xt7j3t9d830q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d830q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1983 1983 1983-12-06 2020 true xt7j3t9d830q section xt7j3t9d830q . l i

sills: Wallis. 7.: 4 - hwyfgwr“ am . g WW' 5 “.5; WV. ‘ . ' ‘ W ‘
D E C = aroma ’5 .mwfi 1‘“ 2,; . . .-._; mdwm WJ‘OMW‘W _ w ‘_ M M 1m. mo. ma
SGA f lldEd unoff'cial group l‘CCOl’dS h
6 I By J.STEPHEN MOSES were recogmzed In writing by the W" ration Bradley Hobbs Wildcat ('l'B wouldnt conic .n until thn we"
. _l StaffWriter Dean of Students Office or by a COl- “The system had been (‘jrcumygnlpd b y [he pn‘sufi‘nl said. TM tiled SUA as Wilfrid
“ legedean’s office. '. , ‘ _ ' aratalyst for suchathiru “The system had been rirnim
The Student Organiufim ASSlS- The comrnjtta controls the Stu. people Int’OIVEd, (171d I In "()1 Surl' (ha! H'US Wlldt‘lt (1:8 "u U! h”! mm“ vented M if! W' invnh‘n'f .m
lance CommitteeoftheStudent Gov. dent Organization Assistance Fund. . ' . ' . . , chapter of the statewide tirganiu lm not sun- that tons \Ui'h a had
emment Association subsidized a which contains money appropriated Sluh a bad thing; The ‘9""'“”"‘) I V?!“ t_ (0 tion It will hea key factor in thrde thing he said The t‘ul'nmiltrv 1
group that did not meet a key from student activity fees and is knew we weren I (I registered ()ft’dlllfllllUIl. velopmenl of W slat-1' organization with l" km N M'H'nl «I Frills
guideline in its uest for financial used to aid campis groups that need , . - » 4 .. llobba said The state organiiatmn term organization then wun z a
assistance. req fundsforprojecls There M05" ’0 dOUbI In the” "ll’ld' is incorporated as a nmpmlit C(I' doubt inthrirmmtl
According to records in the SGA The Wildcat CUB is a chapter of Brad Sfur eon. Walton and 5 run b) It! mm"?! ~ . .. (,4
office and the Student Organizations the Citizens Utility Board of Ken- ”Hid .. ., ‘l' 'I' _ _ g tit-said ”31:";tiartimxttxtiw'fig-:111.
and Activities Center. the Wildcat tucky. a statewide organization that ' a" ("h-"”5 " ”-t Boardsptmsor Sturgeon said he was aware that 1” H.“ :‘mmm‘ ”r; , ‘t‘
Citizens Utility Board was not a reg- promotes consumer interest in utili- Wildcat t'l'll was not a registered l1- ' ‘ ‘ M“ m
. . . . . gistratim an a xtuiirnt (mantra
istered student organization when it ty rates. —————_—— student orgamution when he n- “m m Vi“ 3 Th- mflnl “u n
received from the committee 3%» Brad Sturgeon. director for ms} 3 registered student orgamzation Dand Bradford, Student (imam questedfinamtalassistam‘r tum", tu‘auv ma" Worm-hm
worth of phone usage on the SGAS ' t' 'th the state CUB and until Sept. Z5. ment Assoctatioti president, up His 'rtsue to the t the “as Mala! he said I?» a button
long-distanceKATSline mza ion lvlh W‘ld tCUB lied Teresa Stathas. chairwoman of proved the measure on Aug 23 ) f d I r IQ“ m" ‘3 “nuhmn; hmm'dm :3),
But the first rule on the commit- spozsor o f e f' ‘ ca 1 ‘d ‘f appth the aSSistance committee at the tin the application form. Sturgeon. ‘7“"3‘" IT a m y "as!" or ' u ‘1 "
tee‘s guidelines for consideration on . ug 19 or inanCia 8' rom ye timeofWildcatCUB's request. said: 1981-82 student gmernment presi “mull”. ”(In ‘2 9" W "’9“ Mint l intended was that Mitt
. aSSistance fund for a total of $200 in . ration form was yes
states: “Only registered student or- phone Lisa 9 The committee a . “I dont know why that would be dent. stated that the funds would he - gem request umstancr prndirut
ganizations are eligible." An exec- roved m5}; lication the satrfe overlooked. but they had over. used for organizational phone calls I dont remember why we Associate iii-an d Students Frank
utive measure taken on Aug. 29 33 pp whelming support. We just assumed toestablish thet‘t‘B of Kentucky marked 'yes.’ " Sturgeon said “it Harm's iignaturr. t‘tarii 1min
stated that an organization could y. they were a registered organiza- (in Aug '26 (‘t‘H of Kentucky he was either that the paperwork was student iiowmnwnt um tin-storm
also be eligible for assistance if it The Wildcat CUB did not become tion " came an offiCial. statewide orgam pending or that the phone.“ blllli m N.\ ...«.
Proposal passed on l . who» ‘ Mmera' 'W
G I ~* ' “p . :. I! ‘7 scholarships
. a w . 1 ’ if y. g. ‘9' 'a v
Program eva ua ion i i -
- . M»... . q A“ . . are available
r - - J - - : i at I w it t‘ " ' 9 R ‘1 mut'uuinitixmrx
U. Senate OKs fair and Just revzszon { _. s , ,i f, m .. ’5 . , Wm...
.‘ WA,» " ‘19-". ‘ ‘.
By STEPHANIE WALLNER After debate on the floor. the Sen- ‘ fi‘lfi at“ 7 .- ' ’ f : students in the mineral law pro
SeniorStaffWriter ate voted against the wording y y ' , ' ~ “ , gram will he «iigiiiir for what
- change. i 7t, ' 4 , . -‘ s \ ~ ' zit-ships from funds totaling trill:
Professional and graduate stu- Wei] also suggested a clause be ‘1'. 321 " «yd ll ‘ e from snowman-iiiwwiii-impaiim
dents will be evaluated on program added that would include “any type \ ' .. .~ ' ' k The Military that serum, Kirh
work as well as course work begin- of sexual behavior or harassment.“ up, ‘35. - ,. \ . ‘ mood \‘a together with llu- Pitu-
ning next semester becauseof a pro— “We‘re sort of gilding the lily to “Vii ., I I “s .\ ("minty t‘oal ('nrp l’lkl‘HllG‘ Ki
posal passed by the University Sen- make that last suggestion," Hans ,1 i .. gt}. ’ . .ar' Marrowtiom- lwwiopmrni t'nnipa
ateyesterday. Gesund, a professor of civil engi- ‘ , gift" " ny_ Naugatucti, w \‘a and the Mar
“This extends the fair and just neering.said.“Itdoesnoharm.” " 4? tint‘ounty (‘nnlf‘nrp lth K5 in
evaluation principle from courses to The amendment was ruled out of .o‘ p ”m“, W. [mummy mm“ to 0,.
programs." Robert Bostrom. Senate order by Rees because of the sexual , -- it" h- ‘ ‘ ( o Mlnfl’nl law t‘enti-r during thi-
Council member. said. “At present. harassment policy which was ac- g. ' ' ’,, . eighth annual Mine-rat law Srniimn
those activities are not covered by cepted last April. Rees also said any ., '4 f3" . all k) hrldtict 2t and a
theniles.” rewarding of that nature would have " . , 11‘ T‘hf fund will or used for at student
The revision states that academic tobehandledinacommittee. ~ , If. in the t‘ollqze of law who 'tlmlln
evaluations will include: “research “We’re making a whole lot over a 37"“ ”we A... - . Mlmral l‘w David Short, director
and/or laboratory performance, de- minor thing.“ Bostrom said. “To ‘ W’ w 4’; A . ‘ of im- Mineral i,“ t‘i-nu-r and ,m
partmental qualifying examinations. add these other things . . . makes it 5‘" . girl/figs ‘ . amifrlnll‘ [Info-amr lll thi- (Wilts-gi- of
professional board examinations, alittle cloudy.“ ‘ "w: ' . * law. um
studio work or performance activ- The academic evaluation proposal ‘ a M o. , A scholarship will hr ‘jv'n urn
ities, behavior in professional situa- passed unanimously after the dis- ”of? h ' ~ I‘ l ' ’ year from the trill-rail received from
tions or interviews." cussien and will be effective next se- . ,, “ , 3% " ' b the :27 mu The first M‘Mllnhtp w-iti
“Performances in this area would mester. d” J saga ‘Q not be given until m-xt year Short
become a proper area for academic In other business. the Senate ap- ' " ' l 4 "- '1 3 . - “"1
assessment," Doug Rees, Senate proved a proposal which brings the . w “a a ' , . 1. \ w ‘ "We will tn- limiting for mplr who
chairmansaid. College of Education into conformity ‘5'» U. ', W”, , . at“ , I" ‘ have some inn-mt m Mimal iaw
Jesse Weil. professor of physics with recently implemented state .. _-‘ .~ ' ‘ , v,‘ . '1' .1 ' V f 4 . a and purple who have some mmmit
and astronomy, asked that wording regulations. Rees said the proposal 7 , ,1 , a .. ,~», 'fip ‘ t» \ merit to utiliu~ that knmwledgo- {or
amendments be made to two sec- officially states in the Senate rules ' ‘1’ ' V ,f ,, ~ ;_ .33” ‘ ., a . the benefit of UM‘ mlnffll industn
tions of the proposal in order for thepolicy that is used. ,i; \“ raj-’35.»; 5. fi‘ ' -. *- l“ BMWWNN‘U ”‘53"!
clarity. In an earlier interview. Harry .\_‘ ' V5,, ’1 - v .. d b _ The Kentucky Department of Ho
The first would change wording of Barnard. associate dean for teacher 1 moon I mun n... .. rrgy gaw- thr- center a noun grant
a'section stating ‘y‘race, COWS reli- education and certification. said: 1‘ Eileen Schurl, a physician at the UK Medical (enter. picks out her (‘hristmas tree in front of the For the grant the WM"! ”- 40W! I"
gion. 89’“ - The. proposed 15 a recodification 5° the rule '5 Thomas Poe Cooper Forestry Building yesterday \th the help of Stet: Brown. president of the Hit final)?“ 0‘ 0“ lb" 3‘ “Ml “5"“
change was for sex to be included in more conSistent to what‘s in the cat- Forestrv (‘lub studying their minim and rule-ii and
the rules termed as gender. alog (Senate rulesi." ’ ' ' regulations. Short Mid Tho-y aim
. mowed a fellowship front the Irish
0 lute of Mining and Mineral Ra-
Spring schedules ready Forestry Club sells Christmas trees warm-Wm
The center is also tn the pron-u of
By WENDYSMITH made at Student Center Office of more ”P Kf‘muri) Mlmrfll ll“
Reporter Student Billings. By MARTHA REED PERRY the customer‘s name and picked firewood takes so much of their ’T'Cllllmnll‘mm
A large percentage of students get Staff Writer up at the customer's convenience time.“ Stringer said “It‘s a good SM" ““1 h’ “‘1' ‘5'" l‘ “ M
Students can get a jump on next their class schedules before they go later in the week The club Will actiVity that some chantia can let “Wye” Who “I" “041"! mm"
semester by picking up their Spring home for Christmas. Dexter said. A new forest has sprung up in also hold a tree for 24 hours mth- benefit from. as well as helping 'l W” l" Km'm‘i)‘ "‘4 i“ 0""
class schedules from 9 am. to 4 “The amount of mail going out dur- from of the Thomas Poe Cooper outadeposithesaid, theclubout " "Katmai 1-! W llrilfll ”ll Ill"
pm. on Dec. 7 and 8, and 9 am. to ing the Christmas holidays is so Forestry BuildingonRose Street, "We usually contact a few other “We also donate two trees a l" "m“ 0' Wmum’"; my "WY"
noon Dec. 9 at the Student Center great that the mail is often delayed. Just in time for Christmas, the places (that sell Christmas tree-4i year to the t‘hild Develwmcfll Wfldlflllm from "I“ l mV'mI'y 0‘
Ballroom. 50 it is more convenient lUSt ‘0 Ple UK Forestry Club is holding their and then try to go a little bit (‘enter of the Bluegrass." Brown Kentucky W'“ 3' 90m" 90"“ "I 11"”
Students may come at any time “P the class schedules in person." annual Christmas tree sale Dec 5- cheaper." Brown said He painted said be confronted with some problem
during those hours to pick up their hesaid. . . . . ‘ , 9. Priced at $3 a foot. the 155 out that the trees. purchased from The tree lot .5 open from 7 y) initially related to the mine and mat
class schedules. there is no classifi- Also this distribution. 15 a savmgs Scotch and white pine trees the a Christmas tree farm in Boone a.m.t06p.m.through l-‘nday "'3‘!er
cation breakdown in distribution benefit for the UmverSIty. as far as club has to sell range in size from ville. Ky. are priced the same (hammer Carolyn Smiley 3mg Short is also chairman of the Km
George Dexter associate registrar, postageisconcemed.hesaid. ‘ . 4-feet- to 7l2-feet tall, according to this year as they were last year she thought the trees were priced lucky 3" Will'm WW“ 0‘ W
said ' ' It (the amount 0‘ students waiting Steve Brown. Forestry Club prai» He saidtheaverage priceis 815 "pretty reasonably " She said the MW" Rasmircea 11“ It is an 0'
' for their schedules) tends to be the dent, The club members hope to raise reason she was buying her trai- BIND-“00 0‘ 3500' “'3 hwy?"
The reason for this early distribu~ most crowded between classes. but “They've been selling really. 31.200 this year Jeff Stnnger. there was because her neighbor M ”if 3‘8" WV) WI!“ 10 “9
tion date is to give students a there is a large enough staff so stu- really 'good this year.“ Brown club adviser. said a portion of the "always gets on tree here " grade the-mlvea ln Ul' aroa of Min
chance to double check their class dents usually do not have to wait said. “The way they're going~ l proceett Will go to the linited Anothe t l W erallawhesatd
schedules and to give them a chance any longer than five to 10 minutes. think we'll sell out by late Thur-st Way. through the College of Agri- “"1 she r M 03:; I‘m” a" The Mineral law f'rntrr will he
to make any possible revisions. he hesaid. davj' He said 45 to 50 trees were culture Student Council The rest j. and M d that” we" 3 offerim two new classes thin
said. Also. it serves as a reminder to “This is the fourth year the Uni- sol-d yesterdayafternoon. will gotofund the forestry club g .. we“ a',‘ l the “" Spring the curriculum iii growmg
pay theSSOadvance registration fee versity has had early distribution Brown said a customer may "This is something they 'club “5 mm’mwm Short will he teachimi a Mineral
due Dec. 21 (postmarked by Dec. for the Spring semester. and it has come by. ple out a tree and pay membersi can do within a week. "We always sell all of them‘ [All Cl.” but "that" "We have
15). or their class schedules will be proven to be very successful." Dext- for it 1': will then be tagged with whereas something like cutting Brown said had a lot of mini-at in the m
cancelled. he said. Payment may be er said. classes. over «1 people signed up for
my class '(‘oal Mimng law- ' Short
F ' l (1 ° ' M' T E E N “"‘
arm gir not star- azed by wmning lSS . . . pageant
. ‘ Ii tl' ‘ By KEN PAYNE use proper hnglmh when she farm "My father died when l was 9
. Q 3 ‘ 1 ”1 ; Reporter speaks " and my mom. who was a school tea-
' . ‘ "-‘ Winningcameasabigsurprise cheratthetimemadtoquitheryob 3' the»
r: 9%. ”£7 ‘1: ‘ Kela Lyons' victory Saturday in for Lyms. "I really didn't flunk that and stay on the farm to keep It WW
' -. It i» l 7 the 1934 National Miss TEEN l was going to win. because I only going." she said "Matt! the wash- :fln ”fir'
. ’ A“ (Teem Encouragjrg Excellence Na- won me of the categories." smmuid mg. cooking and cleanir‘ was put at - W“ N
. a. ' ‘-= tionall i at has not left her “In the other categories I 'dn't me because my mom was aways
5', ' f * ..._ stardzzedPagSfiis still a farm girl at even place inthetopfive " out dormaman'syobonthefarm " = . .hmmb: I0. :
' g a. -~. - . heart. Lyms almmt did not make it Lyma remembers her childmd, Q "h of II I It“; .
. . . (1, Lyons. x3. participated. along with down the at” to receive her crown especially the birth of a calf one 'U T “I ' do! n... .r
O . .3} A . 0 other contestants. in a national “l was placedon "3'09“" ONO“- Wmta’ “My “M ‘0‘“! u” a" f” ugug‘yflm”
. " i ‘ Mia TEEN contest in Albuquer- tenants and almost passedout when half frozen and barely alive." she _.
3 . que. NM. last Thursday through they called my name." she and said ”He brou‘ittheau tumour r',‘
. - fl ‘ Saturday She won a $5,000 schol- "My knees got weak as l walked houeand we wrapped it in We
' 1*, . . arship. a 32.000 wardrobe, a 821]!) down the steps to receive the and flaced it in front of the taster
, -' ~ -~ ‘ personal service contract,avaea- award" Theealfmvedand'ewwtobe
. e ..,t , , tiontoHawaiiandineofamear Lyonswaaraisedonafanninthe mambutmwemhad"
§ '6- l A} formeyear. small town of Tompkimville "Our Her year: on the farm have in-
i ’ " " “‘ Erin Chandler. a theater arts farm is about five mila‘ which of named Lyra" choice of W. "W, ”“0““'
t- . . or . "mo.- and Lyais‘ roommate in Do Tomplunaville in a little section that includii' was in the county's 4-H 5‘1 5; ‘ ”*b
._ novan Hall. said she ha helped everyone calls Lymlle became mm for not years and the UK : ’2; fi ‘- h -
" ' Lyons. an mdecided frulInan. mostofmy relatives live om." she Wale HI «uranium Her I» _ ‘ .fifihfi
’- overcome her accent “Kola has a said terms paid off when lie '1! the WWW . ~“U‘
taiduicytotalklikeadown-hune Kelanidaheandhermotherdb RJ. qula Tdiaeco Calamari A” fi‘ehb
KELA LYONS wintry art." Gunilla said. "I‘ve retta. and her brothers. Kerry and "Pr-la in Tobacco" We d ‘ _ y“ 7 -
medmhelpherbyremindqhuto Kevin, share the chore- on their SerAlfl,~2 1. .

 t l .
e e a
Q ti-fascist pla q I] e prom ptS SAB selects members to fill posmons
ANNAHARDY Stucka't’s ditiea will be to build a board" during his term in the posi-
. o , StaffWrita' ilomecomim committee and plan tion.
debate in it er s hometown m w- am... w» W, m is... ..
The Student Activities Board has nis,shesaid. member at large, she said. As a
filled five positions in its organiu- John Menkaiis was selected as the member at large, Mattineg will
_ tion. chairman for the patterning arts work with the other members to
By ALEXCBOUCH “thteihegcfimt — mm" The position, which were filled canmittee, Dorsey said. Menkam‘ plan campus and special events, die
SeniG'StlftWHt-fl' "T . I .d . "m ,4 m —“' e last week, were on the concert, duties will include programming for said. He was selected to fill this po-
and'nieAssociatedPress OS'mp y I ennfy wfifictims to the hole in the wall homecoming, performing arts and performing arts, she said. He will sition when Mustian was promoted
4 , 4 l' relatiom committees, Je pogr f the ‘ f ‘ ' irma

A small town of a few thousand the place WQUId by citizens of this border commu- my vice resident of SAB 3:3, 3::th ya; guidremalnder o :Idwbhc relations cha n, she
across the Inn River from Bavar~ elevate h'I“ 'tler 0 nity of 17,000. have ranged from In addi’ti new m bei- t ’ 4 ‘ _ 4 ' . _
is. moan. Amni- wa- . nice "We ) ’ anmmenttocondemmtim was ”techies..- on.“ e me “e “W M.“ ”1““ “‘9” n3??? '1 “$535? filmn'fiieifi
place for a small boy to grow up 0 SO" ,4- _ *4“ W" W "I f‘They believed they can do any- Pam Bratcher was selected as man, 0041‘”? “id. 18 5C9" MUStleh- same time next year Dorsey said.
—Adolf Hitler, foi'example. 0!,me n thing," saida downtown tobaccon- concert chairwoman. my said. As public P0189008 Chalk Mustian Menkaus Mustian and Mattingly
The future W was born I ' '- ist, referring to city Offlflais- Bralcher said her duties will include “nu be responsible for the overall will take office immediately she
here in I” it 15 W Vors- .. it . , 1. “There “’3: much Wm“ b“: booking concerts and selecting ap imgeoftheboard,shesaid. said They will serve for the remain-

tadtandwas baptisedin name a?" “ ’ ' ' most peope are t y agains propiiatefacilitiesfortheconcert Mustian said that he hoped “to deroftheschool '

. 4. . . . . . - year,shesald.

:ffgie Gosh“ Abraham and Jesus "E; W "mfg Al'llf;::;z;‘ this find publicity. We d°"t Susie smchtat was selecfid ham;- conthinue la strong (and) consistent “We‘re really pleased with the se-

‘we - U“ m . ' ' ' , ' . ' ti ' "Horse ‘ 4
The house became a mufi4 4. . y p 4 A ,,aaleswoman in a lingerie coming c woman s sai pub c re ons program for the lection, ysald
shrine — a new Bethlehem :1»? 4 , M. located next door said:
mama's daysof power. “ " 'H "M: “i not, tourists will con-

A world war and several ‘flln M be reminded what m lime to collie to us and ask such . arm I
liom dead later, the yellow, till.- I“ and fascism have M db W as ‘From which - .
story building has now become the . ham... . . “a . MM' ”M m talk to the Continued from page one .
centaofapoliticalstruggle. . annuities con-admin. crowd? " . $4000 and a trip to Chicago in the room is littered with stuffed - ' . ~

. . . . . .. . , puppy my finals that are coming up, she
Members 0‘ the City counc11 and the W m ‘4." - mt" In M: WW support state’s 4—H achievement program. dogs and kittens. Several posters of said.
Socialist M Hermann Fuchs Wot“... ‘9 In“. 4. .. t.“ W . 4p ta- {0‘4 the National Witt“: One of her major accomplish— E.T. and Garfield cover the wall ‘
want t° 1'...» . .4 an anti-fascist “"9““ m of the left 53” 1" Smut" . 4 con- ments in high school came when she with stickers reading "4-H is great“
plaque Mimi‘s Nadine- and "81“- . 5quan of “‘0 Natl mi 1 see and her classmates established their and“DrinkMi1k.” . '
Nev «3‘..- .I fm Millions A day 4”” the cannony, a difference between 4* groups: own scholarship. Through various The category that Lyons won was '
°t Dea- tmw Free- WWW m It 4“! Mn 10- ’I‘hose directly involve! tend m4" fundraising programs, based on community involvement. Continued from page one j
domand '> 4.44 medium - . to bly t° 5"me ‘tv forget, get ‘t Tompkinsville High School has now Lyons, who is used to working hard .d “w I] ~ - .
The . if" * “' , ~=cost 8m ~~ out of their nunds the ounger - - - . 53‘ - ea operatedlngoodfaith, t
4 . W 4 4 . M the wall , . .4 Y awarded its first scholarship named on the farm, applied this same com- no one person was delegated the re-
the City an est .44I-_ “I" w 01¢an outta ' ”k questions. ,Thts ‘5 my impres in honor of Jewel Ross, a respected mitment to her volunteer activities - - - 4
been . It“ filedt halt M n 4 4 Spoustblllty for the paperwork. We ,
have mm ' harm A '3! o m m’ Km“ “'d‘ Ensllsh teacher who recently died- - wer l'ttl l h d ther -
ceremmy Get. 8' 8M”; , ,4 mkwaque' Wt] said that school texts ”At graduation we got Jewel's _ She ’15 a Volhlnmr worke? at [fix- it '8 adl theats Oppy ere :1" ea t
wereeven sent out. ' UK history professor James A]. inn” with the period more in daughter to present the award" 1h84t°h5 Shrlners HOSPItai for ‘S sa now we w1 get ba .

But Gerlinde PommtflVfls W. a specialist In German NI: renal! years, not as strongly as Lyons said. nu was very emotionill Crippled Chlldl‘en and has raised “as :
house's owner, sued the Amig‘ Erytsaid, “T04sunply present the dae'iiiight like but critically. “An for among-y money for the; American Heart AS480 mm Freudenburg ISGA vice .
government, Which is the bu 4".“ Of his 4bein8 born M III “Inwareness of the dostructiveness Her farm upbringing also has Clam", Cystic Fibrosis Foundation president) called and said we
“8'3 10881 tenant, and the city, 'most cam “1111th t“ I“. 0t war and Of the treatment 0‘ the found its way into her interest in and the .ths Foundation. _”I needed to get our paperwork in," he ‘
whichusosthepremisos fact. To simply4ide Chg” Jews is there,"Albisettisaid. pageants. The performance for her 10ve “'0'th “nth children, helping said. “I told him that as executive '

The project had been endorsed would elevate himlnalg't4, hi- City officials are not happy presentation in the Miss T.E.E.N them "w‘th homework and other director you have my word that if
by Fucls after bitter debate in the torical approval, It Rb“) ls abouttheuproar. contest had a farming theme. tasks, she said. there‘s any problem with us not re-
city council WhiCh approved the something '12in but . “I am fed up, whatever 3’0“ do Dressed in coveralls, a straw hat Lyons will be very busy in the ceiving registration, the state “‘88-
planinasecret ballot. . notpralsed. "1 ““13 it... . '5 “"0083 Fuchs fumed. “I don't and carrying a hoe, Kela explained months ahead. Her contract re- nization will reimburse the total ex-

“Again ”4‘: 8:881“. ftoreigntzhr: 12‘1““ Mt a; 545,344;fighteit‘everr? “3’1?“th anyglore. ed how life is like a garden. “You’ve quires her to make appearances in pendituretoSGA." '.
m°°mm8 amu°see P‘Iue‘" exit-.89“ ‘e ” wasmeWOmmlmOV otto khardt t thi t tl tz3 te ts. h ‘11 . . . . '
house where Hitler was born" that," Bernd Kra chairmanof to have the government rent the anus? said. oge any ng ou :lsoeajppeafuin agile! SMZr‘tnha According to Hams, this is 1
Fuchs said in September when the UK German department, said. building, not because floor space “1’ got the idea out of the back of a Layne Collins' Inauguration Parade “strictly an internal matter Within :
display of the plaque was 34p- ultts maybe nice, but it doesn’t was needed but because we Beta Club m1 and revised it to on Dec. ‘3 to be televised statewide. student government.
proved. “'I‘lierefoi'e,4everuyemfnws- mate that mrcfilqgfgenfieg yr?" tinted t? neutralize the house W dealwith farming,”she said. “I am very excited about traveling, Freudenburg said he would not
“ms or photographing me ma e one a a ' a ' a litically, themayor said. Even her residence hall room re- but right now I’ve got to concentrate criticize the assistance fund commit~ I

fleets life on a farm. One side of her on school and getting good grades on tee‘s actions in the matter.
Tonight at 803 ' ' ’ :
———————— Lebanese car bomb hits apartment building .
' ' Kappa Alpha Psi . , . . .
From gunman)” ts to the UN. Security CounCIl asking Syria to release
SpeCIal screening k‘k‘th" Tourn°y W Goodman and defending the bombing mission as “a dis-
chkofl Party BEIRUT, Lebanon - A car bomb shattered a nine-story crete measure taken in self-defense."
apartment building in Moslem wast Beirut yesterday, US. defense officials said the air raid was carried out
December 8, 1983 25¢ Komlkozos $2.00 ”uh." killing 14 people and wounding 84 in a new surge of vio- in response to Syrian attempts on Saturday to shoot ‘
~ lence in the Lebanese capital. down unarmed American surveillance planes
With the U.S.-Syrian confrontation growing, the Unit- The UN. secretary-general, Javier Perez de Cuellar,
ed States said its planes caused “significant damage" called yesterday for a cease-fire in Lebanon and said
THE ”334 M" 233.917. to Syrian positions during a Sunday air raid. It was the the weekend's developments were “both alarming and
first American air strike at Syrian targets, and two tragic." 2
American planes were shot down. Italy’s premier Bettino Craxi hinted that the Ameri-
‘. . . . O . . . . . O . . . O The Syrian foreign minister, Lt. Gen. Mustafa Tlass, can air raid had caused Italy to consider pulling its 2,—
. confirmed that one captured American pilot died after 100 troops out of the multinational force designed to en-
. wafCh for fhe 1 983 . that raid and said another, who was taken alive, was forceacease-fire among the warring Lebanesefactions.
. ‘mmy _ “in excellent condition suffering no injury" and UK history professor Robert Olson, a specialist in .44
. Kernel . would be returned “like in all wars, when the war is Middle Eastern affairs, defined US. interests in Leb—
. over; that is, when the United States will leave Leb- anon as including: seeking the territorial, military and
_ * — . SURVIVAL GU'DE anon.” economic expansion of Israel in Lebanon; establishing a
. . Tlass said Lange's body would be turned over to Christian state in Lebanon under Israeli hegemony; hu-
. d b 1 2 . American authorities yesterday, but John Stewart, a miliating Syria, forcing it out of Lebanon and probably
Man a Decal“ er US. Embassy spokesman in Beirut, said it had not yet overthrowing the govemment of Hafiz al-Asad; further
A ROBERI CHARIOFF—IQWIN WINKLER PRODUCTION O y' f ‘ | . been received. 4 4 4 intimidating the Soviet Umon in the Middle Easy
ofA PHILIP KAUFMAN FILM . "I" BUY 0 F "a I . Larry Speaks, the chief White Home spokesman in A defeat of Syria and humrllation of Russm would
“THE RIGHI STUFF" CHARLES FRANK scon GLENN . Washington, said the Reagan administration has written lead to challenges by the United States of Nicaragua,
ED HARRIS lANCE HENRIKSEN Cuba and eventual] of Russia’s ition in Eastern Eu—
scon PAULIN DENNIS QUAID SAM SHEPARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ r— .. 7 . ..__ ..,L_, _,,_.,. . ~ * * W '1 ’ ’ rope, Olson said. y pos
FRED WARD “M STANLEY ‘ I ‘6 “The US wants to increase its political and economic
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m I lng eight Americans and wounding two during shelling
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‘ “L ,;‘.‘?Z'-_‘..-_'-Z':‘;;~"~-“-‘i‘~ S H C I I A Marine spokesman, Maj. Dennis Brooks, as, of De-
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[yinigflgggaggt SI 3 5 9 CO m lete l 5 p.m.-8:3O p.m. I lieved to be shelling the Marines Sunday night. lie said
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le'toed number 0f seats available so u 1 h I“ n d $3 09 BU ‘ a" “IO Pizza I deaths of the Marines, although his militiamen around
Plck up your passes at I ° y ' I the airport admitted they'd fired on the Marines. They
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Kornol Advertising Office * I ca I so". Drinks I post started the fight. They also said the Marina were 4
R . bu J ll I E '4 D ‘ k! g I firing before Druse fired back. :
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l the
haul): The Complete Lyrics of Cole Porter for 56 performances and Porter had For the next 27 years. Porter en in an attempt to present Porter 5 "“ ' ‘ ’ -
iain- Robert Kimball, editor/Alfred A. his first‘big hit ~ “Old-Fashioned dured scarcely a day without pain. worth the way Porter had wntten »
Knopf Garden‘ never complaining. and always. at them. Robert Kimball has collected
a se- Nine years later. Porter got his least forthecamera.smiling every known lyric he Heated. from ‘ 3 .
chance. Egged on by lrving Berlin. Porter was never a religious man. the early songs in 1910 to his last . ‘ .
producer E. Ray Goetz hired the ex- though he did believe in the "gods" work, the tclfl‘lslon Spectacular , I. ,
patriate for a show appropriately ti- that guided him And they weren't "Aladdin " Parodies. rewnta. de '- i '-
he ease of the lyrics tled“Paris " always kind: "'nie gods who nurse leted songs all are included in this . ' / t.
hides the intense workmanship that From that pomt. anything went this universe/"Think little of mortal‘s handsome volume _ . ~
went into their writing. After all. The offers came through the door carts " The same gods