xt7jm61bp316 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jm61bp316/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1968 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1968 Vol.34 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1968 Vol.34 No.3 1968 2019 true xt7jm61bp316 section xt7jm61bp316 fl .
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59: . . David Schansberg has so many good Circulation Division had to look
C'rcu “tors "at t '5 ref, money producing circulation pro— for a new temporary home away
. motion ideas lined up for the after- from home. So it came to pass
2' ‘ noon session that you had better get that the Kentucky Department of .
an extra re-fill for the old ball Parks found that they could offer 5 “
_The circulation directors Of our Kentucky, they have lined UP some point. He can show and make you accomodations at Rough River. ..‘
.- Kentucky newspapers, as well as speakers who should be able to believe that the word “circulation” Jerry Adkins, Chairman of the Cir- .
5 our publishers (exgludingthosepuh- give meeting goers a lot of ideas is spelled P—R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N, culation Division, has notified the
lishers of the falrer seX); aren t to take home. KPA office that he is sorry for the
‘ quite as Pretty as the gals Pietured Once again the Post Office De-‘ Meeting site changed inconvenience to those people who '
above in front of the lodge at Rough partment ls sending at least two of because of tornado had planned to go to Pennyrile,
River State, Park, but they ve planned thelr top troubleshooters down. ” but he urges all of you to make
I 1 ‘
‘ . a ‘pretty darn good meeting on These men must be gluttons for The circulation .meeting was ori- plans to attend the meeting atRough x
‘ May 10—12. . . punishment because in the past the ginally set up for Pennyrile State River.
. Realizing that there are many pro- questions have come hot and heavy Park, at DaWSon Springs, but an The date is May 10-12. The place
blems related to circulation whlch during this session. Want to find unexpected tornado took the roof is Rough River State Park, and the
5 crop up every day for both the out the answers to YOUR postal of the lodge with it as it passed happening is to really get with it 5 1'
- weekly and daily newspaper folks in problems? Then plan to ”attend. through Western Kentucky, and the on circulation ideas. -

 i I V l ’ 7 _ '.~¥’:§l,t__g_..-_e._.._.
Page 2, The Kentucky Press, March 1968 - , ' , . f. . " '
me KENTUCKY PRESS GUEST EDITORIAL . - . ,. . _ 'i‘é - '
Official Publication ' ' _ ' _ ac .- OteS / -" - '-
Kentucky Press Associatioanc. ' - 4 ' ' °' f. - .
203 W- 2nd. St- Tough Jab - By A. J. Viehman, Jr. .
Lexington, Ky. 40507 . , . , -
Printed Bv Reprint from The Hazard Herald Spring is the happy time, the . the best way to get an ad message - 7f} * ‘
Voice of St. Matthews,inc. If you are unhappy with your lot, baseball - outdoor sports of all over to the potential buyer or be- 3- - ;;
Afit-{il’liztfi'ggs 'er- Eiithr if you’re not pleased with you job, types time, and the “go to meet- liever and my friends, We have to
Fl 1d. G . v -. E d" if your business is not flourish- ing time. It seems that the two believe that ourselves. . »
0“ a magma/km. “0’ ing as you would wish, ponder for mostpopular times of the year for The second old problem we have - .1 . ‘-
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce a moment the prospect of becom- all groups to hold their meetings is concerning political advertising is ' E
Newspaper Association Managers ing a political pundit, or a book in the Fall and Spring of the year. that “you can’t sell what you give L211, ~ ‘
. lnrernaiionai Newspaper Promotion .Associdtio publisher, or a comic stripauthor. Of course the reason for this is away.” How many times we’ve ,: _‘ , ‘
K B:He;8usu£ess Bureau I Suppose, for example that youhad that all of us like to get out and talked about that!!! Do you know . g, ,_ .l
"m Y "‘s ”°"‘"’°”' "" 3 nt feverish weeks since last take advantage of the beauty and why manycandidates round uptheir . gag ‘
HowardO Ies President pe ~ ,- I: ‘
George!“ Wflgonlwce President summer working on a biography of vigor associated with these two financial support and dash right . 3:53 3
AJ Warm-m Jr Sec _M r _Trs George Romney, “hours reading seasons. We re hoping that you out to buy billboards and air? Be- e3
. ' ' Executive Eomr'nimge' ' galley proofs and page proofs, Wiii be getting out to take advan- cause they figure that they re going a: ‘
‘ JamesT Norris Jr Chairman (Ninth Dist) only to have the “hie“ droP om tage 0f the meetings available t0 to get their ideas over to;your~ '13 V I :
w,,,,am'Ne};on,Fim Dist, ' of sight and head for the hills of you. - .meetings like the Circula- readers without spending a. red 3 iii _ _~
E C Calm" (Second Dist} Michigan. That happened to three tion Division meeting at Rough nickel (and the nickel hasaspecial gee ‘
Aischansherg mm, Dish) or four biographers. How many River, the NNA Convention in Los _ meaning in Kentucky), They re 30- . 33,? 3
Ben E_ 300,193,” (Fourth Dist.) man-hours and how much money Angeles, and the Summer KPA ing to get their ideas to the people -i ‘ 3
Clayton Roland (Fifth Dist.) went down the drain? None of the convention at Cumberland 'Falls through the announcements, stor- 3 3
Thomas M. Buckner (Sixth Dist) authors or publishers has yet sob- State Park, June .6'3- Well he ies, and editorial pages in- your if I ,. _ j
' Warren R. Fisher (Seventh Dist.) ered up enough to make an es” talking more abo‘u the Summer paper. Sure it S fine to be behind "’ a ‘
‘ James L. Crawford (Eighth Dist.) timate- Convention later. - : candifiaie aid ASUPP‘?“ 13;“ or ,4
as ,in erHoskins Tenth D- , Some might fancy verbiage went a u _ er. . . a s e merlcan _ ‘y... 3 .
Tami, prawns“ Larger“ into the files when Nelson Rocke— HERE WE GO AGAIN might but when it comes time to count fi 3
, Donald B. Towles (At Large) . feller declined the issue, too. Even be the title of a song about politi- the change in the 01 cash drawer *
' ‘ 3 if you allow as how author of cam- cal advertising. Although things there won’t be as much as there .
' paign biographies tend to get paid are looking better this time ( con- should be from political sources. . 3 _ ,
i one way or another, the waste in sidering that this is Just a 1311- It seems to me that we’re not > ;,_;‘3 -
Circulating with Jerry man—hours and nervous energy and mary) than they have in some talking about turning a deaf ear to , « :
M good clean paper can get to be past years, we are Still faced With a friendly candidate or being an '3 ‘"
pretty staggering. some old problems. First of all] Ogre. about this thing. We’re just 33”.:
Mr. Johnson set some publishing might mention that numerous ad- talking about sound business. , 3-333 _ 3*
Tornado rescnedUIeS houses to trembling, too. At least vertising calls have been made on Everyone else on Main Street is , ”rig? ’ ‘ ,
three books on the President, and the agencies handling the various charging for their products, and 3. . ,
. _ . his relationships with Robert F. candidates as well as the candi- there’s no reason wbywe shouldn’t ~> I >
t Kennedy, his virtues, and failures, dates themselves. . . also. . " "iii-if?" '
Ciro" a '0" mac "lg prospects and plans, were inter- i guess the fiI‘St real problem is And what about the guywho charg- I, .
, » -- 3 rupted on April Fool's Day. At Still that we‘eklyneWSpapers hayea 'es a POLITICAL RATE??? Boy on , flux f 1 ‘
ATTENTION: ATTENTION: AT- least one of the grandly planned right high cost per thousand as boy, it’s no wonderthat someone is ' 7:.) ' ._
TENTION: ATTENTION: volumes was written, printed, and far as advertising rates, apply to , forever taking pot shots at neWS- ;' :3 , 3
THE SPRING MEETING OF THE in the bindery ready to have some circulation, .There doesn t seem to papers during the legislative ses—_ ' ,5: ' _ ,
CIRCULATION DIVISION OF THE fancy cloth and a gaudylbook jac- be a heck ofla lot to say about that sions. Can you imagine saying toa ‘ ; i 7
KP A AT PENNYRILE ST ATE ket applied. Where will it all go except that if. circulation would person “Joe, if you want to adver- . 3;;
PARK, MAY 10’ 11 and 12, 1968, now? Maybe to the gartable‘heap. mushroom With the advertising tise the,sale that your store is. . ’ ’
This meeting has had to be moved Maybe they’ll try to salvage some rate remaining constant for awhile, having it 11 cost you this, butsint'e , , , :3.” ‘ ». ,
due to a TORNADO which caused of it by adding some new mate— the Cost per thousand picture would you're advertising” yourself for f,“ Liege... -
. extensive damage to the penny- rial. One stubborn publisher in- change (naturally), Also we all political office, I’ll have to raise;yj,f‘:_“?;_;:£'_§:‘-,_1:333.
- rile State park, sists that his book is going to he know that there are many more the price. Let’s face it. . .there‘ I” ,
The meeting will now be held at releaséd as is; that, after all, people reading neWSPapersthanwe have been politicans with rather ; g. — .
Rough River State Park, Fall of nothing has really changed. can account for on our circulation . CO f dm es , 3 g . "."_' .
. Rough, Ky. May 10, 11 and 12, Creators of cartoons and comic- lists. At any rate, Print IS Still "'"ue ”39 . 3 I r ,
strips live a hazardous life, too. ——-————*—*—_—____+ ' v E _ _.
m Who and what can you satirize ' _ x; .
» if you’re working on material for GUEST EDITORIAL Reprint from The Ky. Standard ‘ 3 ’1}. V ' .
»’ release a few days or weeks in ‘E . ‘ . ' ' ' '
3 advance? If Lyndon Johnson and _' ‘ M 7 . '
To a 0y Who Bobby Kennedy can do a fulll hour D r K - n W0 S m o rt r for 7 - , if? . ‘
- performance of “Mr. Galagher g . ‘ »
and Mr. Sheen” at the White House ' I y . ‘ : ~ -' in _
won’t be back fit? sixfyeélrs of h‘aH?tfielcii and ' «a: . .
c o ” cu in w ts sae to , '- i
and..- e a cause and a dream .
A boy died for me in Khe Sanh Even editors of the editorial page - i ‘ ‘ "
today. have to gamble. Today 5 Political Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was Like Lincoln, Dr. King, with -_ 3 »
i didn’t know him. and he didn’t candidate may be in retirement a martyr for a cause. His un- many, was a hated symbol. Yet, be 115.7}, ‘
know me. before the Paper is Printed and timely death at the hands of anas- preached against hatred, against . ; , .
But he died for me just the same. fOIded-_ Humphrey may be running sassin’s bullet is a tragedy which violence. He would have deplored " , ' '
I learned about it when the 6 With NIXOH- The TFX may take Off befalls the entire nation - it is a the volence and the looting that ,, '
o’clock newscast Showed him be- and land safely. _ blot on America. have been set off by senseless mi- . = i ,.
ing carried off the battlefield by The only safe thing to do is lje- The Negro race can be justly ~ norities in cities across the nation , ’ ‘ ,
his buddies. strict editor 131 comment to die' proud of such a man - a man, who since his tragic death. _ . . ‘ -
He was going home at last - but tribes about the weatherman. He 5 fearlessly, courageously, led the Dr. King believed in the princi-' >’ r
not the way he had dreamed of never been right Yet: in" this year fight for social justice in spite of ples of America - he was laboring ' ~ ‘ .
going. he 11 probably bat 1,000 percent, being maligned, rebuffed, and phy- to have them apply to all, to bring i‘ ’
I watched the neWScast as I ate the Mets will wm the pennant and sically attacked. So strongly did men together, "to join hands," as ‘
_ a good hot meal in my safe, com- the world series, and Bobby Ken- he believe in his cause, he could he often said. - ‘ , ‘
fortable home. nedy Will get a halI‘CUt- it S that not be intimidated. Such dedica- He did not die in vain. . 3 ‘_
The news was pretty much as us- kind 0f year. , . tion to principle must be admired. Negroes who can eat now at a , ‘
ual. The war in Vietnam. . .col- And you think you ye got it tough? His death is a great loss to this public restaurant, who can avail. . \
lege kids demonstrating against H— nation facing difficult days. Dr. themselves of all public facilities, 7 .
changes in the draft rules, scream- King was a strong believer that who have a little more dignity and, - ,- i -’
ing and mugging for the camera ICKIES rights can be obtained without equality of opportunity are in his, 3“ ' ,
, _ .more teachers out on strike. violence, and he preached it, and debt. ' f§
- After dinner I tuned in to a pro— ' practiced it. ” His deathhas brought home force- egg
gram on which a comic wisecrack- Mrs. Al. Hudson, former neWS ‘I have a dream today, the rich, fully the great necessityof working - '2 ml
ed sourly about the way the war director in the Kentucky Depart- resonant voice of Dr. King rang for unity in this country, for more 7 ha _
was going - and probably got more ment of Public Information, has 0‘" from the steps 0f the Lincoln equality 0f Opportunity, for better ». .
money for doing it than this boy in accepted a post with the U. S. Memorial in Washington. Behind living conditions and employment . I”)
Khe Sanh had been paid all the Travel Service, U. S. Department him, in the shadows, was the for the nation 5 P0013. ' I, ” ,3
time he was in service. of Commerce, Washington, D. C., statue of the great Emanicpator, We must extend ourselves for the 4‘ 3 ..
Then I went to bed free from effective April 15. Mrs, Hudson Abraham Lincoln, who almost 100 ' 800d Of our country! and do more :2
r , - years before had been shot to death than talk, act. The nation must _ .,
any fear that the house might be had been With the state agency for b 1 , b 11 k i 1 _
blown up by the enemy. The enemy seven years, becoming news di--' y an asiass n s du et. h 200 his e a conslc ent ous effort to rise 3 . f
is bus over in Vietnam rector in 1965. Before im stoo moret an ,- a ove, racia predlucide, else the 3'13; , _ _
y ' 000 Americans - black and white radical element that preaches vio-
But I couldn't get this boy off my . Two photographs by Jim Curtis, _ who listened intently. They, too, lence will take over. _, 3 . 3,3 ,
mind. photographer forthe WOOdfOI'd Sun, had a dream that Martin Luther A passive attitude can onlycon- ,
I wondered if he had been fright- Versailles, appeared in the Photo King could lead them to better tribute to further diVisiveness - ., ' ’
. journalist section 0f the March things, to more dignity, to more and divisiveness can be the na- _ , :‘3‘
c°"""”°d *0 9399 5 American Press. equality of opportunity. tion’s ruin. ‘- ' 3:77.?

- ’I ' March 1968, The Kentucky Press, Page 3
* ‘ ' ARN [D T ol '
. ype 095 CI
if; The. new 0 timum format With 5 of s ce saved do not ustif the type. easier to read' ,
a. or 6 columlhs instead of ’8 on a timepi: takes for a Lino-tilpe ogera- A single line in a head ShOUId There is no partticular hazirdi in 1
(it ' standard size page, and 4 instead tor to letterspace the narrow never have moge than 32 charhctezg :hinking about a c ange an ry ng
v of ,5? on a tabloid sheet, will be measure lines. 01‘ spaces, an never more t an ' u
‘ , gt conventional for newspapers within Body type is unplatable in large in a whole head.Headlines_with more The eye wianders lifchkitovslhe 11:sz .
‘3" the next 15 years. Dr. Edmund masses. Put a dollar bill on your than three words per line are hard i°f oriiegtaélonh 1v; cdnit ce¥1tered
If C. Arnold, chairman of the graphic newspaper page. It should touch to read. Keep headlines short and shou dd e_ 11511 e :1? the bod t °
Fli‘j‘ arts and publishing departments at two display elements (a principle snappy, don’t end a line in a pre- Ragge rlg 1 nleik carelessy ype,
if: the Syracuse University School of not always easy to apply.) position and therefore splEaphrase. tChmOStdfeOP :dlugnn rule if. it is
35: Journalism told publishers and stu- To break up a large concentration Read heads aloud occasionally be— kegar tngnd re laced with an alley
5% dents attending the sessions for of body type, use 1-up or flat-out fore sending them to the composing ta 61,? oild ie a Sinimum of 1pica
-' weeklies at the Colorado Press makeup, That is using a4 col. room. gt 8 :rmes we cannot do this be:-
Association convention. head with three legs of type and (Dr. Arnold cited a classic ex- ome the ress isn't wide enough
it? The reasons for the new OPt for- white space between columns. ample that appeared in the New York $§£§e use in columns of regular
ti mat are very compelling, Dr. Arnold The basic distribution of type hori- Times last year. The head read t and one that is a column-
continued. Using a mathematical zontally instead of vertically is “Soviet Virgin Lands Short of Goal 32216 a half in width leaving room
fii’f’ formula to prove his point, he said good. An advantage of horizontal Again." The story concerned an :01. the space between columns
3“; that the minimum readibility range makeup is the use of larger heads agricultural fiasco. Another ex— The page starts at the top left
§ is 11 picas plus 2 points and the which are easier to write and offer ample: Tornado Hits 3 States, 1 corner with needs a strong atten-
maximum, 22 picas and 4 points. more comprehension, Missing.) tion co’m eller The nameplate can
"If YOU get OUtSide Of that you are , Second decks on a head rarely an hire oh the to third of the ,
'i wasting the time and effort of the II'II'IOVOIIOI‘I from Canada over lure a reader into a story. g: e-y3se of a shorter; of floating
typeSetter,” Dr. Arnold maintains. Another interesting innovation Dr. Arnold, however, recommends flag isa oodtechni ue Workaround
3 By setting the line 14 picas and comes from canada—breaker heads. the kicker head, uSing half the theg a es clockwisg with the lead
if" 6 points in Width, in addition to. Use subheads set' "in 10 pt. or point size of the main headvfor the storp agt the ri ht on the top of the
" ’ giving readibility, _therels less wear even 18 pt. in long stories. Noth— kicker line, which usually is under- a ey Banners ass them a full page
I' and tear on the linecasting equip- ing is as expensive as unread body scored. He also recommended the pngvhdth are more effective Be
l ment, resulting in substantial sav- reverse kicker or hammer. sure the lower half of the 'page
f1 ings. ' ——————— Good headlines are flush left but has at least two strong headlines
o a d t __ nrot necessarilydflushhright. Hal-ads ; and a picture
ne’. Isa van age t at are ra e on t e ri ht end '
. SOII'I'IIGI'II IIIIIIICIIES a bitvof infogrgmality which gis good :11” he?) atpiigugitg°ffcggflghae 5;ng '
One disadvantage is that for the for the page. b e tlfsthe yicturrc; with headlinz
‘. timeabeing, national advertising is 26 h f d Be sure a head comes into the renea widgh s a,nd beneath the .
. predicated on the 11 pica column lII year 0 a 5 last leg of the body type, tie same a , . ,,
and will stay that way for awhile. Don't use all caps anywhere; it is p ctuhe. u it n a narrow head _.
Dr. Arnold continued thatpublishers ' too hard to read. Give serious Avo armp s1 . U ,
- can handle the national advertising _Southern Railway System launched thought to down-style heads,capita1- riding underb a fargeb onel; se a 5
by squaring off the pyramid, and its 26th consecutive year of news- izing as in the body type for it is picture 01‘ a 0X 01' a rea - .
. by using the optimum on the front paper and magazine advertising in .
f page and the inside pages that do 351;: :htaht inaausgdltftahtégg Spokeginrzn «a é '
'l ' , xa’fei?<\\‘~“o<\l”ws , '
“233:2E3hi§°¥2§eidvcifidfiinihusted ,deschbes as “different from any- atti‘aflrwhiiaiw
to allow for the extra space. “We thing we’ve ever done before” ~rht~rehtaheiiea§§ »
~» billing by linear measure, which is of two-page ads mm color m na- Meegyeeassae ,
‘ likefsellmg real estate by the acre nonally - circulated business and tinieeteoee».t
. and billing it by the mlle.” the news Publicatmns andintranspma- idea/spent
The idea of squaring off the pyra— One-page ads with color will run hs‘y ;,
mid' has , an incipient headache... in a variety 0f cmmwitywflemed itQWiXi" '?
. L. some ads will be buried. “We must trade Publicatif’ns' Most ‘
unsen a myth that the message The railway S 1968 newspaper ass
of the advertiser will be received campaign Will COhSiSt 0f six black- A‘V‘iielemx““\
matter.” Dr. Arnold told the pub— 477 newspapers Pubhshed W the Inge .
3:. research shows position of an ad has by southern- 5T?”i¥‘771-'é
noL-fseffect on its effectiveness in The railway Will also continue xi
moving merchandise, and that the newspaper advertising of “S w
time is coming when one Page will Passenger “”13“ in 1968' the téiiiizif . a I§N
' 7-? be used for edltorlalmarter only and SP°kesman said, because we we“ »~ \
another will be full 'of advertising- ‘0 Stay in the Passenger b.usmes.s, W“ ~ ” “3‘1””
‘ “I' - ' where we can do 5° profitably. WWTWW ,\‘»§§ 2,
, . way’s various ad campaigns will a- w
,5; "We know that the price of labor be that “Southern gives a green I" - =3;
’andi‘neWSprint won’t come down but light to innovations that shiueeze .
we; can insure profit by greater the waste out of distribution. ~
efficiency,” he neled- __ WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! I
“Offset has continued its sheady
Egtggilixaiiheihesarizm'Eygugeigzderfli: 1 Shown above is the E.W. Brown coal-fired steam electric generating ' "
"if? interested in the. pattern of ink on QU CIgIES station, near Dix Dam on Harrington Lake, as it will look after the ad-
a piece of paper and doesn’t care diction of a new 427,000 kilowatt generating unit. Construction is 3
how it ets there.” Layout and under way, and the new unit is expected to be in operating in May,
, topograplgy problems and possibi- CHazgrd liefatldlhews hditorOsgar 1971. '
lities» are about the same in either om S WI ea 'a en—mem e1: ‘ It is the third unit at the Brown plant, and,with its related facilities, . .
. 1: offset or letterpress reproduction. committee WhICh “”11 V151: govern . . . .. . -
it; One consideration in offset is the . ment officials in Washington in WI“ requtre the Investment of $58,720,000 by Kentucky UtlIltleS .
77- tendency of the process to lighten May in the interest 0f securing Company.
the body type and darken the head physical education facilities for Its capability is three times that of KU's second largest, generating
., *5; letters, and type faces ShOUId be so. Perry County SCh