xt7j9k45r30q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45r30q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1955 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 26, 1955 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 26, 1955 1955 2012 true xt7j9k45r30q section xt7j9k45r30q I
Il U 9 I
aI P
in ? Ng` .
As - ‘ ...._
i _, I "The people ol Kentucky owe me nothing-
iii? =.e Z ,I__ - _ The privilege of coaching at Kentucky
l ` ‘ for 25 years is enough for any man."
4 QQ! (Coach Rupp ot his Silver Anniversary party)
iise g `ve
` A
0Iume XXVI May, I955 Number 2
1 . 3
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‘A i 2
i E
Th H E dTh ' "L"F L lt
.~ By (IDG GTIIQ (BIT OT Oyd y A c
E ,.-
E Published below is the final list of contributors to the 1954-’55 Loyalty Fund The
(lI'1V€. A/VC 2.1`€ deeply g1`3.t€fl1l to {11656 p3.1`t1C1pz111tS, k1l1(l 110pG that l1€Xt yG3.1` \VC ’Pub“s]
lllély add YOUR l1k11H€—AND YOURS—AND YOURSl ;°“I°:,'j£
Q $2.00. l
F · Asscciutic
, At tl1e annual alumni meeting 011 May 28th we will l)1`lllg before the member- Mmm
· ship a 11ew pla11 of action. WVhether it will be enthusiastically received, and l§’§l,,‘,§'c,
. whether it will work, will depend o11 YOU. 1.;,,,,,,,,
l Office at
the act ol
, Come to that meeting, give us the g1'(1‘€ll light on a 1'l.11l(l-1`3.1S11lg program which @2*2
[ . . . ~ . H] _
. will enable YOUR association to come out of the doldrums and to take its place (ffgeci,
· . . . . . . L `i
d 3.IT1OI1g {118 I‘€3lly pOW€I`fLl1 alllllllll gfOLlpS Elt 0lIl1€1' UHlV€1'S1t1€S—8.SSOC1Ett1OHS Agiuaj
{ which are making their influence felt in the furtherance of the best interests of
i . . . . 195.
the institutions which they represent. A
. Newton W
¥ fice, H
Homer L
` ford A1
· llelen G.
, Ave., 1
_ B. A. S}
; Wlftics, l
Contributors llngdx
` ]nl1n R.
. Cincim
_I Douglas I
j Mr, and Mrs. john H, Kerr, jr., 221 Roinany Rd., Lcxinizton, Ky. Mrs. john M. Glass. 370 North Main Sl,. \\’illiamstown. Ky. Mis- 1
. Paul C, Grunwell, Burlington Hotel, ¥Vashington 5. D. C. _l. Kern llamilton. 23961 Palomar Rd,. Hayward, Calif. I“d“‘m
. VV. Grant Lewis, 121 Bonner Ave., Louisville 7. Ky. Edwin \\`. Frazer, l\1Iarion, Ky. l"°b*?l'§ H
D. H. Desy, 56 W. 106 St., New York 25. New York Lloyd E. Teague. 338 Spring Rd., Charleston. \\'. \'a. l—·€Xl!lgl
Herman L. Straus. 6950 Ogleshy Ave., Chicago 49, lll. Cerlrucle Gaines, 471 6th St,. Lorain. Ohio fcullslf
ll. L. Thomson. 40-35 Itaca St., Elmhurst. N. Y. Dr. Ralph L. Gullett, \Vesr Liherty. Ky. R,mKt°“
Dr. C. M. Charles, 110 S. Central, Clayton 5. Mo. .·\rthur W'. Eyer, 201 East 50tl1 St., Kansas City 2, Mo. 'ihard E
Josephine Edwards. 326 South Second St., Richmond, Ky. Miss Nancy Duke Lewis. Pembroke College, P1·ovnloner·, ll. l. H 957)
· \V. F. Raymer, 413 Walker Rd., West Orange, N. j. Miss Madileen Small, Apt. 201, 2517 39th St., N.\\’., egdfjn
james W. Colpitts, 441 Greenwich Pkwy., N.W., Washington 7, \Vashington 7, D. C, (. 157)
D. C, \Villia1n H. Young, jr., Franklin, Ky. 'eigg (
james P. Glenn, P. O. Box 115, Kuttawa, Ky. Midland, Texas Alumni Cluh, c/o H. ].'Rueke1·, 207 E, Maple Dr Ri)
Mrs. George W. Meuth, 2828 Northhainpton, \Vashington Avr·,_ lyjigjlaugl, '1`Cxng kB“P5
15, D. C. C. \V. Gordon, 535 Oak St., Glen Ellyn, Ill. ] S (lll}!
» Gen. and Mrs. Elbert DeCoursey, 3247 Chestnut St., N.\V., E_ v_ M“rp]“-,.o_ 50 Edgowood Rdw g,,m,,,,t, N_ ]_ ‘O{ Tl_a(
_ _ VVashingt0n 15, D. C. Mrs. Virginia McVey Morris. Eastin Rd., Lexington, Ky. (yu,. Au`
joseph B. Shelby, 307 Wyoming Ave., Maplewood, N. ]. Fayette Ardery, jr., 630 Main St., Paris. Ky. (good
_ Pearl R. Hinesley, 327 Day Ave., S.W., Apt. 4, Roanoke 16, Va. \Vm. Edward Steiden, 4141 Preston Highway, Louisville, Ky. H_ R Dm
_ _. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rogers, R. R. No. 1, Carlisle, Ky. Miss Katherine R. Fryer, P. O. Box 1545, Cincinnati 1, Ohio preside]
\Villiam \Valter, 13 Avondale Plaza, Avondale Estates, Ca. Richard G. Bell. 304 Marion Drive, Bedford, Ohio llarguerit
\Villiam T. Drury, 1036 Cherokee Rd., Louisville 4, Ky. Anne Underwood, ].()7 East 22nd St., Owensboro, Ky. lngton
Charles A. Paynter, 2908 Avon Rd., Louisville, Ky. Miss Mary jo Reynolds, 2330 Pollard Rd., Ashland, Ky. l·l. D. Pa
` jack D. McNamer, 56 Colorado Ave., Highland Pk. 3, Mich. Dr. Charles H. Maguire, 628 Fincastlc Bldg., Louisville, Ky. hmmm,
james S. Hudnall, 1903 S. Robertson, Tayler, Texas Miss Lois Ann Flcge. 401 Marlhorougli St., Boston 15, Mass. i _ Dy, georg
Mrs. Virgil P. Sanders, 631 Tuxedo Ave., Deland, Fla. Charles VV. Phillips, 201 Speed Bldg., Louisville 2. Ky. (Life n
Stuart Gay Berryman, 805 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. james Read Holland, 416 jefferson St., Fulton, Senior Cl:
` Mary Ann Berry (Mrs. Claude), Eminence, Ky. Anonymous (julpep.
Dr. Philip Blumenthal, 6315 Central Ave., Indianapolis 20, 111d. Rohcrt 1-1. j. Siherry. 415 Hodge Hall, Princeton Seminary. ‘
Miss Idic Lec Turner, 124 Waller Ave., Lexington, Ky. Princeton, N. j. `
Harry B. DeAtley, 3128 Patterson Pl., N.W., Washingto11,D. C. Diogenes Allen, Graduate College, Princeton University.
VV. Frank Peterson, 1863 Twenty-first St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Princeton, N. j.
Fred R. McCrea, 2517 N. 8th Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Miss Mirdsa Klints, Nussallee 2, Bonn, Germany · lhs. Hm
Manuel Baer, Heuclstrassc 35. Zurich, Switzerland N. W. Neel, Henderson, Ky. Lexingt
Keen johnson, 214 Burnam Ct., Richmond, Ky. Charles R. Ham. 4716 Bayard St., Pittsburgh 13, 1’a. Edward l
E. M. Donnell, 1196 Troy Ave., Brooklyn 3, New York F. NV. Leonhardt. 15021.é; VVest Broadway, Louisville 3. Ky. )i0rt, K)
Lawrence E. Myer, 75 Tilloston Rd., Fanwood, New jersey Pic. james D. Shanklin. Hq. 8; Hq. Btry. 5th Tug. Bn,_ l.u1l (Q_ ll
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kirby. 771 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto. Calif. Specialist AAA E.'l`.C., Ft. Bliss. Texas Al`-
Mrs. C. Maurice Lewis, 315 S. Washington, Magnolia. Ark. (). F. Smith, 1’ennsylvania tk Kimhcrton Rds., 1‘hoenixvill<·, lla. M"} Cas;
james A. Moore. 20()1 Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Bldg., "lll€. K
‘ Philadelphia, Pa. l· A- Disl
_y1lle 5
llilliam (
‘ E}“¢“§‘
. 11*1111.}.. '
Bldg., l
_ TH E
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Wee Kentucky Alumnus
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CLUB ' _ · · `
The Kentucky Alumnus Am C ty E l;“j;"°ENf1 b %%‘2?£1f°P§33}.".?,P;-‘$l‘;‘{i°‘Ei..}1‘;"°§i3Z.i.°.1‘.i‘§‘3'”§5;- . i
oun — ar u SIEO11, ' Bf BC . b '
Published quarterly by the University _0f A11¤11 C01111¥Y—]0h¤ Pedigti Sgottsgilllen la M0111’0€ Coul¤ty—Ell¤l.;)m; \LllgEllis. Tcmpkinsville E _
Kentucky on the campus of the Umvgrgrty, Anderson C0unty—Wa1ter Patnck,Lawre¤ceburg M011YS0111€!’Y C0l1¤!Y—-MIS- Retin C- Hvwell. 1 »
gl Lexington. Subscnptxons to non-members, Ballard C0unty—Mrs. Shirley Willigunsgn, Wick- Sycamore $1,, Mg, Steyljn 1
$2.00. Membership (Type A) in the Alumni lrffe Morgan Counzy..Em·] Kimm-, wm Liberty
Association includes subscription t0 the Alumnus. Barren C0\mty—Basil Preston, Glasgow Muhlenberg C0uuty—Ralph "Bobe" Wrighg, Bo; E .
Bath C0unty—George Gibson, Owiugsville 254. Greenville ._ _
Member of National Editorial Assopmhon, Ken- Bell C0¤¤fY—R. H. Barker, Pineville N?1$011 C011¤ty—Be¤mis Samuels, Bardstown ‘
tucky Press Association, Amencnn Alumm 1300113011 C0u¤ty—Basil Hayden, Paris Nicholas Ccunty—Miss Mario Flon, Cgyliglg 1
Council Bvxd %0¤¤2*gF`ra&1cis Martin Cute, The Mayo N0gg1é%¤S§€$ %€Ht\lCkY—IlLlIl€S D. Nickell, Box ` A
ICQ Q, S af] ; g K · 1 `
Entered ¤s_Second Class Matter at the Post B0Yle C0u¤ty—]ames M. Norvell, Green Acres, 01110 C0“;t;;lWh¤;¤€ Priest. Hartford ‘ J
0Eice at Lexmgton, Ky., Mqy 1, 1952, under Danville, Ky. Owen County——E. G. Tmylor, New Liberty ` ·
gw oettof Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alumni graclgn _g0unéy—Mt§;s HiXSO{-if Béoolgsville Pegy C;>untyKBill Sturgig, cg; Hazard Coal =
ssucm 1011. rec nrr ge oun — re eters, ar ’ s g _ Dem or’s ssociation, a ar Q Q
Caldwell C0unty—William MOC0m1ell, Plgncgon Prke C0¤¤tY·l¤¤1€$ W- Wi¤;- Pik¢V111€ 1
Helen G. Kmg ........................................ Editor Carlisle County—Ra1pli Edrington, Arlington Powell Ccunty—R¤Iph B. Coulee. Stanton ~
(3, Lee M¢Clmn ...................... Managing Editor Carroll C0unty—E. R. Wallace, Ky. Utilities Co., Pulaski C0unty—]'0hu Prather, Box 106, ` _
Marguerite McLaughlin .,........ Associate Editor Carrollton Somerset
Anno Wiemum . ............. Vlhl Shtlltlcl Edibllf g?sey Cgunty—Gecrge Noble, Liberty goblinsigl (g”·1¤tY·};{·1Ydl;l·bD{'3Yde¤, Mt. Olivet —
inton ounty—Charles Lutrcll, Albany °° cas 9 °'·mtY' “ °P mdcuv Reufro 1
Ch't` C ey—n T·,H ki ·11,1<·. Valley
1954-55 EXECUTIVE c0MM1TTEE Cla1:li1a(E]0u;3‘;·rLW_]OSTl Dliffs JQ? §`§¥‘ @3,,},,. R-sseu co-ney-ouieua Ggskins, Russell sp-ing, ;
A-(-__ Winchester Scott County-]. C. McKnight, Georgetown F
xl-wgon W. Neel, President—City Engineer’s Of- C]gy COunty-Cm-] sti,-,sm,_ Manchsste, Shelby C0unty—Freucb Smoot, Shelbyville -
lice, Henderson. Ky- _ Clinton County-Charles Lum-ell, Albany $11¤l>S0¤ C¤¤¤fv—W¤¤dr¤w Coats. Franklin ‘ .
Homer L. Baker, Ynce Prcs1dent—2242 Rutlncr- Crittenden Cm_mty_L0u;_, D_ Chipps_ Marion Spencer County-Harold Love, Tgylonvlue N .
ford Ave., Louisville, Ky. Cumberland County—Leslie McC0mas TaY1°1` C°“¤tY—Ha¤’Y R- Smith. C¤111Pl1¤llSVlll¢ 2
Helen G. King, Executive Sccrctnry—522 Sayre Bmkesville ` 'l`0§ld C0ul1fy—L0gan Webb, Guthrie Y
Ave-. L¢Xl11g¥0¤- KY- Daviess (l(`Illl“|t)`·—]i\l'llK’S Tapscott. I'. O. Box 782, TUBE C°‘—“"'tY—T0m Magmw- CMH!
B, A. Shwely, Treasurer—Dcpnrlment nl Ath- (jwpnsbqyoy KV, Tl‘11¤1¤l€ C¤¤¤€Y—]· G· Dye. Bedford ‘
'letics, University of Kentuclgy_ _ Estiu C0uuty-gtéphen Rice, Irvine Unipn Cmmty—VVilI Tnm \Vathen, Mcrgnnfield, ,
"1l"§Edx°°“2‘*rg'°“’ 2655 `l‘§§§`§“ "”°" M" F“i?*§° C°““%“’· Ed "“"‘°‘· "‘· lm wk" c i N L · n l M °
an , Y. erm EXPHSS ' d d, ]_, ‘ MFGH -0un 3*- orman ewis, ny ,' T
Iohq ll. Bqllock. 603 Dixie Termirml Bldzo Fler‘;l(ldg](g10unt;z;Dr.tglnlglolfilair, Flemingsburg $*¤¥¤- 1011] $1- Bvwlim; Green H wc 2
‘ Cmc1nn8t1_(Term_€XDlf€S 1955) _ Floyd C0unty—Robert Allen, \Vheelwright \Va$1“_nEt0n C°““1’!'_C1`*m`1€$ I- H¤Yd0¤- ·
R¤¤Zl{_1$ ¥8¤1%1. P8-113 KY- _€T€1’g1_i_¥_XI:U'€$ $95%) Frinldinl C§>)unt%—Au%ust Plousxer, ]r., e/0 Wgggggrgfgggnw H Old T d P _d * I
. YS. . _€l'(’ CHU}, OUHCI all H Ul'l`l 0H( S. ,` 1 ' [l _ __ - BY 1'8 El', IOVI BHCE
‘ Indian Hills. Louisville lTerm expires 1956l Fultfynen \%(ard rlilrllnshtlarft, Bnshart VVl1itley County—Sam Cannon, Corbin _ `
Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Hillenmeyer Nurseries, Clinic, Fulton W0lf¢ C0¤¤ty—Everett Miller. Cnmptcn .
Lexington. Ky. (Term expires 1956) Garrard County-Miss Iona Montgomery, Lan- Woodford C¤¤¤fy—]¤b¤ W. Wilmuft. Ir-. ~
I. Car11sle(¥yers, ]r., 12lé5g§cl1m0ml Rel., Lex- caster V€l’$3l1l€$
ington erm expires 1 Graves C mty—\\"ll'4 P. lz . l\i _*l·i ld _,_ _ Q
lllil§%rf[i)E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term expires liIIan§o¤ké1§ounty·§1·{;;;;;Lli3l%3;¥,I1l{aw;;sville j ,
IA Herndon I. Evans Pineville KV. (Term expires aI§lii;1ab¢S1i;igy’—r; o ert c amara. Annn;n_ (;n-Torn Downing. 687 Spring St. _
1957) _ . _ l _ Harlan (gounty-]0lm Crosthwaite, ]`r.. Box 589 1`1·W‘ 7 , . 1
Gerald Grffm, Pikeville, Ky. (Term expires Harrison (;onnty-wm;am Renake,-, Route N°_ Clmrleston. Vl. \a.—Roh¢=rt Blonde, 514 22nd -
1957) L Cynthiam, SL. Dunbar. VV. Va. L
‘1’1" 111- Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplanade, Lexington Hart County—R. W. Poynter, Horse Cave Greater Cincinnati——Allan R. Vogeler. 3700 f
I gBc§1Irdl:1fTr;§tfesE) H h L (B 1 He{lders0{1§0u5lty—]ames Ewing, Gleaner and Canter Ave·.. Mariemont, Cincinnati 27 g
· » at AHS, . , XlDglOl'l Olll'( _ Ll H3, 11 EISOII I ‘ _ · · , \ 4
(`Of TgUStI%I€S> I B I Re d L Ilgerfg-yr EéTinfnce hY1ll1¤1m I-•0‘Vr), N. Grove, V V
*11Y . g eet, a r w oa , exington ic mam 0unty— ac 1 ewtcm, in on ’ _` f
_ (Board 0fuT\l·ustees) T O Hopkins C0unty—Bill Corum, Madisonville. Ky. C1€"€11md· Oh1°”R°b€rt M¤D¤w¤ll- 3203 w· ` =
J'- ll- ll- Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky. (Immediate past Jefferson C0unty—Claude Sprowls, 229 Cum- 71st SL
0 president) berland Ave., Louisville 14. Dallas. Toxins »- Chester C. Young, 2921 Fair-
llqrguerite McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell, Lex- Jessamine C0unty—Wils0n Routt, Nicholasville m0¤i
mgtim (Life member, honorary) Johnson C0u¤ty—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer. Dnvtcm Ohi0__Riclm,.d B_ Etc], 1502 Neva `
1'1· D. Palmore, Frankfort, Ky. (Life member, Paintsville Drive (4)
honorary Knox C0unty—Barnard McKeehan, Barbourville . .
<» - Dr- George %Vilson 200 N U er St Lexington Knott C0unty—Claude Frady Principal Hind- 1%*101*- M’°h·_L€1"“"d V· M"$°1"m·"Y°"~ 4329
_ s1Lif%member, Honorary) pp " L mnnci-Iigh Sghggl A H ’ H d ` H M-g;1dn:ib0r¥ Detrgt $4 R k 207 E M I 5
-•2nlor l R t.t' —F d S'lh. k, 418 0unty—- tan ey . ager, 0 genvi e i an , exas— . . uc er, . ape 1 ,
Culp-;-gil, rig-li?-?§1`¤;i1v8 rc 1 me Lgl-$$1 co-my-G. w. Griffin, London _ Ave. l
, Lawrence C0unty—G¢¤1‘g€ R· Burgess- L0\1_1$¤ Middle Termessee—R0bert T. Hanna, Trimble 2
Lei Ccéunty—D§j Clarenxcéa C0m}lfshBeattyv11le Rt-,ad_ Nashville, Tenn
APPOINTIVE MEMBERS L ·' ty- enver ams, y en
LLeld§erOC`c?11nty—]. L. Hays, Whitesburg New O'19‘°P“s· L‘}·`G€°'g° E· I°¤°$» 4969
M tr lt D
11¤¤· Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place, Lewis County—Charles Staggs, Vanceburg 6 °p°' ml "V° _ _ _
Lexington, Ky, Lincoln County-Truman Taylor, Waynesburg New )r'¤rl<_ C¤ty—W=¤lt<-=r N- Fhppm. _]r·. c/0
Edward Bennett, Schcnley Distilleries, Frank- Logan Couuty—Graqvi1le Clark, Russellville California Texas Oil Co. Ltd., 551 Fxfth Ave.
_ fort, Ky, Lyon County-]. Phxllxp Glenn, KUUBWH _ _ l‘liil;irlq·lpl1i;1. P2l.—Pi\llll('l' D. Evans, 3863 Alun- ·
hw G- Blazer, jr,. 2717 Cumhol-land, Ashland, M¢SCra¤kenB Cgu1r;P;—]0gnd Blackburn, Citizens glu ])N.x(.| ]m]_ p,,_
Y- L H {ID (Q., 3. UCHI A _ . _ .
Pa. 1"1‘*?llC¤Sner, c/o Ruby Lumber Co., Madison- M¢Cli¥ar§»::County(?lg'J. ;iV.é{l;tme, gtenms t “·$1"%¥§?`}‘· 01511¤¤1¤1¤¤¤ $**1*111- 2517 3911*
v , _ _ ry- on, acramen o ` · · ·· · ·· _
11-€D1§ll,mnn 2314 Bonnvonslle Ave. Louis- éI)o1lr1nty—L1zllrh?r Igce, Salyersville Williamson, `W. Va.—C. R. Wilson, ]i·., 109 V V
Mille 5 ) ' l Marion C&unty—P?u&'IOwensl;{iIi.leba1}`;>nt Joseph Ave. .
li ‘, , ‘ , _ ’ -, M, h ll —. omer i er, en on
T—*111111-$$1-$l&kMi€€.K¥cl1?l?.gii10?Ql°`ij;°x?L°§loln1 Ali;-iinaC0•l)r;r>1t-i,T10Y Mills. Iuez Ex¤¤¤¤v¤ €¤¤·m¤¤¤¤ meets ¤¤<=¤¤<1 M¤¤<1¤
R1- V. A. Jnckgbn Clinton Ky ’ Maggn County-William D. Calverff Maysville Right 6050 each mgn§h,_ §er;{emberL¥o:§ll I ;
11111***11 H- Townsend Flirst ` National Bank Meade County—William Henry A en, BY = _ D·111· 0011111 00111- BY 0 Q
Bldg., Lexington ' Brandenburg H°t°1· L°*m¥l°° T
1 l
· X
. , Shall The Alumni Association Go Forward? V-
.· *2 I
_; The February issue of the Kentucky ALUM- realize our potential value to the University un- Virg
NUS carried a detailed account of a plan which til we can become financially independent. [mjum
will be presented to the voting membership of \Ve will always include the Loyalty Fund, llefens
the Alumni Association on May 28th (Alumni which supports the alumni scholarships, in every Ul`€€k:
é Day), comprising a more comprehensive fund- Hnancial drive which we conduct, and, in addi- me All
raising program for the future-—a program which tion, we will add specific projects to our fund- » U
will provide for expansion of your Association raising campaign which will further the best gmt!
i and the opportunity to make larger and HlO1'€ interests of the University. It 1nay be a profes- A m
concrete contributions to Alma Mater. sorship, an alumni building, laboratory equip- “‘il€b1`“
j It is the sincere hope of your Alumni executive ment, research, or a dozen other projects which
board that you read the initial story carefully, need help. Cojjcgé
i and that you will familiarize yourself with the What 0*h¢1‘S Arc Doing gmdna
plan aud Comg to thg mggtiug Ou Let’s H]Hk€ H. few COITlP2`lI`lSOHS. In tll€ lll€ HCl
Prepared to VOt€_ Alumni Loyalty Fulld totaled CB1]- Person!
Your editor promised you in the original an- U6 College at th€ Sami? time Was C0u€Ctl1"1g 2* mqggl
. nouncement in February that the May ALUM- mm] of $25,300; G€01'gl8 T€€h, $57,790; th€ U¤l· im HQ
j Would Carry 8 story in We Would versity of Louisville, th€ UHlV€TSlty M] gx}
’ attempt to outline for you the methods for ooo- 0f Nvith Caroline, $802,711-22; Vanderbilt, {Ml is
ducting an annual fund—raising campaign, the $239,085-44; T¤la¤€, $103,868-86, and V· P- I-, H1. [llc
, uses to which your contributions would be put $70,13221, to I13m€ 3 {6W- Hllzliul
and ggmg Of the projects which yvg hope {0 SPOH- Tll€1'€ has l)€€I`1 110tl'1ll”lg to ll’1CllC3t€ tlli-It K€ll- mgelin
* Sm- in the future tucky alumni are less well able to support their (mem,]
Q institution than alumni of schools of comparable College
Campaign Plans size or smaller. l“?· dll
· First, we will brief you on the plan for such a We’ve Come Of Age ·lf""‘l‘*
campaign, and our reasons for believing that we We who administer the affairs of your Alumni 85,1801
have 11ot begun to tap our alumni resources. Association believe that UK alumni have come lm. ,5;,
i If you, the voting alumni, place your stamp of of age, and that they are ready to support their mem. Q
approval on the project, the new program will alma mater in more substantial terms than ever lm WHS
be initiated in the spring of 1956. before.
The initial kick—off will be a mail announce- Among the outstanding national and state R
` ' ment, sent out to all graduates and former stu- leaders in this country today are the men and
dents of UK for whom we have good addresses, women who hold degrees from the University M
and possibly will contain a card specifying to of Kentucky. Many of them in the past have had (
‘ what uses the money will be put, such as: gen- the foresight, the vision and the appreciation to
eral operational expenses, the Loyalty Fund manifest through financial contributions their A whe,
(scholarships), and specific projects undertaken belief in and loyalty to the University. But not lliy gg
each year or over a period of years, as recom- enough of us have participated to make an ap- ltllnion
mended by the Alumni executive board under preciable sum. mni SQ
advisement with the Kentucky Research Founda- Each of us is obligated to a lifetime of loyalty lmfges',
tion. T and gratitude for the opportunities the common- ,n,UMj
\Ve are including general operational expenses wealth, through the University, afforded us as will bri
in our future financial drives with the ultimate undergraduates, and only through each of U5 ll“l'_28
A purpose of relieving the University of the burden giving annually, according to our means, will the iznmn
· of subsidizing, even partially, the Alumni As- Alumni Association become a factor in strengllt mime;
, sociation, and in the belief that we will never ening the program of the University of KentuCl¤l>’ bm ¤ lead- 1 i ·
l1Ch mn, Kyq and was graduated [mm Ulgs er 1n his professional rfields, rhe has “ rr l
College Of Corninercer H8 also l)€€I`1 ZlC[l\`€ ll'] CIVIC HHHIYS IH his hOH;l€ Z
graduate work at his Alma Mater in COlhlh“hll}' Ol Alllhgldh CO“h[Y» hill" ’» _ ; J, `-‘; ‘ j .
the [lie lield Og nsrCliOlOgr,, [mining and gima, and has been active in bringing » O _ r
ren- nersonncl inanageinentr 2ll)Oll[.II`l2l1ly llHl)l`OV€lH€H[S III I`l1ZIllZlg€· · A
3 He began his Career in government ment in the local government there. r ‘ »
g _ in l935 after five years experience as His wife is the former Miss Violet V L Couch ,30 ‘ _
·lhl' im executive in private industry, He is Mae Showers of Tower City, Pa., and ' ' · I
sity un expert in Public Administration he has one son. john Lee, 15 years old. l V
bill hld is d hdllOhdll}' l`O€OghlZ€d leader As an under raduate at UK he was _
i ` tl e field of trainin · nersonnel ad- - -‘ - g Y i 1 ‘d [ DORMl-l-ORY DEDlCATl0N l
_ [_ lll l b Si l · president of the XMCA, presi CHI 0 _ _ _
l ministration and managernent. Alnlnl Tau gnicgiiy President Ol Alpha Immediately iollowmg th e
, Mr. Couch has had extensive experi- Delta Sigma and recipient of its 1121- dlllhlhl hlhhcll Oh _MaY 28lh· Z
*61} ence in Civil Defense, having served as tional honor award for outstanding “'hlOh “'l_ll be held lh lhO hO“’ §
l1€h` director of the National Civil Defense work in advertising, and vice presi- lhllhs l€§ldOh€€ hell Oh Rose Sl·» l
Able College, director of the \Varden Serv- dent of Delta Sigma Pi. He was editor- there “'lll be held lh? dhhllhl - __
ite, director of Field Exercises for in-chief of the Kentuckian, and first lhcmlllg el lh? Alumhl A$$O€l¢l·· { -
.·\t0mic Test Operations, executive of- chief announcer for the UK rad1O Stu- llOh dhd ll hl`l€l l)l`OgY€lm dOdl· l `
i iter of the Training and Education dios. He also served as student pastor l`?lllhg_lh€ h€“’ l`€$ld€h€€ hall-,
lllll Office, director of Personnel and dep- of the First Methodist Church in Lex- _l lesldent H- l-· D0¤0V¤¤r 14, r
Omg llll’ assistant administrator of Manage- ington, was president of the Pitkin Wlll gllc il $hOll l€$llhl€ Ol lhe r _
heir lllent. Before his Civil Defense career Club and advertising manager of the hOOd_lOl dhd POYPOSO of the
ever he was director of personnel for the Kernel, among many other act1v1t1es. hhlldlhgy “_hl<»h “lll be lOllOW€d ·
by the dedication. ,
R ‘ kEdP| P —· 1
and €UnIOI'l ee - n BHS l‘OgreSS. re BL rrrsrm ,
rsity M tration of all returning alumni Satur-
uny Clusses Are . - . —. 1 . 19 - ~ -
had day 11101 ning hom O .1.m. to - noon Hotel ']h€ Class Of 1930 ls phmnmg
n to Planning Parties in the Alumni QIHCG, ROOM. l2·li $lll· a get-together at the Campbell House
h ._ - dent Un1011, dllflng Wh1€h Uhm €Oll€€ following the banquet Saturday night. . ·
l 611 \Vh€l'l 2llLIITlI'li l`€[l,ll'I1 [O [h€ CHI'1'1 US will l)€ S€l`\'€(l lll lll€ l\'lllSlC ROOIH of qhll Bgllsqlly (lilgg )l·@5ld5l][’ has `
_ _ . _ l .
?UOl lliy 28th for the first UK week—end the same building. At 12:30 that aft- lll,l)OihlOd lgllllilOOh and LOU-li ghmi,. ·
ap- llllnion in the history of the institu- ernoon the reunion brunch will be Shi,-O iis lOi»i,l (»liOii-meh Ol in-range.
ll0ll, several classes will hold private served in the new 1ll€Il’S residence hall, mOmS_ ·
n Parties. following which the annual meeting of The Chigscs O[ Elly 42, 43 and *44 _
lla l As announced in the February the Alumni Association will he held. hOnO [O hnrc 8 rIOin[ lnnOnOn SOnie_
ncl]- Z1 Cllflllgff lll l`CLlI'llOl'l (lZl[(;‘S SC\`(f1`ill 1l1ll)Ol`[(lllt lt€l]l$ of lJllSll'l€SS HTC lllllc durillg the “-C€k_€nd_ details [Or V
is as llllll bring Hllllllllll bllck Ol'] Siltllfdily, Oll [llC IlgClI(l(\ l01` the Hnlluilll l`llC€[ll]g, “yhiCh "verc not Colupleled "vhell the
.f us llll 28th for the first of a three-day and you are urged to be present for r;\LUl\iINUS went [O inresn r
lthc l°llhlO¤ Wffek-end, culminating at 10 this nnportanr meeting. r r published here is the Schedule Of l
rh lm' M°“dllY lhOlhlhg Wllh the annual The Class Ol *907 ls ldlllmmg fl dm` general reunion events for the week-
lg lllllllllencement exercises, ner lneellng Oil Sllhl`<>l`€SS<1l`S \1‘l1¤1 KCHINS <
‘ Zllllllllll who have accomplished great <`11l11|>l\S? ·......... V ....... ...... Bpoillls UW klltlwll US "‘li$llll§lll*ll"<>it1iS wiiii the- Niihci pi-ile hii· his work
V about tl1e record ol ()lll` University, iii S(·i(iii(—i·_ \\·']i;ir WM his iiiiineé _
the people who have m:1de it great 7. Name the present deans of the ________v_______v______'__>_}______‘________ 5 lmiiiit L
» - aud the alumni who h:1ve earned our colleges ..,........,...,.,.........,.. 7 points V V V ‘?‘;`
V ,.(.SP€(.[ and ndmim[i(m_ 18. \\’hVo has written :1 history ol lll?
In the www I hope that the [Mun`, S. Draw :1 circle {lI`()LlIl(l tl1e number Ull"'¢“l*'l)’ "i l\**'ll‘“l\)'? -l l"""l`
{lIl(l Slilili, ()lll` lllllllllli 1ISS()(`l11[l()ll Zlllil limi neiultxl licpllcstillls [hc Cgninlll Fl`()]}) \\’l\ill |.()lll` S()llI`(`(fS (l(W$ lllf
our local alumni groups will make it "Fm Ulysuldcilts ()fmb€l` lgnilj ll|]i\'(‘]`Si[y i·t~i-Give its inain i11— _
· :1 point to become more l`:1mili:1r with imno 5200 2"U0 /500 ·*·1 2 lmlms mimi; _yV_ _ _»_yV__V_________V_VV__V _ 8 poinh
V the glorious history we have had dur· _ _ _ i V—
ing the ninety years of the (cxislmwc E). Draw :1 circle around the number 204 \\’h;it is the iiiiiiic of the 1ntl11l· V ·»
` of [hc L]niv€rSi[Y' [hill IICZITCSL l”Cl)l`€SC1l[S [lI€ l]llII]— (lun] “th() [Mig lugldy the lL|]`g€\l _§l
· i , i.)CI` ol` Sl.ll(l€l]{S lllC llHl\’€I'Sil\' IIS (rift [() [hg llyjygrgily? ___V l)t>l|ll\
· \Vhat do you know about your lll]I· graduated ’ \J’W_m_` on PIIUVE 8 ’
` versittr l.et's >la * il ran ·. l£· 7 1e.·— ' ` ` ` `“ ' -
.i .,.. 3 .,.. 2 .,,» tai;. i. iiititi ¤<»- 2<~·1~¤ .
I I , _ _ __ ' _ __ ` §$(),0(NI 40,000 . .... 5 points fi
inany points. (.l1etk your answers to
the questions below :n1d add up your Hy Hm`. many membcrs um there On Coacl
V poillls and this will be your score, [lu, Board OI- »i·].uSm(_5? VV 5 lmmls ;§?;B<
rlillfll to page 8 to get the correct. , , ' boys,
‘ answers to the questions we have ll. How llliilly can you name? One "Freri
iwkfd. point lor each name. President l¤S0n
Ru is 25 h Anniversar l `
pp l y s Recognized By Fans
Special Prog rum IS The coach also was presented with nie A, Shively, who acted as master Of
an attractive, leather-bound book of ceremonies, wrote to approximately l i
Held TBTIH. GCITIG personal letters from virtually every 125 former players who had won let-
_ basketball "1i" man whom he had ters under Ru invitin them to re- l
I, llQ°l§‘lf;§°lf§S1i§;l‘;flf§llof‘]iQ§‘,fl})l_"l{}f]{lj}; y»;·’ Yggginy \\'ll() $€I`V€(l (ltl€ to [116 gI`€2l[ dlSl21I1C€S thev w0¤l1€Cl. (Zl[)[ll1l1 ol lll€vl€