xt7jdf6k3n5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3n5t/data/mets.xml Utah Historical Records Survey (Utah) O'Neil, Hugh 1901- Dodson, Wilbur 1892- United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects 1938 5 l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 Ut 1/3 books English Ogden, Utah, Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Utah Works Progress Administration Publications American newspapers -- Utah -- Ogden -- Bibliography American periodicals -- Utah -- Ogden -- Bibliography Check List of Newspapers and Magazines Published in Ogden Utah text Check List of Newspapers and Magazines Published in Ogden Utah 1938 1938 2019 true xt7jdf6k3n5t section xt7jdf6k3n5t l, ;uju\amglmjigflflflmflflfifl@Ttliufijflflmtmgn 321:“W::“““7 ‘ ’ ’ - ”"Z N I 1 W“ l i ' OF N. I é; \ .rj~:\._ ,(x 3/\ 1*?“ S ’ 1 N:.__v\/.:,>P/-Ps_,_;-< , . ~ 1* AN D f i: [ W’LXEJ “AX-(“UN L” :3 ' i; may SsHbD m g H szfiBNMENfPUBLICATDL : i * i i. . ‘ I I -' I'NIVEéS'If;O.FKéNTUCK‘ Ki ‘ ‘ LJBHAWES I . a 1 9 V . . V fr \ v V’VWV”" M , I" a , . >. , The Eistoricai Records Survey . . I " I ' Luther H. Evans, National Director V ' Maurice L. Howe5 State Director _ Division of Women‘s and Professional Projects , Ellen S. WOodwerd, assistant Administrator' Ruby 3. Garrett, State Director " “DRFS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION V Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator " Darrell J. Greenuell, State Administrator i ggjfiffiiififkisiflefim,_i£:x:mn~_iiuiilsiiiwmlliiisfi..mo;i~;sufiimr . -wL‘ ‘—— it ,fl VLT—a» e—<-=~flrF——vv~~v»~sw~—~~ V —-UW~2“W 7} t . ‘ PREFACE g l The proceedinp list of newspapers and meaazines published in Ogden i in the past and at the Dresent time has been compiled by Hugh O'Neil, nroiect editor, assisted by wilbur Dodson, research worker. The information shown for some of the publications is incomolete and probably some Dubli- . cations have been omitted from the list. Persons having knowledne of news— papers or magazines published in Oeden, which are not shown on this list, are renuested to notify Mr. O'Neil at 201 Wrenty—fourth Street, Ogden, Utnh. We are also anxious to secure any additional information you may , have on any of the above publications. A revised list of Onden publications will be issued at some time in the future. It is our desire to show in iiis revised list, the nane of the publication, the names of the first and subsequent editors, date of first issue, frequency of publication, the name and address of the publisher, the date publiCstion mes discontinued, and any other interesting items about the publication. NU MAURICE L. HOWE State Director Ogden, Utah Historical Records Survey May 18, 193R , :nHNMENT Fugigcmm mVERSEn‘ oz: KENTUCK" LIBRARIES - 1 , q , ,1“fo pr... . w;,.-,._..,_.rz. -.m-,...v_é_=.._t_ «£4; ~«~;K,—~; . ., .1... .m,,,,, ,1 7 , ,——,l_. .,,—.~f,_,_l,.m,_—,——_?A =~+——~-———~ >--—- . 1. fl" ‘ " r -1; UTAH WORKS PROGRESS 1?.DMITTISTRATI 0N HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY LIST OF OGDEN NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Sequence of information: Name of paper, name of first editor, date of first issue, frequency of publication, date publication discontinued. 1. fig}t_Lahg Daily Telenrsgh; John Jacques; May 11, 1869; weekly; about September 1869. 2. Oyden_3unctign5 Franklin D. Richards; Fanuary 1, 1870; semi—weekly; February 16, 1881. 5. Qfdon function; Charles W. “enrose; during Sent mber 1872; daily; February 14, 1881. 4. 05dqn_flree§gn; Leigh R. Freunan; summer of 1875; semi—weekly; 1879. 5. Amateur; Ioscnh A. West; Noyenb r 7, 1877; bi—nonthly; Hay 1879. 6. Disnatch; F. B. Millard; January 1, 1879; daily; January 51, 1880. 7. The Stare; G. G. Taylor; July 3, 1879; weekly; about Fanuary 2, 1880. 8. Ogden Efimes; editor unknoWn; August 27, 1879; frequency of nublicstion and date discontinued unknown. 9. Rustler; Charles S. King; January 1, 1880; daily; March 15, 1880. 10. Qaden_pni1y'Pilot; E. A. Littlofield; during March 1881; daily; Sop-- teflber 1E, 1884. 11. Ogden Eeruli; editor unknown; October 3, 1883; semi—weekly on Wednesday and Saturday; date discontinued unknown. 12. Ogden paily ferald; John Nicholson; May 2, 1881; daily except Sunday; April 29, 1885. Succeeded by Ogden Ferald. 15. Qadun Uernld; John Nicholson; April 30, 1885; daily except Sunday; Jury” 8,”1887. This was an evening paper. Sucaeeded by Ogden Morning . Weruld. 14. Ogden fornig£_fiera1d; Frank I. Cannon; July 19, 1887; daily excent Sunday; December 31, 1°87. ’ ' " ' , '“ ‘ ’ ‘ 15. Ocden Argus; editor unknown; 1888; semi—weekly; date discontinued un— known. 16. The Semi-flmgyly Standard; Frank I. Cannon; Isnuary 4, 1888; semi-weekly on Tuesday und Fridmy; 1910. 17. Dtily Union; Foroni Skeen, Ir.; 1888; daily; 1891. Apparently ChfinfiOd in name to Utah Daily Union with Charles S. King as editor in 1890. -2- 18. The Descret Eagle; Frank W. Mctcelf; October 10, 1889; semi—monthly . during school year; February 1, 1897. Succeeded by The Utah Eagle. , 19. The Vteh Eagle; Frank W. Metcalf; Nerch 1, 1897; monthly during school "m-yoer, — — — —. Successor to The Peseret Eagle. 20. Ogden Daily Commercial; Anson B. Johnson; April 4, 1889; daily; Feb— ruary 1891. 21. EE§_Stnndurd; Frank I. Cannon; January 1, 1888; daily; February 4, 1907. Succeeded by The Ogden Standard. 22. The Ogden Standard; Frank Francis; February 5, 1907; daily; April 2, 1920. Merged with The Ogden Standard Examiner. PB. Ogden Morning Eximiner; Frank Francis; January 1, 1904; daily; March 81, 1912. Succeeded by The Ogden Examiner. 24. The Egghglllxnminer; LeRoy Armstrong; April 1, 191?; daily; March 51, 1920. Succeeded by The Ogden Styndnrd Examiner. 25. The 9335.1. §f§fldq§§§yflifiefi Frank Francis; April 1, 1920; daily; — — — -. Successor to The Ogden Examiner and The Ogden Standard. 26. Seturday‘Visitor; C. E. Kalb; 1890; weekly; 1891. 2?. Tape; I. A. Howell; 1890; semi—weekly; 1895. ' 28. The Three_fraternitics; editor unknown; 1890; monthly; 1891. 29. The western Knight; 0. J. Dettee; 1890; monthly; 1895. 50. The EfiflfillfibEB editor unknown; 1890; monthly; 1891. 51. Qng§_é_ficek; editor unknown; October 1890; weekly; November 19, 1892, 52. EE§_§3fininQ Wail; W. Eugene Trauqhber; November 18, 1891; daily except Sunday; Icnuary 18, 1892. 53. 292:32E2295 editor unknown; September 4, 1892; daily except Sunday; ‘ October 22, 1892. 54. The_:unction 23325 0. A. Kennedy; March 11, 1891; weekly on Saturday; Avril 25, 1891. 55. The Ogden Legder; I. C. Edmonson & Company; publisher; 1892; semi- weckly on Wednesday and Sunday; 1895. 86. The :gd:n_Scmijfl:§kly_Dost; Tamws H. Wallis; 189?; semi-weekly on Wednesday and Saturday; 1893. 37. Thefklkfllgfifigéiixfifis Iames H. Wallis; May 5, 1892; daily, 1895. 88. Thg_Evcnine Dress; E. A. Littlefield; September 29, 1895; daily; 1898. -5- 39. Ogden Review; H. K. Gent; 1895; semi-weekly on T"'echiesday and Saturday; 1896. _ 40. The Evening Sun; W. W. Browning; 1899; daily; 1896. 41. The Uteh_Denocrat; S. S. Smith; 1895; fre1uency of publication unknown; ' 1896. 42. Daily Utah State Journal; E. A. Littlefield; 18965 daily except Sunday; . December 31, 1908. 43. Eyening_?re§s; W. R. White; 1895; daily;.1897. 44. The Kicker? Ben L. Rich; November 6, 1896; quarterly; August 1897. Succeeded by The_£1assicum. 45. The Clapsicum; Ben L. Rich; 9eptember 1897; 6 times during school year; - — — -. In l9?5 freonency of publication changed to quarter— ycarly. . 46. finerigan géRay; S. 9. Smith; 1898; frequency of nublication unknown; 1899. 47. Ogden Timesg Matt E. Edsall5 1896; frequency of nublication and date discontinued unknown. 1 48. Ogden Switch; E. A. Littlefield; fall of 1897; weekly; 1898. 49. Utah fiche; F. I. Hendershot; Aunust l, 1898; semi-Weekly; November 1, 190?. 50. Ogden Pi Metallist; W. H. Cureton; 1898; weekly on Saturday; 1899. 51- Ogden press; B. F. Thomas; 12.99; Weekly; 1901. 52. Industrial Utnhi I. A. Wright; 1900; semi-monthly; 1915. Changed to monthly in 1914. 55. Vober_ggunty Times; Mansfield L. Snow; 1900; weekly; 1902. 54. The Egekly Syn; William Glassman; September 50, 1902; weekly on Tuesday; Anril 6, 1909. 55. The gcorn; Joseph fitimnson; February 1904; monthly during school ~ year; - — n —. In 1909 the frequency of publication was changed to 6 times a school year. In 1918 it was changed to a yearly nubli— cation. ‘ 56. The Weber Harald; Douglas M. Leishman; 19175 bi—woekly during school ' your; 1955. Succeeded by Th? fignnost. 57. The Signnogt; Palph Benowitz; 1956; weekly; ~ - ~ —. Successor to ‘ The Weber herald. 58. The Weber Literary Journal; Grant Dahlstrom; 1921; quarter~yearly; —————.-— -—-_—I~———- -—~——-———--———~_ c—d—————— ' . 1935. qucceodcd by The Scribulug. ‘ -J | l -4-‘ ‘ L ’ . ; 59. Eng Scribulus; Melvin Jennings; fall of 1955; quarter—yearly; - — — —. ; Successor to 31.8. 11216.: 1.1133111 191153.12} 5 J' 60. The Weekly §tandard; editor unknown; February 7, 1894; weekly on 3 Wednesday; December 51, 1909. l 61. E@e_§gyenceg E. 8. Carroll; June 1905; monthly; 1910. Succeeded by i good Citizenship. .__.._____.__.__ , r 62.. Good_§iti§cnship; B. F. Stevens; 1910; monthly; 1914. Succeeded by f {19% ii..t_._.iz<>;ri- 3 65, Good Citizen; B. F. Stevens; 1915; monthly; July 19?2. Successor to i 920;: 2.1112: GPSIPLiE- a l 64. Ogden Advanceg Frederick Vining Fisher; March 14, 1912; weekly; March x 6, 1915. } L 65. Weber QBEEEX Citizen; George Wilson; 1912; frequency of publication . unknown3 1912. 66. Ogden Herald; J. Robert Doyle; Octobei.5, 1925; weekly; November 16, = 1923. 67. DETEETTOT"Q§EEE; Onden Chamber of Commerce; July 1984; monthly; ’ December 1924. ; 68. Dairy Farming, givestocg, and.:92§£§¥fl A. L. Scoville; December 1924; frequency of publication and date discontinued unknown. f 69. Ogden Fost; W. 9. Epperson; December 10, 1926; weekly on Friday; Ian- i uery 1335. i . V . l 70. Ogden Livestock Digest; R. W. Warnick; 195G; semi-monthly; 1955. 71. Oeden.§efls; I. R; Morelen and Earl Chrisman; 1955; frequency of publi- ! cation unknown; 1955. V E 72. HEEE.EE§Q§§.I9PTH31; R. H. Fuller; February 25, 1956; monthly; — - — -. i 75. Oyden.§3§§n§3gilfiews; G. C. Owen; Aunust 16, 1956; weekly on Friday October 18, 1956. Succeeded by Original Ogden fihopping_News. 74. Original Ogden §hopping yews; G. C. Owen; October 25, 19565 weekly on Friday; February 11, 1957. Succeeded by Orden Herald. 75. Ogden_fiere1d;.A1viu G. Pack; February 16, 1957; weekly; May 7, 1957. Successor to Original Ogden groaning News. 76. Ogden_Daily Fournal; Raymond Davis; Tanuary 18, 1954; daily; June 5, 1954. 77.‘ Ogden Pecord; Mike Johnson; March 1955; semi—weekly on Tuesday and , Friday; Tenuary 1954. y —5— 5 9 r . . . ' . . 2 I 1 7d. di n ingorgant and Iguriet Guide; L. h. Hilton; June 1928; yearly; ‘ ‘ June 1950. , 79. Ehe_9§denit§; Hugh O'Neil; May 8, 1957; monthly; publication as printed i monthly magazine ceased with first issue; now occasionally pub— f lishod as mimeogrephed pamphlet. { g 320. Widen 13.311 Report; E. A. Strati‘ord; 1916; daily, — - — —. : f 81. Entgrgguntgin Merchant; E. A. McDaniel; 1888; frequency of publication Z . unknown; 1988. j 82. pntic; Leo Haefeli; 1898; frequency of publication unknown; 1888, i -——— f 85. figripto; Adelle Campbell; fall of 1956; quarter—yearly; — ~ ~ —. I: g 84. Ehe Challenge; Harold L. Welch; April 1956; November 1956. Name f Changed to Stan Challenge: in July 1956. 3‘ 85. lhe EEEET£§§22.EEEEE£§ Fred Merrill; date of first issue unknown; 1 monthly; date discontinued unknown. 5 86. Qairy Eflffliflfi3 Fred Merrill; date of first issue unknown; monthly; date ‘ discontinued unknown. ' ‘ l ' 87. QEEEE§3 A. L. Scoville; 1922; monthly; 1925. i 88. 323.212fii Mr. Smith; May 1, 1957; daily except Sunday; June 11, 1957. ‘ 89. épusement guide; Dave Williams; December 12, 1957; weekly; December F 1 26, 1957 1 i 90. Ehe_gbieftian; Scott Wangsgard and Ruth Burnham;'November 1955; weekly; ‘ 1955. 3 91. The Home Book; Angus C. Wright; 1906; monthly; 1906. 92. Rudio Highlights; Royle Furniture Company, publisher; October 14, 1955; 9 weekly on Friday; — — — -. Four danhes (~ — — —) indicates publication is current. 1 1| 1 I ; x Q .t .3