xt7jh98zcw88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zcw88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1972 1972 1972-03-10 2020 true xt7jh98zcw88 section xt7jh98zcw88 /,.
Peoples Party forum-
II" "'“h’hh’ strippers get chance
By RALPH (‘. LONG reclamation techniques now
. Assistant Managing Editor employed in Europe to be
Any discussion of strip mining brought into action in Kentucky.
held on the UK campus usually This type of reclamation would
results in the whole hearted .
VOL. LXlll N0. I05 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Fl'iday- March '0. I972 condemnation of the industry and call for each layer of the stripped
those involved with it. but not so land to be replaced in the exact - I
last night. manner as it was removed.
Last night an audience of an Presenting the surface miners
S proximately 75 people took part point of view was Paul Patton
tu en t vale Sta 8 in a forum on strip mining from the Surface Mining 'and ,
sponsored by the Peoples Party. ijhthilamhhmh Assdociatiotn.
‘ I . . Unlike most stri mining a on W 0 (“ms an opera'es
Lawmakers postpone tr istee decnsnon discussions the [omen Offered surface and deep mmes m Pike
both views on the condition of County, said he was for the '
By DIANE NASEB representatives only represent 12 Karem. strip mining industry in Ken- "St“c‘t enforcement 0t present
Kernel Staff Writer percent of the campus Exposure necessary tucky. laws. and . against the abolish-
Members of the House population. Boone who sat on a Board of Jim Branscome, director of ment 0t strip mining as an In‘
Education Committee failed to Working in the system Regents, said the students must Save Our Kentucky. presented dttstFY- .
pass out of committee a bill that Student lobbyist Ernesto learn how the system works to be SOK's program against strip I do not deny there‘ is .a .
would have given a vote to the Scorsone said students are good citizens but they must be mining. Branscome called for damage to the ecology, . said.
student on the Board of Trustees. always reminded to work within exposed to the processes because the abolishment of strip mining in fatton. but he termed it an
The ht“ was not Passed out of ' the system, lets proceed through that is an essential part of the Eastern Kentucky. anda $1.35 per acceptable damage. , '
committee because ofa lack ofa the proper channels. That is learning experience_ ton tax on C031 stripped in the Patton s arguments dwere
majority vote. However, all what they are asking you to allow Wes/tern part Of the state. based 0" the need for the 'h ustry
members were not present so the them to do. “We‘re asking that Faculty members were present the state. and g the number Of JOhS
House Education committee is 100,000 college students in this to seek an amendment "a'tdredamahoh provided by the mines.
going [0 hold another meeting state—100,000 citizens Of this that WOUld give a vote to the Branscome said the money .\dm|ts faults
today to reconsider this bill. state—be allowed to partake in faculty members 0f the board. collected from the tax WOlhd be “32:21.3. hjgiohrjglihahhithfl
_ . . . . . . ove . . ~
Controversy over this bill, SB the de‘fvlSlgnS made in the This amendment passed by the :tsrcggpggr lgsslatihinizgghgi‘rteatgy broad form deed. which allows .
41, sparked a lively debate bet- U'anfii‘Sl ies ecause they are offi faculties‘ voting priviledge does state. stripminers ‘0 mine land without
ween the proponents .of the bill, slgglsicant concern to them, not include voting on matters Branscome‘s program also buying the surface rights. were
Representatives DaVld Karem, sai Lorsone. related to the budget. called for the” use of the wrong and should be changed.
, D—Lomsvdle, and George Boone Responding to comments made
Street. D-Logan and TOdd about students. Scorsone said he
Counties, and the Opponents was convinced of the students
Representatives Larry Hopkins, dedication and sincerity in their is
R-Lexington, and Bart Peak. 13' education. “Yes there has been p ' “I. w
. Lexington. picketing and demonstrations but . .. h 3*} ‘_->r‘°t-'::hhhh .._.:_.:3 g ..  cats ed 6 V 01S Kernel Staff Writer books to the schools because 0. 01‘ at least she never thought 0f
9 Branch voter registration will the emphasis being put on the the comersation as a request.
be held at five area high schools cighteenyear old voter this year. Anyone could have made the
. next week. but the books won't be Frank Chuppe~ a student request. she said. A student
aln NCAA berth brought to UK and students will working on a registration drive at group would have had great .
have to go to the court house or L'K_ asked Adaland and the intlucnecclxI |
~ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' .. ' the schools to re ister. LLWV to re uest that the books ‘3 "film's 8‘“ '
‘ :3 hl'hh’r'hhhhh . rtcords. However. the Cats The Favehte (‘ounty also be brothght to UK. Chuppe (‘ant’ill said that before the
einel Sports luditoi showed their superiority—barely- . . - ' . .. . . ~ . . .. . .. .. t' m . LLWV there were
.‘th two victories over UT bv a Registration and l’urgation said the itquest “as denied itqmst o t . .
They overcame the. pressure 0‘ “I . ' Board is taking the branches to because the Board believes the no plans to hold registration at
winning a filth straight total or three pomts. the schools at the request of the hooks are close enough to the the schools mainly because of
I Southeastern Conference hhh' “.5 hard to say whether Lexington League of Women l'niversitv to give students ready Senate Bill 162. which has passed
They conquered the challenge or Kentucky played wellbecause the Voters. The schools are; Brvan access to. them. The books are the Senate and is in committee in
a Victory beforea rabid crowd 0" Vhlst deliberate offense makes Station llciirv (‘lav. Lafayette. ke t crm'inentlv at the (‘ountv the House, The bill revising
the road. Wh'Ch had only come on all M its Opponents t00k SIUSSlSh- 'l" t . .(. . , k . d l -' t llohisth ‘ ' ‘ Kentucky registration and
four out Of eight occasions before. BUt the Cats depended 0" quick 6:":an ”h an ,exmg on i . Limiting factors election laws calls for statewide
And they even mastered the scoring spurts by Stan Key. Tom ‘ ‘ .-\daland said that personnel registration in December
glare Of that revolting orange. Parker and Ronnie Lyons. and a Branch "0'” registration “t" and time were also factors. The -\".\'0nt‘ wishing to register.
which draped the seats. the complete second half turnabout hc held at area high schools due registration office. she said. including l'K students. may do so
’ aisles.and the fans. and drowned by Jim Andrews that combated to the efforts of the Lexington “mum dcputizc people to take at i’olloing schools:
out all other colors. another strong performance by League of Women Voters registrations and that the books Monday. March l3~ Brian
Yes. the Wildcats earned seven footer Len Kozmalski. mung. would only be open one more Station
Adolph Hupp a trip to the NCAA: 'l‘hc Vols reached their biggest Ii“ pear olds emphasized wcck. 'l‘ucsda)‘. March H -- llcnry
~ “for the nineteenth timel th'hk‘ lead moments into the second Ms. R.(‘anfill. the chairman of (‘la_\ ‘
With“ pulsating .6766 WI" over 8 hi!” on a three point play by \lrs‘. Flainc Adaland of the the registration and purgation Wednesday. March 15—
deeply dissappolnted Tennessee Larry R0lh'“°"‘ l.l‘.\\'.\'- said the drive is aimed at hoard. Si'td tht‘ request wasn't Lafayette
team htllhihhhi‘i'iiitst stop Thhh l'h began its painfully high school students. but others (Ii-nicd ht‘t'itt's“ h" htttt'htt Thursday. March 16-7 Tates
Bv virtue of an SEC rule. UK slow hh'hhthh dhd_fh"hhhd “ can register also. She said she "“‘lht‘st “as made. 5h“ said that (‘rcck _
‘ “x ”mm advantage. “'4’" * 0" "h was able to convince the .\daland hi'd ("'t.‘ asked for her Friday. March 17*Lexmgton
gets the trip to Dayton although Andrcws‘ haskct. But a UK-UT Registration and l’iirgation opinion and had never made a (‘atholic
the two squads tied with I4-4 Continued on pas.o 5' Col. 1 '

. 2-'I‘III'I KI‘IN'I’l't'KY KENNEL. Friday. March Ill. lttI‘J I'
Pre-law honorary hears panel on C“ ..
‘1 Y
The Societus Pro Legibus tormer Kentucky Assistant At- Murrell said there are two movement is fighting to change "0W World is beginning that will
I kicked off its spring Law (‘areers torney (ieneral. Donna Maier. a sides to the practice of law-- such discriminatory laws as see women gomg into the field of I
program yesterday with a panel Louisville attorney. Edward writing briefs and trial-work. abortion. divorce and havmgI to law to stay rather than wasting j
‘ ~ ‘ discussing openings in the law l’ritehard. an attorney from Murrell said he acquired his register to vote after getting Space in the law schools. I‘
. profession. lr‘rankt'ort. and Harland (‘ounty experience by writing briefs as married." Maier said. However. lritchard said statistics in this
. - Meeting in the (‘lassroom (‘ircuit Court Judge Ed G. Hill an assistant in the state attorney she added most of the change area are misleading because ‘I
'l ' . Building. the pre-law honorary discribe their individual ex- general‘s office. As part of his would “come about through many women get discouraged '
-. ‘ societylistenedtol)avid Murrell. perienees in law. trial-work phase Murrell is litigation." and leave the professmn when ..
. - Pl‘t‘St‘nll)‘ defending poor people. During the question and an- unable to find work, Maier added ‘._
' . . Keepsake Diamonds DIAMONDOLOGISTS According to Murrell. legal swer period following the four women in law do not make as ’
‘ . are sold at services are traditionally made speakers. Maier said she thinks a much money as men. i
' ’3 up of checks and balances. “As a y.
. lOOW. Mam Street . . ' ' ‘ .'. ~ - O 1L
' ' pail ot the judiciary. legal ser To I
. . . ' Eastland Shopping Center 8 ,- . , , . ~‘
. . I '. TurtlandMall \ius must keep check on the lme runnlng out .;
. ‘ . -. Fayette Mall and 26N Maln Si. in Winchester executive andd legtSldthC‘ . o o o
' ' . ' , _ ,1 r::.«<:.,:/:/::./;I; branches." he sai . l I b ll .
' ' ,;:,.»i i , ‘ ‘ 42:11” ., , 5. I: Maier related her work in law ’ 0 r Clvl rlg Its l S
.' > " ‘i'j_-;:§..-.. // ,- » ‘i'l/T'71711—7237 ‘3 , I to the women‘s rights movement . . . I I I . .
. ‘ . I ~~:f’,IfI;?5/ 1' '/1’:§.- 7' /:/ 1;: in which she is active. She ’l‘imeIis running out for the State senators (aeorgia DaVIs '
. ' ' " / ..\ ‘3‘)“;53:55if;ff'Ifi':5: ,::":’E:2f}%f;’fl5 j ::;- «s ""7791: 7; 1(). '
. ’ . i1 (I: w 2/4 /.f/”/:/// A“ 5." 1' <_ ”3 ”ifs
' r - ' ’r’//2 ”12%3: )lf/i "-233“ HB 430 was introduced in the ’
~‘1 2 ‘:!/{;"'--’-;:“’/f2:/‘7/’é'Zfii/r’“ I: . A.“ .. ' “i“ ’ . . .
.' ' , ' V WEE/f/ZZZ/2/{ééji’ $1533 w r? 15:77: NEED A REALL Y GOOD PHOTOGRAPH P House Feb. 14. it Will prohibit sex .I
I ' ' V :1 ;\,. /////:;::/::E;§ . - 1"" r" ; Then the lace to o is and age discrimination in em-
, ' , I 2/2 1553‘ 2:321:3f fly" % 1": . P . g ployment, housing and public
I I ‘ ', I . 7' > \ 12/}; 2? {3/22 ”7 jgféfiiff‘é Spengler Stud") accotnodations. It was reported "‘
. . , 7 \ . 31:43" {2 -. -_’r'_’— ’ " ’ "57:1”; , I . I ,
I I , . , ~ g . 2/ 3;}; II \., f ( /’/: ~ stone out of the House Judiciary .
I' I. . I2. " Q \l ’12?- . ; rIi ' ///’2?/’ 222 50' hmeI (‘ommittee without opposition -.
.‘ . .~ ' ex “A. Q” ' f “:‘f‘iéiiia —Engogement Specml Package— w). 29. The House passed the '
‘ .. »: ‘ : ‘3iéié’,:’/;///’/;;’ . . . _ I II hill 81 All Mar. 6, and the Senate .
' ’ - . ' Z “W“ 2 II/ ‘ /’ ’ ’::%<fl/5:’;Z; 3-3)(5 GIOSSleS 6 wallets ”mm” Pdp“ received it the following day.
. : , , ‘ if : IIL’:fI/ ’QII'ff—‘r'I/II': ‘ is 4 PI’OOfS 10 HB 430 is now tied up in the i
I I é I , :27 1 eff/I, I ”I '. ONLY $1 2 00 Senate Judiciary Committee. '
. . , ' 7 ~ . :I: Choose from . Action was expected on it ‘
' . /;,I:-"?—7'—- ‘.-.‘:"§q‘- yesterday, but the committee '
" ’ , ' . 7:);1327 “hr“, bypassed the bill and won‘t act on
' , ' ‘ . " i - ,. 3' 7.7:,» TWO "0ny free it until its next meeting.
. I EII . l, i: /. 39:27:22,,” Pam Elam. a member of the
.‘ . .7 1.x : /I/. With Purchase (‘ouncil on Women‘s Concerns “
. ». , . 7 > . t. , c and the Lexington Women‘s f
I‘ ‘ ‘ ' " , IIINIPII , .I‘I ,! Political Caucus. said it is ’
- . When you knOW . I 1 "fills/"9'3 7 , "j k! SOSSIblIO for HB 430 to reach the I
. . 9 1 1; . I , , 2 oor )eiore the end of the z
' a " I It S for keeps " ' . 4 ‘ session. Should the Senate a.
' . I . : I‘“ \ Judiciary Committee meet '
I ‘ I ' "I L ' , ' \\~ ' ' Monday and report the bill out of
I . . . ‘ Y9: can CTOOSC Kggpsake I I 4 I, g . \\ committee, she said, it could .
. ~ ‘ I W” compete con ence, ’I 123,” - {W reach the Senate floor and be t
. ‘ _. . - because the famous I 1*» Ln" . ,, ’ acted on by Tuesday.
, ' ‘ - Keepsake Guarantee gives J0 ., I? /
‘ I . I written proof of a perfect ’ s ; ‘ .
‘ » '~ . engagement diamond grow“ ’ , 3 .Starts 7:30 Adm. $1.50
- . - . , of precise cut 2 . 0/RCZEQWR“3%"’3???
' . and superb color. '6: i“ '. \ I I II MW WWI!
. - . ;:: 2:22:322“_,::g,,... '. “irst ; rea Showin
. . There IS no finer 2// . : 11> _.__g___
i . diamond ring. _ 22/?" ' ' -
" ~ K gepsake £le I, 'h. mg _
. . (.7 all f 112/, '
. f . c «(4 ‘40le o A '
. . I l . ' 4 V ’“fl” 3/ Q I .
. . altar.» fisgfi/ . “MI W
, . - ‘ ' R' r 8100 90.000 ‘9 ' d GOOD
‘ I. I ‘ 4 . 1:25: {33k Rafa. H. Pond Co. W. W J!) . t ’ OW
. ‘ __-____----.._.._--___-___--2 My at L0,,“ FRIENDS
' '. . . S d w 20 . b k , "Pl n in Y Li En i rid W ddi " lu "
‘ . j . fuel? co'lgr toldgqandoz [$33. Bride: Bgookoqi'tt ofgeargjlrfgr oanly 256.3 "9 $.75 I m ONO pREMNJtR F'LM
. ' l I ~ Name—~———-—————-——-——-—-—— '
l ‘ Cnlm W A
‘ 1: z -- g I I _ MOVIELAB MRAMOUNT 'R'o
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"I. -' I 3 ' I 2 ca, __ .___. _____._______Co._____—____._ : The look of linen skirt and sleeveless bolero combined with the long 2 ADULT HITS '
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. ' ¢_'———_—— 'p—— I there . . . and everywhere. ~Ntw volt-t nun cnmcs
. I I KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS, BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N.Y. l320| *NAYIONAI. socunvor nuacnmcs I
, .. Keepsake Diamonds available at % Qrd
L .' I I CC & HI RAUCH, Inc. '
‘ - W Will St Y Ti k t
‘ , G°'°°'.‘s'°e PM” F0: Fneeagngn mo greet" .
. . osgggfibngofgg'g Since 1887 Downtown Location
' 09 c s .
I Monday thru Saturday Open‘ 9 5 zzrnéhmr'u Sat. A runnovucn nonunion
, I Open Until 9:00 P.M. Every Night at Gardenside {51-3}? ,
I I oowmowu — FAYETTE and runsuno ‘
I «. . Plaza ELLIOT noun)
6 l

 ' , 'l‘llr: KklN'rl'CKY KERNI‘IL. Friday. March ill. l972—2l fl I i. . , ‘
;I . . . I F‘ I , .
s I l’ro s as _
: unlver5l y s o .\ l , Wu
‘ * presents ‘ h and
'. oo o ‘\ O / -'  
i O 3 IgIeilIl’f'
; t ’ ° 7 ° l saturday . _ : .,
U er a o e e  .. I
«m " ea ‘ - ‘ \ v {:85} .-
» , x l my... ,5 *1. ree shopping bags _ s ,_ - ,
‘ ,4 /\_ e ,7 .7}; .
, ‘\ ~ -/ . everyt lng \ _, ..
» (a? ‘ ' M 0’ must
, J. V ‘ \ \/ ’ _' . .‘ _ .
: A " V I.» w s .
$03630“ *0. left over from last last year's hot pants... corduroy norfolk or suits we couldn’t sell ’
~. cou n ' 3°" “9"" summer....swlmwear this year’s leftovers vinyl iackets any higher ' . j'
Orig. $2 'I
:- Or' . - - »
9.88 $35-$55 '9 $5 $8 I .89 or'g‘ 3'50 $8 21.88 . ., A . V .
, OK, OK, you’ve Stuff we’re tired of S p a r e y o u r The popularity of YOU'VE? waited U5 OU", :-
waited us out...we’ve looking at...dust them blueieans....ours are winter outerwear $0 WE’VE 9W9n UP and . I‘ .7‘ ,‘
m a r ked them off and you’re ready already cut off (and declines propor- marked them all If ‘I
downwabouf 100 in for spring break. what can you do with tionately as the dOWFl- AbOUi ‘00 in '1. M -, .'
assorted styles and Assorted. those extra legs?) temperature in- aSSOl'l‘ed lel95 and l T ' ,
sizes. creases. sizes. J
like yellow? have we our sweaters are your famous name and knit shirts we iust leathergoods from our
' got a deal for you! sweaters for iust never been worn slacks knew you’d like (brief) hippie era 3 ' i f.
59 2.50 0"9- $595 $3 Md $6 $8-$i2 $3 ong' $6 $10 50 -i . , v2, _ '
Mostly yellow button- Whatever’s left over We can’t say who You fooled us though, Leather hats, head ' 'i ‘,
down shirts in on the day you come made them (the and now we’re stuck. bands and bags, . "ft-l .
assorted sizes. We’ve in will be marked manufacturer is Skinny ribs, stripes, (whatever you call - ,‘- 'I
had success polishing down to 2.50. embarrassed). Take lace-ups and T-shirts. iheml- Buy now, '.I ' ’ , ’77, .
our cars with them. Assorted, of course. a load off our shelves there may be a . j .
and minds, revival! ~-: ‘- I" ‘.
a real bargain! our iump suits...buy them spring iackets.... belts we bought cheap '. .-~
‘ regular sport shirts or we will (iump) not that bad i to sell cheap University Shop 1T7 "
. Mall Level ' 7'. -‘
$2 Orlg. $6-$8 4 99 Orig. $l5-s2o 6 99 $1 Orig. 3_50
o o _ , I
W h i I e w e ’ r e These were hot Just 90 in a good And we missed again. - . _ . ;
unloading the other items...yes they range of fabrics and Now we’re going to 9 I . II.
stuff we put these on were. Maybe you can styles ...another take a shellacking. 8 I S . I I I
sale to entice you to cut them off for enticement to come in They’re not that I -
come in. slacks. and see the rest. bad...Really! FAYEWE MALL . a .5 ..
Come and see "Big” Harris, “Madame” Wilda, "loud” Bennett, ”Groovy" Paul,”Dapper”Don and “Silent”.lim at work! f '1

 "Swim of our sliulwils IlHIll\‘ not only It'll Ilu' "(Mll‘ll of Trustees [mu to run the school but go 4m (0 the
rupilol Iu'rv (UNI fry in It'll (he limwrnnr Imu‘ In I‘ll" the slaw and than on to u uslunglun m (0" the
President Imu' In run Ilw It‘IlU’l’ world.
.1]!!! they are doing all of this before they‘re Il’UI‘lH’ll to trash llwmsvlrt’s."
.. , ' Rep. Lurrv Hopkins..R. Lexington
' v _ I' As we sit here with our dirty effort to conquer the complicated made by Lexington’s state saying things like Hopkins before ,
- fingers smudging the typewriter shower controls and decide representative Larry Hopkins the state government, well, we .
. keys With memories Of that between the deodarent soap or the yesterday before the House sweat a lot. Hes right when he I-
' , -, horrible BO stench throughout all cheap brand, but really, saving Education committee. mentions Washington t00- We
' ‘ ' of our classes,the real question in water is not all that of an im- , . . work up a pretty 800d per-
3 . , , . Its Just that he has his facts a - t'on tellin the President
I ~. . , our minds has to be when we re portant issue anymore. 1‘ l . W 11 do Spll‘a 1 g
going to get a chance to take 5. ltt e mixed “9- he rea 31’ how to run the world.
. . ‘ bath. Just the same we really do have know how to was ourse ves, Now if he would only begin to
- ' ‘ Granted it is somewhat of an ‘0 W
3 . I ————-——_——‘— . , , o t 0 _
.. " . American JUSUCQ US. - oard JUS ICE .
" . In the summer 0t 1970 nearly 30 people to the J-Board who would But now the response has case, then a new jury would be '
. - . StUdehtS were charged With 01058 not enforce “unconstitutional changed. The Dean of Students chosen from the list.
. , . , ' ' 3 u ' - rd -
. I . to 80 Violations of the Student sections of the Code. wants to do away With the J Boa We oppose the change m the J_
' 3 Code because of their part in the as it is presently constituted and Board The America judicial
.I 3. ,I May demonstrations. The vast The response of the Dean of replace it with a system that system on paper and in theory
-. . 1" 4 majority were acquitted or had Students office has been coun- closely resembles the American seems ,imminently fair but 3r;
1' I. . .- , the charges substantially reduced seling, deals, plea-bargaining, judicial system. practice it is not It is not fair I
- _3 I by the J~Board. swapouts, what ever you want to Student jurors would be because many of its laws ,
7‘ . ' Last Spring Scott Wendelsdorf call them because of a belief that selected from a list of 150 chosen d' . . .
3 . , . iscriminate against the poor and
I ' . - I ran for Student government the J—Board wouldn t conVict at random from the student body. the black And it is not fair
,3 .. - ' ' ' ' ' , n1 one ' . .
I, . I I PreSident promismg to appomt anyone of anything . ‘Tbey would serve y because of the inordinate power
I I . .. I , Piggy/’1?" , , . of the prosecuting attorney and 3
I .. . . '. . 7.;jmKW ~ I ; - 3 I f the police to sway the opinion of 3
I I 3 ' I) ' / ‘ the jurors. .
, I - I 3. Mt , / 2 “ f The proposed J-Board would
‘ . , .I , 51,3 , ’I.I/
. .. . - . .. I .‘ I. 1' operate much the same. The
‘ . ' . 3,, I 3 A (z ’3 ’ 2 vague, probably unconstitutional
3, . 3 33 _ Ew LINCOLN 3‘? .b‘. y ; aspects of the Code would be
‘ -. . x 3/». j} 5; ; ';_/ presented to students who know
3/”??? I_:»I.,'4 ,/ 104/, . .
. - ' / 3 . , f 3333335553 very little, in most cases, about
. . I‘ ‘ ' a ’7‘ "i' l . V/i’ : /:/ the Code. The broad discretionary .
. ' ;. é. , 3 I , / 4 %\§// power of the Dean of Students
‘ . i " ' .w/m \\ k ' t" '1'?th 9/ ’/ ' '
I I i . p , I y p ‘Q‘ 72 gm office could be used to sway Jurors
. , ' "i “ . , - 41;” . .
. - ) thfl / l\3/ ) \‘\\-. \‘l ‘ I Mi 4 4/ opinion. I
‘ ' . : " ' 6 Exit}; QV M3 " / :3? 44' [,3 The reVised J -Board would be a
3 . ,, . : .4,” :' i . . M /;,:2a '
, , , 1 . ~ ;  , v *3, -_..._.. '- v.‘ ' : P r. a v" step backward away from
a , ‘ 3 , , , “n - .-. ., / 44%;; students rights and power. When
, . . / o " 3/ /// the laws are chan ed to brin
‘ ; I 4 / g i i -2? . i”. 9; . 233%7/31/f/é them more in line With the Con-
. II I . U: , ll \ H 2’ 3. ’~ 44% ///// stitution and the broad
II 1 . . (233334;; [3 my 7:33 3,- /, M/3/Z // discretionary power of the Dean
' ' . . 3339;:;~,/; CHINESE __ ,1 ////////////////////////%/ " ////////x //// of Students office is more clearly
. I IZ/ /////// / 2'4 ‘ . w/ M” // //// °
.. 3 . . . I4 in??? I ”4/ / My I4 defined, than a J-Board patterned
" ‘ I I” I if I/V/ W I: . ., ,,,.,,,/:).f.-i;{.//5.”/ r’” I ////4//4{/Cf/p/ a w, 3/ ////,//7 /y,_// .. 7.7:? after the American judicial
‘ . . I .‘ . 'YOU COULD SAY "IF ELECTED I WILL GO TO TAIWAN" . . . ' system will bein order.
. . = -.,:::::3:r-’-52223922325233: O 9% Nth
.~ , » w . 11 Her I KERN EL F OBI 1M. the readers write
. , 1 _ ¢ '|¢ Stamp (’10 editor In orderIto capture the full spirit of If your paper boy has a bad habit of
' " '_ I _ I." LEXINGTON xemucxv 'l‘he Lexington Herald‘s contest “Nail people dga'pst people, lm starting an walking through your rose bushes, this is
V . E""’"‘"°d ' the Pusher“. has stirred the spirit of equally excmnIg contest that offers even the chance for revenge you've been
3 , _' ‘ I An independent newspaper pubIIsm by Wdem competitiveness in me. When I first read more community partimp‘ tion. If you re waiting for. (Stomp him for trespassing or
I ,_ ,1 .. I I a. me University at Kentucky the rules I was flooded with memories of '1‘“ into drugs 3‘53“) speak). maybefi'ou ll harassment.) ‘
' " i ‘ the vigilantes. Oh. those Wonderful years “"d pleasure m Stomp the Editor ' the At the end of each two week period,
‘ . ' ., I. . Mike Wines EdI'OYIn Ctr!" 0f 3.\m()rican historyI Times then if you contCSt that allows everyone to play' ptllnlS Will be tabulated and the person
' I . . . ‘ I: 3 ’jgznagm‘I2;;‘332533' couldn‘t keep up with the Joneses (or "“195 are as {OHOWS3 With the most arrests to his or her credit
‘ I . JerryW LewisAssociatorEdi'or didn‘t agree with them) you could do away «1. Valu' ble . t . will receive a sterling silver cup, and a
' ‘ . . 7"“ 3""agfégaggt'figz‘:"3:73;:322? G'bsm' with them. If you‘re not familiar with the persons making 20:33:31: £32153“: 2: $200 scholarship. I‘ve chosen the
. ' A§$t§tlflf Managing Editors contest ruleS. they're Something like this- I . ) . . p p SChOlal‘Shlp over a normal cash paymen‘.
. - . MmhaelYierney,SpornEdltor ~ , _ “035‘ route paper deliverers, reporters . . . . .
3' ' om Thornton Arts Editor "1- The Herald WI“ pay $150 for "1‘ and all other employees of the Herald 80 that all particupants can retain the"
. w o €03”,th c'mmsdmr formation leading to the arrest and con- ’ ' amateur standing.
.' ' ‘ . DwainmmI”homunmnemm viction ota hard drug pusheror user. Only *‘2. Arrestts) may be made while
--‘ Production Manners $100 will be paid for Marijauna pushers employees are 0“ or 0” duty and can Now that you know the rules, get out
. pui‘I’r‘slei”; “I? Ker’n'g"ptr‘;‘s:e‘$ , and users. I encompass such a wide range to include: 325‘: 311d ”'Stomp the Editor"I. If things
- i ’ a non prom (orporahon (omoosed 0' 2. To turn in someone, a fake name via 9‘“ as exPeet~ we might JUSt be able
.‘ N W373;353‘JZS."$’5°3A’1‘3§L’1'°“ a box number can be used to avoid em- ‘ it presenting “Wit." information in to bring back w.ltCh burning, another great
.' scuuoeo iwi harassment and involvement. print American pastime.
' 3 “WWW,“ 3. Framing with or without a motive is ' h typographical errors
3 I . r - Edno'l.”rep:e:::e'3::)v.::‘sl:v ' legal in that your identity won't be known "3 delivery trucks being overloaded 0'" - .
I . t 7 to anyone. any common traffic violation. Mamie R- Lawfer
V I i\ & S Sophomore

 'l‘llH KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday March 10. 1972—5 ’I . I
Cats N CAA-bound —————~-~—
_———.—__._. _____.__ _ , ._ n a un- . ' : . , .
5t strat t ear mar-- . w
The Kentucky Kernel J " 4 ‘. a.
. an ““0 _
C ti Edwards, of all people,“ said The Kentucky Kernel. University 30 ‘i’oo -I . ‘ C . , .~ ‘
on nued from Page 1 Rupp after the game lgntzttogin'ge'hlt’ifcrligyltggosxegteuczfiyd if; 1‘ 3' 7’ I ~ I 4’ i .1 .
. . . S 4‘ . r - ". . '
amemus - - t . ta d ti. ' t .K t k. ‘ - ‘
g H , . ,t be~ (.IOSGI‘. unbelievably‘ Edwards. an 8/ tom 0rr0w 3:15: £3; tiamese’sgegk?; mirage-vile "QE: . . '. Ii . ‘
tre S d bl‘le account Of the percent free throw shooter school year except holidays and exam . '9’ .f‘ i I . . . .-
last two min t ‘- . . ‘ ..The deadline for announcements IS H am. perIiods, and once during the summer . '40 G . V ' . ‘ . . .
u 05' d h h . - . session 0 ‘t‘ . . . ..
Mk) I . I "11880 t e IOSS. Anot er jump twoweekdavs prior topublication otitemstn “' . ' , , . - ’ - . _ '.
A l ( Edwards, the SEC 3 most b8” e“sued between Parker and this column. All announcements Will be run P““"‘_"¢'d bl Ilhf' I\k‘rnt'l lreIss. In... 113 l any '_ m . . '
I valuable player drilled the first . three times; twice before the day ot the JournalismI Building. iniverstty of Ken- . . .
()f thre I g f t t . Robinson. event and on the day of the event. milk). ”‘ngth 1:)- ‘405234 d or h d . . .. .
0 on um CPS 0 rlm ‘ - . egun as c a et in 1 an pu is c - . " ' . I
[h I , ~ J p SHOW grabbed the tlp bUt WdS continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since I f. ' . ’ ', _
( margin to four. far off target on a desperation T00W 19.5, 5 9" in? . '
i. \Vlth l9 SCCOHdS left Ronnie Shot at the buzzer FREE U KNITTING and crocheting Class. 7 Adycrtising published hereinis intended to ‘ I ' . . ." i .-
, ' . . p.m. in room Mfr—C. Complex Commons. h I th - d- b . A f l; "l d‘ I ' 1’ "
ore . Lyons. who started for the first Mons helps Andrews “A VERY SPECIAL SPECIAL" by L'K agipertfsln:sli;ul‘:lyhc .12.?..§i’5.'2é121535 ’( I8. ' _ t' '3.
we . IItlme Since twisting an ankle 8 Early in the game. Andrews 3353; 38:13:35.:o'rézeufllimngfflol KERNEL TELEPHONES e? in? I L, I
he ' th.“Iee:‘s ago and played ,the was 30 tense he couldn‘t latCh :Efidrce‘fegesfxdemC(fn'lfnug fining Editor, Editorial EditOr...‘I 257-1755 '2' _-
We I :ndlrc orty minutes. faIIEd onto a pass. He was outscored by night at the same time. Manny“ and Assoc‘a‘e Ed't2°g§,.1'—,’4d @ .. .b ' ' ' ,
)er- . :3. $12-33? than“ ...... ”P ......t shootmg Kozmalski 15—3- 175.325.33.33... mamas; emu-m ... .- . . , . . - '
' , . ' After the intermission. Jim Building. Everyone lco . ' --~~--~---~' - - - ’ - 1584646 . .' -.., ". ’. ‘ .
[em . U 1‘ controlled the tip only to be 'llied 17 while holding Koz- Temofiaox‘e Newsroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3571800 I .I r. . I .
, interrupted when Parker batted d . . PizzAI PARTY and slides of Indonesia 8 ' \ . .. -~ . . _ .I
nalski to nine, thanks to some p.m. Saturday Marchll. at the Canterbury . .I -_ . y
t the ball out of bounds. ‘neak defensive tactics by House. SponsoredbytheCosmopolitan Club. W—‘u \\ . . ._ ,
l 0 After A d d . ‘ y . FREE CONCERT in the Student Center ‘ I?! . {I \\ ’ .. ~ .- " ‘
f th n 5"“: ”pied m a Lyons. who came up With some grand Ballroom. Presented by the Black SOUTHlANDm- 251W} / ', . . —g . .
roe row.t et irteent of TK‘ - t ““395 0‘ UK- ”11ml ‘ ~ -' ' '- ' ‘
__ I'iSI (”ft I I . ‘ L S tlll’ltly Steals' . TREE PLANTING atan abandondoned strip h“ . // :. '.‘ . I .' .
1 ‘ - 1 :IU] pOints, Edwards For underdog Kentucky, it mine near Daniel Boone Parkway. In- 3331:1/ / :‘ . . ' '-
Connecte twice more . . I . - . ,_ formation on how to get to the site available . 5. ‘ . f -'.
' climaxes d surprizmgly SUC the police office in London on Hi wa ' “5“, // ~ -' ‘ ' V ' ’
s . , . ' y 80- . - . . ‘. .
~ hdwards took the inbounds cessful season. Notevena loss in Sponsored by Blue Grass group ofthe Sierra new -5 .‘ ' 3323-? . ; ~ .
‘ ... .. ~ . - '- ' (‘lb. ~ »- .
passand was fouled by Lyons the tournament would destroy it. ESVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Society ‘3 . . - W“! » . n . . ._
be With four seconds remaining just For Tennessee and Ray Mears. field trip Sunday to Red River Gorge. Be at 1‘ ' 4 MS! \ 7 . . " '
before he could get Off the shot. it ends another year of Errnkflmgfiggl‘eszw 8"“ W" “‘"c" and a , . > w \ $5 25 . ,I '
“I was hoping we wouldn't foul frustration. COMING up ‘52 t f a . - .. ' . 1
I J MEDICAL COMMITTEE for Human Rights » You can give ," .' —
r ' meeting 7:30 p.m. M