xt7jdf6k3w2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3w2x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1957-05-13 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 13, 1957 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 13, 1957 1957 1957-05-13 2020 true xt7jdf6k3w2x section xt7jdf6k3w2x -WW 1297 Minutes of the University FacultyJ Max A1, 1252 The University Faculty met in regular session in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hath Monday, May 13, 1957. In the absence of President Dickey and Vice President Mmmberlein, Dean Mills presided. Members absent were Staley F. Adams. John U. BaIL Brinkley Barnett, Howard We Beers, 8. J. Brown, Dana G. Cara, C. C. Carpenter‘. W°IL Carter‘, L‘ M‘ Chamberlain‘, L° W. Cochran, C. 5. Crouse‘, Frank G. Dickey'. J°C° Eaves” H' A' E1115° 0' W' Gard" W- P- Garrigus. Lyman V. Ginger, w. n. Grubbs. Emrah B. Holmes, Harald Jensen,.A. D. Kirwan, C. T. Lesshafft, L. Lo Martin‘, Paul Oberst, Frank D. Peterson, 0. Leonard Press, Helen M. Reed, Dwight M. Seath, Thomas B.Stroup. D. V. Terrell, Lawrence Thompson, L. H. Townsend, Frank J. Welch and William R. Willard. The minutes of April 8, 1957 were read and approved. Ur. Steele read a resolution on the death of 1”I'ofc‘esa-zor Edwin S. Good. The mfiversity Faculty approved a motion that the resolution be incorporated in the mhmtes of the Faculty and that caries be sent to members of Professor Good‘s family. A Tribute to the Late ProfesSor Edwin Stanton Good Professor Edwin Stanton Good was called to his reward on April 15, 1957 at the age of eightyasix years. He was born on March 16, 1671 at Clarence Center, New York: he grew to young manhood in Michigan. He received the lhchelor's degree from Michigan State Agricultural College in 1903, and was awarded the Master's degree by the University of Illinois in 1906. He served as Secretary to the President of the Michigan State Agricultural College 159761599. He was an Instructor and Investigator in Animal Husbandry, University of Illinois 1903—1906. He joined the Animnl Husbandry staff at the University of Kentucky in lamb and was identified with Resident Teaching, the Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension. He was Head of Animal Husbandry and Chairman of the Animal Industry group. He relinquished his administrative duties in 1941 with the change in Work Status. but he continued to render valuable service in Extension and Resident Teaching. Professor Good was a man of scholarly interests and he established an enviable reputation in both teaching and research. Perhaps, his greatest scientific contribution was the isolation of and the preparation of a vac- cine agninst a bacillus causing abortion in mares. He made other contribu« tions in the field of Animal Nutrition. High professional recognition came to Professor Good in 1940 when the American Society of Animal Production hung his portrait in the Gallery of the Saddle and Sirloin Club in Chicago. Professor Good travelled in Europe in 1905 during WhiCh time he studied livestock conditions in England, SCOtland’ Holland. France. and Belgium. He served as a member of the Kentucky Livestock Sanitary Board. He was a charter member of the American Society of Animal Production and also of the Association of Southern Agriculturel Workers. Other PTOfeS" sional memberships included American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association of University Professors. Kentucky Academy of Science, Research Club, Alpha Zeta and Sigma Xi. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Kiwanis Club and the Second Presbyterian Church °f which he was an Elder. ’Absence ExPlaineda He married Miss Louise A. Millikin on June 24, 1908; him inxkath some four years ago. University. The long and distinguished professional career of the late Professor Good was consistent with the highest academic traditions. endowed mind, high professional ideals, good judgment and true gentility endeared him to students, faculty and others privileged to know him. graduate credit; Minutes 2: the University Faculty, May l1, 12§Z she preceded Their two sons are graduates of this A richly Dean Slone announced that there would be a brief cornerstonealaying at the new College of Pharmacy building on Friday afternoon, May 17, at 2:00 p.m., and an invitation to attend was extended to the Faculty members. Dean Spivey presented a recommendation from the Graduate Council for approvfi of graduate credit for two courses previously approved by the Faculty for undam also a recommendation for revision of Education 116 in titleam These three recommendations were approved by the Faculty. 1. Economics 150. Economics 186. The Graduate Council recommends approval of graduate credit for the following courses, previously approved by the University Faculty for undergraduate credit. Advanced Business and Economic Statistics ( Advanced time series analysis, multiple and partial correlation. variance and experimental design. Economics 107, Statistical Method, or Consent of Instructor. Economic Research (3) The sources, uses and application of statisti- elementary analysis of W= cal information to the analysis of economic problems. 107. Prereouisite: Friday evening, May 10. Dr. Sears at $1.75 each. Economics 52 and The Graduate Council recommends revision of Education 116 as expanded in title and raised 1 hour in total credit. Change Education 116 (3 credits), Problems of the Coordinator in Distributive Education. to Education 116a, b (2 credits each). Problems of the Coordinator in Industrial and Distributive Education. Richard Lehman, President of the Student Government Association, presented to the Faculty the new President for the 1957958 year, Mr. David Ravenorafto Mr. Ravencraft expressed his appreciation of the privilege to work with the Faculty and a warm welcome was extended to him by Dean Mills. Dr. Scherago announced that an error had been made in the Staff Bulletinwhich listed the Sigma Xi dinner for for Friday evening, May 17, in the Bluegrass Room of the Student Union Buildind Dr. E. V. Cowdry will speak on "New lpproaches to the Study of Malignant Tumor§' and tickets are available from This dinner is scheduled .L Came that purpc howev at ti the k holid thei 301‘ by the and aprovel 1der- tle and fled n. which ,uled ingo tors" 1299 Minutes 9: the University Faculty, May $1, 1952 The presiding officer stated that the sheet entitled "Calendar of Important Cmmwncement Dates", which had been circularized by the Registrar's Office, stated tmfi the University Faculty would meet on Thursday, May 23, at 9:00 a.m. for the mmpose of approving degree candidates for recommendation to the Board of Trustees; hMWVer, it had been found that there is a conflict in the use of the Assembly Room atthat hour and that a written notice would be sent to the Faculty of change in um hour to 3:00 p.m.. May 23. A brief discussion was held as to whether May 27, Commencement Day, was a hofiday. Dr. Mills stated that a notice would be circularized to all members of thefaculty prior to Commencement Day clarifying this question. Meeting adjourned. ‘% " #ng.— : 3 35' "" -:._/ Maple Moores Acting Secretary