CK3§XJF VOL. X SHALOM LEXINGTON Once again CKJF coordinated “Shalom Lexington”, a fall social event for newcomers to the Central Kentucky Jewish community. Co-hosted by area Jewish organizations, this year’s "Shalom“ took place Sunday afternoon, August 30 at Carnahan House. Representatives from the following organizations were on hand with warm greetings: B’nai B’rith, CKJF, Lexington Chapter of Hadassah, Lexington Havurah, Hillel, LEXTY (Temple Youth), Dhavay Zion Synagogue and its Sisterhood, Temple Adath Israel, its Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Mitzvah Corps, U.K. Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs, and Young Judaea. Entertainment was again provided by Larry, Harold and Marianne Sherman. _ ‘f we" _ Xx" ”3““ F ‘ «33:, . e" M awma§ @omfiral Kemfiueky Jewlesh Fodorafon SEPTEMBER 1987 NO. 6 Send Rosh Hashonah Greetings to Refwseniks This year start the Jewish New Year off American style -— make a new year’s resolution! But make it a special one, make a Rosh Hashonah resolution to begin correspondence with a Soviet Jewish Refusenik family. As you continue the time honored tradition of sending Rosh Hashonah greet- ings to close family and friends, won’t you consider extending this bit of warmth to a refusenik family? Names and address- es have appeared in the Bulletin over the past year, and many of you, with excellent intentions, have clipped these and put them aside. Now is the time to start your correspondence; now is the time for you to resolve to take a few minutes periodically to let a refusenik family know that your thoughts are with them. The following addresses have appeared in the CKJF Bulletins over the past year. we suggest that you choose a family or individual for this list so that we can concentrate our efforts. Aleksey Magarik (male) Rusahovskaya 87-88 Moscow 107113 RSFSR, USSR occupation: cellist status: prisoner of conscience & refusenik continued ...................... on page 8