xt7jh98z9d45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98z9d45/data/mets.xml Richardson, Robert, 1806-1876. 186870  books b92-130-29191641v1 English J.B. Lippincott, : Philadelphia : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Campbell, Alexander, 1788-1866. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell  : embracing a view of the origin, progress and principles of the religious reformation which he advocated (vol. 1) / by Robert Richardson. text Memoirs of Alexander Campbell  : embracing a view of the origin, progress and principles of the religious reformation which he advocated (vol. 1) / by Robert Richardson. 1868 2002 true xt7jh98z9d45 section xt7jh98z9d45 

ADB3 ftatt65

       "7  V


                  MEMOI RS




             WHICH HE ADVOCATED.


        More sweet than odors caught by him who sails
        Near spicy shores of Araby the blest,
          A thousand times more exquisitely sweet,
          The freight of holy feeling which we meet,
        In thoughtful moments, wafted by the gales
        From fields where good men walk, or bow'rs wherein they rest.

                    VOL. I.


              1 868.

C O.


             Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year i868, by

                           ROBERT R!CHARDSON,

In the Clerk's Office of th2 District Court ef the United States, fTr tse District of West





T is a praiseworthy curiosity that leads men to scan minutely the
    lives and characters of distinguished persons. Great men are, for
the most part, the discoverers and the dispensers of truth, as the
mountains which lift themselves aloft in impressive grandeur receive
the first rays of light and reflect them upon the plain beneath.
Furthermore, as it is the mountains that hold, within their rocky
embrace, those veins of precious metal and those fertilizing mate-
rials whose particles are swept down by the torrent to enrich the
fields, and men hasten, not in vain, to explore those heights from
which the shining sands were gathered, so it is by no means an
unprofitable labor to trace to their origin those precious truths
which have blessed and enriched mankind, and to investigate the
hidden motives and qualities of those eminent men from whom the
world has derived such important benefits.
  That the subject of the following memoir has been one of the
world's, benefactors-that his labors have largely contributed to
weaken the power of sectarianism, to break the fetters of religious
bigotry, and to bring about the present ameliorated condition of
religious society, can be denied by no right-minded person who is
properly acquainted with the religious movements of the last half
century. Although vindictive personal or partisan hostility may
withhold its assent, it cannot be truthfully denied that whatever
abatement there may be of party spirit, whatever increased respect
for the simple and unadulterated truths of tne Bible, whatever grow-



ing tendency to Christian unity there exists in Protestant society,
especially in the United States, may be traced more certainly and
immediately to the public labors of Mr. Campbell than to those of
any of his contemporaries. His eloquent pleadings have been ex-
tensively heard indeed, not only in America but in Europe; his
writings have been circulated wherever the English language is
spoken, and their effects have been too plainly visible not to be at
once recognized by every unprejudiced observer. To inquire into
the true character of such a man, and the influences by which it was
developed and matured, will not, therefore, it is hoped, prove an
unprofitable study. In engaging in it, however, it is to be remem-
bered that, as in order to inspect the veins of precious ore that
enrich the granite summit of the mountain, we must ascend from the
low and narrow valley at its foot to the elevation at which they can
alone be found, so it will be necessary for the reader, in order to
estimate aright the individual whose history is here related, to lift
himself above the groveling and contracted sphere of educational
and sectarian prejudice in which he may heretofore have moved, to
those purer regions of Christian freedom and of lofty and untram-
meled thought for which Mr. Campbell was himself distinguished.
  The advantage which, from his boyhood, the author had enjoyed
of being intimately acquainted with him, as well as with his father
and the family, together with the utility of such a work, first sug-
gested the idea of preparing the following memoirs; and it may be
stated, perhaps without violating any principle of propriety, that
when, more than thirty years ago, he privately intimated to Mr.
Campbell, in the confidence and unreserve of friendship, that such
was his intention, it was by him most heartily sanctioned and
approved. This purpose, however, from the cares of a busy life
and various other hindrances, was long postponed; and might,
indeed, never have been executed, had not the death of Mr. Camp-
bell furnished a pressing occasion, and the formal request of his
surviving family, together with the entreaties of many friends, fur-
nished motives which could not be resisted. Hence, upon receiving
the following letter, written by his excellent lady, and signed by all
his surviving children, the author resolved at once to undertake
the work:




                                         IETHANY, March 30, x866.
       Dear Brother in Christ:
     A number of communications have been addressed to me on
the subject of the memoirs of my lamented husband, conveying an
earnest desire for their early appearance.
  Desiring, on my own part, as well as that of my family, that this
trust should be confided to one held in warm Christian sympathy
and high personal esteem, such as I feel assured he ever felt for you
during many years of intimate acquaintance and fellowship, the
confident hope is entertained that you will comply with our heart-
wishes in this respect. Our only consolation, under the weight of
this overwhelming sorrow and affliction, is, that our irreparable loss
is his eternal gain.

            "Farewell, but not for ever, Hope replies;
            Trace but his steps and meet him in the skies;
            There, nothing shall renew the parting pain;
            Thou shalt not wither, nor I weep again !"

  I remain, dear brother, your sister in the blessed hope of eternal
                                         SELINA H. CAMPBELL.

  In the above request the undersigned earnestly concur.
                                        A. CAMPBELL, Junior,
                                        VIRGINIA C. THOMPSON,
                                        DECIMA C. BARCLAY,
                                        W. P. CAMPBELL

  As a sexagenarian, and afflicted with an amaurosis, which, in a
good measure, denies to him the use of his eyes, the writer might
well have shrunk from a task of so great magnitude, in despair of
ever being able to complete it; but the abundant materials kindly
furnished by Mrs. Campbell and numerous friends, to whom this
public acknowledgment is due, greatly encouraged and assisted him
in his labors; and the aid he has received from his twin-daughter,
whose patient services as reader and amanuensis have robbed her
girlhood of many sportive hours, has at length enabled him to pre-
sent to the public these pages, in which he has endeavored, to the
best of his ability under the circumstances, to give a faithful narra-
tive of Mr. Campbell's life and labors. These, as is usually the case
with those who attempt reforms, have, as it will appear, been greatly



misrepresented by his enemies, and very imperfectly appreciated by
many of his friends.
  The reader of the following memoirs may rest assured that the
utmost pains have been taken to assure the authenticity and the
accuracy of the facts detailed, and that nothing has been allowed to
form a part of the narrative for which there did not appear to be
clear and sufficient evidence. It has been the aim of the author to
allow Mr. Campbell, as far as practicable, to speak for himself by his
actions and his writings, and to gather from private papers, and the
cherished remembrances of personal intimacy, such additional gleams
of light as might serve to furnish a view of the inner man, and
reveal the struggles of a mighty soul amidst the conflicts of life.
Should he be charged with giving, in any case, too much space to
natural description,.he must plead, as an apology, his desire to place
the reader, as much as possible, amidst the very scenes and circum-
stances by which Mr. Campbell was himself surrounded, so that he
may be enabled to form his own estimate as to how far the forms of
external nature and the associations of youth exerted their admitted
formative power. In regard to the religious influences which sur-
rounded Mr. Campbell in his early life, it has been thought necessary
to go into considerable detail, as their effects were marked and
  It seemed, indeed, impossible to place the views and labors of
Mr. Campbell in their true light without giving a pretty full account
of the state of religious society around him. In endeavoring to do
this, the author has preferred to speak of particular religious move-
ments and parties when, in the course of the narrative, Mr. Camp-
bell comes into contact with them, rather than in the form, usually
adopted, of a general historical introduction prefixed to the work-a
plan which has, doubtless, its advantages, but which, in the present
case, seemed less eligible than the one adopted, for reasons which it
is unnecessary to specify. It is hoped, therefore, that the sketches
given of the state of religious society at different periods will not
only supply the facts necessary to a correct judgment, but, at the
same time, afford interesting information. For many of the details
connected with the Secession Church the author would acknowledge
his indebtedness to McKerrow's valuable history, and for those




                           PREFA CE.                         5

belonging to the religious movement of the Haldanes, chiefly to the
very interesting ", Memoirs of Robert and J. A. Haldane, by Alexan-
der Haldane, Esq."
  As there were many who co-operated with Mr. Campbell in the
work of Reformation, it has been thought expedient to furnish brief
notices, at least of those among them who were especially intimate
with him, who themselves contributed important additions to the
truths developed during the progress of the Reformation, or were par-
ticularly instrumental in aiding and extending it. Many of the facts
connected with these fellow-laborers have interesting relations to the
principal subject, and the names, at least, of those who were thus
honored should be preserved from oblivion. It is on account of the
discursiveness hence arising, as well as the author's consciousness of
the incompleteness of his work, that it is entitled "Memoirs," rather
than a biography. And it is in the use of the liberty which this spe-
cies of writing concedes that, even at the risk of being prolix, he has
not hesitated to present all those details which seemed interesting to
his own mind, knowing that while he himself could not feel justified
in avoiding the labor of their insertion, the reader could or would
exercise at his pleasure the privilege of omitting them.
  In conclusion, he humbly hopes that the Divine blessing may ac-
company his work, so as to render it useful to the cause of Bible
Christianity. He is aware, that in the offering he brings, many defects
may appear to the eye of the critic, but he must, in that case, try to
find comfort in the persuasion that imperfection is the lot of every
human effort-that of the critic himself; of course, included; and
that, under more favorable circumstances, and with more time at his
disposal, he could have supplied a more finished production. One
who has been largely associated with the persons described, and who
has been borne along in the same religious movement, can, however,
after all, hardly claim to be so exempt from those natural feelings
and prepossessions which affect the judgment as to do much more
than provide the materials from which some one more competent
may hereafter, with calmer research and clearer philosophical analysis,
exhibit the life and character of ALEXANDER CAMPBELL.

 This page in the original text is blank.



                      CHAPTER I.
Birth-place-Parents-Their personal appearance-Their ances-
  try-Paternal grandfather-His character-Anecdote-Early life
  of Thomas Campbell-Religious impressions-Teaches in Con-
  naught-Preparation for the Secession ministry-Education at
  Glasgow-Divinity Hall-Archibald Bruce-License to preach
  -Office of a Probationer .................................... ........ 19-27

                     CHAPTER        II.

Removal of family to Market Hill-Thomas Campbell called to
  Ahorey-Farm near Rich-Hill-Beauty of this region-Alexan-
  der's schooling-His sportiveness-Study of French-Anecdote
  -Physical development-Confinement to books irksome Its
  pernicious effect at puberty-Farm-work-Intellectual awaken-
  ing-Resolution-Power of memory-Reading and study-Re-
  creations-Love of gunning and fishing-Thomas Campbell's
  familv training-Scripture recitations-Influence of a pious
  mother-Filial gratitude-'Education-Influence of a father's
  personal character and labors-Thomas Campbell's ministerial
  faithfulness-Supreme regard for the Bible-Disuse of the Cate-
  chism-Ability as a preacher-Opposition to party-spirit-Aver-
  sion to politics-Difficulty of his position-Irish Rebellion-
  Orangemen-Catholics-Rioters-United Irishmen-Presbyte-
  rians in the north the chief strength of the Association-Provi-
  dential rescue-Proffers of Lord Gosford-A father's prudent
  foresight-The wisdom of his political isolation-Deliverance-
  His equanimity under sudden calamity-Effects on mind of
  Alexander-Opposition to secret societies and oaths  ..... 28-45

                    CHAPTER        III.

Thomas Campbell's increasing family-Insufficient income-
Opens an academy in Rich-Hill-Alexander as assistant-His




  serious impressions-Religious awakening-Becomes a com-
  municant-Engages in theological studies-Church history-
  Establishment of Presbvterianism in Scotland-Patrick Hamil-
  ton-Wishart-Knox-Contest between Presbyterianism and
  Prelacy-Covenanters-Seceders-Relief Church-Burghers-
  Anti-Burghers-Old and New Light Burghers and Anti-Burgh-
  ers-Thomas Campbell's efforts for union-Opposition of Scot-
  tish Synod-Final accomplishment ..................................... 46-58

                    CHAPTER IV.

Production of religious sects-Independents at Rich-Hill-Their
  esteem for Thomas Campbell-" Occasional hearing"-Rowland
  Hill-J. A. Haldane-Alexander Carson-John Walker-Ply-
  mouth Brethren-Origin of Independents-Their persecution-
  Brown-Robinson-Pilgrim Fathers-Spirit of intolerance-
  Roger Williams-Founder of constitutional religious liberty-
  Right of private judgment-Influence of Independency on A.
  Campbell-In favor of toleration-Right of private judgment
  enjoyed by the Independents only-Despotism in Church of
  Scotland-English and Scotch Independents-John Glas-San-
  deman's view of faith-Missionary movement-Wesley-White-
  field-Field-preaching-Extraordinary manifestations near Glas-
  gow-Effects of missionary effort ........................ ...  5917S

                     CHAPTER V.

Alexander Campbell's industry in teaching-Becomes tutor in
  Hon. William Richardson's family-Close observation of the
  mind's action-Failure of his father's health-Sea voyage ad-
  vised-Emigration to America proposed-Unwillingness Alex-
  ander overcomes his father's scruples-Sorrowful farewells-
  Thomas Campbell sails for Philadelphia-Safe arrival-Large
  emigration to United States-James Foster-His character and
  influence-Induced to go to America-Newry-He embarks at
  Warren Point.........                                76-86

                    CHAPTER VI.

Merited confidence-Attention and activity of Alexander Camp-
bell-Letter from Thomas Campbell-Sent to Chartiers Presby-
tery-Arrival of James Foster-Alexander teaches at Newry-
Preparations at Rich-Hill for departure-Family attacked by the


  small-pox-Delays--Preparations resumed-Visit to London-
  derry-Memorials of the siege-Passage engaged-Visit to Dub-
  lin-Its harbor, public institutions for the poor, etc.-Botanic
  gardens-Museum-Return to Rich-Hill-Departure for Lon-
  donderry-Embarkation-Ship Hibernia-Emigrants .. ......... 87-97

                    CHAPTER VII.

At sea-Wind adverse-Driven upon the coast of Scotland-Ves-
  sel anchored in Lochin-Daal Bay-Detained by unfavorable
  weather-Catholic passengers-Singular dream of Alexander
  Campbell-Sudden squall-Ship dashed upon a rock-Immi-
  nent peril-Abject fear of Catholics-Interesting incident-
  Alexander's reflections and determinations-Daylight-Means
  of relief-Alexander's exertions to save his books-Efforts of
  the islanders-Kind reception in Islay-Name of Campbell a
  passport-Kind attentions of Laird Campbell-Brief descrip-
  tion of Islay-Alexander attends the parish church-His obser-
  vations-4iews of prayer-Complimentary prayers-His style
  of prayer compared with that of his father ........................ 98-112

                   CHAPTER VIII.

Special providences-Consultations-Conclusion to winter at
Glasgow-Introductory letters-Journeyings-Alexander visits
Jura-His appreciation of the beauties of nature and of art-
Musical power deficient-Poetry-Ossian-His feelings amidst
the scenes of Ossian's poems-Mull-Staffa-lona-Account of
Patrick and Columban-Similarity of views and purposes-
Journey resumed-Delays-Tarbet-Greenock-Glasgow-Kind
reception by Greville Ewing-Furnished lodgings obtained. I 13-128

                    CHAPTER IX.

Glasgow-Public buildings, etc.-Alexander Campbell enters the
University - Pleasant acquaintances - Classes - Professors
Young and Jardine-Close application-Literary exercises-
Poems-Qualifications of a poet-A nobler pursuit-Prose com-
position of A. Campbell-Consciousness of power-" Reflex
sense of Beauty"-Reading-Rules for sermons-Engaged in
teaching private classes-His attention to religious duties-
Diary-Utility of religious diaries-Scripture meditations-The
human heart-Power of God's word-What makes a minister-




How to use the Bible-Family religion-Tendency to freedom
of thought.......... ... ..................... ................................. i2gli6

                     CHAPTER X.

Springs of human action-Influence of circumstances-Guidings
of Providence-Intimacy with Greville Ewing-His character
and history-Account of the Haldanes-Their religious changes
-Foreign missions-Missionary Magazine-Low state of reli-
gion-J. A. Haldane's conversion-Lay preaching-John Aik-
man-John Campbell-His religious convictions-Activity in
benevolent enterprises-J. A. Haldane's first tour to the north-
William Ballantyne-J. A. Haldane's tour south and west-
Rowland Hill-Large au4iences-Religious excitement-R.
Haldane's effort to evangelize Africa-His seminaries for
preachers-Congregational church formed-J. A. Haldane first
pastor-Revisits the north-Religious enjoyment-Erection of
tabernacles-Mr. Innes-J. A. Haldane's visit to Ireland-
Alexander Carson-James Buchannan-Farquharson-High-
lands-Breadalbane-Tours-William Stevens-Course of study
in seminaries-J. A. Haldane's visit to England-Ireland-John
Walker-Munificence of R. Haldane-His labors at Geneva and
Montauban (note)-False imputations-Disagreement with Gre-
ville Ewing-Mr. Campbell's opinion in the case....... I47-175

                    CHAPTER XI.

Influence of example-Disgust at popular schemes-Resolution
to preach gratuitously-Views of the Haldanes-Differ from
those of Sandeman and Walker-Nature of true faith-Objects
of the Haldanean reformation-A new chapter of Church re-
form-Adoption of Independency-Mr. Ewing's influence and
views-Church order and government-Controversial publica-
tions-Dissensions-Ballantyne on elders office-Immersion of
J. A. Haldane-Disruption-Cause of Independency weakened
-Increasing activity of established parties-Chalmers-Dis-
cussions at Mr. Ewing's-Immersion of Robert Haldane and
John Campbell of Kingsland-Immersion of Mr. Innes-Curi-
ous discussion about infant baptism (note)-William Stevens be-
comes a Baptist-Alexander Carson's change of views-Scotch
Baptists-Archibald McLean-William Jones-David Dale-
Mr. Barclay-Bereans-Daleites-The subject of baptism fails to
engage Mr. Campbell's attention-Greville Ewing and Dr.
Wardlaw defend infant baptism-Their treatises confuted by




 Dr. Carson-Favorable impressions of Mr. Ewing and Dr.
 Wardlaw as preachers-Rev. Mr. Montre-Mr. Campbell's dim-
 satisfaction with Mr. Montre's style of delivery-He becomes
 doubtful of the Presbyterian system-Mental conflict-Token
 of separation-Becomes tutor at Helensburgh-Pleasant sojourn
 -Preparations for embarkation-Farewell lines-Delays-Re-
 gard for Mr. and Mrs. Ewing-Greenock-Departure ... ...... 176I94

                   CHAPTER XII.

Sailing of the Latonia-Sea sickness-Vessel springs a leak-
Captain refuses to put back-Stormy weather-Labor at the
pumps-Favorable gales-Interest in the wonders of the deep-
Passing vessels-Storm at sea-Foretopmast lost-Repairs-
Head winds and calms-Burial at sea-u-Rough weather-Violent
squall-Serious damage-Imminent danger-Ministerial vows
renewed-Assistance-Favoring winds-Whales-Dolphins-
Flying fish-Porpoises-Signs of land-Islands visible-Alex-
ander's occupations on shipboard-" The Ocean," a poem-
View of the mainland-Arrival at quarantine-New York-
Hears Dr. Mason preach-Notice of Dr. Mason-In favor of
frequent communion-Arrival at Philadelphia-Journey west-
ward-Alexander's feelings in an American forest-His reflec-
tions upon the differences of Catholic and Protestant states-The
ridges and valleys of the Alleghanies-Accommodations for
travelers-Thomas Campbell in search of his family-Scene at
an inn-Impression made by Thomas Campbell on a young
preacher-Adamson Bentley-Meeting of Thomas Campbell
with his family-Journeyings to a future home-A night at the
Rev. Samuel Ralston's-Arrival at Washington-Mutual narra-
tions-Thomas Campbell's experienee with the Seceders-Party
intolerance-Providential preparation of father and son for the
work of religious reformation....                   195-221

                   CHAPTER XIII.

Thomas Campbell's connection with the Presbytery of Chartiers
- Old acquaintances - Popularity - Jealousies - Incident -
Workings of partyism-Trial of Thomas Campbell before the
Presbytery-He appeals to the Synod-Decision of the Synod
accepted with explanation-Hostility continues-Espionage-
Thomas Campbell abandons the Seceders-Labors for Christian
union-No intention of forming a new party-The Bible the
only rule of faith and practice-Desires for Christian liberty-




Evils of partyism-Doubts and fears-Important meeting-
Principle of union defined-Fears for infant baptism-The
question to be considered-Interesting incident-Adoption of the
principle-Defections-Discussions-Infant baptism to' be a
matter of forbearance-Formation of the Christian Association
-Meeting-house at cross roads-The "Declaration"-Remedy
for partyism-Resoluitions-Auxiliary societies-The Society
not a Church-Established to promote simple evangelical Chris-
tianity-To meet twice a year-Bitterness of party-spirit.... 222-246

                    CHAPTER XIV.

Washington and vicinity-General character of the country-
Alexander delighted with it-Examines proof-sneets of "Decla-
ration and Address"-Infant baptism-Little acquainted with
the Baptists-Disgusted with the arguments of Poedobaptist
writers-Inquiries suspended-Fallacious reasonings-Analysis
of Address-The gospel designed to unite men-Partyism di-
vides them-Evil consequences-Circumstances in the United
  States favorable to reformation-Ministers invited to aid in the
  work-Conformity to the apostolic Church the only means-
  Opinions and educational prejudices to be disregarded-Affec-
  tionate entreaties-The time appropriate-The Christian Asso-
  ciation formed to promote Christian union-The great purpose
  is to return to original ground and to take up things just as
  the apostles left them-This movement more radical and sweep-
  ing than any other religious reformation-Attempts to restore
  rather than to reform-Statement of general truths and princi-
  ples-I. Unity of the church-2. Union of churches-3. Noth-
  ing to be a term of communion except that which is expressly
  revealed in the New Testament-4. Relation of the Old and
  New Testaments-S. No human laws or regulations to be added
  to those of the New Testament-6. Inferences and deductions
  from Scripture premises not to be imposed upon those who may
  be unable to perceive their correctness-7. Confessions not to be
  made terms of communion-8. A proper profession of faith-
  9. A proper practice-io. Evils of division-I!. Introduction of
  human opinion the source of corruption-12. Proper terms of
  membership-13. Human expedients, when necessary, to be
  carefully distinguished from Divine commands-i4. A fair in-
  vestigation claimed-Human systems have not produced unity
  -The interests of no particular party to be advocated-Unity
  to be found in Christ alone-Appendix-Explanations-Noth-
  ing to be received but the word of God-Ministers who conform






 to the original standard to be supported-Creeds not opposed
 except as they oppose unity-No design to form a new party-
 Distinction between faith and opinion-No ground for the
 charge of latitudinarianism-Superficiality of sectarian criteria
 -Misplaced confidence-Unscriptural titles-Unanimity of
 opinion neither desirable nor possible-Creeds perpetuate
 schisms-Fail to preserve purity of doctrine-No objection to
 the works of great and good men as means of edification-The
 Bible refers us to no book but itself-Bible education-Each
 party makes its Confession a Bible-Bible truth sufficiently
 definite for union-No controversy proposed-Alexander Camp-
 bell's hearty approval of the "Declaration and Address"-Re-
 solves to advocate its principles He rejects an offer of worldly
 advantage-His fathers gratification-A false prophecy ...... 247-275

                     CHAPTER XV.

Importance of having a fixed purpose in life-Alexander Camp-
bell enters a noble field of Christian effort-Earnest preparation
-Methodical arrangements-Resolutions for the new year-
Dissatisfaction with social manners-New conditions of society
-Proposes a social reform-Essays of Clarinda-First article
written for the press-Convivial meetings-Object of social
parties - Conversation - Fines and forfeits- Frivolity - Time
vainly spent-Remedy proposed-Different sorts of beaux-
Bachelors-Profane swearing an inexcusable vice-Eusebia
  Anxious-Clarinda Philogamia-Apostrophe to Fashion-Edu-
  cational interests-Washington College-Commencement exer-
  cises of September, z8io, give great offence-Notice of them by
  faculty-Ironical account by Bonus Homo-Horse-racing-
  Efforts of several to defend the exercises-Confuted and ex-
  posed by Bonus Homo-His account shown to be correct-Re-
  mains master of the field-Authorship known-Beneficial re-
  sults-Pleasing incident-President Brown-Alexander Camp-
  bell rejects offers of preferment-Persists in his choice of a
  calling......................................................................... 276-310

                    CHAPTER XVI.

Influence of the " Christian Association"-General Acheson-
  Thomas Campbell's labors-First attempt of Alexander-His
  first regular appointment-Discourse at Major Templeton's-
  Its character-Delivery and effect-Appropriate circumstances
  -Flattering prospects-Call to the ministry-Unwearied ac-


 tivity in public labors-Discourse on Christian unity-Sermon
 on Matt. xvi. 26, Value of the soul-Minutes of discourse on
 Rev. xx. 11-13, The final judgment-Minutes of discourse on Gen.
 V. 22, The walk 'with God-Memorizing of sermons discontinued
 -Building of meeting-house on Brush Run-Alexander de-
 livers the first discourse, Job viii. 7, Great increase from small
 beginnings-A prophetic intimation-Care in preparing ser-
 mons-Rules of criticism-Abuses of text-preaching-An im-
 portant event-Tendency of the "Association" to ecclesiasti-
 cism-Solicitations to form a junction with Presbyterian Synod-
 An overture presented by Thomas Campbell-Disapproved by
 Alexander-The Synod of Pittsburg-Its refusal to grant minis-
 terial and Christian communion-Reasons-Misrepresentations
 -Christian union on Christian principles-Rejection discourt-
 eous-Each party has its own Bible in its own creed-Bonus
 Homo-Effect of Thomas Campbell's new experience of secta-
 rianism-His position-Alexander resolves to expose the con-
 duct of the Synod-Abstract of his discourse-Answers to
 objections-Infant baptism-Lay preaching, etc.-The Synod
 aggressive-Originated a controversy injurious to Presbyterian
 interests-Summary of views and progress-Reformation more
 radical than that of the Haldanes ..................... ............... 311-350

                   CHAPTER XVII.

The silence of the Bible to be respected-Divisive principles of
sects-Reformers not of any party-Character of their dis-
courses-New acquaintances--John Brown-His family-Mrs.
Brown's capture by Indians and rescue-Mr. Brown's attachment
to Alexander-His love of investigation-He brings up a dis-
cussion on baptism-Alexander Campbell's marriage to Miss
Brown-Incident at Washington-A faithful wife-Alexander's
  farm labors-Thomas Campbell's removal to a farm-Resolves
  to organize an Independent church-Test question-James
  Foster-Appointment of officers-Importance of the movement
  -First communion service-Discourses of Alexander Campbell
  and his father-Alexander's first preaching tour-Steubenville
  -Cadiz-Wheeling-CharIestown-QOuestion of baptism under
  discussion-Three members immersed by Thomas Campbell-
  Membership cf Brush Run Church-Their religious enjoyments
  and progress-Their religious teaching-Discourses of Alexan-
  der Campbell-The glory and authority of Christ-Faith-
  " Externals"-A new creature-Reformation not based on neolo-
  gisms-No truths taught in the Bible rejected .......... ......... 351-378





                  CHAPTER        XVIII.
Preaching tours in Ohio in I8xi-Review of the year-Self-ex-
amination-Resolves--Question of ordination-Motives for de-
votion to the ministry-Ordination proper-Sermon on offices
and authority-General observations on Church government and
ordination-A faith and practice based on Scripture must be
uniform-Authority to choose vested in the Church-Views
sanctioned by the example of Calvin, also by that of Knox-
Clerical usurpations-Wesley-Source of clerical enmity to
Alexander Campbell-His ordination-Birth of a daughter-
Infant baptism reconsidered-His view in i8xi-Changed by
closer examination-Concurrence of Mrs. Campbell-Deter-
mines to submit to immersion-Finds his eldest sister of the
same mind-Conference with his father-Engages services of
Mr. Luce-T. Campbell's hesitat