xt7hx34mm656 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hx34mm656/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19241218  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 18, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 18, 1924 1924 2012 true xt7hx34mm656 section xt7hx34mm656 HOLIDAY ISSUE

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The Kentucky Kernel










Richmond Normal May Have
New Officers Elected for Year
Y. M. C. A. and tho Y. W. C. A. will give an outdoor Christmas
Similar System
THE this afternoon nt 4:30 o'clock on the lawn in front of Mechanical
of 1925
Eleanor Morse Carries
Off Laurels Of

Warden, Perkins,

Sut-clii- fe

Complete an
Able Cast
"The Mollusc"
The Romany Players passed from
the grave to the gay and back again
in their presentation of 'The Mollusc"
by Herbert Henry Davies. This subtle English comedy is an amusing, yet
truthful, study of a type we have always with us. A merely lazy person
flows with the tide, explains Tom
Kemp in the play, but a mollusc uses
force to keep from doing if.
Eleanor Morse, as Dulcy Baxter,
carries off the laurels of the play.
She plays the. part of a spoiled young
woman who gains all of her wishes
and desires, not by force, but by
"Mollusc-ry.- "
The latter is an art
which many people have, but few
carry to perfection. Hers is the feat
Neverthelesss, her aptriumphant.
pealing helplessness and her classic
beauty bring to her the sympathy of
her husband, the governess, and her
audience. Fortunately for the entire household, brotherly love is not
so lenient, and Tom Kemp brings
about for her a rude awakening
and, lo! the mollusc is no more.
Mr. Leonard SutclifTe appears in
the role of Dick Baxter, a conventiond
al Englishman, retiring,
emotionless on the surface.
part well, especially in his
plays his
transition from disgust to adoration
of his wife.
Marjorie Warden, as Miss Roberts,
is particularly appealing in her portrayal of the charming little governess caught in the drift of circumstances. She is the spirit of youth
incarnate, and she nexer fails to
touch the hearts of her audience
with her magic wand.
Troy Perkins, as the bluff and
hearty brother from Colorado, leaves
little to be desired. He gives a natural and unforced delineation from
beginning to end. However, he made
himself so famous as Mr. Pirn that
he will not soon find another role so
well Buited to him.
The English sitting room in pastel
shades of mauve and blue was designed by Miss Morse and built by
Mr. Harper and his assistants.
Despite the fact that the holidays
hAtrin Vridav at noon. "The Mollusc"
will continue through Saturday night.



Y. W. Town Girls. Will
Give Party For

The town girls of the Y. W. C. A.
will give a Christmas tree and party
for the patients of the Tuberculosis
Rnnitnrium. durlae the holidays.
This entertainment has been planned
to be given on tne lawn at ine university and it is hoped that weather
conditions wjll permit or this.
Miss Marv Louise Norman, chair
man of the town girls section of the
association, is to have charge of the
and she has made
preparations for entertainment, such
ana games.
Presents are to be distributed
the smaller children of the
sanitorium and an ample supply of
candies, oranges ana nuts will te
given to everyone.


The Masonic Club of the university
held its reorganization meeting at
Dicker Hall Thursday night with a
small percentage of Inst year's members present. The president of the
club last year, Prof. J. B. Dicker,
presided nt the meeting and assisted
in the plans for reorganization.
W. Thompson was elected president
of the club for the ensuing year and
took the chair for the election of the
other officers of the club.
Bishop was chosen as secretary and
Ted McDowell as treasurer.
After the organization was perfected, plans were made to increase the
membership of the club. Every Master Mason in the university, either
of the faculty or student body, is eligible for membership and an effort
will be made to increase the membership.
On Tuesday night plans were discussed for the presentation of a petition to Square and Compass, national Masonic fraternity, which has
a wide membership throughout the
colleges of the United States.

Is Chosen From Field
Of Fifteen Con-

Cross is Recommended


Robert Lee Baker, Jr., of Ashland,
a student at Columbia University, has
been awarded the Rhodes scholarship
at Oxford University from Kentucky,
after a
session of the Ken
tucky Rhodes scholarship committee
held in the office of President McVey,
chairman of the committee. Roscoe
Cross, a student of the University of
Kentucky, was recommended by the
committee to the American secretary
of the Rhodes trustees for the








Each Contestant



Hall for tho children of this vicinity. The children in the second, third,
Dean Sarah Blanding and nine unifourth and fifth grades of Jefferson Davis and Lincoln schools have been
invited. Other children in the neighborhood who are not in these grades versity students explained the workings of the university student
will be welcome.
system nt a forum meetThis is the first time the university has undertaken an entertainment
of this sort and from all indications it will be n great success, spreading ing of students of the Eastern State
Normal School at Richmond Monday
much happiness and cheer.
There will be a Santa Claus who will distribute presents donated by night. Tho installation of a similar
tho Y. V. C. A. and, the various sorority houses. The Y. M. is furnishing system at the normal school is being
fruits, nuts and candy. The large cedar tree just back of Neville Hall will considered.
Those who attended the meeting
be decorated with
electric lights and will be decorated by the
students. The women's glee club has prepared a fitting program for the were: Dean Blanding, Misses Elizabeth Galloway, Rachelle Shacklette
occasion under the direction of Professor Lamport.
The project in the main is being financed by the, Y. M. and Y. W., but and Elizabeth Moorman and Messrs.
the students are nsked to contribute either toward financing or in bring- Tom Ballantine, C. M. C. Porter, Aring presents. Miss Frances Coleman, president of the Y. W., and George thur Nutting, "Tiny" Montgomery,
Kavanaugh, prescient of the Y. M., are in charge of the affair, assisted by and George Knvnnaugh. Each made
short talks at the meeting and as
several committees.
some of the group were members of
the men's and women's
ment organizations and others were
in no way connected with it, the nor
mal school students learned the opinion of the university student body
regarding the system as well as the
Will Serenade Hospitals and
manner in which the two councils
This system of
been in effect at the university for
The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs
several years.
of the university will serenade the
Lexington hospitals, the dormitories
and the various fraternity houses on
Thursday night, December 18. There
will be sixty serenaders composing
the two clubs, who will sing Christmas carols. The organization will
be directed by Prof. C. A. Lampprt,
head of the department of Music at
the university, and the entire chorus
will sing at each place where they
stop. The singers will be taken from
place to place in trucks.
The Women's Glee Club and the
Seven-Minut- e
Philharmonic Society conducted their
last vesper services of the year on
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the
Maxwell street Presbyterian Church.
Professor Lampert directed a special
program, one number of which was
Schubert's "Unfinished
The Woman's Glee Club and a string
quartette, composed of members of
The Man of the Hour
Considthe orchestra, rendered other selecA. D. "AB" KIRWAN
The services were attended by a
Captain-Elec- t
of the Wildcats
large number of university and town
Messrs. J. Y. Brown, J. R. Bullock,
W. O. Keller, R. P. Maloney, H. H.
Grooms, W. D. Scott, J. B. Johnson
and G. S. Milam were selected as
members of the debating team of the
university at a tryout held in the
Little Theatre Thursday, December
11, at the seventh hour. The subject
Sue Renaker is Elected Auditor
for the debate was "Resolved: That
of Kentuckian
Congress should be empowered to
by a
decisions of the Supreme Court deA senior class meeting was held
claring Congressional action unconMonday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in
Dicker Hall, with Clyde Gray, presiThe tryout was open to all student, in the chair. Committees were
Every faternity on the campus has dents of the university. Each condiscussed for various duties and a a weekly Bible discussion group this
motion was made and passed that the year. In addition to these, there are testant was asked to deliver a seven
president appoint all committees. four groups in the men's dormitory minute constructive speech, either
affirmative or negative, optional with
Miss Sue Renaker was elected audiand thirteen in student boarding
tor of the senior class. It will be houses. An average of well over 500 the speaker and then be able to reply
with a three minute rebuttal. The
her duty to check over the books of students attend these thirty-fou- r
the Kentuckian with the manager be- group meetings which are held under teams were selected for each side of
fore they are turned over to the busi- the auspices of the university Y. M. the question.
The debate program of the univerness office.
The fraternity groups are led by
The girls of the class met a few members of the faculty, business men sity this year is an unusually good
minutes after the meeting and dis- and ministers, while the other groups one. The debates under intra-stat- e
agrement between Centre College,
cussed ways in which they might are led by students.
Berea College, and the University of
wear distinctive- clothing that only
To the Sigma Nu fraternity goes
seniors could wear. Betsy Helburn the honor of having the largest Kntucky will be held Friday, March
was elected chairman of a committee group, with an average attendance of 6, 1925, Berea College debating with
one team of the university at Lexto investigate and ascertain some 38 members.
The average attendance
article of clothng which would serve of the groups is: Alpha Gamma Ep ington and the other team of the
university debating with Centre at
this purpose.
silon 23; Alpha Gamma Rho 26;
Danville on the same night.
Alpha Sigma Phi 27; Alpha Tau subject for both debates will be The
Omega 31; Chi Sigma Alpha 20; Del
tryout. The
one for
ta Chi 27; Delta Tau Delta 20; Kap same as the' League, the
composed of the
pa Alpha 24; Kappa Sigma 20; Phi University of Alabama, Sewanee,
Delta Theta 27; Phi Kappa Tau 25; Tennessee, Vanderbilt, and Kentucky;
Pi Kappa Alpha 30; Sigma Alpha
not determined the subject for
Epsilon 18; Sigma Beta Xi 19; Sig has
debate, but from present indications
ma Nu 38; Triangle 28; Sigma Chi
it will either be perit seems
25; Dormitory: First Floor 8; second taining to that
the curtailment of the Su
preme Court powers, or to the Japan
(Continued on Page Eight)
ese Exclusion Bill of 1024 and its
DR. GLANVILLE TERRILL withdrawal, the probabilities being
that the former will be chosen.
The university will also hold deThe college of Agriculture presents an unusual opportunity to those
bates with Michigan Agricultural
Dr. Glanville Terrill, head of the College,
and Washington and Lee Uniinterested in the production and mar
keting of farm products by offering Philosophy department of the univer versity. An agreement is pending for
sity, has recently undergone an op an annual debate with the Universishort courses in marketing and dairy- eration at the
St. Joseph's Hospital ties of North Carolina and Virginia,
ing January 12 to 14.
According to infor
On account of greatly increased in for gallstones.
but the terms of agreement and the
terest in dairying, a course n dairy mation received from the hospital, Dr. subject to be debated this year have
Terrill is resting, comfortably, and not been definitely decided.
ing will be given the week of Janu
tho faculty and student body wish
(Continued on Pae, Eight)
for him a rapid recovery.
(CeaU&tttd oa Page Ifttht)

Four students of the university and
eleven other mn were candidates for
the honor which, according to Allen
Barnett, secretary of the committee,
was more keenly contested than ever
before. Mr. Barnett stated that the
contestants this year were better edu
cated and were of higher intelligence
than those of former years.
The three qualifications on which
the award is made are: qualities of
manhood, force of character and lead
ership; literary and scholastic at
tainments; physical vigor and inter'
est in outdoor sports. It was the
opinion of the committee after a
careful consideration of each of the
fifteen candidates that Mr. Baker
possesses these qualities to a greater
degree than any of the other can
The Rhodes scholarship carries with
its tuition at Oxford University, Eng
land, and an annual stipend of three
hundred pounds a year for three
years. Two scholarships are awarded
every three years in each state. Mr.
Baker will succeed Hugh Peal, a tor
mer student of the university, who
was awarded the scholarship three
years ago. W. F. Hines, of Centre
College, is the other Rhodes scholar
at Oxford; having been given the
award two years ago.


Society held its
monthly meeting last Friday afternoon in the Science building, the
president of the organization,
McLean, presiding. Dr. Scher-aghead of the department of
delivered the address of the
afternoon, a very intersting discussion on "The Relation of Bacteriology
to Medicine."


Women's Debate Team
Is Under


Sigma Nu Leads
tendance with



Marketing, Dairying to
Taught in





Fans Will See Champs
of "Big Ten" in


Cincinnati Lineup To
Start in Game
The Wildcats went back to hard
practice this week in preparation for
their game with the Hoosiers of Indiana tonight. With one victory already marked up, the 'cats are determined to keep their slate clean.
The Hoosier state is noted for its
good athletes and few others excel
them in the net game. Indiana won
the "Big Ten" conference championship last season and will bring the
same players to Lexington that composed the championship squad, determined to give the Wildcats tho short
end of the score.
The 'cat mentor has drilled his
men hard for the last three days and
it will be a tough job for the Hoosiers to penetrate the Wildcat defense.
The Blue and White men showed up
well in the Cincinnati game in every
Kentucky men
feinted the ball through the Ohioans'
defense at numerous times for short
shots at the basket. The Feline defense was almost imepetrable and the
Bearcats made most of their shots
Coach Applegran has his hands
full in getting the players in trim
for their game with the Hoosiers.
There has been much stress laid on
the three man defense, which was an
important factor in defeating Cincinnati. The value of intense training
and prolonged drill sessions on the
fundamentals of the game showed
itself in the Cincinnati game. The
Wildcats, although somewhat ragged
in play, were at the right place at
the right time and every play worked
Closely following the Indiana game,
the Blue and White will engage the
strong five from the University of
Michigan Saturday night. This will
give the players only one day for
practice after their game with the
Hoosiers tonight and night work will
probably be the only preparation that
the 'cat mentor can give his men.
Both of these encounters are among
(Continued on Page Eight)
mid-floo- r.

DONATES $1 ,000
Student Loan Fund is
Beneficiary of Opportune Gift
Colonel John Skain, of Lexington,
has donated $1,000 to the student loan
fund of the University of Kentucky.
The money will be sent immediately
to Professor W. S. Webb, chairman
of the fund committee. This donation will be known as the Joseph M.
Skain Memorial Fund, in honor of
Col. Skain's
old nephew who
was killed last summer.
There is now a fund for students
amounting to $ 18,000, which has accumulated from private donations and
memorial funds, all of which is paid
out in an effort to give boys and girls
a better opportunity to secure an education. The fund is almost all out
in loans and donations to the fund
will be gladly received.
The student loan fund has been of
great benefit to those students who
are unable to pay their expenses
through college. So numerous have
been the demands upon the fund that
the present amount is too small to
take care of all the requests. Students who otherwise would be compelled to leave school will be greatly
benefitted by Mr. Skain's geaerous


* Best Copy t



Alumni Pag?

Alumni Secretary

Lexington, Jan. 10. (Second Satluncheon
urday HcRiilnr)
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
Buffalo, Jan. 10. (Second Satur1:15
day HcRiilar) luncheon,
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Jan. 19. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's

Detroit, Dec. 26. (Last Friday-Reg- ular)
dinner at Dixieland
Somerset, Jan. 2. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflcct's office.
Philadelphia, Jan. 3. (First Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce

This will be the last issue of the
Kentucky Kernel until after the
Christmas holidays arc over.
are, therefore, taking this opportunity
to wish you, if perhaps a slightly pre
mature, nevertheless, a very merry
Christmas and a happy and prosperMay the coming
ous New Year.
Yulctidc bring you joy and peace, and
man the New Year crown your efforts



A "News Letter" of four 6x8 pages is published weekly by the Univer
Miss Loreno Catherine Marking is
sity of Chicago. In the issue of November 28 there are articles headed as teaching Latin in the high school nt
"Expansion of the University of Chicago in 1025," "Appreciation Annapolis, Maryland. She is living
of the University of Chicago by n Groat Chicago Newspaper," "Chicogo, the nt 137 Charles street.
Only Undefeated Team in the Western Conference,
"A Remarkable Gift
to the University of Chicago from the Former President of the Board of
Trustees," "Transplanted Eyes See Light," and "A Unique Publication nt
the University of Chicago." All of these articles tell of happenings at the
Mrs. P. G. Savage (Caroline T.
University, happenings relating to the progress and advancement of the Wntkins)

In addition to the above, Chicago alumni receive a monthly bulletin,
giving items of interest about the institution, the student body and the
It tells of progressive steps which the University is taking and
resembles the monthly bulletin usually sent out by large universities to
their nlumni.
The student body and the Alumni Association of the University of
Kentucky publish weekly for its students and active alumni a combined
news letter and nlumni bulletin of eight 20x12 pnges. This paper presents
the nrocross and needs of the University, the undertakings and the social
life of the student body, and the achievements and advancements of the
A directory is also sent

to all nlumni who have paid dues
to the Association for either of those years.
For the small sum of $2 a number of the Kernel will be sent to you
each week for a year. Each week you will get a news letter from the University, one from the student body of the University nnd one from the
nlumni. Can you afford to miss this ? It is only one phase of being a member of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky, which the
payment of the $2 makes you.

AIDS STUDENT LOAN letics into that bunch and we again
pledged our loyalty to the kind of
stuff that is in the young Kentuckian.
gift of $1,000 to establish the
"Brick" Chambers, the president,
with success.
Joseph M. Skain Mem6rial Fund, in assisted by W. C. Wilson, Nancy In
memory of his nephew, Joe Skain, nis nnd Margie McLaughlin, planned
who was killed last winter, has been that luncheon nnd were just tickled
SHALL THE GREATER KENTUCKY COMMITTEE OF THE KENTUCKY made by Col. John Skain, life member to death nt the result. Really, it in
of the Alumni Association, to the Stu- nugurates n custom of honoring the
dent Loan Fund of the University of senior Wildcats at the December
The meeting of the Kentucky Good Roads Association called by Mr, Kentucky, nccording to announcement meeting of the Club annually. The
the annual football banquet honor guests were: Curtis Sanders,
Arthur D. Allen met in the Board of Trade Building in December. .Prac at the at
Lafayette hotel, Friday night. Turner Gregg, Gardner Bayless, C.
tically all sections of the state were represented and the principal business
Col. Skain is the retired manager T. Hughes and Grandison McLean
transacted was the acceptance of reports from the secretary and treasurer of the Phoenix hotel and for many
and the election of officers. We are told that about $85,000 had been spent years has been an active alumnus and
in the fight for the passage of the Bond Issue and that a deficit of about loyal supporter ofenable University.
severa stu
This gift will
$4,000 existed. We believe that this sum was well expended and that the dents to complete their college course,
educational campaign waged through its means will do much to cause the who otherwise would have been com
thinking people of our state to study its problems more in the future and pelled to leave school because of lack
assist in solving them as they have never done before. The press was free of funds to continue their education,
and comes at a time when refusals
with its space and all readers of Kentucky newspapers should know our were being made to such requests on
deficiencies in road building, educational and charitable and penal institutions account of insufiicent funds.
Mattison B. Jones is a member of
Mr. Eustace L. Williams, secretary, said, "No serious opposition either
The Student Loan Fund of the the firm, Jones, Wilson & Stephenson,
522 Citizens
National Bank
to submission of the proposed road bond issue to the Legislature or its University is an accumulation of Suite Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Jones,
approval by the people made its appearance until after the decision was about $18,000 from private gifts and for many years an active member of
memorial funds and all of that
reached December 26, 1923, that there should be an additional $25,000,000 amount is now loaned to students, as the Alumni Association, was one of
of bonds voted for the purpose of education, penal and charitable institu well as part of their allotment of the the several $1,000 alumni subscribers
tions, funding the state debt and for the geological survey. This opposition Greater Kentucky fund and money to the Greater Kentucky fund. He
married Miss Antionette E. Smith on
appeared in organized form at the meeting of the Legislature in January which has been borrowed for the pur January 3, 1900, and they live at 727
and resisted every step necessary to bring about submission of the bond
W. S. Webb '01, head of the de- Kenneth Road, Glendale, Cal.
issue to a vote of the people. It also vigorously attacked the constitution partment of Physics at the university,
ality of the bond issue which afterwards was upheld.
is chairman of this fund, and has
spent much time and effort in help
W. A. Newman, formerly a resident
"Enlargement of the bond issue from 50,000,000 to $75,000,000 irre ing to build it up to its present status.
Cave, Ky., died at his home
of Horse
trievably hurt our cause in Western Kentucky, but strengthened us in Lex Several other of the alumni have in New York City Saturday, accordington and in some other sections of Central Kentucky. It hurt us in the made very generous and appreciated ing to a telegram received by rela
tives in Kentucky.
the Sixth Congressional District and generally in that section of the state gifts to it in the past.
Mr. Newman was 46 years old and
usually referred to as Northern Kentucky. It probably helped us some
LOUIS E. HILLENMEYER REfor years was traffic manager for the
what in Eastern Kentucky, though the people of that section were so thoro
New York Central Lines in New York
Louis Edward Hillenmeyer '07, was City. He left Kentucky 27 years ago,
ughly aroused on the road question alone that it is a question whether we
appointed alumni member of the going to New York to learn the railreceived from it any material additional benefit there. From the standpoint
Board of Trustees of the
of the state headquarters the addition of the $25,000,000 to the program un of Kentucky by Governor University road business. His first work was
Fields, on with the Great Western at St. Paul,
doubtedly complicated the work."
December 15. He succeeds J. rvine where he stayed five years.
During the discussion regarding the work of the Good Roads Assochv Lyle '96, whose term expired this uncle, the late W. H. Newman, also
a Kentuckian, at that time was presition in the future, there was a great difference of opinion. Chief of those,
While a student at the university, dent of the New York Central, the
who were in favor of its continuing along the same line as it has worked Mr. Hillenmeyer was a member of Lake Shore and Great Western rail
during the past year was Desha Breckenridge, who said the future of the the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, the roads.
Mr. Newman is survived by his
state is tied up in all the matters linked in the defeated bond issue, and Mystic Thirteen and Lamp and Cross.
He was
president of the Student widow, who before her marriage was
that he did not believe the objections to the additional $25,000,000 caused Athletic also
Council, Business Manager Miss Marie Pinkham of New York
the defeat of the bond issue. On the other hand he regarded the linking of the Annual, and captain of the City, three little children, his mother,
of the issues as of material benefit to the road bond issue, and felt that the baseball team.
three sisters, a brother in Denver,
Since graduation he has been a Colo., and a brother, Robert Newman,
campaign of misrepresentations contributed to the defeat of the bonds. He
said that had the campaign extended over a period of another thirty days, member& of the firm of H. F. Hillen- of New York.
Funeral services were held in New
the bond issue would have carried, and predicted that if it is submitted by ton. This Sons, Nurserymen, Lexingadcompany confines
the next Legislature to a vote of the people, it will be ratified by an over vertising toeKentucky, and its done York Tuesday.
wheming majority.
much good for the state in this po'03
"Don't let it be known simply as a good roads association, but one de sition, but because of satisfied
Thomas H. Cutler is assistant diit does much
voted to the welfare of the state on all matters : he urged.
vision engineer with the Missouri
Senator Joseph F. Bosworth, of Middlesboro, said: "Keep up the fight business.
State Highway Commission,
At present Mr. Hillenmeyer is Frisco Bldg., Joplin, Missouri. He
with all issues linked together. We have just begun to fight, and I am in
favor of asking the next Legislature to submit a bond issue of $150,000,000!" president of the Kentucky State married Miss Mariam W. Naive, of
Senator J. Will Stoll, president of the First and City National Bank Horticultural Society; Director of the the class of '03, in November 1906.
of Lexington, said: "The linking of the various issues lent strength to the Lexngton Water Company; Director They and their three children, Frank,
cause of each," and "Both organizations dodged the issue," he charged. of the Hurst Home Insurance Com Tom, Jr., and Miriam, live at 534
"Where it benefited the Repubican organization to be against the bonds the pany; alumni representative on the North Byers street.
issue was opposed, and similar conditions existed in certain sections with University Athletic Council and sec'05
reference to the Democratic organization. This opposition developed in the retary of the class of 1907.
party organizations despite the fact that both parties were pledged to the
Edgar A. Cline is consulting enSENIORS OF VARSITY GUESTS gineer with the General Heating Supbonds."
ply Company, 1 Reliance Bldg., KanJudge Alex P. Humphrey, a member of the State Board of Charities and
The outstanding event in the year sas City, Mo. His residence address
Corrections seemed to be of the opinion that the good roads association for the Lexington Alumni Club was is 4216 'Virginia avenue.
should go it alone in the future, leaving the other interests to fight their the December luncheon at the Lafayown battles.
ette hotel at which the seniors of the
Varsity were guests of honor and the
Louis S. Boggess is resident enMrs. John L. Grayot, of Madisonville, who has given much time to
alumni availed themselves of the op gineer with the Department of State
the work of the association, seemed to never have been converted to the portunity to meet the
members of the Roads and Highways at Owenton, Ky.
combination of the' various interests represented in the bond issue and
thought that the Good Roads Association should devote its efforts to roads athletic staff, Murphy, Ecklund, Ap- Mai should be addressed to him at
plegran, Mann and Boles.
Each Box 552. He married Miss Fay
member of the staff responded to a
June 7, 1924.
William A. Stoll, who worked as a member of the Young Business Men's call for a speech and in each instance
League of Louisville for the passage of the Bond Issue, expressed his be- the alumni were inspired in a way
never before realized by any of them.
Arthur W. Babbage is auditor for
lief that the association should exist for building roads alone.
You see, the big
Cornett-Lewi- s
Coal Company,
Prof. McIIenry Rhodes, superintendent of public instruction, said the gotten annual football banquet was with offices at Louellen and Harlan,
association should continue as a militant good roads organization.
held Friday night and according to Ky. He married Miss Margaret L.
Mrs. George Flourney, of Paducah, said she had found, both before tho old guard it was the best ever Crowder, also of '08, June 25, 1924.
and after the election, much opposition to all bond issues. "With the vari- and the luncheon tho day following They, with their two children, Richous issues combined, too many subjects were involved," she said, "and it was just a marvelous echo of the ban- ard Wallace and Florence Kennedy,
was impossible to educate the people sufficiently to get their approval of quet. Pep was not the stimulation at live at Harlan.
the entire subject matter."
the luncheon (now don't get excited)
but there was a something that seem'09
These people are representative citizens coming from various sections ed to make every alum know that it
Hugh B. Sanders has been assistant
of our commonwealth and ought to know something of the sentiment of their was true when Sandy said "the fu- superintendent of the Hercules Powlocalities. Their views are given that the alumni of the University of Ken ture is assured," and Coach Murphy
Mo., for
tucky may study them, and reach their own conclusions as to the best said "you have not an 'alien' on any der Company at Carthage, he was a
several years. Before that
method of financing their Alma Mater.
of your teams and the only
chemist with the DuPont Powder
is as good a Kentuckian as any Company, Hercules, Cal. He married
One interesting fact about the discussion was that a majority of those
speaking from Central und Eastern Kentucky