xt7j3t9d833g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d833g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1986 1986 1986-11-04 2020 true xt7j3t9d833g section xt7j3t9d833g ' \
O v Vol. XCI, No. 50 Estabiioha'd 1" University at Kentucky. texmgton. Kentucky independent since W7) Tuesday. November 4, P986 '
C 11' d' t' | I "
0 ins pre 10 mg VOTING NEAR CAMPUS K advocates . .
C105 Aylestord Maxwell School - 333 Woodland ~ ‘ . ’ ' '
Ct to Bunker Fire Station 6 — Scott and S. Limestone . ‘
- amen men 0 now Cll5Clitton Catholic Newman Center <~ Rose Lane ‘ z . , ,« f - ‘
C128 Holleood Fire Station -— Woodland and Maxwell amen ent or 2' , fl. ,_
0 0 031 Lawrence Fire Station —— Scott and S. Limestone : " .- .. ', 2 :
98 have flghtlng Chance Bl“ Towers Huguelet (Rear of Cooperstown)Bldg.A . 2 ' l .
0 . .2
6 li.‘ “ \“K 1“ “HM-“EN ment No. 1 picked up a string of en- and Democrats alike thought turn- ”10' (‘apitol chainlii-r. made a late sup erln ten de nt 5, 1.. 4.72,.
Associatedl’rcss dorsements across thestate. out was going to be very light in run. .' ,:_ . ...i.‘ 1
t It also spurred to action the main most areas. “gnu“.rum. mp (ml ( ”mm. .: .g .1 .. y".
FRANKFUHT‘ (tin Mart iii sitton _, leaders of the Ken- . _ seekin' his second lull lt"ll] - ' ’ -' V‘ -' I
taint- t‘ollins said stii- thinks sew my Education Association and “ErgonetiigmgICBSSISTEQI': :3? 7m ”Sm! ...“; a“... mid]... £11.12}: B} KARENPHILLH’S M___,_. ~ ----~~—. 2. .
i‘al weeks ol nearly iioii-stop cam Kentucky PTA, who took a flying bl' g l B . d D‘ _ thei'. thc latc ltcp ('arl l) l’erkins Staff Writer - . - ’. ‘._’,2
1 paigning time the proposcd supcriii tour of the state last week to tell pu ican .Im unning an ‘ (mo ““5 challeiiucd mm.“ m.” ,1 . l i l lll‘ 1* 'd \lk‘l‘ 1” lllC 4' . L, . j 9
, . crat Terry L. Mann seek to succeed , Hg} 1} . , , _ . ., . ,' , .‘ g t.' .
l. “Wk“ t‘lllt‘ll‘llllt‘lll it l'ghlmh’ thetrstde. t'. (‘0? R v“ (. n* Sn'd r l’ikc (ouiitv liusiiicssiiian James T Ll“ ‘Olwd [Ls support h” l‘" ClllliillCClllL‘lll ttl iiilillg .2 ' .,
: chant-cot passiiigon lilcction l)a_\ Supporters of the other constitur re ”m3 ' . ep ‘h‘ '0 ( j 3. e ; l’ollev ' tucky constitutional Amendincii‘ . l ' ;- . :2 ‘ « -y
I others \wrenot sosurc tional amendment on the ballot. to The two Carr‘ed,‘{“ t t most serious ‘ when it distributed pamphlets to I.“ cdugm [on . ‘ ‘ ‘2 i, 3: f .37: g j
‘ The proposal to convert the state allow mayors of Louisville and the campaignlnthe state. Repubhcaiis MP“! ”1“) would ulty and stall “fill their paychccks . . . . 2- j 3, 'v
‘. . . . . . . _ ‘ , - - .- ~ , _ have better luck in thc «lit contested , p H. \. .lamu King. , g ,p. . ._.
‘ silix‘llllit‘lltlt'tll oi pulilit institution eight secondur0[Sexpectedlomllghtl Jefferson (‘ountv and substantial thcei ’m \m “WM! one. lln‘ it... 7.. apt: .2 w .,,_. > ‘. 5| - M 2'.
: proposal. carried on an allout cam» The only other matter on the bal< numbers m the .northern Kentuckv l" ‘ " ‘ " The l'nivers‘ity decided to cndoisi- Wm. ,. .._1,;|,.,..1 H; , V. v; . . ‘ g --c'
. ' Piills’“ l” lllt‘ ’M‘t‘l‘h ,tU-‘l lN‘lUl‘t' ”11' lot in every Kentucky county was counties of Boone. (‘ampbell and Also an the ballot m m. 33 south. the amendment when the Board Ht pia::.t~ win. :a- ~ii'. in: I'l "-Zf l.‘i‘.;-r, .-
. 3 election that includcd broadcast ad the Senate contest between incum— Kenton 9m ”mm... m“, “M“. up the 3rd Trustees passed a resolution in :ts l‘itilaz ... .l s. '.\ :..-.: .,. l 3"." g.
. vertisinu and a scrii-s oi personal bent Democrat Wendell H. Ford. Supreme (Mm “hm... was a non- ()ct H unanimously supporzaig thc 'llt2l }‘_",.‘.. , straw; '2 4 p ‘ '1‘}.
i aptmnxinccs (‘olliiis even \uilki'd who is seeking a third term. and Re- Mann. whose campaign got off to partisan contact Mia...” Laurel (1,». amendment The pa pi ,. x .. : .2: c a '. ’v ‘13.] .i
' precincts iii Lexington and Louis publican Jackson M, Andrews. a late start and was hindered by cuu .ludgc t‘hai I“ lt Luker and "ll was simply put in to create .111 ‘.’\till lllt pa . 'Jt’r 'M ;.- .. : 2 ._ ‘: Ly.
~| villc last \u'i'kt'tltl With little interest apparent in any controversy over his voting on bills Mount Vernon .iiioiiii-y Joseph E awareness "l the 155U“ and ”Nut” would im ' ...,q. n: ;- 2‘ a 2'! _ f 3 2‘ “
' The ctiort on lwiiali oi .-\inciid ot the statewide issues. Republicans in the Kentucky House while out of [lunllx-ll ’ age them 1 K li‘CUll.‘ “ml >111“ l“ lliitllll‘iL’ has ~a .i ,2'- '. , ~ .
vote on it lavorably.~ said James ‘l‘ht- 'ltb'tws 'ti.,..;:' . ' '. is. ‘ ', .. )1 _. ~
. .____________________.________—_____..__________—a__.._ King, l'K vice president ot adiinnis unit-“of...” .g. up: . 1ii2it:_ ‘.‘ 3‘ i. 2
.. V .. ,. ._ ,_ . . . . . tration .n; opium: :<: ‘!.w . ~- l\ c2 2T. " . 5 '
-.«-,\e :2 "This is a step in the t‘llllitllt't‘llit‘lll \dltl \[ivf 'u: \c r. , .. 2 a i 2 . ‘ -‘ '~ ‘ __ .._ U. - .'
, i‘ifiw 3‘“ ' , 3;. ot public education ' he said \iid throw .‘ ,l. 'in '2 is’ ‘ . 3
i Aw“: , since the L'nivcrsity gets thc prod The paiiiiiig.» ;.. . i ; , i-_.. . 2' l .1 ~ ‘ _‘>."2
-2 ‘ ucts of that system. that is what .u' i'oniiiwitm it” ». : .. ..2 l‘.~.= .. -‘ t 2 ‘ . ‘2 7
y a: y 5. _ asa t'niversity areallaliout loopy, in L. . w ".2 i, g.. ....~ ; 2 ,
‘ . ’ 4%. . 5' 2 However. others say. 2! is l.I2' ‘im t.‘llllflli'l; um iriw ' , . -~ ,i 5'" 5 2" i" “ ‘ 'f .‘.
~ m‘ - . l'niversitys place to support V11 3, .; iii-Hm - ' 1 >
. .. m. . j 6‘ - cause it \ in.- w i. 2 .. f . .i .. ;
‘ -' . '- "It probably violates the iiiipai2t,.i looked a' hill; s 2 ..i.: W l'w x j .,- A.
’ ;..~ spirit of the l'niversity ‘ said lfiiaii _' If" 2 ‘.~ .'
i l€_\' Canon. a member (it lht‘ l timer \ \“I \|)\“ \l l2 3 '2 1‘ l ,2‘ - .
. . .. ,
campus ea ers —_
2 4 ‘ ' . ,- . i‘
. _ . _ .1 . believe Input needed —
.g . '1 ' * x \ 4‘ r.” _ g . w . . ,
.. . . 2 M Students say forum should be provided . -- 2 .j '
h » l " i; . to allow chance to know candidates : ' , , 1 -
r . - . .- .
g . wig. ‘-.—~—~~—~ ByFRAN srinuirr - . g - _' . ..
- ' ., . . .M. ' ‘1' . ;~ .. - Editor in-(‘hiet' _ 2 ’«. -
' ._ ‘ ‘3 1. we!" ' From a student perspectiw a pro- 1' ' 2 ‘ 2 ‘2 l .' fl ; " g
, . 2‘ ; -~ ,. 1- "f1? file of the next t'niversity prcsident ' ‘_ 5, ‘ ’1‘
. ., » M ... 33‘ ,2“ *3”. , , " 2 _ gs; ' would look something llkt’ this stu- . Q .-
‘ _. l " 7' ” V . - ‘3‘; 957:; 3.1%....32 , “ ' " a ‘ dent oriented. academically proven ‘ 31‘ . .2 : f.‘
. :swm".~s“' ““‘r‘t-«imsn . g and politically astute. with business _‘ g , g " I”...- 5' 1'
.“ ~\ «widow‘s» _ . ...... any andfowght mm" 2 . . ‘fl . s . ’. .2 i2
l N?‘ ‘fii 1‘ “’m‘xy 25$: 3 ‘7 .: i «‘11»: And leaders of various campus oi2~ a ‘ 4 j; . j.
‘ ' ‘ « 2 ‘ 51‘ ;;. ‘ . ‘ ganizations say they 'd like some stu- ’ '. is .1 '_ .“
) i ‘ ‘l ‘ , dentinputintothet'inaldecision _ ' ' i2
, "This l'niversity is trying to es- ; - '
, . tablish itself as one ol the premier .‘l .‘ « ‘_ '. (flu-
universities in the country." said ' j _ ' ’_ ,‘2-J ,4
‘ ‘ John Menkhaus. president oi the ‘ 2‘ f ; i .' .. ,
leadership honorary ()microii liclta __ , ‘. ,. :12]. '1. ,"f ,-
MIANOIWWN “92'29'5'0't Kappa and chairman ol' (‘ollcgians " i 3 '." .. t.’ ~
‘ for Academic Excellence ' f ' x ,' ‘ 2. f:_ "
Chlp ShO‘ Therefore. the next president has 2- '-' . '; f '4.
Shown Henderson on undemded sophomore. carefully takes student, watches at the Student Ceniei game room yesterday mbaiefiim):fft$:$gt21:): mum _ 1.2!. 5" (
Oim on the 8 ball while Tony Pezzi, a University of Transylvania afternoon. ing a president. you take the appli . , J,”
\ cants and look for qualities. said 2 ‘ .
' f M‘”*—"—_— Susan Brothers. senator at large lor OTIS * ”\(u Fl u“ g‘.‘ 2.1'
the Student Government Associa- . ', '2 2", .
SGA to s onsor talk about street e0 le roblem , 1;. ~.
. p p p p “I feel strongly that the new presi tiltijoi‘ factors I": ilt'lt‘t n. tuna Ylic f l'.’ -'1
" dent should be student oriented new president i.tc:‘lcc' iii-rs i:.a1i ~2 “ . )l' ‘_
7 By (‘. \. lit' \Ni: Bo\lHItt Around the [X campus the street based organization that provides the think we can iust turn our backs on That ShOUld g0 Without Stu'mk.“ shv l.‘ dil‘lt‘VlK‘l'tt‘tW ' l" i ‘ .‘ .
Stall Writer people have also been an issue of de- street people of Lexington a place to the street peoplo ‘ said, “I think that it‘s really impor- In other \Uil tls Mir p: . . 'lt*f:ll.il . . " .. E .‘
g . hate. as several letters to the editor stay during the day and also serves . _ . , . . , , , _ tant that the students feel that thc scarch (‘tllllllillli't slltl‘iltl tn ookinu ,. ._‘ f":-
It \ou lll\t’ been In (louiitowi and guest columns in the Kernel asatypeofreferral organization. h‘m‘n hkeens. M" cxccutne ”“1 preSIdent lS someone thev can go ioi‘ someone with .i rii.l:..i:2.‘ ii,.iid .' C. 2. .h
. ‘ l have sparked interest among stu- president. echoed the iccliiigs of t .. ' ”(I I, bl ‘ ”NW, ... ”W“, -‘ ' g.
, lcxmgton recently. you liayc proba , . M'irtin 0 " “ ‘ ““ "l ‘ t ‘ "“‘ ‘ "L .2 . . f .. . -_
. . (“"115 .» . - . 2' 2 - - ' 2 ‘ T be successful the next rcsi inc more 'nai: . li“lvllt'41 i-ip c.. . . n .
bl) WV” ”1”“ “’dllilllts' ”W According to (Illlv Martin. direc- Wm“ Mud bh‘ [hmkb ”1‘" b} "I think the street lx-oplc debate 0 ‘ ‘ p . . l _ . 2. ‘-
51,}...5 lllt'hllltl M- “ hat mm. ”Hug-s tor oi Student Government Associa- bringing l’arkerto campus. students h d ix‘l‘stltldl type ot MW that gets dent must be able. to deal with the l'illls and :liilti‘lm .. - rm. H‘ . . . y.‘. ._ ‘
”l‘i‘ll‘" m“) can “it” lion governmental affairs. it was “I” b? able [9 (1359155 ‘h?_'2‘5”" “I?“ peoplc upset and brings out some ol threeltiei‘s 0f (the‘ll?1.“jrsét2‘l_lm;”I” :1,le fur ”M 1‘ l l . l” ‘ ' lm‘ l '. ‘ ..
‘ The street people of lA'Xllltllttn that interest that motivated SGA to an 'lldl‘ldudl 'l‘. d ‘pl‘Olk’SSltii’ial post: their human compassion."she said '7113':.r_d(;0n“¥ acu 2‘, div; lli‘nt‘; “ [11th :[1:(;ww:w\ WINK .. m, ' ' . .l . .2
have becomi- an increasingly popu invite Ann Parker. director of the tion f‘l‘d 9035‘“) develop a bell“ Martin said she believes turnout :81 ancl ll eavefrAinéfix.‘ “Pl H n lh’l‘ views it'll wl‘ni-ilicv tli oil--1 2 _L‘
. lar local issiic. as si-wral (‘tllltit'luls llorizon Center. to speak at UK at understanding or the issue. will be greatest among students who rUTEhe koteggold It): . ‘llllle?‘(l:‘: m :klm (should mu: ; d“ W‘M‘Q‘ it”; ‘ . . .2‘ .“ -
,, and letters have llt't‘ll written in the noon tomorrow in 245 Student Cen- "It's an important issue that are iiiajoring Iii nursing and soCIal constdelrn elxclhuslilvelv :tudehtd rap and “huh“. ,‘m. (“.“md.( should w ’ . 2' *
“Notation llcrald Leader dealing “'1‘ . needs to be brought “P to discussion “Wk because "they deal “Rh help' rt " Weaver said ‘l‘l think \ou iroiii '.\lillllll‘l'i)ltl.\l(lt thew.» . " _ »
withihi-topic The Horizon Center IS a locally and debate." Martin said. ~~1 don't mg other people " p0 ' ’ 2 \ ”u” Rs ,. . . . a
0 , .. .
Phone-a-thon hoping to pass goal a . . 2 . ,g
5 .. 2 i . ,
Hy l.l.s' \ ('Itot‘t tlHt college said Carpenter. who is in his $105,000. The scholarship money i 'i l . ‘51. «Massif?»s.22°2.1.£:“ i _ . , ‘ -‘
Staff Writer late 80s. is very touched by the rec‘ comes from interest on thataccount. ‘ T' >1 . ~
0ts’nition he receives through the en- ’ ‘ . Qis Iig-time wrestling comes to
Vitlllnlt‘t‘li“ ll‘mn ”W (‘ttllt‘tlc oi dowment Two graduate scholarships. worth , ' Lexington tonight. as the ' ‘ -
Business and hcoiioiiiics are reach "“hell we asked hlm’lf we could $3.000 each. and four undergraduate [ . British Bulldogs delend their . .
”it! out to touch alumni lol‘ donations start a scholarship fund in lus name. scholarships. worth $2.000 each. . .. l ii i S SPORTS P 4 - . '
‘0 ”‘9 (”(‘Cll V Carpenter Schol you could just see tears rolling down were given away last year. -2 § ' I - l l e. 00 ‘ age ' ' ' 2
arship Endowment Fund his face." Furst said. “He has put so % . / £§ ~ The Protondorl' latest re- .
This week. during the muggy, much into this Universitv .. "Most of the students here tonight . . l . 0 - - . .
' - ' ' 2 . lease, Gel Close. gives their >
- second annual phonea-thon. alum A pamphlet about the endowment are "0‘ gomg t0 be eligible for the . ,, ~ yr, 3.? . ‘ >. f h ‘ m 2 b
mm all over the country are receiv fund says Carpenter's "last major 5Ch0'3r5h'PS..' 531d Tina Payne. 8 “s 2 f ‘ on". w a ey ve een
ing calls lroni BMII students and project as dean was the building marketing senior who is directing ’ . Wtilng lOf- 59° DIVER-
(‘ollegians for Academic Excellence which houses today‘s College of thephone-a-thon, _ ' ‘ i . m-'°9.8'
who are domg their part to improve Business and Economics." . " . - “I 3 _. 1c .. .
the quality and repiitationol college This week in the basement of that film?“ that seeing all the en- ‘ . ' l ,. fl ’ 2'22"=2': , ' t i . y: ‘
“it's a worthwhile project and 1 building _ faculty. administration. thusiast‘ic students volunteering ‘ ~ A , A_ " ‘ . #f ‘2 ‘ é ,
wanted to do my part." said Bill and 30 students are honoring him by the” "m? '5‘ very encouraging. ‘ ‘ " 2 ,. . i “fin-‘I‘L
Hensley. a business Jililltlr and Stir working toward their goal of 325'”. Things “k9, this make ll all “'Ql'lh a ‘ 2 ‘ . . ‘
dent (imernmcnt Assoctation sen Furst sees the goal as easily attain- “h'le- he said. Thls's fantastic. ( ‘2‘ ' ”'9” today °'°“"d 50 “'"h ‘3
alOrit‘liil‘Et‘ able Local bu ines 99 h do ted 2 2 ’ " 40 percent chance of rain.
. .. t .- . - -- s s t ave na re-
Last year. the group raised about he 52.2"" we re gomg to exceed lt' freshments. which the volunteers l.’ . 1 increasing '0 90 percent to-
822500 for the fund that commem. can enjoy while they work. and one-w KernelStou "‘9'"- TWWVOW WI" be
grates 56;” (ll ('arfiwnteBQ {lofimr salgcltsfggdrindzsniium t0 {with Pfizesegglifihiwrgggfdgg lthegcallzrs Student Government Association Senator at Large Bill Hensley gmrlg; occasional mm'
eano co 9 9 rom . 0 . Ions wen Ino w I 3 ar es 0— .. . . ‘ . o .
Richard Furst. (glean 0f the business the fund which now stands at 1ations. participates in the 8&6 phone a than last night. 9"

 “ c ' today
V ‘U I' V"! I“ O
. . 1 ‘ ckYKERNEL ’M' to re aln
, ,, t .v‘ 2 KENTU tS expec e .
I III I ders king 8 9830"“ ""9 i" the DemOCI'a use
' ‘ O Lam” ' ‘ the HO
. ‘I. «.L lea . ., l effort. _ some 39' g n In ,
fl; .~ . putt L h h» Would he a doctor. IIIMIII'IS GOP may 056 Despite the {Wed thterc'ampaign of huge mar l 1 line in this e|ectionIts
. K g 5: _ dett‘l' 1 m5 1 I I“, k.hmrmxm L blicans coun e mem- --The bOt 0'“ - ns win contln
. ~ 1 , U, muw “d5 v. \mlkm ‘ . 0 P" . - ormer Hous ‘ Re ubhca .
A ,1 .> . mI . My“: wuld Mn I I. nd , rlt Jim Santtm. a f Democrat, a lost )RINKARD mat HouSe _pl ers m the 1631le5
’ “ . 1, 1 ~ - . ‘m tut 1‘“ ‘ . _ . (mum lI a a f rmel' 1 B JIMI be non p 3y (09]-
‘ ‘\~" \‘-‘ ' “ 1,, (nu-1‘13“" “It“ \‘wdent lwwlvp”‘“”\. ”g Demo 1 S her and oinst Democratic Rep Associated Press me to rem" said Rep. Tonyf the
‘ :x, N ' 1! L‘ . I _ Sm . ~ - c on aga 9‘ I Live a .‘ ‘ n 0
L" ‘1 L ‘ ”WM M 1m: JAune 30 prestdent «LL “mm in S senate iii: Reid [VuTOV ~ One of the mg; 1:) D-Cahf.‘ C nggsmal Cam.
_\ L.‘ ., ‘ , I . a: _ [cp t 0“ . . INHI‘ . . . “VASH I A . . d unfOCUS u atic 0n
“ 1 - ' ““ ‘ L'h PLW ‘" sluggmg - egatwe 1*“ , - 1 Democr .
.T‘I" - L‘.“ t 1 w ‘5 \(uux .L‘ .. 'lt‘Wi’d though kept I II , I l expensn'e. n OFV W1“ like y . “Commltlee.
:1.‘§‘;\";‘;- ‘ ‘ ‘ \ i-nt, HILL" I I ‘ ‘ 3 , S Rea an. : ntlnl s rna . z m mem ' ‘ves palg
.~ 3?”: “ hould RN .\l| ”W [What mm!“ L" “I B) ( ”H- "A“ t tel-gay. Suggesting Saberal“ who. CampdlgmHouw of REPresenquld. , terpartv Rep
‘;:-"~1“‘1.‘L“:‘ ‘ "w." m“ 5 Bruthors 1gru‘d that u \tuLL I “mu’ mrm m Assoclated Press yes .. tax-and‘spend ll ‘nst me leave the [He wav it is now: 501 As Repubhcan counI higan» says
"5’11"“: Itit‘i" "““k‘nml-X H haw d toast studt'nt ”mm ‘1‘th representa' . The campaign wash a House. "voted agal ed\' pretty much . ‘ . G L Vander Jag‘ 9f Miqns to 1855
\‘ilfi‘-”‘:I‘L\'.":“‘\ “)1 L'W‘Mvm \hqu :k’nl‘lt‘h at deltmn Lu tht' ‘Tlfhutlnmmlttt't‘ WASHINGTON igenate. notable m t eoften than Teddy,Ker.1.n ' ly Den1(’crattl'(e‘§ have PrediCted dn— hszjing Democl‘at‘c galtlhe back 0‘
it." “tk “ Wumdmgy 0' Chan \‘hOUm [Lu‘ L‘” ”W “hi-If Lt ”W “"Wh‘m tor Contml 0f [cist’s of money and ":3?th saying something 801?] paih [fut the Democrat? Mb: than 10 would “breags much larger
3- . 39.1%3. : IN; 1 t nn' - ‘ I ht! H be I: L’l” . 0;th for "5 9x0 . 1 I -s DemO' a I we“, ga . I I in the c am _ . v1“.hi(‘h recur Whitt‘
‘3333‘331'53: «1:011 Wm gm.“ qua. L Show“ m :isiinging- “'“und down dde their .hour airport “on mam‘ as 10 seatsd' hold 21 253480 mstoryf‘r the party out Of ”1.6 of u
53"¥“{'-§~"‘.'5 ' H, Itn-x Lion: h.m 1 pm. mum and Republicans mated anx- After the one mg on to the cam‘ whpr'e they alrea .\ 83”“ odunng the sixth )‘L‘dr
' 1" ‘- » 3-99? * ‘ “LL ‘ ‘ x mm: t'r‘d ‘ wal mov n" en . ‘ , ‘e
- .:.-.~~~. » , ,, _. . . 1 mm 5 . . then . n was I M, a”, I . . . \rer. Hous
'EJ'Q‘.“"““\ ‘ WINK»: ‘hm'cx ut the!“ “l! \mtmt hr rm; 1:100 erght. final P‘tfhestigd VoterS‘ t‘eSpL‘nbe Rizaa finale, an outdwut Republi' mdxjorélfin at that stzeg. :Otgcer" prmidem Merm r
'2 ‘::"~";X.~' '1 'LL‘ ‘ “ 5t , . 1 \JH ‘ t « , ()l' ”‘ ‘ bOOS .1 s . .- -. [‘1 “ I ,L t w .‘1
\.\:-:"§‘ k: tuttmut d ttmItttrdI:: gmdvnt LIeru: In" HlnL'k studt‘nI: 1011.31) 3105“ M$a.dC;:Cffiat: who is strug' would ix» a (Lt-puttttlhtIch ”has seen The eves 0t both firnrdilfxfnu
"Kit-Ff'uwu; mm ‘ .\ \dll‘ ..\‘n rosidon «L . -n hm. mucu “may . vnd the Rep. E 1 h 9949”“ . ‘1 mm)“. “ .. , , lec- ' the gout .W L
'.~"'.\i‘~"é \N' “l!“ . ’ \ -\Ctl\ p. ~Rm 'h-f!‘ ‘1‘»! “th , It With hlSmr} d . can . t b'd to unseat '- l” polltICd 1‘9“ m 011-)90‘" e “cularly On * t numg strong;
315.1‘3‘11.-‘~*; L: th studm . L mun . .L .. m' hLLL‘ ”“ ‘ Democrd 5‘ , i 1. tir: nn ”1‘3” ling m “1.5 I 'nston -h larger “‘5‘“ ‘ . . 01 of the _ , ‘ ard as a Cm“ . srp
'~‘?’:.2',\§'§T’e H A V ‘ “mm mm ‘th‘?§3§:.. thv [ward m election-N91” drI[thsmree-L:L.aln the ma- 1g)emocratlc Sen.Alan Crd 31:; for the party Eggmsrndes are 12%;??? themselves an? 1‘13: '1
335134.11"; nuld ”11" 7 . . '9r9 trying ., . . vears , ‘ :9 Sn L ‘ _. we» 0 3 I V, the poten m
—'+-‘_ ,v' 1 : I10 _. real \-\, “H5 (it-(WNW “mfv‘h. t was swept aud) 51x 3 ed t , appeal“ “him HOP}! such an OUICL’m‘ d \ Republicam ”:9, , net“ at pulmwl
'1.“ 3 Hugh.» . , 'sz‘t' mum. itbllm “LL Lnrlt.‘ I ‘lh landslide that car'glt B t m the Orangt3 Counf3h , pollti~ poised to (11 ~ long-wught redhkm
I'f‘Ig‘l‘ $35.", gottzr‘ttl crt‘L _' t L “”110 ”mu! ago in 1 9 ‘ t0 the “I 1 e u n“ the start 0 15 I)”. ,1[\‘ are U” . ‘
1‘1?“ """‘ ‘ mum! 0" "u" .~ ..‘\ uuLLLfi "' “L , r: \tc Lild Reagan m ance. reca mg n 20 wars “g” ( ‘ ~3th Incumbtl ~ - udt’ pm”
""‘f*-‘."¢i-¥5 I: I j _1 t“ I I II ‘rl' [httt III \t'Ll hut)“ - Ron. r more [ha *, I 1tn'0 IX’IH‘XI 'I ‘lI‘lCIS natl()n\I . .. .. I \Iéll‘k
Ll‘y'r’W' \ . v~:L"' m“ up‘ . - dud" ‘ ‘ " 1nd : cal caree f hlb 3‘ t n 33 d” ,. at . 1 on. 3d” ‘
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.-..\':ff'»:hit“.{"1‘ ' ' A z 1 thank th‘ rt :8 ‘ 1‘ nth kHWmLLLLLII II “I” m1 liepumlmlrr the Pub“C one more Campalgnl_n%s and deliver8d ”18“)“ T st 184 ntht‘rs' “h“ ll m'er the 218 Johnson. fialgn orgim'wnon
"1:‘-‘.",§:yb-‘?; x; -. III (ht’rt‘ t’ N 1 I I IIIII .t‘IM' ,LHL gun can Fa ,V Ih. blitz _, 'de [he Ja I I (3; , , h ”1“" ~rath Cam . . .1 .-
rst-sx-n. , .. 12w - ‘ t - «L t .. 1 rm 85‘ - - , xctor) . .. ULI “ L am”
ff?§ft¥t{.f§s V ‘ H t hmt‘LLLL” H mm‘ with his labiiflzng more and akind ofpolltlcal‘aled mdttur‘llglnlgdfdmr control h “1 tree thetxrgetfor bothp
H.251": 'xtli'.‘ .,. u hunt» L‘Lfi‘L’ ‘ t heless “”9 ‘ acm L ' hi> 594‘ S . [hams a v , < - 1t> m
“z‘u‘ 3:; 1 ' ’i x ”N“ t ( 32:21:: about tht‘ long Odd” f g Reagan said the real Lbbugdfgates Sixteen thgtuuln‘ and (MP mind“ of 116 Congressmnd] Still“: 11”“
if’lr‘jiié ('UP cunditlatem campaign for 8802;: tren "that “ch to r0»1(1t::l\' Vlctors In another Ihould (‘onfederagétlighnwn mild
52*? ‘54 1‘“ 2‘11‘1 11 ' a v . trv \ 1 Laws erL‘ - 4 . “340—43 9 ‘- ‘ .- 1
3:3“; 53,5115“ t V , n18 and New! round the coun . . . 8 mm“ ( . . I -._ enJO) d 4 V . 5| nlflLd”
I: {9:139}? . A mendme In person ".1 (Hell-trims around the fluture that all (Eff [1:930:21th the m- lyldthtrlht: mmv L’mcehmdertitet‘; But Republlcimthmidthxf PM”
" ‘15. ‘3‘?“ t televlSlL’" . . '-tele~ 't o r . . WI -‘ _ ‘_ '. 1, :el\' on ' . n the .OU . ‘ . I ,
“Hy-"’57 - (LL on . .. “autnmdtl‘ of prOSPe“ y‘ I re when , ‘llfi 1.x er . _ gams I I I ‘th (JILL m. .
“Vain/.4, ' he ,, en\ld( , . _ . . , 1 a full _ ., [ht UK I” , -. no m . , L ("1(1th I II
.‘ifffl’gwtgi, L ‘ jut-Mum WNW” In th- ""“nm dntd “8‘ g that dehvelt‘d pre divldual,Iab0Ve 8; ecure " (“If rats “here ”1‘” d” m un ularl} 1” T9)“; ‘ldOhI Reagan \ H
-.-'“';.::?‘-'g’u,t?;‘:‘x° k d nm- wt tht- twp u \1 I IIIIII t‘h-“““’-‘- tdt phone machmf’. I 1ppe‘il‘ Reagan America IS Safe an S uptnI Mt 00km): thlw'ttonf d 11" propelled b} Ifgt‘b
~‘ "LT-‘3‘": 1 mm“ L“ "’ . . NULL L“ . " L \. mr 1‘3 ' - ded persona ‘ ‘ H v: once ' t 1 cumfi‘“ 5 5 I .~ “are L1! 9 “ . hndsl L‘
.3‘31-i_‘1T-.’?‘:3. , , I ,L Halt- I TIM“ ‘ “,Hnttttt “hi rotor be everywhere d _ it? from I“ , 1] high ”um XI ‘ eledflm L
”3;": 3“ ~: L'll‘ \‘uth thH‘LLLHV L I. II 1‘ Pmtplt’ \\ L Seemed t0 . .nL" to let hlm It was a rare resp , 9:115 for usud .‘ .. wuldn'I (*(ml
'16:? 5,33%}? K it WIN” ut'dtitm .L.\Itt 1.1.8:” I: “daunttmn are Ilrgmg the1 puhllt heat8d rhetorlC anfkegg‘ht’ Sena“: tussup> h gum po- "Ten years agOnVLLI :I‘IIII Burtml'u
.ItLIII'IIIxII1;,-1I-IAIII‘-‘III ,. III L ,. [' tit 1 ,. ~ L II ”‘9 EH)“ LL‘: 0‘! N I O~ dmm I that have ma . I '\|\' I“ “'35 [I] .[1 V0“ “9 CH . -‘ . I I V!
" "~.l<"-é‘i“'-‘J¢'L«. : q mm!” ‘- "V 1‘1 ‘ 1r MM ‘1" V‘" A t n. 1 >113 . lat‘t’ the money ' Lear :\ 11““ :th '\‘ '. ' lsher t‘harlt‘s p‘ t A, - osunman tux tn 1
II.;,_I.II;II);:§33,I"Z£ ::- . \I.I:ILI1III LAWN (ml LttLItIIILIIILIII:IIII\ III ”M: .LrwrtvtiIItIn mn- Th9 fight in xm'fldil [LII‘I‘II‘I’III Paul campalgnthls.‘ I n‘ II '1 mel ”(MQVIIN 3):]: ‘I‘hI 9(th m 11 pardrt. Izg‘p’thhmn (~I,nw-m_\lt)tttll
-""..“n,‘.‘£.,‘3 f". . . ‘. LN.“ »- 1I I I \K , I .\ ,- . W” e 5 II .' ~ ‘ I I 191' 10 > t5 . . I : N ““1106? . , . h “(ma
- u-fi. ‘ . 1 qmu F L.‘ ‘L 1 UL!” r“ t _ 19 long Um" , Sen“ . h Senate 9 wk Ll“ . It) “It
AWE”. "1?;’.‘~" -' v" ‘1‘ ‘ i 1! Hut ”'1“ ‘ I , I . tm'l' 'L‘ 3'“ ‘ weslden‘ 5 . n from (ht * “Think of" e ‘ . t. ,“d {\‘llu‘ht‘ll (L . Ht‘ ubllt'dlb In ' (tommlncc
31th:; - - “t. ‘J 'tw prupLM ~tztz1L1L'L‘1“ mm 3" hf» um LILLL‘WW him“. who 15 fink: battleground matter of numberskeaséan'x’ “ml“ "pm 5:Eilxit‘ltthI‘H‘d”
'14-... -« ‘ ,. v: :1’LL 1' “ \ “ .1 1 m - ., ' » - . 1‘-.\ *
33.5f;‘:_t'1‘“4?1' ,‘ - ‘u\2dt‘ t'mmt. W" M wtmn'hm‘] V ate. hd5 be?" .1 Repuhllgfn ‘hl‘f E, Dam?ls Jr. thtlcalattuth Lh‘ ”
.35..) 5’ try. I , I V 1 ”01 p! I II k\ \ put) the nanond ( (half t nt forpt/
9!-) "11‘3“, . . ‘ “A m: 'n(’ nwnv} szmh - I mm 1 Reagan to R.\_ to Houseasslsa
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 xsmucxvxsmvn, rm” Novunb.’ 4, 1m . 3 I .
B M k' I B M P C ' Aff d bl
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U n I v e rs I t o ‘ K n t .
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s u e s, acu y an s a are
I. . bl 'I' h P c '
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 . _ y 4 KENTUCKYKERNEL TM” Novambu 4, 19“
~ . 1 Andy Dumstort
t - ._ z _. , .1 ixgwmeW1$mwvutag .. y
1 1 - 9 9 .
= 1- - Rup p I] tumble Hurricanes, AP Football P011
Brmsh Bulldogs, Hillbillv Jlm headline wrestling action at Rupp Arena tonight Penn State, “:°
. ~ ~ . r (0 .90 out a pc vut ust ate ”We: 11‘ o
. ‘ ‘ II.. 1. Iv I' . Ienthests W80 lPxU’d total pan '5 based no 2:1
:2 IKII- I I .,I Iv \H ‘1 l \ \“l | Mt trom Beeteake and \alentme on caused waves in the World 111 protes Samoan. tormei‘ eo-holder of the tag W I ‘9 ‘3 H '6 ’5 H ‘3 ‘2 "' ”‘98 ’M‘ 3 1 1 11.11
I: I 'I‘I~ I ‘1 = =' *- ‘l ‘7“? :\pr1l T 111 lineage > liltSt‘mt‘Um H“ smnal wrestling sinee h1s abrupt team title Both wrestlers hope to 0 verlnes '“"“"‘9"""‘“”"“’*'”W
7, :. “ 1‘11ond111‘111e\h‘estleinaina! split \11th Rowdy Rodd} Piper. “he have successful careers