Minutes of the regular Quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, Wednesday, April 19, 1933. The Board of Trustees of the University of Xentucky met in regular quarterly session in the President's office at the Uni- versity on Wednesday, April 19, 1933, at 10:30 a.m. The follow ing mnem-bers were present: Governor Ruby Laffoon, Judge Richard C. Stoll, Eugene T. Flowers, Commissioner of Agriculture, Dr. W. W. Wash, Louis E. Hillenmeyer, Judge Robert G. Gordon, J. B. Andrews, J. R. Rash, 0. 0. Graves, Miller Holland, G. 0. Wells, E. 0. Robinson and Dr. George Wilson. Meeting with the Board were Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board. 1, Minutes Approved. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of June 4, 1932 (No meetings were held September 20, 1932, and December 13, 1932, quorum not being present, but Executive Com.aiittee meet- ings were held)and the minutes of the following meetings of the Executive Committee, June 23, 1932; July 13, 1932; September 20, 1932; October 27, 1932; November 29, 1932; December 13, 1932; January 18, 1933; February 21, 1933 and March 20, 1933, were ape proved as published. President's Report. The Presidentts report was read and ordered to be recorded in the minutes, Referring to that part of the report relative to the Alumni Association, the President was authorized to work out the plan desired and refer it to the Executive Committee for approval. Report is in words and figures as follows: This meeting of the Board of Trustees is the regular meeting of the spring quarter. As in previous meetings at this time of the year, there are a number of important matters to come before the Board, of which the budget is the outstanding one for consideration. The other ques- tions are in part routine matters. The affairs of the University are in as good condition as could be expected at a time like the present. There axe no debts against buildings, except the amortization charges contracted for the erection in 1927 of two dormitories for men and the purchase on an annual payment basis of the warehouse on Limestone facing the main campus. As these obligations are financed by annual payments they are not counted as a debt obligation.