xt7j6q1sft0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sft0h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19111123 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-11-oct23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-11-oct23-ec. 1911 2011 true xt7j6q1sft0h section xt7j6q1sft0h At a meeting of the Exec.ative Committee of the State Uni- versity held at the Phoenix Hotel, on Tuesday October 23rd. 1911, there were present IMessrs. i.. B. Nichols, Cassius M. Cday and C. B. Terrell. The Committee composed of Messrs. Clay and Nichols, who were appointed to take up the question of an alleged overdraft in favor of President Emeritus James K. Patterson on the last year of his service as President of the University, made their report that they had met with him, but were unable to reach any agreement. 'Whereupon motion was made, seconded and unani- mously carried that no fukther payment of money be ma-de by the State University ItPresident Emeritus James K. Patterson until this latter is adjusted. It was suggested in this connection tht said Patterson had miade a suggestion that a special bookkeeper be employed to figure up the matter and upon motion made, second- ed and carried, President Barker and Business Agent Lafferty were empowered to take up that matter with said Patterson and to use their judgement in bringing about the ascertainment of the sum due, if any. They were given full power to act in the premises. A requisition was presented by Dr. Tuttle for material for the Department of Chemistry, amounting to included in former requisition, which wvas, upon motion made and seconded and upon call of the year and nay vote carried. Upon motion made and seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution as to Salaries, set forth in same, was adopted, which resolution is as follows- It was resolved that the working rule of the University as to salaries is as followsL That an instructor's salary ranges from $6oo. to $oo0., an assistant professor's silar from $1000. to$1400;. an assocdate professor's salary from $1400 to $1800., and a full professor's aalary from $1500 to $2000., and that these salaries increased annually by an addition of $100., until the maximum sums above given are reached. It was made known that the new equipment for the Educational Department, recently purchased by Ptof. Noe, shoulddbe in- stalled and the necessary electrical appliances attached. Upon moticn made and seconded, the President of the University w-s directed to hare this work done. Upon motion it was resolved that the President be author- ized to expend as much as $150. in purchasing the necessary new instruments for the band and repairing such old instrU=enta as now need repairing. Hotion made, seconded and unanimiously carried to adjourn. Se cretary.