xt7j0z70zs23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j0z70zs23/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 2003 Vol.74 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 2003 Vol.74 No.8 2003 2019 true xt7j0z70zs23 section xt7j0z70zs23 I r l” ”KL F (ij LEX 405 . {5 V ‘ ”' ARGARET ING LIBRARY 3 ‘\ " lilNIVERSiTYgF KY LlBRARIES :5 j. , 5/ Volume 742 Number 8 - Augggt 2003 - Published by Kentucky Press assouatiogggentucky Press Service 1'. Boot cam ers have varied reasonis for attend'n ° P m g , By DANA EHLSCHIDE little slow. Boot camp has helped her ’ldggrrfifiégfi’bfl .. , .‘ News Bureau Director with her speed and the anxiety of writ- Jh”?..’,'§f;§§§*l“gzv‘ A The students at the third annual ing. ?~“«“§:~§igi§§§r§§{g§g£h5ggi ' . ‘ “ f Kentucky Press Association Boot Camp Fukunaga isn’t sure where she will heftfiffigfifémgfie e fen». j . all came to learn the same thing — the end up after she finishes her master’s Higgirgugggfifig 533:5 basic skills of journalism — but their degree. She may try to obtain a job at a refifitgl’gfi 5:1 T- reasons for coming however are differ- newspaper or perhaps look into pursu- 5 ’ W’t'fl ;; WW1... _fi .1; ’ . ent. ing a doctorate’s degree. ; ' “3 he; _ ‘3’" ff'wwm WM ' flag“: { Four of this year’s participants are Rob Curtin is the youngest partici- ' _ 14;.“- ' I% N “'- 3 gfifigfit . 7. already employed at a newspaper and pant at this year’s boot camp at 17. The - . C ' 5"” I: . ' at; 3M 516%" .- ' came to camp in order to help strength— high school student saw boot camp as gay ' it"... 5%“?! 1' i “ en their skills. the opportunity to get a sneak peek at V g :~ "W :35 " jjlj‘ W fifty j Jod Norwood has been employed what journalism is about and see if it .. eahW\f"‘e‘t . 'l 55 3 g—erhf 'V a: at the }Lyon County Herald-Ledger for was the right fit for him before he‘ . M W“, $?W ' , ‘ nearly two years. Much of his work at chooses it as a major in college. “a” 5 ,’ fi-éi 5;; l . 5 5. the newspaper involves covering hard “Boot camp has given me a good firm“ i ‘ 5?; . news type stories especially those com- sense of what journalism is like,” 3” - «. l 5 ’ .1. .5, i V ing from attending meetings such as Curtin said. ”I’ve always knownlwrite 5 44 " . 55 ‘ ' . 5 5 lg; " . I . fiscal court and city councils. pretty well. I wanted to see if (journal— Boot campers Jackie Kali, David Silverman, Jody Norwood and Lew Angotti listen as .1 ' Noerod said that boot camp has ism) appeals to me. It is fun and hard Anderson News Publisher Don White speaks to the class about Working at a communi- " given him different ideas of how to work.” ty newspaper during the second week of boot camp. I, write stories other than hard news and Curfin’s interest in 'ournalism hasn’t . . , opened his mind up to doing more changed while attending boot camp. She saw the ad for the bOOt. can’ip urging of‘Charles Mattox, the editor 0f ”one on one feature stories.” He isn’ t sure where he is oin t and thought. it sounded interesting. It The Fleimngsburg Gazetteand a 2002 . . . g g 0 thin that a ealed to me ” boot cam raduate. Durin the last ‘ Peggy Fukunaga’s reasomng behind attend college for certain but at some gal; some ,,g pp . .’ P g .g 5; . . . . ay said. I wanted to see if I still week of boot camp Hamilton was 5 attending bOOt. camp differed “9’“ point he would hke to attend Syracuse had talent and see if other people offered a job in ad sales but will also £2225:%;%:::.:“3::i2:::exi:: $33.?s:.13t:e::.:ah;ad“:::st heeehhhwhhheehheheheeeh —: h . kin i: r’ d kin all kl pp Boot camp has re-opened her eyes to The Flemingsburg Gazette. He said he :1 s 9,15 wor g on .er maste s egg wor g at a S“ wee y newspaper the thrills of writing. ”I had forgotten hopes it works into a full-time writing '5, in liberal studies With an emphaSis in and working his way up to the tOP bUt how much fun it was to take a bunch of job because that is where his real pas- ,1 Spanish and journalism. It has been hls aspirations are to someday maybe notes and make it into an intellectual sion is. He said the job offer was in the -‘ some time Since FUk‘masa had .a jour— work for The New York Times or even and coherent story, or at least try,” she planning stages before the start of boot 5, nalism class and she saidshe is a bit Sports Illustrated. I”That would be pret— said. camp. Hamilton said boot camp has ; “15W on her Sklllsr espeCially things ty C0011" Curtin said. O’Day said that she would like to helped him withhis writing ”immense— .- such as the Assoaated Press style. Ellen O’Day is ready to try some- get a job at a weekly newspaper start- 1y," and that it was definitely worth the 5, ”This has been a really good review thing different in her life. She majored ing possibly as a free-lancer doing fea_ time and money. 1 for me and great fun," she said. in journalism for one year in college tures. The three-week course was taught at She also said that it has been good but "life got in the way.” While she One camper landed a job before the Georgetown College by Jim St. Clair, for her to attend boot camp because she continued to write for a hobby, she had end of boot camp. Chuck Hamilton professor of journalism at Indiana ’ was nervous about her writing and a gotten away from serious writing. decided to attend boot camp on the University Southeast. It ended Aug. 1_ ‘3 ugus Asmeeonehemencaandflhe “ wmmngds ; . , : Wafiommmwmaewfin > :52; ' 2:: , ,1 NewspapetAdverfismgBureau Wm ., Oanriaay,«Sep't. 19; Robenrwn'son; 2:1 . - News &Notes hveewoseseonsonrhursdy * dalthm andhumoreshzwiu Resetrahndadhmeforflhesenu : KPAFaI‘ljiadvertI/smg? Ideasmifionmmtesmthe morning Times and Bad.” Friday afternoon ' , Thereaeseverairegsir ahon j 1 _’ «,S‘emmariplannect ’ ’ ‘ j ' andLayontsTheGoodflheBad 3 Wilson will presente<'8en More . , ophonsMealsandmonSbOflldays - , 'I’heKentuckyPress Association“ 3 _ andTiieUgly’in flieaftemoonAt 'Ads...with Spec Ads That Sell” , g; ,is$90,ThursdaySessronsw1th lunch i' ' - Willlhold aFalladvertisiii‘g‘Seminare’ 7 , lunchMeenawili presenther “current After lunch on Friday Wilsonwfll“ is$50,Friday sessrofismthlunch isijf: ~ on’l‘hursdayand Friday, Septi'18~1‘9 versmnoftheATI—IENAAward/s,’ , do an f’Ad'Clinic’e" sohave yourstaff, , VA 5):"? :55 125:1. 1 '. atthehouxswlle‘mwisfi Basie?“ _ ' ' ~ thr011311116:"Cream(mapsm “ brings copiesofads they hare dons» ’ 3 SeeNEW Son i=5 e8 . i LyemeMeenaformerCreahwe NewspaperAdhremsm seamen , .Thehoom meat the hetelforhheé": g- -‘ Page 2 - The Kentucky Press,August 2003 Kentucky people papers 'n th ne High SChOOl students ghy, advertising design and yearbook School of Journalism and Broadcasting. South Oldham High School: Jimmy . . esign. Jackie Bretz was the worksho coordi- Dan Theiss; Rockcastle Coun Hi h attend WKU pubhcatlons Travis Vincent of Louisville’s nator. P School: Audrey Burke; TayloEyCouéhty workshop Trinity High School and Heather Attending the two-day workshop High School: Landon Dickens, Quincy Students from 10 high schools in McKinney of Barren County High were the following: Anderson County Tennyson and adviser Troy Kentucky and Tennessee attended the School received $250 scholarships to High School: Ben James; Barren Benningfield. Student Publications Staff Workshop WKU- County High SChOOl: IEhhj AlliSOh/ June 26-27 at Western Kentucky The workshop was co-sponsored by Drew Bewley, Marissa Borders, Kayla Georgetown hires Tenney University. the Kentucky High School Medla Dowdy, Meghan Edwards, Michelle 1: ff . t Workshop sessions included news, Partnership, Kentucky High School Hansen, Autumn Harbison, Sheena as new S a Wt} _er sports and feature writing, photogra— Journalism Association and the WKU London, Heather McKinney, Corey Kathy Tenney has Jorned Morrison, Megan Pickerel, Heather Georgetown NEWS'GIaPhlC has a staff Ryan, Jessie Sanspree, Chelsey Shelton, writer. She Will cover SC?” County The KentUCky Pres S Kristen Spiegl, Felicia Stinson, Deanna government and the P011C€ beats. """'—" "‘— Thomas, Lauren Toms, Kristoffer Tenney graduated from Western Whitehurst and adviser Melinda Kentucky University ih December The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023—0324) is District 11 — Glenn Gray, Manchester Campbell; Blackman High School 2002, and served as an intern at the published monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise (Murfreesboro, Tenn): Kristi Gatlin, Glasgow Daily Times during the sum- lessomation/ Kentucky Prhss ngc‘?’ Inc. , , Cassie Warren, Rebekah Weiler; Butler mer Of 7-001- erioclicals Class postage 15 paid at District 12 - Jeff Neal, Somerset C Hi h Sch 1. C 1. Frankfort, KY. 40601. Subscription price is Commonwealth Journal ' ounty g 00 ‘ are me - $8 Per year. Postmaster: Send change of ,, Cardwell; South Laurel ngh School: LEO under new ownershlp address to The Kentucky Press, 101 District 13 - Tom Caudill, Lexington ' Ashley AdCOCk/ Bridget Caldwell, The Louisville Eccentric Observer Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) Herald-Leader _ r , ’ ' r; Vanessa Killen, Cassie LUdngr Ronnie was purchased last month by a pub- 223-8821. ' ' ‘ , ; , :, ' , ' 1' j , f ' i , -’ , j _ i _ ,, ' Rapier, Michelle Smith and adviser fishing subsidiary of the Times . ' ,2 , his“ ‘14 Teresa SCEMBW‘CI‘W“ ~ Sharon Bush: Louisville Trinity High Publishing Co. of Erie Pa. The new Office’s , , . .- '- , ’ ' ' L ,' r ji {5’ ' . £ , 3,25? :: , ziii‘ff, School: Travis Vincent; Oldham ' Kentucky Press Who“ A: 55/2, 7:? mggggéenmckyKemel County High School: Anna Watson See PEOPLE on Page 10 eesdemsmnrmmrnymddmmmnnemenge , . Wooleetersml’atummonmwsfleraad Paper 5 Office managtr and b00kkeeP' TaylorHayesKenmdcyNeWEra” ea S __ er- She Mt the Paper 1“ 1973 to Stay at w President-Elect-John Nelson-V ' ’ "ff?” 7 1C ”r f’ < home with her newborn daughter, 5 iJDanvilleA/dvocate Messenger), ' , ' . , Division Chamnan K ,__:,'i ,5. j ’; . . though she continued to work part- , . I} ,y y' ’ , y‘ ' ' , . , ; NeWs'Editorial’Division John 1, ', ’ Former TlmeS'Trlbune time selling ads for the newspaper. In ’Xéfifrflfirggglggxgflggmbeny, , , [I / Shmdlebower, SpenCer Magnet 1 Publisher dies 1975, she was rehired by Richard 3 _ , 0W, lali, , / , . Adverusmg DiviSionl- CheryiMag/érsn , ,1 Joe Hardwick, former newspaper RoBards, general manager of the Treasurer - Charlie Portmann, ' _' , central Kentucky NeWs Journal , ’ f, ' publisher, dl€d Friday, June 13 in newspaper at the time. Franklin Favorite ' , ,_ . , . , ' _ , ' ’ , , , ' I 1, ~; Somerset. He was 51. Bradshaw was an EMT for , ’ CirculationDivisionf-,I