xt7j9k45tc05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tc05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150114 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 16, January 14, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 16, January 14, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7j9k45tc05 section xt7j9k45tc05 ’ ‘¥ r F i VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, JANUARY 14, 1915. N0_ 16_ Y- ______________. .... -...,.....--.----,..-.-......--...._-.,__..,.....; .........,..,..,_..___,_________ \N l Illllll Slllllll WIIIS 'HEIIHY BMV Ellllllilllll Illlll BASKET 8All 'IIASHIIIG Ellllllll "[IHAHl[Y’S M|lIl" 1 p ’ ' A PEA [MAKER PRA ll [ IIE MEIl' lll BE PHE r, . I ___ ___ l 14* ——— ' 1 { Winning Team Selected to DL Tuthm Conducts Com' Teams Under Direction oflstlidgllt r[A}§3ri§;i03l E;_€I}(¢i of geason to be Feature at the Meet Georgetown msmorstwn Cs"°m°m°s Coaches Prepare for | d 5atr° fm ar Vemng Swry Of may at Cemeter Cha 1 an ast 0 Charact.ers—All Ready M3I'Ch y pe ' COIlt€StS. For Cu]•tain_ ‘ WREATHS FROM WEST •·•·•··•·•·••·•••··•·••••••·•·•·•·••·•·.·•·•··•·•·•··•··•·•··•·• i The Union Literary Society was e • in completely victorious in the debate Dunne vsnsueny an unusual honor ____ • PLAYERS • with the P¤!\¤'¤¤¤ S°¤l°$Y» dsf°¤d*¤8 came to the University in connection Under direction ot Coach Brumage 4 • J *-hs ¤¤°sU°¤· "R°s°“'°d· 1*::- U: Mg': with {hs ¤b¤erv¤¤¤¤ of ¤ 0°¤W*'! °‘ aud Captain Morgan basket ball prac- O Lord Fsncourt Bsbberley ......................... Lee sanumarm Q E *‘°° D°°¤’*¤° ss°°*d ”°i ms" °”° · wm with Greet Britain- At the nm nee has been Menon Once more • usa c¤••¤•y .................... . ............. Leon M•¤c¤¤•k•y • is Wh¢¤ N ¤¤¢¢¤¤d°d *¤ Ys: 8 P°"ms‘ hour on Christmas Eve, 1914. wreaths with the www of __8·m,, Tum. •|» Gnu-ley Wykehsm .............. . ............... James MCCOHHCII Q Y ¤¤¤¢ r>°¤¤°¤¤*°¤ °* *h° °’ **8 °“¥’ P"` of evergreen from 0r¤s¤¤ MM wm • llr Francis Chaney ............................... Emery rmt., • Q ssstsd by Psssidsst Bs"k°"· sud in Dl¤<*¢d 0¤ 016 tombs 0f H¤¤¤'Y Cl¤Y» of from me mph ju S 8 wmmt in O 8t•ph•n 8p•ttl¤u• ......................... ~ ..... Wllllam Shlrmlek • ‘ ¤¤¤f¤r ·¤ three ¤f M ¤¤¤¤ <>¤ sw Albert Gallatin ln New York mc or W·•¢ V*r•i¤¤· •·¤ ¤·· ¤¤¤ ¤•¤ •·=·-·¢ • amen ........................... . ................. John Marsh • B varsity debating team which Will G0- John Quincy Adams, ln Quincy. Pro- practise except Jlmmle Park, Who II 0 Donna Luela d'AIvsdor•: ...................... Katherine Mitchell 0 NM with G•°¥'8°*°"'¤ C°“°$° s°m° lessor W. A. Dunning. of Columbia out of me nm, {cr gh, uqou on ec. O Els Dshhsy ................................... Adella wlmamsen O \ time is Much mr the chsmpmusmp U¤iV9|’¤lY·Y. Wi! iii CNU'89 of W9 09N* mug; of mjurgd ghqumqr rgqgivgd in O Kfffy Vlfdvll .................................. . . .Reb•c¢a Smith Q { s' ”‘**'°*Y- ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ New York while Mr- W- C- me Purdue gms. , • Amy spmnque ..................................... Allee 4;.-.,,.,, • . The man chosen for the Ford. a nom and wruzn The glmo of th°_·m°¤’ umd • ' • , Wim ***6 C- W- Bs"°Y· S- S- C°mbs· presided at Quincy. and Profclwr gm- me ugh with cmcmuau, wu 0 0 O O O ·|· ·|· ·|• O Q + 0 4- + 0 O + O 0 ·I· O O O 0 ·• O Q Q 4 0 ·|» 0 Q NW Y- N- P¤`¥¤°"· Wm! J•·°°s 8- ssh Edward Tuthill was ln charge at Lex- neuen nn The mst sane of me . IGY, of tha PGNYBOD team. as “"·9rnBt°· ingt0n_ The press of the country, sewn be s·turd·y I Hergwish is the cm M l The loving cup was presented to the especially the metropolitan jen.-nds. wmt Maryvmo Colle"' in. the Ah lwill prut on The St.rollers' latest and two socletles two years ago with the ennteined notices of this mph, ee.-°.Im°"· The mn gum wm than _ {greatest play, "Charley’s Aunt," at th• · n 5 understanding that It was to belong to meny_ be with Umvsnny of Lmnnmo on nl. I Ben All Theater. Friday evening, Jan- ’| the one that could hold it two years Below is the addrus delivered et nm The schedule N yu I- m°°m_ . I- luary lo. under the stage direction ot g ln s“°°•"i°¤· the Lexington cemetery chapel by Dr. nlete but nt but net mere men me l Hsrbsn G*'¤h¤·¤¤· { The }¤ds¢¤ who ¤•>¥¤¢¢¤d *110 Wi¤· Tuthm, same. wm ne seen en me heme seen *_‘"' "Chnrley’s Aunt" is an English com- Q {nm! mm W°"° P"sf· T- T- J°s°s· "THE HIGHER FUNCTIONS The men ue rnnnmns into seen. UI11V€I`S1ty Receives Copy of edy with scenes laid at Oxford, and Is PN!. C. R. MGIGDGT ¤¤GHP1‘0féJ0h;1 gp THE |·||§TQ§|AN" som and mould be in the pink of Brownas uL0uiS_ the most successful college play ever l M, E. Llgon,of Lexinzton igh choo. awe are asggmblgd today to pgy g condition for me Louisvme game. ville and Kentucky·,, produced. It had a run ot fourteen while Prof. L. L. Dtutlléf. -711686 new tribute to {hg Mfg and seyvgcqg oy Some of the men who ue showing up hundred consecutive performances in Ch|u}m9Y• Prof. P- P- Boyd. Doctor the mggtgr of Aghl3,¤d_ At 3, moment won are Cnptnus Morgan, Ireland and LOHGOD when lt. HPBE CIIDQ out. "Ch8.l’· Terrell and the Rev. T. C.dE;t¢;; che: when Eu,-one is in [hg uu-06, or the Kiume at forwards, Zuma and Server ley`s Aunt" is a scream from start to {hs Wim mst s W s s W most calamitous war that ever visited at center, and gmt;. Tuttle, Gumban Among the books recently received mush- G°°rg°t°wn' this 8l°b°· Ws css ssssmbls t° °°m‘ and Schrader at guards, Ou [hg sac. by State University School ot Journal- The amusing situations in the play msm°*`s·ts*‘¤°s s° cslsbrsts ss hss ond string Hopkins, Schwan; Sgudllul ism, is "L0ulsville and Kentucky/’ arise from the predicament in which s s H M b¤¤¤ h<>P¤d··¢h¤ °°¤¤I>\°¤°¤ of ¤ h¤¤· sauer, Draffln and Bama; are shaw. edited by Robert W. Brown, managing Jack and Charley Hnd themselves . dred Yssrs °Y Psscs with the sums ing good material, editor ot the Louisville Times. after inviting their very best girls, I branch ot the English speaking race. The schedule up to due includes the The boar, a typographical beauty, Kitty and Amy, to visit them to meet na S "Snch an occasion is not only rare following senses; lg a small volume or 116 pages, pro· Charley's aunt, Donna Lucia, from s land, therefore, historic in itself, bull January 23. University of L0uisyme·fugely illustrated, and contains manyiBr‘&Zil. The aunt. fails to arrive on · —··—— lit provides the occasion for historical at Lexlngt0n_ `lmer-eating tact; not only about the l time and the boys torce the unwilling Emlnent Soprano to Ent‘er':"°s°cu°“ sud "isd°m· Usf°"““st°1y| February 5 and 6, University orlactual city and State, but about Ken- Lord Fancourt to don female apparel talll N6Xt OH Lyceum lhlswrlcel Wisd°m °¤¤¤°* °<1“*P Us s°*' Knoxville at Knoxville, tucky people who have become ta- and impersonate the aunt. C0urgg_ im lhs Pmblsms 0* lhs f¤°¤"°· but “'° February 12 and 13, Vanderbilt Uni- mous in the nations history as states- Both Sir Francis Chesney, rather ot __* _ f f _ ____ _____ _ _ __________ ` , ;- (Continued on Page Fivcj versity at Lexington. (Continued on Page. Six') Jack, and old bpetugue, the mild vil- D'· Aims W°°““"` P°"°“· ’°°"““°·| February 19 and 20. University ot -—————;—————————— lain or the play, tau an love with the will be the next entertainer ln thel ~·· A. ’.··· Tennessee at Lextnntnng __ n_ { e;_ :·y_ · vast nuns of ..cOin.. the Donna is sup_ Eywum °°u:°' ·'pp°°rm8 in Scam; » K: ·` ‘— » I"0b|'¤¤!'Y 26. U¤iV6|'¤i!Y of Lollil- __~-·· .. - posed to have. and propose marrlage n nlverslty ,hapel Saturday GVGD 118.} WU We _ , _ · ville at Louisville. V .` A to the false Lucia. JBDUUY l6· M¤·d81¤6 Powell combines] ’?‘Q_ W - 1- , March 5 and 6, Vanderbilt Univer- _;e__-it ., The plot is further complicated by s· lecture Ou "M“si° as s· Humsnl s . `~J __ sity at Nashville. ` · the arrival of the real aunt and her Need" with u musical Dl‘08l‘¤¤1. U1 *·· i wt GI;-I•’ Iaeket lall. .`· V ward, Bla Delahay, with whom Bab- Wmch sss 1¤¤•¤r•t·¤ the °°""°°s mssic xs Prospects for g|rls' baslet ball look s · berley is ln love. Brasset, the cynical '·° sPP°s·l s° ms "s·"i°“s sypss sf mind _ very bright this year. With Doctor ` lbutler, has a very ettective part. The chsrscssrlsuc music °t ms dm"` * * * Tlgert as coach practice has been go- ‘ ` 'l`he play is interspersed throu _ . · . ghout sm ssssms °f ms w¤r1¤ is sssd by M lng on steadily since school re-opened. ni _ -· ti `_ [with beautiful loves scenes, in which Msduss P°w°u W ¤1¤¤tr¤¤¤ sbs dm"' n Q-· _·-_, Five ot last years’ regulars, Captain _ it s gg; . the members of the cast show especial °¤°° in ncsu Vim- ` Hughes, Misses Heller, Wood, lnnls ' ' proficiency. The tinal curtain unda D'- P°Wsus 1°°'·“’° ir tssss {mm and Taul are out tor practice, so the nearly everybody agreeing to "uve ms ulssis which sbs submistss *·° C°' _ V _ team must needs be at least as strong -· e ` happily ever after; and not to try any mmm! U¤1'°""·Y· She ss"'. is hss _ s` as last year. Misses Bastln, Engels, ` ,,,·____ {more deoelt, U 1¤¤t¤r¤ mss music is s ’sm°dY for ' T`; Geisel, Williams. Robinson and a num- ·'_;__:.— - W n I Leo Sandmauu, who plays the lead nerve diI1\l!‘b¤·¤¢0¤. il I D¤'6¤0¤'V6d of U ber ot others are showing up well. liu this performance, has been a Strol- , 010 !I0\1lU6|. Nd tbl! is hu I <1¤¤¤1t¤ rn ‘ ` The Hrst game comes 08 Saturday. U l ler since the formation of the organiza- plaoe in the scheme of 86¤0l’¤-I 0d¤¢8· _’ . January 23rd. The Louisville quintet ls Q Itlon. He was lu "'l`he Vlrglnla," "Tha mm- “\‘¤¤° P°W•u» isms sm! hs? has always been of the tirst class and - "’ Y | Lost l’uardlse," and has been lu Keith i¤WU9°W|I \°m°'sm•¤'·s· is sud W · It is reported stronger than ever this - ` lvaudeville as a regular pertormer, He be · wu so the game got M H. i“'uS slug`, luavuugar of ‘•’[‘hB (cgnugugd gn pq, gu,) °°"d° ‘•°U¤! N! ¤•¤¤| i¤¤•|’¤•¢- G¤¤*‘d· |Widow" last ye3,r_ ms interpretation O O O S UTI 7 7 QT! 1- C ‘CIrI `A t`Frd N htB Al 25 1 Cl By dy Q ·. ., . 4 \ I Q , 2 T H E ID E A Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the G0’s Go. “°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"“ Mc At Admission l0c FIROT-c\.Ass IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Own•r and Mana r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. H. of the purr of the pseudo-aunt ls lsugh·i BEN ALI THEATRE T0! mlnlng, ls dlrector of the lnstltuto. I able ln the extreme. "llswled out" by, 1-T T Prof. H. D. Easton, of the Colima! AD A M me- two boys who got hlm Into the! 'mhh “‘ Vogel! Mmstrels wm be {of Mines and Metallurgy st Kentucky T I scrape, proposed to by two ardent old T II" numcuon Saturday mstmm and State University, ls ln charge of the s:•·uH<·men. kissed by everybody clse’s_°`"`"i"g‘ (rm"` °m`°° thm th" i°!9prlngfl¢·ld District or the institute. I R I S ulrl, and made the confldant of theimgt hvmmhm mp bam mmstml (ml Prof. Tsshof also vlslted the labors- lzullvs, Lord Pom-ourt nal»l¤>r1¤·y has n ` H"` "”"l’ Mr" v°g°I hu Md wm° °x`,tor1•·¤ at the University of llllnols. for every Occ°·i°n• 2 lively stage existence. llslrmwe pleiimg American °u`?z0Ing through the assay and oro dress- fiolgr f¤::’;g\;amn' ‘ _ ¤nem·es e en re program s new~m laboratories gg gg 3 QQ Qfy, T Miss Katherine Mltm hell as the real Y rz . n 3 ·- 8lIOW8 DAILY - · 3 mm with E wm of humor, »..... the and wm be ·¤···¤*¤¤ ··· MH -¤ •·¤*¤*·! _........-. "I¤¤i¤¢ <>¤ A¤‘¤W· lpart most suited to her genius. She mimng‘ lR. A. up ,.mlc..my¤ 0m·mr· lll her comedy _ T‘I""" “· ‘;"“°‘ ‘“ ** '“'°"“‘ “'“°““l RECEIVES BURNS mm Pubody E Cm Tm mlm Inc MATINEE I00 Tsvenes mm nouns. Mm Mno1lo11,am1 ‘° we l’°°p °· I R A Mm! nm ha tm th | ' ’ ' 1 , _ I , _ unc NIGHT 200 No me Sm****· as Km *****6 *···* 2} "°`“§`;§,'§,“"“°°‘ ““’ “°°‘ ”"°’ “"“"lU.M..ty c..}'Le..m {QT .JL..t, LMI l ‘——-—-——-—‘ _" " —l—_ —. tt tl T d_.:»cto . . ·T ;i··¤·<“ HQT W; sm; gm pm yi »ml..r.l ...r life mt Mm, m..,,,,CALAGIS 8: CO, Wm A ISS km B ove scenes wt and was seriously bumed while at-I 8“°°°”°" *° SARR" ‘ cc- UMNT [NWO'! NUV *|”|lI•m•M Jack show to her great advantage. t H t T t n T hl k l W Main l empngopu ouaren swor- . . . Louis l\lac(`loskey and James Mc- l shop in the Main Building. EE". EODA FOUNTATN TN TH. Connell, as the amorous youths who "**' CITY, FIN; ¢AND||| gm in Wh mum Over the msu student. in ··n.qoap.s·· um wm be Mr- Milllsan WM Mono in hi¤ ¤h¤¤ —-—-—-—-...-TT- · lrlvnl of the aunt, gives excellent por·| A"l9”°d *° w°"k N•“ when 8 CB: of W"' Imcz wu; V on a , , 5 Q lnrayuls of the manner ln which young} Semootcr. m gut; Ov: Over my MM gulmm • . ‘ \ Q _ _ . , ¤'a· Ms men act when they are afflicted wlth -—- 8 _ng eu Oordon kn; rh n P ;.`·j wz. love. Loule has one of the few gen- That °"€"Y student takin! KYm¤“‘ guns Oven B an Jac 9 mug t re I / "/ uine English moustsches an mo um- ium work will be required to learn to “"d h" "' b“°l’ °‘"“°° °“ "‘° "igm of T' It wmty. and rms will also be on ex- Mm ¤¤ order ¤¤ ¤¤¢¤i¤ ¤ v¤¤¤i¤s h“;‘: ;‘“‘L“": T: °‘: “f° "im '“'°‘ K ·<¤$és.T{/ mm. nom they and wmlam sms- grade. wasthe ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤m¤¤t made by °‘ ‘ ‘ W" "" °“" ’“'° entucky I ’ "‘°"’ “""° "‘“’“ S"°°"‘“°· “‘° ‘““"" ”" “° "‘ "“" °’”°“ '“°‘ "°°‘° “"“‘ ZT h'YHI.Y°'°.§"°$"”tf'Z'”§`° osrm me tuition in all depart- ‘ ian of thetwo gms, have been ln otherllhe ¤¤¢¤l¤s ¤f Mw ¤¤¤¢ ¤¢¤¤¤¤t¤r in '"' ""` "K ° ,“ “ p" °“ ° ° '° |Stroller plays. ,F¤¤r¤¤rv. ¤11 . r¤s¤1¤r s>·r¤¤¤¤i¤m L" ly ;m"“°"B“ ;'°"‘"‘5 Xi"; ;h°"` ments to the g r a d u s, t e s Q · , an s. amos . yous u o own ·°·~ 1 Emery ed M* ·~¤· “*¤¤°"¤‘”°"‘ “‘" "° "' °°°“ "““°"· ‘“‘° ‘" from th., bum,. ooo., ....¤ put out 0* K¤¤*¤¢kv Hivh S¤¤¤¤¤· WM land Williamson are new members of T men in the classes will be assigned to lane orgamzauoo, but lf their work con- w¤rk in swimming. bcxlns. wrwlins, ""’ °'° °“ °h° °°°" with “ "““° °'° we Prepared to €¤t€¥' UN F¤‘•|h· ` [l[]uPS on t]]B plane have as- track and hand-ba". €x‘t&u8\§::1°r. ' b t { ; sumed, they will be seen ln several fu- Th6 W0¥‘k hl ¤Wlm¤1i¤8 Wm U6 A r` gan S uma wom ma n O l I I me pl,,ys_ especially emphasized rms sprang and “‘° "““‘“°°“ °'“°° °°" *’° “° °“°" E¤¢h <=¤¤¤tY in tiw Shu il Come and bring that girl. Brmglonlv those physically disabled will be w"°“ °°k°“ t° m' b°“‘°‘ entitled to send FREE of tui_ ,myb(,d,·S gm but d0n’t_ ml to botoxousoo from mss cms. Freshmen T*‘° b“"‘“ °"° “°"’°““· “‘° ‘“°“* xbm. The stmsmxpm every .ma‘-·m be required to swam wo mas. ’°°°"° ”°'° “‘°‘ M'- M““¤°“ W twn. m¤tr¤¢¤1¤t¤<>n. 1¤b¤r•t¤ry {bodied student to be at the show, and and members or the Sophomore "°“u“$ °“Y· and other fees one or mon ·p_ lzuaranteo an evening roploto with ` classes 200 yards, ln order to obuin g O ’ ;laughs. ··chor1oy·¤ Aunt" will be up nnssins grade in sym. D01¤t¢¢¤· {to the stronor standard. ` Students desirins tc take advanced SATURDAY, JAN 16· Necessary expenses modern. < T _j__•_______ Twork will be taught the more dlttlcult ";t · . O iq- •|» 4- 4- 9 ·|» 9 4 4 4. + •|» 4 4 Qistrokes and will be given instruction _ The third cad? Imp that was F0! full 1Df0l‘!D8t10l1 1‘8[|td· , _ _ nounced for last aturday, will be he d HoNo::sI:§N|N;:R;LEN\;MAN :|:r;;;;:€w;?'; t;;*°u·:*i)*:*‘;dd§:nl; saturday afternoon, January T6, in mg appointees, courses of Ihldy, , 1 l I I l Buell Armory. t fb d t 1 Everything Reauccd 1+ ..t •|»‘made of canvuc and weighing approx- COS 0 OB! , G C., spp y to To- Translated from umm by ·•·|i¤¤at<~1y 50 pounds. This will be (_Chm*"°'°"`Jm8s coms but Once E yearn H_ S_ BARKER’ And af Prices that Count \·I· M. Plsgah. ·I·,lhr0wn into the water, and a student ' l President, l . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ja 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4. wlll dive in, grasp the dummy with _ _ I , l l Sl1l°l`•:l` t*Xl.l`€lll8 |)l€3Slll`t* Ul. llll.€I`·Tb0th hands and swim to the end of Inxmgwm Ky. ° *· ···"·· V ··——*·r—•———;···- S °t O t vlmx of Hon. Mr. Sandman, the Lead the Uillk. This iB 0¤€ of lh0 IMBSC ;"‘_ "·—··· ·· · U1 S, VC1`CO& S, _ _ _ _ | -—-————— s muy ot t llarlay s Aunt, eaogllsll pro-I¤¤¤<~th<>ds of teaching the stroke with FOR PENS D PENCH-S The College Boys o q ll()l1llC#*l Hon Mr. Sandman telllilw i'€¤l UDIY. BD l¤t6¤‘6¤U¤8 variation • lstory or me as well as no remember it.‘<>f which is Bwimminz UN l6¤Ktb 0f TABLET5 AND FINE _ l¥•· say he been born at early age aud I the ltlllk With B. lighted Candle ln each ' I fin boy condition. "My ambition wereghiwd- C 1 9 ` to become a 1aoy,·· no report with spec-. Owing to lack of equipment. no at- JO!-lNS’l'0N’S CANDY T ltgplp pyprpggignl "and it jg about now T Iélllpt Wll be l118d6 to [Ill'!) Out 8 BW1HI· C E to no realized? Using law tor-m, ··1¤ ming team, but merely to instruct the ` _ Es ___ “ aps, tC• tact, it will be realized Friday mghtflstudents in the rudlmeuts of this srt. Wm, E, • • [ When ask who is best actor in play! ln addition to the speclfled 100·ys,rd 309 Wu! Maln Strut | 0 I I Prices marked Way dOW¤Y`sl1(>\\‘ he announce with expresslve\8.lld 200-yard BWUDB. i¤BU'¤0U0¤ WUI look at fl1€ wink0= S 33 YOU`snarl, "Modesty t'orpids." Hoo Saud-ibv given in swimming on side and ' _`—"` " ' pass, Tnlunl ;=uyMwl;ln :1;+1111 looks §1;1lyibH€k Mid in ¤lml·•l6 dwlnli- I ` T Trnva s . au e (ams, an on. er-\ *‘—"‘•*""_" --3-*¤l¤¤¤- _ l He also vlsltod uuuou Mine amos O. L2xi")gt0n igar On YANG HANG· station at Springfield. The state 00¤· 1 cry or td ` lncorpontod l -.-,.-. ,,.,...-._-,. n ‘l a °‘ , . trols the mine rescue work and at the Msnufscwrsrs 0, T lloms to the guy who flrst tnvented . ‘ station instructions are given ln tlrst _ ESIWD. alal und rescue work. llllnols is far T • • l ) l - ' E lll u(lV&l.ll(‘(r‘ of HIOHI BIKIBB lll l.hlB work Us WEST MATN STREET ~l utfulllzé OUT AdV0l’IlS€l‘S.l r_ l ‘ __ ________r M _ - l Ihe lllnois Miners and Mechanics _ . . Institute uses a room at the Rescue ll U“"°'“’*Y L}'“°*‘s 2*** d mz. J. D. KISER \S.m.,.. for educating me mlm. an . . l cn". •x°|“;v;y mu fu eqn EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT the ordinary school branches of learn- A * uw Flcuny ° uu mnffnf G, sPGEc|A;`I$TO d lim: as well as minlg practice. Mr.| -_ · IIIGI TOUR 0 I' GT. _ _ A. B P- I Tj Mcc,,,,.,,d EuHd|,,s_ IR- Y- W"““'“*’· l‘°'*dq“*"°"’ “ Um'} ]24·]28 North Llm€§t0l\C LOXil‘\[t0I\, K]. ~ ' gon. •. umurroua AND COLFAX omg. •>h¤¤• oszx n••w•n¤• nmx "*'***'Y °' “'*¤°**· °¤°°’ °•P•·”¤¤°¤*~ ’ _ S .__._‘___ Jl Best Copy Available , T u E 1 0 E A I I I ’ ` !••AGS•• HECS97 MEETlthl¤ mason and followers are eager? pall and get acqualntd • , SATURDAY NIGHT l '° ¤*’* “ ""‘* "" """' °'°"“" '*"°'“"’”· l wnth our advertisers. J J J J ‘ ._..... I Maryvllle ln reported tn have a stron: ~—————— —— --e——~~ ~ i Thorn was no me-etlng of the Agri-§qu|n“_L (ymwh nmmnga Sum Iam { nulutrnl Sm-lvty Monday nlzht. ltl .........; `nlght that the llnenp would probably wlll bn hold at Patterson Hall Satur-{he: Morgan, captain, Zeno"' mp I MY mgm ““d wm b° “ j°'"° ""’°u"“ l wards; Server, center; Tuttle and At L••n•rd Haul ' 'nh "‘° H°"“’ E°°“°'"*°" m“b· the Scott, guards. With the exception nfl NON! IQTTIR » { l>‘¤····¤ *•¤*•· 0* *¤*¤¤ wm *·• me Server these m all lm year vtrsltyl ¤¤¤•w¤¤-L •¤¤•-. v·r•¤»¤•••··• l e Alf Bllllll Ilfllllllll MADE EBUIIIIMIIIS HEMI = “ ‘ M ¤W S GRI FF ING A squad of men have been prac- • • KENTUCKY HOME ‘ ECONOMICS ASSOCIANON tlclng daily, and should be ln gondl The Sanitary Grocer IS Awarded Second Place in Kentucky Assoclatoln Holds ghgpa hy Saturday nlght. ()th€I‘ National Contest Meeting- and Re-€l€ctS The Kentucky Home Economics As· games whlch State has scheduled for C r 8 Llmgstlggglinzzgl IM. Av-. in west ·ni8 r soclatlon held its regular meeting in this your are with ('lnclnnatl, Louis- ° ‘ ‘ rg gl ° ce s` the Education Building Saturday, Jan- ville. Vanderbilt and T9¤¤€¤BG9· ';'"`_`“_—“—‘_"_l; ¤ TUTTLE HEADS LIST ’rl»·» Kentucky Asmlautm of Home nw 9-l Quite}? ¤¤;¤¤¤r }¤f *;<>¤1¤ (mmf me m———g€_tc0ncm wdmm .—..... Economlcs new na semi-annual meet- *‘··°°“°'“ °“ "’“° ""‘ '°‘“ "" “° °°“ in Mm mn amended W, _ over the State were present at the EVM men K A The apple judging team returned mg Saturday, ln the Education Build ti nd man im Mmm hues mmm of Evan Wmmms at the Ben L T. _ Monday from Morsenwwn. W- Va-. mg or state untvemny, me meeting ***9** ng B Y P P AH Tueqduy evening and heard the _ where they won second place in the lasting from 11 0·c|0ck unul 4_ of the work W¤!'¤ di¤¢u¤¤¢d· Old fmgomes Bmw by me famous 127 Ch¢dp81d¢ y 'ntuu 'ml an other mama mnt The meeting was called to Order by A delightful luncheon wu served to tenor ln a brilliant manner. The con- H°“” 8 “·m· m 8 °·m‘ Ph°"° Bu'! ·N°°b ins mm by New J°"°" MM Mary H Sw°°"ey' WM wu "` the member, of the association, by cert wm for the- benerlt of the Assc>·. —V—-—-— ——————--— As BUN ¥‘¤¤k¤d mth l¤¤¢ YM? ¤¤d elected president ot the asoclatlon, me H°m° E'°°“°'m°' U’“b °' the Um' vmmd Churmes of this city. l KOMUGNY ls not known M 8 wide? in the other offlcers, also reelected, were "’““Y· / I |v!•|0 8Y0Wi¤8· it WM <=0¤¤*d0¤’¤d ¤¤ Julla Johnson, Covlngtnu, v1ce·presi~ TM “"’“ m°°u“$ °f me A"°°*°u°° Mm. Madison Csweiu, of Louisville. DO You Know KQIQM shbiving f0I' thé Mlm- dent, and Miss Bertha Torrent, L0\1i¤- wm be held in Louisville during the widow of the dlstinguishéd D0€*· who gnu be" il none ‘°° 'ood Maryland and Delaware followed the A report was made by the teachers _'—INlN‘ T NOT` ES muh Tuesday afternoon in u program! graph? Be on the ah dd. l Kentucky team in the order named. committee concerning the standard of! M ° Or gong; and readings from the w0rk¤ l uid we · Y ***9 ¤¤¤m ”¤¤ °°mP°¤°d °* W- P- requirements for home economicsi Bruce Hagel-, of me class or *12, In or Ml-. cawem. sue was enthunlutl-K 'fuwe, R. L. Blerbeum bud B. W. teachers and the text book commltteelgonege gf Mme; and Metallurgy, was cally recelved by an audience lhet, S HND- 'I`¤m¢ WM Mah mw f°" K°¤‘ submitted u list of wit b<>0k¤ which ln town tor • tow days last week. taxed the capacity ot the Arte Club i Peng Wd? Md uw mst mm in the °°“t”t WHS ¤DD¥‘0V€d- iliager was • favorite while in school Audltorlum. This ls the tlrst of al 3]] W, Mgin Sqgg, to Mmm J“d8i¤K· The members of thi? Home E¤0¤0• and all uf the fellows lu the mining series ot recitals which Mrs. Caweinl The Student,. Phowinpha NQW JN"? w¤¤‘b¤¢h nm and ¤°°‘|miC8 Club ¤91'V¢d 3 luncheon Y0? the department were glad no shake hands wlll give ln various cities. She will E end on individual excellence in judz- members of the association at 1:30. wm] mm ggyg, appear before the Cameo Club of NG" l f__... __ _ ***8- In ¤M¤¤d¤·¤¢‘¢ Wéféf Mis! I'! Sc°¤· Alber his graduation Hager went York next week and later before the B•nkart I Fotsch, Pnprlngn l A9 um ’“'*" °f tm' °°m°"~· 'mwh B€¢¤Y M¤di¤0¤» B¤Wu¤5 G!'¤€¤i M!'·Iwlth the W. G. Duncan Coal Company New Century Club ln Philadelphia Ea lc Ba er 0 WM held Bt iM ¤¤S8¤¤i|0¤ ef U1¤'Frazler, Superintendent Home Econo- in Muhlenberg County, when he re- ;_. g p *9** '*"!*¤*• C°"°!'° °* ·*¢’*°“l*¤’°Imic¤. Louisville: Mrs. Clarence Mar- mgiugd Ulu] August, 1913, Hq mt The Horace Mum Literary Society 0p;g:nE°;•;;‘ IL-,:';‘::::”r}°::[•;:“_ _ wmlout the universities being in any [in, Misses Mary Hahn, Clara Sachs, tm, wmpmy on account of ulnegg and enjoyed a Bret Harte program at NS Lcxlngtorn Ky_ I mn °f °’8°""°u°°· ° p°m'°'°°“° Y-•°¤’¤Vm¤¢ F°'¤¤°i¤ Hvvvlow. mdk went to his homeln Owenboro when meeting Thursday night, January 7. FIRS1-_cLA8s WQRK GUARANTEl¤ “lO¢g'uo was formed to D!‘0m0i9 work of mend; Lila Booker, Richmond; Alllll hg lg at present logged, He is acting Professor G. M. BBKBF S¤V¤ ¤¤ intel" g th" son It is t° be k“°Wn “ th° Mw J°h¤¤· Aubyu Chmn- Clin WYm°· business manager ot the Owensboro eating sketch of the life of Bret Harte, MQN MG After ul! GIIDO It G ¤•¤*°*`*‘ ‘m°"°°“°$*°“’ I""“" J“d8"“$ MM? E- $W0¤¤¤Y. Rub! B¤¤h!¤l¤» Inquirer, or which his rather, the Hon. telling of his parentage. the exper- M ' 146*8**9- P"°f· A· H· A‘d°"m““· °' M¤’8lP€¢ O`D¤·7· C¤U¤°¥'|¤° Ch¥'i¤U•·¤· S. W. Hager, formerly State Treas- lences of his lite and lntroduclng ln a. C M0¥'8¤¤Y0W¤· W- V8-. WN €l6¢Y0d D|‘0¤· I Lols Bartlett, Jessie Acktr, Julia Van um;-_ lg Owner and editor, few Words. two ot H¤’¥·•`¤ stories. when gl] ig Wd] md GQQU, ldent, and Prof. F. W. Hofmsn. who Arsdoll, mate speck, Elizabeth Farm., Bruce says that as gqqu u he has "Tne Luck of Roaring Camp" wdl vvlched Nw SUM ¢¤¤¤¤· WM ¤l>D¤i¤Wd‘Mary Burner. Brllla Lloyd and Lolia gufflclggnly recovered from hh; tunes; ··M1gg1e¤," which were read by Mar- I HN Ch¤¢¤|•¢•. Cllldy INI INI - chairman of u. committee to draft e. t mult, he expect; to ge; bgck mw me mining gnret Cassidy and ina D¤¤‘¤¤U· I constitution and by-laws. I ____.,,.,..._.. uma "Th¢ Luck of Roarlng Camp" is the DL Edward Gordon ` -—’file lrindsome cup won by the Newl FA|wmn|· WIEK A succnll ______,_____ story that mule Br•t Harte fsm0u¤.\ DENTIST *QY¢'9€?'·$•i¤ Ms to be vm rum >·¤•r¤l ..... • * *• • • • • * • ‘• • * * * * * * and ··Mlggtes·· ls his most artistic, MCC _ _ ln ¤‘*°°“"°“ *0 b°°°m° tm p°’m“' F‘urmers' Week was quite a success °• •‘ story. d Budd"', nent property of any team' H1 the Home Economics Department • • • • • • • • • · · * · * • • • 1 Th0 Horace MMIII will IDBGI BKIIJD G0 To “ '“ ‘*°°"’°" ‘° °"°‘”‘° °“°" ‘°““‘ 0* the U¤**¤¤‘¤*¤¥- The lecture mm Some or the students of me new de ‘°'"‘m‘ johns’ Dru Store T: 6|!tr¤c0df:0 sf $3.00. ::6 l;I;¢;?€; was filled wlth a responsive and BD- partmont Ol journalism are developing] pHI AN. Next to P°“%mc• » u secure 0 e used n 8 preclatlve audience at each session. gradually mw acme newspwm. wl The regular meeting of the Phm} For Prescriptions Stationery Soda V ` !¤i¤0l' DPil•¤· Mags Sweeny was quite mrtunate in porter. and correspondents with smb hi mt r Societ was new • • * —- —~—— —•—•~ ~ ~·- securing as one ot the members on trying mmm Marcus C Redwmo Sopt aguy Giziig at _: 30 in the wauro cutlery: Pipes md ugus Y V . _ _ · · yes er ’ . 1 . .......—._........ - he always laugh ut the teachers joke. the program Dr. Mathews, head of the has become a regular correspondent recreation han of Patterson Haul All ~ W t No matter what they be; department or Home Economics at for one of me Mg cm, dunes in me th numbers of me program were t ' """" '"" ., """ J ' ‘ l ° .•. 1::::t ;;;;;w, ·. N°‘ ”°°“““‘* "‘°’ “'° '“““’ “"°"° |*’“""“°· A" ""° "°°"“ “’· M“"‘°‘"‘ comme new and h¤¤ received tW°itgken what- from nl-owning or from ‘ 3g` yy il " L. »l" But because its policy. —Ex. were delighted with her address. mommy checks for work done for mslmla Wheeler Wilcox. _A-1 _ it :3 , ffl 1 paper. Mr. Redwino ls a. Junior in Col·| The young women on the program ·· r M *‘· · ‘ ' l ` ‘*• L _ , B. S leg? of Ans and Science and with °x'|were Miss Lois Brown, Miss Ina Da.r— X ¢X¤¤!t°¤¤ ¤88¢¤t t¤¤‘¢ \¤¤·‘*¤¤¤€ M ¢¤**¤* 0* the m¤¤¤·*v we null and Miss Natura wood. At the Have SMB IZ { - t , licatlon of the Eastern Kentucky State next meeting an election wm be h8ld_ UI I5 Il Normal School, ls doing Junior work By Walking OD t8(!k€¤ ;· —--< l • · • · us. He soles when we SEV * f l B in journalism with good resu } , , ' P I u tg specializing ln court reporting, us- _ A th€lI OH f0l‘ the 88.mf ` I I { lng the Fayette Clrcult. Court as his iu ,__ L- .._ Q [)l‘lC€. Work d0l\€ whnle, I °$?@tl(j‘" •·\ S laboratory sem. # YOU Willi. \ l , ¤ . \, · \ _> t I MV A· D· S°h°"““°*g*’l· *’· student pi-? ‘ `, { ` ’·“· i the College of Mines was i “• t l*»¤%>·;»+<#¤¤y,,9 ‘““‘ ’°‘" " ‘ U·R» . t- NEXT. 113 South Broadway ' · F I. Now In Pr¤sr••• i lt in the clt durin the holl- K-—— `W · t X .1........i. I Wl$,_v?,;gKq‘ I a v s or y g ‘§$ . · - ` yy I days. Mr. Schoenseigel is now e. stu- e & . Etc l·*·‘• 9 • ldeht at the Colorado School or Mines. S . Klnkead Coal CO, , i;~~»»·4 :,\ ' Young Men s Sunts, Ovcrcoats 1 { t mmsm ¤.~·-— — »—> _ _ _ ,§g§"l,H‘.'&i)t O He was u. ll16mbBl‘ of thé VETB ly 00 · ’ Anthraclte and Bltumlnoul ,,.5 H " and R§||\¢0[t| and Qu _be.ll team at that lnstltutlon last fall, _ Q I O ‘ · J¢l»é!-;l‘w.% F _ h, t whlch team won the Rocky Mountain sibmlly ,,9mAm__` 2; ' __, —, UYDIS mf} DOW R championshm --- ·~~ Lexington, _ Kentucky N "‘ *' 3.... ‘“— “`·’ * · rr ·———·—·——·—— l ` w' IS" M Th M k former State ' ' ' " " ' ' """""'°"’°°’ ` ,` X? ks I'. OIDIB 8.I' B. 8. ll ey BIG RED UC TI ON S student. mw ... the U..·m.m M L.M.LA1L JACK DUNN °°§`·‘~€‘; ' Michigan, was in the city durins lhv ` I "!}?`~‘ \ Christmas holiday! `· W}- • • • ’ ‘ • i-gy; ing, Thu as a Great Savmg T.mc __ Phggn px Habgydaghgyv I For Y0 J. ll. Turner, graduate manager of, ‘ ’ ' u athletics, has announced a. basket ball· SU` 93 fl? CO Iégc Men * Fu- l i V Ima - V , game with Maryville (`ollege, of Mary-l and _ ·‘ A ville, Tenn., Saturday night. The Makers of Enghsh Chltheq New ‘ ` I game wlll be played in the gymnasium, [ \ · - . . · . • $14-sw Wet: Main *m·u ;"°“‘““""‘ “‘ “ °°'°°"‘ _ *’*·¤•··¤ H¤*•* ¤*¤¢*· L•¤¤¤:•¤¤. Ky \ _ c¤'dmums__w,W Mm i Thls wlll he the States first same •___________ _________ __ ______ _____ ____ ________••••••• A 'Y K ia- . O · r V I .·' I {it ·r n m ID m A ,______._._ .,._ _,.,-,...- -........—-.-·~-—~ -——-•—-— *··*'***"Y*'* · •—•4¤ — _s¤• .••··;——¤ ', S ` Some mlslnformed persons who saw » '1 HE IDEA .. .. - •r¤• 15 on the front of the Nat- Pnlllahed every Thursday throughout the College year by the student bod! ural Sclence Bulldlng In The IDIA W S of the lute Unlverslty of Kentucky, for the benefit of the u¤d•r· y e graduates, alumnl and faculty of the lnstltutlon. plctulgullmt ';°k rm 'mziw :n°' .-.- . -?e—-—-T-»·»—-————~———-»T- Whv ¤ ¤I 0- WH ¤ I ¤*¤ THE IDEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of the University. lt ls issued with flrst. I ‘tI• View of furnlahlng to its subscribers all the college news of Kertuckyi UWIANUNQ maglmma gzlesgsf items of interest concerning the unlvers tlee 0 Some of th. om ,.¤_“·,, mnt an __ 47;W__n;_ g V _g p :1 ;;__;_ I _ r :t__:;_T_:_________:_. Chu-tm·· Mud", in Mun mg mm, Swearing destroys your sense of reverence, lt weakens your beet prin- gunecmrrlou, out DOLLAR Pin v|:AR. FIVE CENT! PIR GOPY lmprevements or the Unlnmty in ¤|vl•• it lov•rs all of your standards and compromlees your ideas et rlgnt . K. lingered at Lexington Post Otflce as second clan mall mlt\•r. Dum,. much me nm, mum". unt and wrong, ====‘·——*’——·"""e;ei=-==;—**———-S “*‘***~‘-::"";’*”’:= · Swearing ls so hurtful that the man wh h t GUARANTEE IVIIRY aononm. enrr, 1•1+1•1¤. ""' ’°"' "‘°“‘°°" '"' °°”° °‘°* STATEMENT HE MAKE wl ° °° ° i OLYDI P TAYLOR mlm! In four 0,- ny, yur, md .0 O", w S TH AN OATH, ls regarded nowadays as n man J e.e..e.ee..•e...•............e.·......g.;|;£LLt 1 · * ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'''‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'°''‘''‘`°'‘‘‘' of me hot wlm. ,;,0,,,, um ww, Put lt on the lowest plane——what lt makes others think ot you. lake S ~' Aseoclete Edltore. tu, hn been c°mpl,t“_ your friends believe what you say, BECAUSE YOU SAY IT, NOT BICAUSI 1 JIANETTE BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BULLING ...... Mech. and Elec. ______ you gwgg; ]·|·_ —_ A, I, LIIBOVITZ ........... Athletics G. C. ROGERS .....-.-.------ Hi¤|¤8 A¤