xt7hx34mpx5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hx34mpx5t/data/mets.xml  France  1798-11-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Septidi 17 Brumaire, an VII, [7 November 1798] text Le Publiciste, Septidi 17 Brumaire, an VII, [7 November 1798] 1798 1798-11-07 2023 true xt7hx34mpx5t section xt7hx34mpx5t       





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my”. two llL’IIIW‘FII/II'. —— [Juriezm (/3 {us/MIL -—— l’l'occ’clrm’lduzz flu/JAE». [mr [c gnuucrau. mu d’jrlamle. —« II I.
. [ imnl ‘1 .am‘ [a rum/[lion (121/15 [:1 ci-(lnnmt Balgiqlw. I‘
lih‘me I: I. I
.‘LnX-VM; I: "" ”'"" '“_“v W“" i“_ 3 j. g
I. m I“ ' . zu-z'r (Eu ['1 .(JIOIerV'Plion (as! 1’s 12 fr pour trois moi!) » Les Hm'Iér-ais (mi aV‘oinnt fitmen' '- 1 1" I d - {I I
.-..‘~ ~ , .. ~~ - 1 _ 3 1 - . trans xse eMaIte _._ 3
3 ’}_ INN, six muia‘, et 125 /r. pour an an. I’msun'L-gfmu qtii y a {'chlé, -5{ qni avoieut prété I’hof- ;: I
1 Luix .4 Arriitéi r/u cling/aim syn! a'istribu."s aux xlblc surnwm dc maisau'cr lous Its Frangais , nnL é‘é I}
um: mm.» (L "whirl/[ml (1’3 prir, duns (in sup- uni-it"s SI. pmzii Ce mart. Ln-s républi ains qui avoient .I‘ ‘
' [HE/nufsnl/lt mushy}: willy a asses de ma— pum‘ 'un melnnl é-lJ- obligés (Ic 8.3{T au Hombre & do .' I
J/Fwnur mu: w’srmffs “5/1... , :1: {'ein‘cr dine 1.3 Fnfls, sunk mun... dams In pdmcssion .. I,
“1”” ....\' ; ,0, ' :' :.,- ‘15 [.n' (z/wmlw; .415 Juiupnt Etra uinciSIrf, cumin? dc Ililw. l’lusmum ('Invflnvrs. (In l'nydre ) donl Ia ?« I
”x '1‘” IK-t I-/’ A], .1? .n (lit dlraotvar g1: ij'nLlc‘in'r'B, {'11: day .[I‘ILL— wommxte a flu su.‘.;:::.:lc , scrum bfu-nchI-u Malia , & dun, ‘ A I I:
: Mala-xiv: WW“: "'I' I2”! EM!” 'l” .Haumzs ’ "1 ‘IIIrI‘s' ”I"? con huh en 1‘ ranCC balmyrcpundrc aux charges div I I
;:.. grim W'*-”“W—-——~——~ ngms couirc ('ilX. _ ‘4 .
m1... .. '1‘ UR Q U 115. A U T R I c H E. ,I
11.13.. 12;, D9 Cmmlnntinnph, [e 9 t‘z’u‘lénzinirp. j)“ ITIICIIIH’, [d 2 [)I'Iunail‘e. I
Tm Imii!" dc Iriplc nIIiauce Clm'c Ia I‘uHe , In. Busdc, TXambwsaficur iue'c [‘l‘és IIUIY‘C cour a TC?" (16 Conshmi" I .24.";
I 1< .,,,.A It”: IIII'3I7‘I“I““1 Via“ d 6‘“: “IVOYC 5‘ I“ “I‘F‘CJI’U” dcs nnple nn pnquet dc (I‘lézhcs; £1 hrs :1 remix” 3.1551161 51 1. .. I.
”II.“ ‘ 1 gun“ I“ 3“".‘11""»‘~ ‘ , ‘ " :ubnsaaflrm‘ II’AngIvim‘m, qui s’csl cIlargé dc 1.03 eXpé~ . 'g l,
I III“ .0 :" Ln 3"~"‘“"IC II‘ME “1‘”; ”PM?” ‘I‘G SUBSIDY-‘01: 63“?” .agw par un ("ourier :‘x Loudrcs. L’a hhéiscadrul‘ uHonnn a, I x: I
III II I” .II. >3 ‘Imh‘, plywwa mun Dru Ics IJMdum-IICS ‘ 2-H;- ;u:r;z, "117-" inn-we (mus iu xmmc paqnct son rapncl, qui nc Iui eat Aica I
”d” “W " "H I‘ INWI . {53700 Immmn; de ”"0“?“ dc IEII‘G' (J est moins qLCusrC-ablc, parct qu’il 5:- Mali beauuoup ici. I i
‘ u! ,‘eri :Iui In cmnmnm c. ' ' ' ‘ .
“‘3 II'I'O'I.‘ Law a.x.Ib,;~s:1I}._-urs (I‘Ffltagne 8: dc 1101IaEIdC, malgré P .R b S S E. I
“’“IIII'I'I 1 unit: I:~:; lwillus‘ qu‘lls KC :Iozuwnt, ne Pt [went obicnir au- 13! ”6’11”: [3 3 él‘wllm'l‘e. ’ I
W ‘I' ‘I" “I 'un ad..m-€.:( :zH-nl on f1vrur (st Waugh 1 on “o“fifln" II y a toniours bcaucoup d: monvemcns (Tans moire. mi; II I
.. I: ‘1‘qu 1p: How (It: ccnx (l’wi , avant 1:1 x-E-vnluli‘on, éloietlt niih re. On :11 {Pu-d :n’cc. impaiicnsc la rélpns‘; Q. In dUI'Dicl-e 5 4I
I, ‘ ; ' _ II'II’I‘II“ 'I‘l‘II‘EIII‘LI- 0" IIICICIId ‘I‘IC I“ ‘V-‘ISI’I' (If? ICCS cm’1— nulc dc nus immahcs a R..s!.nlt. On persxsle m’anmuins A , I
II"? "I,” fivufiiuns (Iv ns lvul Ic Levant , scra d9 90 lnlIIlOllS d’c— croin- 511a W" , [my :2 qn'un a 31¢stwa (We 16 dil‘uctoiro . g
III} III ' I: In. Maxis (Cs, CHIC-(I13 aunt sans duulu furl exagérés. frzxuwis (:51 d2: 11.»: 

iixé par la proclnmaliun , so irnns‘ew cnt gricurc linrs (les

\illes , suront regnrilés comm: ic-mltesb't trauies connnc Lets.
A N (‘1 L E '1‘ E R ll E,
De Lerulres, la 5 brzunairc.

Nous n’avnns pas encore ici \lc (l-Etai'lsrr‘ur ll' combat cnlrc
In division «lo: Brest 81. la \li\-i' 1111113
1 111%1111411-
'11111 51: 11111
“~ ”11‘, _ \‘1L'IE1
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(39181“ mwgvs (1131011105 10.119113110115113 scroif ccpendant
"(111(16ch 1'1: ("1L'11(11L' (lu’ 1111 101111311, (105111111321 ('11'1'11'

1111111111111IL 11: 121131151111 do 1131110119, 11(: duiL jamais
m. 11 ’1'” 1m (‘\("H(.'l)l(lls qui soul ug1éah1L-s 8L 11:11—
11: '10111 5-11 1:1111(111..1.11'L 11'11nne n a- 1-1: 111: pas ses ('apricos '?
, 1.1.31(111i.111(:(:1'110111L'1'11il—o11,(:11IaL'()111.z1nLsv'sfau-ms,

11 .3111i(1(11(111 1(1111-51—11111 de' 11111'1L'1 110 scs (11sg1.1LLs ’

~11(n1('11I=liz11Ir.(-'assulcl‘ , (111 121 Conewpomlmr' (11.1
((1113.'.11'I11’a/I.I' , (11112111 1612111311111“: romaine L-sl dCC1L é111c111
'eshlléu‘ a“); 1m! .72th 11.
‘o1151n11111u113 (‘ilL‘1 f<>11(1erne111.p('111 avnir 1111 [(1 1)11111'
L1 111111 .1111» 11111011 cc1121i11 , (2'081 (,11c,(1;1113 (1111:1111 L'as _.
1”,]:11L'1111L‘L'111.5C1‘L‘1i1 1'211t qu'u11.(1nl (111’1111 110001111110—
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’11'11L1C\113\'111)1C111 1L- 1111x111cunthc.
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‘ (I1111’111'L'.
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:11: 1'1”. 1m (1.1115 1:1 1'1'11111111'11110 (2141111111113. DC 5 u1d1'L's
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1r1L'1111-11101H ('11L' (1L: 1’ L-xcu11111111.
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01111 (1: l)fll1L (31111: 1.1 (11: 111 351:11‘10 10 C11.
I'Q‘LI1SSCUI‘5 (11' 1'01i1‘1‘U11h1|1111'1p€1.1(1(:
1111111111le 21 1111111111 , 1111(1L'(:('sj0111':
111111L' 11111195, 511115 cumpicr 1L- (11'01151111'1L'a buis

11111 , 11I.11.'1n1(: 1111 (1(:;
111. (1:1 9.4.1111 (1' 1):
mum, [:2
13.110 1111111111? (.L I" m:11a.1es . 011121113 , \‘ici1111't1s (111 in—
1131,11 1I1L11L111c111 dams 1('s hospices dc ’(11'is , L'sl évalué
1191 . Vient (1L: (1(' 1.111110 (1’ admcth‘e
(111111115 (1135 ((1I1.,'(/"' ‘5 (1am 1(‘5 Lori-'3 51111101111129 :1 111115 ,
.13'1I11LI1C-s 111111‘Laizcs (10 . :1(".‘ a re 1111111"
13.111 Hombre p111s qnc “1111111111..

"""1.1III‘:.»', c11111111111c11111t (111 1'111'1 Suinl— J1 1111 a M'lrsciuc.
es assa€si11u1s connnis-daus cc {(111 , \'i('11L (1’1311'9. con-
113 a 1111)1'1,a111.si (luL 103 11011111165 MarLcl & 1511a1'(1

1'1 gucr'w

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11151 pas 'Ic ci- -(11:\'z1111 (10111116 dc or: 1mm) Cum (1'

'1 convnincus d avuir 111155 1 ParLicipc aux cgorgcmL 11s
' 11(11.

I1111 qu’ils se sont tons ti‘ois pourvus en cassalinn

.- 11011— 11151121 1111135 (1 1111 001151211 (11: g' lure , puree (111 '115

1111115 11111112111‘1'8.

111101110 11011112106,

1(1L' Sydr.


101's (1e l’é-
& accusé

(3 ‘C 1111‘(': 11111 1c jury c011-

‘HL‘C. 11


concierge du T1'111111c,
5111111131 (11: son SL-L'i'é'uiu',
1'111'111111'0, :1 (:lL'I 11101'
111111 (1c L'(I:1:-EVI::1('(I, 111ais (1c ur'g1

"1"," 11"guci111; ;:111.('.‘ 2:11 (111'C0101!‘(‘
prnscnt (1110 1:5
g0J1'c1'111-1'11L'111 la 1"ac1111L" (Vex-
1111111111 (11 1L 1'1'111L‘ai.~1[01111-311115111:11'011a11-(11'.ics pour
'HiSC ‘11 111L' q1'1111113111111iu1'1c £01121; (I111'15 (:11\'(1iL'11L (11
,111'13'1 11511111 ('1 (1111: 1(8 f'angais' I1111153L'1 111 dcs mL‘mcs

1’ 5111111 1111'11ui1'c de 111 1' “111111111112 11:.
" F1 “WIN—($1 1x11,
1C Pay. (10.

(’1 1111015111.;

(1‘A11VL-rs (I111 1114'
11111111111 (111115 111(1115111: 113'
(15"11111- (:1.I:('1;11 (’11


11\ e.
unidcnl. (1(- 111 1111111111q11'u Rangiiw
Ur'ifi-ans, 1113-12111. 1’e11L1'('-(: (JL'S A1111i..'111(115 ,
. 3 111'1111mirc', 11 1155151011 1'11 56111101: 1111
“'J‘I‘L‘l 11:31\(11(il1' .11)(E5 (”1’11 :1 ("1(" appcrgu, 1'1 :1 ('11:
film-1111 1‘ ('11: 1s 1’ 11111" 1'1 (1111' (11; 1:15 1-11L', 1\ «'1 men (111 p1'é-

'11 " “~th halcincllc , an milieu (101 111115 V115 apphu-
e113. .


- 011 a 1‘6;210(11111.(1am1(:sén:11111:1véliq11c 13 (1101105111011
(10 111111110 11.I 11(1111b1'e (1:5 I'L'pl'I'bL-nlans. CLIUL' 111011011 (1
anorc ("11": (1111111191; 1115(111’51 cc qua 115110111h1'1: ('1cs canlom
suit (1("1'11111.1'\'L'I.|]L'111. 1'("g1L‘.

—-- Dans 1L's (11".):5L'111m (,Iue Nc1son a écriles (‘1 P:'1Cl'$1)()111‘g
pour )' 1111111111410 1csn‘a1111315 (111 0111an (111 N11, 11 .111—
1101115111 I111L' .~.L111 11111111101161011 (1L: 111(1qur:1'i\1:111u , 15L (111'11
csp1':ru‘il. (1111'. :11IL'111111I' [131' 11110110 1111.26.

--—- 1'3111 1H :1 (1:11:11L1111’11 {111-14111 511215 33 snpu‘nnc (1i~

l'cdiou 1c \51-1’1C"i:11101(111'(11: B15111- , Bi {11"(Imis (1"(1111111)3,'1-r
suing 1111111 1:: '1'-1111111 (1.1113 s:‘.'1".11(:ic11<(11'11'11'-;I1".
g1: : :1 (1((111rc11; (1L1'111(:1'z;1;:11(1u
Humpvsch , (1'L11u (11: 551 (11311119.

10115 51-1:
—— 0111111 (1:11? 121. 1..

C 1'1]S"L

1.0TE1'EIL' RATIUNA 1.1'2.

Tismigc (11¢ 11.; ZII'IHI.’(H'IL‘.

59.. '7


.411 1'17r17110tcur (1’11 4":1LI2’1'1'LI'511'.

O. ‘1.

“.36 \I'ous prie , Libyan, (11: V0111ni1' bicn 11195-111 (1311s
Vulrc [(1111113- 111 (11"('1111a110n Ci—apz'és, (:11 s.uj-.:L dime ('5-
lumpl: (17:1. 1'11I111. :1: 1);:1'9111‘3 F1 Lunches sous 1:: 1111‘s. su"':111t:

)1. "1111/ 1”. 17012111717! la liberlé nu ‘Isrénr'ml' IL'osrl'stzéo,
(I’aprés Z'vl‘l'gl'lllll, print sous 15's onlrca (1'1: ('2 génh'al,
[(Irsg'u'z'l .11. [I'Jm'u'l' ('L .Lontires pemlanl 1M moi: (11> m1ri
etjum 1797 9 point pm' Henry Siug1etnn, grcvé par 11111115
Dunk-1, 1’11b1isc1icx'mar1sh 2511v. 1798, 1)., James Dania“ ,
r1“. (1', (110111 C11a1'1011e.

)1 .11.- (16015111: (11w 1’1;.(1a111pe annonqée sous ce litre 11’:1 ja—
mais été failc (1’aprés mes ordrcs, pal'ticipalion ni (111cc-
linn. & qua d’niHmu's j’ni conslaur'mcnt refusé 11111: 168
(11115185 (1L: 1.011I11'cs (1111 m’unL Lemoigué 10 (1esi1‘ (16 fairs
111011 1101111211 11.

Paris, (:1: 16 brummrc , an 7 ,

81': n 197, 13(w11n111110.

E 'X .13 C U 1 .1.'I'.

(I’m; arr ([1

D I R E C T U .1 RE

Le dil'ei'luire c‘:".('.11‘i‘1' a :171'010' quc 19 bn'rnc (111 11:311.
(10 Nice scra , (‘91:11111: L'-1111'- 11:11.11 an Iluvx'u . ( 1111;111'91211'211.
dss'iné a I‘CCCVLIU‘ L's 5011.1;1‘158L 1131111113 (1111 scronl 0011-
d1111111és aux 101's pour crime ch 1515(1'1i1'11‘.

Le_(111'('('Loi1'L a a11~=i aI1'é'11'2, (:11L1.111.:(111 mf'me jO' 11
(1110105 \‘oii111'i:1‘s&"~<(.11'I11L1i-1s1111'111é'1; O11 mz:1('111111 111.1121' .1:
sLH’icc (112111 1'é111zbliqu1', 1131:1118 de 1’11111101'11Ie (1111 11-111'
(:51 attribzlé , 011 \‘I1\r:1g(::1n1; pour 1c sc"'1\icc figs 11' . Imus"
(cux (1111111165 '11! ((-1'V1-1 C (1L5 ('011811‘11L‘1.(1r15 (X. ((111,1I7112I1
(10$ vines (11:. (111nécs, munis (1c fc1111'1cs :c' 1(‘1‘11L'5 1131\1I
par IL: (11111111115111.110115 ou 1L's commissuist ,
(111(Imc111 1C gLImL- (1'0 scnice auq3111 115 ((11
(:tanl. 0011.1;111» (tans 1"1'111'1111161lissc1111111 110.11.
1a 1111 (111 3 111v-35e (m G , 11 (:51 (1011-11111 :11“: perfinpfmu's
(111 (11‘011 (1L' pave , (1’1Ixigcr1011aic111L-111 dc C1: 1:1(I1111- (11911
(It 1111556 11'1111' 113;: voitmes b: (:11cvux1x 11111112111111 your 11:
sL-1\'i('1- (’15 111 1"J1111b11qlxu, EL (11111115 (111110. 11111110 (1('1':1'11!1\
dumnru‘. 1'g'11is"-(','1111~'1 (11111 0‘1. CX')1“,1.U" I'E-(1L's‘.”:

(:0, $0115 pains (1' C110 11111115 commc (:(I11L11<::'11'1: 311'



Q UNI/1711:1113

(1111 (‘II11.I'.' 11!

1.11:5 CINQ CL‘N

Préaidcncc (111 citoyen Dunom ((115 \'L'::
Sin/ice (1a 11} brumm'rc.

011 1'c1it 1111c 1'LsulLition prise dams 1a s-Eauce (111 1/1 5 1a



r131111c111m 111111111“: cn est ayrélécg'cn voici 105 di‘po—
niliuns ‘.

Art. 1”. 131111. 23 (11: 1a 101 111.1 2’1- avrfl 1793 (v.51)
1-51. 111111311111". 1 . . .

11. 5111121: 111:1111101111115 on consequex1cc,1cn adJu-dxcanons
11c 111.1:1.11n-:s 111111011111}: 1.11133 légxlement‘, suns 11:11:11: n-i
11111111111 , 51 111:3 (11111111111191 on 51 den; associzziions (111111.11—
1;11'.: ;1\':1111 1.1 111'11111111gr1110n (1s 1ad1!e lui.

11 113.1 211111-111‘alnia'cs 011 1e11rs sn1‘n'ognh1h‘es qui a11—
ron‘L 1113151 111136 1131111: (1:: 1611119 adjudicaliuns , son-111111:
suite mmis cu posscssiun dcs obiets 5111611115; {R mnx qui
Hunt 1‘11:11 payé , 11011110111, (1.1113 11: c1é1ai (1:; [11:11 111017. ,
('161111'111’111‘ l‘cuvwi on possession, en j11x111111m, dans 10
12151118 1113131, q11’11s 0111. vrrsé (11115 111 axis-13 111: 111 I'égic
111-5 (10111.11'11-3 11.111011sz ,1: p113: culim‘ réduit (1711111135 1’13-
c1:. 11;. (11,- (11'1111‘C'L‘1z1‘110n (13 1:1 Ll‘é501‘611-3 11111101121111.

1111001151'11ncnc9, lous arrélés , 8K 11161111: 111115 jngcmsns

r1-1111111; (-nlie 109 ng°ns dc 1a rC-I111111111111: St 1’z1: 1211117111311:
5111' 11: 1'1111e11m3nt de l‘cfl'ct I‘thaclif, scrout cousiJé-rés
cormnc 111111<1‘.'1‘1111.=.
1 1V, Soul (‘Xr‘cp1és 111's dupesifinm c.1-dessm, Ics domaines
80111. 1.1 rcwnle 211111.111 élé ordmmi‘e 13L efl‘cch1/wrez1 cxé-
(1111011 111-. 51151111. zu'licle 25 11c 1a lui (1n 2/; 110m 1793,
1111111111911; seconds acquércurs sergntuxc1usivemcnlles main-

1.1: con