xt7j9k45tk2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tk2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-08-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1997 1997 1997-08-22 2020 true xt7j9k45tk2n section xt7j9k45tk2n  








mam ts
nus/o in g
back to
UK eat/[y

By Brian Dunn

ln/v‘timt \4't.‘ .» I'll/Iii)!"

from a particular poitit on the
sidewalk hetvveeii (Ientral (Zantpus
and .\leniorial (Zoliseum. one can
see flocks of people meandering
around campus.

Sorority rushees. often in
groups of li. walk tip and down
Rose Street from house to ltotisc.
v\L'III to event.

lhcn there are band members.
mostly iti their group of 3-H). htit

so'iictimes broken into sections. \aron Simmons. a mathematics
lugging their instrument cases to frcsliittan. “\Ve'vc luckediotit this Street.
.ind front .toll field. adjacent to week lnican it's \tlgtist,"

the Student (ienter.

These groups have heeii spot-
ting campus since Saturday. for
many it‘s been a long week.

“I‘ve heeii really tired. nervous
and etched." said (llii‘istylones. a
kinesiology sophomore who's
participating in sorority rtish.
“Those are the three words that
describe it.

“It‘s worth it. though." she said.

Sorority rush began last SAINT"
day when about oil) rushees coit—
verged on campus. .\lany of them
will he united with their sororities

It is important that they have
itiet many tiew friends. said \udi‘ea
llolnies. Panhelleiiic president.


l5or iiinst rushees. the people
they iitcet during rush are the first
they have met on campus. she said.

They walk arotiiid and learn the
asked questions they answer in uni«
son. as a group of 15.

“It‘s been long but fun
confusing but fun but fun."

()ii the hatid camp front. this
week has heen a hlessing.

“\\'eatlier's been perfect." said

Two hundred forty haiid niem-
hers. ll); of tlieiti new. gathered
Sunday to begin camp. It won't eiid
for them until the day before class—
cs start.

“I hated (my first week at his).
I wanted to go home." said fresh»
man Rhonda lryant. The week
included liry .iiit getting rained on
.iiid lieing splashed by a passing

Hut the vvcek has turned to he
pleasant for her. \s she stiiiled. she
said. "It's heeii fun."

Bryant‘s and Sinimons' days
have started off at 8:“) am. w hen
they gather with the haitd to do
stretches .iiid calisthenics to warm
tip for the day.




).§*~uMN~.“ _ ..


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l August 22. I 997
0 III‘ Show

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with each other, when


Registrar: Beware
OI policy changes

Attention to details
can help students save

By James Ritchie
\t In Iii/[tor

It sounds simple enough: Pay close
attention to the registration policies
listed in the schedule hook when drop-
ping classes iii order to avoid owitig the
L'niversity money for tlieiit.

But every year. said Associate Regis‘
trar l)on \\'itt. studetits ttiiss deadlines
and end tip regretting it.

“Everybody can he guilty of not
reading things closely enough." he said.

Paying attention is crucial this
semester, he said, since tvvo policies
have changed.

Students no longer have until the
eighth week of the semester to drop a
class and receive a partial refund.

The Board of Trustees decided last
spring to reduce the time frame iii
which students can drop a class and
receive any refund to four weeks. The
last day to drop for a refund will he
Sept. 24.

L'K's old policy was out of line with
its benchmarks. which are schools it
uses to compare itself to. said .loan
.\lcC-auley. associate vice president for
planning and hiidget.

“The president asked us to take a
look at it and come back with a revised
policy if it was needed." she said.

The. Institution of Planning and
Budget found that L'K was refunding a
significant portion of the tuition for a
longer time than most other schools.

According to the board's official pol-
icy statement. “The revised policy will
enable the L'niversity to finalize
refunds earlier in the semester. allow
for improved revenue forecasting,
improve allocation for faculty resources
and bring the refund policy more in
line with other institutions.”

.r\lso this year. the University abol—
ished the $50 registration fee.

:\s a result. “in said. “The only way
not to become liable for fees is to drop
before the first day of classes."

In the past. students who registered
htit decided not to attend classes could
have their registration canceled by not
paying their registration fee.

Now they must cancel the classes


The days have included about
five hours practicing the pre—ganie
show and the first of three half-
time shows at Stoll Field.

Band members spend the rest
of the time broken—off into their
sections, often outside and sonic-
times in the Singletary Center
for the Arts and the Fine Arts

The percussion section is a
common sight iii front of the
Singletary (lenter along Rose

rested by taking in a game of

“.\larching hand is a good thing
to do because you meet a lot of
people." said Paul (lliburn. a music
education sophomore. as drums
pounded from within the Fine Arts
Building behind hint.

“People iust want to be a part of
something," he said.

For many sorority rushees, the
week has been emotional as they've
had to narrow their choices for a
sorority front an original list of
nine to a short list of three. And
then one.

“It‘s been emotional. exciting,"
said merchandising sophomorejes—
sica .\IcMahon.




Students who withdraw or reduce mum load
to less than fiIlI—time may be eligible to
receive the following ”fiends/reductions



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“in said he is concerned students
do not know the $50 fee has been abol-
ished. He said those students will think
their classes have been canceled
because they haven’t paid the fee, and
then be forced to pay for classes they
have decided not to take.

The registrar's office will strictly
enforce the new policies. Witt said.

“Classes are at a premium," he said.
and students who do not drop them
properly are holding up space other
stu ents may want.

Sept. 10 is the last day to pay tuition
fees in full. The postmark deadline for
fee payment is Aug. 29.






SIBINE IT "PJoey [)t’Il‘t't’X (to/i) plays IL‘lfh the
[ram] outside the ()tis xl. Sing/clan (fut/er. I am
Pietrangelo stays in time Iz'ltlt tlic tymlw/ core. 1

“hmhf—u-QQ‘ .ufip. '4»

nectacular ,
OHBI‘S crazy

By Brian Dunn
.Intitimt .\i'an I'll/Ina ~ ,


.\t the Student (ienter Spectacular last year.
his students started stripping.

\nd thousands of eager cyes watched .is
laughter roared through the crowd of onlook -,

l‘he futi and the weirdness returns at Will 5
pair. on Sunday when liypnotist \lichacl \ntlto-
iiy puts several Ills students into deep and ltilai*
ious trances or causes Ilietit to “strip" or fall in
. love with .1 complete stranger.

1 "It's your chance to get hypnotized." said
i ,lonathan Piercy. indoor .tcl‘iHlIL's cli.l]l' tor the

Student \ctivitics Iloard

. \ntliony is one of many highlights of the
l Student (Lenter Spectacular. which includes
l ventrilotpiisitt. music. comedy and the Velcro
()lymptcs. \hnut Hill” pcoplc arc cvpected .tt
the event. S.\ll President \\ inn Sit pliens said.
I le said everyone is iiiv llc'tl.

Iic‘sltlt's getting ltypnnti'wl. st ltlt'iH'» \an
catch the act of ventriloipust \Villic lylc r and
‘ his dummy. Lester. both of whom appeared on
l "TheIt'llct‘soiis."

l .\lso. people can drape themselves iii \‘elcro
.iiid compete iii thc \elcio ()lympics. l’artit i-

l pants compete by iunipmg. running and climlr

i mg around .iii inflatahlc \iL'lliU iunglt gym.

| l’iet‘cy said

i .\long with heiiig trcc. I’IL'I‘L\ said tln Stu»





dent (ienter Spectacular tillv rs students a
chance to wtii tip to Skill“). llic studcnt- clllli
petc in a game show format for the oppoatmity
to step into the Iiliylartl of iiucks. a room full of
I randomly floating money. \Vliat you grab is
l what you take. l’icrcy said.
i .\lso this year. a tiew event. the (Zardinal
t Roast. introduces itself as a heginning of Iltt"
| year ritual
I “Students can get fired tip about the football
l; game (vs. l.ouis\ille .it 1'“) pm on v\ug. illi .iiid
| get free lunch." Stephens said.

People attending the roast \ug. 3‘) will have
l(i.()f)() chicken wings to munch on. Piet'cy said.
‘, his football coach flal \lumnie will he there
along with special guests. hut l’icrcy would not
tell which guests would attend.

“I‘d rather not specify." he said. “I want pco~
ple to be surprised.

The Spectacular is sponsored hy S \f'l. Stuv
dent (itH'ermtteiit \\\li( ration. the Dean of Stir
dents Office and the Residence Hall .\ss« it‘IJIHIIt.
It starts at 8 pm. Sunday, [he -\cti\itics lair
rtins from .\londay to luesday. The (lardmal
Roast. sponsored by S.\l§. S(i,\ and the Ken,
tucky Kernel. runs from noon-I pan. l ridav

i inf),



Stl‘flflllllillfl registration

system has hecn lauded for its efficiency.
Before that students waited for as long as ..
three hours in the inc/lanine of Patter-
son Office ’I ower to register for classes.

Some college students do not have the
luxury of a voice»automated registration
system, Student Government \ss‘ociation
President .\lelanie (Iru/ said.

“I have friends .tll over the country,
and sottie would actually have to go back
(physic.illy)" .tiid register. (:ru/ said.

Small alterations

make UK— VIP faster

By Mat Hemin

Campus lit/trot

L'K‘s‘ Voice Information Processing
network has undergone tnmor changes to
streamline priority registration this fall.

Registration windows for students have
been condensed so they open every half—
hour instead ofevery hour. and the number
of students in each window has been redis—
trihtited to prevent a backlog iii the system.
Assistant Registrar Michelle Nordin said.

(Ihanges aside. normal VIP procc«

ICven if \"lP is .i luvury. the system is
not 1th percent problem free.

“limit the information given. and put
more responsibility on the students" said
ccotiottiics senior .\likc Slago. “If you
open tip the schedule of classes. you can
see half the information that takes tip the

(lures are still in effect. Undergraduates first five minutes ofthe phone call."
and new graduate students drop or add Three advising conferences are left: '55...
classes by phone. Re—adttiitted students International students register today. I}:
tnust register with an adviser hy terminal New freshmen .iiid transfer students reg- 3}.
in case their transcript needs to he evalu» ister on Monday. re-admitted .iiid non— .
ated. Nordin said. degree students on ’I‘uesday. ‘_
Eventually UK will move toward web— The add/drop period for priority reg- 9
based registration. The L'niversity web site istered students ends Saturday; add/drop 3

gives more current information on open
and closed classes. Plus. students simplv
prefer a computer to a phone. Nordin said.
“Students like to see some type of
visual registration" rather than picking
classes over the phone. Nordin said.
Since its installation in fall 1903. the


for students who late registered runs
from Aug. 27 to Sept. i. and costs $40.
The last day to officially drop a course or
cancel registration using L'K-VIP is Aug.
26; The last day to enter a class is Sept. . .
and the last day to withdraw from a
course is Oct. 24. 3













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“529 MM 615 m
7 M44 MJR .2 501
”73 M m M
“74 M 840 M
11102 w 840 001
ceue ae W
“537 PA 795 W
12552 $3 207 W1
. . . 12555 560 W
The number of available seats is noted in m m 905 one
the column tollowrng the section number. An 3;; min 2;: $
asterisk (') indicates that the section has five a m a g
or tewer seats available. was me no cos
oaoo PHY 900 N1
Course sections that have the letter C “.255; in" :23 223
immediately after the number of available mm“ 3, m 333
seats have controlled enrollment. You must oases Psv «5 one
- “646 Y
get special permission from the offering 035.. 5;, $33 83
department in order to enroll in a course With 355?: g g; :3}
controlled enrollment. 06526 m use 001
“5” PT 836 501
- $554 444 401
_ Course sections that have the letter S m a: 779 002
immediately after the number of available m $52, 3 3
seats are reserved for students in special 3:33; :3 3;; gs
programs and are not available to students
(3631 SW 630 402
who are not part of that program. 0m, 5w ,4, m
' “561 TOX 780 W4
06550 A55 100 015 11 20 TR 0400PM OSMPM 0535
06624 MS 101 002 1 C 10 W 0100PM WM 0535; a: 1% x
06626 MS 101 007 8 C 1.0 TBA 06859 MS 100 010
06596 A-E 270 003 13 2.0 M OBNAM 0850M 05052 MS 100 011
W OMAM 0940AM 05555
m4 A-E 746 001 5' 0.0 TBA 05867 2:: 10.: 8!:
06546 A-H 502 001 4‘ 3.0 TBA ““9 MS 100 014
06666 MB 330 001 11 30 TR 1230914 0145PM N295 ACC 201 007
06562 AEN 925 001 7 3.0 TR oeoomosisAM 05453 ACC 5‘9 002
06617 AGR 897 201 16 1.0 TBA 00345 ACC 795 002
06506 ANT 505 001 9 30 TR WM 0445PM ”375 AEC 41° (”1
08504 ANT 532 001 23 3.0 TR 09%” 1045AM W AEC 531 m1
06515 BIO 304 (X15 20 4.0 TR WM M15PM - may AEC 320 001
M 01m 554
06516 BIO 304 006 22 4.0 :11 0315?“ 00542231 9333 $1
06514 BIO 565 401 10 4.0 TR 05m WW” $553 $; 7203 x
W 0500PM M ”-8
06579 BME 761 W5 5' 1-0 TBA (11733 :22 a $
12554 BSC 664 001 5’ 3.0 R WM WM m739 ASC 535 001
11107 CDS 820 001 55 1-0 (D742 ASC 666 001
06569 CE 602 001 22 3.0 R 0500PM (”WM 1205‘ BSC 331 201
06542 CE 699 003 10 1.0 F 1200PM 0200PM - 12033 BSC 331 501
06570 CE 699 402 12 3.0 T OSOOPM WM 00957 (:5 211 004
06654 CHE 580 001 19 3.0 TR 1100AM 1215PM m CE 441 003
06523 CLA 790 (X11 14 3.0 TBA W91 CE 601 001
05768 CLS 822 001 4' 3.0 MWF 1100M 1150AM 05450 CE 502 401
F otOOPM OZSOPM 00999 CE 331 001
06134 CLS 844 001 4' 3.0 MTRF OBOOAM 1050AM 01°01 CE 337 001
MTRF 0100PM 0150PM 01002 (:5 599 001
06135 CLS 844 501 a 3.0 TBA 01040 CHE 230 002
08137 CLS 844 502 8 3.0 TBA 05755 CLS 130 501
06500 CLS 845 001 2‘ 3.0 TR 1100AM 1150AM 011“ CLS 555 501
W mPM 0450PM
06501 CLS e45 002 3‘ 3.0 11% oeoom 1050AM $31: $35 7:: %
1100AM 1150AM COM
06289 CLS 851 001 3- 4.0 MTWR oeoom 1050AM 8:32;: COM :13; 833
MTWR OIOOPM 0150PM 05032 COM 449 001
06438 CLS 851 002 1‘ 4.0 MTWR OTOOPM 0150PM 01384 cs 635 002
MTWR WM 04pr 01411 DIS 5“ “)1
01137 CLS 954 001 14 3.0 T 1000AM 1150AM 01413 DIS 500 401
06140 CLS 856 001 a 30 MTWR OIOOPM 0150PM 812;; 857 22; $1
WW“ 0200?” 0450?” 01452 DMT 415 001
06141 CLS 856 501 2' 30 TBA 01547 ECO 4856 401
06503 CLS 861 001 20 1.0 TBA 06642 sec 635 001
06525 CLS 867 501 15 1.0 TBA 06185 ECO 571 001
06543 CLS 872 501 12 1 0 TBA 06522 ECO 666 001
06606 CLS 895 501 6 1.0 TBA 01636 50c 34,3 001
06633 CME 330 002 42 30 MW: 1200PM 1250PM 06347 soc “9 001
06620 CME 330 201 1' S 3.0 MW 0700PM 08pr 01579 EDC 71‘ «)1
06670 CS 121 007 11 C 4.0 MW 1100AM 115OAM 01687 EDC 717 001
TR WM 02pr 0355
06520 cs 300 002 15 3.0 MM: 0100PM 0150PM 060,2 5% 3?; g
m C5 677 W1 15 30 MWF 1000AM 1050AM 01722 EDP 6x 001
06710 DMT 415 401 5' 3.0 R OGOOPM 0630PM 01302 EDS m 201
06597 ECO 771 001 15 3.0 MW 0200PM 0315PM 01303 EDS m2 202
06498 EDA 635 201 24 3.0 s 1000AM123K)PM 0,304 EDS 002 203
06564 EDA 641 201 16 3.0 M OSSOPM WM 01305 EDS 002 204
06672 E00 337 003 24 30 Mw 0800AM 0950AM 07306 E05 602 205
06711 EDC 343 401 a 30 M 0530PM 0700PM 01307 EDS 602 206
06730 EDC 565 001 5 3 0 TBA 01808 EDS 602 207
06558 EDC 575 001 8 30 TBA 01811 EDS 602 401
06494 EDC 636 401 22 3.0 T 0.5pr OBWPM 01907 EE 523 001
06575 EDC 730 201 15 3 0 TBA 06253 EE 599 003
06538 EDC 740 001 4 3.0 TBA 06615 EE 599 005
06727 EDC 746 001 1' O 0 TBA 03255 EE 539 001
06728 EDC 746 002 l' 0.0 TBA 01943 EGR 611 001
06729 EDC 746 003 1' 00 TBA 01957 W 545 001
06675 E00 777 003 7 1 0 TBA 02020 ENG 101 054
06614 EDP 549 002 7 3.0 R 1100AM 0130PM $442 ENG 101 085
06539 EDP 773 001 10 30 M OSOOPM O7OOPM 06443 ENG 101 091
06607 EDP 782 011 4 1.0 TBA 05945 ENG 270 401
06726 EDP 732 012 5' 10 TBA 09170 ENG 354 001
06613 EDS 517 002 22 30 1 o2oor=M 04pr 0215, ENG 405 401
06709 EDS 559 202 7 3.0 r 04pr 0600PM 05945 ENG 4555 001
06540 505 768 009 3° 10 TBA oseee ENG .321 00‘
06708 EDS 789 006 12 1.0 TBA 02265 EPE 602 001
06521 EE 380 002 17 3.0 MWF O100PM OTSOPM 05973 EPE 676 201
06721 ENG 102 017 25 3.0 MWF 0200PM 02pr 05974 EpE 676 202
06722 ENG 102 018 25 3.0 MWF 0:1pr 011pr 02274 Epg 578 001
06524 ENG 621 401 10 3.0 W OGOOPM OBSOPM 05803 EPE 681 401
06609 EPE 749 201 20 0 0 TBA 02296 FA ‘01 001
06610 EPE 749 202 20 0.0 TBA 05999 FAM 350 001
06653 FOR 101 001 19 C 30 TBA 02325 FAM 411 001
06718 FOR 599 002 20 1 0 TBA 02329 FAM 475 002
06612 FOR 620 001 11 30 TR 04pr 0515PM 02330 FAM ‘75 201
06677 FOR 663 001 20 40 TR MAM 0915AM 02335 FAM 495 001
T 0100PM 02pr
06678 FOR 663 002 20 4.0 TR 0800AM osisAM £332 :3", 23‘; g
T O300PM 04509M
02480 FR 011 001 13 3.0 MWF onOAM oasoAM gig :21: 313 $
06611 FR 101 201 20 4.0 ¥BA OGOOPM 08pr 02332 FAM 7‘3 007
06511 GEN 200 001 1 c 30 m 0930AM 1045AM $33; an $3 2%
06513 GEN 200 003 5 c so Mw 1100AM 1215PM 02394 PAM 755 006
06582 GEO 480 001 5' 3 0 TBA 02395 FAM 768 007
06604 GLY 160 004 a 3.0 r 1230PM 0120PM 05532 FM 763 013
T 0130PM O450PM 02405 Fm 735 W
06638 HA 602 001 1‘ 3 0 TBA 02406 FAM 785 003
06636 HA 660 001 1 3 0 TBA 02483 FR 101 002
06505 HIS 109 010 2 30 MWF 1200PM 1250PM 02493 FR 101 402
06506 HIS 315 005 12 3,0 M 02pr 0350PM 02.95 m 102 00‘
TBA 02507 FR 201 004
06507 HIS 505 001 7 30 TR 0330PM 044SPM 06303 FR 201 ‘01
06583 HON 101 012 1' 30 MWF 0900AM 0950AM ”524 FR 261 001
06551 HOR 582 N3 20 1.0 F OQOOPM OZSOPM 02540 pg 553 “)2
06552 NOR 582 201 11 3 0 TBA 06391 GEO 152 201
06661 HSM 451 401 9 3.0 R OGOOPM osooPM 06497 GEO 2‘0 002
06639 HSM 602 001 1 3.0 TBA “707 GEO 2‘1 my
06637 HSM 660 001 1‘ 3.0 TBA 02606 GEO :95 401
06648 HSM 843 002 5' 10 TBA 05715 GEO 455 001
06602 US 630 401 2' 3.0 w OSOOPM 0630PM 05713 GEO 545 001
06676 MA 109 033 20 3.0 MWF OQOOAM 0950AM
06668 MA 123 033 1' 30 MWF 01OOPM 0150PM
06719 ME 151 202 18 30 TR 0700AM 0815AM
06618 ME 391 201 20 S 3.0 MW WM OGOOPM
06619 ME 330 201 20 S 3.0 MW 0700PM WM
06696 ME 406 002 13 30 TR OSOOPM 0615PM 05976 A55 110 003
06531 ME 531 001 23 30 MWF 1000AM 1050AM W230 A-S 660 001
06695 MFS 780 002 9 3.0 TBA (X3231 AS 681 (01
06616 MGT 699 001 16 30 MW 0300PM 0415PM (X3365 AEC 201 001
06622 MSE 201 202 18 S 3.0 TR 0430PM OWPM x210 AEC 4416 001
06518 MSE 552 001 22 3.0 MW oaoom 03pr «1383 AEC 590 001
06714 MUC 196 401 50 10 MTWR O7OOPM 10mpM W78 ANT Z1 010
06715 MUC 196 402 15 1.0 TR 0530PM 0645PM
06717 MUC 596 401 20 1.0 MTWR 07WM 10mpM W531 ANT 510 001
06716 MUC 596 402 15 1.0 TR 0530PM 0645PM «L539 ANT m1 001
06566 MUS 520 001 18 3.0 M 0200PM 0433PM 01045 CHE 231 004
06556 NS 769 010 20 0.0 TBA
06662 NS 790 016 4' 0.0 TBA 01134 CLS 836 001
06663 NS 790 017 4' 0.0 TBA 01159 CLS $5 W1
06664 NS 790 018 4' 0.0 TBA
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20 TBA
5.0 M 0400914 WM
3.0 T M15AM 104W
3.0 M M 07m
1.0 TBA
1.0 F WM 04m
3.0 I” 01m mm
1.0 TBA
2.0 TBA
2.0 TBA
1.0 TBA
30 TR WM mm
3.0 MW WM WM
3.0 TBA
3.0 T M M
3.0 TR WM 071W
4.0 TBA
3.0 R 01m WM
3.0 W 01m WM
2.0 TBA
20 TBA
2.0 TBA
2.0 TBA
3.0 TR ONOPM 0715PM
3.0 W 01309M 0400PM
C 3.0 TBA
3.0 TR 1100” 1215PM
8.0 W 0450914
2.0 W oeoom MOW
40 T 053OPM MOPM
5.0 W DOOOPM 0750PM
2.0 TBA


”037 GER 101 M1
06641 HA sac 001
02799 HIS 103 004
02300 HIS 108 005
021110 HIS 108 015
02912 His 109 017
02522 HIS 109 027
02323 HIS 109 029 i
02330 HIS 109 0:15
02833 HIS 108 099
02335 HlS roe 040 I
05504 HIS 206 001
02999 HIS 550 001 i
05321 1118 651 001
05623 HIS 700 002
06644 HON 101 014
06557 HSM 943 201
02976 HSM 343 501
06144 JAT 497 401
03034 JAT 499 402
03192 US 603 001
03200 LIS 630 001
05633 MA 110 005
03290 MA 113 017
03291 MA 113 019
03399 MA 213 007
03409 MA 322 005
03421 MA 4320 003
oesoe MA 503 201
03439 MA 654 001
06629 MA 773 003
06339 ME 151 201
03492 ME 346 001
03491 ME 505 001
03495 ME 606 001
03497 ME 611 001
03499 ME 625 001
03511 MFS 505 001
03606 we 211 004
03664 MSE 512 001
06273 MSE 554 001
05912 NFS 342 003
04091 NFS 590 001
04092 NFS 685 001
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04113 NS 749 009
06495 Nun 520 003
04220 nun see 401
04221 NUR see 501
04315 NUR 924 501
04349 nun 942 003
06640 PA 636 001
12388 PHA 670 001
04451 PHI 120 024
06359 PHR 612 001
06536 PHR 622 001
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04515 PHR 668 501
04599 PHY 201 011
04636 PHY 232 003
05577 PHY 716 001
05762 PS 732 001
04352 PSY 100 402
04861 PSY 215 006
04970 PSV 216 005
05648 PSY 216 009
06380 PSY 620 001
04930 PSY 635 001
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04944 PT 628 001
04945 PT 628 501
06527 PT 836 401
06033 soc 449 001
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05223 SP1 553 002
05226 SPl 634 oo1
05227 SPl 637 001
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05333 sw 445 004
05339 sw 505 401
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05345 SW 600 201
05353 sw 611 401
06069 sw 617 201
06088 sw 617 401
05353 sw 620 202
05367 sw 636 401
05368 sw 637 201
05369 sw 640 001
05370 SW 640 002
05371 sw 540 003
05372 sw 640 401
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05376 SW 641 203
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05406 SW 740 402
05409 SW 740 405 S
05410 SW 740 406
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05419 sw 750 402 1
06060 sw 791 401
06061 sw 755 401
05519 rox 600 001
06362 Tex e70 001
05549 UK 101 014
06399 vs 600 001


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00394 MA 193 203 5 10 n 00009M 1000914 °°°°° *5 395 005 3 C 10 TBA °°‘93 A's 5" °°‘ 5' 3° m °‘°°PM 0‘50“” 00325 ‘00 399 00‘ 15 C 10 TBA
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00390 MA 193 205 5 10 11 00009M1000914 00°“ M‘- 399 004 3 C 1.0 TBA °°2°2 A's 5‘° °°‘ ‘.5 3° W °°°°AM “50"” 00333 ACC ‘176 003 3' 30 TR 09304141045414
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00390 MA 193 207 5 10 a 00009M1000914 00093 A-E 095 001 3 c 10 TBA 002°C “5 55‘ °°‘ 9_ 30 TR O‘OOPM 0450914 00337 Acc 1501 001 9 30 14 02009M 02pr
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