xt7j6q1sj97w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sj97w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1988 1988 1988-11-16 2020 true xt7j6q1sj97w section xt7j6q1sj97w  

Vol. XCII. No. 69

Established 1894


Independent since 1971 Wednesday, November 16. 1988


Hagan quits athletics job

Editor in (‘hiel

(‘litt‘ llagan resigned as UK's athletic di—
rector yesterday. citing the “unfortunate
shadow” cast over the athletics program
by the NCAA investigation of the men‘s
basketball program.

Joe Burch. a member of the University's
legal staff investigating the men‘s basket-
ball program. has been named interim ath
letics director.

A screening committee will be named
shortly to search for a permanent replace
merit. according to Bernie Vondei'heidc.
lIK‘s director of public information

llagan‘s resignation. ettective immedi-
ately. followed a twoliour meeting with
l'K President ”and ltoselle .\'o\' it. in
which Roselle expressed his dissatisfaction
with llagaii‘s handling ot the athletics pro

llagaii was not ltil't‘t‘(l to resign. Yonder
licide said But in a prepared statement
yesterday. ltoscllc expressed a need for a
"diltci'eiit iiiaiigaiiierit style and pliiloso
pliy ‘ni the rillllt‘ll('\ program

ltoscllc was not at yesterday's announce
merit because he was returning from a
speaking engagement in (‘alitornia

\'oiidcrlicidc did not claboratc on what

specific changes in management philoso»
phy Roselle wanted.

"I regret very much the unfortunate
shadow that has fallen over our program."
Hagan said in a press release yesterday
"I regret even more that there is cori-
cealed by that shadow a solid record of
achievement by an athletics department
staff that has served me and the l'lllVOl'Sb
ty with dignity and dedication "

Hagan has declined further comment,
Vonderheide said

llagan will not be leaving the l'nivcrsity‘.
however. llagan will be assisting in the
transition to a new athletics director and
with the .\‘( 'AA investigation into the men‘s
basketball program until June 30 Yonder
heide could not provide any specit'ics on
what llagari‘s‘ responsibilities will be lol
lowing that time

ltosclle said in a press release yesterday
that as athletics director Hagan had al»
ways "conducted himsclt with honor and
dignity. and through his actions
brought credit to the l'riiy'ersity

“it is iriiportaiit tor cycryoiie to know
and understand that no person inside or
outside the l riiy'ersity' believes. or has any
reason to believe that (‘litt llagan has en
gaged in any way' iii improper activities. "

Larry lr'orgy; a member ot l'K's‘ Board
oi 'l‘i'iistccs said llagan's resignation was


in the best interest of the l'iiiy'crsity. Rose-
lle and llagan. himselt,

”I think it was a noble thing tor (hit to
do." said Fot‘gy‘. chairman of the “HT tie
nance committee to preterit "bitter. acri-
monious division" at l'K it was best that
llagan step down

“I don't think it can be said enough that
Hill Hagan has done nothing unethical."
Forgy said

Both [TK basketball coach riddie Sutton
and football coach .lerry' (‘laiboi'iic re-
leased statements yesterday. expressing
sadness about llagan s resignation

“('lit’t hagan has been a great ”wild to
the l'niy'ersity ol Kentucky. and to inc pen
soiially'.” Sutton s-Llltl "I am saddened by
his resignation. but I am happy ttiit tie
will remain w rtli lltt‘l tinci slly '

(‘laiboi'ric said he \i t\ sorry to hear ol
llagaii's resignation Hagan deioicd
most or his litc to t 'tl'~.t'l'\i". oi ty'cntiicky
athletics ‘

'l‘hi- l'iiiycrs.‘y
day a change in ttic rttllllllli\liii"‘.|‘ s
ttireot the athletics pi ograiri

the athletics director llti'i‘. \\lll bc report
mg to the l'K \tt c picsalcrit ot adiiiiiastta
tion. Ed ('artt-i .to

Previously. tlic a'iiictics tlllt‘l tor report

t‘tl to the cliaiict-l l,m'i e'r'

also announced ycstci


I‘ll? Itgioi‘t "3 "iv



Road trip

By 'l‘lltHl \SJ. SI |,I.I\' \\
l“.\cciiti\c Editor

t‘alyert l)crorest is a trightencd man
w itli a good sense of humor

\‘liat is he scared ot" Mexican ban
dits. Nicaraguan rebels and llt)ll(lul’dll
rctiigecs he said [)elorest is drnmg to
South :\lllt‘l‘tt';l

[ti-forest. better known as the cliarac
tci' Larry Burt Meliiiaii on .\li("s
Latt- \‘iglit with hand letterman talk
show. \isitcd lK yesterday attei'noon
on his way to 'l‘iera del Fucgo. a small
town on the southern iiiost tip of South

(in Friday. Noy tt. Letterman an
nouiiccd on his show that he was send-
ing Detorest on a “Pan .\lll(‘l‘l(‘£lll
Goodwill Tour" to South America iii a
ltcct‘eatioiial Vehicle

Delorest. 66. and a skeleton NBC
crew lcit \cw York attei' the show Fri-
day iii a rented R\ and armed in Les
ingtoii Sunday


ON THE ROAD:Ca|vert Deforest. a k a Larry “Bud" Mel-
man of Late Night With Davrd Letterman tame stands be-

~wr- were in \lorgantnw-n. \t'est Vir
giiiia. and l was really looking tor a
town that was a good distance to make
\lllllt' progress on the ‘ripif‘ said
“and lty'galskt. a writer s assistant tor
Late \ight Lexmgton was his choice

But Lexmgton held significance tor
Deloresl whose agent. llrian t'tiry,
graduated trorii l‘K \‘cstcrday'. also
was the one-year anniyersary ot l)etor
t‘est‘s us” here tor an \l‘tlr'l‘ college
comedy tour in the Student t‘cnter Ball

take his tour in 1987. lictorcs‘t‘s pur
pose on this trip is comedy the basis ot
which depends on lty'galski

Sitting in a dimly lit room at the lloli
day Inn on New'towri l’ike. lty‘galski
prepared for the remote that would be
taped tor last night 's broadcast

While Rygalski admits that the ad
\ciiturc of traveling to South America
by land presents several challenges. it's
not something that excites him

"None ot the writers wanted to do it
and it tell in my hands." Rygalski said


side the RV he Will take to Scotti America i’l tne narkmri
lot of Lexmgton’s Holiday Inn North i, esterdav

Larry “Bud” Melman stops at UK en route to South America

"They "didnt l'ttt‘k' " was some to be
pleasant at all

'lt would be .i'tc .; l aas t‘aycliiig
ior pleasure. but i \c L'tll to -ort or take
care ot t'alycrt aid be around did
make things happen

Then there s ‘iriding
please lictterriiaii \lllt ll ttyLLalski
lS not easy

But while ltygaiski ~- .ob l‘ u, "Hit”
the tokes. he said llt‘ has .1 littli- 'llttli‘ to
worry about

'l‘i‘ayclmg through \lt‘\lt't| Honduras
and \Jicaragiia s not tattllL‘ to tic l'lt‘Js
ant. ltygalski said

"We may aiilrttcd
Honduras .tlltt \waragua. tit-
'l‘hosc plans still are being made,

Then there are the :tiiriiutii/attoiis
that will lime to be administered to He»
tores‘t and the crew Yellow Fen-r.
l‘etanus. 'l‘y phoid. ctr

Iiiatct'ial to

lll‘t'tl tl lit“ -t'.t'l‘


Detorest. who has been a part of Late
Night loi' seven years. said llt' docsiil
think they will have to worry about

\‘c “I I \1A\ l’ recl






CW Hagan Stu/m a' V
as: UK itrtrv‘


\t‘l (ralliiln !’ 'rirtial e'

tttt's‘.".r ' '.

IFC’S alcohol policy
doesn’t go tar enough
fraternity adviser says


' '4 "r.

tvlttl‘illl I

ll’t' :2.

mm” [‘P'llltlt‘w'”
:(ilri .l4l\‘

Education group makes call
for government eooperation

Ely t ll\l{| l4'..\\\ttl ll

\ltt ' i‘t'il l‘t‘i-ss

'lI\\l\l-'Itl\"l l2:


H. rtl‘.tu.ii’\
“urtitil'. ‘i illlll
,pritltlinl'. l ‘ t'ttttt'. ' '1' I '
--vrrrwi\errir-iit plat!
l‘ittllt ‘;tt\o- ,..1
it til [i.lll

0"l1l‘l]l\ Ill

itti i‘,,‘"l!tlvl «i

=“i'iatrx-‘s .vll‘l’ui
‘tt c'L‘tSiatlti't‘ , ‘ll "ti-t

~:i no \\i|kiiisoii

"’iciitltittic l‘tttxticiicr'at \sscrz'

't’il ‘

".‘u' -'l’ 't‘l't‘ ‘ ttlil‘» mi,
”raft simple "It“ peoplt o! l\c:1 its:

tiati inan ‘ 'lt

t! 'ttittid.‘

'\\.irti \lttit‘H/
xoiiiiiiit'ct :vi .\cattcii.it l..\tLlltlitL
iito s\\;lllltilllu mm s dc» ~i
'i’lt‘ltllttllt' -‘\;ti'i

iliriii, 'r Mir

l'ltt it'llrllllllt‘t‘ iai,
till'ilS .vlltl till“
willingness to pay itlttlt' toi
ltnic ital ‘iiic
Kcntinky tiayc said trial t'icy l
'o Ll\t' l\(‘llllttl\\ s vliiidi‘vr "lt' ttlliiJlr“
ttitw llt'l‘ll tit t tiiiitit'ti‘ "t We t‘t‘t‘lll‘l“lt tit“


"ic ' o-zs







Today" Thunderstorms
Tomorrow: Ctearing







UK bids farewell to its


Sherlock Holmes spool
lacks elementary humor.

See Page 0








 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. Number to. 1m



UK bids farewell to seniors

Staff Writer

Twentytwo ['K seniors will
make their final appearance in a
Wildcat Jersey this Saturday when
the football team takes on Tennes-
see in Knoxnlle

(‘nach Jerry (‘iaiborne wtll lose
nine starters five on offense.
tour on detense and a punter . and
H backups Saturday

"We “'1“ hate to see them go,"
t‘laiborne said “They have been
very important to our success "

Linebacker (‘hris (‘henault. a
three year letterman and L’K's sec»
()lltlrlt’atllng tackler for the second
ennset-iitne .war is sad about Ieav

“It's the end of a college) ('a’
reer. (‘henault said “I Will proba»
hi) bestidonSaturda} ”

()tteiisive lineman Bo Smith is
Mttl when he thinks about putting

on the UK uniform for the last

“lt makes me sad," Smith said.
"After Saturday, I may never put
on the blue and white again. Hope-
fully there will be a game in late

Smith was referring to UK‘s
chance to participate in a postsea-
son bowl game.

Quarterback Glen Fohr wishes
he had more time at UK than just
two years. Despite playing in only
19 games, Fohr is seventh on the
UK career-passing list with 2,217

“It‘s the beginning of the end.
We had a great two years here,“
Fohr said. “But I wish it had been

Defensive end Jay Dortch says
his career at UK has gone quickly,
and this may be the last time that
he will see some of the guys.

”It's just flown by, I would have

never dreamed it would have gone
by this fast," Dortch said. “This
may be the last time I will see
some of them (players) . "

Tailback lvy Joe Hunter is 11th
on the UK career all~purpose list
with 2,417 yards. Hunter needs only
71 yards this week to move into
10th place.

The rest of the seniors include
Jeff Nelson (backup punter), Ron
Mack (backup safety), Mark Sell-
ers (safety), Bill Allen (quar-
terback), Tim Smith (tailback),
Jay Tesar (starting punter), David
Johnson (starting cornerback ),
Ray Gover (starting flanker), Bill
Shehan (flanker), Todd Meyer
(cornerback), Jay Amshoff (line-
backer), Mike Cahill (linebacker),
Brian Dean (offensive guard),
Mike Jones (offensive tackle), Jim
Wetta (split end), Martin Penning-
ton (tight end) and Charlie Dar-
rington (starting tight end).


Senior UK tailback Ivy Joe Hunter leaps for a first
down against the Florida Gators last weekend.

Hunter, along with 21 other seniors, will play

their last game against Tennessee, Saturday.



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Mremwdm)mm iciwumuuuwwnn-Cm lat-owes

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"vim-owNCdaaiwwmm‘au-cmofimwmwm at

m neoco- 'mnvs rem-too
"Wmmcwwdrmnmtfiofldfi WM-oneeu'honze




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“All 't"
Paw m
w I









Continued lrom Page I

Since 1975. During llagan's ten-
ure as athletics director. the
program has undergone unpa-
ralleled financial growth and

The athletics program IIOW
has a $13.7 million budget. its
largest ever. Last spring. the
Athletics Association Board ol
Directors gave more than $2
million to help the t'nirei‘sity's
academic programs

At that same meeting. Hagar.
announced a monitoring pro-
gram tor the men‘s basketball
program. “Illt‘ll he called the
most (‘Oltlpl‘(‘ltt'tl.\t\'t' in the na

The monitoring program re
sulted lroni a Pulitzer Prize
Winning story in the chniglon
Ilet‘al(l}.\I('lll l‘artei‘ also
has serwd as deputy v-\eciitiw

the Nt'AA othcially repri
manded the athletics program
for not cooperating “till the
NCAA'sinvestigation Kiion ii tor his ability to act as director Ittt‘ liiiance ',\IlIl lhc

Shortly alter Hagan an a trouble shooter. Burch has statet‘oiinciloii Highcrlidiica
tiouiicerl the monitoring pro been the director ot t‘K‘s public lion




Wilkinson fleshes out lottery plan

8) (‘II \RIIIS “'tiII‘F,
Associated Press

nant women and t‘Vt)£ltl.\Ilttl ol the
acclaimed Parent \iid t‘hild tidii

notild propose splitting a loltery's‘
lirst year profits among services

tor the elderly. early childhood ed» cation I‘At‘l“. program
FRANKFI IR’I‘. K} Hm \Vttlv iication and development programs
lace Wilkinson lleshed out his plan and a onetime bonus tor Vietnam Actual spending. ittt'llldltlg

for spending the molds ot a new veterans whether lottery proceeds should be

state lottery. Pl“ “ml alter ‘1 ll'llklll-‘t‘ll dl‘“ llrtlptlSt’d spending dedicated to specific programs.
”WW“? meeting .‘t‘5‘t‘l'tlill “1m tor model preschool projects. \\'III ho (Immpd by the ”(.mimi \s-
Democratic legislators that he “as health screening of low-income sembly. thh Wilkinson ms- called

Wilkinson pi‘eyiously said he

children. expansion of Medicaid eli-
gibility to more infants and preg-

into special session beginning \oy
IHtoenaet lottery legislation


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I‘IIl KWI twpatnlatilr to li‘II‘I ll il’t .i iisiiii.l .ii. i \ivaiisioii slot
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and write Tllth floppy disks \tid .i lil\IIl tiaii. disk to slot»
lhoiisaiidsol pagcsol iiilorinatioti lortn-aii diin .xoril [tttlt i ssiiiL
and spreadsheets (Iswt'llflhil lot ot other sollmari programs
that \oii iital need lather now or iii ttii IllIlIIt

it your studies lM't‘tI \I povwr iioyy and your t art-ct iHHItI ”\t
“S ll.\ 3 pi tltttllldiit .~ lati r on HIV” \oii really need the out
/»'\o ll'lh \A'ti ./. I’t troiii /t iiitli llatii \ysli'iiis the It‘dtllth
ot liieli spent \I loiiipiilitilcs'

iiiilctv .sitl

\s thi llIIt III skloin » inpoli I tliit iii In I ppa-i “IIII \l iii lala
pron ssiiig It uiiiirv tIIt iils llltl QIiiWIIlL! ambition ”it /i iiilti
“did \iste iiis / 33b II It Is \oii tiariii ss 1% sin I d ind pow r
lit a surprisingly oiiipii I lit \IL‘II that “on t I Itt\\ll you out it
\o transport \oiir siii I css through liiio- \HIII tlii win ‘2. sktoiv
iillllptllt’t that I an take you all the \\.I\ troin olli'cu to i at. . t
bet the /.t'll|III Itala \ysti-nis I. IN» l.P today \iat think IIIU a
true innoialor‘


\oii II tiiid IIII um / ho I I'i wnipatitili with thousands ol \I
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tlt'h “5 US Itei liiioloqy vylii-iiryi-r \oii lei-I yout v .irci-r path is


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Distributed Systems

\Iiun 1- In/o. '"t' I 20 It)!
"Monitor not in Md in pm r
I\ (VS had us Ills-n rendered trmmrh ul “a rimitlt urv
\om at m in: iiflrr (cur-truth on pun has" through lenitht «our it \
ll\IPd Him! by uudrnh III III“ and do" tor their mm nu Vo other
In: ounh awhi limit one personal « manner and om moriilm an iMmdiul
in am I) «ninth proud Pv- n “um i io i tun" “mum riot-i r
- I” Iemthlhta anrms
Form No III. 3.!

04 Parking Structure #2








Associated Press

LOUISVILLE. Ky. w Up to It mil
lion Americans may be infected
with the AIDS virus. a number that
is double the official estimate by
the Centers for Disease Control.
according to the chairman ot a
commissmn appomted by the presi
(lent to study the deadly disease

"I think we‘re gomg to see a sig
nificant escalation in the protected
numbers in the near tutiire.”
James D. Watkins. chairman oi the
Presidential (‘onimissioii on the
Human 1mniunrxlel'iciency Virus.
said Monday in an lIllt'I‘\lt“.\ any»,
The Courier Journal,

The ('I)(‘ have estimated that ;
million to 1.5 million Allit'l'it’ah.
are infected with the Virus

Watkins said rates ol ltllt‘t' on
among drug abusers. blacI. and
Hispanic homosexuals hau- im‘ v.
ued to rise

‘We are seeing tor the lirst 'ii .-

Melman on

t tintiniictl lvoiri Page!

shots He said Ill‘ doesn t lIlIIih Ilt .
“'1“ make it an). lai‘thi-r ‘iia'

But Itygalski said they are L‘Mllt;
as tar as he can." And he says
he's lairly L‘tinlttlt'lll 1tia' t'.- v
South America

Deloresl shudders a? tin s;i, i»

"That Irightens the licli o.’
iiie.' lietorest ioked 5;”,


Delorest said ’tia: he ,; us:
ktioyt ytliat to c\peil .ii stat.
\met‘ica I get all no "
the moviesf he said

Deloresls triend. Frank to. i
tolangelo. describes the trip
estly It s going to lie wha’ _,.
scenery lie said

But not all the set-tier} its:
.enturc rests ~i. Soii‘l: XII'I

Creatiye I.t'ltl é‘l’slilt) t\(irl\'g1iiin Ki rile.

Assertive Behavior Workshop

a real concern about bisexual male
tiansniission till!“ the heterosexual
coiiiiiiunily, he said

listiiiiates that between Bo and To
percent ol adolescents are sexually
acliu- also haye Watkins coti
tt'l'llt‘d that the intection VHII begin
to spread atiiotig younger" \iiiei‘t
cans tit-said

[ii .iii oldress Morita). sponsored
l,\ the tiiiyi-i‘sit‘. ol IlliulsVlllt"
iayx \(Ilttttl Watkins said there I‘
an iiigciit llt't'tl tor 'tii- passage ol

.IIlll disci‘ llltll.‘i"till laus more
iiiiids to iighl AIDS and Ilt‘\\ so:
it'itiuii aiiaiiai ,‘xII t‘t a

'“l‘ \Illl


.iIlL‘lllsli It, .i tltfoiif til
\\a'ls.'.s told ‘tii- .a.\
.. Illltll aillla‘lat‘ \\t- .tII‘ Iii-l ipilii
Swill 'o .itktitiu t'tltle IIH' tlti it
oi: 'esi-al‘l 'i e-‘itttilaitta. legai
H: '.i .il"; t'.i"t' llt‘l ti'tx sus'i“ is
ill as: at- Illl‘l\ 'o iiiittia-k 'ii"
-li..ii lots-es 'ta' pit-\vii‘ as I: ..
7"",VI ' i , 41'“.

‘t t i \i. ‘ iil‘.t .t
.ir‘i'lltildt :~ . wait o
While .:i on '. liezari-l :.i..:i.
Hitl 'ii I‘.t:‘: . ‘t": 'tlf it} ii ‘tIIL‘.
a tmn‘ r- ‘ 'sc iai.i:
'Iiiiar .. 'ltill i
- III ta»: ‘ ' ' '
‘Iilmtt \. ._.Iv .mm.
Al; it i . . user:
‘lt- _I.- it.‘i,l.

l 987



Indiana s stat.-

alert tettv-i‘ai



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rot HIIiIl,t‘I:‘ :a’

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leadership programs. tall:

ardinfr this and other

It‘lll’t‘tl adiiiiral
tornier chicl ot naial oix-rations
became the second chairman ot the
prestdential coliitiiission iii ticlotiei‘

heal'ti coiiiiiiissioii
resigned aiiilit . '

’l r IIiII“l ‘,:-

Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday,Novombor16.1988 — 3

3 million may have AIDS,
a commission official says

Watkins. and



’ .iicluiliiig



In A

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\k It“.
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4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. November 16, 1988




CA. Duene Ionlter Michael tennen
Editorial Editor Editorial Cartoonist
Joy Benton Jim White
Editor in Chief Associate Editor

Thom“ J. Sullivan
Executive Editor

Julie Eudmen
Special Projects Writer


Lessons of good,
bad in UK athletics
came from Hagan

The sudden departure oi (‘lii'i Hagan irom the position
oi t'ly athletics director yesterday came as no surprise
For the past week. rumors and published reports have said
Hagan would soon be leaving the position he has held since

Rut Hagan s legacy. in both good and had ways. will he
wi'l' the- l niyersiiy's athletics department ior years to

ltnring liagan's i3 years as athletics director, there has
been unparalleled growth in i'K's athletics program.

Both mayor and minor sports have won championships,
which increased the athletic reputation oi l'K within the
Si tutheastern i 'onierencc and the country

in lktl‘lii‘tlltll'. Hagan oversaw unprecendented iiscai
giowtli .n his department. which heneiited l'K athletics

and atxaicinzcs

loitay the My athletics program has a $13 'i' million bud-
get \nd last spring. the athletics program gave the tin
yetslly more than *3 million to help shore up ailing aca

3i :" ti tiltitll‘titits

but the problems oi Hagan s tenure at My oyershadow
'iii- good that has been done They are ren'iinders oi what
ttl'l happen when success on the iield becomes more llll
pot ‘ah' ’han integrity oil it

\i'.\.\ has conducted three mayor investigations
i‘ly athletics program since Hagan came here in

.I '-. 'tii

illi- i

‘wiiether Hagan was involved in any improprieties is u
:‘i-li'\.it=' The point is that Hagan was head oi the athletics

\s head oi the program. he most be willing to take re
sponsiiiiivty ioi its members and participants

'l‘iiat responsibility is a double-edged sword When there
is success in the program. such as iinancial growth and
. championships, Hagan can take credit and
izgli’iiilly so

Bat when there is trouble and when there are allega
‘ioiis against the program Hagan has to take responsibili
ty aswell


it was disconcerting to see the way Hagan has handled
the most recent .\'(‘AA investigation into the men's basket
ball program Hagan didn't make an oiiicial statement on
the inquiry until August Then. Hagan asked all oi as to
took at the positive. not the negative. in the program

When reports surfaced last week that Hagan was to be
replaced as athletics director. he cried ioul Speaking
about insensitivity and being a scapegoat tor the [K ad-
ministration he again said there wasn‘t much wrong with
the program and he pleaded tor people to look at all the
good in the program

in at least one respect. Hagan was right

We should not hesitate nor overlook the good that [’K
athletics has done during his time as head oi the program
And we won‘t Those accomplishments should. and in all
likelihood will remain

We cannot. however. do as liagan has asked us and
overlook the had in the program because it threatens to
wipe out anything positive that has heeii accomplished in
the last iLt years

Right now. the PK athletics program is not perceived
as being honest or having integrity That perception.
w helliei' iustiiied or not. has damaged the program

The i R athletics program needs to start anew“. Perhaps
new iaees and new ideas will show that l‘l\' is serious
about having an honest program with integrity

Replacing Hagan is a start


FRC for the
fresh men



suggestions and oi comments
please ti'cl tree to stop by tile Sii\
oiiici- and ask on a member leayi
a illcssiigc iii \sllit‘y lliiyil's iiiai.
hoy in the NM oiiice. or diop us a
llllt in one oI our Nil Hit sugges
lain times it any oi lllt ll lresii

illi‘ll ti‘siilctici' llalis

llt \‘i' il'l it iii\t

t iii ytt'h' \M‘l?

‘. - i upiestiita‘yi

' f.i \ilitlt‘lil iiil\t i':iii‘a 2.‘
twat .' . .; yr. 'tit‘ lil»‘it‘t\ " \\i' w it he liiiikitlL’ :ei‘waid
“iii .-: would ilo to inioi'i' \t't'lliL’ you and woikim; with you ‘ii
’ t ".i l’ t'i slit...i:i lv'i‘ttti’scto'ti lli.il\t 'liis.i great \I .i' l
s itiwlaa‘eii tillil iynik
“i ' mi ,‘it"l."."~iiv-;.'
l' .ilnt'l 'li.i' ‘.i i.i' ' ‘ .' J \l li i4.' i'
lit i ' ' ‘l. t' ‘ .tl. I..i‘.i‘ .il lle


Letters Policy

Readers are encouraged to submit letters and opinions
to the Kentucky Kernel.

Writers should address their comments to: Editorial Ed-
itor. Kentucky Kernel. 035 Journalism Building. Lexington,
Ky. 40506-0042.

Letters should be 350 words or less, while guest opins
ions should be 850 words or less. All material must be
typewritten and double-spaced.

Frequent writers may be limited so that we may publish
letters from as many writers as possible.

Writers must include their name, address. telephone
number and major classification or connection with UK on
all submitted material.

if letters and opinions have been sent by mail, tele-
phone numbers must be included so that verification of the
writer may be obtained.








Big guns

NRA saves the campus from destructive Elvis clones

i had inst i-tmc to the part oi my
i;i\or:te dream where aitei receiy
mg my ::itli i’ul't/er l’ri/e. Kath
li-cit ’i‘uriier and l’w-tlr llayis stat"
’l‘liat s when l
. .. .5 'iialv- screaming my name
\o ,: :iasiit sonic Freudian com
pick it was my roommate. laii

"What the heck do you want ” l
grumbled, wanting to get back to
my l’ulit/ers and my women

“\like you won‘t believe it All
oi these dead people are coming
backtoliie 'hcsaid

\ on mean like “\nght oi the lay
ingllead " laskeil

"Yeah but they all

The shock oi what he said hit me
llkt' a blow irom Mike Tyson Thou


ll‘ytl {Li


look lilv'i'

sands upon thousands oi over
weight talentless torchsingers ir.
satin hell bottoms were overrun

ning the l'ly' campus i didnt cy er.
take oit my Ward i'leaver pillar
mas. betore sprinting intoaciior;

"Mike, what are we going io do.
my roommate \vliinei!

"This is time ior action 1 said
\iid eyei‘yoire knows when you
need action you need men oi ac
iii-ii ‘ \lasters oi the In:

.y‘ il‘li

yerse \ction iigures but my good
buddy .l*!li Boh lliyie and my

"in Jim Bot its Mlltt', l
yelieii ts he answered the mobile

phone ir- his Whit Volyo It took no
tma eypiain the situation ‘o

We.“ i wish i could help you
Mike. but lm on my way to (‘aii
iornxi \ou mean you cant take
out i iouple oi thousand Elvis im
personators by y'oui‘seliw‘

ii if was only a couple oi thou
sand regular w astoids. no prohleiii