xt7jdf6k3p6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3p6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1972 1972 1972-11-07 2020 true xt7jdf6k3p6z section xt7jdf6k3p6z K E | IfUCky VOL LX'V No. 49 an independent student newspaper .
Tuesday, November 7' 1972 UniverSIty of Kentucky __
' Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Last leg of campaign frail 1 — . . . .. ._ . , - . ._
Me Go ve r n c lie 5 n e e d » .. _. ~ i
o . 373-1; a ,, “’
By MIKE YORK 0" his arrival at Long Beach McGovern W .:M We. ..;:-, ii
Kernel Staff Writer was met by a welcoming group 0f political i i:

(Editor’s note: Kernel reporter Mike and show-business figures. He told the , h “7'
York is the only representative of the cheering California crowd that “California e‘ f “It " .
college press traveling with the McGovern could be the key to a MCGOVGF“ victory ' xi 2 " t _ ,
campaign junket as the campaign enters tomorrow." _ f . M , . .. . _
its last day. York's report tomorrow will Earlier m the day. McGovern spoke to a ~33 e ;~
cover the scene in Sioux Falls, S.D.. as lunch-hour rally 0f over 7500 in downtown 'I’" . . 1' 3&3. » -
McGovern waits out the election returns in Philadelphia. He {Old the Philadelphia '»_ , I 1 f _§3‘ » gs
his home state.) supporters “this is the most critical 7 ' Q" ~ f it: .. ..

election this country has ever had." i ' _ x {A _ ' '1 . ’g
- .“They shall mount up With wings as McGovern. seemingly untouched by the -' " . 3f ' _‘ .
I 908193. they shall run ("Id "0t be hectic pace of the campaign‘s final hours, a. _ 3 1 , '
weary, they shall walk and not faint.” showed almost no signs of the long 50,000 _' 2 ._ .« '
mile campaign he has logged since Labor ' . . - _‘ '

LONG BEACH' Cal1f.-—~Wlth these Day. . . . At the Greater Cincinnati Airport in Florence. Kentucky last Thursday. ’ ’g 7
words, Sen. George McGovern set out McGovern said that disappomtment . . -

. H ,, . Sen. McGovern makes his way through the crowd accompanied by a ~___
yesterday on a last-minute, trans— over dashed hopes for peace is even security agent on the left and Kernel reporter Bill Straub on the right.
continental search for votes in today‘s more apparent now than it was in 1968 (Kernel photo by Mike York)
presidential election. when Nixon first coined the phrase during

His back up against the wall and polls hiS campaign for the preSidency.
showing him far behind, the presidential
candidate told audiences in New York, 0 0
Philadelphia. Witchita and Long Beach M ed'a man'a
that America needs “a new kind of

leadership," that “integrity and decency
should be returned to the highest office in MCGovern press plane is really a PIOYboy i9? 7
the land.”
“WE DON'T THINK much about By MIKE YORK (Ii/it? national press covering Sen. George get it.
- .. - - Kernel Staff Writer c overn's resi entia campaign. .. . . ‘ .
losmg. he said. When‘asked what his 1976 SIOUX FALLS, S.D.—Above my head The netwofks. The New York Times, The cabin of the plane is plastered with
plans were, he replied Ithink Iwould run h . . Th k l . 'l‘h A . t d p ——th , ll h posters of all kinds. There was everything
for re-election again in 1976.“ angs a Slgn‘ e Kentuc y Kerne ..c1r- e ssoma e ress ey re a ere. from a 1936 Roosevelt campaign pennant
culation 25,000, Monday through Friday And boy are they crazy. to a plastic skeleton with "Mrs. Boney
When the presidential campaign left (otherwise known as the collegiate faction Those people in M-A-S-H seem very Mammy. written on it.
New York City Monday morning, both the of the national press corps). tame by comparison. McGovern‘s press And along the sides of the overhead
New York Times and the Daily News Beside me sits Wes Pippert, a plane is reallya 600—mile-per-hour playboy baggage deck there was something I just _.
featured stories indicating a landslide for correspondent for United Press In- club. could not believe. Under two long strips of _ ,
' President Nixon, possibly the greatest in ternational. After flying across the country with tape extending the full length of the plane
modern American history. And all around me is something people these people. it‘s hard for me to remember were hundreds of motel keys. So many that
BUt the Democratic candidate chose to only dream of—they don’t even make what I had expected when I boarded the at first I thought they were decorations‘r ‘
discount the polls and talked instead of a movies about people like this. plane Monday morning in New York. ‘ '
slim victory at each stop. I‘m aboard the plane carrying members Whatever that expectation was, I didn‘t Continued on page 8. (‘ol. 2
‘ leg: 2e- e s: 2?; H: r?“ Wag” . -> e”; 0 es co u n YWI e p0
' a if” I r»: .~ t‘ 4.. 3 , 33‘ h o o l d o
$3 :3 I 2.5:»; 2'; .. .. j_. g a, Q; s 0 WS N l x0 '1 '5 ea In 9 _
'I "1% H 1‘ *‘ML‘X‘; By R03" MITCHELL Of those undecided, 22 percent were
.3 - " e '__.‘ “Wye"? ASSiStam ‘0 the Managing Editor Democrats. 14 percent independent and
. i “E‘s-"W: "g: a: ~$®g Another Fayette County political survey only seven percent were Republicans. _ ‘
g 5f _ “.1 ”gr 1% 1 1;“; t has been completed with the results The actual tally. Wh'Ch was taken or 170
a it” m e h 3;: v; 321%“ similar to those found in earlier campaign registered voters picked at random ac~ .
e» " We “‘2- ».$“‘..,. 3;” ... polls. indicating a Nixon win. cording to precinct. gave Nixon 55 per- —-
2 -- . {a -. a. “3”" T , The survey. which was conducted by Dr. cent 0f the VOW. McGovern '37 percent Md
Laid U Michael Baer and his sophomore level 17 percent undecided. TWO persons, or 0'19
P political analysis class, indicates percent Of those POHCd» indicated they are
We all know the problem of Frisbees getting stuck in trees. But Frisbee McGovern many pick up more votes in the voting for someone other than Nixon or
throwers? John Porter. a pharmacy student. doesn’t seem too worried about waning days or the campaign as ‘7 percent McGovern.
getting down. (Kernel photo by Ed Gerald.) Of those polled were undecided. Baer said. Continued on Page 8, Col. 4
V .
. In his column Mar T°m 5m“ Wm M" - . «$3321. 33?: Sit? ifié‘i‘inihi‘ii
'"S'de : some of the stands taken by George McGovern ou*5|de e d t . ht 'th I t t s on
on various campaign issues. In so doing. he , en 0mg w' coo er 9mm :re‘ l
contends there are major inconsistencies in the way. w . y mlfiglf (0,0,,
McGocrn'l positions. He then cities some of the 3"“ eh." 1'" he" :9 i "go. ”h: ,1
accomplishments 0‘ Richard Nixon and urges today droning to t W 3.0" hf“
his rmelction as President. nesda. y. The last of the summertime m,»
seem to be on the way out ,

 The (autumn. it '8“ Assistant Manaqmq Editor Katie M(Car'hy ' '
' ((1:90) in (nil-l Mau- Wm“ A‘srtant Managing Editor Neill Morgan Edltor'a S
KentUCky humming (a-to: tynn Mdl'ln A\\l\'a"' MAHBQINQ Editor Dean Crawford
fourth,” (» mtoi 0mg Narimann Asxislant Managing Editor Mike Board
Kernel (JIVHHM (Unto: Minu- Vievney Editorials tepvexent the opinions of the editors not the Univeiuity
Lewis—South Carolina Gamecock
~ ‘ ‘\i‘&* '
U )
rap p . t
”19 colle e ress ‘
\\ ‘ ' ~ 3 You HEAR
\\ ”A Sonzrume?
t a“:
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the ampa' n \ hhhth
c 9 LEWIS \ _
'adEl‘a‘K '72
Clear Creek—Phil Frank
Rubenstetn—The Daily Iowan
‘. /
t , 37'
: Barrett—Texas University Daily me [,72\ *//
O i
000+ a
t‘ y . 20, ‘ §;//
; I h, AMERICANS I: _W__Ww_,-»'
:v 9‘ J KILLED / '
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h he )3], "i 7 . 'Pure-brewed in God's country'
\v h ‘m.
~ doe ~~ ‘0‘”... u— .. v - » .
“r Ego Trip?
Thin ks Kernel's McGovern endorsem enf was wrong
By JJ“ [1001) wasteful and do not even come close to systems of representation are detrimental I, like you. am interested in an end to
1 must challenge the assumptions upon fulfilling the pruposes for which they were to American society. war and in a government which more )
which you have based your endorsement created. XVhat are the. new ideas _0t What the senator's supporters have failed effectively serves the people. But, unlike
0t Senator McGovern for PreSIdent. You McGovern. 1‘ for Ohe‘.w‘h hOt settle for to face up to is the fact that McGovern has you, I have come to the conclusion that
say he has new answers for foreign hhd pumping more money into programs that not been right from the “I‘St 0" the war Nixon better understands the nature of
domestic problems and would have an serve no one hUt the bureaucrats they issueln I967twhen up for reelection t0 the international power politics (which cannot
open government. [strongly disagree. employ. . _ . Senate) McGovern‘s home town paper he wished away) and the social and
What are McGovern 5 new domestic ‘But. you argue if nothing else, he Will quoted him as saying he had never been political structure of the United States)
programs? Revenue sharing? It has give us new, competent leadership. D0 the for a unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam. which is itself a system based on an in-
passed into law. Guaranteed annual in- operation 0t hls campaign, the Eagleton Now he is, and on that one question of terplay of interest groups which are
come? Nixon S own proposal passed the affair. the about-face from a stand against unilateral withdrawal lies much of the always seeking power for their ends) and
House (the supposedl.V more conservative gm'erftment aid to Parochtal Schools to one difference between his own and Nixon‘s the Nixon is capable of winning moderate
body) this year. Equal economic op— httvormgd such aid indicate com- solution to ending the Vietnam War. and gradual reforms of the “establish-
portunityfor minorities. The Nixon ad~ peeht a mi-nistrat'ive 0r leadership RI. h' from the start? ment“ while McGovern would only suc-
ministration battled its own party within abthtteSh I think h0t- g , . . ceed in affronting the “establishment"
_ Nor do I think he is the totally honest It Senator MCGOthh lh saying he was and winning nothing for his efforts
J l. H d . h . ' man you desperately would like for him to right from the first, he is either forgetting '
- - 0° '5 a '5 OFY be. You say that with McGovern as a very important attitude of his own
' ' .. - . - ‘ a
president we would have a government regarding the war, or he '5 lying. l‘ur~ Candid ’ r it
gradua'e S'Udenh' open to the people. Just like the thermore. by claiming he was right from a e cor ec s
— Democratic National Convention. 1 sup- the first, he has never had to explain why, error in story
(‘ongress and fought both unions and pose? During the primaries McGovern reality, he changed hts hpth'hh'.
building contractors m the courts to made sure his people got to the loca party I suggest 10 YOU that no elSththnS The Nov. 2issue of The Kernel contained
maintain its program for minority conventions. and just like the ”old" based on morality 0F integrity can he an article reporting the Council on
training and hiring in the construction P0htit‘8n8. they packed the meetings and made between McGovern and Nixon. Women‘s(Yoncerns‘endorsement of me as
unions. Better wage-price controls'.’ had their way. There was no appeal to Neither than is all good or all bad. Each a school board candidate. There was a
McGovern at first said we needed better what the majority of the Democratic Party man bellows that he understands the very damaging error in the report that l
ones.then he said we should not have any wanted. hhhdh .Of the .hhhhh better than the would “ho to correct.
at all. then he said we Should have con. 0ther.l\ixon.in hisdrive to retain the power 1 was quoted as saying that my cam-
trols. but applied to only certain-segments Fudges on qUOfOS of‘the preSIdency and McGovern in his paign has been a ”women‘s effort.“ 1 did
of society. You can take your pick of what Furthermore, I have yet to hear z drive to wrest it away and. wm it for saythat. Butthe article wenton to say that
you want to believe McGovern stands for. defender of McGovern explain how a quota himself have hOth made mistakes and l had turned down men who had offered to
Still you argue that McGovern‘s most system (such as the “reforms" within the blunders that affront our moral sen— help. That is incorrect. Even though my
impressive aspect is his pledge to turn the Democratic Party brought about in part S‘t'V‘t'es- _ . campaign committee has been all women,
country around. How? Howls are raised by McGovern) can be reconciled with a Wh'te hOt denying that the incombent 5 many men have helped in innumerable
about waste in the military, while nothing democratic process where everyone has use 0t power must always be carefully and invaluable ways.
is said about the equal if not greater one vote and the majority rules. By the scrutinized and publicly debated, t _St|ll This campaign has been a tremendous
wastes thatoccur in the operation of social way, now that he has won the nomination know 0t no reason Wh'Ch WOUtd convmce up-hill effort and I appreciate the fine
programs. All I have heard from and is now seeking the presidential office me that McGovern has. the necessary support I have had.
‘-!cGovern are pledges of more money for itself . McGovern has assured various understanding and the ability tomeld the Marjorie Herbert
Sue-if- v:~-".grams that are extremely interest groups that he believes quota powers Of the PTESIdPnCy effectively. LawStudem

 Till-2 KENTl'CKY KERNEL Tuesday. November 7. I972—3


AEN 431 “Watershed Hydrology“ will be
McGovern's record shows inconsistencies taught W the first time this spring- " You We
like to know more about the watercycle and its
. By Tim “F""J‘ “6 must be a liar [Wice- What else is interaction with the environment and ecology,
°° ... ..., Wing
. . . _ g l ariiuana— That experience (Prohibition). . ' tion F r more information contact
“’"SC‘OUS~ anti-war liberal against a QUtet. along with limitation on enforcement personnel. preregls ra ‘ 0 ’
thoughtful incumbent. Right? An analysis of the . suggest that a more promising route might be 5; Tom H33” at 258-5103-
two men‘s political history should tell us if we‘ve to regulate marijuana along the same as t‘WWWW
described the candidates accurately. alchohol." (UPI. Feb. 16. 1972.)

OCL 17‘ 1972—4“ the San Diego Union, “l have not in the past nor do I now advocate I w__————
Wei 4 NOW
front (environment). I‘ll try to do better in the Feb. 16‘ 1972') W
future." I hope so. The record shows that in the Amnesty—“A good Democrat doesn't run muons-mo ROAD ILANE Alim SHOWING
past twelve years in Congress, the “leading away from his party. anymore than a good Times: 2:00 . 4:00
advocate“ of environmental quality has not soldier runs away from his country. said 5:50 - 7:55-
sponsored a single bill which has become law. McGovern. Who in late ran away from his party ”A STORY ABOUT COPS!“ 10:00 _
During the last two congresses, the senator t0 SUPPOFt Independent Wallace against
showed his concern for the environment by Truman. (Speech to Veterans 0t FOI‘Eign Wars. m m
missing half of all Senate votes on en- Aug. 23, 1972-) “Amnesty to be given to those on cmons
vironment legislation. the basis of conscience. who have refused to

Possibly. “environment-conscious" is the participate in the Vietnam tragedy.“ (Campaign 2 t GEORGE c.
wrong adjective for McGovern. “Antiwar“. Brochure “McGovern 0" the Issues") * ¥~ ' .. scan

i I believe, is more accurate. Though the war is NOW let's glance at Nixon. .' . - STACY
' almost 0"” McGovern continues to bring it ”P Minoritiesfltt) percent of black students at- a” .- we“
I 115 a major ISSUE? tended all»black schools when the President took f~ ,
The VIEWS expressed in this office. Today only 12 percent do. High school its»? " f' R %
equivalency. college opportunities. and bi- ,: ,. - L l
column are not those lingual courses were set up for Spanish— * .. 3.7-»; »- .' c....i‘22212‘..m i '
of {he Kernel editors. Americans. and a sixfold increase occurred in ‘ ’

What methods does McGovern propose? ”“9““; money to minority businesses. J
McGovern. uncertain of what to do. said he is .- Environment—He established. the Eh‘ l_.__—._——_———————-——————————————____.--_; .‘
goingtodothree different things. “I propose that ylronmental Protection Agency. first federal -
the l'nited States announce that we are with— agency ever set up to defend our quality 0f life ROBERT ST'GWOOD ‘5‘ MCAJNC presents
drawing all American forces from Indochina." and gave automobile manufacturers until 1976 to THE NATIONAL COMPANY
(press release. Feb. 7. 1972.) “I do not have the make completely pollution-free cars. CONCURRENTLY PLAYING TOCAPACITY BUSINFSSINNE»‘.YC)RK '
slightest doubt that every American troop and Youth—Nixon sponsored the first White House r - , ’
soldier Wlll be out within 90 days of my Conference on youth. He got 18—yearolds the ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER&TIM RICES ‘
inauguration and that's a pledge I make." vote. He appointed more under-30 White House
(Providence Journal. July 18. 1972.) “I would. staff members than any other president.

.retain the military capability in the regionfiin H0 3150 brought 90 percent Of our troops home.
Thailand and on the seas." (Statement before and IS spending four billion dollars more than I I PER TAR
group of POW relatives~Miami AP. July It. ever before on education. _ _ *'
I972.) TODAY. PULL THE NIXON KNOB! ‘99}, k“ ,
. L ~ (i M» it A
Your health ,
, ‘ (we CAST OF 50, oncuisru Ann CllOlI
N k f O k' I, 0 —Douglas Watt, N.Y. Daily News
0 nown cure or SIC e C6 anemics —— MAIL ORDERS NOW!”
By FRANK S. ('ASCIO. NH). 3. If one parent has the disease and the other is §fl.uphoan 55: 6 23:22:53; 1:953§”m-2iv; 82:
Director. l'niversityllealth Service normal. none of their children will have it. m m wnuut. CINCINNAII. OHIO i'llll‘om I. 330th ‘- Sump-at! ‘Hm- ‘

“that is sickle 09“ anemia? although all will be carriers. _—______________________ . -

Sickle cell anemia isa disease of the red blood 4. If both parents are carriers, one in four PRICES“ Tue‘" Wed. Thu” 8' 5”” — “'00- 57-00?
cells for which there is no known cure. An children will have the disease. although 2 more Initioghtffiel33":3‘3‘zhfhead'steggzgg'mfg,
estimated 40.000 blacks in the United States have will be carriers.
sickle cell anemia which they inherit from their 5. If only one parent is a carrier. none will ____._________A_
parents just as they inherit eye and skin color. have the disease, although 2 in 4 will be carriers. Advertisement
Sickle cell anemia is a disease of the black race. What can be done to reduce the risk of disease?

Whatare the symptoms of sickle cell anemia? It is possible now to educate e0 19 about H I h II f f p

Victims of sickle cell anemia are chronically eliminating sickle cell anemia thfougph simple “9““ s a 0 "me o ens
anemic with the usual symtoms of weakness. blood testing and counseling. In Kentucky free
fatigue and insomnia. If their cells become short testing is given to detect the trait for sickle cell What‘s new. you ask? D e c o r a t i on s i n c l u d e
of oxygen they change from a normal round anemia at the following locations: Well for one thing. (,‘liff photographs of the fabulous
shape toacurved shape likethe blade ofasickle, ~~NVhitney Young Sickle Cell Center. 628 N. llagan's Ribeye Room which Wildcats from various years, of
hence. the name of the disease. Broadway. Lexington. opened last month in the old Rupp and other memorbilia of

What is the risk of having sickle cell anemia? ”A”. local health dEPartments. liaFlame building on Winchester the Rupp era at the [Tniversity

()f Kentucky's 240,000 blacks. an estimated —Neighborhoods by scheduling in the Whitney Road. Rilreye steaks are offered.
16.800 are carriers of sickle cell anemia. This Young Traveling Laboratory. Completely remodeled and from the eight ounce size onup tot
means they are free of the disease but carry the Since sickle cell anemia cannot be prevented redecorated. the room has un- any size a person wants. A
trait the abilitv to transmit sickle cell anemia by immunization or medicine. all efforts in its dergone a transformation of gourmet salad bar. homebaked
to their children. It is estimated that 1 of every elimination must be made by proper testing. atmosphere as well. bread. coffee. tea or milk are
400 blacks born in Kentucky is born with a severe counseling and education. UK students who have Gone are the bar and the included in the price of the meal.
form of the disease. questions concerning this disease are en- lounge. Where the bar was ()nly top choice steaks are ser-

If carriers or people with the disease in— Couraged to come to the Health Service for ad- located. a charcoal grill now ved. cut to order on the spot.
termarrv. chances are high that their children Vlce‘ stands, . W'th dining hours from 5 until
will have sickle cell anemia or be carriers The Health Service will answer questions in A service bar is 5““ m’ain- 19530 pm" th‘f "mphaS'S 0f ‘
themselves. The risk is as follows; this column on physical and emotional health tained for those'who W'Sh mixed [Hm Hagan Rib?“ '5 on family

1. Both parents have the disease—all the problems. Letters may be addressed to Dr. drinks mm. the” meals. and a and‘student dining.
children will have it. Frank Fascia. care of Health Column. Medical complete wine list is offered, ltisa dramatic departure from

2. If one parent has thediseaseand the other is ('enter. Names need not be included unless a Hagan himself is usuallyon the old Laf'lame and IS an eX»
a carrier. half their children will have it. personal reply is wanted. and will not appear in hand to welcome patrons. cellent place to eat.
although all will be carriers. the column.

 t—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. November 7. I972
-. . Parents must show |
d re a io n flaws
3‘ 2 “nth AShlund ‘ , , tioned briefly in Sedler's opening
SELF SERVICE WASH AND DRY B’:(“"R‘ Ll‘llli’ . remarks, all four of the schools
Associated Press Writer closed would be reopened, or, if
c 0 ' ' 1 Jud 9 Mac the board insisted on closing
New and MOdefll Eqmpmenf for Every Fflbflc 8“,};fofd Sszéstthgburdengof proof three elementary schools. one
' . x l intiffs to show predominately white and one
Do Your Rugs (up to 9x12) In Our Big Boy Washers » 3:31: Kmfleffistmg Fayette mm same. would be sub- d
(‘ountv school desegregation plan stituted for two of the black I
- I ' in on the issue opened schools.
Your DRY CLEANING Done by 2;: hittifiiridfy. Sedler contended the board had p
The challen e. by the same attempted to avoid reassigning f
COUrIeOUS attendanIS group of parengts whose suit last whidte . cthildgfnk t: 1 the "
'lmI)er forced the original pre omina 95’ ac SC 00 5- f
4 Pounds ‘1'75 . 8 pounds $2.50 - '0 Pounds $3.” 11:11:: objects to the closing of four I N 0 It I (i l N A I. L Y a
‘ ~ predominately black schools and ltEQl'lRlMi a plan Swinford 0
-'————__—_—_———_—’ contends black students are suggested that the black St
being made to bear the major enrollment at elementary and
burden of desegregation. junior high schools be no less p
Tllli Pl. i\' HAS BEEN upheld than 15 nor more than 30 percent. R
at the district court level and an The final plan leaves black in
appeal to the US. Sixth Circuit enrollments ranging from zero to a
Court of Appeals has been left in 45.5 percent. is
. . abeyance until further evidence In his opening remarks William c
“Taklng It all together.— couldbe presented. In remanding Sloan, the board 5 attorney, said a
the case to Swmford‘s court last a recent ruling involving schools e
I ‘ e circuit court never- in (‘hattanoo a. Tenn, didn't
performance, features, Styllng’ 3113:: atIIowed the school board “’qu complite racial balance st
th BSR 810 ' t k' to implement the plan this year. and ‘9“ It UP [0 the plaintiffslo ‘ .
- 8 moves III 0 Ian "lg “The court considers this a show that any remaining in- 1
- very narrow issue," Swinford balance resulted from C
place among the DB“: alltomatlcs cautioned. He said it wasn‘t his discrimination. If:
. . responsibility to decideifthe plan Sloan said the schools that bo‘
we know at And at Its prlce adopted was the best available closed were unfit for future use.
_ ’ but whether it conformed to the He called two architects to the CO
the Others may we" be In US. Constitution and if the board stand to testify that those schools
acted in good faith to remove any were in worse condition than the
for a real contest " remaining vestages of a dual two which the plaintiffs would
' school system substitute under one of the
- ROBERT SEDLER. attorney alternative plans.
FI'OITI I'IIGI‘I FIDELITY MAGAZINE—May, 1972 for the plaintiffs. maintained the rm: KEY WITNESS was Supt.

_ _ . v board's plan was deficient on its Guy S. Potts. who said to date the
w>'° 1:35.,“ . . .. ._v.. __ g; face because it didn’t prOVide board‘s Plan had been working
"I""it"i‘iilfliMW'We{iiiil‘ml'llll'lmm :azéemwrva moment» maximum integration and “exceptionally well." He said it
t“ seemssemmw _. . l - because a“ of the schools closed probably was too early to
g .. ~ were predominately black. evaluate if it had produced any '

g Under the alternative men- instructional benefits.
t» Jerusalem doctor
\ '2. visits Kent
: . ucky
‘ '_ y 3 ' Dr. Alexander Russell. the p r e V e n t i V e m e d i C i n e .
if! ' Q1 1 founder of the Infant and Child rehabilitative medicine,
5 a ‘ , {>3 Development Center of psychiatric care and counseling
‘ 2 V 3 Jerusalem's Hadassah Hebrew the family of a sick or han-
5: ' vi a a" University Medical Center, dicapped child.
’5; ” ” .' fl, visited UK this past weekend to The center provides these
’ 53; C‘ ,' tour UK‘s Medical Center and to services free of charge Russell
I , relax from his three week tour of said- ”990919 who are SiCk should
,. c American medical facilities. 110! be penalized” monetarily. he
C Q“ said. The center, he said, is
. ' Russell's development center funded by American philantropic
ft. ‘ .C G is responsible for the medical organizations.
’ . ..;.‘f¥:“ :g- care of every child in Jerusalem, Russell said the center
-, - -. -- - e g 33*“ mm“ he told the Kernel. Monday. The provides comprehensive coor—
v“ center handles every 359801 0f dinated care for both the children
child care in the city including in need of medical care and the co
families of these children.
The Russell is promoting this
The BSR 810 offers an impressive group of design innovations KenIUCky Kernel comprehensive free medical care
for music lovers for professional users of transcription ""-"'—"'— for children during his tour of the
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high fidelity equipment. It has the tightest specifications for rum- 5:53:53; gelltiizii'wwso? legit-Lucille
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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday. November 7. 1972—5
8 Department of
Theatre Arts
G If ' ’ 1 UK '
a ery rings mas erpieces 0 DAY or Assence '
t . , This Weekend
By (LARK TI-iRRVIaLL MANY UNIVERSITIES have tists that depict scenes which grandeur on Vcanvas to Nov 10 . 7'30
Kernel Staff Writer art collections for just this besides bEing large in size, are generously share WM] “5' - 7.60 pm; 9.00 m
Have you ever been t0 an art reason. The paintings in this almost breathtakingly beautiful. '32: 2‘9] '7V30p'm' ' p' '
museum? Have you ever won« exhibit come from six small One is “Landscape. The These two artists‘ reputation ' V. ' p'm'
dered whatan actual Rembrandt Kentucky colleges; Georgetown, Beeches“ by Carl Brenner which hardly stand up to some 0fthe ngnOI Theatre
l00k0d like 0" hOW he got that TranSylvania, Centre, St. overflows with lovely green asit other masters, and some may "0‘ Fine Arts Boilding
particular shade of coloring Catharine and Midway Junior shows a secluded forestry scene like their Particular technique BOX-Office opens Thursday
WhiCh SBtS his paintings apart colleges. and Berea College complete with a small brook and But the subject they bring “5 is NOV- 9/ noon-4:30
from allthe rest? The Art Gallery which provided three-fourths great and isn't the subject the noon-curtain ,
in the Fine Arts Building is of— of the paintings on display, adusty trail.The other is Thomas "‘05! important thing in a days 0' performance
fering you the opportunity to view . . V _ Moran‘s “The Grand Canyon". a painting anyway? Maybe not, one Phone: 258-2680
a genuine Rembrandt and many There are many very gm”? ml breathtaking subject in itself, yet can only judge after seeing
. _ on canvas portraits of VBI‘IOUS . V . V . . V (Box office Location Gurgnol Theatre
other works from claSSical people but two that seem t t d genuine works ““0“ ‘5 “hat you Lobby. Fine Arts Building)
. ' 0 S .
schoolsVand artists. . . . outare “Old Lady with a Cap‘fibly Moran has captured its majestic can do now at the A” Gallery.
The VhSt Of aruSts IS qua? ‘m' 18th century American artist V ——_—\ ~ .
pressive—Durer, Matisse, Gilbert Stewart. The face on the I
mike:1 this) colllelction sotnotaVble the picture is probably an ac- :
an w a ega ery ‘5 S ressmg curate description of her B '
. . .. ,as ut Mer er Will.....
is that this exhibit features works technique allows this and yet if}: 9
connected Wlth the €V01Ut|0h 0f artist is still able to add his own
art from ancient Greece to the ' - . - ,
. . . ‘mpress‘ons 0f “'5 SUbJECt- it Prowde Accountable, Responsible Government
tarly twentieth century . , .
. . dmirers and The other painting which was -
Thls gives a I done around the same time is a * . ‘
students of art the valuabe ex- very dignified looking portrait lnsurea Modern, Progressive Form of Government
perieVnce of seeing and feeling simply entitled “Portrait of an in LeXingtcm and Fayette County
classic example of a certain Unknown Woman“ by Britisher
technique rather than just Sir Joshua Reynolds. . .
reading about it In a thick text ’I‘ Give Neighborhood Representation to Everyone
two" and looking at some glossy Finally, there are two oil on
color hoto ra h, canvas prints by American ar- . .
p g p . * Reduce Taxes on Low Income City ReSidents Who Aren’t
Record reVIews
. . 1: Improve Public Services for City and County Residents
Moodies keep floating... , ..
* Open Up the ”Ball Game” to Ordinary Citizens
Seventh Sojourn—The Moody Blues—Threshold Records
7 . ' ' l
The Moody Blues seventhalbum,“Seventh SOJourn,”oozes * Assure SfUdems a VO'Ce In Loca' Affairs.
- with a sweetness surpassing anything the Moodies have
done. It floats through songs one would expect to hear in MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
smallcafesin Paristorip-snortingrockandroll. VOTE YES 0" MERGER NOVEMBER 7th
“For My Lady” and “Isn’t Life Strange” seems to up the sponsom by Comm.” .0 insure Good Government Gerald Smith, woos.
central mood of the album. The songs are very mellow and
speak of a new attitude. Many of the old Moodies songs
seemed to say “look at me and love me." The new songs say
“I have concern, compassion, talent, hope and I feel love for