xt7jdf6k3k8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3k8g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1939 1940 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1939-1940 text University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1939-1940 1939 1939 1940 2020 true xt7jdf6k3k8g section xt7jdf6k3k8g BULLETIN UniV€rsity of Kentucky 1 Graduate 56/100! I 9 3 9-40 July, I939 GRADUATE FACULTY FRANK LEROND MOVEY, A. B., Ph. D., LL. D. President of the University WILLIAM DELBERT FUNKHOUSER, A. B., M. A., Ph. D., Sc. D. Dean of the Graduate School EZRA L GILLIS, A. B. Secretary of the Graduate Faculty JESSE E. ADAMS, A. M., Ph. D. .......................... Education RICHMOND SWEETEN ALLEN, M. S. ............. Anatomy and Physiology ESTON JACKSON ASHER, M. A ................... Psychology CHARLES BARKENBUS,v B. 8., Ph. D ..... ...Chemistry MATTHEW HUME BEDFORD, A. B., Ph. D... Chemistry HOWARD W. BEERS, B. S., M. 8., Ph. D ...Farm Economics */ HARRY BEST, A. B., LL. B., Ph. D ..................... Sociology ADOLPII E. BIGGE, M. A., Ph. D ......................... German PAUL PRENTICE BOYD, A. B., M. A., Ph. D ...... Mathematics GEORGE K. BRADY, A. B., M. A., Ph. D ...... .. English ALFRED BRAUER, M. A., Ph. D ............................. Zoology ERNEST ADOLPHE BUREAU, B. S., Ph. B., E. E...Engineering MORRIS G. CALDWELL, A. B., M. A., Ph. D ......... Sociology CECIL C. CARPENTER, Ph. D ....... . LUCIAN H. CARTER, M. A., Ph. D ............. LEO MARTIN CHAMBERLAIN, A. M., Ph. D ._ THOMAS D. CLARK, A. B., A. M., Ph. D. .. History LEON W. COHEN, A. B., A. M., Ph. D ............... Mathematics 0- S. CROUSE, E. M ............................................... Engineering LEHRE LIVINGSTON DANTZLER, A. M., Litt. D ..... English ...... Economics GRAHAM B. DIMMICK, Ph. D ............................. Psychology HAROLD HARDESTY DOWNING, B. C. E., M. 8., Ph. D ........................... Mathematics STATIE ESTELLE ERIKSON, Ph. D ..... ALVIN E. EVANS, M. A., Ph. D., J. D.. EDWARD FRANKLIN FARQUHAR, M. A. .English ERNEST NEWTON Fmeus, Ph. D ................. ....Agriculture WILLIAM FRANCIS GALLAWAY, M. A., Ph. D ..... English Enwm STANTON GOOD, M. S ..... Home Economics ..... Law ................................. Agriculture THOMAS MARSHALL HAIIN, M. 8., Ph. D ......... Physics CARSIE HAMMONDS, M, 8., Ph. D ....................... Education WALTER WILSON JENNINGS, M. A., Ph. D ......... Economics Tim JOHN, Ph. D _________________________________________________ Mathematics THEODORE TOLMAN JONES, A. M., Ph. D ........... Ancient Languages Y ELMER KARRAKER, M. A ........................... Agriculture CHARLES MERRIAM KNAPP, A. R, Ph. D ......... History GRANT COOIIRAN KNIGHT, A. M... ............ English OTTO TOWNSEND KOPPIUS, B. 8., Ph. D. Physics JOHN KUIPER, M. A ................................... ..Philosophy CLAIBORNE GREEN LATIMER, B. 8., Ph. D..........Mat11ematics ARMON J. LAWRENCE, A. B., M. A ......... Commerce FLORA E. LESTOURGEON, B. A., Ph. D ................. Mathematics MOSES EDWARD LIGON, A. M., LL. D ................. Education ARTHUR CRANE MOFARLAN, A. B., Ph. D ......... Geology FRANK T. MCFARLAND, Ph. D ............................. Botany JOHN WALKER MANNING, A. B., M. A., Ph. D... Political Science RALPH NELSON MAXSON, B. 8., Ph. D ............... Chemistry JAMES BURT MINER, B. 8., LL. B., Ph. D ...... Psychology EDGAR ZAVITZ PALMER, A. B. Ph. D ......... Economlcs VIVIAN PALMER, M. A., Ph. D _________________________ LOUIS ARTHUR PARDUE, A. B., M. 8., Ph. D ..... Physics ETHEL LEE PARKER, M. A.... ..................... Education NIEL PLUMMER, M. A ............. Journalism MERWIN ELWOOD POTTER, B. S., M. A ................. Physical Education HUGH BRUCE PRICE, Ph. D ................................. Agriculture EDWARD WARDER RANNELLS, B. A ..................... Art GEORGE ROBERTS, M. S .......................................... Agriculture LEWIS CASS ROBINSON, M. 8., Ph. D ................. Geology CLAY CAMPBELL ROSS, A. B., Ph. D ................. Education L. HOBART RYLAND, A. B., M. A., Docteur de l’Universite .............................. Romance Languages MORRIS SCHERAGO, B. S., D. V. M ....... ....Bacteriology OLUS JESSE STEWART, A. B., M. 8., Ph. D ...... Chemistry RODMAN SULLIVAN, A. B., A. M ......................... Economics WILLIAM SEPTIMUS TAYLOR, M. 8., Ph. D ......... Education DANIEL VOIERS TERRELL, C. E ............................. Engineering L. H. TOWNSEND, Ph. D ....................................... Entomology EDWARD TUTHILL, A. 13., Ph. D ........................... History WILLIAM DORNEY VALLEAU, Ph. D ................... Agriculture .Political Science . Bacteriology .Physics AMRY VANDENBOSCH, Ph. D ................... RALPH HOLDER WEAVER, M. 8., Ph. D. WILLIAM SNYDER WEBB, M. S., Sc. D.. M. M. WHITE, M. A., Ph. D ............. Psychology EDWARD WIEST, A. M., Ph. D ............. Economics RALPH HICKS WOODS, M. A., Ph. D ................. Agriculture the His Min cou: THE GRADUATE SCHOOL WILLIAM D. FUNKHOUSER, A. M., PH. D., So. D., DEAN INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Graduate work is offered in all colleges in the University. Approx- imately three hundred courses are listed in the catalog, under the various departments, which are accepted for graduate credit. The following advanced degrees are conferred by the University: Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Education Master of Science in Agriculture Master of Science in Home Economics Master of Science in Public Health Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Master of Science in Mining Engineering Civil Engineer (0. E.) Electrical Engineer (E. E.) Mechanical Engineer (M. E.) Metallurgical Engineer (Met. E.) Mining Engineer (E. M.) Doctor of Philosophy The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is offered with major work in the following departments: Chemistry, Education, Economics, English, HiStory, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, and Political Science. Minor Work may be carried in any department offering graduate courses. ADMISSION TO GRADUATE STANDING Graduates 0f institutions accredited by the University may be admitted to the Graduate SChool upon the presentation of a certificate 0f graduation and an official transcript of undergraduate courses taken, The status of the institution is to- be ascertained from the Registrar of the University. Graduates from non-accredited institu- tions are encouraged to secure a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. In particular cases they may be admitted to the Graduate School on the basis of doing additional work before being admitted to full graduate status. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY It should be clearly understood that admission to the Graduate School does not necessarily admit a student to full graduate status, A student only attains full graduate status when he has fulfilled all the preliminary requirements of the degree which he seeks and of the department under whose direction he is pursuing graduate work. Department prerequisites are determined jointly by the Dean of the Graduate School and the respective departments. In brief, it may be stated that such prerequisites usually consist of the equivalent of an undergraduate major. In some fields, the equivalent of an under- graduate minor is sufficient. Members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky having a rank higher than that of instructor may not be considered as candi- dates for advanced degrees at this institution. REGISTRATION Graduate students should register in the Graduate School on spe- cial cards prepared for this purpose. Applicants from institutions other than this University are also required to file an official transcript showing (a) all undergraduate Work covered, (b) graduate work taken, if any, and (c) degrees received. If the record submitted to the Registrar entitled him to admis- sion he should confer with the Dean of the Graduate School and his major Professor concerning preliminary requirements that he may have to satisfy and as to the graduate courses that he should take. Preliminary requirements may be added from time to time as found necessary and all such requirements, together with graduate courses, must be recorded in the Registrar’s Office and must be satis- fied by the student before he is eligible for the degree for which he is registered. All courss listed in this bulletin, and all courses Which may appear later in the regular University catalog, which have numbers above 100, may be counted as credit towards a graduate degree. A grade of D in a course will not be given graduate credit or residence. FEES Registration and laboratory fees are the same as for undergrad' uate students in the college in which the major work is done, that is, $50.00 for residents of Kentucky; $63.00 for non-residents. This does not include laboratory fees. Before the advanced degree is conferred, a fee of fifteen (1 must be paid at the Business Office of the University, This covers the graduation fee, diploma fee, fee for binding thesis and all other incidental fees. ollars thi de] ha‘ we tio, req can we Ion eva of ant sen :‘rraduate a status. filled all ,d of the )rk. DEan of 3, it may 73.1th of 11 under- having a as candi- l on spe- are also graduate degrees :0 admiS- l and his he may ;ake. time as graduate be satis lich he is 1ich may numbers e degree. residence- ,ndergrad' e, that is: This does an dellars 1is covers all other GRADUATE SCHOOL BULLETIN APPLICATION FOR DEGREE All candidates for degrees are required to make formal application for the degree at the office of the Registrar, on special cards provided for that purpose, at least one month before the date on which the degree is to be conferred. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED DEGREES A graduate student is expected to familiarize himself with the requirements for the degree for which he is a candidate and is held responsible for the fulfillment of these requirements. This applies to the last dates on which theses may be accepted, the dates for exam- inations, the proper form for theses and all other matters regarding requirements for degrees. The University of Kentucky offers the degree of Doctor of Philoso- phy in the; nine departments listed on page 5 of this bulletin, the regular academic degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science in all departments and professional degrees in Education, Engineering, Agriculture and Home Economics. The requirements for these various degrees are as follows: REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF ARTS AND MASTER OF SCIENCE (Imus The candidate shall complete twenty-four semester hours of grad- uate Work in course with a standing of 2 and no grade below C shall be counted. Courses The major field shall comprise, as to courses, approximately two- thirds of the work and a minor (within the department or allied departments) of approximately one-third of the work. The two shall have graduate relationship. RESIDENCE The minimum residence requirement is one academic year of 36 Weeks. This residence requirement may be fulfilled by any combina- tion of regular semester or summer school sessions which total the required number of weeks. This does not mean that the work prescribed for each individual can always be completed in the minimum length of time. Inadequate Preparation or assistance in departments very frequently make a longer period necessary. Part-time work during a regular semester is eVilluated on the basis of the amount of work carried, but the amount 0f residence for part-time work is limited, except for graduate assist- ants and part-time instructors, to not more than six weeks in any one gemester or summer session. 8 UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY TRANSFER OF CREDITS No transferred credits are accepted toward the Master of Arts or Master of Science degrees. All work for these degrees must be done at the University of Kentucky. However, a student is not asked to repeat a course which he has satisfactorily completed at another institution. THESIS A thesis is required of every candidate. Two typewritten copies of the completed thesis must be presented not later than three weeks before the time set for the oral examination. One copy is presented to the Dean of the Graduate School to be bound and placed in the University Library and the other to the major professor to be retained by the department concerned. The Graduate School issues a special bulletin giving definite instructions regarding the form in which the thesis must be presented, and stating the University regulations regarding the style of cover page, title page, biographical sketch, etc., which must be followed. Students are required to observe these instructions in submitting theses and dissertations. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT A reading knowledge of at least one foreign language is required. This language should be pertinent to the program of the student, The language requirement must be satisfied by an examination given by the foreign language department offering instruction in the language concerned. The passing of this examination shall satisfy one of the two language requirements for the doctorate. The language examinations are given by the foreign language departments on the first of October, the first of March (unless these dates fall on Sunday, in which case the examinations will be held the following Monday) and during the second week of the first term 0f the Summer Session. These examinations are given at no other times and students must take the examinations on the dates speCifi€d in order to qualify for their degrees for the following commencement- EXAMINATIONS Examinations of regular class wor graduate students. A final oral examination is given not later than fifteen days before the close of the semester. The De“ appoints an examining committee of at least three members for the purpose, selecting its members from the major and minor professors under whom work was done. The dean is ca: ofiicio a member 0H.“ such examining committees. The candidate is asked to defend 1115 thesis and is examined on any subject matter related to his field- k are taken by all resident the candidate REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES 0F MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION AND MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION The professional degree of Master of Arts in Education is 09611.to students who have received the degree of B. A. or B. A. in Educat1011 f Arts or t be done asked to ; another :en copies ree weeks presented ed in the e retained g definite presented, 3 of cover . followed. submitting 3 required. 1e student. tthIl given )n in the satisfy one 1 languid;e nless these ill be held .rst term of t 110 other es specified mencement all resident e candidate The Dean ms for the r professors imbel' Of all defend his is field. E‘ ARTS 1N ATION n is 013911 to 11 Education GRADUATE SCHOOL BULLETIN 9 and-the professional degree of Master of Science in Education is open,to students Who have received the degree of B. S. or B. S. in Education. Two plans are provided for satisfying the requirements for either of these degrees as follows: 1. Twenty-four credits in graduate courses exclusive of the thesis, one academic year (36 weeks) in residence and an acceptable thesis. 2. At the option of the department (not of the student) the master’s ‘ degree in Education may be granted for the completion of thirty- six credits in graduate courses with an average standing of 2 or better, forty-eight weeks in residence and no requirement of a thesis. There is no language requirement for either of the professional degrees in Education. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE AND MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Students holding the degree B. S. in Agriculture, B. S. in Home Economics, or the equivalent, may become candidates for the degree M. S. in Agriculture, or M. S. in Home Economics respectively. Admis- sion to candidacy shall be upon the approval of the Graduate Com- mittee of the College of Agriculture. The approval of this Committee must be obtained during the first semester or term of the student’s residence in the Graduate School. TWO plans are provided for satisfying the requirements for either degree, namely: 1. Twenty-four credits (exclusive of the thesis) in graduate courses, one academic year. of 36 weeks in residence, and an acceptable thesis. 0r, 2. At the option of the Graduate Committee of the College of Agricul- ture and not at the student’s option, the master’s degree in Agri- culture or in Home Economics may be granted without a thesis for the completion of 36 credits of graduate work with a standing of 2 or better, and 48 weeks in residence. There is no language requirement for either of the professional degrees in Agriculture. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH Students holding a bachelor’s degree from a fully accredited insti- tution or the M. D. degree from a recognized Medical School may obtain 10 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY the degree of Master of Science in Public Health by satisfying either of the following requirements: 1. The completion of 24 credits of graduate work for which only grades above D are counted, 36 weeks of residence and a thesis. Or, 2. The completion of 36 credits of graduate work with a standing of 2 or better, 48 weeks of residence and no thesis requirement. A final comprehensive examination is required of all candidates There is no language requirement for this professional degree. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED DEGREES IN ENGINEERING Two classes of advanced degrees are offered in the College of Engi- neering, the Master’s Degrees and the Professional Degrees. THE MASTER’S DEGREES IN ENGINEERING. The Master’s degrees in engineering may be obtained by satisfying the following requirements: Twenty-four credits in graduate courses, one academic year (thirty- Six weeks) in residence and an acceptable thesis. The candidate must hold the corresponding Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from this institution or from another engineer- ing school of recognized standing. The degrees offered are Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineer- ing, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering, Master of Science in Mining Engineering. THE PROFESSIONAL DEGREES IN ENGINEERING. The professional degree of Civil Engineer (0. E.), Electrical Engineer (E. E.), Mechan' ical Engineer (M. E.), Metallurgical Engineer (Met. E.), or Mining Engineer (E. M.) will be granted only to graduates of the University of Kentucky, College of Engineering, who present satisfactory evidence of professional work of creditable quality in the engineering fields of their choice, extending over a period of five years, and who submit satisfactory theses as further evidence of their professional attainments. Applications for professional degrees must be made with the Dean of the Graduate School not less than one year before the degree may be granted, and have the approval of the Graduate Committee of the College of Engineering. The Graduate Committee will pass on the qualifications of all applicants for the professional degrees. It may, at its discretion. require an oral examination. A candidate holding the M. S. degree in engineering shall be con- sidered to have fulfilled two years of the five-year requirement for the corresponding professional degree. A candidate holding the B. S. degree in one field of engineering may apply for the professional degree in another field of engineering: if he has attained unusual prominence and success in that field. v—e. qunmu'mo 4m¢9mrnod g either ich only hesis. .nding of cut. 'ndidates EERING 1 of Engi- egrees in lrements: r (thirty- f Science engineer- Master of Engineer- )f Science gineering. oiessional , Mechan- ar Mining University v evidence g fields of he submit tainments. l. the D8311 egree my 139 of the one of all discretion. all be con- znt for the ngineerinz ngineering. ,eld. GRADUATE SCHOOL BULLETIN 11 The fees for residence students who are candidates for M. S. degrees in engineering are the same as for undergraduates (see page 6). The fees for the Professional degrees are $15.00 registration fee and $15.00 graduation fee. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred upon a. candidate who, after completing not less than three years of graduate work devoted to the study of a. special field of knowledge, passes the required examination in the subjects, presents a satisfactory dissertation, and is deemed worthy of recognition as a scholar of high attainments in his chosen province. The Doctor’s degree is intended to represent not a specified amount of work covering a specified time, but the attainment, through long study, of independent and comprehensive scholarship in a, special field. Such a scholarship should be shown by a thorough acquaintance with present knowledge in his special field of learning and a marked capac- ity for research. REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANT ADMISSION Admission to the Graduate School and acceptance of advanced credits from other institutions must first be approved by the Registrar. In order to be accepted as an applicant for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy the student must present evidence that he has completed an undergraduate course and has received his baccalaureate degree from a college of recognized standing. The Graduate Committee reserves the right to decide in each case of applicancy for a degree whether the prerequisite training hasbeen satisfactory and, if any of the years of advanced work have been passed in another institution, whether they may be properly regarded as having been spent under suitable guidance and favorable condi- tions. Private study is not considered as equivalent to university work. In any case the student must pass the qualifying examinations at the University of Kentucky and spend the last year of the residence requirements at this institution. CLASSIFICATION A student wishing to become an applicant for the Doctor’s degree must first regularly register in the Graduate School of the University Of Kentucky and must then classify with the Dean of the Graduate School who will appoint a special committee for that student. This Special committee, the chairman of which shall be his major professor, Will consist of members of the departments in which the applicant Elects to do his major and minor work and this committee will super- vise his work throughout his period of study. UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY Not every applicant for the Doctor’s degree is a candidate. A student is not a. candidate for the degree until he has passed the quali. tying examinations, satisfied the language requirements, and made formal application to be so enrolled. COURSES OF STUDY Every applicant for the degree must select one major and at least one and not more than two minor subjects. The major subject should be one in which he intends to concen- trate his efforts; the minor subjects should be closely allied to the major field or be subjects which will be of value in the major work and should be approved by the major department. The applicant’s principal work must be in the major subject. Although no absolute regulations are laid down in respect to the time to be devoted to the major and minor subjects, it may be stated in general that the major subject should represent two-thirds of the student’s entire time. Any regular graduate course may be assigned as part of the appli- cant’s work by his special committee. Only courses numbered above 100 in the University catalogue are considered as of a graduate status. The number and extent of such courses is determined by the special committee. REQUIREMENTS FOR CANDIDATES RESIDENCE A minimum of three collegiate years of resident graduate work, of which at least the last year must be spent at the University of Ken- tucky, is required for the doctorate. The full time of each of these years must be spent in study. Part-time students and those holding assistantships or engaging in other outside activities will of course be required to take a proportionately longer time. Candidates for the doctor’s degree who major in the College of Education may not satisfy residence requirements entirely by attend- ance in Summer Sessions, but must attend at least two semesters dur- ing the regular college year. (See announcement under EDUCATION.) While it is expected that a well-prepared student of good ability may secure the degree upon the completion of three years of studY/it should be understood that this time requirement is a minimum and is wholly secondary to the matter of scholarship. Neither time, Spellt in study, however long, nor the accumulation of facts, however great in amount, nor the completion of advancd courses, however numer' ous, can be subsituted for independent thinking and original research- Work done in other institutions of learning may be acteDted toward the doctorate at the University of Kentucky but no work 13 credited which has not been done in a college or university of. recog' nized standing or in a. research laboratory. , late. A [e qualiv (1 made at least concen- l to the or work subject. the time itated in l of the he appli- ed above ,e status. e special .te work, 7 of Ken- of these a holding :ourse be ollege of y attend- ;ters dur- JCATION.) Id ability Studeit num and me, spent ver great r numef' research. accepted work is of recOE' GRADUATE SCHOOL BULLETIN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS The applicant must give evidence of having a good reading knowl- edge and of being able to translate at sight at least two modern foreign languages. This proficiency is determined by examinations conducted by the respective language departments. The German department will examine applicants during each semester and also during the summer session. Ordinarily French and German are expected to be offered, but other languages may be substituted on recommendation of the special committee if it is considered that such languages are of greater impor— tance in the special field of work. The language requirements must be satisfied before the applicant can be admitted to the qualifying examination. QUALIFYING EXAMINATION Applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are required to pass a Qualifying Examination. This examination shall be taken dur- ing the second semester of the second year of residence. The examina- tion shall be both oral and written and shall cover both major and minor subjects. It shall be prepared and given to the applicant by a committee of five to be appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. The language requirements must have been met before the qualifying examination is taken. No applicant may proceed to his final examina- tion until one year of work has been completed after he has passed the qualifying examination. If the applicant fails to pass the quali- tying examination, no reexamination shall be allowed except upon the recommendation of the special committee and the approval of the Graduate Faculty. If the applicant passes the qualifying examina- tion he is then considered as a candidate for the degree and may make formal application for his rating. DISSERTATION Each candidate must present a dissertation covering his thesis work. This dissertation must give evidence of the candidate’s ability to carry on independent investigation and must be satisfactory in style and composition. It must represent a definite contribution to the knowledge of his subject, must be the result of independent work, must include original research and must in some way add to or other- Wise modify what was previously known on the subject. TWO bound tYpewritten copies of the thesis and an abstract of not less than 1,200 nor more than 3,000 words must be formally presented to the Dean of the Graduate School at least four weeks before the final examination. PRINTING on DISSERTATION ' One hundred printed copies of the dissertation must be presented to the University within one year from the time when the degree is conferred. Not later than one week before the conferring of the degree the candidate must deposit with the Business Agent of the University the sum of $50.00, this amount to be returned if the printed'copies 14 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY are received within the time specified. The University does not obli. gate itself to publish the thesis but if in the judgment of the Graduate Committee the thesis or an abstract of same should be published, the University reserves the privilege of so doing. .__Or__. The candidate may have the dissertation printed at his own expense, in which case he must present one hundred copies to the Uni- versity before the degree is granted. If the candidate has the disser- tation printed at his own expense, he will be expected to use good substantial paper and sightly typography. A page four by six inches with outside margin of at least one inch is recommended. The disser- tation must have a. cover and title page and the latter, in addition to the title and the name of the author, must bear the following inscrip- tion: “A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the require ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Kentucky.” If the dissertation is published in a technical journal or other recognized educational publication, the reprints will be accepted it presented with special printed covers and proper title page. APPLICATION All candidates who desire to be admitted to the final examination must file an application, approved by the Dean of the Graduate School, with the Registrar of the University at least three weeks before the examination is held. FINAL EXAMINATION After the acceptance of the dissertation by the special committee and the Dean of the Graduate School, the candidate shall be given a final oral examination by a committee of five members which shall include the Head of the Major Department or his delegate presiding, one additional professor selected by the major department, one pm fessor selected by each of the minor departments and additional mem- bers (to make the total of five) selected by the Dean of the Graduate School. The President of the University and the Dean of the Graduate School are ex ofi‘icio members of all examining committees. The