xt7jh98zcv5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zcv5z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1997 Vol.68 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1997 Vol.68 No.6 1997 2019 true xt7jh98zcv5z section xt7jh98zcv5z t 0 th ’ I ‘“ ' "Woe
n e 405 DS ' rII'II.I-I .
A F (\‘i‘TiztAL SEWALS \BRARY June, 1997
lookout CE Emma L BABES , ,
MARGIIKREM 0F KY US 40506 Volume 68, Number 0
UNNE KY —--—-——-—— , j 'T’ ..
Ojune 26-27 0N . . . .
KPA Sumemmmfim if)“ The OffiCial Publication
. Embassy Suites of the Kentucky Press
. Caving...“ Service -
i , ' , ' I, :I. I
1 a o0ct.23-24 i m mill] Ul EK Y:
, KPA/KPS Board of Directors ; ’
Fall Retreat f / ‘ II?"- '
I Jamestown Marina 5 I I I
, .Jan.22-23 i i
f 1998 KPA Winter Convention '
V and Trade Show . ‘ ‘
. Raddison Plaza, Lexington ';
T° ’ ' tt ° t f t i"
’ includes a free, full-order breakfast ________.____________________~ " '
' . 97 summer event each morning for each guest in the . 2 -
- room, as well as a two-hour a. ,
Ofie rS somethlng Manager's Reception each evening. ' i , i ' '
‘ As usual, there's something for ' ,6 . i
i for everyone eveI'yOne at the summer convention 'u .. . 3
By LISA CARNAHAN -- seminars and roundtable discus- ’ a ., _ i
. KPA News Bureau sions, golf, shopping, the '
Only two weeks remain until Cincinnati Zoo, King's Island, a pic- 4 ' ' ' g i
E the 1997 KPA Summer Convention nic ast Cinergy gield With the sleds , ‘i .i ’
- . - - ’ . t. Louis ardinals an of ' ‘0' . - i
so times running out to register for vs ’ ’ . . ., . ,. I ,... .. e - we“... it“:w
all the Programs and activities that course, the 1997 Kentucky Press ’2 " ‘ ' 7 - ' ,. '1»: a; v.» , - 1‘ .e j i .
- will fill the two-day event in 3323:8112”;steggfigu‘jfwspap” 1' ' - v ,, « v-r‘ w I“ .- "‘ a; a w on , .
C - . w . ‘:~"7¢5'r:37,"7;;3754wn 43-: {we we. '_ ,e , r .. .1 .
' It olelgfslyear's convention is being On the program side Thursday, ii. iijiéil i l w ‘2, m . , r ! ‘ m. i t >
‘ held at the Embassy Suites Hotel participants can choose from iii-”'"iiiglii‘ ;, 1 i' i! f R '- f t . v New" ‘ .
' — an all-suite facility. The spacious roundtable discussions on 1 "l I", ’ L ’k "
two-room suites feature, among Management/Employment Issues, ‘ i I '
‘ . other extras, two televisions, On Open MeetmgsI/ Open Records, and .’
, - Command video, two telephones, Photography Tips. Later that after- /—\‘
‘f ’ voice mail, a sleeper sofa in the liv- “0°“, SUPI‘eme COL“? Ch‘ef Jusuce The lights of downtown Cincinnati, as seen from Covington, make for some
ing area, refrigerator, wet bar and RObert Stephens W1“ dlscuss new spectacular scenery — scenery that those attending the 1997 KPA Summer
microwave. And the room price See CONVENTION, page 3 Convention will be able to enjoy during a moonlight cruise on the Ohio River. '
KPS Clipping Bureau sold
, The KPA FOI Hotline I . .. I The KPA/KPS Board ofIDirectors made the difficult decision in mid .
' number has changed, but the . . May to sell the clipping serv1ce.
quality service newspapers I -.:: . The KPA/KPS Vision 2090 Committee met May 15 and discussed at '
‘ have come to expect won't. Ij'II '& ‘5 length the status ofthe clipping servwe and the proposals for purchasing
. Y Kim Greene and Jon "Z s .M‘ that operation from us. The committee approved a recommendation that
‘ Fleischaker, who also serve as I' .':::i;;a{_ .. " I KPS accept the proposal from GeoTel Corporation to purchase the KPS -
Kp A General Counsels, list J Clipping Service. The recommendation was passed to the board and by "
announced in late May they mg ‘ return mail ballot, the board voted unanimously to accept that recom- '
I would be leaving the firm of GREENE FLEISCHAKER mendation. “ I
', open e 01113“ e 0 ice 0 sel representation with Kim , -'
' - ‘ Dinsmore & Shohl. and Jon ’ ,
i “We've had a very 01059 “A fax was sent to all KPA Issues 96 INSIDE
" and very positive relationship board members discussing the ' Pea perslnthenews
With Jon and Kim Since the pending change and asking for-I newsprlnt report pg. 3".”
fflrfiyd19SEEWheFfl KZA estab; their opinions on what we 8' 1994 K t k I .
"1. 15 e e ree 0m 0 Should do", Thompson saidI} Ince , en uc y newspa- ‘ ’
i Information Hotline,” said “Eight board members called: pers have been required to file an Svea'iIOOkamogrlm‘Zl’hezzta": can a
_, KPA Executive Director David and all very strongly recom-i annual report with the Cabinet for '9 em I 99 ac es .
‘ , T. Thompson. “That relation- mended that KPA must stay? Natural Resources on the use of 99.4 .,
4. I» ship was enhanced in 1994 with Jon and Kim. ‘The best; newsprint and recycled newsprint. I'
. when we asked them to serve media attorneys in Kentucky’: House Bill 282. enacted by the Reade“ mustbeable ‘ ..
* : as general counsels for KPA.” was the way they werei 1994 Kentucky General Assembly. to reach key newspaper staff .
‘3‘ , Thompson said the described by some of our boardi was passed as a way to keep track pg. 6 -'.
, I‘ KPA/KPS executive committee members.” I of how Kentucky newspapers were
~ , i votedI unanlmhousllg that the The only change in thei doing in increasing the use of recy- Batterout-of-state delivery I
III ‘- ‘ assocration s ou continue cled newsprint. Isn't impossible
,' ‘ this relationship by movmg See HOTLINE, page 12i See NEWSPRINT. pages L_1° ‘
“'5 ' 1.“ ‘—" I ”W..,,-..,., ' * I ‘V' - ’“ ~"-'-«“w'-‘-~-v>~‘~~zy-’mg.‘-.n‘w "m”. _ 3- g t ‘31.)“ ‘4‘- “; “:3‘ ‘5 . »_ .\ ‘, ;§—~ ’ ‘L . fl 0“, gr ’ "‘O \0 w r‘ - ~- - ' w 1 '*- ’ »' (1 I L"
_‘I‘I, o a I' ~\ I « ‘ l,‘ I'I_ ‘ J, - I ‘ r ‘I . . 'I . I' i, . .e- _ -
>' ‘_ I. I. l V ’\ . " g‘ ' h ‘ ‘ v ’ ‘ i i ' I i I H i ll" ~ V .v- I ‘I B j ‘ A, '. a s . h. 1 . ‘ . *

 x i l
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, June, 1997
K k 1 ° h W
entuc y pCOp 6, papers 1n t 6 I16 S
Mills retums to news nearly four years. He began his Holloway worked for the Cahill jOlnS Staff '
. ' . newspaper career at the Ledger- Providence newspaper for over nine .
edltOFSJOb at Greensburg lndeiienéifintfafteii‘high schoolharlig years, J01?lng thehs’ltaff after gsriidii— 0f RUSSCll Reglster
. ‘ is on y e ourt person to o 8 mg rom urray a e . . .
Greggsrbii‘fglllbielcisrd-eltilei‘glg :3 :2: the managing editor's title since University in 1985. He left the Thellgugsfllllltza'ssizi'nsgtfsg 528$;qu
POSition of news editor. the two local newspapers were con— newspaper to work for a new 5 arts edits; . P P K
A native of Greensburg Mills solidated in 1968. Henderson-based law firm but after Cph'll th. rt d't f
worked at the Record-Herald as a A 1989 graduate 0f the a year, returned tothe newspaper news aa xerg“: Wflligfnstsnfr l (iiiaiir
sportswriter in 1992 and 1993 and University of Kentucky School of busmess and 3 Nb With. The a 'n pegitor of the Russell E’ rin S
then as news editor from mid 1996 Journalism, he has worked at the Evansville (Ind.) Press. While at T?m§s Journal for fem-Lye“: afd
to January Of this year. Prior to Lexington Herald—Leader and the Edvanswldle, he worked as a copy most recently worked in the news-
returning to Greensburg, Mills was Herald-Journal 1“ Spartanburgi e “g? an reportae'r. , . . paper business as managing editor
the regional Editor 0f the CTOSSVille S‘C' He also held internShipS at he neWb e ltor S pOSltlon 'at of the Laurel News IJeader H l
(Tenn )Chronicle both the Herald-Leader and the Prov1dence opened “‘9." Rob”) 1- ' -e a so
. . Kentucky Post. Vaughn accepted a pos1tion With serves as pub isher and editor of
The Madisonville Messenger. the Kentucky CiVil War Journal, a
Stahl named to top post H0110 r€t S monthly magazine he founded last
. . W3 um ' ear.
in Maysv11|e newsroom J )1 E . Greene named publisher y In addition to his Kentucky
Matt Stahl has been named t0 Cuma ' nterprlse at Mt Sterllng; Mascle experience, Cahill served as sports
managing editor of the Maysville Mark Holloway has returned to , ' , . editor for newspaper in Sullivan,
Ledger-Independent. work at the Providence Journal- takes edltor S pOSlUOU Ind, and Chula Vista, Calif.
Stahl served as news editor for Enterprise. Two members of the Mt.
Sterling Advocate staff were pro- TWO papers added
”The KentUCky Press """""" moted recently. Glen Greene took -
the top post of publisher and t0 grOWIHg Recorder
'l‘heKentuc Piess(lSSN-(X)23-0324)is Distn‘ct 13 Deanna Mascle acce ted the '0b as i '
lishedmontllfilyybytheKenmkyPress pub cmomynimniaoi gimme managing editor, p J Newspaper chain
ASSPdéuon/Kenmdypmsemceh" Greene had been serving in the Two new papers have been
Periodical-class postageispaid at Frankfort, District 14 Q ~ - , ,. - ,, , ~ - , , , (

. . . . position in an acting capaCIty for added to the Recorder Newspaper
KY.40601.Subscnption priceis$8per year. Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week i' rht h ~ A . d - i ‘ . . ' i , . . ,-
Postrnaster:5enddiangeofaddressioThe Hg ”10th s. V _ gra Ud‘tt 01 chain. The Erlangei Recorder Wlll
Kentucky Press,101 Consumer Lane, Di‘trictlg-A Morehead State liniversity, (ireenc focus on news from Elsmerc and
Frankfort, KY.-10601,(502)223-8821. Tobm Caudi'll Lem” H 1d I x i) started work tor the Advocate in Erlanger and the (‘ampbcll

' . ' ‘ l‘On era "UK” 1991 HS 11 stat? WTIU‘F- HP was pl‘U- (‘omniunity Recorder on Northern
flifiifiiflficjggahon ”Mn.“ H-B motod to managing editor in 1992;. Kentucky happenings: ‘
I A i U lom Mi'utirc,5t.inti>rd interior Ioiirnal . .A ‘lolirnuhflny grudvuzltc ”f 5m“. BUWHIH" “Hm” m” ”(I Kev“)
Prwdem l ”NWT-"11." ”‘1 NP“ \I‘H‘k Mil-“'11" Nichols is Illt' l‘Irlangcr Recorder
(,1cnc Clabcs. Recorder Newspapers gm“, at [”033 ”l5" linlds‘ “ ”MSW" ‘ tlcg‘i‘cc l” Hill" Nlllot‘. Nichols rccciw-(l lils journal~
Sharon lurninski,\Viiiihcstci'fiiiii ””1““ from H“. [ “Hill‘s”; “1 1”“ (lullim‘ from N""lll"l"‘
PresidentElect~ . , . . lil‘ldtlt‘plll‘l in ('oniii-ctii iit. Slic Kentucky {nu-PHI”
(iiir l‘ldtllt‘ld,(.llllt’n\Ultt‘dlltl link" l'dRincx,Uwcnxlioro\‘1csscngci Imlmrm. \x'orkv/rl lnr ,l‘l‘it‘ \\ é‘l)~'lt'l' l’ost Ill “a“, Nllmqm,“ h 3}],
RN l’ri-sidcni x0“ \ “in “l" "X V“':”'(l‘(l”‘l“l"' ”l""-' (‘iiinplwll (‘oni iiiiinit) RI‘I'Hl‘tli‘l l
lohn l)el$anto,Aslilanil [Liilvlndcpcndeni \lark \t‘lhlrlk, l\l‘l‘.lllil\\ I'm! ”‘8 l" lV‘mU’VM ‘1” ll” “l“"l‘l‘l‘ editor, Nllllt'lllt'l.\ l)t‘;_{£lll lll> t‘iil‘t‘t‘l' !
~ ““11“” l‘” "V I" ”limiUHl‘“ ”l" with Recorder as an intern in 11%): l
Vice President ChiP ”Utk'hl’WW l'FHW‘lUH lllm’filfi‘ddt‘r 1‘1”“ Report. l.cxington Th'" (luring l1l> scnior Vciii iit NKl’, llt‘ i
Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent . . . . Month and l? he Jessamine iloiirnzil. returned as a stall Wl‘llt‘l‘ m 199;) l
AssoCiates l)l\'lt~‘10n Muscle finned the stall ()1 the
Treasurer Barbara McDaniel, Toyota Motor Mt. Sterling newspaper in 1996. See PEOPLE, page 11
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Manufacturing ,
_________________ ,
Districtl , Advertisin Division I
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader Teresa Revlgett, McLean County News Deaths
Md 2 News Editorial Division
. Jedmhnghammwsmsl’mgs PW John Nelson, Danville Advocate Messenger Theodore Greeman tions to Hospice of the Bluegrass, ,
lh'smct' 3 Theodore Lee "Ted" Greeman‘ 208 Steele Street, Frankfort, I
Tm MWIMCWCWRWNeWS . _ 64, Lawrenceburg, died April 26 at 40601~
. . 4 gugrsxjfdugzgn K t“ k his home. A former co-owner of the
Dj'mmrtp F If Favorite University 9: m e“ C Y Tribune Democrat newspaper in Raymond McClure ‘
Mount Olivet, Greeman was a Raymond McClure, retired I
Districts . General Counsels health program representative for journalist who worked for several
Dav‘d Gm'mmw“ News }on Fleischaker and Kim Greene Kentucky 3 . ' newspapers during his career, died 3
Enterpme _ ' A native of IllinOis, he was a ' - I
Dimmore a: Shohl , , in April. I
Districté [13:3 grkadl’age ‘of th: Uta/9131“,}; Odf McClure, 75, began his news—
Davefiidfidge,fimcmmtym Kentucky Press Association , . u? y an sew? m e m 6 paper career reporting high school
Kentucky PressService Staff States Navy during the Korean news for the Mount Vernon Signal
DiStl'iCW David T- Thompson, Executive Director Conflict. . . . . . where he was later editor for sever-
Kelley Wamick,Gallaijn County News Bonnie Howard, Business Manager SurVivors include his WIfe’ Iris al years He was also editor of the
Gloria Davis, Advertising Director M' Greeman; two daughters, thtl h R‘i ‘bl‘4" ' i l i
District8—9 Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director Debbie Birdwhistcll, Georgetown, . 1. ey epu ican m 1
K9“ Metz,BathCounty NeWSOUHOOk RebaLewis,Researdi/Marketi‘nngrdinator and Gayle Yocum, Versailles; two Williamsburg. In the late 19508‘ hp ‘
District 10—11 Sue Cammack, Secretary grandchildren; and three brothers, r35“ ;:t()r(i()lt1:‘::lp(l0'rir(il(‘ll [:0];an 1:]:
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant Funeral scrvu'cs were held at f L _ . “ f ) )9 .1}
Rachel McCarty,Clipping Director the Ritchic—Peach-Todd Funeral mg W’thl” at. th‘ I ‘H ."
Districtlz ("arol l’ayton,(‘lipping Assistant Home in Lawrciiccburg and burial l’antagrziph m Bloomington. IH‘ I
Louise Hahnaker,]ackson Times/Beam'ville “0”,"Sllflt‘fll‘llm’mg Assistant lollowvil in Frankfort ('cmctcr)’ and th" 5””th llcnd Tribune in ‘
Enterprise Audra Doughnfflipping Assistant The family rcqiicsts cont rilui» See DEATHS. page 11 1
, . \ ,
‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' " l l

 . l -
The Kentucky Press, June, 1997 - Page 3
KHSJA off to good start K t k H' h S h 1
~ Buoyed by $5,000 from the Lexington Herald-Leader and Kentucky 0 ' ° “
Broadcasters Association, and $1,000 from the Louisville Courier—Journal. Joumall sm AS SOClatlon 1;
more than $31,000 has been committed to help start the Kentucky Iligh '
School Journalism Association. ,
Some 60 Kentucky neWs a ers. KPA Associate members and other Ch rt M b
organizations have contributriil To the effort. The high school association. a er em erS
the first in the country to be organized through a statewide ress associa- . . . . .
tion. gets started in July with a two-day Professional Development The followmg Kentucky newspapers, md‘Y‘dPalS’ KPA Assf’c‘ate I
Seminar for teachers. Members and the Kentucky Broadcasters Assocmtion have committed a '
The high school association idea was approved earlier this year by the “Ital 0f $31,150 to the SChOOI 0f Journalism Foundation 0f Kentucky, .
Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service Board of' Directors. Inc., to help establish the Kentucky High SChOOI Journalism
The formation of' a high school journalism association fills a void not only Association. . .
in Kentucky but the country as well as Kentucky was the only state with- For information about participating in this project, contact David T. _
out a statewide organization for its journalism teachers and students. The Thompson or Lisa Carnahan at the Kentucky Press Association, parent .
association IS operated by the KPA Past Presidents under the SCIIUUI ()I. company ofThe School ofJouI-nalism Foundation of Kentucky, Inc~
Journalism Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. ”
Also in the past month, Lexmark International. based in Lexington, Dawson Springs Progress Friend
has agreed to donate surplus computer eqtupment. Fulton Leader Friend
“We hoped to reach the $30,000 level," said KI’A/KPS Executive Tom kinsville News Friend
Director David T. Thompson. “The commitments received in the last B hpC N O l k A .
month put us as $31,150 and does not include a $15,000 in—kind contribu— at ”I” ews utoo ssoclate ‘
tion from the Kentucky Press Association and the value of the surplus Benlon Tnbune Courier Asswlate
computer equipment from Lexmark.” Cadiz Record Associate —
As of June 1, 123 high schools in the state had joined the new associa- Casey County News Associate
tion and 12 journalism teachers had already registered for the summer Cynthiana Democrat mate
workshop. Eddyville Herald Ledger Associate
“We're thrilled at the membership response we‘ve received from the Franklin Favorite MIG
teachers so far,” said KPA News Bureau Director Lisa (Tarnahan, who Georgetown News Graphic Associate
also serves as KHSJA administrator. “The deadline to register for the Guthrie/Mews Public Relations Associate
workshop isn’t until July 15 so response to that has been good as well. We Kentucky AP Editors Association Associate
originally had planned to launch the high school association at the start of Laurel News Leader Associate
the 1997—98 school year, but the need is so great we decided to begin pro— McLean County News Associate
viding training for the teachers over the summer. Teachers have really Murray Ledger & Times Associate
been totally without any resources when it comes to advising their Owenton News Herald Associate
school’s publication or developing curriculum for their journalism classes.” Perry County News Mate
_____________.____—————— Princeton Times Leader Associate
, o Shelbyville Sentinel News Associate
It s t1me to unleash the WW We ~
The Central City Times Argus Associate
. . Union County Advocate Associate I
’ Woodford Sun Associate
116W 81:00 I I I S Ore atIVIty Alfaro Enterprises & Associates Associate
Appalachian News Express Associate 1 .
At a cocktail party ( yes, even , Elizabethlown News Enterprise Associate \\
in these politically correct days, coaCh s __ Aliderson News Patron
such things exist, although the a Citizen Voice and Times Patron J
smokers, like social cockroaches, comer . . (7' Clay City Times Patron ,
had to scamper to the restrooms). I '_ \ CSX Transportation Patron
was talking to a new acquaintance By Jim 1'3? ' Danville Advocate Messenger Patron
when a third person joined our Stasiowski , ‘J Gene Clabes Patron ;
group. “‘ Harrodsburg Herald Patron
The new actiuaintance intro~ a creatively written story. a Henry County Local Patron
duced me as a 'writing teacher." reporter raised her hand and made Kentucky New Era Patron
“OI a writing coach. clear to me that when she turns in Max Heath Patron
i I liked that. On my really EOOd a risky story, an editor at her Mt. Sterling Advocate Patron
daysi I am a teacher: I take apart paper changes it to something con- The Farmer‘s Pride Patron
8 Story and Show a writer how to servative. The Kentucky Standard Patron
COIISII'UCI II better; I explain why a The rest of the seminar. The Pioneer News, Shepherdsville Patron .
sentence fails and hOW it can SUC- reporters opened their questions The Stare Journal, Frankfort Pafivon /
ceed; I come up with creative ways with, "I don't like to editor—bash. Winchester Sun Patron
to report, ways the writer didn't but Henderson Gleaner Patron
consider. In other words, reporters are American Electric power Sponsor I
. ()n those days, I figuratively writing great stories. and editors Landmark Community Newspapers Sponsor
rise from my chair and pump my are r‘uming them. ‘ The Daily independent, Ashland Smfl.‘$°r
fist like a baseball player who hits ho why should I waste time The Oldham Era Sponsor
a game-winning home run. To teaching reporters? They already BellSoulh Fellow
show a writer how to turn a limp know how to write great stories. If K t k Ut‘l't'es Fellow
list of facts into a clear. precise. I really wanted to help them. en uc y “I .
l . . . . . . . Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Fellow
; compelling story is rewarding. reporters are implying, I should be Preston'Osbome Fellow .
1 When 1 have taught a strong-arming editors into accept.-
. . , - . , - , . ~ , . Recorder Newspapers Fellow
writer something he or she can use ing creative 5mm 5- .
in the next story, I'm in heaven. A couple of months ago at. a The Couner-Joumal . Fellow _
But earlier in the day of the “PWSPaPWU I “MIMI “dim” I“ Toyota Meter Manufacturing Fellow
cocktail party. I did a seminar “II“W WNW” I“ ”.V' m‘W Illlnifi- Ashland, lnc. Founder
with a group of newspaper ”Sky things. The Herald-Leader , , Founder
‘ r(,p(,ru,rs_ As I was (,xplammg An editor said, A“. yr,” tolling Kentucky Broadcasters Assocration Founder
l ways to turn an ordinary idea into See CREATIVITY, page 12 Kentucky Press Assocration Founder
M I '
l , . .
. g - a

 ’13:". ~v Th't' ‘\r_“'“:c;.‘?\\ L‘ t .:K. JLJ‘CC A l‘h‘

“ ”\ ' j 7‘ ",- 3."; r“ “s
LLoAL i\i hWS a y isw s
\ 1. ' ‘ b 1 ‘( .1 w. \t l “d t} I .' “ ifli)‘ ] I Liliidé‘ WTSWJA ‘-
i ., mm L etai s can ea t. mai 01 it ca. tit. ti at i its
H) KIMBERLYKil'iHFil‘ZNE W W hair; {vii-"we... .iiiti t‘tltltit‘fl “.ip‘etiii Ind :4 i"‘:ti; as i"! 2 ‘i-lt‘!¢lili.il=li \ltiiit, uwiiiaii
KPA (ieneral ('ounsel lit-tuitisi 2' in 'ti'i satisfied \\ itli the mitten; ii.’ \\1tli.!I... 'lH\\tt the street
Dinsmore & Shohl ‘ \Ivtl." iiens .trticli liigiiist its careliil with things Thit young \yoiiiaii was iiiiders! indably

Th: tleul is ii: the tletailsl. like the headline iinclutling the lieadliiii on the eonceineil to haye her photograph associated ‘
.\~\\ hire is this aphorismZ fl ltllttt)‘. the selection of photographs oi otiier “fill that particular news article. l‘ly'en though
ttlwt't' it‘ltt' than 11‘ the newsf 4:") g graphics. and the cutlines utider thosi- photos or her name was “(,1 contained anywhpri. m 1}“,
business Making sure that l "i V“ "" i graphics story. the photograph of her was clear enough
ll‘lt' tlt‘MllS 1”“ WNW“ 1“ that l VP.” “ l Starting With 1h“ ”“N ”l)\'l“”-"- "Mk“ 51“" that family members, friends and co-workers
“““ll‘ll'~‘1‘lt‘Li ‘lt‘l‘fi‘ .\"’U 1”“ TNT-:1": M__.__.;~_l [hill photographs 5")” “4““ 1“ accompany a readily recognized her. She was a respected Pro~
reporting about allegations of story actually are photographs ofthe subjects of pissunimi woman in the city and had nothing to
wrongdoing is essential to avoiding] legal prole the story. if that's your intention. If your story do with the prostitution ”Add“ To put it mildly,
lems ‘ . contains critical comments about someone. you the court frowned on the situation, holding that

(then. reporters and editors spend hours dont want a photograph of someone else on the implication was defamatory to this woman
pouring over source ‘m'dtt’t‘liil. double checking page one smiling at all ofyour readers. and the news organization had been negligent
information and confirming quotes for the news - If. on the other hand. you want to select a when it published that particular photograph in
article, >ometimes they even consult legal coiin— file photo to illustrate your story. he sure that that context.
sel tor pre—publication review which will help the file photo chosen doesnt create the implica- Likewise. care must be taken when compos- t
them spot possible defamation or invasion of tion that someone in that file photo was guilty . , . . ‘ . . . ‘ . '_ ‘

. . . ing headlines. Just like any part of the news i
privacyissiies. of wrongdoing. . - . .
. , .. .. . 7 .. . . . . article. a headline can be the basis of a defama- l

.-\ll of this time and effort goes into ensuiing; lhis happened to a news organization in the . . . .. ~. _ ~ ‘ . _ ‘ _ .
the .icciiracx of the both of the news article. Northeast which did a series of hard hitting sto— “mi claim. ”on.” th“ {Mb are (“mm“) report-
5 It ‘.‘_‘ ' t :1 3 so tie of the other ).s‘ i ‘ ' ’ h s ’ets of a m‘ 'or (‘d m the hUd-V ”f [hp news article. .

Hint Htlt untortun ltt y i 1‘“ in prostitution on t e trt a_i . ‘ v _ ‘ H
pieces of your total news product don‘t get that city, The news: organization intended to select a A newspaper “f” W?“ learned 1h” “Tim“
stllnt‘ close scrutiny. And that oversight has photograph of a nighttime street scene in that when It was sued {Ur defamation by't-he subject
landed mm“ news organizations m court. 5“. City as an illustration for the story. And that‘s of a news story, the head of a significant local
the moral of this story is: Don't consider your What they did select, but prominent in that pho— See DETAILS, page 11
____—__—___________—_ ____.~_.___ww_, .A______-___._____.._____.fi__
Mo 0 o l’_ O

Hustrles sue meWSPaP‘fl‘S Got legal questlons

Two Tampa. Fla. ministries The suit alleges the newspapers l
have filed a civil suit against three "have intentionally. maliciously and 9
newspapers. including the savagely attacked Plaintiffs in an l a Out a Stor or a l
()wensboro Messenger-Inquirer. The effort to slander. defame and cause . '
suit seeks $10 billion in monetary irreparable harm to the Plaintiffs
damages through their derogatory claims and .

(ierald l’ayne. founder of remarks. most of which they know ’I a 1 I I I reen€
(it‘etiter Ministries International. to be blatant lies. laced with innuen- i l
and ('harles Edison. founder of do that would lead the general pubw ll ll
phantom (‘i.iiters of Tampa and lie to l)(‘ll(‘\'t‘ that the Plaintiffs are :l . ll
i\Zt‘i'Y“-,t.t. iffid ('hurih of the out tocause harm toAmerica.’ 'l or on EISC a er 1}
:\\i‘!'i~..’t‘l’. are listed as the plaintiff's lidison has been slandered by l ' 1:
iii the law suit accusations of racism and bigotry H l'

in .i(l(lllliit‘. to the Messenger- while l’ayiie had been portrayed as :l :1
lti'ttlltt'l. the Lancaster 'l’a a bait cheat. thief. scoundrel and 15 on t e
iiiteliigeiicei‘ Journal and the pyramid scheme operator. the suit if 1.
Tampa Tribune are named as the claims. ll 1
’l“it'f‘t(l£’.lll\ along “Hi“. the president As .2 result. l’laintifls hare both it F01 I I O' I l I IN I : l
>ti' publisher of each company suffered not only extreme emotional ll 1

All three newspapers liaye distress. but have dealt with bouts l; l
reported on actiyi'iies of the two ofdepression. and a decline in busi- ll ll
ministries ii‘icluding their fundrais- ness and revenues that cannot be ll l
ing methods measured ll 6 nu I I I er !’

, . . - i] 'i
Court. Fee required to peddle papers it . Ii

' l

Tht- ['nltt‘d States ("ourt of by requiring them to pay a $50 fee l IS (5 ()2) 540—23 00 1‘
Appeals for the Sixth (‘ircuit has in order to sell their publications i
overturned a trial court's finding on the street. constituted an imper-
and ruled that a city ordinance missible prior restraint on speech
requiring street peddlers to pay a under the l7nited States and ()hio
bat) permit fee does not Violate the constitutions. Call FIRST and
First Amendment. According to the court, the _ \

The ('leveland. ()hio, ordinance license fee was not a tax on speech. (lUOld legal prOblemS ‘ \\
requires every person engaging in but rather a fee reasonably related mun: / , \
peddling anywhere in the city to to defraying expenses of adminis- lateanhe tilephoge “
have a peddler's license. tering the ordinance and in fur- :::: num er‘s C ange ’

Each applicant for the license therance of" a legitimate state ==== but the top quality ’ l
"1118;?” an annual‘fee of $5.0. ‘ interest of preventing fraud by b——‘ service you ’Ue come

Wt) organizations that sell soliCItors. ,
newspapers on the street brought {Northeast Ohio Coalition for l to expeCt hasn t!
suit against the city to stop the Homeless r. Cleveland. | l
enforcement of the ordinance The Reprinted from the May issue of l l
groups claimed that the ordinance. Lau'laghf/ L _ __ __M__ ____..__,___fi-,,l
—. . W
,. t
5 A ‘
4 '4 ‘ \

 l i .
The Kentucky Press. June, 1997 - Page 5
AG issues opinion on USPS change to ad laws
Last July. the ITS. Postal Service enacted :1 Our office has been asked to examine the area. A neu'spuper shall be deemed to he [in/)7
number of changes in the Domestic Mail effect of the changes to the Domestic Mail lished (II the area ifit Inomtams its principal '
Classification Scheduled that included renam- Classification Schedule upon KRS 424.120. It is office in the area for the purpose o/"gulhermg
ing "Second Class” mail to "Periodicals" class. the position of the Kentucky Press Association news and soliciting advertiser/zen[s and other -
Although the change was referred to in the that the changes to the Schedule are simple general business of newspaper publications. and '
Federal Registration as a revision in "nomencla- ministerial and that there is no difference in the has a second-class mailing permit issued for -
. ture" only, the Kentucky Press Association eligibility requirements for the new [halo/lice. fEnzphasisadde(1.i '
sought an opinion from the Attorney General as "Periodicals" class of mail from the former cate-
to any effect the title change could have on gory referred to as "Second Class" mail. Clearly, KRS 424.120 requires newspapers '
Kentucky's public notice advertising laws. We begin our analysis with a review of KRS to have a second-class mailing permit. However.
On May 15, Diane Schuler Fleming, of the Chapter 424 which sets forth the criteria for the pursuant to the changes instituted by the f
state Attorney General's office, released OAG publication of legal notices in the United States Postal Service. such a permit no
97-16, addressing the request for clarification. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Pursuant to this longer 9Xi5ts- AS a FGSUlt. we are left With the
The opinion, relating to the language KRS chapter, all newspapers which are permitted to QUGStiOh Of what EffeCt the federal action has
424, states: publish legal notices must meet the require— upon our state statues. Specifically, we ask how
Effective July 1, 1996, the United States ments set forth in KRS 424.120. Said statute can a newspaper comply With KRS 424-120
Postal Service enacted a number of changes in states in relevant part: when it can no longer obtain the necessary 39C-
the Domestic Mail Classification Schedule. Vol. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of ond-class mailing permit. To answer these ques-
61 Federal Register, No. 49, page 10114. this section, if an advertisement for a publi- tiOhS» we must turn too the “1195 Of statutory
, Accordingly, "Second Class" mail has been cation area is required by law to be published in CODSthtiOU-
‘ redesignated as "Periodicals." This change is a newspaper, the publication shall be made in It is haSiC premise 0f statutory construction
‘ referred to in the Federal Register as a revision a newspaper that meeds the following require- that the language “56d in a statute ShOUId be V
l "in nomenclature" and appears to be void of any ments: construed 30 as to carry Ollt the purpose 0f the
substantive changes. (a) It shall be published in the publication See USPS, page 10 -_
N ’t b d f t thf l 11'
A newspaper article regarding The securities broker, who was article was accurate. false statements in the article. '
an FBI investigation of a securities the account executive responsible All of the accusations and fac- The portions of the article that
broker did not defame the broker for the accounts in question at the tual accounts in the article were the broker claimed to be libelous
because the overall article provided securities company, was one of the conclusions drawn by the FBI and only dealt with items of secondary
an accurate summary of the inves- named parties who was suspected not by the reporter alone. The accu— importance which did not detract
tigation and the broker's alleged ofparticipating in this plan. racy and truth in a publication form the substantial truth of the
criminal involvement. Shortly after the FBI investiga- should be evaluated as a whole and entire article.
During the investigation of a tion, an article appeared in a news- not in a piecemeal fashion as isolat- The principle of the free flow of
possible criminal scheme to paper that described the question- ed parts. ideas and opinions concerning mat—
defraud a savings and loan associa- able financial activities, as well as The article provided a correct ters of public interest. as well as
tion, and FBI agent submitted an the possible criminal involvement report that the FBI received infor— the substantial truth and absence . »
affidavit regarding the status ofthe of the broker. Subsequently, the mation connecting the, broker to of false statements in the article,
investigation and the parties sus— broker sued the newspaper and the the scheme to defraud the savings supported the newspaper's right to ' K
pected of involvement in obtaining author of the article for portraying and loan. print the article
large sums of money from the sav- him in a defamatory light None ofthe implications in the 1' Mullen s t The Neu Yorl:
ings and lam and laundering it A federal district room in Texas article triggered any genuine issues