xt7j9k45r14z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45r14z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19420529 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-05-may29. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-05-may29. 1942 2011 true xt7j9k45r14z section xt7j9k45r14z Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi- ty of Kentucky, May 29, 1942. The regular May meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi- ty of Kentucky was held in the President's Office, Friday, May 29, 1942, at 10:00 a.m. Members of the Board present were Judge Richard C. Stoll Harper Gatton, H. S. Cleveland., H.o D. Palmore, Robert P. Hobson, tames Parks Judge Harry Walters, lra. Paul G. Blazers and Judge John Cooper. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank Do Peterson, Assistant Secretary, were also present. A. Aoproval off 4inutes. 1. On motion, duly seconded and passed, the minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 7, 1942, were ordered corrected to include the names of Justice James Clark McReynolds and Bishop Francis W. Howard, which names were inadvertently left out of the list of the Honorary Degrees appearing on Page 7, Item D, of the published minutes of the meeting of.April 7. The minutes wore then ordered approved as published with above correction. * * * * * * * * * * Be o~guterlv Report of the President. QUARTERLY REPORT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky May 29, 1942 MORAL ACCOUNTABILITY For a quarter of a century we have boon the most critical geo- plc of our own social order that have ever lived on this planet. While enjoying the best standards of living any people have ever known under one of the most tolerant governments that hos ever exist- ed we have constantly harangued our people about the shortcomings 2 of our public officials and the weaknesses of democracy' Editors, '.i1:ll~sts, columnists, historians, political scientists, college presidents, teachers, authors, business men and others have written and said so many things emphasizing our economic dislocations polit- ical corruption and. governmental failures that the youth growing up in schools, colleges and communities have been saturated with our shortcomings and. as a consequence, many have come to the conclusion that democracy has made a "sorry mess" of things anyhowo While we have been lambasting our country, undermining its structure, creating doubt and suspicion in the minds of youth relative to tho worthwhiloness of democracy as a form of government worth saving, the Germans, Italians, Russians and Japanese have oxaltod their political systems and developed a generation of youth with a fanatical devotion to their governments that causes them to give their lives for their ideology with reckless abandon. If we should continue as a people in the press, schools, colleges and forums to malign democracy and overemphasize its failures, I do not believe it can long endure the pressures it will assuredly meet from other forms of government. For a quarter of a century we have told youth he must be critical of everything form his own judgments and refuse to be indoctrinated And, in his exuberance and youth, he has taken us at our word. As a result we have few faiths, no deep-seated convictions and very little to Which to anchor in times of disaster. It ought not be necessary to have to build up a faith in democracy after another nation has made war on us. We should already possess that faith. I am not calling for the fanaticism e the German or the Jap. But there is a middle ground--an intelligent understanding of democracy and an abiding faith in its intrinsic worth as a way of life. I would call on teachers, especially historians and political scientists to help reestablish an old-fashioned conviction that democracy is the best form of government man has yet devised and that we as citizens of the United States have accepted it unreservedly as our way of life. W~e should attempt to elect better officials and hold them in higher regard. Public officers deserve a higher respect than we have accorded them. The attitudes which we create in the minds of youth in our schools and through the press regarding public officials are positively destructive in character. If public officers fail it is because we, the people who have elected them have failed. l'oro of our criticism should be self criticism than censure of oloct- ed officials. Lct us bog for a mildor form of criticism of public men and a more Intelligent appraisal of their work. 1miany of our best citizens now refuse to run for public office because they feel the ingratitude of the people oven when their duties are well por- formod. A more sympathetic regard for public officers will result in better men offering to serve in public capacities. 5 Indoctrination is an ugly word. I do not like it. Eeluca- t..on io a better torm. Certainly, in a democracy youth must be ed~ucated in the virtues of a democracy. If our critics call this indoctrination then let them make the most of it. Youth must have some faiths. I am t-old by great mathematicians that our whole theory of mathematics is based on certain postulates which cannot be proved. If equals are added to equals the sums are equal is a postulate that does not admit of proof, but mathematicians accept it as a funda- mental truth. It is accepted as an axiom. In other words, it is taken on faith. Mathematicians can set uD another set of postu- lates and develop an entirely different system of mathematics from the mathematics we know and accept, In a certain sense have we not indoctrinated every mathematician and scientist with our system of mathematical theory? Likewise, any form of government must be built upon certain assumptions. Democracy is no exception. Our founding fathers had certain faiths. They wrote a Constitution and shortly after its adoption they incorporated into that document the Bill of Rights that became the very foundation of our democracy, We accept the articles of the Bill of Rights as postulates, axioms, faiths. .;ie youth of the land must be made conscious of these. They should become their faiths--convictions--gospel. This is necessary if democracy is to survive. The right of free speech, the right of peaceful assembly, the right of freedom of the press, the privilege of worshiping God ac- cording to the dictates of one's conscience, the right of trial by jury mean something. We can indoctrinate youth in these things without injury to the character or mind of the individual. Indoc- trinating young people in these cardinal principles of democracy leaves room for them to improve the quality of their free speech, and the tone of their free assemblies. Such a faith does not pro- hibit efforts to improve good taste in journalism or to promote a purer religion. Belief in the jury system is a challenge to ele- vate the quality of justice by securing botter and more intelligent people to serve on juries. But the assumptions must be taken on faith. There must not be any half-hearted acceptance of the funda- mental tenets of our form of government. Tile Bill of Rights is our declaration of faith. In taking this position, I am traveling in good company. Among the many who accept this thesis is the distinguished Ralph Barton Perry, Professor of Philosophy of Harvard. I desire to close this brief statement of faith by quoting from his recent book,Q.Q All Fronts: 4 **' "If I were asked whether I thought the youth of Am.iorlca should be indoctrinated and not merely omanci- pated, I should answer: 'Yes. If they are not in- doctrinated, they can never be emancipated." '***The youth of America are the salt of the earth, "but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?' It is the responsibility of our teachers to k.eep democracy alive in their own hearts and minds. It is their responsibility to see to it that when the youth of Aamerica leave their classrooms they are imbued with the moral and cultural sentiments of Western Christendom; that they are already tolerant, free in spirit, oquali- tarian, and humane; and that their love of democracy is already burning with an inextinguishable flame. If our teachers can do this, supported by parental influences and by the multiple agencies which mold public opinions then, and only then, can we be assured that our future victory will bring something more than bare survival and security. Thens and then only, can we hope that such a victory will earn the deep gratitude of posterity, and be recorded in history as a forward step in the progress of mankind." This is a philosophy which dominates my thinking with regard to the problems of democracy in these times of stress and anxiety about the future of our nation. It is the direction in which I shall attempt to chart the course of the University so far as I can influence its program of education in relation to democracy. I have thought that it would not be inappropriate for ma to share with the Trustees and ny colleagues on the faculty of the Uni- versity the point of view I have with regard to these fundamental issues of national welfare. I am constrained to believe universi- ties will have to assume a larger measure of responsibility for the education of youth in the fundamental tenets of democracy in the future than they have in the past. DEPARTMi1ET OF LIBBRY SCIEiWCE ACCREDITED The Department of Library Science of the College of Arts and Sciences has Just been accredited by the Armerican Library Associa- tion. This makes it one of the S4X departments of library science in the South to be approved by the American Library Association. 'his approval gives us a standing that we have not enjoyed hereto- fore. It Leans that there will be no question with regard to our graduates securing certificates of approval in other statoe when they desire positions in libraries, or credit in graduate schools of library science. 5 The Department of Library Science was established. here in 1932. I; l.b7 it applied for accreditation but its application was disap- i:-ove' by the American Library Association at that time. Consid- erable effort has been made on the part of the staff to meet the standards of the American Library Association. A commiittee was sent here a few weeks ago for the purpose of inspecting our Depart- ment of Library Science. After a careful survey this committee made a favorable report which nas resulted in our department being accredited. This recognition is an achievement which I am delight- ecl to report to the Trustees. It should mean an increase in the enrollment in this department and it will make it possible for the department to render a better service to the state. SIGNAL. CORPS R.O.T.C On May 6 I received a letter from General Daniel Van Voorhis$ Commanding General of the Fifth Corps Area, asking me it the Univer- sity of Kentucky would be interested in establishing a Senior R.O.T.C. Unit of the Signal Corps. After consultation with Judge Stoll# Chairman of the Executive Committee, Colonel Brewer, Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and Colonel Graham, Dean of the CQllege of Engineeringr I replied that the University of Kentucky would be pleased to establish a Senior R.O.T.C. Unit of the Signal Corps. The War Department sent at once an army officer to confer with Colonel Brewer and me with regard to the details in connection with the establishment of this Unit. The quota for the Basic Course is 160 men and the quota.for the Advanced Course is 40 men. This means that we will be able to commission 20 young men each year from the Signal Corps Unit. The University of Kentucky is the logical place to establish the Signal Corps Unit of the R.O.T.C. since the Avon Signal Corps Depot is located near Lexington. The College of Engineering and the Avon Signal Corps Depot will be able to furnish laboratories that will represent probably as fine equipment as can be found in the nation for the purpose of training young men in communications. The establishment of this Unit should extend the ativities of the College of Engineering in the field of Electrical Engineering. It is my understanding that the War Department desires that the Signal Corps Unit shall be continued as a permanent organizations Men enrolled in the University in the future will be able to choose whether they desire to prepare for the Infantry or the Signal Corps. It is expected that many of the students of the College of Engineer- Ing will elect to enter the Signal Corps since this training would be in line with the vocation for which they are making preparations It is with enthusiasm that I recormziend to the Board of Trustees that it approve the establishment of a Senior R.O.T.C. Unit of the Signal Corps at the University of Kentucky. 6 * * * * * * * * * * 2. Moved and seconded that the Senior R.O.T.C. unit of the Signal Corps be established at the University as recommended by President Donovan. * * * *** * * * COMPANY C, PERSHING RIFLES The first company of Pershing Rifles was founded at the Uni- versity of Nebraska in 1894 by General John J. Pershing, then a Second Lieutenant and Commandant at that institution. From this beginning it has expanded into many universities and colleges all over the nation, and is now a chartered National Hon- orary Military Society. Company C, Third Regiment, was founded at the Univorsity of Kentucky in 1931 by Warrant Officer George A. Knights and is named the George A. Knight Chapter in honor of its founder. In 1932 it entered the first regimental drill competition at the University of Illinois, and has won twelve out of thirteen competitions in which it has entered, competing against companies from some of the largest universities in the country, such as the University of Illinois, Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and University of Indiana. General John J. Pershing attended the drill competition at Ohio State University in 1935 and upon the conclusion of the meet said, "The University of Kentucky company is one of the best drilled units I have ever seen." A large number of former members of this company secured appoint- ments to the United States Naval and Military Academies, where they later graduated with distinction. At one time six former members of the company were cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point. While exact figures are not available, it is believed that since it was founded Company C, University of Kentucky, has furnished a larger number of commissioned officers to our armed forces than any other military organization in the Unitod States outside of the Military and Naval Academies. Members of the company are now serving with our armed forces all over the world. I am pleased to report to the Trustees that Company OC Pershing Rifles of the University of Kentucky, won in the competition at Ohio State University this year. 7 JUUIOR WEEK During the week of June 1-6 the University will have the pro- gram known as Junior Week. The high school students who arc mem- bers of 4-H clubs corae to the University for a week of instruction and entertainment. store than a thousand of these young people will be here for this period. A very carefully planned program of edu- cation for those studcnts has been worked out by the Colloge of Agriculture and Home Economics. These boys and girls for the most part come from the smaller rural high schools of Kentucky. It is their first introduction to the University and, as a result of this visit, many of them plan to enter the University as soon as they graduate from high school. This program represents one of the services the University of Kentucky is rendering to pre-college stu- dents. Our University serves the people of the state from early childhood through adult life. Many people of the state are totally unaware of the short courses which the University offers to thou- sands of our people each year. Junior Week is a very good example of one of these programs of culture and information. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION PROGRAM The Department of University Extension during the course of the year sponsors many programs, some of wiich are held on the campus of the University of Kentucky each year, and others at points more convenient for the attendance of those who participate on these pro- grams. These programs, under the direction of the Department of University Extension, are highly educative in character. Most of them have to do with the pre-college education of youth. The Exten- sion Department cooperates with the local high schools in planning its program for the youth of the state. Many of the events, which are held on the campus of the University, motivate the work of high school boys and girls in their home schools. These young people are brought to the campus of the University to participate in these educatiorial activities after months of hard work in prepara- tion for the programs they present at the University. The following educational programs under the direction of tlhe Extension Department have been conducted during the past year: Kentucky High School Speech Festival, April B-11.......e650 Music Festival--Instrumental Section, May 7-9........ 3D500 Vocal Section, April 23-25 .......... 2,500 Kentucky High School Art Exhibition, April 20-26 .... 65 The Arnorican Citizenship Forumlovomber 17,1941 ...... 125 The Annual Flower Judging School, March 5-6 ......... 80 The Parent-Teacher Leadership SchoolOctober 1,1941.. 100 8 The attendance at district and regional festivals of the Hligh School Speech Festival and 114U5sC Festivals held in the state have approximated 15,000. The extension eci.ucational program of the University is stimulat- ing ante quickening the intellectual life of the youth of the state in rany ways. Too few people arc conscious of this valuable pro- grc;m which is having a significant influence on the educational cdevelop:rnt of our state. It is with groatc p.'i;.e that I report to the Trustees for their informiation these extensive educational ac- tivities that are provided by the University of Kentucky under the Department of Extension. ENLISTIKiE!.T OF COLLEGE STUDENTS IN THE AR14Y ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. At long last the War Department has announced a general plan for the voluntary enlistment of male students in universities and colleges in the Enlisted Reserve Corps of the Army. The number of students to be enlisted for the present calendar year is s fQllows: 80,000 freshmen, 57,000 sophomores, 41,000 Juniors. Thereafter$ 80,000 first-year men will be enlisted in each calendar year. These rien must pass a physical examirnation and an intelligence test. If they are accepted in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, they may con- "in'.e their education in college without interruption until.they !.LAI.e completed their work. Only in case of dire necessity will these men be called into service before they have graduated. Such a call weould be made by the Secretary of War. Each college and university will be assigned a quota. Thus far we do not 'know how many men will be placed in our quota at the University. The liar Departmont realizes that it is necessary to leave a large number of young men in the colleges in order that it may have a group of college men for officer material in the event the war should last for a period of years. The Enlisted Resorvc Corps of the Army will guarantee a body of men who will be qualified to ac- cept positions of leadership as soon as they have completed their college work. I am pleased to see the War Department take such a progressive step. It'has been discouraging during the past several months to observe many capable young men leaving college to enlist in the armed forces before they were adequately educated. It is a much more intelligent policy to urge these young men who are most intel- ligent to continue their education until they can be of greater service to the nation. As I have said on several occasions, it is absolutely essential as a matter of national defense that young life continue to flow through the collcges and uniVersitjess secur- ing technical training and general education of a quality that will enable them to occupy positions of leadership in society. c, The now plan as announced by thc War Dcpart~r ent should tend to kccp our cnrollment up to the figure we have predicted for next Falls namely 2400 students. RECOMMENDATION FOR GSjA3DjUTI0N One of the de'lightful privileges of my office is to recommend to you tlhe names of t.h.e young men and women who have completed the curriculum prescribed by the several collegess and who are eligible for appropriate degrees. These candidates for degrees have been approved by their colleges and by the Faculty of the University$ and 1 recommend that you approve them for the degrees to which they are entitled. o In making this recommendation I cannot refrain from pointing out to you the social value of the product the University is produc- ing. There are no measures by which to determine an estimate of the worth of this group of 571 young men and women to the Common- wealth of Kentucky. For the next half century or more they will constitute a group of loaders in the fields of agriculture, home economics, science, economics, law, art, literature, musics govern- ment, the humanities, et cetera. To a very large degree the future of Kentucky will be determined by this group of young people, and other groups like them, that represent the college graduates of their generation. The University has a great pride in the achieve- ment of these young people. They leave the University today to take their places in the groat drama of life in which we are all actors. Sixty-five of the young men of this group have rccived commissions and they will report immediately to the armed forces of the nation to defend their country, offering their lives as a sacrifice for democracy if needs be. Many others will go immediately into the various armed forces of the nation in positions possibly of lessor prominence, but all. of them will be ready to give an intelligent account of themselves in whatever cc.nacity they are called upon to serve their country. COMAENCE1,1ET EXERCISES May 29, 1942 Colloc _f_ Arts and Salon= Candidates for eDoroo of Bachelor of Arta Sanford Allen Alverson Hunter Cherrington Belt Helen Virden Babbitt Mary Elizabeth Bennett Louise Ellison Bailey Margaret Louise Blackerby Jack Barton Baker Mabel Ellen Boswell Henry Mitchell Baldwin, Jr. Thomlas Harrison Bowman, Jr. 10 Jeanne Frances Bowne Lawrence Bernard Brannon Louise Thomas Brightwell Robert Rodes Burnam III Charles Rhoades Burton John William Carrico Rita Ragland Cates Mary Helen Cockriel Paul Churchill Combs Verna Mae Meador Cox June Gilbert Davis Mary Olive Davis Granville Humphrey DeRoode William Harold Downing Elinor Southgate Earle kilford Donan Estill Lucille Elizabeth Evans Joseph John Famularo, Jr. Margaret Patricia Felton Sidney Alexander Forsythe Martin Tack Freedman Mary Eleanor Garner 11erl Donaldson Guard Hie.nryetta Hall .i&r3jo:ie Penn Hall aiies Itilley Harris KIMary Hume Herrington Fredric Bruce Hill Joseph ,i.rion Hodges Jane Katherine Holladay Nelson Hoskins Lida Belle Howe Jane thite Humble EliZabeth Jeane Hunter Lulagene Johnson Margaret Anne Johnson Ann Maurice Kirk James Parker LaBach Mary LaBach Emily Chrisman Logan Helen Bobette Fiske Lyon Wynnc McKinney, Jr. Ana Foree iMicMullen Omega Ruth 1McQuowvn Elizabeth Stewart 1M1acon Wesloy James M1astin Robert Wvvhitfield Mialos, Jr. Frank Walter Miller Bottlc Rao IMjill 4kin Lillian Palmer Hitcholl Nancyc Jane Mohney Margaret Cohen Montondo Beatrice Louizette Moretti Aimec Katharine Mviurray Lewis Denver Nicelc- Mlary Eldone Nickerson Helen Louise Nisbet George Fenton Nollau Martin Packman Eloise Palmore Dorothy Elizabotho Paul Kate Huntington Pendleton Gus Tinos Petro Hazel Marshall Price Marcia Page Randall George Homer Ray Doris Jean Reichenbach Betty Wells Roberts Henry Milton Robertson Connette Robinson Earl Bonner Rose, Jr. Elizabeth Lovell Rose Geneva Irene Rose Jean Martin Rose Orel Armena Ruth Henry Davis Shanklin III June Smith Smith Martha Collins Snapp James Green Snowden Elizabeth Garrard South Virginia Judith Staker Lida Chenault Stoll Richard Pindell Stoll Loretta Funk Stone Dorothy Lee Stopher Martha Louise Sutton Mary Agnes Swope Paul Andrew Taylor Margery Allene Thomas Martha Glover Thompson Marguerite Tuttle Laura Stone Walton Minnic Janice Ward Lavenia Helen Warner Barbara Jean Welch Marjorie Frances Whecldon Frances Emaline Whitfield Harold Eugene Winn Angeline Hartzell Wyatt Virginia Zuniga Tristan II CANDIDATES FOR THF DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF $IENCE William Howard Ames Maurice Edwin Anderson John Smith Archdeacon Yknry Elizabeth Barnes Milton R.;.y Bradley James Edward Burdetto Brady Karbhall Collins William Thomas Collins Victor Fadsel Comley Bruce Edwin Cooper George Boyd Crafton George Stephenson Dozier Earle Cabell Fowler Buford "a'all, Jr. Benjamin Paul Haskell James Prestley Nickey Eugene Rucker Johnson Edward Alexander Konopka William Chambers Lobb Robert Franklin Long Mary Laewell Ray McEuen Orville Leo Meadors John Tramble Morgan Mlary Katherine Orsburn Raymond Loon Patterson Benjamin William Ploch James Robert Powers Lloyrd Harilton Ramsey Charles Edward Rankin Hcrmon Clayton Robinson, Grover B. Sanders William Hardwick Sewell Opal Skaggs Bernard George Stall III Thomas Lucien Talbert Robert William Willmott Alice Rebecca Wootton Jr. CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Arthur Spragens Collins CisNDIDATiES FOR TE: DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN JOURNALISM Angola Therese Preis Andrew i4acBrayer Sea III Heinz Hermann Seelbach Antoinette Delores Stabile CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MUSIC Mary Virginia Fulcher May Frances Guffey Anna Ruth Burton Thoman John Ellsworth Thoman CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Anna Louise Cox Allen Edward Crowe Elizabeth Ebbitt Ellis Helen Joyce Fain Paul Floyd Frank Elizabeth Ann Potter Virginia Ann Stein 12 QnoUg of 4g9iculture and Hlome Economics CANiDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIE:NCE IN .AGT ICULTURE John Runkle Allison Kenneth Anderson Samuel Hamilton Baughman William Herbert Bell James Kenneth Boone James Gordon Browder Chester Lee Brown William Bell Bryan, Jr. Lowell Dallas Campbell Everitt Paul Clark Joseph Lucas Claxon, Jr, John Buchanan Clay Jewell Blaine Colliver William Henry Cord John Wilbern Crowe Jones Reeves Davie ;.'old Warren Dorman _4rnard Rlbelin Dorsey Emmitt Dozier, Jr. Thomas Francis DufTy, Jr. Howard Dean Dunigan Lawrence Bryan Embry Kenneth Haynes England James Warren Erwin Kenneth Agee Fugett Vola Wilson Gardner Stewart McIntyre Gaunce Joe Atkerson Gayle Julian Elmo Gillespie Harold Grafton Ginter John H. Gray William Henry Gregory Claude Ellis Hammond d4ano Theron Harding Floyd Jones Heird Lee Morgan Hill Gerald Wayne Hurd James Hubert Ison Will'iam Fraser Johnstone Donald Kells Allen Rief Kessler James Wilson Kidwell Joseph Cyril Luckett Lewis King Luckett Homer Johnston McAllister William Charles McClure Robert McConnell, Jr. Joseph Edmund MaGary Joe Lainer Mobley Richard Francis Moore James Bradley Oliver Moynahan Edgar Harold Murphy Michael Santford Nelson William Earl Netherland William Owens Newell Eddie Chester Paseb Hickman Patrick Hays Pigman Carl Vernon Porter Paul Reuben Robbins William Ervan Routen William Albort Schneiter William Albert Scay William Keith Sharp Frank Morton Shy James William Simpson James Kermit Stacey William Bernice Stamper Conrad Boyd Thomas Marvin Thomas Wells Charles Hilton Williamis James Edwards Wright CANDIDATES FOR TIM DEC-REE OF B1C4HELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Peggy Jo ;&llon Joyce Lynn Archer Helene Louise Arnold Mary Elizabeth Bennett Sonia Rhea Berkowitz Nora Catharina Billingsley - -t1;iay Bostic!: .;a.cy Oressa Byers Edna Juanita Cates Martha Virginia Chaney Marian Clark Alice William.s Codell Helen Louise Culton Sue rMellon Dawson Mary Louise Graddy Delaney Mary Lois Denny Margery Elizabeth Donnell I4acille Drackeford Eblen Anna Jana Gabbert Gene Morton Jones Grxdner Nancy Loc Goodin Josephina Kirtley Grant Margaret Josephine Gulley Lorr, inc ;'arris MTllar- Frances Hiume Esther Alene Kalb Ruth Bryan Keeney Dorothy Ellen Kelth Allie Garnett Kendall iary Elizabeth Lewis Margaret Rosalie Newcomb M;ary Barbara Shelton Lyda ,:axine Short Olive Stewart Dorothy Belle Stiles Mary Louise Stokes Agnes Sublette Rachel Lee Townes Sara Lucille Triplett Margaret Van Arsdall Margaret Louise White Elizabeth Belmont Wigginton Marguerite Williams Hazel Rose Wilson Edith Amonetto Winchester Susan Hanbery Word Collc-Po - Engineering Clia1DIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL E'NGINEERING Cecil Francis Anderson Frank Hite Brown Carl Lamar Combs Louie Cuin=ins, Jr. James Ernest Delaney William Carroll Forston, Jr. Aillen Gibson Paul Williar. Hensley Harvey Logan Guthrie Edward Aobert Hermann Loren iNoel Jones Cyril Charles Kissel ruentin Herman Lewis ]Tarry Kuo-Deng Ligh Peyton Loving Mitchell Joseph Donald Nitzschke r.arold Bell Revlett William Corrington Rice Teddy Vance Rouse Dan Marvin Sabo A1lbert Joseph Spare Thomas Marion Stewart Georgc Williams Terrell Dewey Woodrow Young CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Joseph Victor Adams, Jr. Garrett Louis Baggerman, Jr. William Sutton Carley James Calvin Conner Andrcw Wood Edwards Richard Reginald Evans Jr, J seih CDer qGrgenweli C 9 r o B56i- ar- o n a ho o Dwight Lee Hopper Charles Ray MKarcum Glenn Edward Padgett Walter Layne Picklesimer Ray Vernon Scott William Braxton Sisco Bufford Rutherford ITaitt 14 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Samuel Cleo Berry James Thomas Bowling Chester Carl Brown John William Carson Varge Cornett Dann Wood Denny Robert Mortimer Drake, Jr. John Wesley Gaines Tom Cleland Jackson Thiomas Archer Mahan Stanley Xilward Moore Anthony Russell Patterson Str.nloer William Penna Clyde -2.ron n ice Charles Edwarbd Robinson Joe Page Roysdon Esten Warfield Spears II CAUNDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Ronald Andrew Rollie Charlesworth Ashurst Willian Lee Bruckart, Jr. Jean Rogers DeJarnett Donald Herbert Desy Andrew Alex Gyoker Raymond Henry Hays Joe Carlyle Leasure Jerry Longest Mercer Owen Lee Mitchell Chester Frazier Robards Frederick Steedly John William Warnock Edwin Charles Barkman Joseph William Stewart QOlleae of _La CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Mary Louise Barton John Stanley Boles Hiram Montgomery Brock, Jr. John Hord Clarke, Jr, William Terrance Comiskey John Anderson Fulton James Richard Howell9 Jr. Charles Milton Landrum Elmond Lewis Martin Sam Boyd Neely Phillip Kirk Phillis E. Alan R