xt7jdf6k3n6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3n6d/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1941 xiv, 147 p.: ill., maps; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:M 69o/no.51 books English St. Louis, Mo.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Missouri -- Johnson County -- Catalogs Johnson County (Mo.) -- History -- Archival resources Johnson County (Mo.) -- Genealogy Inventory of the County Archives of Missouri, no.51, Johnson County (Warrensburg) text Inventory of the County Archives of Missouri, no.51, Johnson County (Warrensburg) 1941 1941 2019 true xt7jdf6k3n6d section xt7jdf6k3n6d a4m“\uwmilmiujwmmjflfli[uiflwmy«I! ' . i ' __ r . ' '- ng ,. i r . ‘ _ . , __._ AW _ H_ _«W_ .___._7+._.:» -» . \ -_ , __4_. - -V_.. H“... ,. ,,,_,_._.. ~V, , . _ INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF MISSOURI ' No. 51. JOHNSON COUNTY (WARRENSBURG) Prepared by ~ The Missouri Historical Records Survey ‘ ' Division of Community Service Programs V Work Projects Administration * * * * * St. Louis, Missouri The Missouri Historical Records Survey October 1941 i i HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECTS . E Sargent B. Child, Director j A. Loyd Collins, State Supervisor 3 RESEARCH AND RECORDS PROGRAMS Harvey E. Becknell, Director : W. N. Hogan, RegionaIRSupervisor ‘ William H. wagonbroth, State Supervisor ‘ ' DIVISION OF 5 COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS ‘ Florence KBrr, Assistant Commissioner Mrs. Mary G. Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor . Lona B. Small, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner George H. Field, Regional Director B. M. Castoel, State Administrator * * * * * SPONSOR Dwight H. Brown, Seeretary of State CO‘SPONSOR Johnson County Court FOREWORD The Inventory 3£_the County égphives 2: Missouri is one of a number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared throughout the United States by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Wbrk Projects Administration. The publication herewith pre- sented, an inventory of the archives of Johnson County, is number 51 of the Missouri series. The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy ‘ unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carrying cut this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents and records which are basic in the administration of local government,'and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history, The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day- to-day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers, businessmen, and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. The inventories produced by Historical Records Survey projects attempt to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt . further to sketch the historical background of the county or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organ- ization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The ocunty, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. Up to the present time approximately 1,500 publications have been issued by the Survey in the country as a whole. . The successful conclusion of the work of Historical Records Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many - other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowl- edged. w- The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as Director until March 1, 1940 when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child. The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally spon— sored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge. HOWARD O. HUNTER Commissioner of work Projects 1 PREFACE : The Historical Records Survey program was initiated as a Nation- ? wide undertaking in January 1956, as part of the Federal Writers‘ | Project of the Works Progress Administration, which was-operating in ; the State at that time. The Survey in Missouri became a separate unit ‘ of Federal Project No. 1 on October 15, 1936, and continued to operate as part of the Nation—wide project. Ry act of Congress, Federal Project No. l was abolished August 51, 1959, and the Missouri project ‘ was converted into a State-wide locally sponsored project under the administrative authority of Colonel B. M. Casteel, State Administrator ‘ of Wbrk Projects and the Director of the Professional and Service i; Division. ‘3 The President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has ‘1 emphasized that "To bring together the records of the past and to house ‘i them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men living 3; in the future, a nation must believe in three things. It must believe 1 in the past. It must believe in the future. It must, above all, '3 believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from the past that 3 they can gain in judgment for the creation of the future.” ‘j The purpose of the Survey in Missouri is twofold: First, to list j public records in county offices in a reference volume for the use of 1 county officials and the general public; second, to locate, classify, ‘ and catalog all extant county records so as to make them more easily accessible to county officials, historians, and research workers. _, The value of these is manifest. A county official, because of the ‘ periodic turnover in office, cannot be expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of the public records, familiarity with which is greatly 1 increased by the use of an inventory such as this. A writer of local . or'regional history finds an inventory a ready guide to all public ; records reflecting political, social, and economic developments. A 3 student of local political science is enabled by an inventory to trace 1 the trends of local government as manifested in the evolution of the 1 structure and functions of the various governing offices. Public 1 schools find the inventories a ready means of familiarising students with the various aspects of local government, with the types of records kept in connection with the administration of local affairs, and with ‘ the legal instruments filed and recorded to protect private and property rights.‘ In the official documents of Johnson County are continued the story of civilization as it pushed westward from the Mississippi River. A compilation of this valuable information is found within the pages of ‘ this Inventory pf th§_é£3hivos 2f Johnson Epunty. Preparation of com- plete inventories of all other counties in the State, the larger cities, and other local government units is anticipated. The arrangement of agencies in the inventory classifies them ‘ according to governmental function: Administration, registration of property titles, administration of justice, law enforcement, finance, 1 elections, education, health, and miscellaneous, each of which is intro- 3 duced by a brief statement regarding its creation and structural organization. Records are classified, in general, according to the I _ v _ Preface agencies which make them, unless other disposition of the records is directed by law. Records have been classified under each agency, so far as possible, according to the subjects with which they deal. Records are described in entries whose style is formalized to give the following information: Title of record, date for which available, quantity, labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of record contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of record— ing, size of volumes or containers, and location. The inventory of the records of Johnson County was prepared under the direction of Frances L. Howard, District Supervisor. The field . personnel consisted of Helen W. Davis and Albert M. Anderson. The survey was started on April 14, 1940 and completed Nov. 29, 1940. The additional work of abstracting the County Court Record, the preparation of floor plans of the courthouse, and the writing of minor historical essays has been done since that time by albert M. Anderson and Flossie V. Fultz. A complete recheck of the inventory was begun on December 4, 1940 and completed on January 20, 1941 by Frances L. Howard, District Supervisor. This recheck resulted in the final verification of the record entries that are found in this volume. The inventory was prepared for publication by the editorial staff of the Survey in St. Louis under the direction of “filliam H. Michell, Assistant Supervisor. The historical sketch was written by Joseph P. ' Carey, and the legal essays were written by GeOrge Sohlueter. The - record entries were prepared by Fred Eggersman, A. S. Whyland, and E. R. Williams; and the index was compiled by Ruth Hammontree. Credit is also given to the other workers of the staff who assisted in the fields of legal and historical research and to those who helped in the preparation of the book for mimeographing. The Missouri staff has profited in all phases of its work by the constructive advice and criticism of the washington staff. This inventory in final manuscript form was edited in the central office by Guy P. Timboe, assistant editor, and further reviewed by Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records inven- tories. The Johnson County Court has co-sponsored this book and aided in procuring certain materials necessary in mimeographing the volume. The active cooperation of all the officials in Johnson County has been an invaluable aid in the preparation of this inventory and I wish to express appreciation for the assistance rendered by each of them. For a list of county officials, see page x. I also wish to express appre- ciation for the cooperation rendered by officials of the Missouri Historical Society, the Missouri Work Projects Administration, the St. Louis Law Library Association, and the St. Louis Public Library. The Survey is now engaged in preparing a comprehensive statement of the general law regulating county government, to be entitled County Government in Missouri. It is expected that this book will serve as a handbook on the organization, structure, and evolution of county govern- ment and records in Missouri, and will make it unnecessary to repeat in each inventory information applicable to all counties in the State. 1} - V1 '- ; Preface ; The office essays in this inventory are, therefore, limited to the 5 creation of the office and its present status, the manner in which it j is filled, the term, and special legislation affecting Missouri. PEnd- j ing issuance of the volume on County Government 3E.¥i§§3333> it is ‘ suggested that the reader consult the Inventory 2: the ngnty érghiygs 3£_¥éssouri, fig. 64, Marion County for more detailed essays than those found in the present inventory. 3 The various units of the Inventory of the County Archives of ; Missouri are being issued in mimeographod form for free distribution .3 to State and local officials and public libraries in Missouri? and to j a limited number of libraries and governmental units in other States. ; For publications of the Missouri Historical Records Survey, see the “‘ last pages of this inventory. Inquiries concerning particular units of I the inventory may be addressed to Colonel B. M. Casteel, State Admin- ; istrator, Work Projects Administration, 417 Bolivar Street, Jefferson j City, Missouri. I 1" j J /7 ) 0 j r (i l EL w/dfl ‘ , I / 1“ s L/(,. ~ ‘04? W 1 ‘3 A. LOYD COLLINS, State Supervisor 3 Historical Records Survey ‘ St. Louis, Missouri ‘ October 1941. - vii - (First entry, p. 49) 4. AFBREVIATICFS, SYfiBOLS, ADD EXPLAJATORY EOTES alph. . . . . . alphabeticul(ly) art.(s) . . . . . article(s) chron. . . . . . chronologicul(ly) f(f). . . . . . and the following page(s) G.S. . . . . . General Statutes Ibid. . . . . . Ibidem (in the same place) IITTL. . . . . . Louisiana Territorial Laws M. L. . . . . . Missouri Lmns. M.I.L. . . . . . Aissouri Territorial Laws nun. . . . . . numerical(ly) op. cit., . . . . . opere citato (in the work cited) ’§”(5517 . . . . . page(s) PC. 3. . . . . . Revised Statutes Sec(s) . . . . . section(s) U.S.C.A. . . . . ‘ . United State Code Annotated U.S. Stat. . . . . . United States Statutes at Large hm v. . . . . . versus (against) x. . . . . . by ‘ —- . . . . . to date and continuing Titles of Records. Exact titles of records are written in solid capitals withouthErentheses (as in entry 1, page 40). In the absence of titles, descriptive titles have been assigned, which are written in solid capitals and enclosed in parentheses (as in entry 27, page 47). If u record title is not descriptive of the contents of the record, an assigned explanatory title (or explanatory words), written with initial capitqls and enclosed in parentheses, has been added (as in entry 119, page 69). The current or most recent title of a record is used as the entry title and title variation is indicated (as in entry 9, page 42). Dates. All dates used are inclusive. Missing records are indicated by broken dates. Quantity. When two or more types of containers are considered in a Eifigia‘shtry, the quantity is shown in chronological order, insofur as possible. Labeling. Figures or letters in pirenthcses, following the number of volufizsjwiile boxes, or other type of container, indicate the ‘ labeling. If no labeling is indicuted, it may be assumed that there is none. Discontinuance. “more no statement is made that the record wds discofitihiEdeththe last date shown in the entry, it could not be definitely established that such was the case. “here no comment is made on the absence of prior, subsequent, or interwedinte records, no definite information could be obtained. Description 33 Egggrdg. The description of the contents of a record applies only to the current or most recent record unless change in contents is actually shown in a record entry. f - viii - é ‘ (First entry, p. 40) ; Indexing. All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are :7 self—contained. ; Abbreviations, Symbols, and : Explanatory Notes , Condition of hecords. necords are in good condition unless ‘ otherwise indicatedim~‘fiaw . Dimension. Dimensions are always given in inches, unless other- ' wise indicatEdT and, therefore, the symbol for inches (") is omitted. :1 Location of Records. “Men all or the majority of the records of i an or??66"fiafié"a common—location, the location is indicated in the last :1 sentence of the office essay instead of in each individual entry. ‘ Cross References. Title-line cross references are used to show 1 the continuityubf a record series which has been kept seperately for - _‘ a period of time and with other records for different periods of time. g An example is that in entry 111. "1855-65 in Miscellaneous Deed , Records, entry 109." They are also used in all artificial entries— ' ‘ those act up to cover records which must be shown separately under ;‘ their proper office even though they are kept in files or records 3 described elsewhere in the inventory, as in entry 50, or in those set I up for a record which is never kept separately but is found in two or ‘ more records of miscellaneous content, such as entry 120. In both v‘ instances, the description of the master entry shows the title and entry number of the record from which the cross reference is made as, ,“ for example, those words in entry 126 do: "Also contains (Assessment , i of Blackwnter Drainage District No. 1) 1910-24, entry 134. Dates ‘ . shown in the description of the master entry are only for the part ‘ or parts of the record contained therein, and are shown only when ,1 they vary from those of the master entry. ‘ i l l , l l l I _ ix - ADVISORY COMMITTEE MISSOURI HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY Dr. John F. Herget, President, William Jewell College and Missouri Baptist Historical Society. ***a:* John G. Putz, President, Cape Girardeau County Historical Society. ***** Henry C. Chiles, President, Lexington Historical Society. ***** Prof. R. F. Wood, Associate Professor of History, - Central Missouri State Teachers College; President, Johnson County Historical Society. ***** Dr. Ralph P. Bieber, Professor of History, Washington University. ***** V Dr. Uel W. Lamkin, President, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College. ***** George thlman, President, Macon County Historical Society. ***** Charles H. Whitaker, Sr., Editor, The Clinton Daily Democrat. ' ***** Dr. C. H. MCClure, Head-of Division of Social Science, Northeast Missouri State Teachers College. ***** Dr. Jonas Viles, Professor of History, University of Missouri. *8:** Dr. E. A. Collins, State Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. : .9 X _ i : LIST OF JOHNSON COUNTY OFFICIALS 1 - 1941 - ‘ HON. w. o. REDFORD ‘ V Presiding Judge, County Court ’ HON. E. H. GOLLADAY -‘ Associate Judge, western District ; HON. ROSCOE J. BAGBY ; Associate Judge, Eastern District HON. w. C. MCDONALD § Presiding Judge, Probate Court i. JOE TUhNBOW ; Clerk of Circuit Court and Recorder of Deeds 3 PAUL R. PHIPPS f Clerk of County Court i JAMES R. GARRISON .‘ Prosecuting Attorney Q 1 FRANCIS BERKEY gf Sheriff ; EVERETT DAVIS 3 Collector of Revenue i GROV’ER C. FAIRCHILD j Assessor ‘ O. R. JACOBY I: Treasurer DR. EDWARD AHDRUSS . Coroner ‘ R. E. BOZARTH . Public Administrator ‘ L. E. QUICK ‘ County Surveyor and Highway Engineer ,» MRS. GLADYS MAGEE ; Superintendent of Public Schools TABLE OF'COHTENTS Page Forevrord . . . . . . . . . . iii Preface . . . . . . . . . . iv Abbreviations, Sgwp‘nols, and Exglanstory Notes . . . vii Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . ix List of Johnson County Officials . . . . 2 x Map of County . . y . . . . . . xiv General 1. Historical Sketch . . . . . . . . 1 Physical Descrittion. Early Eistory: Indian ownership; unite settlers. Establishment of County: Creation and boundaries; early officials; townships; county seat. Transportation; Roads; railroads. Agriculture. Industry snd-Comrerce. Finance. Population. Education. Religions. Public welfare. NewspaperS. Fecreetibnal Area. 2. Governmental Organization . . . . . . 15 Introduction, general administration, recording, administration of justice, lsW'enforcemcnt, taxation and revenue, budgets, expenditures, audits, election, education, public health, public welfare, public works, public buildings, agriculture. Chart of County Government . . . , . 29 5. PouSing, Care, and Accessibility of Records . . 30 Record Depositories Charts . . . . . . 51—35 Floor Plans of Courthouse . . . . . . 36-39 County Offices and Their Records I. County Court . . . . . . . . . 40 Proceedings. Bonds, Commissions and Appointwents. Schools. Roads and BridQCS. ReportS. Public Welfare: Fospitslization; relief; management. County Property. i i gg Table of Contents Page i‘ II. County Clerk . . . . . . . . 49 ; Elections. Schools. Fiscal [sports and Accounts: . Officials; fees and costs; warrants; receipts. 5 TaxationS: Cities and towns; real estate and personal 3' property; plat- books. Judgments and Executions. Affidavits, Certificates, and Licenses: Professional; j, game and fish. Jurors. lTital Statistics: Births; " deaths. Agriculture: Farm. names; livestock; y boundaries. Military. Drainage papers. 1 'III. Recorder of Deeds . . . . . . . 65 ‘1; Entry Book and Index. Peal Property: Deeds; “i mortgages and deeds of trust; wills; leases; _: drainage; surveys; 15nd sales; decrees, levies, Ii and attachments. Personal Property. Marrigde 1; License;. Military. Miscellaneous. A ; IV. Circuit Court . . . . . . . . 75 ‘y Proceedings: Case papers; rinutes; dockcts; juvenile ii division; bonds and appeals. Naturalization. if Judgments 9nd Executions. 1 5‘: V. Circuit Clerk . . . . . . . . 79 =3; Judgments and Lions. Licenses. Jurors. Fees and f3 Costs: Accounts; civil and criminah orifijfiglléggtsg . E} rdtncsses. General. " a; "' , f ; VI. Court of Common Pleas . . . . . . 84 i: Proceedings: Minutes; dockets. Judgments and ii Executions. Fees and Costs. g“ VII. Criminal Court . . . . . . . . 87 i i‘ VIII. Probate Court . . . . . . . . 88 i : Proceedings. Estate representatives: Settlements; if} administrators 5nd executors; guarditns and curetors. t I- . j ‘ Inheritance Taxes. Foes. ; ‘ IX. Puhlic Administrator . . . . . . . 92 u 1 j: X- Corone‘r o c a n o n a I o 95 k. I XI. Sheriff . .' . . . . . '. . 94. f ‘ XII. Prosecuting Attorney . . . . . . 95 ‘r 1 XIIII ASSG‘SSOI‘ v v n I u o v' 0 o 96 i a; t g i. a {I Table of Contents Page XIV. Board of Equalization - a o u I o 98 XV} Collector of Revenue . . . . . . 99 Accounts. Real Estate. Receipts. Tends and Court Orders. XVI. Treasurer . . . . . . . . . 105 Accounts: General; school funds; roads Fees and Cost: XVII. Superintendent of Public Schools . . . . 111 Office Accounts. Reports. Teachers. Pupils. XVIII. Deputy State Commissioner of Health . . . 119 XIX. Social Security Commission . . . . . 119 XX. Surveyor . . . . . . . . . . 120 XXI. Highway Commission . . . . . . . 121 XXII. highway Engineer . . . . . . . 122 XXIII. Farm Bureau . . . . . . . . 125 ' Bibliography . . . . . . . . 124 Primary Sources: Organic laws and statutes; court “ reports; official reports; census reports; directories; maps. Secondary sources: Histories; legal compilations. Topical Index . . . . . . . . 126 List of Survey Publications . . . . . 146 1 — xiv - _ MAP OF JOHNSON COUNTY, MISSOURI ' ' ; , --..__._._._..___GC_‘:"*W 1 “ “We 1 1 Laf ayette “J 1 1 i 1 1 l! ‘1 1 j‘ ' 1 41.12311 HIL‘ 1 SIMPSON 1 GROVER 1 COLUMBUS 1 1 1 ,1 JACKSON 1 1 1 i 1. ,3 l l -— L 1 _...1 ’ 1.--..._.._...-I.-,__...__._..........T' M i._...._.__.... . 1 1 1 1 \\ 1 Warr??nsburg 1 gflu . l 1 i." I —"' - ”‘ ' -. . -— ‘\-~.__L ._ _.__,__~q_‘ I M“; Y" \‘wl ‘A 2f.” 3 ; 1 _CENTERVIEW I ,1 , 1 3 [Km noster ; i \“NNNJK , MaDIS ON | My)” ’ 1 ‘ R ‘ 1 \ )1” 1 ‘JMRRENS URG . R WASHINGTON ‘ 1 1 KINGSVILLE ! \ggixa“ . - 1 A 1 ..,1»*Holr‘én\ ! 1 g T g :4114.1.1.1-.."11.1-1-1! f 1W“ xxx ! 1 1 1W : " - 1fl . L L 1 g . icsv sewer. l F ST 01K 1 JEFFERSON 1‘ ‘ \_,; a - 1 N , ‘4‘ ; 3 ROSE HILL 1\'\_,__ N“. 1 1. 1 1 I “"v-L “"‘K1‘«' 1 It 2'”"::""“*-\., -L-—'""‘“"““"‘""“W 1 ‘ v'xrr»;..._1. 41-..: w v ' v“ 1 f I ,__‘=-«; __ |-—;_—,~;;-;1. w" 5‘84. . 1 1 . : Henry County I i { __ N i i ‘- M ~71 ,v r _ _ . 11 ‘71 IS \ C Pcwnship Lines “.1... ....- j: i g S 1. Highways “uglnfli ,1 0U ? Raj. ll" Gad S ——+—I—+._I_.._L_I.4. R :3 2; I s‘ ' 2"“; Scale: 1" - 6 miles 1 ; (First entry, p. 40) l. HISTORICAL SKETCH Physical Description Johnson County occupies 831 square miles1 in western Missouri, about midway between the northern and southern boundaries of the State.2 Two counties, Cass and Jackson, lie along its western border, separating it from the State of Kansas by about 26 miles. Pettis County bounds it on the east, Lafayette County on the north, and the southern boundary is formed by Cass and Henry Counties.3 Only seven Missouri counties are larger than Johnson, which embraces 531,840 acres.4 Most of this area, 33 miles long and 25 miles wide,5 is spread along the Ozark Ridge, which geologists say is an older formation than the Rocky Mountains.6 There are two physio- graphic divisions - uplands and lowlands; about nine-tenths of the area belongs in the uplands section.7 Three—feurths of the land is fertile prairie,8 most of it sloping towards the Missouri River.9 Topographically, Johnson is a "plain county" with a few timbered hills along the western border.10 The highest point, 969 feet above sea level, is in the south- eastern corner; the lowest, 777 feet, is southeast of Quick City on the southern border.11 Indigenous streams, rising from mineral springs, drain the region; Pertle Springs, just east of Wdrrensburg, is the largest of those. Nine lakes surround this spring, the biggest of which covers 16 acres and supplies water for the county seat.12 The _ largest stream is Blackwater Creek flowing across the county from west to east. It is fed by South Fork, North Fork, and Honey Creeks from the north, and Fbst Oak, Clear, and walnut Creeks from the south.13 . Johnson County soil was formed from layers of decomposed lime- stone, shale, and sandstone.l4 Three main formations, the Pleasanton, . Henrietta, and Cherokee lie below the soil.15 The top layer runs from 100 to 225 feet in depth; the second, or Henrietta formation, from ___________________________________.___________________________ 1. Official Manual, State of Missouri, 1939-1940, p. 218. 2. Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, Base MEE.2£ Missouri, 1927, hereinafter cited as Base Map pf Missouri, 5. Ibid. 4. Official Manual, State 23 Missouri, 1959-1940, p. 218. 5. Base Map of Missouri. _—-— '—__— 6. Ewing—Cockrell, History of Johnson County, Missouri, p. 66. 7. Ibid., p. 565. ‘” "’ 8. fibWHrd L. Conard, Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, III, ‘ p. 456. "— _' " "" 9. Base Map of Missouri. 10. Conade—opT cit., p. 456. 11. Base Map—3f Missouri. 12. Cock'r'eTl‘I,’6p. cit., p. 195. 15. Base Map of—Missouri. 14.. Cockrfii‘ffip. cit., p. 72. 15. Ibid., p. E's. "‘“ - 2 — F 3 Historical Sketch — Early History (First entry, p. 40) T 26 to 110 feet; the Cherokee layer, from 75 to 710 feet. The latter i bears the richest coal veins found in Johnson County. It also supplies I shale and clay for pottery, tile, and other ceramic products; sandstone - ‘ and other building stones are also found.1 Early History :3 Indian Ownership 3; La Salle's explorations led France to clahn all territory drained 1 by the Mississippi River, including the area that is now Johnson County. 1i Through treaties and other agreements these lands, partly occupied by .§ the Osage Indians, were claimed successively by France, Spain, and the ‘ United States, but no attempts at colonization were ever made. How- ever, with the completion of the Louisiana Purchase, title to these 1 holdings came to the United States, and pioneers began to explore the : region. Clashes between the Indians and the newcomers often resulted.2 '3 In 1808, the Johnson County area was bought from the Osages by the United States Government.3 The price "for the land relinquished ; by the Great and Little Osages was $1,200 in money already paid and the ; yearly payment at Fire Prairie of $1,500 in merchandise at the first ‘ cost thereof."4 The Indians departed soon after the sale, but returned 33 new and then to hunt, and no trouble between them and the settlers is 3 recorded. ' 3 White Settlers 3 ’ During the decade following the purchase, few white folks visited f Johnson County territory. About 1819, however, the first steamboat to l ascend the Missouri River stopped at Franklin,5 now in Howard County, g 40 miles northeast of Johnson County's eastern boundary.6 The opening j of this new phase of river transportation further swelled the current ‘1 of southwestern migration which had already begun to popularize the 5,1 Santa Fe Trail. Flatboats, steamboats, and wagons soon brought trav- E ; elers from every direction. Some explored the vicinity and departed; ‘ 3 a few built cabins, remained a while, and left.7 ; ‘ Pleasant Rice, a native of Nashville, Tennessee, founded the first permanent white settlement in 1827, where the town of Columbia stands. He arrived in the spring, and that autumn he marketed the first corn 3 crop sold in that part of Missouri. Nicholas Houx, a native of “ l. Cockrell, pp. 233., p. 68. v ' 2. Ibid., p. 75. 3. Ibid., p. 74. , 3 4. Ibid., p. 75. ‘ 5. m” p. 85. . 6. "Bass Maggi; Missouri. '1 7. Cockrell, 22. git., p. 85. _ 5 .. Historical Sketch - Establishment (First entry, p. 40) of County Maryland, with his familv and five brothers, joined Rice that winter. Dr. Robert Rankin, the colony's first physician, and Rev. Robert ' King headed the first group of families to join Rice. Others in the ' party were John Whitsitt, Robert Craig, Uriel Murray, Morgan Cockrell, and Noland Brewer. John L. Trapp, for years a presiding county court judge, was another early arrival.l More settlements soon began to take shape; to the west, communities were developing around Basin Knob, Jonathan, and Baldwin. Williwn Norris and his family settled in the walnut Grove area in 1829, and he built the first gristmill. In 1831, William Cheek erected the first sawmill on Clear Creek; he sold it later to James Gallaher, and for years Gallaher's mill was one of the two voting places in Johnson County.2 Richard Huntsman and family settled in 1835 on land near Fayetteville. Using tree-cuttings, brought from his native Tennessee, Huntsman planted his colony‘s first orchardc Christopher and James Mulkey, Jacob Poarman, and William Trapp were among those who joined the Huntsman group during its first year.5 Many homes, built by the first settlers, were round-pole huts that could be put up by one man. Log cabins, however, were erected where enough men were available to ' aid in lifting the heavy timbers. When the home was finished, a few acres of ground were fenced and tilling the soil began; farming imple— . ments then consisted of a bull-tongue plow and a grubbing hoe. . Establishment of County Creation and Boundaries - ‘ Johnson County was organized by legislative action December 13, 1854.5 The area was taken from Lafayette County which at that time embraced all of Johnson and Henry Counties, the northwest half of St. Clair County, and a narrow strip on the east side of Bates County. - The Johnson County boundaries, as set out in the organization act, have never been changed. They are: "Beginning at the northeast corner of section twenty-five, of township forty-eight, range twenty—four, west; thence west with the subdivisional lines to the northwest corner of section thirty, of township forty—eight, range twenty—six; thence south with the range line between ranges twenty-six and twenty-seven, to the southwest corner of township forty~eight, range twenty-six; thence west with the township line between townships'forty-seven and forty-eight to the northwest corner‘of section three, of township forty- seven and forty-eight, to the northwest corner of section three, of township forty-seven, range twenty-nine, thence south with the subdivi— sional lines to the southwest corner of section twenty-seven, of l. Conard, op. cit., p. 456. 2,. Cockreilj-BET—Eit” p. as. ‘ 5. Conard, _O_p_. Elli“ p. 456. 4. Cockrell, op. cit., pp. 86 and 87. 5. M. L., 1834, p. 419, secs. 2—6. I i .- 4 .. 1 Historical Sketch - Establishment (First entry, p. 40) g of County a township forty—four, range twenty-nine; thence east with the subdivi- : sional lines to the southeast corner of section twenty—five, of township : forty-four, range twenty-four; thence with the range line between ranges : twenty-three and twenty-four, to the place of beginning."1 Early Officials ' Johnson County was named in honor of Richard M. Johnson, who fought ‘ with distinction through the Indian wars. He later served in the United 1 States Senate and was Vice—President of the United States from 1837 to 1 1841. When this county was organized, the Governor customarily j appointed three members of a county court and a sheriff. The county ‘1 judges then chose their own officials to serve until an election could >_ be held. In this case, however, Governor Daniel Dunklin ordered the holding of a preliminary election, at which the voters endorsed their ‘ own candidates for official appointments.2 Two polling places were set l‘ up, one at Columbus, where about 60 votes were cast, and the other at ‘ Gallaher's mill, where some 30 pioneers voted. Amos Horn, Robert W. ‘ Rankin, and Uriel Murray were endorsed for county justices and Joseph ‘ Cockrell was favored for the office of sheriff. G0vernor Dunklin made 3 the appointments as the voters wished.5 The county court held its first meeting April 13, 1835, at the H, home of Mrs. Rachel Houx, widow of one of the earliest settlers in “‘ Columbus, and paid a rental of one dollar f