Aimo Kiviniemi Collection on the Department of Music (University of Kentucky), 1917-1979


Materials collected by Aimo Kiviniemi relating to the Department of Music and Phi Beta fraternity, 1917-1979.

Descriptive Summary

Aimo Kiviniemi Collection on the Department of Music (University of Kentucky), 1917-1979
Kiviniemi, Aimo
3.45 cubic feet (5 boxes; 1 wrapped package)
Kiviniemi, Aimo, 1918-.
University of Kentucky. School of Music.
University of Kentucky. Department of Music.
Phi Beta (University of Kentucky).
Music -- Instruction and study -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Performing arts -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
This collection is arranged by subject in five series:
Finding Aid Author
Processed by Adam Todd in June and July 2006 under the supervision of Deirdre Scaggs, University Archivist.; machine-readable finding aid created by Eric Weig
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Aimo Kiviniemi was born on February 16, 1918 in Warren, Ohio. He received a degree in Music Education, as well as a Masters degree, from The Ohio State University. In addition, he also studied in Italy and at the Julliard School of Music in New York. Kiviniemi joined the University of Kentucky Department of Music in September of 1946. He retired in 1982 after 36 years with the university. Kiviniemi directed countless performances and several performance groups on campus, including the Men's and Women's Glee Clubs and the University Chorus. Mr. Kiviniemi is of Finnish descent and did extensive studies on Finnish music and culture. He gave presentations at several colleges and universities that featured Finnish folk songs.
Although music courses began being offered in 1881, the University of Kentucky Department of Music was not formed until 1918. In the fall of 1926, it became possible to major in music with courses being given in Harmony, Public School Music, Music Appreciation, and Sight Singing. These courses formed the foundation of the curriculum for a B.S. in Music which was approved by the College of Arts and Sciences faculty and the University Senate in the spring of 1927. The program was put into operation for the first time in the fall of that year. The department received accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Music in 1937. The Department of Music became the School of Music, as it is known today, in 1972.
Phi Beta was founded on May 5, 1912 at Northwestern University by Gladys Burnside, Elsie Shultz, and Josephine Mack. In 1917, a group of students at Chicago Musical College petitioned for a charter and became the Beta Chapter. This kicked off a growth of new chapters nationwide. The University of Kentucky's chapter was founded in 1925. Phi Beta originated as a fraternity exclusively for women majoring in music and speech. However, over time Phi Beta expanded its horizons and is now the only national professional fraternity to encompass all of the creative and performing arts. It should also be noted that the fraternity, following chapter votes in 1974 and 1975 about gender exclusion, is now coed.
Scope and Content
The Aimo Kiviniemi Collection on the Department of Music (University of Kentucky) contains programs of performances, festivals, and UK commencements. It contains schedules and fliers related to the Department of Music. The additional materials include historical information and other relevant materials. It also contains materials related to the Phi Beta professional fraternity at the University of Kentucky. This series includes programs, publications from the fraternity and a secretary's binder. The newspaper clippings and scrapbooks document both the Department of Music and Phi Beta. The photographs are primarily headshots of Phi Beta members from the 1930s. There are several publicity photographs and a film of UK Chorus performance at Memorial Hall.

Contents of the Collection

Music Department

The Music Department series consists of programs from various departmental performances and university events featuring music department students and faculty. Several programs from the Glee Club and University Choristers performances are included as well as a program from the 1950 dedication of the Fine Arts building and the 1979 dedication of the University of Kentucky Art Museum. Also included are event fliers, schedules, and a grade book.

i. Programs, Schedules, and Fliers

Programs from Music Dept. Performances, 1917-1960

  • Box 1
  • Folder 1
To top

Programs from Fine Arts Festival, 1960; Programs from University Musicale Series, 1956-1960

  • Box 1
  • Folder 2
To top

Programs from various UK events, 1955-1979

  • Box 1
  • Folder 3
To top

Programs from UK Baccalaureate Exercises, 1946-1949; Programs from UK Commencement Exercises, 1943-1950

  • Box 1
  • Folder 4
To top

Sunday Afternoon Musicales Schedules, 1942-1953; Flyer for UK Music Education Workshops, 1954; Flyer for UK Fine Arts Festival, 1960

  • Box 1
  • Folder 5
To top

ii. Grade Book

Grade Book, 1938-1952. Note: RESTRICTED

  • Package 1
To top

iii. Additional Materials

Writings on history of Music Department; Students' homework; Lyrics sheets for "Hail Kentucky;" Undated Christmas performance programs; Damaged program; "Who's Who Among University-Trained Teachers," 1936; Incomplete list of music educators in Kentucky, 1946; Program from exhibit of family portraits, 1950; Brochure on higher education in Kentucky, circa 1953; Brochure on UK, 1955

  • Box 1
  • Folder 6
To top

Phi Beta Fraternity

The Phi Beta Fraternity series contains programs from the 1953 Phi Beta Convention which was held in Lexington, Kentucky. Copies of Phi Beta publications, such as The Baton , the Phi Beta Constitution, and By-Laws, are included. This series also features a secretary's binder that held a wide range of Phi Beta material including financial reports, member questionnaires, and old correspondence. The original index is housed in Folder 9. The contents of the binder have been foldered to mirror how they were originally filed.

i. Programs and Publications

Convention Programs, 1953; Performance Programs, 1949-circa 1960

  • Box 1
  • Folder 7
To top

Constitution and By-Laws; Prospectus, 1945; The Baton, 1949-1953

  • Box 1
  • Folder 8
To top

ii. Secretary's Binder

Loose papers from the front of the binder; Section A - Active & Alumni lists and addresses

  • Box 1
  • Folder 9
To top

Section B - Pin Orders; Section C - UK Social Regulations

  • Box 1
  • Folder 10
To top

Section D - Financial Reports; Section EF - Forms

  • Box 1
  • Folder 11
To top

Section G - National Project materials; Section HIJ - Initiation Permits

  • Box 1
  • Folder 12
To top

Section KL - Completed Tryout Questionnaires

  • Box 1
  • Folder 13
To top

Section KL - Completed Tryout Questionnaires

  • Box 1
  • Folder 14
To top

Section M - Sheet music for "Grace;" Section NO - Correspondence

  • Box 2
  • Folder 1
To top

Section R - Scholarship letter; Section S - Meeting minutes; Loose papers from the back of the binder

  • Box 2
  • Folder 2
To top

iii. Additional Materials

Phi Beta Napkin; Signed membership pledge sheets

  • Box 2
  • Folder 3
To top

Newspaper Clippings

The Newspaper Clippings series consists of clippings regarding the University of Kentucky Music Department and Phi Beta Fraternity. The clippings in Folders 18-21 were gathered by the University of Kentucky Public Relations Department and given to the Department of Music.

March 1950

  • Box 2
  • Folder 4
To top

May 1950

  • Box 2
  • Folder 5
To top

July 1950

  • Box 2
  • Folder 6
To top

March 1952

  • Box 2
  • Folder 7
To top

circa 1950-1953

  • Box 2
  • Folder 8
To top

circa 1953-1960

  • Box 2
  • Folder 9
To top

Visual Materials

The Visual Materials series contains headshots of Phi Beta members of the 1930s taken by Lafayette Studios in Lexington, Kentucky. The women were identified in pencil on the verso of the photograph. It also contains publicity photos, some autographed, of popular musical artists of the 1940s who performed at UK. Also included is a reel of film of a UK Chorus performance at Memorial Hall.

i. Phi Beta Photographs

Martha Tugett(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 1
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Mary Dantzler(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 2
To top

Ruth Ecton(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 3
To top

Helen Tanner(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 4
To top

Frances(?) Reid

  • Box 5
  • Item 5
To top

Jean Abel(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 6
To top

Dorothy Murrell(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 7
To top

Sarah Cundiff(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 8
To top

Margarie(?) Jenkins

  • Box 5
  • Item 9
To top

Mary Elizabeth(?) Earle(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 10
To top

Sallie(?) Bell

  • Box 5
  • Item 11
To top

Ruth Weatherford(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 12
To top

Jane Webb

  • Box 5
  • Item 13
To top

Margaret Greathouse

  • Box 5
  • Item 14
To top

Virginia Robinson(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 15
To top

Virginia Murrell(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 16
To top

Frances(?) Kerr

  • Box 5
  • Item 17
To top

Mae(?) Nunnelley(?)

  • Box 5
  • Item 18
To top

ii. Additional Visual Materials

Publicity photograph of Marisa Regules; Autographed publicity photograph of Marisa Regules; Autographed publicity photograph of Florence Kirk

  • Box 2
  • Folder 10
To top

Photograph of John Jacob Niles

  • Box 5
  • Item 19
To top

Photograph of Dr. Daniel Hegeman, Mrs. Lolo Robinson(?), and Bois(?) Whitcomb (Three copies)

  • Box 5
  • Item 20
To top

Photograph of four unidentified women

  • Box 5
  • Item 21
To top

Reel of 16mm film

  • Box 5
  • Item 22
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The Scrapbooks series chronicle the events of both the University of Kentucky Music Department and Phi Beta. While most of the scrapbooks contain performance programs, photographs, and newspaper clippings about both the department and the fraternity, they have been labeled by the group that has the most documentation. The Music Department scrapbook, 1921-1937, was compiled by Professor Carl Lampert who established the University of Kentucky Music Department.

Music Department, 1921-1937

  • Box 3
To top

Music Department, 1947-1948; Music Department, 1948-1949

  • Box 5
To top

Music Department 1949-1950; Phi Beta 1948-1951; Phi Beta 1928-1932, 1963-1965

  • Box 4
To top

Phi Beta, 1940-1941

  • Box 5
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Phi Beta, 1941-1945

  • Box 4
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Phi Beta, 1945-1948, 1968

  • Box 5
To top

Phi Beta, 1951-1955

  • Box 4
To top

Phi Beta, 1958-1960; Phi Beta, 1966-1968

  • Box 5
To top

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