Mirror, mirror, in my eyes, My options are dwindling, the bar will
T81]. me whom to idolize. soon close.
The tanned one there With the open I'll be stuck with myself, not the
Shlrtv, first time, God knows.
or the one.ln the comer Who refuses Well, here goes my last shot, then
to flirt? I‘ll call it a night.
How about the stud with the muscles He smiled! Could this be? Oh, my
that gleam. God, it's a bite!
Fresh from the spa and an encounter My apartment? on, not far. And I
Wlth steam? . , drove; we're in luck.
- There's a nice one there, all hairy Never die - that's my motto. Someone
, and lank; . always gives a fuck.
I could cruise right on by and give .
his 'kerchief a yank. __..__________a___alaa.LinQan____iu__
Here's a new face: if he'd just look
my way!
Don't stand there and stare, think of
something to say . Egg Gayzette has a need for feed—
That's clever or Witty and Will get a back, readers and money (not neces—
'. reply sarily in that order); money and
Before some other person gets the feedback can be addressed to GSO at
' nerve and walks bY- Box 11471, Lexington 40511... as for
I 11 take a dozen Of those on the readers, if we obtain fifty more names
dance floor. my dear: . for our mailing list, we can apply for
Have them wrapped ‘ bUt not tightly ‘ reduced postage charges. Thus we could
I 11 be anx1ous I fear. broaden our readership and save money
And where have you been all my life to at the same time. If you know of a
. th%s p01nt . . . friend or someone who would appreciate
While I ve been wasting away in this receiving 222 Gayzette, mention it to
smoke-filled acint? them and get them to send us their
Say hello to your lover? You came name and address. The paper is mailed
here to unw1nd? in a plain envelope with only the let-
Oh: I Juet saw a fr1end...I hope you ters "G.S.O." in the upper corner. If
won t mind _ _ at any time a person wants to stop re—
If I run over to see hlm?! Nice meet- ceiving the newsletter, they just have
1ng you two, to drop us a note and their name will
What's with all these couples? What's be removed from our mailing list.
a single to de? Also, this newsletter is intended
I'd ask you to dance, bUt you'll have to be of and for the Lexington gay
to dispose community. Don't be shy--if you have
Of that bottle 0f poppers you've got an opinion, want to review a book or
shoved 9P your nose. movie or feel you have anything to say,
Yes, I know lt adds rhythm, makes you send it to us. We could really use it.
llght on your feet, And, don't worry, we send very polite
But it gives me hot flashes, turns my rejection notices.
face to a beet.