xt7jh98zcx04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zcx04/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1974 1974 1974-04-05 2020 true xt7jh98zcx04 section xt7jh98zcx04 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 142
Friday, April 5. 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Tornadoes leave

mass destruction

throughout area

For related tornado stories

see pages 6,7,8 and 9


IT'S HARD for a first time observer to
describe massive destruction left in the
wake of a serious tornado unless several
explicit illustrations are given:

—lmagine running over a tin can with a
lawn mower and watching the shredded
pieces scatter randomly across the

llave you ever tried to build a house
with a deck of playing cards. only to be
frustrated when the last piece causes the
whole structure to collapse?

—Remember when tinker toy houses
becameboring andhow funitwasto watch
the wooden slats streak across the play

-()r how about watching the city
maintenance man make sawdust of the
dead elm tree?

DESTRl'CTIUN‘S 'l‘lII-I name of the
game. A game in which few walk away
winners. A game in which you may have
passed GO. collected your $200 and in-
vested it in a new color TV which now lies
smashed under the kitchen sink two blocks

Lexington was lucky. This city was left
virtually untouched by the nation‘s second
worst collection of tornadoes in i ts history.
'l‘wo nearby communities weren’t so
fortunate Wednesday.

Remember April Il. 1974. “ll stick in
yourmemory like few other events of your
lifetime. You'd better believe the
residents of Stamping Ground and .lett will
remember this date.

.\S I drove along US. Highway 227
between Georgetown and Stamping
Ground 1 had to stop twice to get pictures
of barns. which Wednesday afternoon
were standing in tranquil pastures now
resemble the beginning of match-stick

l was amazed at the damage from the
high winds which left large trees neatly
cropped along a country stone wall. It
never occured to me that houses could be
obliterated as the chicken coup next to the

(:ov. Wendell Ford had the National
(iuard out early Thursday. and several
members formed check points beginning
about two miles south of Stamping Ground
along the rolling 227.

"\\ r: II.\\'l-I orders to let the press
through so you‘re okay." the first guard-
sman told me. “You may have trouble
ahead but they've been letting you all in."

What's it like? The question was ob-
viously raised to get his impression of the
destruction ahead.

“It's the type of thing you see in the mid-
west but not in Kentucky. You don‘t want
to see it in Kentucky." he said.

PERHAPS IT was ironic that I parked
the car in the Masonic Cemetery.

The first thing I noticed was pine trees
scattered in front yards of homes on the
outskirts of the small community of 400.
Next. and quite suddenly. 1 found houses
scattered in the front yards of homes—
across the street. two doors down .1
really didn't matter. This type of thing
only happens on TV or in the movies. lie
reminded. it happened in Kentucky.

Continued on Page 3




cclito inls represent the opinions of the

editors. not the university



The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Pres; Inc. Begun as the Cadet in 109‘ and published continmusly
as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915, The Kernel Press inc. tounded 197i. Third class
postage paid at Lexington. Ky. Business ottices are located in the Journalism Building on
the University at Kentucky campus. Advertising, room 210 and News Department room
in. Advertising published herein is intended to hair: the reader buy. Any false or
misleading advertising should be reported to the Editors.

Steve Swift. Editor-in-(‘hief . _

Score a success for $6

No one will have the last word on obscenity.
Learned attempts for a definition have shown elusive
qualities. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart
admitted he could never succeed in intelligibly
defining obscenity yet added. “But I know it when I
see it."

Justice Stewart put obscenity in its proper per-
spective. personaljudgment. An object in and of itself
is not obscene, obscenity is nurtured in the mind of the
observer. Problems have risen in enforcing the
American dream of making everyone think alike,
thereby making obscenity a social problem.

In June 1973. the Supreme Court ruled each com-
munity should define obscenity according to area
standards. The wording of the Supreme Court on
obscenity can now read “utterly without redeeming
local social importance."

On this note Student Government sponsored
Tuesday's Focus Forum. “Obscenity and the Law,” a
discussion of Lexington obscenity standards.

The timing was ideal. The cancellation of “Best of
the New York Erotic Film Festival” was still fresh in
the minds of students. Attendance proved SG had
struck the iron while it was hot.

The day‘s events achieved a near scenario at-
mosphere with Dr. Wayne H. Davis, UK biology
professor. emerging as local hero and County At-
torney E. Lawson King as local villian.

Davis had to contend with Rev. Winfrey C. Link, a
member of President Johnson’s Commission of
Obscenity, who emotionally referred to couples going
at it like dogs and horses on the screen. King was
granted quote of the week when he said, “All of us
are entitled to our ridiculous opinions.”

Unfortunately King is in the position to make his
ridiculous opinions stick.

However, this is what made the forum a success.
Both sides were given the opportunity to present
viewpoints. Score a success for Student Government.



sm» “:1.“







Nicholas Von Hoffman

$5,000 king of the ape world

lot of other people here. migrated
into the area from back East. She
and her husband. Mongo. came
lrom the African Cameroons in
1961. They settled down and made
their home in the Phoenix Zoo.
where they lived in happiness and
comfort until 1969 when Mongo
died. leaving Hazel a strikingly
attractive. coquettish. 240-pound.
widow-lady gorilla.

It was after Mongo's death that
sexual revolution came into
llazel‘s life. With it she would
experience drugs. psychiatry and
all the other elements which
make up the boozin‘ an‘ cruisin‘
Southwestern swingles scene.
Hazel fell in love with a guy
named Baltimore Jack.

In the society pages of the
Phoenix Gazette, Jack was
described as a “$5,000 king of the
ape world. six—foot three-inches
tall. lit—years-old and about 300
pounds.“ The groom's reputation
was enhanced in this easy-money
town when it was announced that
.lack would fly in from the
Baltimore Zoo aboard Hugh
Hefner's l)(‘-9 Bunny Jet.

'l‘lllS NEWS prompted l)r.
.lack llyles. a traveling
evangelist conducting a revival
here. to question the Christian
morals of the successor to
Mongo's bed and Hazel‘s heart.
litren the normally permissive
Gazette was moved to ask in its
news columns: "Will Baltimore
Jack‘s morals suffer from riding
in Hefner‘s plane‘.’ ‘Not at all.‘
say Phoenix Zoo officials. ‘Jack
will be sedated and strapped
down the entire trip. He won‘t
even see any Bunnies or Bunny-
style stewardesses or whatever-
you-call-them that Hefner has
aboard.‘ ”

The wedding was the biggest
thing to happen around here since
Goldwater got nominated for the
Presidency. A Phoenix jeweler
offered lit-carat gold rings of
miniature bananas. Hair of
Scottsdale donated a special wig.
Best Photography came forward
to take the pictures and a local
dentist offered to provide the
wedding cake.

The (iazette. ever the first to
bring l’hoenicians the news they

most need to know. reported that
the dentist “was inspired in the
suggestion by a wedding
ceremony for two rhinoceroses.
While at a dental convention, he
attended the rhino wedding at a
lion farm in West Palm Beach.
Fla. last month."

Jack and Hazel were married
in July l970. but that December
the indefatigable Gazette was
telling its readers: “Their much
desired consummation has not
yet occurred...Phoenix Zoo
liirector Jack L. Tinker predicts
romance will bud for them next
spring when it's warmer and

IT “AS \U'l‘ to be. A month
later the paper declared: “No
Stork ()n Way For Gorilla. Tests
Show." Mr. Tinker was quoted as
saying. “What people have to
understand is that Jack had
never before seen another
animal. let alone another gorilla.
He‘s got a lot to learn." The truth
was that Jack. like many another
male who hangs about pickup
bars and Playboy Clubs. could
talk better than he could per-

The Arizona Republic
discussed the possibility of
hormone shots and aphrodisiacs.
and then sought to excuse Jack
by explaining he hadn‘t had the
benefits of sex education: “Any
human locked in a cage during
the formative years and through
puberty. without parents and
without examples. would
probably have difficulty in
becoming a parent."

'l‘hen Jack died. and Hazel was
a widow once more. On October
19. 1972. the fallen-and-failed
lover was encased in a fiberglass
tank with formaldehyde
preservative and then laid to rest
in the Arts Building at Arizona
State l'niversity at Tempe.

.\FTHB .\ decent interval—
they still observe such niceties
here— Hazel was back on the list
of this city’s eligibles. The
(iazelte called for someone to
procure “a virile young stud“ for
Hazel. and then reported that:

“The possibility of the Phoenix
Zoo showing a pornographic
movie to Hazel to stimulate

romantic inclinations has
prompted much conversation
around town

The London Zoo developed
the lilm «entitled ‘Wham Bang,
'l‘hank \‘ou Ma‘m‘ and running 30
seconds“with the idea of gorilla
see. gorilla do."

Next. the Republic ran a
headline saying: “Gorilla Will
Take 3rd Hubby.“ and announced
that Hazel was going to the San
Diego Zoo to practice group sex
or communal marriage or
polygamy with two females
named Alvila and Dolly and “a
tall. $l0,000. 44-pound fellow
called 'l‘rib." after the local
newspaper which donated him to
the Wild Animal Park.

.\ I..-\ST report was filed
specially for the Gazette from
('alifornia. “The gorilla
lovebirds“ of ”the headline love
affair of gorilladom“ were
"lovey-dovey.“ as the paper
informed its readers: ”Monkey
Business Just Fine With Hazel
and Her Friend."


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features







 Tornadoes sweep state
with mass destruction

(‘ontinued from page I.

I)ebris littered each yard and field as I
made my way to the heart of town. Two
women and a child watched a dozer con-
tinue the demolition of the Christian
(‘hurch. begun some 15 hours earlier by
two eerie funnels.

ONE OF these women, curlers in her
graying hair, walked with me for several
hundred yards.

“It's not so bad that it couldn‘t have been
worse. One hour earlier and the kids
would have still been in school." She
pointed her quivering right hand at the
elementary school which had few windows
remaining and the roof was on the first
tloor of the two-story structure.

“One hour later and we'd have all been
in church."Sheturnedonceagainto watch
the progress of the dozer.

"Il.\\'F YtIl' seen the trailer park?
Why you haven‘t seen anything until you
see it. It's a wonder no one was killed. but
they say one‘s missing (rumor. not fact.
and not substantiated by town officials),
I wish they'd lift that big blue trailer."

She hurried on while I turned around to
see the trailer park. No. I was told to
register with the people at the Forestry
Department building in the center of town.
I‘d return to the park.

Inside the Forestry Building.()wen
Robinson. ditrict forester. was briefing a
newsman from WKYT-TV. l was still
uneasy about interrupting the clean—up
operations. Rather than ask my own
questions I settled for his.

“The wreckage from the

barn roofs looked like for
out sculpting.”

"I (‘tIl'I.I) see it comin‘ over their
heads." Robinsons said of the first funnel
as it sneaked up on the family across the
street from his office.

"They was just standin‘ on the porch
watchin‘ the sky. Iyelled get in, and they
just barely did.

“We don't know of any fatalities,"
Robinson continued. ”If it had been dark
we sure might have had one."

ROBINSON SAID the first funnel hit the
townabout6:10p.m. “Onehitandwe went
through the center of it and then the other
hit. We got 99 to 100 per cent damage on
some of these homes." Personal injury
was limited though, mainly superficial
cuts and scrapes, he said.

What did he think of the clean-up

“The main thing we‘re trying to do now
is get our people in here to help people get
working. We‘re also kinda‘ waitin‘ for
these insurance people to get a look at all
damage before we start cleanin‘ up so we
can get good estimates."

IttIRINSON‘S TIME was up. his workers
needed him.

It was at this time that I noticed the
woman next to me with battered sandals
covering her feet. A man had given her a
pair of wet sneakers earlier and had just
returned with a dry pair of socks.

I‘ll never know why. but as I glanced
from her feet to her face I detected a slight

Those wet shoes were probably one of
her few possessions.

I (‘tINTINl'ED my journey, careful to
step high over downed wires. They had no

juice, but just the same I was careful.
As I entered the business district, the

echoing ofchain saws and the squeaking of
the tin from barn roofs wrapped around
trees, wires and utility poles were the only
sounds I heard.

The wreckage from the barn roofs
looked like far out sculpting.

But it was the noise that distracted me.
As the wind continued to blow, the tin
squeaked louder, like a iron gate which
needs oiling. Occasionally a piece would
free itself and drop to the ground. Even in
broad daylight I felt uneasy.

IN THE center of the business district
my nose picked up the odor of pesticides.
It was coming from the ruins of Murphy‘s
Farm and Feed Store, said Scott County
Judge Charlie Sutton.

“We don’t have any known fatalities,
just a lot of damage and rubble,” Sutton
said. It was Sutton who told me that only
Reynold‘s Grocery went undamaged by
the storm, Every other building lining
Main Street. the main drag and the only
real street in Stamping Ground. had at
least minimum damage.

“Governor Ford. I think. has already
flown over." Sutton continued. “Of
course. he put in the National Guard and
has offered any other assistance we might

“\I F‘R F l'NIHCR martial law and
there‘ll be a curfew at seven tonight.“ he

Bobby G. Vance, neatly outfitted in his
deputy sheriff‘s uniform. was keeping a
careful eye on the people. especially
sightseers and other-strangers, walking
the street.

Where will the people stay?

"WELL. LAST night they put them in
Scott County Junior High," Vance said. “I
expect they‘ll do the same thing tonight."

Are the citizens cooperating with efforts
to begin work?

“They‘re cooperating fine. everyone's
workin‘ hard," he said.

TIM-IRE WASN‘T much left on this end
of town so I began to walk back.

Remember that family that had the near
miss across from the forestry building?
Well, it looked as they made it by the skin
of their teeth and no more. The tornado
apparently came over the house from the
back. When it got to the front the winds
ripped the entire front wall from the

What was left reminded me of a doll
house one of my younger sisters had

several years ago. The front wall slid off
so she could place furniture easily inside.

PICTURES RI-IMAINl-ZD hanging from
the walls and in the kitchen Wednesday's
dinner was still on the table. In what used
to be the front corner of the living room a
small pup slept as though nothing had

Wow. that lady in curlers was right. I
hadn't seen anything until I reached the
trailer park. Only one mobile home
remained standing. even it had broken
windows and a slightly torn roof.

In the back of the park a backhoe was
lifting the roof of one trailer from its ruins
underneath. The trailer belonged to Ar-
nold Wise. I was afraid to talk to him
initially because he was totin' a pistol on
his hip. I‘m extremely afraid of guns.

“TIII'IRI‘I “AS silence and we saw what
was coming." Arnold said. explaining he
and his family were already outside of
their home.

THE KENTL'CKY KERNEL, Friday. April 5. 1974—3

“We didn‘t have no place to go. We saw
the clouds movin‘ in and just hit the
ground." The Arnolds hit the ground less
than It) feet from their trailer. They were

alsoabout IOfeetfrom their car which was .

on their other side.

“’I‘III-I (‘Ol'I’LE in that trailer (a big
one resting upside down on its roof) didn't
know what to do so they jumped in a closet
at the back. I swear the wind lifted it eight
feet off the ground but when everything
died down they just crawled out."

“A lot of waste.“ Arnold said as he
looked first at the damaged trailer park
and then to Main Street. “A lot of waste."

“The tornado missed the car but hit the
trailer." he said. “We came out with just a
couple of scratches from the metal flying
over our heads.

“We saw the clouds movin ’
in and just hit the ground. ”

I slowly made my way back to the car.
casually noticing fiberglass insulation that
had been ripped from its previous housing
and was now covering the wire farm
fences. It looked as though someone had
tried to stuff each frame of the fence with
flashy-pink cotton wads.

IIl'RING 'I‘IIIC HOT 20 mile drive from
Stamping Ground to Jett. a small com-
munity on the southern edge of Frankfort.
signs of destruction were everywhere. I
passed barn after barn with only a rib-
trame standing. In one farm yard l saw
leatherless chickens. some were dead.
others. I assume. were having as hard at
time adjusting to the environement as me.

One stretch ot houses along ['S Iligh-
way ttit) between Georgetwon and Frank-
tort was in almost as bad condition as
Stamping Ground

Fallen trees dotted the countryside.
They were everywhere-1m top of houses.
barns. cars and even each other. It was
weird just convincing myself this was all
real. .

.\S I GOT closer to Jett. the traffic
became heavier. most of it though: was
routed away [from thedisaster area. At the
National Guard checkpoint here. as in
Stamping Ground. it was my press card
that allowed me access.

Jett. on the right side of U.S.60 as you
enter Frankfort from Versailles. was in a
complete shambles.

Two men were leaving a church in a
pickup truck with a few items salvaged
from the destroyed interior. A brand new
church bus had been flipped on its side in
the parking lot.

NEXT DOOR. Gene Jacobs carlot lay in
ruins. The cars on the lot had received
damage and the showroom windows were
broken on all four sides.

The Jett-town Shopping Center. several
small shops under one roof. was also near
ruin. But the heaviest damage to the
community of Jett was found in the
remains of a mobile home park.

Six persons were injured here when the
tornado passed through Wednesday. Over
30 mobile homes were totaled or damaged
in the severe storm.

FRANKLIN (‘Ol'NTY Health Depart-
ment workers were busy in the trailer lot
administering tetanus shots to persons
who had been injured while sifting through
the debris.

Up the road from Jett. in the subdivision
of Tierra Linda. apartment buildings were
slightly damaged and stylish homes
leveled. At least one house was so severely
damaged almost nothing could be

Yet. and this is really hard to un-
derstand. in one end of the subdivision
several homes were hardly touched. The
twisters selection of victims was as spooky
as a game of Russian roulette.









I— THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. April 5. I974

it 04 131E933

For U. K. only:
Wildcat Pizza ' Spams" 0mm

0 Bacon
Only $3.33 - Ground Beef
and - Lexington's



0 Mangos

By (XIIUI. \Il‘\lit)l~‘,
Kernel Stall “rilel'

\i'heelwright. Kentucky. is in the far southern tip
ol I’loyd county. a distant hour and a half drive
from the county seat. Prestonsburg. At one time the
town was a prosperous coal camp. built and
managed by the Inland Steel t‘orporation.

\\'ith the decline of coal production in the early
1960‘s. the town‘s population decreased, houses
vacated. business. recreation and medical tacilties

Wheelwright was sold for $1.3 million to Mountain
Investment Company. which presently owns the gas
and electric companies and all but a tew housmg

Carry Out Draft Beer

”All ingredients fresh and baked on the hearth”

269-4668 or 2694213 2350 Woodhitl Center
behind Williamsburc. Sq. Apts.


Student Government

April 9-10

Check Monday's Kernel
for important
information on polling places





Bl 'I‘ 'l‘llli (‘tnnu'NlTY is being redeveloped
with the assistance of University Year in Action
il'\.\i student volunteers. Nine graduate and
undergraduate students with majors in political
science. social work. humanities and Speech work
\\ ith local city authorities to reinstitute health and
social services and recreational facilities in the

.\ library reopened a few weeks ago with 10.000
\ olumes. many donated by l' K students and staff. It
h-id been closed since 1965; the shelves in the
library. books intact. were boarded up with planks
and nails.

Prestonsburg has the only other library in Floyd
t'ounty \l'heelwright‘s. though. has usage.

"'I‘lllfi 'l‘tt\\\ IS blessed with enlightened city
leadership.“ said Tom Bhodenbaugh. (‘ollege of
Social Professions assistant professor and
\\heelwright project supervisor.

"We can offer support and technical assistance
through student volunteers but none of what our
l \ .\ people have done would have been possible
without the support and cooperation of local
people.” Ithodenbaugi‘i added.

“fit WINNER or


including 3551 PICTURE













3 00
..~ .. , __ 4 ._ . 510
“If STING as w W
”Hymn: ”MCI ”if arr». flaw”. ». on Lecture - Ralph Nader
. m ' .. ‘ 53""5" April to 18
DAVID S WARD , GEORGE ROY HILL Bluegrass Al‘lh 8- ('I‘IIIIS Idll
~.‘u‘~ April to

‘ .\lini

concert - Itean Scott Bevieu
April 17 19.

TONV Btu Gn<*‘v‘1i'“‘-‘AF, & at A Denies 5‘ w

nut-r sv'. . mun-irmmwvms

. .us. 'hhll»‘




7 » ... .

coffeehouse ti()\ II
I“ ”I nini CULA i U (Be sure IO see II from Apr” W
. v A. I 46 vetmmo ;: . . _ . . . .
IEG‘ __.,._ _‘ 2’ W‘ . _ _...,_. the beginning.) t oni ( it , Memphis Bluest aravan i Stoll l- H'Id‘
Com ing \pi‘tl .m
. . i - i s ~. -~ i --s
Cinderella Liberty liki ind rmtti But
4 ' 1km» . Ag n. aar



UYA volunteers help revitalize
east Kentucky coal community

\\ II I~Il£l.\\ ltlt ill'l"S population ranges from 4:30 to
{.30 and is increasing. Bhodenbaugh said. but the
town can support 2.000 persons. ‘

“So many coal towns have boomed and died. The
people in \l’heelwright want to see their town
reborn." he continued.

.\ sixibed hospital was deserted in 1965. But UYA
helped form a 20-member committee which is
working with the Floyd (‘ounty government to re-
establish it as a health clinic.

('.\I.l.l£l) 'I‘IIIC liet't Beaver Health and Social
Services ('linic. it will serve Wheelwright and
vicinity upon its completion, and Federal approval.

lthodenbaugh and Barbara llofer. UYA director.
announced seven one-year openings in Wheelwright
beginning this summer.

“The project offers a very total lifestyle. pills the
l \.\ isuals of lull time college credit. a living
.iliou,.iice. a stipend. travel i'xpctis":' a".(’ ine'!‘ 'al
‘nenetifsj' llofer said

APPLICATIONS ARE being accepted now at the
(iffice for Experiential Education. 303 Ad»
ministration Building. and interested students
should contact llofer there. or Rhodenbaugh at his
office. 673 Office Tower.

l‘. oposals tor 'he c Iming seasons in \‘l'heelwright
tocus oi. industrial and economic development.
inch 2mg i‘i-oi'giiiii/iit"~i‘ at 7.i\es and bimkkeeping
.\ tot ot solid buildings in the town. Bhodenbaugh
said. are perfect for light industry

“\l'e aren't moving General Electric or IBM into
\\ heelwright he continued. “But. tor example. we
are working on a Black Lung Educational Fund to
the population with \Vorkmen‘s (‘om-
pensation claims and to train lay advocates,"


Blltll)E\'B.\l'(ill ADMITS there is some local
resentment towards the student volunteer program.
“but the general attitude is very good."

“We are not imposing our very different lifestyle
on Wheelwright." he said. “We are there because
ihn ")‘.'.'."iS9€‘Sa \"QIIII‘ in UYA being thl‘P.“

\ll\ u .4“..- ..






Time now stands still,
and the beginning
of your life is the

Sunrise of tomorrow.

‘ "'//////'/,J/

, / .
(”W/#7 . .>:7€”//ai1/y//



FULLER &\/ r'iiniaR


.1 I IUCUD 3‘6-317A


J. lm‘fl‘ I {’1’ r (1)4.)‘Amlmiv
J t









Job market looks

bright for

Kernel Staff Writer

Engineering students have an
excellent future in the May job
market. while education majors
may have a rough time finding
work, according to Harry Jones.
Placement Service assistant

()verall. the job market looks
good. but there are heavy
demands for May graduates in
engineering. Jones said.

Demand for these students, he
said. is caused by a shortage of
engineers. "This goes back a few
years ago when we had this big
space scare that the aerospace
deal everybody said was on its
dying leg; now the hue and cry is
tor engineers." he explained.

“\\l-.'l.l. \l.\\.\\'S lind
merqualilied persons driving
ealis.' because maybe this is
\\ liat they \\ ant to do." Jones said
in relerenee to reports oi such
oeeuranees a lew years ago.

to explain the engineering
student shortage. Jones said
t'itl‘ilt‘l' publicity caused entering
lreshmen to disregard

”As- a result today. there is a
shortage law of supply and
demand What was true four or
ll\’(‘ years ago is not true today.
because ll