xt7j6q1sjb9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sjb9m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 2000 2000 2000-02-04 2020 true xt7j6q1sjb9m section xt7j6q1sjb9m Think about it

Things to

The trouble with school
is... it's so daily.


February 4, 2000

Bring on the

Preview of
game in

S. Carolina. I 3


it you can't convince
them, confuse them.

Accomplishing the
impossible only
means the boss will
add it to your regular


If you can smile when
things go wrong, you
have someone in
mind to blame.

A clean desk is a sign of
a cluttered desk

After any salary raise,
you will have less
money at the end of
the month than you
did before.

Follow your dream!
Unless it's the one
where you’re at work
in your underwear
during a fire drill.

Don't be irreplaceable. If
you can't be
replaced. you can't
be promoted.

There can't be a crisis
today; my schedule is
already full.

The first 90% of project
takes 90% of the
time, the last 10%
takes the other 90%.

Hard work spotlights the
character of people,
some turn up their
sleeves, some turn
up their noses, and
some don't turn up at

i used up all my sick
days, so I'm calling in

Somedays it's just not
worth chewing
through the

I love my work. I could
sit and watch it all
day long.

If things get any worse,
i'li have to ask you to
stop helping me.

To err is human. To
forgive is not
company policy.

If it weren’t for the last
minute, nothing
would ever get done.

Monday is an awful way
to spend 1/7th of
your life. Friday is
much better.

The sooner you fall
behind. the more
time you'll have to
catch up.

Warning: Dates in
calendar are closer
than they appear.

Work is for people who
don't know how to


Samantha Essld
Ron Norton

wca titer

3.1 2.2

it it's going to be this
cold. it’d better snow.


VOL. N105 ISSUE #94


News tips 9
Call: 257-1915 or write:

.= r the

2000 is the year of the dragon, con-
sidered lucky by the Chinese.



Chinese New Year
Saturday February 5

Satellite viewing of the celebration:
201 Nursing Building
Dinner and karaoke:
E.S. Good Barn
6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

Ticket price: Adults 55, Child $2
For ticket information:
323-3549, 5-8 pm.
323-8294, 6-9 pm.


The year of
,1. the dragon

Students danced at the Baptist Student Center to celebrate last
year's Chinese new year.

Ring in the new year: Chinese
students celebrate a lucky year

By Tracy Nershaw
Kaitlin N't‘w‘s'ionon

The fireworks displays will be a little
brighter and the feasts a little grander this l'hi
nese New Year. as the year oftlie dragon rolls II]

“It symbolizes really good luck.” said Leo t‘ai.
a third year pharmacy student and president of

the (‘liinese Student and Scholar .-\ssoci.'illiiil.
The good luck of the dragon has many (‘lii
nese couples trying to have a baby this
year. Babies born in the year of the dragon
are considered intelligent and lucky.
“A baby born in the year of the dragon
would have a bright future.” (‘ai said
The good luck isn't inst for new-
borns. as .li’l‘znoh l.llI. a physics
graduate student. will attest.
"The year of the dragon is an ill-
credible year It is the king of the
king of animals." he said.
Though many miles from home.
UK (‘hinese students will \llll ring
in the year in style.
The (‘hinese Student and Scholar
Association has planned a celebration
this Saturday. The festivities will include
dinner from Panda Garden. karaoke and a satel
lite broadcast of the festivities from (‘hina

()ne traditional aspect of the (‘hinese New
Year celebration that will be missing from the
UK celebration are fireworks. For the Chinese.
fireworks are more than just an impressive light
show. They area significant part ofa new year leg

Legend has it a monster called Nian terror»
izes the (‘hinese countryside before the begin
iiing of the new year. eating and killing the peo-
ple. The fireworks are used to scare Nian away.
(.‘ai said.

Firework displays in China will be tamer
this year. however. (‘ontroversy over noise and
air pollution have officials in (‘hina banning lliii~
ateur firework displays. (,‘ai said.

“If you have never been to a battlefield. the
fireworks in (‘hina are as close as you get.” l‘ai




I909, I921, I933.
I945, I957, 1969.
1981, 1993



I908, I920, 1932.
1944, 1956. 1968.
1980, 1992
Intelligent lid


1911, 1923, 1935.
1947, 1959, 1971,
1983, 1995
intellectual and

1910, 1922, 1934,
1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994
Faithful and shtp-


I907, I919, I931,
I943. I955, I967.
I979, I991



1906, I918, I930.
1942, 1954, I966.
I978, 1990
cm w


1912, 1924, i936.
1948, 1960, 1972.
1984, 1996
Generous and


1913, 1925, 1937.
1949, 1961, 1973.
1985, 1997
Nethodlcal and


1986, 1998
Sensitive and


1987, I999



Lexington adds a new mile



While most people are looking toward the fu-
ture in the new millennium, Lexington is taking a
moment to reflect upon the past.

The Millennium Mile is a stretch of Lime
stone Street that will be dedicated to local cultural
leaders and the city’s history.

“This is an exciting time in Lexington‘s histo-
ry. This project will help commemorate some of
Lexington’s historic people and events," said Jim-
my Glenn, UK Student Government president.

The designated section of Limestone, which
starts at UK and reaches Transylvania University,
will be decorated with banners and kiosks from
May to September of 2000.

Specialized street signs will have names of
cultural leaders printed on them. and the signs
will be changed every month. Since there are sev-
en connecting streeta in this area, 42 people will
be honored. A marker will be set at each end of the
mile to signify the beginning and end of the mile.

Glenn proposed making the street a timeline
for Lexington's history. The sidewalks of the Mll-
lennium Mile will have special signs posted, one

side dictating the city‘s history up until the 20th
century, and the other of the 20th century. .

“I’m just glad I could be a part of it," he said.

A design team from the UK College of Archi-
tecture is designing the project. Once they deter-
mine what is needed, the committee will be asking
for donations from local businesses to aid in the
project’s completion. Donations of materials are
also welcome to build the special attractions.

A retired UK history professor. Raymond
Betts, came up with the proposal for the proiect.
He said the concept came from the Magnificent
Mile in Chicago, but he added various students
suggestions. The Magnificent Mile was a 1950s
downtown renovation project in Chicago after
World War II that brought many famous archi-
tects and designers together. _

Betta also decided where the mile should go.

sylvaniaaridlthoughtthat itwouldbeamoethingto
MWfin'themillennium since UK andTmnsyarebig
parts of the community." Betts said.

The specific cultural leaders whose names
will be printed on the street Signs have not yet
been chosen, but the committee is taking sugges-
“OM from local high school students.

1914. 1926.1938.
I950, I962. I974.

I915, I927, I939.
I951, 1963, 1975.


I904. l9i6, i928.
i940, 1952, 1964.
i976, i988

Vital and


1905, 1917, 1929,
1941, I953, I965.
1977, 1989
Rornantlc and

http: www.kykernel.com

A holiday
rich with

The Chinese New
Year has many
traditions and
associated with it.
Here are some
things you can do
to help ring in the
usually two-week-
long celebration
of the new year
when it begins

Red - Anything
red goes. The
color is associated
with good
luck.What you can
do: Display red
candles in your
home or actually
paint your door
red to frighten
demons away.

~ Paying debts —
It's a tradition
that you pay off
your debts before
the start of the
New Year. Start
the new year with
a clean slate.

Firecrackers - On
this holiday,
they're used to
scare off evil
Spll’llS, especially
the Nian monster.

Tsao Wang - The
"Kitchen God" is
also looked upon
highly during this
celebration. He
reports to the
gods in heaven
what he has seen
and heard.

Give him a traditional
farewell dinner
and then burn his
portrait, thus
freeing him to
ascend into

- Source: Holiday
Symbols by Sue
Ellen Thompson

Get your Poo on

The Chinese character for good
fortune. Happy New Year. The color
red also symbolizes good luck.




The Pilobo-
lus dance
troup comes
to UN's Sin-
gletary Cen-
ter Saturday
night. More
on page 6.



z I‘FRIDAYJEBRUARY 4.20mi smuuvitsanst.




The Low-down

Can any-
this to
me: Why
is it that
all our
tants are

- Reds Htibin.
expressing a
desire for "a
littie more
on Tuesda
“Who Wants
to Be a

Haslett named coach of Saints

NEW ORLEANS Jim Haslett, defensive co-
ordinator with the Pittsburgh Steelers, was hired
yesterday as head coach of the New Orleans
Saints. Former coach Mike Ditka was fired on
.lan. 5 after a 3-13 season that also cost team pres
idetit anti general tnanager Bill Kuharich his job.

Alaska Air black boxes found

PORT HI'ENEME. (‘alif Federal investiga-
tors said yesterday the cockpit voice recorder
from an Alaska Airlines Jetliner shows the crew
desperately trying to regain control as the plane
with 88 people aboard flew upside down before
crashing in the Pacific. The tape starts with the
crew discussing a problem with the horizontal
stabilizer. a part of the tail control. The crew de~
cided to divert to Los Angeles. But the plane
nose-dived into the ocean. where a second black
box also has been located.

Navy holds Russian tanker

WASHINGTON » The US. Navy decided
yesterday to detain a Russian tanker stopped in
the Persian Gulf. pending a decision on whether
to seize oil US officials believe came from Iraq
in violation of a UN. embargo. Russian officials
said the oil came from Iran. The Pentagon said
the commercial ship is to be diverted to a yet-to-
be—determined anchorage in international waters
and then possibly turned over to a third country.

Britain may suspend Belfast cabinet

LONDON ~ Britain will strip power from
Northern Ireland’s fledgling Protestant-Catholic
administration unless the Irish Republican
Army promises to disarm. the government an-
nounced yesterday. Northern Ireland Secretary
Peter Mandelson said he would introduce legisla-
tion tomorrow transferring power back to Lon-
don from Belfast. But the process could be
stopped if developments warranted. Full Story

Bauer dropping out of GOP race

WASHINGTON Gary Bauer has decided to
drop out of the GOP presidential race. a source
close to the conservative activist said yesterday.
The official. speaking on condition of anonymity.
said Bauer will announce his withdrawal tomor.
row. Bauer could not climb above 1 percent in
the critical New Hampshire primary.

Teen pop divas
Britney Spears
and Christina
Aguilera are
going to be the
rivalry to watch
at this year's
Awards. Both
are up for the
Best New Artist
award, and both
are nominated
for best female
pop vocal per-
formance -
Agullera for
“Genie in a
Bottle," and
Spears for
"...Bahy One
More Time."

Clinton, in an
interview with
Chicago Sun-
Times film crit-
ic Roger Ebert
published on
Thursday, said
he had not
thought about a
top-level movie
industry lob
after he leaves
the White
House but
would enjoy it.

Kernel's krystal ball: Staff's NCAA

, d H . .
Arafat Barak on peace aks Basketball predictions for Feb.3-Feb.9

EREZ CROSSING. Gaza Strip— An Israeli-
Palestinian summit ended in sharp disagreement
yesterday over the US. role in peace talks anti
the scope of a partial Israeli troop pullback in the
West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met for two
hours on the border between Israel and the Gaza
Strip. but canceled a joint news conference. The
Palestinians said the summit at the Erez military
crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip ended
in crisis and that Barak proposed postponing the
target date by six months. The Israelis played
down the differences. Barak‘s office denied that
the target date is to be put off.

‘ Last Week: 3-3 Overall: 8-9 (.471)

Arkansas at Auburn: Auburn +9




Iguassu at Mississippi State; Tennessee +7


Its-immune“: UK *5

Mr. Ellison

Magyiand at Dukezpike 319

Mannesmann, Vodafone set to merge


Last Week: 2-4 Overall: 641 (.352)

Arkansas at Auburn: Austin +14

Tennessee at Mississippi State: Tennessee +18
kentucky at Florida: Florida +6

Magfland at Duke: Duke +16


BERLIN Mannesmann AG of Germany is
set to accept a sweetened takeover bid of $180 bil-
lion from Britain‘s Vodafone Airtouch PLt‘.
forming the world‘s No. 1 wireless company in
the biggest buyout ever. Mannesmann head
Klaus Esser. speaking yesterday alongside Voda
fone chief executive Chris Gent, said he would
recommend that the company‘s supervisory
board accept the deal at a meeting on Friday.






Mattel CEO Jill Barad resigns

NEW YORK” Mattel Inc‘s embattled chief
executive Jill Barad resigned yesterday after
coming under fire for months for failing to revive
falling sales and profits at the world's biggest toy
maker. Her departure comes as the El Segundo.
Calif-based Mattel reported a steep loss for the
fourth quarter. disappointing Wall Street ana-
lysts for the third consecutive quarter. Barad
was under intense pressure from investors and
Mattel‘s board of directors to explain big losses at the
company‘s newly acquired Learning Company soft-
ware division and other troubles at Mattel.


‘ Last Week: 4-2 Overall: 12-5 (.705)
. ' use at mt: UK +29

Ar_kansas at Auburn: Aubgrl +1
Tennessee at Mississippi State: Tennessee +3

lentucky at Florida: OK +_7
Auburn at lSU: LSO +2

Maryland at Duke: Duke +11


Breakthroughs in insulin delivery

WASHINGTON a A technique that allows in-
sulin hormone to be stored in cells and then re-
leased as needed by a pill eventually may offer a
treatment for diabetes that does not require daily
injections. researchers say. The experiments
have been performed only on mice. but re-
searchers say a system using an implanted in-
sulin gene may be ready for human testing with-
in two years. In a study to be published tomor-
row in the journal Science. researchers at Ariad
Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge. Mass. and at
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New
York said the cell engineering technique was
able to control diabetes in a group of laboratory
mice and is now being tested on larger animals.

Last Week: 4-2 Overall: 10-7 (.588)
93; at utt: mt +12

Arkansas at Auburn: Auburn +14



Tennessee at Mississippi State: Tennessee +8

V‘ - Kentucky at Florida: mtg
Auburn at LSU: Auburn +7

Miryland at Duke: Duke +8


Compiled from wire reports.







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John Dobson
Assistant Editor

Phone: 2574915 l Email: trueolueadameiyanoorom







Even the weakest pulses
amongst the Cats' faithful must
be accelerating now.

Tuesday‘s win over 9th-
ranked Tennessee made one
fact obvious to even the most
pessimistic of observers: afier a
rather inauspicious beginning
to the season, the Cats are un-
deniably up. about and out of
the NCAA‘s intensive care

The Cats' latest win re-
turned UK to the top of the
Southeastern Conference‘s
Eastern Division. the team‘s
sixth straight victory.

So why give thought to Sat-
urday‘s opponent. the visiting
South Carolina Gamecocks.
owners of a 1-6 SEC record and
losers of seven straight con-

It seems that Eddie Fogler's
team has been on the verge of
an upset all season long.

That‘s no surprise given
the current state of college has-
ketball. The concept of parity
has been driven home to more
than a few top-25 programs in
recent weeks.

Still. USC is relatively dan-
gerous. Consider that they have

suffered mere three- point de-
feats to 6th- ranked Michigan
State in November and to 4th-
ranked Syracuse on Jan. 13.
Then they lost by only four at
lOth-ranked Auburn on Jan. 19.
fell to 23rd-ranked Vanderbilt
61-60 last week at home on a
last—second shot and lost by
four to 12th-ranked Florida on

To put an end to any
thoughts USC may have of re-
demption at Rupp. the Cats
need only look back to their 64-
48 win at Columbia. the Game-
cocks” offensive low point thus
far and their most lopsided loss
of the season. The Cats put the
clamps on the Gamecocks two
leading scorers. the team's lone
senior Herbert Lee Davis (10.8
points per game) and freshman
forward Chuck Edison (9.9
points per game). holding them
to 6 and 5 points. respectively.

UK senior Jamaal Magloire
will be looking to rebound from
an offnight in the scoring col-
umn ~ the Cats‘ center totaled
2 points against Tennessee.

Despite the unusually low
point tally, Magloire was a fac-
tor on the defensive end for the
Cats a and the Volunteers
made a point of defending him
well. a fact not lost on guard


USC catches Cats

mm UK leads .‘3 4

Saul Smith.

“There were three guys try-
ing to stop Jamaal." said Smith.
"Even though he didn't score as
many points as usual. he
showed up in other ways. He
played defense well. Jamaal al-
ways plays big in some way."

The Cats never wavered in
their attack Wednesday and
never really gave the \'ols a
real chance to take the game.
Forward Tayshaun Prince said
UK achieved a level of play
worthy of the highest compli
ment one can pay a team.

This was a good win for
us." said Prince. “The Ten-
nessee team is a very good
team. However. we were the
better team tonight. The sign of
a great team is to hold onto a
lead and to make good baskets.
We were a great team tonight."

Barring a letdown from the
emotional highs of that game.
the Cats should continue their
stellar play against USC.



Women ready to end losing streak


UK will look to end their
four-game losing streak this
Sunday against a familiar foe ——

The Lady Razorbacks were
dealt a 68-60 loss Jan. 16 in
Memorial Coliseum. Since that
game, Arkansas has won three
games in a row. including two
wins in the Southeastern Con-

UA’s Wendy Willits. who
struggled from the field in the
first matchup, hit 10 consecu-
tive three-pointers over the
three-game span. which has not
gone unnoticed by UK coach

Bernadette Mattox.

“We just can‘t give up
threes." she said. “They‘re do
ing a super job of shooting. (UA
coach) Gary Blair has shuffled
his lineup again. and they're
playing very well right now.
You can‘t let them shoot a per-
centage that‘s going to hurt

“It's always a challenge for
perimeter players whenever
there's a girl on the other team
who can shoot threes really
well," said UK guard Natalie

This Sunday‘s game marks
the first game UK has played

since a devastating 77-48 loss at

“We've got to get over that
game. and look forward to
Arkansas." Martinez said. "We
can't hang our heads low.
We‘ve still got some games



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It’s great, to be. a
Florida gator!

Chief loses
finger in

Seminole Chief James
Billie could consider
himself lucky. He
wrestled an alligator
and only lost a digit.

"He hit my hand. sol
gave him my finger,"
said Billie, 55, after
surgery to amputate
his right ring finger
at Memorial Regional
Hospital in

Billie said it was a
spontaneous decision
to climb into the ring
during Tuesday's
wrestling show in
front of about 100
tourists at the tribe's
tourist park in the

The chief also suffered
lacerations to his
middle and index
fingers during the
bout with the gator,
said Dr. James Stern.
who performed the

”I was reaching for both
of his jaws and only
grabbed one," Billie
said. “He got my
fingers in there and
just started spinning
real fast, pulling me
into the water."

Billie, chairman of the

Seminole Indian Tribe

headquartered in
Hollywood, started
wrestling alligators
at age 5, but last
took on a gator 10
years ago.

The alligator Billie
wrestled Tuesday
was under 7 feet
long, a size he
always advises other
wrestlers to avoid
because they have
sharp teeth and can
spin violently.

"I broke my own rule
and it got me — it

didn't hurt that bad."

Billie said. “The only
thing i hurt was my

"'9 . .
Stair”. :i.:-:‘em




' ‘ If.






Kimberly Glenn. asst. dialogue editor

Candice Jackson. at-iarge member
Scott Marchand, at-large member

Editorial Board

Christopher Emmick, dialogue editor Amanda Thompson, asst. m edtor
Mark Vanderhoff, editor in chief

Gary McCollum. senior staff writer

Natalie Johnson. at-large member Lance Pearson. at-iarge member

Don’t follow blindly,

keep perspective in
your religious beliefs

“All national institutions of
churches. whether Jewish.
(Thristian or Turkish. ap-
pear to me no other titan hit
man inventions. set up to
terrify and enslave
mankind. and monopolize
power and profit,"
Thomas Paine.
God is the iitost important
" thing in the universe.
“mm ' Were it not for the damage
‘ ' ' that it does. religion would
be the least important.
It doesn't matter whether your “god" is patterned
after a particular religion. a psychosocial philosophy.
or the Force. It doesn‘t matter whether you capitalize
the word "god“ or not - ~ I'll mostly use lower case iii
an attempt to offend fewer people. Those who have a
god in their lives understand the significant benefits
of spirituality. A healthy relationship with any high
or power brings serenity. discipline. and the bless»
ings of humility.

Sadly. most religions are cruel perversions of

this relationship. The most evil doctrines are those
which proclaim their religion their dogma is
the one and only true faith and any other relation-
ship with a god is blasphemy The overlords of reli-
gion are the slickest con men in history. and they get
away with it primarily because their followers lack

Consider the truth for a moment. The reason peo—
ple choose a particular religion is almost inevitably
due to their place of birth.

Why don‘t more Americans practice Buddhism
or the Islamic faith? The bottom line is that if an
American Christian had been born in Baghdad in-
stead of Buffalo. she would almost certainly have
found a different god.

Can it be as simple as that? Yes. it can.

The same must be said of the great religious
tomes in the world, particularly the Bible. Ninety-
nine percent of the people who read this column have
never read page one of the Bible, even though many
would insist they have studied it thoroughly.

The point is they can't read ancient Hebrew or
Latin. They are reading a book that has been trans-
lated at least l\\'l(‘(‘. They lack the perspective to un-
derstand translation means interpretation. if not out
right manipulation of the original text.

liven the Masoretic texts. the most faithful and
scholarly translations of the ancient Hebrew. can
never be more than an imitation of the original work.

Heard about the genderneutral Bible? it raised a

big ruckus a few years back. Is it still the word of God
if. in addition to translating, we tweak the political
correctness a bit? Ultimately. is it possible to trans
late a Work of this magnitude without some degree of
alteration? Not likely.

Ever hear of John Wycliffe or William Tyndale?
Wycliffe first translated the Bible into English in
1382. In 1525 Tyndale translated the New Testament
(from Greek). and. combined with Wycliffe's work.
the basis of the King James Version was born.

These men were considered heretics. blasphe»
mers. Tyndale was burned at the stake. It was a great
sin to allow the word of God to be put into the hands
of the common people.

Bottom line? Even if the Bible is the absolute
word of the one true god. you and I will never get to
read it. We must rely upon the translation and inter-
pretation of others who may or may not have God's
best interests at heart.

Religion is the supreme coii. the greatest mock-
ery of God‘s will. ()piate of the masses. yes sir. And
like every good con. it is elegant in its simplicity.

Let's see now We need to control the populace
We need to make them content in their misery while
giving them some reason not to revolt. Of course. we
can't really give them anything. so let's promise
them eternal wealth and bliss after they're dead.

in return. they must submit to complete subjuga
tion and servility while they’re alive.

Not really good enough. since not all people are
total morons. So we add eternal punishment if they
don‘t agree. Not just a flogging or two. that won't
scare them. Let‘s conjure up an image of total agony
for all eternity.

Now they can choose between horrible torture
and serene happiness.

Terrify and enslave.

Ever hear of indulgences? They were part of
what Martin Luther was complaining about when he
nailed his essay to the church door in 1517. Back then
you could buy permission to sin if you paid the
church enough money. Theoretically. God forgave
you your “indulgence“ in exchange for cash. Nowa-
days the clergy just charges you 10 percent of every-

Monopolize power and profit.

There is more. much more. But the Kernel isn't a
]()(i.page daily and l‘m no Martin Luther. Just re-
member to season your spirituality with perspective.
and take any organized religion with a grain of salt.

Senior Kernel Columnist Jim Scott is a social work gradu-
ate student. His views do not necessarily represent those
of the Kernel.


L E-maii us your letters to the editor: dialogue@kykemei.comk_)



()ur colors bind ..

humans together,

Send us your letters

and comments by
e-maii. Send your


not push us apart

It has been exact»

Stith anniversary

1 am sure glad we don‘t live in a black-
ly one month and and-white world like in the movie Pleas.
two days since antrille. Life would be so boring if we

the end of the were all black and white. I
We should continue to celebrate the 50 —

Snail Mail




(in Final Word

The Questigm


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Ani-
mals is putting pressure on ecampus.com for fry-
ing fish. Specifically, one of ecampus.com’s com-
mercials depicts a college student who must re-
sort to cooking his pet goldfish since he is out of
food and money. In a letter addressed to president
of ecampus.com, Steve Stevens, PETA claims the
ad shows a lack of respect for animals, and that
“students are outraged that they are being por-
trayed as insensitive and disrespectful towards

For ecampus.com to make up for the ad, PETA
is asking them to change the ad to include a more
positive message and to “provide free advertise-
ment space on ecampus.com" for PETA.

Was ecampus.com out of line with the fried
goldfish. or is PETA not getting the joke for free
advertisement space?

W313i They Said:

PETAims overstepped
'tl‘ieif’bbunds... Long
John Silver’s has always
been a safe home for
‘battered’ fish of this


- Gary McColium, Kernel Columnist

Whether it was a joke or not is
immaterial. People eat animals and
fish. They always have and they
always will. There are more
important things to get riled up
- Marianne Lorensen, Kernel Columnist

_ Has there been a big
“"5 nationalycollege student
7 = against the ad?
N —- the majority of
students find the ad
tasteless or humorous,
not offensive.”


- Christopher Emmick, Dialogue Editor