xt7j0z70zw2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j0z70zw2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1986 1986 1986-02-17 2020 true xt7j0z70zw2r section xt7j0z70zw2r \
t l , ‘
w tic No 15 : , .- . .. . 1:" Win“ * ”' '~ Wm ' ' ‘ new ‘
, , . . ,. _ .. ttyotttontudty. toxtngton Kontuck t t ' '
i V _ . _ V V . Okla 397] Monday, “WW '7. I“
Bookstore A uino issu ll,
1 . q BS 3 ca V a
7 stipends .. . f -
available I} «e . ~ " n . 2' - ’
ByDAVlDNAYLOR ' _ l V . "w l l. to denoun I h ’
Contributing Writer , )7 "' \ A ’ .. ‘ ce arcos I - ‘ 'A ~'
, t l ' 5 ' '
Applications are now being ac- . t g V @ ‘ JV By RLV'BEN G. ALABASTRU going to drive me out. The people .‘ ’. I. - 7‘. . »
cepted for $300300 in scholarships ,V . Assoc1atedPross are behind me.“hesaid. '1 , ~.'- . "
offered by the University Bookstore ’ - ‘ . ‘ - ' " to“ .. . Marcos 315° announced that Vet ' 4’ - '
andtheofficeofacademicaffairs. . I” V W 3 § - MANILA. Philippines —- Corazon the armed forces chief. had re- . ‘ 2
The scholarships are awarded ,. s h . 5 Aquino called yesterday for non-vio- Signed. and he had accepted the res- .f -, ' -, ,‘ ‘, ' -'
through a joint agreement between _ I, .l ‘ ,, 7‘ i '0‘ lent protests against newly re-elect» lgnation. But he said Ver would re» ' r f ' '; 1’
the academic affairs office and the , 1 , “I“ -, V " v.1 ed President Ferdinand E. Marcos, main available asaconsultant. "-' i 7 i " f .
bookstore. ‘ , V . . ,- » who declared. V“I am the president Constabulary Chief Lt. Gen. Fidel ,' a ; ‘.
”Three years ago, we decided to t / a t . Theyarenotgomgtodrive meout " V. Ramos was appointed interim , _‘ 3, ‘:~!',’V;'v‘\'t‘i‘l':
begin a scholarship program to ben- p / Vi. :’ , .. . Marcos, president for 20 years, chief of staff. Marcos said. i: J. " I: ,i
efit the general campus community, .. ‘ . ;. ,. ’ . . also announced ymterday the resigv Ver. 66. was charged in the August .3 - , "j .I‘.."-."‘
and last year, we began this pro- . A ’ V‘msk . . nation of his most powerful military 1983 assassination of Aquino‘s hus- ' . '5‘“!
gram." said Donald San ds. vice ,1 / ,m 5% .. ~ commander, Gen. Fabian C. Ver band, opposition leader Benigno ' ~‘. '~ .i' . 2’25“
chancellor for academic affairs. ( \ V- V A day after the National Assembly Aquino. But a court later acquitted i ' '. l 9". all L .
“We decided that with the money we \m / fi - \ ~. . ‘lec‘ared Marcos winner Of an elec~ him 24 other military men and one ' ' '5 i
were making from rental of the / 3'“ , . *‘ tlon marked by charges of fraud and civilian also accused in the murder , "‘
bookstore. we could use that money .( s ‘ '. L~ terrortsm,Vmore than half a million L' S. officials. concerned about a " ,‘ 5 '- ;.‘ 7.‘
for a good pu . We wanted to . ,l 51:. l ' 'e a; Filipinos Jomed his opponent in a growing communist insurgency in . . " I
put the money the students had ‘ . . -. a downtown park rally — a much his the Philippines. saw Ver as a hm- - 7
spent on books back into the cam- . .. & ger rally than any that had gathered drance to military reforms, f , ‘, ,' .‘
pus." , . ’. in the campaign leading to the Feb \'er‘s reSlgnatlon was announced a . s" . . ‘3, . ' 3
Faith Harders. assistant to Sands, t _ 7presidentlal election. day before Marcos. Aquino. and l 5
said the Program attracted between -. l , Aquino called for strikes and other Filipino leaders were 10 meet . l - ‘ ~‘
430 to 440 applicants last year. re- . schOOI shutdowns on the day after With Philip Habib. a speClal envoy E 3 -' -. .
s tilting in 230awar d ed scholarships. \ a . Marcos Feb 26 inauguration for a sent by PreSident Reagan to observe . ’ .' i '
The deadline for applications is .. L - it . new Six-year term. and urged a boy the aftermath of the dleSlve elec- V ‘
March 7. 5-1 ' 7' ' ‘ ' , . ' tC)0tVlv10f banks and newspapers owned lion . , ' . “
Both Sands and Harders said the \ a ‘ ' ‘ yr M/ ‘ , . V" y aVrcos' "cronies.“ "I am convinced that if there was " ' V , i '
bulk of scholarships go to under- L‘ .. . A ’J " M» . 1'3. Y {‘9qu Who had vowed to lead any fraud. it may have been com- ' - ' {.7
graduates. while a lesser amount go 's‘: ; f. 7. i “‘5 e . -- ~ 43' ‘ ' . daily demonstrations if She was mined by the lower levels and was - l l I
to graduate students in professional \r “f as. , . - , .. ~ ,., , . , Cheatedat the polls. also called on not authorized by the upper lead— - * ' ' '- ' ‘
fields and to other graduate stu- "‘ . _, (‘5. i ,_ , . ‘ “‘ A a“ ’0 ' the military and police ‘0 dlSObey "Ship" Marcos said ~. ' ' ‘i l " ’
dents , , if" N ~* *3 as .1 : inc-f ".«f-\‘ ./ ‘3} W m orders thatwere“unjust." . '
“Last year. about eight to 10 w . VV VV ‘ at“? .. . VV ., . . _ , “Although unarmed. I feel like the Asked to comment on Reagan‘s ‘V , ‘ ‘. -.
scholarships were granted to medi- . . ' . . . _ s t“ y ' V“: *- » young boy David prepared to face Statement that “15 “€er 0"" ‘ » ' ‘--
cal and dental students." Sands y .. ‘ ., ‘ “' l ' .i. . ,5 wk" ‘ I l ' *‘ $7 the giant Goliath.“ she said. N” GO" Aquino was marked by fraud. Mar- ' ‘ I. i
said. He added that because these i "' ' ' ‘ a ’ 5‘5"" “£1 -. V‘”: "w ..; ”<1 2 5 hath refuses ‘0 yield, We shall esca- “05 said Reagan f‘has been wrongly . .
rinses” “mail: Madison r bl ' " ' ‘ WM e nitridesinitiator “i, e - -
a e o a or ir ucation, t y ' -' ~~ ‘ l eac es ' i '
amass large bills at the end of their UK h SC am e demizlnsavyzcgonfirence at the pres:- him. . l - "
terms. sOp omore forward Richard Madison 01- win over Mississi ' ' l A arcos again reJec . Aquino called for “a day Of stand-
. . . Ppl State Saturday night. For ed char es he '0 thr h ~' “ ~‘ ‘ ' ' ‘- -
Sands said less scholarshl mone' tempts *0 drive to the basket _ UK' . . g w n oug fraud still after Marcos inauguration. , . '
See “In“; Page: '" 5 88 62 "‘9 Qume “WY: 599 Sports, page 4. and said he woulanot step down. advocating work stoppages and ' » ,
I am the preSldenf. They are not school boycotts .
’ O 0 t l, p I r * ' ' I
o o ‘
s astrev1s1 d ,.,. \ M lkUS d -*
f b° h Mr"“/“i ”Def "
or 111 day party % a “Q i i i . i g uture of military bases . ' . .
. “I . , v Y , . H . . , , ,
, . , , . . . ‘ I 7- By BRVIA.\ BARGLR coy crlng the bases ~ the two largest
Governor s proclamation, smglng VlSlt 00 I ./ \ . \Q GU AssocmtedPress L's military facilities outside the . .-
b Ch d1 h. h]' h - U 9 l \l “3‘ \ l, l {3 WASHINGTON timed sates "'35 a bargaining chip ~ " ' ’,
\ . i . ._ One day after toassure support from Washington. ' ‘ .
y an er lg lg tS 0f SAB affall' 0 V7 p\ \‘ / /\ / a B being dVeclaVred lgunner of theVPhiI- He also brought up the issue dur- . . -'
If ‘V 3.' . . V V ~ D lpplne eectlon. reSldent Ferdinand ing the election campaign. accusing . V; .. . ,
sizifltttiliz‘r \l an SMITH :21] in [7:12:11 eSrtudElLtv CerViAtlebre rtGregt ll 3 ® I < \l ‘ ’ ‘ Marcos threatened yesterday to challenger Corazon Aquino of being .V ,. ., . . .
"Happy" Chandler will be the t y, 0 u \ t ‘ “ abrogate the military bases treaty ready to break the treaty. while de- - . j - , . ,.
speaker and he will sin “0n (gun:V a ll . / I i \O witthhe United States if the Reagan nying he ever fathomed the idea. . V . . ' r. _. .
-.Happ\. birthday to You of K” and "My Olgd Kentchky U Ig‘ Q U l \ ‘ KI‘ ‘w administration cuts off aid to his Both Marcos and Aquino have said ' I . ~
.' . .' .‘ , i \ government. the L'nlted States should pay a high- ‘, , , ' - .
Happy birthday toyou. , “(V’Vme . . . ‘ 0/ D . y D“ “If that happens. we'll have to errentforuseofthebases, ' V' V
H(1pp_\ buthduy.dcarUk. I think this event is a good fl [7 talk about renegotiatin the base‘ " Sen R‘ h' d L RI " ' i i ' V ' ' ‘ ‘ i /
Happy birthday toyou." chance to help the community cele- B [7 n .4 Q 7 Marcos said vesterdavgon CBS‘ 5m man of thi Sinatelgl’fdreignngelacllghrs . I I ' ' '-
lt"thtt'x .. 'bt' - . . 4 _ . . - . , ,
andE'Ki:celhrh1;at?hgtirl:1%fsdtr again "raise (11:11,;e :efigfiharthgrwgiyergny-l armnns Kerneioruphics [F‘W‘SW program “Face The Na‘ Committee “h“ 19d (he OfflClal US. i ‘ . I ‘ "
And Gov. Martha Layne ‘Collins‘ said Paul Hayden,SABpresident. y. meg donated by [he UniverSlty Also during the part)" a gll‘byfi‘! tlolilarcos dd d h - . -- . delegélmn that qpsén'éd the dec- .' '1 7 7",
present to the University is a procla- “This celebration is a reminder to PoodSVeerlces. mural 0f campus life that ““1 hang have to rent? otiat thm‘w‘ber“ ‘ '“'e mm bdld Marci» ”3'me to carry ' I. ' i ' ’ '
mation declaring this week UK Cele- lEt students know how long this insti— Thls p'r‘hday party and week 0f in the Student Center will be un- , g e 056 859% any- outVreforms a“ Jeopardlred the se- > ‘- -,; -
bration Week. tution has been here and hopefully events Will be one of the greatest at- veiled. “3y because you have "01 mm the "um-“’“hel’ase’ ' .. 8"” f
This week-long celebration spon. how long we will continue to b; lePlVS to make ita campuswide cel- “I am expecting this celebration conpensatorprackage for the use Of "Aes- . -tt i f t ' bel - l " ' ' 5' ‘
sored by th . ‘. y. . ~tr‘ .. . .. ebratlon. I want to make the entire to 0 over reallv well. \Iot . .- military facilities. to the tune "f ‘ .‘l .m.d er 0 ac “.8 [6.9 ~ . f‘ '2 5-,
. e Student Actlylties s lying for academic excellence . g - ‘ on” “1“ ho ' “ our bd‘e‘ Jr" m e” 'm‘ because ' A ' ' "
Board. will be highlighted by a Haydensaid. ‘ pamgusg asvareV ofVcchtthUVnitvergityV'Vs it be fun. but I think it is important a ut$70milllon the Philippine ”pinging“ have - .- . VI , riff
birthday celebration at noon torrimo- A 500- iece thr -l . oun in ay. sat . rls y ra - that everybody is aware of the histo- During his 20 years in power. Mar- the offiupnm ,i (,u lit to m; -. .. - d . ' j " .3.‘ 3‘.
P - 99 ayer cake iS ford,SAB memberat large. ry of L'K.“ Bradford said. cos has repeatedly used the treaty ‘ {Wat‘s-tipdfyt ' ' ‘2"
'I'heater department degree lets students concentrat '
e on acttn
B\ “ICHFI I F l) Rl'SSFLL B t the d g ' l. i: 1" . If). - l: g?
{i . i . i . . .t . u now epartment is ex- “We have a terrific faculty here Haggard said communitv theater ' ' ‘ J l‘ h ‘
contributing Writer 21:31:th “fie retsponstllgellty. ofoaSt 3nd one lthat 15 really qualifed to ad- enabled him to be paid for his acting ate: g1: 231030 rigrsiigdcéflmfile'giign :‘htliirldlgd mpg): 1ng;th“an lgjtksui‘tg :' 'l ' l l' i‘ ' ‘
.. V . , e paeren gan er- ress t e B.F.A.,“ said Patrick and to work in different as cts of ' » " . - l ' .. . ' " l l " V l "b ' f "l
t We have one of the strongest the- mg a more speClallzed undergrad- KagaVn-moore. a professor of theater theater withawide range of pepgple. .gi‘iiiii‘ffli‘ie31%?2‘33fintfidn‘il“ foryou asa learning actor " l l .‘ I. "A":
a er programs in the country be- uate degree. a bachelor of fine arts “1 think we can turn out a talented .. . d' P i .‘ at U , Y I V l "a t
cause people bust their ass to do in acting. This degree is geared andeducatedactor.“ It gives me a chance to grow ifferent audiences “uh different llowcvcr. he said more emphasis f " I" l' l" ‘
good work." said Richard Rand. a more to the student concentrating on Some students have taken what that 1.. wouldn't have had else needs. should [)0 placed on the "business ' ’ l ’ I
Uh theater professor. acting. The degree will be offered in they learned in the classroom and where. he said N" .15 more Of a awed” 0f theater as a technique ’ ‘ l .-
And these instructors bring that addition to the bachelor‘s and mas- succeededin theateroff campus. challenge to work mm a smaller “It gives students the chance I” and it Shoum be tied in more With I ‘ l ' ' l ‘.
gpod work :10 gm classroom and to ter's degrees currently offered. Henry Kevin Haggard a fine arts cast. work in semi-professional theater musicaind dance ' l‘ l a ' l‘
5 ages onan o campus, senior, said the new de ree ro "d od ‘ _ . . .. . and see the influence of educational .
The theater department‘s main re- James Rodgers, chairman of the him a more positive focgus ahd 30:: derrlts gtgrbahzdigion“higncflgtag: in; theater artist without the impact." Katgalrmoore and Hand both em- , - ' " :
spOnSibillty has always been to edu— theater department. said there is a time to concentrate on his acting thev aren‘t cast it icomm ‘t 'uthl he said. Phafiled ”19 MW ”ii" they weren‘t I ' ' ' ' ‘
cate students to work not only as ac- possibility that the department will training not only in the department ateri gives them it o utm lt' l3- ' ' ' * training only theater professionals, V l l '
tors and directors. but also in the offer a bachelor‘s in technical the- but also in community theater in do other things an: it gmgllhstl‘uco 'mHagfirtdfsald‘ u! lhtmk n ls very but also trying [0 down“) comm”.
areas oftechnical theater. ater in thenext fi e . ~ ‘ . .. ' ' por n or any ‘39 or trainee‘ t0 n'cat‘ :k‘ll; l th~ -’ ' '
v years Lexmgton. torsawayto keep upthelrcrafi_ get as much experience as possible. minim:- 1 N ant ( willingness to ‘ , ‘
3‘"? I... m MW Research by former UK doctor paved way for machine that allows patients to self -inject painkillers ‘
QMWV‘V'F‘R": MM; 3: {.osuvnm‘lvoosa icV therapy. ‘V‘It allows patients to ——-——————-—————— probably hesitant to accept the
m . W. . .' .. n n mg n er give mse ves lel. the right H ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' m "t f‘ t b t l “ '
"vm. POD-5- ‘i‘ ' . . amount of pain medication that they . Wlth thls machine, If you feel mild paln you lizard); :iorEZboullit.9n y until we ~
m . ‘3 ,: comilsgpyggeglgneagspgewf1;;- nmegdnaeideytery instance of time that Just press the button and the pain eases Off.H An impediment ‘0 the use Of PCA
V , | , V V . y l . - has been wides read s'c' n f
”.9 W, -. . K summer. instead of pushing a button The traditional way that pain is Lonnie Weddington. that patients cguld begginle‘dangetfl:
1’3“”... ”For ’1. ”M to call a nurse for a morphineijec- controlled in post-surgical patients former Medical ceme" ously oversedated or even addicted
flflo. ”m . thon. he pmhed a button that imme- is by intramuscular injection of nar- cancer patient to the morphine 0'” Demerol that is
m.mmm :13]me sent a small amount of pam- cotic painkillers by physicians or commonly used to alleviate pain.
- . .. ‘_ W} ermtohlssystem. nurses. Bennett says the medical " " -'— But in both cases the fears are
The ocedureReagnnusedtoad- communi hasbeen ewha '- ‘ ' “ ' ' ' H ‘
. . pr . . _ . ty som that One of the benefits of PCA. said Patients are perhaps less anXIOtE unsubstantiated. according to Ben-
manister his own painkiller is called tant to accept PCA. simply because Lonnie Weddington. 57. a former because of the reassurance that the nett‘s research and by the nature of
Patient-Controlled Analgesia. and it involves the use of narcotics, cancer patient at the UK Medical medication is always available and the controls on the pumps them
3‘ . “I “V- , ; .- , x .. some major research on PVCA theta whtchVare addictive and have high Center. is that he didn‘t have to under theircontrol." selves.
9‘" . g . . m gagsddone atVUK by Lextngton an- potentialforabme. worry about waiting for a shot. Debbie Burke. a nurse at the UK A timer built into the device con-
” M .V g VVVV 1’ PC Alina/sell“ Mallard Bennettonhe “It is a new um,” and a new “With tlus machine. if you feel mild Medical Center. is satisfied with the trols the minimum interval that a
, m 0' M, ) $1 tient to V?! . m '0“ . concept. and like all newconcepts. it Pal" Y9“ jmt Pm the button mid results of the pumps. “I think Pall?” can activate "'9 mev
5"! tn “thump 'y f; “I!“ gimme by an 311- takes a while to catch on." he said. the Pam mes 0“." 38““ Weddinfi- they‘re great and the patients love “my ”king " "many "“9”"
_f “N“ ,W " i” klllincmmmmetlittim tda'tl'iewut‘mlt'". V“0ne thing thntVslows its acceptance ton. them because they can get the medi- bk” ‘0 “em“ ”"39"- Th‘ 0°”
-'. . M Q. "1"?qu ~ '3.- bl treamw it‘s P“ '9" 3 ts thefuct that it mes narcotic anal- This added psychological benefit cation when they need it." she said. 533° ‘5 WWII“ similarly “d i'
1,“- . ' 2; a mm mm. ”:th mA““- V gate- and lieettheare pofessionals to the patient. who knows the medi- “or course it is controlled and they setbyfllewfiicienmdvam-
‘1 ‘4 l “:3 said is that it individualin'. nlrcot- are traditionally very conservative cation is available It the l)“sh 0' a can’tget m0" "flnmnced3' “l conducted ' study that demon-
. lntheirl-eofnarcotia." button. is significant. Bemett said. Burke said some nm were SecMACI'IINIZJ’mI

 . I . l i
z-Kmvxmmmrz nu
lnformation on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editonal' pnvrlece' ' allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.
e Other- Sign up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Taylor o Other: Sign Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Taylor fl
' ed Bldg. 8-4 30pm. Call7-7971 Ed. Bldg.:8-4:30p.m.'Ca|l7-7971 ' . .
' Moves YhunderbO'l 09°" '° "“1“" '“U’W' 5”“ f ' ”“9""953 5A“ “b" 3°'°"°"‘ C°""“'"" “mm“: 2/17: Movies: Thunderball: open to itudonis. taculty. stott 2/23; Films: Ashland Kiwanis cub Film Series at Ashland
. guests 51 7S Worsham Theatre 7-30p.m.. Call7.1287 115 Student Center: 4 00pm, Sang-83:7“, ' k' 00‘, ‘guests;$1.15;WorshamTheotfe:7:m p.m.:CaII7-12B7 Comm. College: ”.50; ACC Auditorium; 2:37 p.m.: Call
a Meetings. Ftrst meetings; S't d ' ca ,ers. i700 , ev‘ 2/18: Movies: Thunderball: open '0 students, “why. "a“ 329-2999
‘ V 2.13797 $29108” be there. u an en “I V p.m., lguests; $1.75:Worsham Theatre; 7:!) p.m.: Call7-12B7 2/24: Movies: Terminator: open to students, faculty. staff
I ’ I 0. Movies: Thunderboll; open to students. faculty, staff B 2/19: Movies: Thunderbolt: open to students, faculty, staff 89"“"5 ”~75: WorsahomTheatre; 71309-"1-1 Call 74287
.‘ . ‘. guests: $1.75.- Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.; CalI7-12B7 $900!": $1.00: WorshomTlmm: 7:30am: Co" 74287
. ‘ 0 Other- University of Kentucky‘s 121st Birthday CeIe- 2/20: Movies: Thunderball: open to students. faculty, staff
‘ bration: Stu. Ctr. Great Hall: 12 Noon: Call 7-8867 8 guests: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.: CaII7-12B7
' I 0 Religious: Baptist Student Union - TNT: Tuesday Nite 2/21: Movies: Terminator: open to students, faculty. staff
' ~ . . Together, Free; Baptist Student Ctr.; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3989 8 guests; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.: Coll 7-1287
. 2/22: Movies: Terminator: open to students, facluty, staff
. l h I Bguests: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.: Call7-12B7
. ' \ - ‘ ‘ ’
.'.‘ '7 ' / 2/22: Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery)
.1 . . ~ V.) by Agatha Christie: S5~Public $4-Students: Guignol
: v.: ' . h tre;8 .m.: all7-1385
' . . ‘ 2/20: Concerts: UK Concert Band: '1' Steven Moore, direc- 12’22: Recfzals: Senior Recital: Jodi Yasko, flute: Free: Me-
" - . '°’3 "”5 Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.: Coll 74‘“ morial Hall: 3 p.m.: Call 7-4900
‘ ‘ ‘ 200: Plays: UK TM". Production: Black Cd,” (Mystery) 223' Concerts: Uriiversit Artists Series: 'Jean-Pierre Ram-
’ ' by Agatha Christie; SS-Public $4-Students: Guignol pal, flute; Sis-Public SB-YStudents: Center for the Arts; 8
Theatre; 8 p.m.:Coll7-1335 p.m.: CoII 7-3145
I . 2/2‘3 PI°Y51 UK Theatre Production: Black Cd.“ (Mystery) 223: Concerts: Center Sundays Series: Patricia Barnes
bY Agatha Christie; SS-Public S4-Students: G”i9"°l Grif-fith, piano: free: Center for the Arts,- 3 p.m.: Call 7-
' ' I ThOOfI'OI 8pm.; COII7-1385 3145 ~ .
- . , 1 2/21: Recitals: Senior Rectial: Shawn Parrish, Alto Soxo- 2/23; Rgcitgls; Piano Recital: Patricia Barnes Griffith.
phonm Fr”; ca,“ ‘0' 'h. Ans; aplm-z COHI‘WO piano; cemer for "‘9 Am: 3pm.: calm-”0°
: ' Other 5th Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews 166 Taylor 0 Other: Sign Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Taylor
' ' . Ed Bldg 8-4'30 pm. Call 7-7971 Ed. Bldg, 84.30 pm: Call 7-7971 SPORTS
0 Lectures: Linda Leeper (Special Ed: Speech 8 Commu- 0 Concerts: UK Concert Band: J. Steven Moore, director;
‘ mcotion Disorders) ‘The Aging Voice': Free. 128 Erikson Free: Center for theArts, 8p.m.:Ca|l7-3145
Hall 12 Noon 0 Meetings; Regular meeting of UK Fencing Club - Free
0 Meetings SAB Concert Committee Meeting. 228 Stu— instruction, equipment provided; Alumni Gym; 7:30 p.m.:
dent Center 500 p.m.: Coll 7-8867 Call 233-5201 . _ . . « , . .
. e MOvies. Thunderball: open to students, faculty, staff a 0 Movies: Thunderball: open to students, faculty, staff 8. %:°:sg:fi';:3:3: Basketball vs. Florida at Home, RUFF 3:2gozzérgflpitliccog;2:32:35”fitfngzz'flzsclr322??§;
- guests $1.00: Worsham Theatre: 7:30-pm.- Call 7-1287 guests: $1.75: Worsham Theatres 7:30p.m.; Call 7-1287 2/‘9: Sports: ‘Aikido': Beginner Aikido Classes: Free; P-"LZ Call 266-8666
0 Other. Blood Drtve: Patterson Office Tower 0 Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery) Al mn'G '8'30 m 'C “266-0102 2,23, Sports: ’Aikido'- Beginner Aikido Classes' Free:
' e Other Food for Thought Discussion Group: 'PMS’ by by Agatha Christie; SS-Public $4-Students; Guignol u ' ym, ' p. " o , . ' ~ _~ . ' ' ’
Dr K ‘ ' - . . . 2/22: Sports: UK Basketball vs. Georgia at Georgia: Call 7- Alumni Gym. ‘ p.m.. C0" 2660102
- . en Muse bring a sandw-ch, Free. 119 Student Cen- Theatre, 8p.m.. CaII7-1385 , . . - .
. . . . 3838 2/23. Sports. UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Chicago (RlC).
. ter Noon Call7-3295 0 Religious: Student Luncheon - Baptist Student Union; ”22‘ S _ I l H k T T Seaton Center Gym: 11 p m , Call7-3928
, ' . . e Religious: Wednesday Night Bible Study by Great Com- $1.00: Baptist Student Center; 12:15 p.m.: Call 7-3989 ' ports. UK .Coo Cats 6 . oc ey eam vs. ennessee ' - H
t "“5510" Students 23‘ S'Ude'" Center: 7100 P»""-1 CO” 254- 0 Workshops: Career Workshop: on resume writing, in- 3:22;“:3326“: S2-Students, “"0990“ I“ Center. 3-30
' 3997 terviewin techni ues and ‘ob search strat ies: free; 201 ‘ " . .
. 0 sports; UK Basketball vs_ Florida at Home: Rupp Mathews gldg; 5-2pm: Calll 7-3383 99 2/22: Sports: UK Wheel Chair Basketball vs. Chicago (RIC):
‘ Arena C0” 7-3838 0 Religious: Professor Cornel West speaks on 'The Status Seaton Center Gym; 7p.m.: Call 7.3928
' ' SPOV'S 'Aikido': Beginner Aikido Classes: Free; Alumni of Religion in the USA“ free: 230 Student Center: 7:30
- Gym: 8:30 p.m.: Call 266-0102 p.m., Call 7-3071
, 0 Religious: Communion at 5:30pm. Discussion - 'The 0 Other: TOP‘s (Twenty—One Plus): Discussion rou for
‘ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, RSV' at 6:30 p.m.: St. older students free dinner served; 21 8 oglder? K- MEETINGS & LECTURES
Augustine's Chapel. Call 254-3726 house 412 Rose St.: 5:30 p.m.: Call 254-1881
. 0 Religious: Wednesday Evening Fellowship: creative 0 Other: German Club Kaffeetisch - informal gathering - - 4’ ‘r w“ 4 - i. '
worship group for students free dinner served; K- with refreshments, everyone invited; 571 Woodland: 5-6z30 . 1
House/412Rose St.: 6-8pm: Cal1254-1881 p.m.: Calla-6298 ' ‘ ' ' ‘
0 Seminars: ‘Oligosacchande Three-Dimensional Struc- 2/18: Meetings: 5A8 PUNK Relations Committee Meeting;
f ' ture Determination by NMR' by Dr. Judith Shelling: Med, llSStudent C°”'.'7‘1wP-m-ic°"7'3367
Ctr. Rm. MN463: 4 pm, 2/18: Meetings: First meeting of the UK Woterski Club, ev-
. cryone please be therel: 230 Student Center: 7:00 p.m.:
' 2/19; Lectures: Linda Leeper (Special at: Speech 5 Com-
munication Disorders) 'The Aging Voice‘; Free: 128 Erikson
‘ 1 Hall; 12 Noon
2/19: Meetings: SAB Concert Committee Meeting: 228 Stu-
21 FRIDAY 22 SATURDAY dent Center: 5:Wp.m.;Coll 7-8867
' 2/19: Seminars: 'Oligosaccharide Three-Dimensional Struc-
' . ‘ ture Determination by NMR' by Dr. Judith shelling: Med,
. ' o Other: Sign Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews; 166 Taylor ' Movies: Terminator: open to students, facluty. staff 8 Ctr./Rm.MN463;4p,m,
' Ed. Bldg. 8-4:30p.m.: Call 7-7971 guests: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.; Call 7-1287 2/20: Meetings: Regular meeting of UK Fencing Club - Free
' ~ . ' Lectures ‘What Has Happened Since the Sixties?’ by 0 Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery) instruction, “It’ll-““0” PTOViMZ Alumni GYM? 713° p.m.:
. Shirley Chisolm - Afro-American Black History Month; by Agatha Christie: SS-Public S4-Students: Guignol Coll233-5201
. ' Free: Worsham Theatre: Noon: Call 78867 Theatre: 8p.m.: Call 7-1385 2/21: Lectures: 'What Has Happened Since the Sixties?’ by
. '. . " ' Meetings: UK Badminton Club' Seaton Center Gym: 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. Georgia at Georgia; Call 7- Shirley Chisolm - Afro-American Black History Month;
. * ‘ 8:30-10:30 p.m., Call 278—7138 3838 Free; Worsham Theatre: Noon: Call 7-8867
’ ' Movies: Terminator: open to students, faculty, staff 8 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey Team vs. Tennessee 2/21: Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Seaton Center Gym;
. ’ - guests; $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.; Call 7-1287 at home, $3-Public S2-Students; Lexington Ice Center; 3:30 8:30-10:11 p.m.: Cal|278-713B
‘ " ’ ' 0 Plays. UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery) p.m.: Coll266-8666 2/23: Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Center Gym:
’ by Agatha Christie: SS-Public $4-Student5‘ Guignol 0 Sports: UK Wheel Chair Basketball vs. Chicago (RIC): ISO-3:” p.m.:Call 278-7138
‘ ' . . Theatre:8p.m.:CalI7-I385 Seaton Center Gym:7p.m.;Call7-3928 2/24: Meetings: Feminist Alliance Meeting: Discussion
' . ‘_ ‘ ’ ‘ 0 Recitals: Senior Rectial: Shawn Parrish, Alto Saxo- 0 Religious: Evening Prayer/Canterbury Fellowship; St. Topic - Marital Rape Legislation; 119 Student Center: 89:30
it ' ‘ -. ' phone- Free: Center for the Arts- 8 p_m. Call 7-4900 Augustine's Chapel: 6 p.m.: Call 254-3726 p.m.: Call 266-1651
" . 0 Recitals: Senior Recital: Jodi Yasko, flute: Free: Memo-
‘ . rial Hall: 3 p.m., Call 7-4900
' f ' ’ 1' i. ' . ' 2/17: Other: Sign up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Taylor .200: .Warkshops: Fm." Workshop: °" resume writing,
. - 3: . ' ed. 3169.;8-4z309.m.:Call7-7971 grams: gain-2?; nitride :31; ggch strat-9m: lm:
. 3 " . "I . ~ . 2/18: Other: 5'9" Up bf Teacher 56' Interwews: ‘66 Tay- 2/20: Religious: Professor Carnal West speaks on ‘The Sta-
5' . i . ' 3 . ' . l°r Ed' Bldg.: 342.30 p.m.: Call7-7971 . . tus of Religion in the USA': free; 230 Student Center; 7:30
1; . - . -: 2/1B: Other: University of Kentuckys 121st Birthday Cele- p.m.: CaII7-3071
.j .1 ~ ' i“ ". bratlon: Stu.Ctr. GreatHall:12 Noon Coll 7-3367 _ 2/20: Other: TOP's (Twenty-One Plus): Discussion group
’.' ‘. ‘ ‘ « ‘ 2 2/18: Religious: Baptist Student Union - TNT: Tuesday Nite ,0, older students/free dinner served: 21 & older: K-
.I ~ - ‘ .t _ ;: Together: Free: Baptist Student Ctr.; 7:3) p.m.: Call 7-3989 house/412 Rose St.: 5:1” p.m.: Call 254-1881
. , l .4 .y 5 WW: Other: 5'9" UP 1"" Teacher Ed- "‘"Wi'w‘; '66 1"’Y' 2/20: Other: German Club Kaffeetisch - Informal gathering
‘ . ' W - g, I0" Ed- ”50-? B-4:mp.m.: CalI7-7971 with refreshments, everyone invited: 571 Woodland: 5-6:”
; ‘ » " ‘, 15, 2/19: Other: BloodDrlve: Patterson OffieeTower p.m.:CallB-6298
' 7 - . W19: Other: Food for "towel" Discvuion Group: 'PMS' by 2m: Other: Sign Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Tay-
. ‘ . , . ‘ 23 SUNDAY 24 MONDAY Dr. Ken Muse/ bring a sandwich: Free: 119 Student Cen- lor Ed. 3|d9,;a.4;3o p,m.;Call 7.7971
I ' ‘ I ' ' -‘- "'5 N°°"‘C°"7'3”5 2/22: Religious: Evening Prayer/Canterbury Fellowship: St.
f, - 2/19: Religious: Wednesday Night Bible Study by Great Augmmw;Chapel:6pm.:Calm-54:3726
‘ 't- t ' -, I Concerts: University Artists Series: Jean-Pierre Rom 0 Movies: Terminator: open to students, faculty, staff I Cmm‘mm “Wm"; 23‘ 5'06“" Cont-r: 7:00 p.m.: Call 2/23. ”"930”,: sum, Teaching by Great Commission
' i..' . . , '." ;'- pal flute: SIS—Public $8-Students: Center for the Arts: 8 guests:$1.75, Worsoham Theatre;7:30 p.m.:Call7-12B7 2544997 ' . Stu-dents:220BBEBldg.: to:wa.m.;Call254-3997
: 2. p m. Coll7-314S 0 Meetings: Feminist Alliance Meeting: Discussion Topic 2/191 ”HOW-”1 CWMVNW 9' 51W-"t-"°‘“”“l°" ' Th. 2/23; 3.15959“: Holy Communion/Canterbury Fgllowghip;
' ' 4. ', ' ' 0 Concerts: Center Sundays Series: Patricio Barnes Grit- . Marital Rape Logislation; 119 Student Center; B-9z30 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. RSV at 6:m p.m.: St. St. Agustine's Chapel: 10:1) a.m. ‘ 5:” p.m.: Call 254.
, -‘ fith piano- free: Center for the Arts: 3 p.m.: Call 7-3145 pm. Call 266-1651 AUBW'MO" CHIP.“ Call ”"3726 . 3726
. . . - ‘ , 0 Films: Ashlond Kiwanis Club Film Series at Ashland 2H9: “0'19”“? Wodvmdav Evening Fellowship: “'0'".
, . - Comm. College: 33.50; ACC Auditorium; 2:37 p.m.: Call worship crow tor stud-"M tro- d'nw "Nod: K-
- - ‘ ' 329.2999 House/412Raae St.:6-Bo.m.:Call254-IBBI
» - 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey Team vs. Tennessee 2/20: Other: Sign Up for Teacher Ed. Interviews: 166 Tay-
: ,- . at home. S3-Public S2-Students: Lexington ice Center: 3:30 lor Ed. Bldg.: 8-4:!) p.m.: Call7-7971
' , . . D "L C0” 266-3666 2/20: Religious: Student Luncheon - Baptist Student Union:
. ' , ' 0 Meetings. UK Badminton Club: Seaton Center Gym: SLN: Baptist StudentCenter: l2:15p.m.;Call 7,3999
- ,4 230-3 30 p my, Call 278-7138
, g , ' Religious Sunday Teaching by Great Commission Stu-
; , dents:22OB&EB|dg.;10:30a.m.:Ca||254-3997
‘ 0 Sports: ‘Aikido': Beginner Aikido Classes: Free: Alumni
_ ' Gym: Ip.m.: Call 266-0102
,' 0 Sports; UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Chicago (RIC): Q LOOKING AHEAD
- Seaton Center Gym: 11 p.m.: Call 7-3928
0 Religious. Holy Communion/Canterbury Fellowship; St.
, Agustine's Chapel: 10:wa.m. B 5:1!) p.m.: Call 254-3726 w w
‘ C 2:32:11 P33: :“xfl‘czfi';::’o:°m“ Griffith, piano. 2/25: Other: Brown Bag Supper Break: 'Braaking the sir... 2/26: Sports: UK Basketball vs. Tennessee at Tennessee:
’ ° : "' " Cycle' by Toni Reias, M.S.: 113 Student Center: moms Com-3030
p.m.:Call7-3295 2/27: Workshops: Career Workshop: on resume writing,
ms: Sernlnara: 'Eukaryotlc initiation Factors Which Bind int-Mums t-chntqw- and lob scorch mot-eta: tm:
mRna' by Dr. William c. Merrick: Rm. MN «a. Med. Ctr.: 20' Mothm "69-: “PM-1 Coin-w
4:00pm. ”(’7‘ CW“: Wm‘ um: ’9."
2/26: Concerts: Spetltdit Jan presents lionel Hampton I tce. °' ”'0 i ' ' °'
Hts Orchea'fll: BII-lndtvldual tteket:Mernor1a| Hall: Bp.m.: "W cm CM. 0'4 '°°-'"--5P-"'-= a" 35"
Cain-1370 1060
2/26: Sports: 1K lady Kat Basketball vs. Untveralty of De-
troit: Memorial Coltseuni: 1:” p.m.: Call 74046

 ‘ ’ I ‘ C
KENTUCKY KERNEL My, My 17, not - 3
Ans Editor
Assistant Am Editor .
, 222“ we: «22 sf«%’§§»’%“twg§e§§’%%eifieeeifixa
Su erstar Diana Ross brin in ‘* Mellencamp
f .l. .t t L . t . tickets on 53 e , .
her ami iar his 0 exmg on ., .— V ’
, , w I .
3y LYN CARLISLE According to People magazine, the Gordy convinced them to change ~ ' Tickets are mm on sale {or the s -
Assistant Arts Editor couple '5 now honeymooning at a their name to the Supremes and Pro' l. J . John (‘ougar Mellcnczimp concert on , w a ; .
private Tahitian islet that Naess ceeded to pay special attention to 2 fit ,, March12inltuppArenu ': J ', ’ I.

Some names are household words. purchased in 19723 and if you've SOt his dreamgirls. making sure they 1;; 1131;? 2.3: Riding the success ol his , . . 2 3.,

And one of those names has never a sharp eye you JUSt may SPOt him 190k. classes in dance. 'charm and g ; i“ ' 3 , ;; Scurcr'rrm LP. Mellencamp has i .- g' .
aSked “Where did our love 80," as front row at Rupp. Singing While they continued to re- 1 $2“? & , . 1%} ‘3 i231; b66n selling out concert halls around _ , ', ; ‘ ‘
audiences have been following her Wh ; f d f t COFd- But from the start Gordy knew «a , ‘ £ ‘1‘ ”I"; ,4, the nail0n In fact. according to . - .‘ f / ,'
sincethebeginning of her career t Ren‘Naess wtas' 0;)", _rm, :3: who his star was and. foreshadowed go‘s; ., '_ _ ; g , "at _gf-f .,~'fl;f;-'- sources at the Hupp box office 3191- " ‘; , 1'

Diana Ross will be sto in (in a 055 s concer S m arts, s ' that career by changing the trio t0 -' t”: r . . . _ ' ’, it“; *‘M lencamp is llkt’l) to cancel an) show . '- ,_ 2-1/3"

ppg 1~ . h] h . . s .w, ,, .,.,. _,,,,,_
the name of love) at 8 .m. on gees, bond?" and Stock 0m S e Diana ROSS and the Supremes in We» ‘ ,, ' that