xt7jh98zcz2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98zcz2v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1983 1983 1983-03-08 2020 true xt7jh98zcz2v section xt7jh98zcz2v " I ’ ; . ' . I . '. I: ,I..I.II. VPI
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l t,
l . l ‘ i Harm-n
I l" ‘ It has been described as a nO-win situa:
' tion. And residence hall othcnals do
. I spit. the best of intentions cant lully
» prevent it because at one large obstacle ,._____.__ . a_
_‘A preludtce See pageS
Vol. LXXXV, No. l29 Tuesday, March 8, I983 An independent student newspaper Universny ot Kentucky Lexington Kentucky
Stumbo Sloane tell committee higher educat'o ' f' t
By lull-IS EDWIN ll \Bltls additional tiioney totinance it head and heart" what he will do \ cal researctt
Managing Editor "\\‘e're not able to pursue excel should he win the governorship. hut "Science is an extremely unpor
leitce with this system. Sloane said. said. "It would be political soictde to I tant part ot a umyersity \ltiatie
adding. however. that he did not say it unless the others Sloane and .- said ’lt does much to attract lead
. I know how he would tind the money ('olltnsi are in a torum where they. '1] "' ei‘shipandtalented pt‘tilesstit‘s
FRANKFUB'I' ltr (ii'ady Stunt , to raise higher education's it‘iper tiaretheirsoulstoo ” 5pm,“; said he \umitl stt‘l\t' to en-
ho and Louisville Mayor llarvey "xpg'P-fii‘ cent sltat'e ot the state‘s general He said ll such a torum (‘H't‘ was . , ate a situation similar to that ii
' Sloane yesterday told the l’rtchard .2! " q .. . tuiidicvenues held. he would "risk losing a tew \ “n ( North tat'olma where industry
9 ('ommittee tor Academic l‘Ixcellence y , Sloane said his philosophy during votes to tell people where you're ‘ ‘ ’ . plays an important part in research
T that its ttctoher tttttt report In Pur / . . . his two terms as the ltead ot' the going to come down 'l‘liat's the kind 5 k at Duke llllH'l‘sltI‘. arid the state
suit of Excellence is a landmark in f” g, state \ sectitttl largest government otcanduiatelhopetotie . . universities in Raleigh ain: t imp“:
advocating better education tor the . ‘4, , was to .‘t\ttttl raising taxes to pay tor the pair also said they support the “s" , ' Hit.l
state. l‘t'tttlt'i‘tttt‘. ittltl that he would not eight Dulilic universities research 1% Sloane .sp(‘(‘lllt‘;ill\ liilllit‘tl \ot'ti
The committee still is in (lttul)l. , lit , - ltil't'(‘.'isl how he will list the state's nnssions. oppose closing any ot the " " * erti Kentucky tinyersztu s t'ltase
however. atiout the thoughts ot Lt priorities until he revtewed the cur: state's law or medical schools atid Law School tn saying ‘ha' «ltisttlL’
(lov Martha Layne t‘ollins ('ollitis. rent hudget support a stricter hold on state ‘ protessional schools was untair to
who along with Stuttiho attd Sloane "l have not precluded making a moneytorindigent care those who have a need tot that gen
is campaigning tor the l)eniix-ratic ,- statement looking that way." Stum "While the colleges have been eralized education
nomination tor governor. skipped GRADY STUMIO ho said. noting that "very' tew ' Ken: more involved in some areas.' HARVEY SLOANE stumho said closing a inwticat
yesterday’s torum oit issues in high tuckians would support a ltt‘ttztd Stumho said. “husiness and technt dental or law school would cause
er education. and iii the prix-ess‘ dis "This business ot avoiding tliesc tiased tax increase cal colleges will have more ot a role would make available a portion ot Kentucky s rural int/ens .yonieii
pleased at least two t'niversitv Ulll' meetings doesnt speak well tor He said he would rather tinance to play in the t'uture Research is that ttitid to match grants provided and minorities to sutter and added
cials. her. (‘onstance Wilson. protessor ot higher education by making it the a public and private endeavor with hy'industry' he did not hehexe the state would
“How long do you think she can social work and a member ot t l\ s state's primary concern. then shift: out question. we have to have more "We haven't done enough with gainany'thmg by it
keep doing this without hurting tier Boardot :l‘TUSlH'sSilltl iiig tip to $3“ tiiillioti to its allocation basic as well as applied research on lttllll ventures. he said. noting that .stumtio said the state iiiiist ac
chances“ .:\rt (tallaher. iiiatii catii (‘olhns ahseiice did ttot deter .\ possitite tax increase in the 1986-88 the campuses " the agreement struck last year lK‘ knowledge its r(‘\thll‘llillil\ a, pro
pus chancellor. asked Al Smith. one .s‘loane or .s'tuniho trout saying tneg. ltlt‘ttllltttt] ttttL‘ltl he his last step, Stitmho said he would seek to tween the l'mversity oi Louisville \‘tdc indigent care tiu' 't:a' Ke':
ot several members oi the t'ouncil place a top priority on higher educa though he said he was not com: commit a source ot money tor all aiid llumana Inc to operate [is tucky, tiecause ot the ‘ransi',oi. ;:.
oti Higher lidttcation present at the ttoti. although neither said they nitttwltothat eight universities to use iii twitti in t'mcei-cuy “05pm“ created an at, the crate; economy may not we...
meetint.l would raise taxes to make avatlatile He said he knows “in my own applied atid hastc research. attd solutcly tertile ground tor tiioniedi See CANDIDAYES.ooge3
‘ S b I ' U S
. _ .3 3:. .. enator e [9 V88 . .
3 \V _, 531% ’9‘ fit! .‘39- ’ . ' .. .
,.1: ,4, .a s . It. 3., *I 2.32:“ $9. ‘. 3 II cI-H ::.Q* XI . I‘ II -.. g
. . . . . ...;,:».. -» s - e . = '* - " .. r as OSCOW IX a la"
3 -, 9% .3 ;, its 353. " 3 t a? ' is“; R " . as " -* L
5.. . i :I. it; . . - . - .. a! . .. . s M 3 -‘ :1 [5‘ Huh \‘(NKl'lll commitment to r::,t:;'ar~. power has
.. ‘ ‘fi L‘ 5‘: “r g? .. V . :~ ,5 9? t *1. :1. x ' ~ - . g. I ‘ 3 _§ 3 3 § 3' 3 , x; ' \t'itt Wm“. ' caused a decrease .i 't.c stri rig'r, o:
i a». '3"; . X .‘ '- I‘I ' '."- é K ' ' .. .» $.,; “‘3 '. . _ y is”: the North Atlantic lt‘ea'y 'traana'a
l x P ”Let“ mi .. é .?.-' i.‘ - .. -. _-. ' "-..- - m 3. lion "l'lte .\ \ltt aiiia'ice =_s 1:. 'he
; “8* , .‘ $§€ I. s . ’ ., - » ’ ‘ ’ ’ " ' ‘ worst shape 1’ s tieei :3 \ifrt't' i' s :r‘
l ; fl . «matte-w». .- , . . " ~~ it ' _ = . ;. x '3. ; . ; , .. ‘ . it 'ri v _ at
t ' . R I I, _ ' -- ‘ . . .I" ;‘ t 5 Senator Joseph lt Biden Ittptttttt. h: I‘I‘IH' ".“LI ' ”If
' 3 'cc. ; . » _ * ; . II : , . , . , s t - ‘I I), ,3 . .1
. .3 ~ ' ,. ~. . . .' '- . ; 3o:- _ ~ § ' . : quoted \oltaire last night iii a argt part m ‘ ( "“ f" H‘ h” '
. M ,3 »~ ".3." -- ’ ‘ ’ ‘=~= ’ .. ' ‘ 1*“ - ,- . .5 . - 2 . , t' . g t. i“ ’7‘. s‘ ‘t" i-' :1
l 4 “Mg “it . I . . ., 3. ,.. . , .. : _; , i . DWI speech on I ,\ toreign polic\ lt txahr llllf; no longti i iii to
- - , ' I lV‘l‘ ii-.\‘i i \ t.
we tielieve lt‘. absurdities. we will (r; 1h) Inn“ . d .‘J I'M" '1
, 3 \t‘ -‘ . ia' . s'. -,s i...»
commitatrocities \ (t H u [I H “I '
Biden. the secondmnktng Demo (””19qu m” ‘ “ l‘ “‘L"
crat on both the Senate Foreign Be ““10“ WW“: W ”Wood” " ‘i'
' "” “we: .3... _. -. lations t'omntittee and the .\enate WE“ “Ut' "WW-'3 l“ * '~ ‘thylmtutfi
. ‘ Intelligence ('ommittee said he Mt‘t‘rtt'éttts erec’ \ 1;:Y‘L‘t‘ stL'i:
" I I mm]... 1‘ 5' Wm... may...“ thaw“. posts :ogindi as .t. ion .g. ;» ,1. .
. . w _IM' ‘ 1° s. _ ‘ »~ : tita lot ot absurdities Ti“. 3”... \._-,I .i . .I 1 “I \.. I...
. a: . ._ . ..>‘w"" , . Ille discussed "New Directions it: tttt't‘. to mom... ;.c ”an. limo
~ __ . . I. . - ““3“!”an . «a M II “I w‘“ I-I I“ l‘tll‘t‘lflll l’tlllf) Ht (1 ,‘pt’t‘t'll >l)ttl‘i ’sdltl '“t‘ lllllV' \[13-(1 it”. grim; 17’\
y » ~ 3* 3;; - *‘Q.&%* ‘ "3°“ M. _ ,I I ° ‘I~ sored hy the Mudent (imeriinient “m, m. learned ”at” i. ;, ':.a::.
a : 3 , 3w m «s. a m , . w. gum-35'; ”NW a an”- * . .f w '\'\"'Kll‘”mn 1” 3““ “Wk”: ‘ (“titt‘l' lltt' ttitttittts 4i! the _'\ttll‘: V... i-\;n-.".
. -c Q! _ ,. .v w ' . 3. it a. . ‘ A T ”M v v
*“ . ' > . W' ‘ 3‘?” ”W3 ”9* c. ”N "1...... ml. \ l «are 3;" ' "(1mm)” encc changes and itianues an".
l , M *w-s: . , m2“ 3 W. “‘: I; * *9?“ Ed". . :3 * , w» Btdett said the Reagan administra ”MM... It. ’tie\ ; {1.} out”
s w. ~ .... ., a-” I“ 3... . u. \ . w». I“ tioii has an untoundcd llVélltttl‘i on along Imp; gay-(ow. 3...; . i, ., «ac
g“. m ~r~ - -: " 3 s- " m ,. . c . ‘
, 3. '- ‘ c a m .0 .. ,, ~. 3:, I“; - .. w . w»: _. Moscow as \inettca s ntatot ait aitap' i., mw- '13.... .iuh‘d... t1.
1 _ ..._' 4.... ’ c ~-~ ) m '-- s ' ‘ ,, "“ .-, r < \ersary Policy makers also regard “in;
. .. .,. _ . _ .3 . 3 _M . ; ; . _ ;
V . ., ,._ Ittlllldt‘. )t)\\(‘l as the ma it n a , .,
’ 7' ,_-«. : » fl, \. a 3 3 ’ , ‘ l H H ”h ltie second sign slitttltil sat \i:
5 MM W- s- . - > i ‘y ' {3 o ' ' o ”- "l ltttt‘tgtt lwl1(',\~h" ‘1“(1 . . . i , .. .
c ‘ a - ’ t ‘ ' ‘ returii 'o he (at. war Aatioi
.. a; : ”m 3 , . . W; . \ - . u- Biden thinks these two ideas have . I 'l'h I t . i
. ~ . ; .M-fi“; ‘ 3 sr- 4.. \ 'l‘i \ ‘tz‘n i’..:'t “if ..‘.i
. . .. 15"“ ; _ W ‘ - . ’ I 1 caused mator protilenisin world ’l I I L IL: ll , L
; . m - ,. ' . tt' i. ‘i‘.."i‘.'! so: otter;
“ . , ~ .. $ .. lhe administration regards ten ll ltl ‘Mkp \l 11' II it, .I N L .,
. ' w .., 3; ... 3. iv .» g.“ I l3 i v t IIi .A:Ll 't.' I~.
. "'“"‘ _ a «'0? I -' . «A " ‘ trat \merica as “a scene tor a \ i Q l H’ 't ,. I
' _ .. (r . ; \ ' , _ . . l‘Ntb. ttt"ltt'\t‘at'_‘oiii ti.1e.’ mat
. fi‘w maioi slttl‘tptmet‘ contlict. he said
I?! a . - «w... . ~ 'But I can tell you as a niemtier ot The most ill‘iltttl".i" goa ,~ \ruer'
5 _ . *3 . ‘ " the Intelligence t'omnnttee tlia' :ia s lttt’t‘IL‘l‘, putcx "J" ;.: ’~ '-
' o ‘ there is no direct evidence tit .\o\ie7 work ott‘ soiiie agree .‘T.i'.".‘s ,vf‘: 'ta
t intern-ntion iii t'entral -\nicr:ca 'l'o \tt'iit” tenor. tic \1 : itii s ign-
sol m ' "‘°'“""°°“ "‘"“‘ "n" say so damages our (‘l't‘tllltlll". a". riiost oiiiinous ttit’ea‘ 't,.i‘ 'aii-s "a"
q es tliet‘egion kznd is the tities' or i' ea: \..
’(iet ready to go. tellows he toot \uclear' war is com; u i n: .:Y'~i ‘
Jim H0”: chemical engineering iunior. and Down Sandefur. into Jacobson Lake recently. Hall is a member of Alpha :1_'I‘II“::1I‘II‘IYItIKI‘tI‘itIIIaItioiIitIiiiIi ‘\IoiIi ttnnk may \eIry IweiI. u war- as a resia'
- . . 3 i , . . \ (i "i 'i\.‘ii . ll‘il\". l ‘.'i‘ 'i'i'i'l \ "' "'itt.".~
chemistry sophomore, relaxed after casting fishing lines Gamma Rho and Sandefur is a member of Chi Omega. k I , ,l l ‘1 “P H H 1 1L, (. _ ' . ‘.
pensml.atin.-\metica and intscaaaa or H. mm. m
Biden said the administration s spond
I f o I I m
. Pro essmna courtesy may compensate .
univer5tty. ,
M d c h Sh. I ESD The 'Quest for Excellence" campaign has I
- 'n t ' t t th 9 3
8 enter ouse Sta“ loses Blue '9 d FromAssocIatedProssroports bee“ “9 p'.°7‘”'”95°9°‘ °' 9 ”5 "9°" .
and U of L ottimals already have been knock- .
_ n I "I \\l I u )\ receive what is calIled Iprotessiona: tIroutIMurtI‘ay B ( laIrk. the hospitalds mg on doors seeking contributions. .
y (‘ ' " t-I s‘t courtesy. a pt‘ac ice oweti sait iit‘ec or o itiaiicia services. rea s . ‘ '
-. . . ~ L PfeSI nt n l w in said at k ck- ‘i
SOHItit‘Slltll \triter "goes hack hundreds ot years It that state employees will get a new RUIOS relaxed on surveillance U de Do a d S a a ' 3
means that lllc' Medical ('enter will contract trotn Blue (‘ross Blue 0” ceremony that more than SlO million of f
ptoytdc cart. including paymint ot shuld dtopping uitain specitic hen WASHINGTON _ Attorney General William the goal has been pledged by a varte y of l
physicians tees. to hotise .statt etits they had received . . corporations, foundations and indiwduals ‘
.. . . , 3. ‘ t , t h. . , l _ ,, French Smith relaxed the rules governing FBI _ |
the eldeily and the pooi .tltlll tnemxis an( t (It taint us ttat 't WW“ to get a “mm". mem: . _ The universny hopes to collect half of the
i - . . . . .y . , _ . surveillance of domestic groups that advo- , . l
thc only \ntnns ot iutnt nation ionic icrc .ndnaum m ,n toeight months that . I goal $20mtllion by June 30 I
wtciecuts iti niedtcal lienetits .-\t the Mary Buckner. it “MW" ("'“lt‘l' will do the same tor hospital ent cate socnal change ""0th Violence. Th n' ’1 t 1 n 1 l t [| f l
, r
t l\ Medical ( enter. house statt phy resident physician who requested pimp... t'owensaid The new rules, announced yesterday re- 1h e U tveIIS| YI P ans d0 I veds I: mo: 0 CI !
y . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ' . . . emone i raises an sen eineres‘t f
In}; “El“htdmu \Hll(ltl”\(l\'(llltl)l m“: 'Tlhludlgfnhnsgu ,de light!“ Buckner said members ot the Place gutdelines issued by Attorney General receives ylnvestors s allp se a to ercent l
‘ 'l_. if (‘. ‘(. ‘l ‘ K" .51 ‘5 .. . . _
"U 1] [m thTl m “I p“ “I It”). L :1 .. ok l“. 'ri house statt are investigating their Edward Lew in 1976, which were deSIgned to U U y U p 1
. . . _ . .‘ .3; L . . . f - I- . - | l - I * ‘ ,
not its par o tin i ivti tLt stona (tu ( 3y I a .l c c mm alternatives through the Ameri curb a series of abuses b the FBI uncovered figure when calculating income on endow
the Medical 1 enters tttttce ot tieing torced to do things at the t m _ _ ; , ; . Y -
. Lat: Medical x\.\sttctdt|0tt. and ate b . l . ments which means UL it it collects the
(linical .-\ttatr.s will drop Bltie versity that we could have done tiet ”ttt‘L‘Itll'tllltfi “MI the clinic'tl ycongressmna committees. l Id h b t S ll t l
Shield. which pays doctors tees tor tersomewhereelse " "mm toch'tngethedecisutn The committees lound that during the goo wou ave a O” 4 m' Ion more 0 l
those it insures. tor house statt phy Because otilv house statt physi ' ‘ h : : ; spend EOCh year than It CurrentlY hos '
; - ~ , ‘t't . t . ,M 't 1 . .t. 19605 and early 19705 t e FBI infiltrated anti I
sictans. according to a Medical ( en cians. atid not support service work “ ‘ M“ ”l“~ It!“ 0* t" “it t V' t W . ‘l _ ht nd |
ter tiewsletter ers such as lat) technicians. were at 1“““'~'”“‘ -”“l “”1”“ that “l” “"31““ '9 nam or groups cm “9 5 groups a l
"House statt' reters to physicians tected by cuts. Buckner thiitks the 11““ “4” ‘~"”"‘“'l- I‘MH‘" 51“" the womens liberation movement. conducted \ ‘I
who are either llllt‘l'lls or residents Medical ('ettter untairly singlml “(‘«tll‘V't'UHt l tlt’ttl élnllt'llm‘“ illegal break-ins and tried to disrupt such or- I
who have not been “tioardedj or them out to he dropped troni cmet' ”Ml" “”1”“: " ““5 to l1"! coverage ganizations and undermine their leaders in- l
prottered an otttcial title. such as age that ‘ “”-‘ NH” ”1“” ”19‘"? get cluding Martin LutherKinng —_ t
"doctor ot thoracic surgery ' 'l'hey ('owen said house stat't medical “ms"“W”t'tt'lltttrt'tll‘W‘." 5 th d the ne 'del n s for nvesti l
. . I W I l l '
are equivalent to 'ixistgi';tilti.'ite coverage was "a gitt trom the tnedt My main concern is that gm“ Im' 5° 9” 9 i
trainees " cal skill to begin with The medical ”Wm-c “Hm come here n tht‘.‘ m” 90""9 domestic security and domestic terror-
ltr David t‘owen. associate dealt stall provides to them. tree iii “a lietter twnomg sottiewliere (.1va ism cases. which take effect March 2t. will
tor clinical attatrs at the Medical charge. fees for licenses. parking Bucktier sum "Benetits are very clarity the standards governing these Investi-
ppm". sglltl the cost ot insuring permits and medical insurance Important tor people looking tor a gations
house .statt physicians had “risen through a tax they imposed on them titlt It wil| (hm. m0 Medical H.“
over 401) percent during the last two selves and (me that IS imposed by tet' ttttottteiltttcrtty '
vears " the deati otthet'ollege ot' Medicine . .. . _ , .
- _, (owen disagreed \\e teel we still UL t." f “d i d
t ' " i a '. tt' '\ t- " . .' 't“ ot to _. . 8 "lg u 48'." "V.
Tht (liniial \tt ms tineI ii Tht cost of the insuratu g . haye “I“, hem-tits m, said arm“. 9 Mostly cloudy today "m, o 30 percent
said. looked at every alternauve the point where it could no longet he or tour uniyersity medic'tl ”INN“ h ' h nd o M h In tho mld
available to replace Blue ('ross Bltte a gut tothe house statt as a group ’ l- e cont tcted ' give phvslci ins ttill LOUISVILLE Universny at Louisville 0”,. ¢ 5"" o"; 0W." ' 9
‘ t . t ‘ 3. ' .. ‘- - o .tatt ‘ ‘ -' “ . tau or I.
Shfl‘ld. hu non: w is totiiid that w is (owtn said othcr h ust s coyerage In“, ”w”. “mum‘s the op 00's lined up a band and inllated hundreds PP I
“in any way equal to the coyerage workers were never covered as ttilly tiouot ltll\llt ‘ll , t d d h't b It t l t d Cloudy and coolor tonlghf with o ow
they were getting." he said as physicians. and so were not the - l“ 0 re on w ' e o .oons ° ivenIyes or ”V 5 In g... '0" 30,.
- . ., . . . . . . .. .- «i 1' - . ti-. ~- ‘ v' t 4 milli n fiv- r n :r tin
(owen said house .statt physicians mayor monetary hurdui Hit} A“ omit sttd IttIMediiaI tenttt .s star ol 0 5 0 0 e yea U d 0 5 9 Mostly cloudy and ‘00. tomorrow "l”. l
would continue to receive Blue ( ross covered under the Employee Bette policy is supeiioi to one such as drive.
'overa e which )‘l\\ tor tios ital‘ fitsl’l'in bvthel'niversitv that especially tor tamilies who are 0"“.th "W'OV' '0 MM ‘0'-
( til. lu- . ~P . - .‘ . ~ . -I The short is the largest such campaign
lation and mayor medical tees "Every segment of the population willing to tie tieatul there It I had nd rtaken b Kent ck colle e or
Additionally. it they go to the Med is experiencing reductions." ('owen totiiid .t hetter way. we would have "9' U 9 Y 0 U Y 9
; ical Center. house staff doctors will said A memorandum he receieved gonethat better way "he said
‘ 1 I ~ ' H ‘ H

 n - . . . I". 5 i
‘ . ls,‘ N‘s . “
Kc"? i)” el
out hold-n Andi-w own John oumn Midi" Inn-non Unl s. runs. up. VInNoou Dun elm“! l
kdiiai oi \h st Newsldtioi Aihld-iai Spot" Edito' SpumlPioI-(u Edina Phoiukduoi Graphitsfduov
1...... Ida!" mm. I-rb-v- Mc- swo- am a. we“... 1:. 0- MO'Io-v um. Mllllon Ion v... Nooll cm. A... ;
Mimugmqiit mi t W mitt 'ei AumamAiu Editor AllutaMSponu Editor Spuiqi p10..\'\ Anniaot thioit’hmggiophm . c, i... .i ‘ .-
W ___—I'— .
n.-. _.-_-., _. I
- l
7" T
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i t l w..
Involvement In El Salvador ,, . 2 , AND HERE 3 some TREAT;
I n] E
invites Vietnam comparison / I R W: A GOOD BOY
( 4 . TROUBLE!
"Police and thieves in the streets. oh yeah tween the guerrillas and the Salvadoran gov- i ‘ 9-
Tearing itpihentition with their eriinient. despite the support of the rebels. ,2 I “4
Guns and ammunition" numerous church groups (including the pope §t ' f t
himselit and the government for negotia- / F I x I
.lr Murvin. "Police and Thieves" tions it is clear. though as vet unstated bv -. U/ 94.. E l
. i .' . . ‘ ’ . ‘ \/ 5
any current or iormer administration oiiicial \ t)" , I , i4. it
i ., it hi 12 l' h" "ll 9M .
iiit llaii... tiat t c on y so ution t (y wi . q. W33? .‘
The intention oi the guerrilla iorces in El countenance is the total elimination of the ‘9 -- .. i .2. fl :5. ‘ A‘ _ ’ ‘M :1 I
t .. t i ~55}?! ‘- -,~ i. t
balvador is solely to “tear up the nation. oppositionioi‘ces. E W ’2 § 0» I :77/ ‘; {‘1 \ '5 .1516 ‘5‘ l
. ~ ‘ . ~ . ' . . . ;- , . ~ '-, in: t
Secretary oi State t.eorge Schultz told a It would seem the guerrillas aren t the 6 y, t . i ' , l - «i by" E 1‘ .t'" l
House subcommitteelast week otily ones who want to “tear up the nation." \ 3" 9% / jl. , ‘" "Wé'és‘t‘ “ t ”it; 'i l
. . .‘ ‘ s, ,. ., . ‘ ' z \ F’ ll . "i' d ‘1' ‘i. :\'\‘y‘ “ i]

But his siibstqutiit itqiicst hit an additio . I gAl/Ml a 4/ 1 .. ‘ .3 “the” t ‘ \‘A \t ' l l
nal $60 million in aid to that country to be [3 She, 0" IS" tShe? {'1’ {try , ’ —/ s . 71...“... - Fl; lii'i'li‘ 'f h ”at 3.“ It i n .3
used tor war iiiateriels stands iii odd con . j ”5%" '” § 4. ' ‘ . Wllé’llll‘lll‘“\ "’tiz‘t i ,1“ \‘fi‘lkyg‘l {Kiting ; l

.. . . . , s . . . . v “ A ,, t ‘. I ‘s .": "t-‘.‘- tr.- ._.\ .
trast with his statement. as does President Ahead) ”11> week. U- GOV Martha 14‘5’19 .\ “143. f" s ‘4' (I ’ \ twig 2p“ “(Mutt £th "Tim; 6- tméi B‘ ~33 l
Reagan's announcement the same day tiiat ( tillltts has Sklppt‘d IWO major iorums l0! gU- \\\“‘s‘\s~\\\\_\i .- i / <\\\\ "' 3713?: “333* may” ‘- "t' ‘ ' l
he plans to increase the number oi l' S ad ltct‘iiatot‘ial candidates ~r a meeting 0' 3 l lyi/ ' > 's. 3 W?" l "w // , . .- l
“591.5 there state organization for civil engineers Sunday W l ' q x //i.. 4 3'.- ; V4 " .
. . , c , . K - ' / i
Calling to mind the supposedly longdead and a meeting oi the Prichard Lommitte ior f 2. Q " £°§‘// fif- ./. (5/ l
"domino theory ‘ that embroiled t' S iol‘ces .‘icaideiiiic Excellence yesterday. ' //"1 ‘ . ‘1 4.447.; s l
’ , s . ‘ . ‘ ' 1 i I . ‘ - . 7’ 6 r '
in Korea and \ietnam at the cost oi thou riiitheimoi e. she has cancelled a sheduled lit /, .t l "1.34%; If) s
. . . i y . :’ g \ O .,
sands oi American lives. they argue that the lecture at the Lexmgton Technical Institute a » -_- \i ‘I ‘ V t v (f, {7%. 4,- '1 g l
i'all oi El Salvador would mean the spread oi tomorrow and reiused to make any comment it ““{litly ll ‘5 ll ‘ “ t . . 2. / \i. ‘ gw; ;
communism or in the words of iornier to the press about her political aspirations bill il ‘/, “ ’ ‘ .. ”WA/x ‘s‘ /)Z.\Q,ézf. ' 1
. . .. . . v "' ."i ‘ ‘ I .‘ , g f /’2 ‘ 1,35.
Secretary oi State .»\I llaig. the "red threat when she accepted an award irom the (01- i - Viv ‘2.“ l ) l WOMF' c.‘ :7 5%“.32 l
. . . . t . .. n i's-"* 7-. .'.-.~,
— throughout the \\estern hemisphere iege ot Home hconomics here Ii riday. ’ \ ___ _ gm/Z‘éu/l l figmif/I’ Wlf 1km} ‘

It is the same logic they have used repeat Is she running ior governor. or yust run- 1 v- .-_ _f- ‘1:w_ t- ‘9 2 2 ~ ‘ . . -_- at“:
edly to shoot down any proposal oi talks be tiinL‘” ‘ .7 ' “ .. _ _\ -' '
0 t. I Tt 'detre" ElSlad ' kd

l-‘itteen years ago this week iii the 'ioi: is making .iz. .ili oii' i-tfiii‘l 2.. dle on that country. [)odd insists. goyerniiient otticials oi planning pt‘estdent. privately Opposed to MX iorehand by aiiillcoiiiiiiittwyote
atterinaih ii: the it-i .iin-nsite at." so: giigiioi; 1i: Min-runny mil lawmakers tiiust determine whether meetings with two important l’aiia missile deployment. among other
newly appointed lit-tense Secretary .tary .twl and more or. st't‘s ior the $1 billion they ~y'e spent so iar niaiiiaii National thiard garrison policies 0 ,
t‘lark t‘littord began t‘et remit): the eiiitia'ded sal' _tdoran goiern has brought Salvadorans any closer commanders Mondale has often said he couldn't .
America sinyoiyemeii? iii \ Ii'lllldlt‘i iiieii' toix-aceaiid prosperity l’atiama’s goverliiiient has oppose the Vietnam War as a sch l' 5 intelligence agents ”mt mm. ,'

1 tirst asked in.- Joint thiets oi \Hiile the administration has a charged .\iiibas.sador Briggs with ator because it would have upset his “Wm ”H. 1”,. (,i a kt'.‘ Amway“, ;
Stall how much more tizoiiey they ! tew tricks at its disposal '1! could provoking conspiratorial policies liietitor.lliibertll Humphrey ally :\(‘(‘t)l‘(llllL‘. h, d Madrid daily, 4
thought wed haye to spend to tiring m ‘~ GLEN "raise the emergency funds that are dangerous to the country s [.3] I...” l’ 5 intelligence “Hm.” ;
this matter to a conclusion t ii: .- ‘ through procedural means that re» secriiiiy _ others inside l’aiiama . “ppm “n “WWW” King “mm” II ‘
iord recalled in _iitzriteryiew , H , ' and (iiiire. at most. congressional com» li.i\i-c;illedlot hisi‘eiiioy'.‘ilas well recently that one ct his generals 1

”i then asked lf‘ll‘ii'y d noticed any ._ SHEARER mittee approval t. a monthrto-month \hmed [mm “a. pigmmm I. “,1”, ‘
change in the wit: ot 'he enemy to ‘ _, policy ior lul Salyador will only as Rep Tom (‘oi'corcan titrlll . ttiay detat 1
carry out their striiggie and now slll‘t'llt‘illt‘d(lt‘lh’llt‘oli('ilpllilllllll . soon have teyy li'iends leit iii ('oii nip ”"W‘l’i'lm' (vimipmig ”My
muchtime it woiiid'ake tocoiiyiiite Ronald Reagan may tear lttl'lL'll gress llllllll was ~.-iimiii..ifli in, H‘issiill '

I - 1m t , ; :tniite izi 'tll‘ v.. ... .. . ,.. , . H ‘ttll tre ,‘iint' r ‘.Il'l 't ) . ‘t .. . . ..,\ i
:72!an ’ (”l ti" . l, .. ‘ Q 1"“ k1" 1“" "‘ ' " " ""‘*"‘ "" ( $3713 .11. ”at, hm il"(]~ml,.],h llie 42-yearrold ttirnibelter intro “f“ ”I “"l‘ “4“

A. km} J”‘“t.\ .l( at tlt ii Mott: s.iii-s oi 'llt'.i‘\|t‘ mi tiliL‘l'!‘\\ [“1“ U H smilitl 1" “m UHKHN‘ ‘ _ ‘ (“flied nglslmum ltiSl Week to (‘lllitl lllt‘ Mill'ot'tilli goiel'ltltit’tit l‘itpot‘l
loday 'he l lll't'tl states lllltls :' agree on nonrniilitary alternatives in l-.t tii l‘l'l’l n2 i- V _. [UM ' ._ tn p. \ i] l (at only that [mini iimi in ..ii .iiiio _

sell at the crossroads oi another t‘i‘.‘.l ttiit' ol ‘heri. \t‘i'. t'iiiistophei- l‘Il Salvador. the more easily i\lll(‘l‘l Presidential hopetiil “alter .\lon' ill): I m. (i ( ”in”? »i it. f , 8. mobileaccident

itary adventure this 'lll'ii' ii: iii ltiNlil ltt ’tlili ilttllli'\ a country ca \yillget out oi itsmess' dale spent his lost oilicial week on “11%,?“ [:1 “wi‘n‘ytdf; I‘lllmf j"
Salyador But 'here seems to be at litltfilctied with i"ll"l.ll rig ati'oci‘ies l’oot'iote Meanwhile. the l'iiited the litttt campaign trail trying [Hills 4an iaye M.” f1 (a t‘ M k” ”7 Mutant; (“ii-o no.1 (unit. si;.r.,,.., 5!
least one distressing iiiiiereiiet- \o against hiiiiiah'; _i iorriip' ill\ltl('il States may soon have its hands tull sociate hiniseli ii'oin his old boss. ( a H" campaigns (1... puhm” 5...“, “pm,” n.1,...“
ttnf‘ ”t Ritnitltl Ht'dts’d" ‘ it'l‘ll‘i'" E‘ ”“11“!" 4”” “WNW” th'tttttttt' t‘i' llll’nlldlliil .liiiiiiiy "artei' Moreover. t'orcorans bill would columnists i
asking the Kinds oi Illlt‘\littll\ I'Ht toriiis i'.il: reiiixeiiate ,tsel: polit l'S .-\iiibassador f:\‘(-[‘(i[[ Briggs .\loiidales been telling potetitial require any ioreigii travel by law f:
lord asked Instead the .itiiniiiastra i'illl\ l’it'tot'“ 'lt‘HH'ttt: Att't'ltt‘t Wit and his staii have been accused by ioiitrihiitois that lie was. as a vice makers or aides to be approved be ““1 """"“""t""“ "“ 3
D ' '1‘ SGIf worth kee S Afr 'can f. ht. f ' ' l
l "I "'
g y, , p . l 8 [9 mg OIIUSIICG i‘i

lve met a young woman this year were a minority Yet the white white ” lamsickened to take cart- ot a white womans tour times since 1981 and hasn't I‘ll'tnlnis‘\\itlt‘t'
who has moi ed me She has opened south :\ll“.y£ill> tan: claim that llc \ bit oi background This is the baby and lcayc their own babies unv been charged or ('()n\']('[(~d oi “ny- oi» She has been banned since loot
my eyes '1) a pair and agony so vast spite this nuiiiei‘icai unbalance. result oi a white policy known as ittlt'tttli'd at home The} are ollen iense winch means she can attend no
that I can tiareiy comprehend it My they ll tell you their country is lull apartheid What is apartheid" it is a made to sleep at their eiiiployei"s What causes these people to stir gatherings meaning more than two
friend \aom: istroiiiSoutii,\tr:ca oi ethnic minorities and that we lib word that literally means to keep home and only see their own cliil \'l\'(' and to continue to light against people . can not leaye her home at l

Naomi is a woman ot iiiaiiy tai eiais ii; 'he \\est oiiiy ,niagtiie apart or separate atid is a white no- dren tora tew hours iii tlieey‘ening such odds" A beliet in their own dig night or on weekends even to attend l
ents gm. me mils, , ”MM- ”1 :iM-t..cdiii..(-ki~.-..,_iiii~ziy tioh that blacks should be "kept" When strong black men and iiity and sell worth. a beliei that re church. and can not speak publicly l
French and political science and is ___—_— apart irom white iolks and should be women. eyeii children. stand up tor gardless oi a minority oi whites in or be published Still this woman
looking torward to .i :iiaster s ill di given not only second~class cit their rights and call tor a new South power. the blacks oi South i-\lrica lights She has started the town‘s
plomacy at l'lx' \a-tllii in ad her ta Lesley i/enshipbut barely any rightsatall Airica. a ilt'liitx'l'dt‘y with majority are still a people to be reckoned tirst clinic and t’SlultllSllHl a garden '
pability shines tar aboye me and yet ABUKHATER Blacks are iorced to work in serv rule. they are imprisoned. tortured. with iiig project which means that now .
she is denied more thar. halt the ice _iobs serving guess who" Whites and somt times killed ttiit ot littt ex let me add one iiiial telling examr every black home in her town has a ~
rights I tiaye ii: tier own country ————-—— They are paid barely enough to live eclitions Ht 198“. ”ii were black :\lt‘| ple oi the kind oi courage my lriend garden, a necessity in a country ‘
and it isn i that way tor all South -\i I suppose l titllltl ye let this go on on. atid when they iorih unions to cans and M were members oi mixed Naomi inherited, The wife oi impris- laced withincreasing malnutrition l
ricans only tor those like \aomi noticed beiore l iiie' \aonii and protest or negotiate tor higher racecalled"eoloiireds " oned National African (‘ongress For Winnie Mandela it is a matter
whoare born black Hm“, “it. d n 72.1., .,, ‘1‘”. H”, wages. there is no ”m. in hear them Please doiit assume this is pun leader Nelson Mandela. who has oi survival. spiritual and physical ‘

The situation in racist South \lri now that l know lit'l l iaii‘ sit still They are quickly imprisoned and ishiiieiit ior such heinous crimes as only shared a total oi four months survival And ior me. an itimerican }
ca. put simply is that millions oi any longer And when l it-ad shot down murder or rape it'2s ior such with her husband in their over twen- white with all the rights and com ;
blacks are \isibly oppressed and s'atenieiits sui i. as his lhe dii Black iamily life is under extreme human actiiities as standing up tor ly‘ years oi marriage. has herseli t'orts citizenship brings. it is a mat- :
condemned to an intolerable exis teretiic 2:. tot“! iiie.iiiiiig between pressures Husbands are iorced to what you believe iii Zwelakhe Sisti- been under arrest or banned hall oi ter oi not being able to sleep with
tence by mere-thousandsoi a hiii-s that k and white is merely the phys work as common laborers hundreds h. an :\llillt‘.\l_\ International prison her life She has suiiered llnpl'lStlnr iiiy'seli at night ii I don‘t at least t

Numerically speaking this is hard it .i. tiiaiiztestatioi: oi 'he t‘itlt'l'.i\' tie oi miles away lrom their wives atid er oi conscience. is a Journalist merit. tiiost ot which was spetit in sharp her atid Naomi'M-onpprn i
to understand I mean when .\meri "am-ii two .t‘l't-(itlli ilaiili» ways oi children They may be allowed to arested iii ltittl and still held at the solitary confinement. and torture ‘
ca has been iorced to lace her histo lite be'wwn barbarisni black and come y'isit once every several end ot the year without charges She has been banished to a township Lesley Al)ill<’lltlli't is an l-nglish ~
ry oi racial iniustice. at least she I’l‘iili/tilliil. whiti- lit-tween iiea months Wives oiten must work as 'I‘hoxaniile (itllli‘lti, president oi a tar from her home since 1977 and griiditutt student and o member ot .
has had the excuse that blacks hert- ‘heriisiii lllut k and t'hristiaiiity domestic servants and are required worker's lllllttll. has been detained iorced to live With no electnctty or Amnesty-international

I I I I '
arry ing an I am ny er - late mg t entertainment parodies the lords

Last \Ionday as eyerybody They get ill your blood like an ad ”Nightline” with Ted Koppel and national television he had iiumer- that you're doing what you want to ior "
knows. the world went \l‘»\'.\‘ll ’llt'lttl‘i to heroin like the two men "The Last Word" with Phil Dona ous oiiers he has opted to anchor do " The point iximg mm “may, late
crazy lawn here in the it"yk'sl‘tllittl I read about several years ago who hue, and even “(‘BS News Night the It pm news on \VABt'TV. New They also traded Views of the late night irivolity lettermah's snide
with linal deadline rapidiy ap droye a ,oo mile round trip eyery watch with its crew oi washouts \ork s;\ltt'aiiiliate night media explosion. Snyder derid- ness. l-Illerbee‘s abstriiseness. ltona
proaching I had .roiil...- dragging weekend to get to .i city where the all owe their sucess to Snyder and ng ”HIM ”m be “mm”! in mg NBC and the other networks ior hue's coni‘rontational interviews
5'3”?“ “Vii“ ”‘th lht' lt'lHisior. set ior-at teleyision station cairiml the king. who a decade ag” replaced m ) H” m m m. h d 1‘. ’ m ‘_ ”W direction th".\"ve taken Wllh late is a sad parody oi everything Snyder
todoiheir work Tomorrow show all mill“ mttVlt’S. sermonettes and ‘hll 'l‘ ‘ " " “(lrkx W? night inte