xt7j9k45tm99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tm99/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1931 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.4, April, 1931 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.4, April, 1931 1931 1931 2020 true xt7j9k45tm99 section xt7j9k45tm99 We? 23 §5£§ JnnmaL— 11877 FFKJAL ORG—AN of‘ O aNEGRO eoocanonfib % ,_____——-——-§ Volume I April, 1931 Number 4 Program Issue 7 One of Our New Rural Buildings THE NEWBURG SCHOOL, JEFFERSON COUNTY A. L. Gavin, Principal This is the fourth of a series of school buildings recently con- structed for Colored Youth by the Kentucky Boards of Education. “An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every' Kentucky Child” nlllIllilllll|||lll||lilllll|lIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllll:IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllF. TIIII|Illllll|I|ll|Illlllllllllllllllll|llllllllll(I'll|llllllIlllllll|||ll|||Illlll|Illll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliil 'JfllllllllIllllllllllllflllllllllflllIlllllllllllllllllllIlllIllIll]lllllIIl|IlllllllllllIlllllllfllllllllllllllllll K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y C-E-N-T-R-A—L Life and Accident Insurance Company ANCHORAGE, KENTUCKY 07::- One Million Three Hundred Thousand Doll-rs Phil To Polieyhalden and Beneficiuia: in 1929 AS FOLLOWS 125,351 Weekly Indemnity Claim: for .. 2.600 Duel: and Dismemberment Claim 307,499.07 128,351 Weekly Indemnity Chin" fou- .. $1,018,855.42 OvexI Ten Million Dnllan Paid to Pulieyholden Ind Banefieinriu Since Organiznlinn .....$l.0|8y855.43 LOUISVlLLE DISTRICT OFFICE: Banker’s Trust Building District Ofiica in all principal Cities of Kentucky, Indium, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Michigan Louisville Mummpal College FOR NEGROES ORGANIZED AS A mun YEAR LIBERAL ARTS ,coumz , . ' ' Announces a 9 SUMMER SESSION Especially Planned i For Teachers College Credit To Those Meeting Enhance Requirements Expenses Reasonable ‘ strong Funny , FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS THE DEAN Regular College Session Begins In September The K. N. E. A. Journal Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association Volume I April, 1931. Number 4 Published by the Kentucky Negro Educational Association Editorial office at 2518 Magazine Street Louisville, Kentucky Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor W. B. Humphrey, Maysville, President of K. N. E. A. Board of Director: J. L. Bean, Versailles W. S. Blanton, Frankfort S. L. Barker, Owensboro F. A. Taylor, Louisville Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, Decemhm‘, February and April PRICE 50 CENTS PER YEAR DR 15 CENTS PER COPY Mmhership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes su‘hscriptlon to the Journal Rates for Advertising space mailed on request Present Circulation: 1500 copies . l . 1930 K. N. E. A. Membership 1270 CONTENTS Editorial Comment . 2 Sidelights on 1931 K N. E. A Program . 4 Announcements for 1931 K N. E. A. Convention . 6 President of N. A T. c. s. on Program . 8 Present Secretzry for Re~Election . 9 President Humphrey Greets Teachers .12 The K. N. E. A. Honor Roll ...... .14 The Music Teachers’ Association . .16 The Advantages of Class Piano (By R. L Carpenter .17 The Value of Athletics to Oui Schools (By H. S. Wilson) . . .19 K.l\ N E. A Kullings ................ .20 The B. T Washington School at Ashland. . .21 D. H Anderson to Run for K. N E. A President . . .22 The Racial Situation in America (By W. W. Alexmder) . .3: The Cosmopolitan School Quartette . . Lillian M Lemon on Muzicsl Program Myth Along the Color Line ......... P.- T. A President Announces Convention Some School Law Questions ........... The May Underwood High School at Frankfort . . m ems Editorial Comm HOMES Homes may be secured by writing in advance. Write As early as possible in order to get the best accomodatians. Most teachers have stopping mlaees but those who desire may secure homes through the K. N‘ E. A. office. Rates will be one donn— per night for sleeping, 35 cents for breakfast, and 40 cents for dinner. Make your arrangements at the outset to avoid any misunderstanding. Cafeterias near our meet:— ing will furnish meals at reasonable rates. ENROLL BY MAIL Principals and organizations are enrolling their teachers in groups. All such 100 per cent wdvance enrollments are placed on the K N. E. A. Elmer Roll. This Honor Roll will be published in our various Ken- tucky Weeklies, and a. special record to be shown at the 1931 meeting. Certificates of Honor will be sent to all 100 per cent schools A dollar from every teacher is expected whether they attend the meeting at Louisville or not. Do your pm. Help maintain the K. N. E. A. RAILROAD CERTIFICATES Identification Cerfificates insuring reduced rates to the K. N. E. A. meeting in April may be obtained from the secretary Secure cedifi— cates early. None will he sent you unless you request same. Your 1931 membership card along with your certificate, is a guarantee of reduced rates. Do not wait. Enroll now. SECTIONAL MEETINGS Each teacher should [plan to visit 1 Departmental Meeting of the K. N. E. A. me first meetings will he on Thursday afternoon of the K. N E. A. convention. The sectional meetings have been arranged in the afternoons for the convenience of AL Eight departments will have programs. (In each program there will be one or more outstand- ing speakers. The K. N. E. A. is paying the speakers’ expenses to Louisville for some of these speakers in order to make sectional meet- ings more attractive. Read like program of these departments and attend the one which you feel will benefit you in your work. For professional improvement attend a sectional (program. OUR MEETING PLACE. We shall hold the general sessions of the K. N E. A. at the C. M. E. Church on Chestnut Street, between Eighth and Ninth. This is very near the Central High School where sectional meetings are to he held 2 and will be vny convenient. Moreover this church will seat a larger number than our former meeting .places and the K. N. E. A should hold very successful! sessions in our new meeting place. Do not forget, the headquarters of the K. N. E. A. will be at the C. M. E. Church and not at Quinn chapel as heretofore. Meet all of your friends in and about the 0.. M. E, Church. THE SPELLING BEE The Annual State Spelling Bee will be on Friday morning of the K. N. E. A. meeting in the Elementary School Deyartment. Twelve prizes will be awarded, the first {our being prizes of $10.00, $5.00, $3.00, and $2.00, and the remainder being dictionaries. The Louis- ville Courier-Journal has agreed to donate ten dollars and eight dic- tionaries for prizes in the Kl N. E. A. Spelling Bee. From all indica- tions this will be the largest spelling bee in the history of the K. N. E. A. Local elimination contests have been held throughout the State and the winners will be in Louisville for the finals. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The district organizstions of the K. N. E. A. will serve as the nomi- nating committee of the K. N. E. A. as heretofore. Miss M. S. Brown of the First District will serve as chain'nsn of the committee and will report 1931 nominations to the association at the general morning session, Thursday, April 16, 1931. Election will be by ballot on Friday, April 17 and will be conducted according to the constitution (the plan used in 1929). Each teacher should, therefore, bring his membership card to the meeting. The terms of two directors exiplre this year. These directors, Prof. F. A. Taylor of Louisville, and Prof. S. L. Barker of Owensboro, will be up for X‘s-election. It is customary for a K. N. E. A. president to serve two years and a new president will therefore be elected this year, Prof. W. )1. Hum- phrey retiring. All other officers of the Association may succeed themselves if they so desire. All of them, including the present secretory-treasurer, will seek re—election. The election will be under the direction of an election committee to be appointed by the president of the K. N. E. A. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITS Teachers are urged to plan industrial and other types of exhibits in accordance with the plans outlined in the December K. N. E. A. Journal. There will be plenty of space in the Central High School gym- nasium. Teachers are urged to arrange exhibit items on Wednesday afternoon and early Thursday morning for inspection by 9:00 a. In on Thursday, April 16‘ Ribbons will be awarded by competent judges on Thursday, April 16, at 1:00 p. m, and the prizes will be given out Sat- urday, April 18, at 10 a. m, by the secretary of the K. N. E. A at the general session. 8 Sidelights on 1931 K. N. E. A. Program 9:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 7:15 P. M. smmmm 34-inch»; “mums reuse 10:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 7:16 P. M. 8:15 P. M Central Theme: “Guidance in Negro Education.” Wednesday, April 15, 1931 Registration of Teachers, C. M. E. Church, 807 W. Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. Arrangement of literary and industrial exhibit items at the Central High School gymnasium. Inspection of the new Kentucky Municipal College for Negroes at Seventh and Kentucky streets. Principals’ Confrence—eR. D. Roi-nan, Chairman (at the C. M. E. Church and open to all local and visiting teachers). Program of the State Music Association, R. L. Carpen- ter, Directress Special feature: Cosmopolitan Quartette, Indianapolis, Ind. C. M. E. Church, First General Session of the K. N. E. A. Welcome Address—Marguerite Parks, Louisville. Response to Welcome—H. E. Goodloe, Russellville. Address—W, H. Humphrey, President of K. N. E. A. Address-Charles Satchell Morris, Jr., A. B., The Uni- vern'ty of Chicago, A. M., Columbia University, of Lynch- burg, Va. Awarding of K. N. E, A. District enrollment Trophy by A. S. Wilson, Secretary of K. N. E. A. Thursday, April 16, 1931 Opening of Second General Session, C. M. E. Church. Report of Legislative Committee, J. Max Bond. Address: Dr. John Rufi, Professor of Secondary Edu- cation. the University of Missouri. Nomination of K. N. E. A. presidents. Address—Dr. Thomas D. Wood, professor of Health Education, Columbia University. Suecia! Talking Picture, Palace Theater, Eleventh 8nd Walnut Streets. Free to members of the K. N. E. A. wearing badges. Sectional meetings of various departments at the c. M. M. E. Church, Central High School, Y. M. C. A. and Western Bunch Library. Music program at c. M. E. Church, R. L. Carpenter, Directress. Opening of Third General Session of K. N. E. A. 4 330 P. M. Address—“Fact and Myth Along the Color me," Dr. w. 0. Brown, Professor of Sociology, the University of Cincinnati. 9:15 P. M. Address—«Fannie C. Williams, President of the N. A. T. C. 8., New Orleans, Louisimm. Friday, April 17, 1931 8:30 A. M. Sectional meetings continued from Thursday afternoon. 9:00 A. M. Inter-Racial meeting of State Educator: at C. M. E. Church Sunday School room under the supervision of > J. Max Bond. 10:30 A. M. State Spelling Contesb—Auspices of the Elementary School Department, Mrs. L. H. Smith, Chairman. 2:15 P. M. Opening of Fourflh General Session at G. M. E. Church. 2:30 P. M. Address—Rufus Clement, Ph. D., Dean of the Louis- ville Municipal College for Negroes. 3:30 P. M. State Declamatory Contest. (Each legislative district my luve one representative.) 7:00 P. M. Physical exhibition begins at Armory. 7:15 P. M. Elementary school pupils at organized play at Armory. 8:00 P. M. High school girls in calesthenio exercises at Armory. 8:30 P. M. Junior 'high school track events at Armory. 9:00 P. M. Senior high school (:er events at Amory. 10:00 P. M. Social period begins at Armory. Suturdly, April 18. (General Business Session at C. M. E. Church.) 9:00 A. M. Community singing led {by R_ L. Carpenter‘ 9:15 A. M. Report of the Election Committee and the installation of new K. N. E. A. officers. 10:00 A. M. Report of Special K. N. E. A. Committees and directors of departments. 11:00 A. M. Secretary's annual report and awarding of exhinit prizes. 11:30 A. M. New business and adjournment. (Special music numbers throughout program.) DEPARTMENTAL MEETINGS OF K. N. E. A. Thunfl-y, April 16, I! 2:30 P. Mi, and Friday, April 11, at 8:30 A. NL Department Place .. .. . . Chestnut Street Y. M. C. A. . . . Room 104, Cenh‘A'I High School The C. M. E. Church . . Room 201, Central High. School . Room 203. Central High School Central High School Chapel . . . Western Branch Library . Sunday School Room of C. M, E. Church . l . . Room 202, Central High School 5 Athletic Commerol Elementary School . High School and College . Industrial Arts . Music . . . . Pfincilpals’ Conference . Rural . . . . Announcements For 1931 K. N. E. A. Convention Prof. C. L. Timberlske, of Greenville, Ky., has announced that he is a candidate for the presidency of the K. N. E. A. Prof. Timberlake is Well known throughout the State of Kentucky and for a number of years has been a loyal Worker for the K. N. E. A. He is, at present, in charge of the County Training School at Greenville and is reported to be doing a very good educatiunal service in his county. He deserves the consideration of Kentucky teachers for the office which he seeks. His name will, therefore nppm on the official K. N. E. A. ballot. u o t u The election of officers of the K. N. E. A. will 'he held on Friday, April 17, and the nominations of K. N. E. A. presidents will be made at the Thursday morning session. From S a. m. to 6 p. m. on Friday, April 17, teachers may vote by ballot for the various candidates Thy presenting their membership cards as evidence of eligibility to vote. o o s e The general sessions of the K. N. E. A. will be held at the C. M. E. Church on Chestnut Street be- tween Eighth and Ninth, in Louis- ville. Kentucky. : o s< : The Eleventh Annual Exhi< hition will he held at the Armory on Friday night, April 17th and the ususl social period from 1‘!) to 12 p. in. will he a feature of the program. Special orchestra music and re freshments will tend to make this a most pleasant evening for all visiting teachers. o o o a At the night sessions of the K. N, E. A., members of the K. N. E. A. are to be given preference with regard to seating. It is pose sible that those not members of the K. N. E. A. wfll he charged a fee of 25a unless they have been given tickets by some member of the K. N. E, A. Such a procedure will prevent teachers from having to stand during the progrnms while those who do not bear the expense of the program are per- mitted to take seats. I t e a Mr. J. Max Bond will have a special conference on “Negro Education in Kentuc ” on Friday morning, April 17, at 8:30 a. m. in the Sunday school room of the C. M. E. Church. The colored principals of the state, the heads of our Negro institutions, and teachers interested in the higher education of the Negro are in- vited to this conference. There will also be invited to this con- ference various superintendents of the state and oflicials interest- ed in the education of the Negro. v. e e t Colored teachers who are in~ terested in the commercial ex- hibits of the K. E_ A. will be per- mitted to attend such exhibits in the Columbia Auditorium. It is suggested that teachers mange to inspect such exhibits in the afternoon from 5 to '7 p. m. A talking picture will be pre— sented to the enrolled members of the K. N. EL A. on Thursday morning, April 16, at 11:30 a. m. at the Pikes Theater. This picture is given at the expense of the K. N. E. A, treasury and '5 free to teachers who wear badges It is hoped that on: visiting teachers as well as our local teachers will take advantage of this entertain- ment ofi'ered by me K. N. E. A. t a e , It is expected that at least 5,000 patrons will attend the Armory on Friday night. Every teacher should plan to be present to meet his friends to spend a pleasant evening. t c x x The Primary Department will hold its sectional meeting at the Western Branch Library at Tenth and Chestnut Streets. t s e o Advance sale of tickets to the Armory will he 35c, if purchased before Friday, April 17. O s o o The State Parent-Teacher As- sociation is to meet in Louisville at the Western Branch Library, Monday and Tuesday, April 18 and 14, 1931. Mrs. Essie D. Mack, the president, is planning a very splendid program and de- sires every P.-T. A. in Kentucky to send delegates. I t t h Teachers are urged to write the Secretary as soon as possible if they desire him to secure them stopping places while in Louis— ville to attend the April meeting. a s s -n One of the best addresses of our program will he that of Prof. W. 0. Brown, of the University of Cincinnati, on the Thursday night program, o o o n One of the best features of the Thursday night program of the K. N. E. A. will be music to be furnished ‘by the glee club of the Kentucky State Industrial Col- lege under the direction of Miss Wheatle'y. Other organizein'ons that have agreed to furnish mu- sic numbers on the K. N. E. A. program consists of Madison and Jackson Junior High Schools, of Louisville, a chorus consisting of pupils of the Jefl‘erson County schools, the Central High school glee club, the Louisville Normal school glee club, the Kappa Alpha Psi quartet, Lincoln Institute glee club, the Jefierson County Chil- dren’s Home chorus, Kentucky School for the Blind band, and the State Music Teachers Asso- ciation. . c e c v; Miss Emma Lewis, of Hampton Institute, has been engaged to give demonstrations in the Ele- mentary School Department at the C. M. E. Church during the K. N. E. A. convention. a o e t Teachers who desire lunches at reasonable rates during the K. N. E. A. convention may secure same at the C. M. E. Churcl'l. Bright’s Pharmacy, Page's Con» fectionery, and White’s Pharm- My. ttthfi National Negro Health Week will be April 5 to 12, 1931. Ken- tucky taechers are urged to plan health programs throughout the week and cooperate to improve our general health situation. President of N. A. T. C. S. 011 Program on the program of the 1931 convention of the K, N. E A, there will appear Miss rannie c. Wil- liams, the president of the Na- tinnal Association of Teachers in Colored schools, an organization representing 45,000 Colored teachers throughout the United States. She is to speak on Thurs day, April 15, in Louisville, Ken- tucky at our 55th Annual Session, llliss Williams is the principal of one of the large elementary schools of New Orlclns and is nationally known 'because of her studies in Negro education. She ranks among our leading women of America and honors the teach- ers of Kentuchy by her appear— ance on the program. In speak- ing of her desires for 1931 she writes as follows: “There are three institutions which hive for (hair sole purpose the care, nurture, development and growth of the young. Thcse institutions are the home, the church and the schooli All are vital essentials of the community, the state, the national common- wealth. Each institution has its special work to do—instilling, guiding and giving children a chance to grow in hcilth, intellect, spirit and emotional attitudes. “Viv wish to my country and its cl lens is threefold: First, I wish for every boy and every girl, every adolescent, a home where love, sympathy, knowledge and Christian ideals are found; A home from which the mother sends out each day the adults and children physically and mentally prepared to do the day’s task; a home that provides wholesome amusements for its children And that supelu use the recreation beyond its dooi ; a home where parents co- operate with all wholesome influ- ences of child life; a home that fits; children to live the creative life, “Second, that each church ac- cording to its faith and rules would so provide within its walls for health work, play and recrea- tion, study periods, story hours during the week and on Sunday thus giving to the children a mod- ern, systematized church school. This would insure each child spiritual guidance through the activities of daily living. “Third, for is school where t e a c h e r s understand children, the‘~ needs and their varying abi ties, so thjt John Doe, who loves to do with his hands, Will not be forced to use only his memory .md Mary Roe, who wants to make jingles and rhymes will not be considered a nuisance; a school that provides vocational guidance so that each child shill be reached through his individual interest; a school that teaches children how to work and live together; a school that is a cen- ter to the community and 11m)- vides for the play life and effi- cient citizenship of its children. ”Thus, through the consumma- tion of these wishes a community would evolve. Here the children would be considered the assets of the community, This can only be accomplished through provid— ing wholesome environment for every child. “President Hoover ‘has said: ‘Civilization marches on the feet of little children’ Then all three wishes must. surely mean that health, happiness, Christian guid- ance at home, school, church and wholesome recrenti are asked for our children during 1931." Present Secretary For lie-Election As announced in the December K. N. E A. Journal, the present secretary, Atwood st Wilson, will he a. candidate fer reelection at the 1931 session of the K. N. E. A. He will ask for a vote of con- fidence on the part of teachers out of consideration of his achievements as secretary of the K. N‘ E. A Some of these are as follows: 1. Through the promotion of annual exhibitions at the Louis— ville Al'mory, a K. N, E. A Scholarship Fund has been estab» lished, students in some of the leading universities having al- ready received loans, thus indies» ing its successful operation 2 Ateachers’ agency has been established through which several teachers have been placed and co— operation given various Kentucky Superintendents in the selection of teachers. 3. The membership of the K, N. E, At has been increased over 30 per cent, and to the highest rank in per cent of teachers ens rolled, of any Colored teachers association in the United Stdtesr 4. The K. N. E, A, has been kept out 40f debt, established a surplus in the treasury, and kept the money in Colored banks. 5, The K NE A_ Journal has has been published regularly and on time, containing at least thirty. achievements As 5. WILSON Secretary K it E. A. This two pages pJges per issue. publication was started by the sec- retary this year and has already received the indorscment of the State Department of Education and the praise of the General Edue cation Baird. G. The industrial exhibits have been placed in the hands of the industrial education department where they rightly belong and an allotment of two hundred dollars for state prizes has been made. 7. He secures speakers for the general program of national importance and he plans to make this procedure a definite policy. He states, that when teachers go to the expense of coming to Lou- isville that they should hear the best of our race whether they live in Kentucky or not. It is his plan to continue to secure for the programs such people of the class of Mrs. Mary Mch-d Bethune; Mrs. Sallie w. Stewt,Mrs.Mary Church Terrell, Miss Nannie Bur- roughs, Mrs. Fannie c. Williams, Dr. Mordecia Johnson, Dr. E. El Moton, Dr. John Hope, President John W. Davis, Prof. Charles Satchell Morris, Dr‘r Carter Wood- son, President Thomas E. Jones (Fisk University), Dr. c. H. Par— rish, Dr. Rufus Clement, etc. In addition other state educators shall continue to contribute to departmental programs and often be on general programs as here- toforer 8. He plans to continue to bring specialists to each of our departments of education. He expresses as his aim, the desire to have teachers receive the ad- vice and inspiration of experts at the annual meeting as far as possible. Last year the K, N. E. A. began such a practice by hav- ing Miss Minnie Lewis, of Hamp— ton Institute, to address the Ele- ment'try Educational Department. 9. The principles which were outlined by Prof. Wilson in his objectit'es of the K. N, E. A. have been very successfully inaugu— rated and shall act as a bzsis of future activity. These objectives include, longer school terms, bet- ter‘ salaries, better buildings and 10 more consolidation and transpor— tation. He has visited the coun— ties and made talks and recom- mendations sing the line of con- solidation and transportation. The pictures of our new schocls have been placed in the outside and inside of the K. N. E. A. Journals to encourage other boards of edu- cation to furnish colored youth better buildings. 10. Advertisements to finance the publications have been secured by the secretary and a continuous effort along this line Will be made to add to the revenue and make it possible not to tax the teachers except for the annual fee of one dollar. Certain large gifts have been received annually and an ef- fort will be made to increase the number. 11. The secretary plans to con- tinue to make visits with the legis- lative committee to Frznkfort and to pay the expenses of this com- mittee as he has already done. 12. Cooperation with the K. E. A. will be continued. Evidence of this has been the securing of K. E. A. speakers on our program, the securing of the privilege for 1931 for colored teachers to at- tend some of the sessions of the K. N. E. A. and to observe their commer ‘ exhibits. Mr. Wilson only seeks re-elec- tion as a result of his schieve< ment. He does not seek reaelec- tion on promises only. He has served the organization faithfully, and loves the work. He has tried to represent the teachers of the state intelligently, by constantly keeping abreast with the new phases of educational activity and by continuing to study at the University of Chicago, ev en though he holds degrees from both Fisk University and the University of Chicago. As sec- retary of the K. N. E. A. Mr. Wilson rightfully represents the educational forces of Kentucky. Where there is union there is strength. Let every one dnter~ casted in the Welfare of the K. N. E. A in its effort to further edu— cational advancement, vote for Prof, Wilson at the 1931 meet, ing. As it is, the organization will undergo seve‘ral official changes and it is known that at least one person in control must- stick to keep the association on the sound basis. Think it over and talk it over. Compare tabulated results and think for yourself and decide for yourself that Prof. A. S. Wilson, is the only man for the place. Committee: Prof. W. H. Perry, Jo, Miss M. s Brown, Mr, Lee L. Brown, Miss Gladys Faust, Chairman. Fisk Given Class “A” Rating By Association of Colleges First Survey of Its Kind In South Fisk has been granted “A" class rating by the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States at its an- nual rnee‘ing held in Atlanta, G8., December 2. Six other Negro colleges were-granted “B” class “tinge Dr. Arthur Wright, head of the Department of Education at Dartmouth College, was the representative appointed by the conunittee of the Association to conduct the survey. This is the first time a survey of the Negro colleges of the South has been made by that Association and Fisk is the first and only Negro college to receive its “A" class rating. Last year when the association held its meeting in Lexington, Ky. President Jones attended the ses- sion and worked with the com- mittee to get the Association to survey the Negro colleges. He in October, 11 was successful and Dr. Wn‘ght, the representative, spent a week on the campus and gave the Association a very fine report of Fisk University. Schools receiving “B” class rating were Talladega College, Morehouse College, and Johnson C_ Smith University. This does not mean that their bachelors will not be recognized, but it does mean that they are deficient in not more than one Muse of their organization or equipment. Addition-l Announcements for 1931 K. N. E. A. Visit the exhibits at Central High gymnasium. The Louisville schools will hsve a special exhib- its of health education charts and 914: work. t e e a Ribbons will be awarded exhib— it items on Thursday, April 15, at l p. m. The prizes will be awarded at the Saturday morn- ing session President Hundphrey Greets Teachers Dear Fellow Teachers: At this time I wish to call upon every Kentucky teacher to make plans to attend the 1931 conven- tion of the K. N. E. A. Great efforts have been put forth to have one of the best programs in our history for the meeting in Louisville, April 15 to 18,1931. Outstanding educators of the Uni- ted States have been secured, both on the general programs and on sectional programs. Special atten- tion has been given to exhibits in industrial education and demon- stration work in the various de— portnrents~ These features will be especially beneficial to the class roorn teacher. A rnusic program being arranged includes choice musiciel selections of the highest type and by the best artists which we have in Kentucky. Miss R. L. Carpenter has worked very div gently on this part of the pro- gram Through the cooperation of Messrs. L. N. Taylor and J. Max Bond, the interracial work of the K. N. E. A. continues to im- prove, as indicated by several en- nouncements elsewhere in this Journal. Our theme for the 1931 session is, "Guidance in Negro Educa- cation." It is quite necessary that we who are leaders in educa tion inspire Negro boys and girls to get the right type of education and use the education which they obtain along the right lines. More emphasis should be placed on yo- cations] education and our boys and girls should be watched more carefully in order that we might I m WA H. HUMPHREY Presidenl of K. N. E. A. see that they are led to the best occupations in keeping with their abilities. Throughout the pro- gram these ideas will be empha- sized at the 1931 session by the various speakers. Through the secretary of this Association, we have sent all teachers enrolled in the K. N. E. A.. the K. N. E. A. Journal which publication has received praise of educabors throughout the country and it is hoped that every teacher will continue to support the K. N. E. A. by paying his annual dues in order that this excellent publi- cation rnight he. continued. It would be very worthwhile if this Journol could he published month- lyl In order to do so,‘ however, it seems necessary that at least fifty cents be added to the present enrollment fee, This is s. proce- due of the Kentucky Educational Association and is worth consid- ering by this Association. One of the main accomplishments of the K. N. E. A, Journal has been the display of new school buildings in Kentucky, which, undoubtedly, villi influence other boards of education to give to the Negro youth of Kentucky the best pos- sible along the line of school build- ings. As president of your Associa— tion, I have endeavored to fulfill my [ire-election prromises. With the assistance of the brains and energy of our most capable sec- retary, Atwood S. Wilson, the fol- lowing pre—election promises have been fulfilled: (1) The creation of a K. N. E. A. and K. E. A. joint committee for the punpose of bringing stronger relations be» tween the two associations in Kentucky engaged in educational work As indicated elsewhere in this Journal, this committee has done good work along this line; (2) the creation of a scholarship fund, same having actually func- tioned during my administmtion: (3) the meeting of the legislative committee at Frankfort on several occasions and the taking of such steps as thought best to aid Negro education in the state; (4) the raising of Vocational education to 5: higher plane—this 'being somewhat sceonclplishodl through the annual programs at which industrial education and voca- tional guidance h.“ e been stressed; and (5) inspiring boards of education to take a more prog- ressive attitude towards the needs of Negro children. We have at tempted to urge better buildings and higher salaries. While it has b