j Best Copy Available PROM QUEEN MUST BE AT KERNEL OFFICE MONDAY NOMINATIONS OT r? THE KENTUCKY KERNEL UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XX "SCARLET" STROLLER SPRING PLAY TO OPEN MONDAY OF KENTUCKY KENTUCKY, APRIL 4, 1930 NUMBER 25 "SCARLET" TO OPEN MONDAY AT GUIGNOL it Sweeping Investigation of Campus Book Store Profits on Texts Is Demanded by Student Council at Wednesday Assembly TO BE GRANTED TO COUNCILMEN Evans 200 ARE EXPECTED AT INITIAL CONTESTS CLUB MEMBERS WILL AID IN PRODUCTION Depnrtments Forty-Si- x CO-ED- S Plans for Investigation Are Expected to Be Completed at Next Meeting Box for Checked Ballots Will Be Provided at University Postoffice Declaring that the Univer sity of Kentucky campus book store is reaping inordinate profits from the sale of text books and school commoxli ties, and demanding a sweeping investigation of conditions thought to be unfair to the student body at the store, the Men's Student Council at the University Wednesday was granted permission by Presi dent Frank L. McVey to con duct a thorough auditing of the book store practices m the near future. Mortar Board list of eligibles, in cluding 46 junior girls, has been completed and will be placed in the postoffice box of each university woman within the next week. With this action a new pledging plan is being inaugurated by the fraternity, It is .the desire of Mortar Board that the names of 15 girls on the list be checked, who, because of their scholarship and leadership, deserve the highest honor that can be be stowed upon a junior woman. A box in which the checked lists can be dropped will be placed in the postoffice for the convenience of the students. This method of selecting pledges for Mortar Board will not be final, but will be used as a guide in the election of new members. Junior girls who compose the list of eligibles who have a standing of 2 or over, are: Misses Edith Allison, Louisa Bick- el, Mae Bryant, Dorothy Carr, Lillian Combs, Pauline Creech, Gladys Garnett, Marjorle Gould, Mary Virginia Halley, Fern Harris, Frances Holllday, Mary Cole Holloway, Len- ora Howe, Mary Eleanor Isgrlg and Gladys Kirkland. Misses Mary Louise McDowell, Buena Mathis, Rita Mount, Gladys Marr Neale, Virginia Nevins, Ger trude OConnell, Lucille Preston, Edith Rupard, Mildred Shute, Helen C. Smith, Mary B. Tate, Maude To- rian, Elizabeth Ann Wheeler, .Louise Dean W. S. Taylor of the College or Education and the Summer Ses sion, has done much to promote the growth of the College of Education and has superintended the building or tne Teacher's Training Building, which will be ready for occupancy August l. Jane Dyer Is Given A. G. D. Award for High Scholarship well-kno- of Extension, Music and Phi Mu Alpha Are Sponsors Junior FRATERNITY PLANS TO SELECT 15 ACTION IS PERMITTED BY McVEY UP TO HAVE THREE PRESENTATIONS ELIGIBILITY LIST IS RELEASED TO Girls Will Be Submitted to Women Students PROPOSED no official action has been taken by the councilmen, they are expected to prepare and complete plans for direct investigation at the next regular meeting of the coBncil Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Adminy, istration building. President according to the members of the council, upon being asked to assist the body in its work on the book store situation, granted permission to the council for an official investigation of conditions at the store. The councilmen yesterday refused to issue information relative to the causes leading up to the investigation demands, but are expected to make public an outlined course of action XoUowiBS.a&9ffieka.metblg on Wednesday of next week. Power Request Granted The power request made by the council at a meeting held on Wednesday, March 26, for a definition of the powers and confirmation vested in the body through its con (Continued on Page Eight) STROLLER PLAY High School Students Will Convene Wednesday for The first annual gridiron banquet the entertainment at the gridiron Annual Sessions to have been staged by the Kentucky banquet which Included a Names of Desired Authority Will Be Incorporated in Amended Constitution h HERE NEXT WEEK Sigma Delta Chi Cancels Arrangements for Annual Gridiron Banquet at U. K. MORTAR. BOARD DEAN W. S. TAYLOR POWER REQUEST Altho-g- SCHOOLS WILL ASSEMBLE STATE The tenth annual high school week will be held at the University April Inclusive, and will Include contests In debating, oratory, vocal and Instrumental music. The contests are under the auspices of the department of University Extension, assisted by the music department and Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity. The opening day of the meetings win De used for oratorical contests. These contests will be held in the Memorial building, beginning at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. At io:30 o'clock the debating team will meet In the lecture room of McVey hall for pairing and choosing of sides. Teams 1 to 8 inclusive, mak ing up section A, will start debating at i:jo p. m. section B, made up of teams 9 to 16 inclusive, will start their debates at 3:30 p. m. The declamation contests will start at 2 p. m. in Memorial hall. At 6:30 o'clock there will be a dinner in honor of the visitors at University commons in McVey hall. The second round of preliminary debates will begin at 8 p. m. in McVey hall. Approximately 200 persons from all parts of the state are expected to arrive for the first day of the meeting. The second day will begin at 8:30 a. m. Thursday, with the extemporaneous speaking contests in Memorial hall. At 9:30 a discussion of Buying of Personal Installment Property" will be held. The semi-- fi nals in debating will begin at 1:30 p. m. in McVey hall. The final debate will be held at 6:30 p. m. in the auditorium of the Education (Continued otvPage Eight) Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, intermagician of Louisville and national professional Journalism fra- outside speakers of renown, the comternity at the University, and which mittee of the Kentucky Chapter, was to have been held at the LafaySigma Delta Chi, have been forced ette hotel on April 11, will have to to cancel the banquet on account be canceled on account of conflictof numerous conflicting University ing affairs at the University and and other affairs that have made It other engagements that will make It impossible for many who desired to impossible for many to attend it, it attend to be present on April 11. was learned Thursday from officials The chapter wishes to thank those of the fraternity. who have shown their interest in an The elaborate plans for entertainaffair of this caliber ment that have been In preparation by sending in their reservations and for the event since last December, by the kind letters from those who including tne presence or Frame Si could not attend through previous mons, solo cornetlst for eight years engagements. Checks will be rewith Sousa's band; a well known turned to the senders at once. magician from Louisville, and other As the grldron banquet was also figures of renown, will have to be to- - be given in connection with discarded. Founders Day of the fraternltv. the The Kernel received the following chapter will hold a banquet of this statement yesterday from Jess M. affair that evening and all members Laughlln. president of the fratern - land alumni are invited to attend. Ity: Send your reservations to Secretary After making elaborate plans for Clarence Barnes at once. Rhoads WiU Lead Baseball Team Against Ohio Today EDUCATION UNIT WORK NEARS END Series Follows Victory of Big Blue Over Miami University JLwo-Gam- e RETURN CONTESTS TO BE HELD APRIL 14, 15 Building Will Be Completed and Ready For Occupancy McBrayer, Barnes and AugusAugust 1, Dean Taylor Has tus Will Participate In Announced Catching, Pitching Telegraphs Director Riley That He Will Be Unable to Attend Premiere James Dorman Will Continue Seat Sale Through First of Next Week "Scarlet," spring production of Strollers, will have its formal opening Monday night at 8:30 at the Guignol theater, and will continue for two other performances on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The seat sale, which is being held at Russ Putnam's Clothes Shop in the Tavern building, will continue through the first of the week. Reservations may be made by calling Clay 679, and the tickets will be held there until 7:30 t.rm ui me periormance. .Rhfufsals have been heId each r,ih week and it is reported officials that all arrangements have been completed in preparation for the opening. "Scarlet" was written by Bruce Balfour Evans, one of the most outstanding of the younger school of Playwrights. In a telegram received Thomas L. Riley. director, Mr. Evans he W0Uld e unable to attend the premiere of "Scarlet," but that he wished "for the Strollers a successful run of my production " "Scarlet" is a melodramatic mystery-farce in three acts. The play concerns a mysterious personage who, for some unknown reason, plots and executes the murder of several people. Cyrus Marsh, a wealthy New York broker, is killed. In spite of the efforts of two efficient detectives, the mystery grows more intriguing as other murders follow. A network of exciting adventures lead to ultimate discovery of the identity of "Scarlet," and brings the play to an astonishing denouement. Among the unusual fpaknrps nt "Scarlet" is the revelation that a murder has a comical eftpr.t. nnnn the audience. Climavinpterlous manifestation of the uncanny (Continued on Page Eight) Sty Training The new Education By Brandon Price building, which is now under con Sending the "Big Red" boys from struction, will be completed and ready for occupancy August 1, ac Miami University back to Oxford cording to Dean W. S. Taylor of the with the short end of a 3 to 2 baseCollege of Education. This build- ball score, the "Big Blue" of the ing, which Is located near the in- University of Jane Dyer was announced winner Kentucky will encup awarded annually by the South Upper and Lime of the tersection of deavor to make it one, two, three stone streets, facing the Adminis Alpha Gama Delta sorority to the outstanding girl and freshman tration building, will house the va- from the Buckeye state representaNancy Scrugham was awarded the rious departments of the training tives of the national pastime when $100 prize given by the Women's school, "from the kindergarten to the they engage the Ohio State baseball high school grades. Self Government Association each team In the first of a two-gaseyearjtQ Jfre. aHtrtawtHBgnjurifor" girl The University's regular system of ries here today Misses Imogene Young, Fannie on Stoll field. It last nigro at tne mm annual worn Woodhead, Elizabeth Bell Collins, education from the kindergarten to en's banquet sponsored by the Worn Etta B. Coons, Mrs. Mary Craycraft, is almost will start at 2:30 this afternoon and doctor of philosophy en's Administrative Council at the Margaret Daugherty, Mrs. Mabel Exercises Are Held at Engin unloue in the entire country. The uacu jonnny Heber, the Blue Imogene Smith Gard, Mildred Guthrie, Katherlne Phoenix hotel. been eers' Assembly After Dean plan of teaching has to givecarefully Devil mentor, will be mastpr nf novo. president of the council, which Is Murrell, the pu-D- monies at his usual position, order Shaw, Sanford, Anderson and Irmen Fort worked out inbut expert instruction. "south" Just composed of the president of all Mrs. S. Jean Snedaker, Eula nothing Margaret S. of "Big Bov" Barnps. Address Students the women's organizations on the Stucker, Katherlne The education faculty will be enPhelps and The game this afternoon hii campus, presided as toastmlstress, Nancy Scrugham. larged to take care of the elemenfirst of Kentucky Alpha of Tau Beta Pi, tary and eraded classes and the In mark the be played two The officers of the Women's Self series to with th th national honorary engineering fra- struction which is given by practice Ten representatives Government Association for the year from Columbus. ternity, held its spring pledging ex- tpachers will be under the observ 1930-3- 1 were announced by Bernlce Wildcats ercises at the engineers' convocation ance and supervision of experienced Thethe "O. H. will return the visit Byland, this year's president. Kath of Ten Boys" by play- Nu Circle Will Be Hosts to in Memorial hall, Wednesday, April demonstration teachers. erine Kennedy was named president ing them two games in their 2. The following men were pledged: National Confor next year: Katherlne Katter building, with at Columbus, the largest in stadium The new two-stovention of Honorary FraterJohn, vice president; Mae Bryant, Prizes to Be Awarded for Henry L. Johnson, Bowling Green; is two wings, one for the grade stu- Ten conference, on April ,14 the Big and secretary, and Jane Dyer, treasurer. Beautiful, Individual, Com- Pryce Brown, Clay; Warren L. dents and the other for those of the Little Is known of the strength 15. nity March 5, 6, 7 of Moore, Danville; John W. Buskie, Elizabeth Cramer, president of courts for ical Floats Lexington; Louis Pay ton, Lynch, high school, and its inner purposes, the Ohio team, but they are usually the Young Women's Christian Asso The 1931 national convention of in the first division of the Big Ten ventilation and lighting and Earl Michel. Buffalo, N. Y. elation, announced the names of the will be one of the most beautifully conference and will probably be one Omlcron Delta Kappa, honorary SyKy, in with the 1930-3- 1 R. I. Fort, president of the Ken- finished sructures on the campus. of the strongest teams the Cats will campus leader's fraternltv. will hp officers of the association, Men's Student Council and Omlcorn who are Eleanor Swearlngen, presi- Delta Kappa, has completed all tucky chapter, made a short intro- Its centrally Lheld in Lexington on March 5. 6 located chapel Is face this season. dent; Virginia Ellis, vice president; plans for this year's May Day ex- ductory talk concerning the history eaulpped with motion picture fa and 7, according to word received Paul MacBrayer, who had Elizabeth Ann Ewing; secretary; ercises. A very interesting and varied and requirements for membership. cilities. The libraries, complete gym of tough luck in his opening abit here yesterday from the offices of start, Mary Allison Threlkeld, treasurer, program has been arranged by the Tau Beta PI was founded at Lehigh nasium, exhibition hall, classrooms Is anxious to prove that he has the the general council of the fraternity. and Eleanor Smith, chairman of the members of the various committees. University In 1885, and has 58 chap- and halls are all strikingly well stuff and will probably get the call Nu Circle, the local unit of the orfinance committee. All fraternities and sororities are ters. Kentucky Alpha was Installed lighted and finished. The cafeteria, at the mound position, while Augus- ganization, will be hosts to the conChi Delta Phi, women's honorary expected to have a float in the pa at the University in 1902. Require- divided for the use of children and tus will receive his offerings. Mac vention. The Invitation to hold the next biliterary fraternity, pledged the fol rade, which will be routed through ments for membership are scholar- older students, will be operated as a seems to be bothered with the old lowing girls: Amy Dretrich, Ruth the main thoroughfares of the city, ship, character and leadership. Only branch of the University Commons. jinx when it comes to losing close ennial meeting of the fraternity in of male Junior and Bullock, Violet Behler and KathPrizes for the most comical, the senior members of the Engineering Not only will this new educational ones, out is going to give Mr. Jinx Lexington was extended by Carroll the erlne Carr. most beautiful and the best individ- College classes unit offer better opportunities for a merry chase this afternoon, and Bryan, delegate of Nu Circle, at the are eligible. Phi Upsllon Omlcorn, women's ual float have been selected by the the pupils of Lexington and the sur- - with the proper support from his convention held at Tuscaloosa, Ala., Dean F. Paul Anderson spoke rounding counties, but its modern team mates can be counted upon to last year. It was strengthened by honorary home economics fraternity, awards committee and are on disbriefly on the meaning and alms of teacher training facilities will soon come through with the Wildcats' letters from Gov. Flem D. Samppledged Dorothy Parsons, Eudenah play at the Tavern. After the pason, the Lexington Chamber of Hamby, Mary Hood Gillespie, Laura rade the floats will return to the Tau Beta PI and on the "Romance create a demand for University- - second victory of the season. Captain Raymond Rhoads. who Commerce and the Phoenix hotel. campus where the awards will be nf TTntHnppHnfr" n: psnfvfnllv nnnlfpH ' trained teachers. Moores and Virginia Fisher. The present officers of Nu Circle has been attracting the attention of presented. The coronation of the to the $75,000,000 bridge over the The subject of the toast was "The the Big League scouts, will take the of O. D. K. are: James C. Pinley, ." Queen of the May will take place rVllllTTltlln rlvor frnm I?cinW flro Evolution of the president: Hayes H. Owens, - to Longvlew, Wash. mound in the Saturday afternoon Class toasts were given by Jane on the University commons. Formgame. Barnes will be on the receivand Toy Sandefur, secretary-tOfficers and members of the ac- Dyer, "The Befuddled Fresnman"; erly the coronation of the queen has To Be ing end whenever Rhoads takes the reasurer. The spring pledgMary Sidney Hobson, "The Know-It-A- ll been held in the gym, but It Is be- - tive chapter are as follows R. I. Pnnph navnrannv Vine Koah ing exercises of the fraternity, in mnnnrl open air ceremonies Fort, president; J. C. Benson, vice- Sophomore;" Eleanor Swear- lleved that the lngen, "The Sensible Junior," and will be much more delightful and president; C. F. Bailey, correspond - Junior Class Sets Monday as alternating catchers whenever he which the outstanding men students lng secretary; M. W. Davis, record Final Date for Nomina- - has changed pitchers. This worked of the University are honored, will Kathleen Fitch, "The Wise Senior." beautiful. e be held at the Junior Prom. In the evening SuKy will enter lng secretary: J. W. Pennel, treas- - . 1.1'""le g"me ?Uh(fM,"ml- The Alpha Gamma Delta cup is tions of Candidates Wildcats are le catch- awarded on a basas of scholarship, tain with a dance in the gym. At urer; W. B. Pythian, cataloger; pledging exercises of Richmond, Louis Walton. E. L. i Nomlnatlons for the Queen of the f activities and character. Miss Dyer, this time the J0"4 !,enly.maKhe ?bl1a U. K. E- to A"gtUuS ?,l? n CSlvI.n; who received the award this year, SuKy will be held. Members of this S?wy, rnZ F?rd' Junior Prom, one of the highest i ic mi ui wc umicr mull- - Be uacio, a. ivi. yvui wiuifciuw, nt thp Ulliver- a home economics major In the organization are selected on their ability to sell candy and soft drinks J Harrison and R. K. Thorn- - n0rfs t0 re' College of Agriculture and attained can gain must be tercy- L.rnpH 4n to Mnrnrnt. fiimrilff nn . celve the fast balls 755.' 2 standing of 2.7 last semester. She at the University athletic meets. Prof. E. S. Good Announces a pledge of the Alpha Gama or before Monday, April 7. Loving boys who played Contests for Delta sorority. these Pe"tions for eame. Kruger will be at first, Toth ' Co-E- ds Maci j Cups at Meeting s g- - nt secondi Mause President and Mrs. Frank L. Mc- nomination there t thlrd and Url Vey and Dean Sarah G. Blandlng natures or 3U memoers or tne junior banlak wU1 be at shortstop. Tne Prof. associate were special guests at the banquet. class and from the nom nations ithe outfield will be chosen from Ohr. dean of George Roberts, College of Prom Queen will be elected on April Kelly Murphy( Keiioee and Trott. Agriculurethe University of and president the LexOnly a girl from the junior I who condescended to march around 10. PAT RANKIN ington Kiwanis club, and Dr. WelOwens . Monday afternoon the R. O. T. C. ' the field, resplendent in their fem- - class is eligible for the candidacy lington Patrick, director of the Unimembers and versity Extension and secretary of unlt of the University, marching to inlne glory, and evidently quite hap-th- e class only be allowedofto the Junior iveillUCItlctll UI LVOV participate will martial airs of its beloved band, py. Of course there were other To Be Soon the Kiwanis club of Lexington, have in patriotic review before the orlties who would not be outdone, in the election. been elected delegates to the InterInspector James Chapman proper officers, and a goodly crowd and The arrangements for the Prom, i Couch, their adherents, too, were there. national Kiwanis convention at AtWill Also Attend Biannual of spectators, who had assembled one of the few school dances that The amount of patriotism, how lantic City, June 29 to July 3, by Military Convention themselves for the purpose of wit ever, was tinctured by a feeling of last until 1 o'clock, have been placed The 1930 edition of the Kentuck-la- n, members of the club last week. nessing once more the strength of partisanship as the members of the In the hands of Jack McQurk, chairyear book of the University, In connection with work done with Scabbard and Blade, national the University fighting group. Such respective sororities exulted at their man of the dance committee, and will soon be on sale, as the publi- junior agricultural clubs the honorary military fraternity, will a display of national feeling has not i good fortune of having one of their this committee will have the com- cation is off the press and will be will give ten silver loving hold its biannual convention at been observed in this locality for a members on the field of battle. Sev- - plete responsibility for the event, shipped to Lexington soon. cups to the winners in the various Minneapolis, Minn., April 24, 25 and long time. By and large, with a few eral young co-e(an old one was which, according to the members of Subscriptions for the annual can departments of the Junior R Club xceptions of one platoon, which never heard of), were sitting on the the committee, will be one of the be made at the business office of of Fayette county, it was announced i. it was learned Wednesday. The delegate selected from the must have been constituted of an top or some Pie Cap s car. If their best proms in the history of the in- the Kentuckian; and, according to by Prof. E. S. Goode, professor of Kentucky chapter D company. 4th unconscionable group of radicals, remarks could have been heard by stitution. Virgil L. Couch, editor, to insure animal husbandry at the University Regiment Is Hayes Owens. James who apparently prefer to live for members of another Hellenic organiArrangements for the election of getting one they should be made and chairman of the agricultural Chapman, assistant corps area in- their country than to die for it, the zation of the feminine variety, there the Prom Queen on Thursday, April right away. committee of the club. spector for the 5th Corps Area, is review was quite a delectable affair, would undoubtedly have been blood- 10, have been placed in the hands Mr, Couch will go to Nashville, Prof. Goode stated that arrangealso going to make the trip. and highly successful in every re shed. junior class officers, who Tenn, Wednesday, to inspect the ments have been made for members of the Amendments to the constitution spect. About ten or twelve years ago the will act as election officers on that edition. On Friday and Saturday of the Kiwanis club to visit members will be discussed and officers for the in order to heighten the charm of world was made safe for democ- day. Ballot boxes will be placed in he will attend a biennial province of the agricultural society and obnext two years will probably be the occasion the Alpha Gams lent racy at the sacrifice of too many front of the Adminlsration building conclave of the Alpha Tau Omega serve the work they are doing under elected. About 57 chapters are send- to the R. O. T. O. a sufficient quan- millions of lives, but it is felt that and the winner of the election will social fraternity at the University the direction of L. O. Brewer, county ing delegates. s, tity of their fair, or unfair, (Continued on Page Eight) be announced on Friday, April 11. farm agent. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. W. S. G. A. and Y. W. Officers Announced at Fifth Annual W. fA. C. Banquet SIX AliE PLEDGED BY TAU BETA PI 0. D. K. TO HOLD 1931 MEET HERE Plans Complete for May Day Activities CAMPUS V"KERNELS YOU CAN'T BLAME THE MEN! Now that nominations for "Queen of the Prom" must be turned In at The Kernel office by Monday, April 7, we predict that the interior of the office will be tne cynosure oi aamir-in- g eyes on or about that date. A GOOD FELLOW Robert O'Dear, senior In the College of Law, has been appointed to the Sterling Fellowship In law at the Yale Law School for the year 1930-3This is the best fellowship offered at the Yale Law School. TOO BAD, GIRLS! Just when the local female charmers began to achieve their former popularity following the high school tournament, the men folk of the campus heard about High School Week, which will get under way Wednesday. The result was as devastating as high school girls are ravishing. A PLEASANT TASK Miss Isabel Wolfe Hemenway, of Tuscon, Ariz., grand president of Alpha Delta Theta social sorority, will be in Lexington from April 9 to 14 inspecting the Alpha chapter at Transylvania and the Beta chapter at the University. Miss Hemenway was formerly an instructor in the English department at Transylvania. Several entertainments have been planned for her by the two chapters. FALSE ALARM The management of The Kernel wish to announce that the brazen banner at the top of this page was not the result of any sorority or fraternity fire at night or at any other time. It amounts to no more than a test to determine the number of color blind students at the University or the number of fatalities from imbibing too much "Jake." (Continued on Page Five) .4 Prom Queen Election Held Thursday t. a Lend National Feeling Fair Of Patriotism to Review of Cadets to Represent Scabbard and Blade Professors to Kiwanis Delegates & Suck? VTf,1? mon Released Says Editor *