xt7j0z70zx3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j0z70zx3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1997 1997 1997-02-20 2020 true xt7j0z70zx3w section xt7j0z70zx3w  



w j i ....i. . ‘ _-_u___ “A... _ ., ‘_ ‘k -s. . ... . . .



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BBIIIGNG IT BACK 'l'lemte 'I‘lie—

ater ofLexington ix prexently ttmletgoing a






major renovation. See KeG inside. I



ampus prepares IOI‘ Illlllflflt Cllt

L‘ncertiiinty and a desire to be prepared has caused deans and direc-
ti it'\ to start looking at cuts for their colleges and departments.

"The only way we can come up with the reductions of the swc we
anticipate is it reduction in new faculty and in graduate
funds." said (Litton (iollege of Business and liconomics

Dean Rich it‘d l‘illt‘st
l‘iurst said his college has slowed down some recruit-

! ment for open faculty spots and is looking to reduce the
number of graduate student teaching assistants.
“\Ve alicatly have a piolilem with students not getting




By Kathy Rotting
Nay: Editor

want to loose ground with regard to salaries with our peer institutions.
In fact, because we are a little behind we try to out-do our competition.
Ifwe do more than the 2.4, than we‘ve already taken a cut."

In addition, Zinser said the Lexington catnpus also antici-
pates less tuition revenue next year.

“\Ve also know that due to a change in the mix ofstudents
and some of these retention issues, we have some softening
for our enrollment," she said. “That translates out to a
reduction of $640,000 to the Lexington campus only, based.
on tuition shortfalls."

\Vithin a week to 10 days, UK college deans and other administra-
tors will have a tnore accurate picture of just how much reallocating of
funds they will have to do to balance the Lexington canipus‘ 1997-1998

Until then, all are making preliminary decisions and
hoping for the least possible cuts frotn their budgets.

“\Ve expect a reallocation of sotne kind," said Elisa—

Tl’t‘ only Zl‘tli’ Zi‘t’



beth Zinser, chancellor for the Lexington campus.
“Nothing can be determined for sure until we finish

that process and that is not expected until March."

According to Zinser, several factors work into the
“deCiSion package" this year in determining the campus

budget because a shortfall is expected.

One reason for the shortfall is that the state, in its
biennial ap iropriation to its universities, budgets enough for a 2.4 per—

cent cost ofliving increase for salaries.

However, UK wants to give its faculty a 3 percent increase to keep

pace with peer institutions’ salaries.

UK President Charles \Vethington has asked the Chancellors and
vice presidents to work for a plan to allow for the 3 percent increase.

“I want to make every effort to try to do that," “"ethington said.

loan McCauley of Planning Budgeting and Effectiveness said the dif—

ference between the two increases is $1.5 million.


Zinser get


it's just too fluid right now.”

“Typically we try to do a salary increase,” Zinser said. “\\'e don’t looking IIII‘ ways To Cllt




By Nicki Sullivan
Contributing Writer

Architecture students at UK have it made this
week. The College ofArchitecture canceled classes
for the week to promote Architecture Week.

However, these loyal students aren’t partying like
most undergraduates would at the thought of a week
without classes. Architecture students are working
around the clock on projects like a playground for
The Montessori school.

A visit to campus at 12:30 a.m. on Monda would
be futile had someone been looking for a ro essor or
an arts and sciences major, yet Pence Hall seemed to
emanate life as about 15 architecture students
worked on unusual models and brightly colored
cardboard the students described as “a couple of guys
playing with paint trying to find a form.”

The project was the collective work of many
minds. One group of three worked on a scale model
of the Montessori school, arranging trees and play-
ground equipment.

Another group hidden among the cigarette smoke
and coffee grounds contemplatedfplastic shapes that
were to be the essence, perhaps, 0 some great child-
hood outdoor adventure.

Upstairs in 106, the room resembled a garage
before a yard sale in the spring. This particular stu—
dio was an explosion of creativity.

Wires dangled from the ceiling holding colorful
box lamps, a cup chandelier and many other odds and
ends that undoubtedly were someone’s project last

In the studio, the Mike Brady notion of architec—
ture was shattered — around the room were M&M
wra pers, old trunks, sleeping bags, blankets and
ROI erblades.

In one comer of the room were sunflowers, which
contrasted greatly with another corner, where the
genie from Aladdin, stood with his face cut off to
remove his overjoyed smile.


James Chapman, vice chancellor for public service, said
90 fewer out—of-state students last fall cut anticipated funds.

With 70 percent of an approximate $250 million lexing-
ton campus budget going toward salaries, tuttion shortfall
makes a difference in the marginal amount of the total bud-

Throw in increases in fixed costs such as utilities, rising
costs of providing the tnost up—to-date technology on cam
pus anti a desire to keep up staff benefits, finding enough v
money to balance the budget becomes more difficult.
However, Zinser could not offer an (H crall total tor the

“It’s very uncertain," she said.
numbers right now are going to have egg in our fit e because L.

on: ttmle up
It‘lil’ the redw—
tiom~ oft/1c size
we anticipate iv a l
reduction in m1."

faculty and in


111' iii/v. III‘ in 1?le l

Richard Fursl
.‘Iu‘il’i 2/ t/tt li’niim ~

. , iltltl l,‘t:'77t7).’ll."i (.i'zllt'gi'
“Any of us who talk Ill "







If You BUILD IT Mary—Margaret Eruin, above-lefi, build: a model. xlhove. Fourth—year art'liitt'rture .vtudt’nt
Steven Thomas work: on sleettrbes. Below, Adam Gillet, first year rtudent, builds a model for [in pro/err,

The students mentioned their quest for “true real—
ity.” They were questioning, “What is the essence of

“It’s not physical. Architecture is a process to get
from one spot to another —— a transformation,” said
Hiram Dudley Ives, III, a first-year architecture stu-

“We put in over 100 hours of work on projects
last week,” said Peter Preisler, a fifth—year architec—
ture student.

“Many sleep in their studios. You truly have to
love it; everything is architecture,” Ives said.

Most of the 300 architecture students have devot—
ed their lives to the projects huddling in the halls of
the architecture sanctuary, which the students claim
consumes “more coffee in a year than any other
building on campus."

“I’m going to buy stock in Maxwell House,” joked
Dana Motley, a first-year architecture student.

These students take field trips to New York, Los
Angeles and New Orleans to get ideas about the
essence of objects. One group is working on the
Oklahoma City Bombin Memorial; another is
workin on a bus stop for the city.

Mari O’Bryan, an architecture professor, and his
gjroup of seven or eight students are lecturing at the

niversity of Cincinnati with an open discussion to
follow the presentation —— not a traditional teaching

From first year through fifth year, architecture
students work together.

“We are one big, happy family,” Preisler said.
“We et to know each other better and get to work
with (Efferent people.”




By Gary Wull
Anna)!" News Editor

A debate ensued after a constitutional amendment
passed easily concerning bill sponsorship.

The amendment requires that a senator
be the primary sponsor of any bill request-
ing funds from the Student Government

Shortly after senators passed the amend-
ment 26-2, SGA President Alan Aja, who is
a non-voting member, spoke out against
the amendment.

“With all do respect, Senator Tomblyn, I highly
dis: cc,” he said.

“fast half the fact that a student can't sponsor a
bill and an executive officer can’t be the primary



sponsor of a bill, I don’t think that’s right.”

Previousl , bills could be sponsored by anyone in
the student ody. SGA executive directors sponsor
more bills than anyone in the executive branch.

Vice President Chrissy Guyer disagreed with Aja,
callin the amendment a “ eat idea.”

“(Sinators) should do e work of spon-
sorin a bill,” Guyer said.

T e “Margaret Amendment,” named in
honor of the SGA office secretary, also
holds senators who sponsor a funding-
request bill responsible for ensuring that
the group asking for the money gets reim-
bursement within 60 days after the event.

Graduate Student senator Michael Tomblyn,
author of the amendment, defended it saying the
only people senators can hold accountable and con-



sequently punish if they don't comply is other sena—

“It only makes sense. If you can’t find one senator
to sponsorJlour bill, you’re definitely not going to
get it asse ,” he said.

0 er senators praised the bill for it creates better
communication between the senator and the group
bein funded.

" yone who's been in 'the office knows what
kind of trouble we’ve had with money being dis-
tributed, and this takes care of the problem,” saidjoe
Schuler, Senator at Lar e .

Tombl explained 5‘6 amendment resulted from
a conflict ast July when a group asked why it hadn‘t
received the money SGA approved the past October.

“Obviously there was a breakdown in communi-

See SGA on 2



the t lasses they want," l~'urst said. "I'iitlier one ofthose will
make it \\til‘st'.“

Ile said the college is III a utiique position as opposed
[4) others in that many classes are already at capacity due
to high enrollment.

7.itiser said deans are working to reallocate money, but
u itli different needs, routes to do so are also different.

“If one college has already gotten ethernct connected
Hid his tlios‘c t.iptl>ilities, then they may prefer to work
“till in.i\be some vacancies." she said. “Another college
may have that choice as well, but they're just now about
it ady to get their technology in order. and that's a priority
for them."

One thing in the budget process is certain: the Lexing—
‘ ton campus won't line a budget (lt‘llk it.

“ l h i"s Ilit luittoin line." Xins‘er said.

See BUDGET on 5


STATE Ford sells truck
division, plans no layolls

l.( llvl\\'ll,l.l~ l‘itirtl \ltitor ( :4) mild ycstct‘r
do it “I” sell its heavy duty truck business but
lelain its plant III loiilsHllc. the largest trlit‘ls'
plant Ill \Iotth \tnetit 1.

lord said II] .I telcise it plans to use the plant
for other. unspecified pi‘odtitts alter the sale ofits
heavy—duty truck division to l‘rcightlincr Corp, a
subsidiary of (ierinany's Daimler-Benz AG. is
complete. Hannlerdien'l. is one of the world's
largest commercial truck manufacturers.

liord said it plans no layoffs at the Kentucky
plant, which has hourly ettiploymcnt of 3.900. In
addition to heavy trucks. the plant builds Ford
medium trucks M the [5250, I‘i—350 and li-Super
l)uty pickups.

“\Vc plan to do everything we can to make sure
the jobs stay in our ilant," (:arl I)owcl|, president
of the local Unitet Auto \Vorkers union at the
plant, said after yesterday's announcement.

(icorge Kormanis. manager of the Louisville
plant, said yesterday he expected the facility to
increase production ofthc heavy ditty pickups. He
said about l,‘)(l() workers would need retraining.
There could be sortie short-term layoffs until the
transition is complete, Kormanis said.

I‘ireightlincr Wlll gain the technolo ry, tooling
and assembly equipment for Ford's heavy~duty
trucks, including its Louisville—AeroMax line and
the L-serics‘ and cargo trucks that are being
phased out of production. The deal also includes
Ford’s commercial truck—parts business.

“Am" Man injures sell on jettiner

PHOENIX —» A passenger apparently dis-
traught over marital and financial problems
slashed his throat with a pocket knife in a jetliner‘s
bathroom yesterday, forcing an unscheduled land—

Southwest Airlines Flight 612 from Albu—
querque, N.M., to San Diego landed in Phoenix,
where the 45—year~old man was taken to a hospital
trauma unit. Relatives asked officials to release no
information on his condition.

The flight ori inated in Chicago, where airline
officials believe e man boarded. It then stopped
in Kansas City and Albuquerque before heading
to San Diego.

The passenger was traveling with his brother
and had one to the bathroom, where he
remained or a long time, said Police Detective
Mike McCullough.

The brother and a stewardess then forced the
bathroom door open and found the man injured.
McCullough said the man was upset over marital
and financial problems.

Remaining passengers were placed on resched-
uled flights to San Diego.


Motley Crue trial thrown out at court

NEW YORK —— A judge threw out a $7 mil—
lion lawsuit filcd by a Motley Crue concert oer
who claimed the heavy metal music mine his
hearin .

CliFford Goldberg assumed the risk when he
attended what he knew would be a raucous con—
cert in 1990,]udge Eilliot Wilk said.

Goldberg sat in the ISth row, with speakers IS
to 20 feet above his head. during the concert at the
Brendan Byrne Arena in the Meadowlands in East
Rutherford, N J ., the judge noted in his decision
last week.

About halfway through the performance, dur-
ing a solo by lead guitarist Mick Mars, Goldberg
said he felt a “searing pain" in his ear but stayed in
his seat for the rest of the show.

Goldberg, who also attended concerts by
AC/DC, Aerosmith and Judas Priest, had sued the
band and the concert’s promoters and sponsors.

Compiled from wire reports.




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Associate News Editor .................................. Gary Wulf
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Chester Grundy
Stressing cultural diversity


By Anthony Zechella
Contributing Writer



Spotlight Jazz Series as well as

presenting and promoting a wide ture.”

same time promoting his own cul-

Locatcd in the food court at the (Iivic Center.


variety of cultural educational
events such as concerts, lectures,

Bringing cultural equality and

enlightenment to UK is not an theater, CXhibitS and dance






Otis A. Singletary

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WL. Matthews, Jr. Fellowships.

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The list of artists and
intellectuals that he has
brought to campus is long
and impressive; it includes
Muhammed Ali, Coretta
Scott King, Ruby Dee,
author Nathan McCall,
publisher Haki Madhubuti
and Nobel Prize winners
Wole So 'nka and Bishop
Desmon Tutu.

“Any activity involving

easy task. Chester Grundy, direc-
tor of African—American Affairs,
only makes it look that way, pro-
viding largemscale opportunities
for UK while still keeping in
touch with its students.

“Chester Grundy impacts a
great number of students on this
campus,” said Mildred Bailey,
director of Minority College
Awareness Program. “You almost
get the sense that he knows every
African-American student

Grundy just might, considering
his myriad responsibilities include
providing supervision to the Mar-
tin Luther King,]r. Cultural Cen-
ter and giving administrative

Bailey said.

vice president 0

dent Union, stressed


Union, the Black Voices choir, 5'0"?“-

the Black Graduate and Profes-
sional Students associations and a
wide range of other student orga-

His programming responsibili-
ties include co-sponsoring UK’s

Rich ccntcr history tilm's locus

By LaShanna Carter al, sychological and cultural
st of both the black and non-

SmflWn‘ter nee
black students.

The Martin Luther King Jr.


Chester Grundy plays a role in,”

However, Ale'andro Stewart,
f’thc Black Stu—

Grundy’s work is not one-dimen-

“Some people feel he is ro-
black and anti—everything cl)
said Stewart, a secondary sociolo—
gy education sophomore. “This is
not the case. Mr. Grundy stresses
cultural diversity, while at the

“The center is a ‘meeting

Wallis Malone, president of
Black Student Union, also thinks
Grundv provides cul-
tural opportunities for
all students on campus.

“Mr. Grundy was
instrumental in a vari-
ety of activities last

semester, including
BSU’s Fall Fest and
author Nathan


McCall’s appearance,”
said Malone, an ele—
mentary education

In addition to pro-
motin various large-scale events,
Grun y finds time to help stu-
dents with individual concerns.

“Last spring I had some tough
decisions to make," Malone said.
“He gave me advice and helped
me set my priorities.”

Stewart echoed these senti—

“Mr. Grundy is always willing
to talk and is not at all intimidat-
ing," he said.

“I {e is supportive and continu-
ally looking out for students.”





\Vilkinson said.

The Cultural Center has co-
s )onsorcd several lectures with
t e African American Studies and



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Cultural Center has a house’ for African Research programs. The Carter
historv as rich as its American students G. VVoodson Lecture Series was
heritage. to talk with one held in the center to promote the
The Cultural Cen- another,” said Doris talents of young black faculty.
ter started in jan. 1987 Wilkinson, sociolo- “You can’t claim to know the
because black students professor and history of this country without
needed a place they director of African knowing the history of black
could identify with. American Studies people," Grundy said.
Minority students on a [OWING and Research. Grundy, with the help of
predominantly white 17 ad The Cultural Frank X. \Valker and K011 Nor—
universnty campus a e Center offers speak- man Ellis. has extended t 1e cul—
were felt a sense of V ers and lectures, tural center beyond its mission.
alienation which T1,: MLK]1‘ workshops, seminars The Cultural Center will hold
diminished the desire CulturaICenter and discussions by its tenth anniversary celebration
to achieve. “1,57,", 1'” 10th black artists and today in the cultural center at 2
“A facility like the mnivmm today intellectuals; displays pm. A documentary film entitled
King Cultural Center a2p.m.witba of art and various “A Campus Treasure,” will be
and , its programs filmretountingits books, also small shown byjoan Brannon captur-
which are designed to 5m. productions in the- ing the ten-year history of the
not only enlighten but ater, music and center.
to boaster your sense dance. It has estab- Walker, the center’s program


of self-esteem and sense of confi-
dence that students must have is
the real important ingredient for
achievers and scholars,” Chester
Grundy, center director, said.

Having a strong sense of self
and a sense of confidence is the
key to success. The center’s
motto is self-knowledge is the
basis of true knowled e.

The main reason or starting a
center was to address low black
enrollment and the low percent-
ages of black retention.

The Cultural Center’s pur-
pose is to serve social, intellectu-

lished one of the largest African
American libraries in the state.
The library has over 1500 books,
300 videos and 20 magazine pub—
lications related to ethnic
minorities. Wilkinson said the
center has become a “campus
treasure” for many students.
Students have the sense of
belongin at the Cultural Center.
It provi es a sense of space and
place, and it has a cultural mean-
“King Cultural Center is a
social exchange function among
African American students,”

campus streets close


A funeral procession today
honoring the death of a local
firefighter will be going through
campus, and students are advised
not to drive on Limestone and
Nicholasville Road for up to two
hours between noon and 3 pm.

All traffic will be part of the
stoppage in order to oblige the
influx of firefighters .

Charles “Chuck” “rilliams Jr.,
29, died shortly after midnight

Monday when the floor 'col-
lapsed from underneath him as
he burst into a burning house.

Firefighters from surrounding
counties and states are coming in
to be part of the ceremony hon-
oring Williams, the first Lexing-
ton firefighter to die in the line
of duty.

UK Police Chief W.H.
McComas said all traffic going
down or crossing the streets will
be stopped for the procession,
which is scheduled to begin


coordinator said, “We thought a
short film would be the best way
to document the history and con—
tributions of the King Cultural

“Over the past 10 years the
center has been a home away
from home for many of UK’s
students,” Walker said. “It has
made a valuable and unique con-
tribution to the minority reten-
tion rate as well as provided
enriching, high quality
cultural/educational program-
ming to the campus, the area
community and beyond."

sometime around noon.

One of the major hits to be
taken are bus routes that run
through this section of town.
During the procession, the Vir—
ginia Avenue CATS route will be
discontinued, and students are
advised to take steps necessary to
accommodate the chan .

The other two CA S routes
will be modified also, but will be
running at all times during the
day, Don Thornton, director of
Parking and Transportation Ser-
vices, said.

For information concernin
modified routes, call Parking an
Transportation at 257-5757.

. as"; "Tort-ts: "r

‘ '1 If “.‘1


A workshop that Grundy took
Stewart to underlines this point.

“He took me to Black Man’s I
Think Tank last year in Cincin- ii
nati when I felt sort of apathetic '
towards the campus,” Stewart

For Stewart, the experience
could not have come at a better

“It was really eye—opening, and
it gave me a real sense of purpose


when I came back to UK,” he said.

Grundy also specializes in tap-
ping the leadership qualities in his

“Mr. Grundy seeks out individ- Fl
uals in Minority Affairs who have
the ability to fill leadership posi-
tions,” Stewart said.

Bailey pointed out that it is this
commitment to excellence, cen—
tering solely on providing a better
university for students, that makes
Grundy so esteemed.

“Chester Grundy wants to see
that students receive a quality
education,” he said.

“Every student who comes
into contact with Chester has a
great deal of respect for him.”


Studios second home
to students and work

From PAGE 1

Preisler called the group a
charrette, which he called “a pro-
ject with a short time span direct-
ed toward the collection and

development of ideas.” h

The Montessori school project
this gTou worked on in charrette
was slow y coming together. The
children of the school had a
“sense of building their own play-


The left part of the playground
is for three- to five-year-olds. A
soccer field separates them from”
the older children on the righiif
Some of the designers hope to
include a kiln for the children tb
make plates which would go into
the equipment or design.

“We want to shy away from'
wood,” Preisler said. “Most lay-
ground equipment is ma e of-
chemically treated wood which
can be dangerous if unattended-
children were to chew on it.”

This group is using “earth
materials” to sculpt the landscape
to find a balance.

wan .-
86A I ”1

President criticizes
new amendment
From PAGE 1 . . I.

cation and they were upset and?“ ,
then, this is after the fiscal ear'. :7"
began. Margaret really had a ard. .. f -
time coming up with the money,” ,
Tomblyn said. ‘ '*
The senate approved 31,2 50 to
expand and enhance Limestone, a
literary journal featuring essays, .
poetry, fiction and black-and? :
white artwork and photo a hy'ew'
Eon]: hUK fituudents and cutyiii:
ng is are students b' 1::
the 'ournagnlannuall . pu hm ’
GA allocated 600 for enter-
tainment at the Kentucky Moods-..., '
tion of Colle and Universitr- :
Residence Ha Conference hostvrwy .
ed by UK this weekend. ' ‘-










Staff I


four I

. two I

in his
one o

a goc

to sta

1 Alab:


had a


"Iii-Ila" <... .













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0:" grai‘s











.. ’e—"h‘fl‘I-(u N.“ "a." M

Kmrutl-y Kernel, Thursday. February 20, 1997 l

:Tllil'll-I‘anltetl Wildcats hold all three-happy Alabama

Staff wire report

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Ron Mercer hit two key three-
pointers down the stretch and finished with 23 points last
night to lead No. 3 UK to a 75-61 victory over Alabama.

. After Alabama cut a double-digit lead to four points with

four minutes left, Mercer highlighted a 10-3 run with his

, two long-range shots to give the Wildcats (25-3, l 1.2
Southeastern Conference) 3 67-56 lead with 2:47 left.

“We were running plays because (Mercer) had that look
in his eye that he wanted to take the big shots,” UK Coach
Rick Pitino said on the UK Radio Network post—game
show. “Early in the game, I thought he was going to have
one of his worst nights. He was lethargic, he was giving up
second shots, he wasn't aggressive.

“The first time out I said ‘Ron, you’re not going to have
a good night unless you get after it,” Pitino said. “Then
when they made their run, he came alive.”

A minute later, he slammed home an uncontested dunk
to start another 8—0 run that erased all hopes undemianned

, Alabama (14-12, 4-9) had for an upset.

The Crimson Tide played its third straight game with
three players on suspension and with only eight scholarship
players on the active roster.

As he had in the other two games, point guard Brian
Williams played 40 minutes and led Alabama in scoring,
this time with l8 points.

But that wasn’t enough to beat a UK team that got l3
points and nine rebounds from freshman center jamaal
Magloire and another l2 from guard Allen Edwards.

UK won des ite shooting just 38 percent from the field,
which made it ard for the Wildcats to establish the full-
court press they used to win their last four games by an
average of 32 points.

Playing at its tempo, Alabama led through most of the
first half. But Mercer hit four free throws and a layup dur-
ing a 13-0 run to end the halfand give the Wildcats a 32—24

“Vl’e came in not playing too hard in the first two min-
utes of the game,” Magloire said afterwards. “Collectively
as a team, we can together and pulled off the victory.

“They (Alabama) were at home, so they came with an
intensity we didn’t match that for the first couple of min-

the home crowd.

Magloire answered with a jumper in the paint and after
Williams missed a three-pointer, UK ran plays for Mercer
on the next two possessions. The sophomore responded by
hittin both of his three-pointers from just to the left of the
top 0 the key.

Magloire led the Cats with four blocks, which intimidat-
ed the Tide as the game wore on.

“I’m really not concerned with individual statistics,”
Magloire said. “I’m a team player and will do anything it
takes to win.”

The win is the first of three road games for the Cats,
who next travel to Nashville, Tenn., to face Vanderbilt at
Memorial Gymnasium. on Saturday afternoon at 3.

“We play better when we’re on the road because every—
body is against, and we like that," Magloire said. “\\'e have
to play hard on the road, at home, everywhere we go."

The Commodores (17-8, 8—5) defeated (ieorgia 86-80
on the Bulldogs’ home court. The win gives Vandy sole
possession of third place in the SEC East. UK defeated
Vanderbilt once already, by a 58-46 score at Cincinnati’s
Riverfront Coliseum.


Ill 75, mam 81

I (M, "-2): Epos 05. 5-6 5. Mercer 8-15.
4-4 23: Magliore 5-11, 3-5 13, Edwards 4-9. 3-
312,Padgell 3-9, 1-2 9, Mills 2-5. 00 4.
Mohammed 16, 0-0 2,Pncke111-4,1»2 3.
Tume12-5,0-0 4 Totals 26458. 1722 75

II (14-12. 4-I): Williams 4-15, 7-8 18: Bacote
4-11,2-210;McGhee 24, 0-2 4; Washington
3-15. 441 13. Alexander 311. 00 9, Hays 1-2.
0-0 2, Mazique 24, 00 5. Thrasher 0—0. 04) 0
Totals 1962, 13-16 61

Halftime: UK 32 UA 24

3-Polnt goals: UK 620 (Mercer 3-6. Padgett
26, Edwards 14. MlllS 0-2, Epps 0-1.
Mohammed 0-1), UA 10-28 (Alexander 3-5,
Williams 3-7, Washington 31