xt7j6q1sjb81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sjb81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1998 1998 1998-11-13 2020 true xt7j6q1sjb81 section xt7j6q1sjb81  






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Women s 3
Road to the Bowl .
repared to
Cheer on p
the cats battle AAU i 3
Hal Mumme and the now
bowl-eligible Cats November 13, 1998 http://www.kykernel.com
take on Vanderbilt at ——*——‘—"'—"'——‘
Commonwealth .
Stadium at 1:30 pm mm
This is the last chance to B
see UK play at home
this year.
Current events I O 0 d
F r
,3 - Thats a lot . a
. of poop! . I
5 . ;, BRUSSELS - The IBelgian Parking
, . - r ' City of Ghent is flush ppmmts cant,
. '1, _ g with success. Ten
* e _ *. days after .
r”: ’- insItaIllation,eightdog Food for 'na=..: UK graduate
2-1 ‘3 *' tailets have caught . .
, 1,160 turds or 187 An pan... monitors diet of astronauts,
, pounds ofdog- Spaces . .
. , ,- ¢ droppings. 2. it... other famous personalities
‘ , ' , , "To our own surprise, COWZOlled
* >~ . ' - To one
li.3‘i:fi§‘i§iili’. " .__.__,.....
..I.I_I I taken away," Jan CONTRIBUTING WRITER
, . .. . Roeqiers, an 3 When most people hear the phrase
'. a55istant at the . “Milky Way." they think candy bar or out»
‘ Ghent Enwronmentai 1 er space.
.I Departmerit, told II Barbara Rice thinks of both.
3- II Reuters.I It works. I The L'K graduate works as a dietary
I. The dog tailets were ' consultant at NASA and is part of a team of
.- Installed in a densely L scientists who are studying the nutritional
, ,, populated, l9th 5 requirements of the astronauts who recent-
1 century 3 1y touched do\ .i at Cape Canaveral. Fla.
' neighborhood near '1 Rice has a been a personal nutrition-
_‘ theIItrIzIenteIr of tar": . l ist to a number of Hollywood's elite. though
- no wes ern e gian i she does not reveal the identity of her for-
“ city," Roeqiers said. . mer clients for confidentiality reasons. and
f'The toilets are set 1 her association with the rich and famous
into the ground with ”no,“ 3 mums.” ‘ got her the position at the Lyndon B. John-
." a layer of gravel at son Space Center.I I . I
the toll. They are A car drove by the parking lot at the Gillis Building yesterday. The lot is home to about 23 spaces for handicapped students, which could be Rice. a i utrition and dietethS 59901611-
shielded by wooden moved once the University begins construction on a new engineering complex. ist. graduateti in 1962. one of five Rice sis-
screens. The tailetsI ters who have graduated from the College
are being cleaned Six of Human Environmental Sciences. where
days a week and . . . she has become something of a legend.
dismIIfected twuce a j "i had a chance to visit with her during
‘ wee j our colleges "Evening of Excellence.” said
GhentI,IwhiIct:1 lizaos 830 l Retia Walker. dean of the college. “It was a
es me e , E very exciting conversation."
dogs, plans to expand f Rice was directl: involved with US.
the project. "We are . ‘ senator and national icon John Glenn
. - ~ - - ' . long permits. . ,, . ‘
omg to tackle the My” . while h1 re ed t ‘ th DL overy mis-
goo turds, together Handlcapped StUdent parklng' blcyde Spaces pnme central Some L'K students are concerned sion, t p par or e QC ‘
with the inhabitants. . . . . about the plans to shut down the parking Rice and other VASA Scientists care»
perneighborhood," Campus location could be removed for budding proiect ,0, m MmeeGmiS Building my momma on”... mgumom WM
Roeqierssaid. “1 guess there‘s a reason they‘re intake during his mission on the Space
The project should be a 3' Katie Puckett and Cory Hammer “It serves so many parts of Central there (the handicap spaces).:' Eric Stock- shuttle Discovery,
hit in country where CONTRIBUTING wmrms Campus." Karries said. “You can get to (1911- an anthropology JUNIOF. "Handi- After all. this was the oldest digestive
the Interior I . . Administration. Patterson (Office Tower) capped people use them They're needed system ever to orbit space.
Ministry's annual Handicapped student parking beSIde and the Classroom building from there." {01‘ that reason." As to whether or not any of the dietetic
Safety Monitor found the (yilllSIBUIIdlng might be closed after Joe Burch. UK'S vice president fOT Undeclared freshman Sean Randall information gathered would change the
that citizens 53* 409 construction on the new meChamcal en- [Tniversity Relations. said UK is COHSld' said. “I haven‘t heard about that. but it wal’ subsequent missions would be han-
muck as the second- gineering complex begins 1“ early 1999- ering removing the lot sounds like a bad dled. Rice could not say.
leOESt problem, The lot will be closed off once the after construction is “ . , idea." But she was able to say something
increasing 798“th two-year project on a new engineering fa- completed. but there are If 1t 3 ClOSEd, then I The Student (‘ov about what foods are allowed to be taken
0' insecurity and cility begins. The parking area. which plans to select spaces 110 e there is an ernment Assoi'ia» aboard the shuttle.
unease. has spaces for 23 students with disabili- near the original lot and p tion's {Disabled 9333, "It’s more the way the food is packaged
ties and other loading and unloading designate them as handi- 1t t' ( 't l ‘ . than what types of foods are taken." shc
, . a erna 1V9 81 e dent Concerns . — .
places. Will be blocked off while the con capped spaces. ‘ n Committee and the 531d “Items that are very crumbly get elim-
5011001 enrollment struction takes place.I . . . . . :‘The disabled park- pI'OpOSE‘d. Disability Resource inated. because they float around and get
Many students wrth disabilities park mg in the (Jlllls Lot Wlll _ Center are waiting into the filters and other equipment.
in the Gillis lot because it provides the be replaced by parking ' flak? ham” director, for UK's study to be Rice has helped set up two scholar
Wh t, closest access to many of the Central spaces. still in the cenII UK Dlsablhtv RGSOUTCE Center completed before ships at we one in her name and with
a 5 Campus buildings. such as Patterson Of- tral area of campus. I making any addi the help of her sisters ,, one in the name of
about fice Tower. White Hall Classroom Build- said Burch. who said the new parking tional plans. her mother, Bessie lsandrum. The latter is
ing and Miller Hall. system W111 be implemented by summer \l‘ . ff‘ ~te 1 by th . )lan will be stii- I awarded M .'l sophomore in the department.
coneqe? And because many disabled students 1999- (19 I; 531:1]:th bikes totciam us 3 . ”w, . Wm ‘he person 30 be 593.30%
, A th F S tt use the lot. finalizing the construction “Many students. and faculty too. (19- .n " ’II I ‘ p " I rout thi ‘itl‘Wfl Rice said.
' u F3; eraclg left plans has been difficult. officials say. pend on it. If there's no alternative. then . Th9 (illllI-‘Ilm hOIldS 5‘59”” bIClI‘l‘lf’ $331,303.31,- in 333.. coppge look to Rice as
' PrinEeton University “It's an area that is a necessity for I‘m against lt- Kames 531d ’IaCk5.th‘% :Vl'l be remm 0d once ‘0” an example of \\ here i degree in foodvrelat-
in 1917 to join the students with disabilities. If it’s closed. As of Oct. 16. Parking and Trans- structIion 9‘1”“ . , ed sciences in” “in. mam
Army then I hope there is an alternative (site) portation Services had issued 340 dis- lee th“ handicapped parking WHO‘S. Said (‘hris Nit‘t‘t‘t‘, a (llt‘T-JTICS ind biolo.
- proposed." Jake Karnes. director of the abled parking permits for the 19984999 there are plans to relocate these racks to fly 5.3mm: “She mnkpe m3. 3mm , ”four pm.
. ' , Author William Faulkner . Disability Resource Center. school year. ranging from “'(‘lelmg to other locations on Central ( ampus. L'I‘Hm."
. 1 dropped out of the l l ”‘_” """"“' _"—’A_'_'
‘ University of MINL 3 o
Reta1 C ass t0 mo e
r l '
Director Woody Allen l a
was expelled from 3 i
:c 0 es 0 c o e K1 8
and the City College , V “
0‘ New York. - 3 Kristine Pickrell students re u in h in l on Ups 1 ’( i it
3 y . . ?‘,‘"IE ISA ‘.' ‘Il’l"
ActorSteveMartin Research by UK, UC doctors shows stress a factor in outcome : _ 3,, W] pmmmn m... mm” n...
- - - r ‘ cornmunitv at the same time. Ketch
330.323.3333... of premature births, also looking at child 5 growth, development i F... H... mm... m... l'K's man 8...... ~
ac a 9 0 909- 3 promotions technique class will reach “The purpose of my class is to
_ Source: By m" F“ tion between mother and fetus. Wadhwa said. 3 out and cliIithe thIoIchildron of \ rrgiiiia teach students how to iisu retail pro.
' http://www.geocities. C—_——0NTRIBUYING_IRITER it has been determined that the connection is ‘ p1"“‘,f‘tI (' “5W1“; .. . . .. , mmllfll- 5h“ Said ll 18 ”01 3 fashion
. ' ' ' com/CollegePark/773 chemical. 3 . Karen Ketch. associate professor (13353 I
3 , . - 4/cdoaa.html. A recent UK study revealed that stress Previous research showed that the platen 3 of merchandising in theIt ollcge of Hue Students of the class have learned
-Ii’onllorton during pregnancy is a factor in premature ta. a feta] organ that transfers fluids between 3 3‘33: lit? ligggietgmwlilluiihgf (Elsi-82:32:]: that a fashion jhow {akeis a lgt ofIyIvork
birth. the mother and fetus. produces a corti- i V e 5 .. ' . j ,. 0WD on 1! sma 5““ 9- A erc ,an‘ 15mg
THE 411 Dr. Pathik Wadhwa. assistant professor of cotrop‘in-releasing hormone. also known as 4 5h”? ““h '3 meme bum around “mg 50mm Michael Lawrence said that to
’, . T i behavioral science. obstetrics. gynecology and CRH. which is also released in high-stress sit ”“1519; _ . prepare for the event. students Ihaxe
. - ' .' . omorrow s psychology at UK‘s College of Medicine. and uations. Virginia Place 15 a single-parent spent most ”Uh“. semester “ma“m'lg
I . . . weather Curt Sandman. professor of psychiatry at the Sandman and Wadhwa concluded that {lpartmIeInt faCility that accommodates door prizes. finding a place to hold it.
. . , . . , , ' University of California-lrv.:ie. have been pregnancies with high levels of CRH have an .35 families to help them become self— contacting stores. finding models. Isct-
‘ ' , . , ' ' awarded a $2-million. five-year grant by the increased chance of premature birth and suffrctenIt. A“ "‘Sl‘lt‘ms Oflhf’ {fli‘llltx lint: UP :1 SCht‘dUl‘? and llllbllCllelItZ-
; . ‘ ‘ ‘. .' National Institute of Child Health and Human growth restrictions. ‘ are fulltime students with children. ()i (‘lothes modeled during the show will ,
-‘ .l '. ' , " . ' Development for further research in the area “The corticotropinreleasing hormone is the 55 filmllll‘s at V lFiZIInIhI Place. at come from area specialty shops. in- .
.I ,- .. . . 54 42 of premature birth. the marker in preterm delivery." Sandman lIeasIt half of the parents are UK stu- inclination: Rose. .l. letermzin and
.. . . I I I I 3 I gal-d (en 5. I I nima rac ers.
fly - . 3-3., , "' Lo ing tshizngtinegg irighvlgdei“;:{fezlshhrvgsgilrrfli‘e Two other stress hormones. Cortisol and Tickets are $22. with $8 gomg to- In the last three years. students
'3 ,3 *i - 7 Mostly CIOWY thI’OUllh tim' fd 1‘“, , fet l wthund brain de- ACTH, have also been found in the premature ward the children of Virginia Place; have used the money from ticket sales
,.I.‘u"v_5_ -,e’. the weekend. 3mg" te cry. a gro a births related tohigh CRH levels. 3 the other $14 will take care of the to purchase clothes from McAlpin sfor
’TI.‘ " I' a.“ ,; . —_._._____ V9 opmen ' A remature bat) is an baby born before I lunch provided before the show starts. the children. Since Dillard‘s bought
' "' Sf th ' hh hwastron p "V ~ y ' -« ‘ ' ~' .
, ' ' ‘ » '. Kentucky 0 an e researc as S O n ‘ g the 37th week of gestation. Women between We Just want the kids to haveIa out the store. KetthI is unsure about
:1‘ ..1 ‘:§.’..._ .. . Kernel correlation between maternal stress and me the 13th and 16th week of pregnancy were the good Christmas and give the public where the clothing will come from this
'-.-.":'v v fr; ', ‘. ~ maturity. subjects used in the research. different ideas of styles for fall and year. Ketch said students pick out out
L. a V ‘ VOL ”'04 'SSUE ‘57 “When humans experience high levels 0f From the time they enter into the pro- winter. as well as give us experience fits for the children. wrap them and
‘.‘-'-- “-' ‘ ' ' -—-—-—" stress. itcauses them to alter their behavior gram. the fetus is assessed five times until in our major." said Amanda Henning. take them to the parents.
. . - .‘ .' f - ESTABLISHED Ill 1892 by which stress may effect health." Wadhwa birth when additional testin will be done. a marketing and merchandising se- This year. students will be provid- .
. g
I; _ . lNOEPENDENT SINCE 1971 said. nior. ‘, "
‘ . . _‘ W Because there's no direct nerve connec- See him on 2 >>) BY hOStlnL' the fashion ShGW. tht’ See BENEFIT on 2 >>> '
. ‘ " . Coil: 257~l9150rwritez ‘——‘—.—— . “—“** ~
‘_ 'I . , “immature“ The Student Newspaper at the Universdy of Kentucky, Lexington
M s f . l. .. ._. .7 .. ..,_ .._- s”.-- _ . ‘l 4‘
‘.._.; . 7“ WW. ,. ~61. i~“:c”ctwc;=:“ "“‘7‘2:?:‘ff’.‘f‘.‘.’.‘7, . _.., - .‘ J . "“77““ rc-M-fl’uzfr'iewmm " .. .»
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. harm”
‘ - Mica


Comb fast
Force. after
1 fired at a
x. ‘ in Mews.


The Low-down

murmur-urinals!“ ‘1 . . a»

France seeks Pinochet extradition

PARIS — French authorities officially asked
Britain yesterday to extradite former Chilean
leader Augusto Pinochet so he can face charges
related to the disappearance of French citizens.
Pinochet was arrested Oct. 16 in London on a
Spanish extradition warrant citing charges of
genocide. torture and kidnapping during his 17-
year rule.

Yesterday. British prosecutors wrapped up


Iraq Names ".5. for crisis

BAGHDAD. Iraq — Facing a U.S. military
buildup and harsh criticism from fellow Arabs. our:

Iraq blamed Washington yesterday for the deep Actor . . . .
ening crisis over U.N. arms inspections and said m" :gerguili’fegofia 58:9?u1t‘ildilinign figglifig Pinochet
an American attack would be “a sheer aggres- “m y p '
sion of criminals." 30""! ills
The defiant statements from Deputy Prime m has been Dow ends 5.92 higher
Minister Tariq Aziz came shortly after a group of I“ on sale. .
Arab states said Iraq would be at fault if the U.S. NEW YORK —- 011 stocks barely kept the

Dow aloft yesterday while the broad market
sagged for a fourth-straight session amid a flurry
of profit-taking.

The Dow Jones industrial average closed up
5.92 points at 8.829.74. NYSE decliners led ad-
vancers 1,663-1.344. The NASDAQ fell 11.05 points
to close at 1.851.06.

military struck at the country.

The criticism by the six countries of the Gulf
Cooperation Council — Iraq‘s vulnerable neigh-
bors ; along with Syria and Egypt was unusual-
ly strong for Arab countries.

Researchers find hidden HIV cells

DENVER — Researchers say they have
found genetic material from the AIDS virus still
lurking in the semen cells of men whose use of
the AIDS drug cocktail had reduced the virus in
their blood to undetectable levels.

In a study to be released today, virologists at
Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia
said patients with the HIV provirus ~ the genet-
ic component of the AIDS virus -— might still be
able to transmit the virus to others if they fail to
practice safe sex. The study will be presented at
the annual infectious diseases meeting in Den-

House that Jack built goes on sale

LOS ANGELES ~ A published report yester-
day said actor Jack Nicholson has placed a house
he owns in the Beverly Hills area on the market
at slightly less than $2.5 million.

The Los Angeles Times said the three-time
Academy Award-winning actor bought the home
for about $2 million seven years ago.

The newspaper said the house had been the
home of Nicholson‘s companion, actress Rebecca
Broussard. 35. and their daughter, 9, and son, 6.
The paper says Broussard and the children have
moved, while Nicholson, 61, continues to live in
another nearby home. which he’s owned for

U.S. signs global-warming treaty about30years.

WASHINGTON ,- The United States signed
the Kyoto, Japan global-warming accord yester-
day. hoping to spur progress on details of the
pact in negotiations under way in Argentina.

The agreement calls for sharp reductions in
heat-trapping greenhouse gases by the United
States and 37 other industrial nations.

Signing the accord is largely symbolic be-
cause the Senate must still ratify it. which isn‘t

Ross sells her Malibu home

LOS ANGELES — Diana Ross, who will por~
tray singer Brandy‘s mother in the ABC motion
picture “Double Platinum“ to air next May, has
sold her Malibu home of 10 years to a London fi-
nancier for about the $2.85 million listing price.
Ross. 54, had not been spending much time in the
home recently, the Los Angeles Times said.



5 .

Conference starts today


UK and the Bluegrass sec-
tions of the Society of Women
Engineers are hosting the an-
nual regional conference in
Lexington Friday through

The conference. titled
“Open Your Eyes to the Pre-
sent to Maximize Your Fu‘
ture." offers advice and educa-
tion to help students develop
effective engineering and lead-
ership skills.

The conference is com-
prised of business meetings,
leadership training and work-
shops that provide financial
or personality and conflict

“The main purpose is to
bring people together on a re-
gional level, not only to share
ideas, but to develop new
ones," said Suzanne Scheff, di-
rector of the “Women in Engi-
neering” program and adviser

to the Society of Women Engi-

The regional conference
attracts people from several

different states, such as
Ohio, West Virginia and

The conference also in-
cludes a career fair.

“Students are not the only
ones who attend the confer-
ence," Scheff said. “There are
many professional engineers
whom students can talk to.
They are given the opportuni-
ty to make many important
contacts for the future."

The keynote speaker for
the banquet will be Catherine
Iacabo, the first female vice
president of Lexmark to earn
an engineering degree, who
will discuss many areas of
study and potential career
paths that could be beneficial
to aspiring engineers.

The weekend concludes
with a banquet at the Hyatt




Continued from page]

Premature birth is the No.
1 prematernal health problem,
with one out of every 10 babies
born premature.

These statistics have not
decreased. hence the necessi-
ty for this type of research.
Premature births have life-
threatening effects, such as
cardiovascular disease and



Continued from page]

ing clothing for 70 children.
who are unaware the gifts
are provided by UK stu-

Parents are free to tell

their children the gifts are
from Santa or themselves.

Ketch says the class
plans to give away door

The benefit will start at




. r , .
vvoobv. ‘ 1









, likelv to ha 11 soon. ,, ' . ,
' ppe 3:32am. The newspaper said Ross, former member of . Premature birth plays as 11.30 am. on Nov. 18 at the
“ ' ' important a role as any med- Lafayette Chlb on 201 E.
. ,3 Ex-Su eases the Supremes. has been spending much of her . . . .. _ M . S
1‘ . 3". Aftef'SChOOI programs get $60“ sim’lrllana time on the road'in concerts and at a Connecticut 1C3] condition. Wadhwa said. ain t'
WASHINGTON w President Clinton appro- Ross just sold min-8' The Mal‘b“ home-was owned once by
. s . . . British actor Richard Harris.
. was.“ priated $60 million for new after-school programs her Malibu
‘13:," yesterday. and urged Republicans and Democ- hone found 'R f’l k MES.
7;? rats to work together more often to provide af- 2.35 million to o ue | I“ ma es scene _
5 fordable child care. flour!» 9 . _ . Corrections
if; "On these issues, we should be as impatient financier NEW YORK"— A fragile PIECE 0f film from
- f}. as our children in the backseat of the car, who ' the 1930 musmal The Rogue Song, long thought . . , . .
I... constantly ask, ‘Are we there yet?” Clinton said. lost. was found m Maine this year and has been An article in Wednesday 5 Kernel should have listed Jim
f‘ But some Republicans are not so enthusiastic restored by the UCLA Film and Television Applegate as chair of the Department of Communication.
about spending federal money on after-school Archive. ‘
programs. saying it discriminates against pap To report an error call The Kernel at 257-1915.
- 5 _ ents who stay home. emailed from wire reports.
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Waugzé .- -'- ~

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8.1 memo-mama l mu

Matt Nay. Aaron Sanderford
SportsDaily Editors
Photo: 251-l915 l [-inaii: mimayOOpopuityedu. sanderfordOiiotmaiicoin




A full UK
for season

UK head coach Bernadette Mattox finally has
a team filled with players to fit the Cats style





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Whoever came up with
the saying, “Good things
come to those who wait." sure
knew what they were talking

When coach Bernadette
Mattox took over the UK
women’s basketball program in
1995. people figured she was go-
ing to bring the up-tempo style
of play taken from her former
boss Rick Pitino along with her.
And she did.

But like Pitino’s game plan.
this stuff takes time.

That‘s why Sunday could
be the start of something spe-
cial for the UK women‘s basket-
ball team.

After three consecutive los-
ing seasons. the 1998-99 Cats
might finally have the right
mix of talent and experience to
put UK women‘s team back on
the map.

The Cats looked impres-
sive last weekend when they
destroyed Slovakia in their
first exhibition game of the
season. UK has one more pre-
season game to prepare for:
its home opener against
Austin Peay Sunday after-

As for now, UK has its
sights set on tonight's exhibi-

tion foe. Mississippi AAU, a
team comprised of ex-college
players. While they can't wait
to kick off the regular season,
UK hasn‘t looked past the AAU

“Mississippi AAU is a very
quick. up-tempo team." junior
center Katie Vieth said.
“They’re good in transition de-
fense. and they like to play a
crazy. fast-paced game."

Mattox knows the impor-
tance of a good exhibition game
for the players.

“Obviously. it prepares us
for our opener on Sunday,
playing a group of very talent-
ed collegiate players who like
to run and gun.” Mattox said.
“We need to work on our de-
fending the penetration and
cutting down second shot (op-
portunities). We‘ll have our
work cut out for us on Sun—

As Dick Vitale would put
it. the Cats have plenty of “dia-
per dandies" to help UK battle
its way through a tough non-
conference schedule. There's
six newcomers in all. and their
impact will have a lot to do
with the success of this year‘s

”We have seven veterans
and seven newcomers," Vieth
said. “We’ve committed our-




UK guard Tiffany Wait looked for an open teammate during UK's first
exhibition last weekend. The Cats take on Mississippi AAU tonight.

selves to a winning season."

All the new talent will take
some pressure offjunior point
guard Natalie Martinez. Vieth

“Natalie‘s a great point
guard." Vieth said. "She's been
running the show for three
years now. and with the other
players coming in. she won't
have to go at it for 40 minutes.
She can be more offensively
minded. too."

Everybody knows about
the men‘s brutal non-confer-
ence schedule. but the women's
pre-Southeastern Conference
foes are just as rough for the

in the Rainbow Wahine
Classic in Hawaii over Thanks-
giving. the Cats will play in a
field with perennial powers
North Carolina. St. John's. Ne-
braska and UCLA. Not to men-
tion dreaded in-state rival



UswaldResearch and Creativity Program

Registration forms lor the Oswald Research and Creativity Program are now
available in the Office of the Dean of L'ndergraduate Studies Any current
UK undergraduate lfull- or part-time. enrolled for either semester) who d()C\
not already tune a tour-year degree is eligible for this competition and is a I ’ ,
invited to submit papers and other projects

The categories are as follows

Biological Sciences

Design (architecture. landscape architecture. interior design. etc»
Fine Arts Illlllt. music. painting. sculpture. \ideoiape. cici
Humanities (‘reatiye

Humanities (‘i’itical Research

Physical and Engineering Sciences

Social Sciences


_ Awards for each caie on are 3350 ill)
for lirsi place and $2le lfor second place.

The Registration deadline tor the competition is December 11. 1998.
Completed Projects lL‘ch‘pl ior Design and Fine Artsi are due no later than
February 5. 1999.

Registration loriits. oiiicial mics. and iuriher iiiiorniation about the i ,.
competition may be obtained ill the (hint oi I/lt‘ ()um oil Iii/t lL'I'tlt/litllc
Sim/it's. 206 (ii/lit Building. or in (iii/INL’ 35 7-5448 or 2573”.”—





Cats continue late swoon

The UK volleyball team dropped its fifth
straight match on Wednesday at Louisville

By Katy Crossen

So much for rivalries.

The UK volleyball team lost
to the Cardinals in Louisville
Wednesday night in three
straight matches. 8-15. 7-15. 5-15.
The Cats extended their record
to 15-13. 68 in the SEC.

Despite the loss. coach Jona
Braden said the team showed
improvement against U of L.

“It was quite a battle;
Louisville is a very strong
team." Braden said. “We felt
that we had struggled the past
two weekends. and we needed
to bring our team to the floor. it
was a good battle. but we still
made those same mistakes that
we try and correct after each

Braden isn't the only one
who thinks the team is improv-
ing. Senior outside hitter La-
Tanya Webb saw firsthand im-
provement on the court. The

game doesn’t depend on prac-
tice time but making the right
choices on the court. she said.

“We played better last night
(against Louisville) than we did
last weekend

The Cats now have a chance
to “reverse“ things with the
chance of a win against Florida
tomorrow night in Memorial
Coliseum. The game against the
Gators is the last home game for
the Cats. but Webb says it‘s just
another game.

"it's my last home game.
but it's just like my first game

this year. just

239mg; “Something’s gotta like my first
that" Webb - game my fresh-
saidj ..Y0u happen for this team. man We"
can “ever We need something mp? 5313.0;

say anything
is solved. be-
cause volley-
ball is a

emotionally boosting.”
—Jaciyn Roman.

how 111 feel
when it‘s over.
but right new

game of er- junior middle blocker i'm ()K."
rors and Webb shares
mistakes; senior status

but we’re playing better. that's
the important thing."

While the team is slowly
improving. Webb still regrets
the loss.

“We’re fighting hard." Webb
said. ”We were point to point
with them (early in each game).
and we were playing well. so it
was disappointing for us.“

with teammate Jenny Muzzey.
While Webb said she's not emo-
tional about the game. Braden
expects to see a few tears Satur-
day night.

"You know it‘s on their
mind." Braden said. “With the
SEC Tournament. you don't
have to say it's completely over.
but there has to be so much

emotion stirring inside them.
This is closure for their ca-

Junior Jaclyn Homan said
she doesn't think of this match
as the passing of the torch. but
it will be an emotional ride for
the senior Cats.

"This is the last time we're
playing with them on the home
court. and we've been with
them the longest." Homan said.
“They're the reasons why we
came here. It‘s going to be a lit-
tle emotional, it'll be awesome
if we win."

it would be awesome if UK
won on Saturday to avenge its
three game loss to the Gators
earlier in the season. Homan
said it's about time something
good happened for the Cats.

“Somethings gotta happen
for this team. We need some-
thing emotionally boosting. and
i think we're going to do it. I‘m
not saying a guaranteed win.
but I feel we‘re going to go out
there and play hard. We have
nothing to lose. and I always
say that. but we just have to go
out there and think that."



Sports Shorts


The UK women's soccer team fell 6—0 to

in the game.

the Minnesota Golden Gophers in the first 95

round of the NCAA Tournament Wednes-

day to end its season at 9-9-3.

The Gophers extended their record to

Montgomery scored at the 615i minute. and
the goals didn‘t stop until four minutes left

This marked the third time in four
years UK has reached the NCAA Tourna-
ment. The Cats have returned home after
the first round all three years. with Van-
derbilt knocking them out in 1995 and


Over the weekend of Oct. 30


Nov. 1.

beginner to advanced. Riders are not re-
quired to have their own horses.

For more
Equestrian Team. call Nikki Wahl at 323-

information on the UK

Couch, Yeast receive footbal awards

The touchdown pass from Tim Couch
to Craig Yeast last Saturday against Missis-
sippi State has been chosen as the “Compaq
Most inspirational Play of thw Week" in
college football.



With the Wildcats nursing a 30-29 lead
in the fourth quarter. UK had the ball with
a third-and-goal situation from the Bull-
dogs' six-yard line.

Cbased backward around the 20-yard
line. Couch' unleashed a rainbow throw
while falling to the ground. Yeast raced
across the end zone to make a magnificent
catch with a defender at his back. The play
was the game-winning touchdown in UK's
37-35 victory.

(‘ouch has also been named a finalist
for the Player of the Year Award as given
by the Walter Camp Football Foundation.
The junior quarterback has completed 321
(if-144 passes for 3.446 yards and 29 touch-
downs during the 1998 season.


the UK Equestrian Team competed in the
Intercollegiate Horse Show at Midway (‘oi-
lege. Competing against talented teams
from five other col