xt7jh98zb699 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zb699/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19830401 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 1, 1983, no. 403 text The Green Bean, April 1, 1983, no. 403 1983 2014 true xt7jh98zb699 section xt7jh98zb699 ._ ¤'T UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES’ NEWSLETTER \ I A-1-83 No. AO3 CALENDER April 8 The Gallery Series Program April l2S,l3,li+,l8 Training at UK April l3 LSO Meeting April l3—l5 Academic Section, KLA Spring Meeting April l5 The Gallery Series Program April 2l—22 Annual Book Sale PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean will be issued on Friday, April l5th. Any items subnritted for this Green Bean must be in the Director's Office . no later than l0 a.m. on Tuesday, April l2th. Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by phone after the deadline. Contributors: Jessie Adams, Jim Birchfield, Karl Boewe, Vivian Hall, i Faith Harders, Cathy Hunt, Mike Lach, Cecil Madison, Liz Pogue, Lynn Shrewsbury, Paul Willis, and Gerry Webb (Editor) I PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039 . I! { _l_ ' U TORNADO WARNING PROCEDURES A In the event of a campus tornado warning, there are two designated areas _ , where all staff and patrons should inmediately proceed. In King-South, Q everyone should go to the Map Room off the Deli. In King-North, everyone should proceed to the Mail Room area and adjacent corridors. People should xp; go to the Art Library, there are too many windows. People should remain in these two areas until an all—clear is sounded. 1 An effort should be made to get library patrons to immediately go to one of these two sites as well. Do not waste time arguing with them about it, however. Inform them and then proceed to shelter. Do not leave the building under any circumstances until an all—clear is j sounded. - If you have any questions, contact Mike lach in the Director’s Office at E 7-3801. i g ANNUALBOOK SALE TO BEHELDAPRIL 2lAND22 l A wide variety of books and journals will once again be made available in g the 1983 Library Book Sale. Everything from popular pulps to learned § literary commentaries, including new books being sold at a special booth by the U.K. Press, will be on sale in the Aids Room, King Library—South, I from 9:00 a.m. to i+:00.p.m. , on Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22. g Special tables will also host the Library Staff Organization, the King Library Press and The Kentuck Review. If you would be willing to help staff the sale this year, or if you have l items to contribute to the cause, please contact Ruth Vaughan in Collection l Development. · _ ISO MEETING 1 There will be a ISO meeting at 9:30 a.m, in The Gallery, King Libra.ry—North, - on April 13. Please plan to attend. . . OCCASIONAL PAPERS MANUSCRIPTS REQUESTED The University of Kentucky Libraries issues an irregular publication called A Qn_i_xg§ggy_ gf Kentucky Librarig Qggsional lgpgrg. Manuscripts for inclusion in this series are requested. . _Occasion_al_ Pa ers deal with any phase of librarianship and is a channel through which Librarians, Library staff, Library School Faculty, and students may communicate their research results on aspects of University of Kentucky Library operations, collections, etc. Papers should demonstrate knowledge of the literature on the subject, where appropriate. Descriptive papers, annotated bibliographies and other topics of interest to the library conmunity will be considered if of sufficient interest or usefulness. Manuscripts for consideration should be typed, double—spaced and generally not longer than 30 pages, including footnotes and bibliography. -2- Shorter papers are also wanted. Send to Vivian Hall; Geology Library, _ l00 Bowman Hall, University of Kentucky. i l THE GALLERY SERIES PROGRAMS { The following programs will be presented in The Gallery, King Library-North, at l2 noon: April 8 "The Victorian Clarinet" Ronald Monsen, clarinet; Patricia Montgomery, piano April l5 "The Ethnic Clarinet" Ronald Monsen, clarinet; Barbara Morrison, piano STAFF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROGRAM E Please mark your calendars for the talk to be given by Prof. Thomas J. Waldhart on the "Implications of User Stmdies for Library Services." The ,. event has been scheduled for. 9 a.m. on Thursday, April 2l, in The Gallery of King—North. ' OHIO VALLEY GROUP OF TECHNICAL SERVICE LIBRARIANS MEETING { The annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Service Librarians F (OVGISL) will be held in louisville at the Galt House on May l3 and lb. ' The theme of the conference is "I Don't Care What the Future Holds, But { How Do I Deal With It." Interesting speakers and workshops will be offered. Q Come see what's happening for libraries in the future! E For more information contact; Lynn Shrewsbury, Catalog Department, or Alan Schaplowsky, Acquisitions Department. ACADEMIC SECTION, KLA SPRING WETING l The Academic Section of the Kentucky Library Association will hold dl its Spring Conference, "Microcomputers: Software Packages in libraries," ’ April l3-l5, l983, at the Perkins Conference Center, Eastern Kentucky [ University, Richmond, Ky. The program will include speakers, computer E demonstrations, and group discussion sessions. The deadline for g registration is April 4+, l983. ‘ g KENTUCKY COUNCIL OF HEALTH SCIENCE LIBRARIES ‘ - i The newly formed library group, Kentucky Council of Health Science Libraries, will hold its second meeting April l2, l983. The Council will meet at the Kentucky Department for Libraries & Archives, 300 Cooffee Tree Road, Frankfort, { Kentucky, from l:00 to i+:30 p.m. TRAINING AT UK 1 The workshops and training programs listed below are sponsored by the Lexington Campus Personnel Diviaion, Human Resource Development Department, and are offered free of charge to University (non—faculty) employees. All programs are held in Room l5 of Memorial Hall, and enrollment is limited to 25 participants. To enroll, call the Human Resource Development Office, Q 7-l85l. T April l2 or l3 Decision Making/Problem Solving ` I -..3- April lip Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals (for Supervisors only) April l8 Payroll Procedures KENTUCKIANA METROVERSITY SEMINAR APRIL l2, l983 A conference, "Issues in Telecorrmunications," sponsored by Kentuckiana Metroversity, will be held April l2, l983, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Featured speakers will be Michael Molenda, assocaite professor in the Department of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University, 5 and Harry Snyder, Executive Director of the Kentucky Council on Higher Education. The registration fee is $20 and the deadline is April 7, l983. The l registration should be sent to: Kentuckiana Metroversity, 3ll3 Lexington. Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40206. "TO STRATFORD FOR SHAKESPEARE—-A COURSE AND A TOUR" Conmunity Education, University of Kentucky, and the Division of Continuing 3 Education, Nbrehead State University are sponsoring "To Stratford for g Shakespeare--A Course and A Tour." A special series of lectures and discussions will take place on four evenings before the tour: May 18, 23, 25 and 30. The tour to Stratford, Ontario, will be June l through 5. A i final discussion will be held on June 6. For registration information, contact: Community Education Peogram, l03 _ Frazee Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506—003l. mrtha Iassetter, Director of the Genealogical Library at the Church of , ~ Jesus Christ of the latter Day Saints and archivist in the Department of Libraries 8 Archives in Frankfort, Kentucky, will lecture on April l2 from 7-8:30 p.m. She will speak on genealogy with an anphasis on types and availability of Kentucky records. , The lecture will take place at the Church, l789 Tates Creek Pike. INFORMATION FROM THE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Most people believe that once something has been printed it is safe from loss. Must of that printing is done on paper and much of thattpaper is deteriorating. The New York Public Library estimates that as much as half of its five million volumes are in poor condition. The Library of Congress estimates that l/3 of its l7 million volumes are "brittle books." PROFESSIONAL VACANCIES AT UK The following professional vacancies will be available July l. If interested, see Faith Harders. Iaw——Circulation Agriculture——Cataloging Education Chem/ Physics Cataloging p —A— _ fs. ,...,. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES R Reference Librarian/Business Subject Specialist, Arizona State University 6 libraries. Salary: $l6,300 Hdnimum. Deadline; April l5, l983. ‘ ‘ Visiting Assistant Librarian, or Associate Librarian, or Librarian; East [ Asian Area Studies Specialist (temporary assignment), Indiana University [ Libraries. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: April 30, l983. Public Services Librarian, McNeese State University. Salary: $l7,000- . $22,500. Deadline: July l, l983. Assistant Dean and Head, Reference and Instructional Services Division, E Pennsylvania State University Libraries. Salary: $3A,0001nh1rm1n. Deadline: April 30, l983. l Curator, Near East Collections, Princeton University Library. Salary: not given. Deadline: Dey l, l983. Assistant Engineering Librarian, Purdue University Libraries. Salary: $l5,000 minnnmn. Deadline: June l5, l983. Psychological & Social Sciences librarian, Purdue University Libraries. Salary: $l7,000 nnninu . Deadline: April l5, l983. E Assistant Life Sciences Librarian, Purdue University Libraries. Salary: $l5,000 ndnimum. Deadline: June l5, l983. Assistant or Associate University iibrarian——Access .,.* Services, University of California Library, San Diego. Salary: $29,A00—$A8,l00. Deadline: May l5, l983. Head, Automated Cataloging Section/Science Cataloger, University of A Washington Libraries. Salary: $20,A96aninrnum. Deadline: April 29, l983. Head, Circulation Division, University of Washington Libraries. Salary: $23,000 minnnmn. Deadline: April 29, l983. A Slavic/Social Sciences Cataloger, University of Washington Libraries. Salary: $l8,588 Phninint Deadline; April 29, l983. Assistant Documents Librarian, Social Science Library, Yale University , library. Salary: $l6,025 minnnwn. Deadline: April 20, l983. If interested, contact Faith Harders. 2