention by the U.S. SUNS we" as this 198"“8 l" the t ts ‘th ‘ l t ' " " t ' l ' th ”' titltltli
military 8 presidential panel can workplace. sta emen , . WI ' imp emen mg are saying o every emp oyer in e . “mummy” . .
eluded yesterday [guitdelines including suitable drug nattffl'lutlat {film should conSider the wwumemion -
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“No attempt to eliminate orga- es ing programs w] ”yo ug es ing ‘ . '
In a report to President Reagan. nized crime from this country can The study says government um. Smith acknowledged that the tests « ~41!!! A _ . (0157'3‘9 ' ‘ ,
the Commission on Organized Crime possibly be complete without a con- tracts should not be awarded to are not 100 percent accurate and l ‘ , 3 ‘0 . Mm“ (enter loo ,' . ,
said'law enforcement agenmes can certed nationWide campaign to re- companies that fail to implement that there was concern among com- 3 Slgn 0681ng I Rom“ no L‘BDENT .
do little more than hold the line ducethedemand for narcotics in the drug testing programs. There are mission members about employees '1” ST C ARD , .. .. 3 _
against illicit narcotics traffic gen- United States," the commission‘s some 2.7 million civilian federal em. unfairly losing their jobs as a result. If “u Borderr ‘SCOUN’Ea M...” \ g I '2 ,
erating an estimated $110 billion a chairman, 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of ployees and 1,7 million in the mm. But he said drug testing technology 3 _. lfifl’éfi'll'fi' i DU“, mUslb¢nfitruniW;““w ’ 1 . f 3‘ .
year. Appeals Judge Irving R. Kaufman. tary. can be improved and that losing a . ' “ " Z ““113“; we m““u7.,¢pi \ “’9" ' ’ 2' '
said in a statement as the report . _ job unfairly “is one small issue in a -‘ " Bfaghtcs' ' \ “’m ““d H“ . , l ._ .I .
The solution is to bolster police in- wassubmittedtothe president. In addition. the federal govern» much largerissue." .3 i ’ ' i -' ,- -'
Ca" AII'TyPGS! _ McAlpin s Haustyling Centers -. _ .1 ,‘
.i- . “. ,tflt i‘lli 2' i,
. Clinic 3 252-3196 1 ' ‘ , , » 1;» 3 - 11g .3,»
., r.‘ a .1 '.‘ 7‘35"
Continued from page one 1 located in t H L 'I .2 J .I‘ . '1’. ,’ ‘ 3 A
Cunningham said students must The dental clinic also accepts stu- were treated in the dental clinic Students who are accepted into 3 Kinko’s bld Mé'iICU Auto Palmmg' 3 “WWW i,‘ I "
be diagnosed in an initial exam at dents into other programs who have under this specialprogram. this program must be available for ' g' " ' " 2‘ » ‘ “‘ ‘l’ ," ;"' -r2
the dental clinic located in the den- to get other work done such as One reason more students don‘t appointments on either Mondays or I ‘ . ' ‘ ' ' ' " " ”I ”W i" x . :-.v.'-‘,._'.*
tal wing of the Medical Center. If no bridges, porcelain crowns, gold use this program is because "word Tuesdays for a three-hour period 3 ‘ ' t, ;'
. -. d th '3' be no crowns or root canals. on this program does not reach all from 2 to 5 pm. Initial examination - _ \ «. 3; 2", '.,« 3 ,1 “.3 7
‘chlgfgeliornfheedefvaluagloi WI “We have the most up-to—date pro- of the students who may be inter screening sessions are held on Mon- " fivflefig-fi. (83:30:? and Amomome semce :1”; , :‘