xt7jm61bp76b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jm61bp76b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 2002 2002 2002-04-15 2020 true xt7jm61bp76b section xt7jm61bp76b Derby Classic Festival offers preview of men's basketball recruits I




Report. faculty salaries rose nationwide

.s‘oiitbiiii \diI- -iItIst l Iiiyeisity

Income: Survey shows a 3. 8 percent gain
last year; outlook for future not so rosy


Full-time faculty salaries
on the nation‘s campuses have
risen to a level not seen in 30
years. according to a new re-
port released Friday. though
the recession could mean a dip
in pay next year.

The American Association
of University Professors sur~
veyed more than 1.400 public
and private. two- and fourvyear


Harley’s ice Cream Cafe
will hold a grand opening this
Friday. Selling ice cream and
gourmet coffee, the store will
open its doors for the first time
at if am. Friday. For the week of
April 19-21. prices will be half-
off. Store hours are 11 em to 10
pm. Sunday through Thursday
and it MI. to it pm. Friday and
Saturday. Marley's is located at
1085 N. Main St. in Nicholasville.
The phone number is sat-Iron

Two Ult freshmen, Mark
Kidd and Charlie Chrisman, have
collaborated to start the
business. Vlith help from past
business experience and
their parents. the duo has raised
and invested $8,000 to $10,000
in the store.

institutions to calculate aver
age pay for full-time faculty.
They included lecturers to
full professors

The report found that
among schools surveyed. facul
ty salaries rose an
3.8 percent this school year
over the 200001 acaI'lemic year.

Adjusted for inflation. the
increase was 2.2 percent. This
was the fifth year in the row
that the average faculty

average of

l'll \ lllslt

Ay-‘iii ige fac iilty pay at pi i-

vate Institutions
and at public
was StiZlI'JI.

In a third category.


affiliated. faculty
averaged $.33,le

The result was average tac
are slightly bet»
in llt'i'l 72.

ulty salaries that
for Inflation
ter than they
file AAl'i’ sliiil
Among all
veyed. the lowest


sl‘llIiI IIs

UK freshmen
Mark Kidd and
Charlie Chrisman
will hold a grand
opening for
Marley's Ice
Cream Parlor

on Friday. The
name Marley's
came from
combining their
names. Located in
Nicholasvilie, the
parlor will also
offer gourmet

KERNI; stiri

Double dip: Two UK entrepreneurs scoop out
a niche in Nicholasville with coffee, ice cream

By Kristin Durbin

Some college freshman
might work part-time at an ice
cream parlor. Few would imag
ine owning the place.

Mark Kidd. an undeclared
freshman. and Charlie Chris-
man. an electrical engineering
freshman. will open Marley‘s
Ice Cream Cafe in
Nicholasville this weekend.
Business partners since high
school. they have done every-
thing from mowing lawns to
running a concession stand.

“We've never done any-
thing this big.“ Kidd said.

Both Kidd and Chrisinan
said they are nervous about
the grand opening this Friday.

"We have to do really good
right off.“ Kidd said. “This cost
between 38.000 to 810.000 just to
get started."

With their past business
experience and help from their
parents. Kidd said getting a
bank loan wasn‘t impossible.

The UK students bustness
adventures started during
their sophomore year at Henry
Clay High School. mowing
lawns and doing yard work.

“It was the best thing
we've ever done." Chrisman
said. "We made crazy money.
but it was a lot of work.”

Recently. they operated
concession stands at events
like the Bluegrass Fair and A
Midsummer Night’s Run.

“We made enough money

and universities that
identify ibeiiiselyes as church-

for full professors was fit-Idol) at

The cure

Despite the


walks foi canc ei
research I

In ( ollege -.d Ile. Tenn [he bigl

7t) percent of I

North Dakota

iiesi paid were full profes
I‘niyers'ity of i‘;

soi's at the
forniii. Berkeley.
Sllfiiioo on average.
survey found

The results largely

to keep it going.” (Thrisman
said. However. Kidd admitted
that during that period. he was
“selling (plasma) for a while."

Kidd has also worked as a
DJ for WRFL and with a stage
crew at Rupp Arena events
(Tiii‘ismaii has worked as a
technology intern for the
Herald-trader and wants to be
the next Bill (izites'

Kidd and (‘brisman
said they will have time to rim
Marley's and go to school

“As an engineering major.
I know i am going to be here
for a while." Chrisnian said.

Chrisman said he has been
the “level head." balancing
Kidd‘s ideas with pragmatism
He said Kidd brainstormed and
researched several ideas before
they decided on an ice cream

Kidd said they had never
dealt with marketing or pay
roll. but thought they could
handle the challenge.

“Millions of people have
opened businesses." Kidd said.
“We just had to find a
unique angle."

Their angle was combin»
ing an ice cream and coffee
cafe. "We'll start with ice
cream and coffee . and we
might. sell sandwiches and
bakery goods." he said.

(,‘hrisman said their sup-
plier. locally owned \‘aleii
line's Goimnet Ice (ream. was
willing to work closely
with them. unl ike larger firms.

“There was just a lot more
personal interaction."
Chrisman said.

Valentine's owner Scott
Barryman said he was confi-
dent they would be successful.

“With their energy and lo-
cation. they‘re going to be a
bit,“ he said.

Caffeine's jolt can cause problems

Side effects: Doctor sais stimulant causes rapid hemtbeai.
insomnia and hell ousness Iet it lie/ps.st11deiits s‘llll ir e the end 0] the semester


Why sleep is essential
to a smooth finals

week ITuesday

Find out how skipping ‘
your Wheaties will
affect your

By Abby Ghibaudy


It is 2 a.m.: Around
campus. students‘ heads ache
and eyelids droop, but unfm
isbed piles of homework lay in
their laps. During the crunch
of Dead Week. many will turn
to coffee. tea or soda to piill
them through.

(‘affeine gives you adren-
aline. a little extra push. to
keep you going when you are
tired." said Kristen Fuchs. a
geology Iunior.


While experts agree that
the caffeine in two to three
cups of coffee a day is barin-
less. too much causes prob
lems. said Jill Kindv. a niitri
tioiiist for the ['K Hospital.

Kindy said caffeine can
cause nervousness. a rapid
heartbeat. irritability and in»
soiIInIa. And while it might
help students in the midnight
hours It can also cause fatigue
in the morning

(‘arolyn Sutton. an edrII a
tion Iiinior. has experienced
such fatigue


"The way you feel the next
day is not worth a couple extra
hours of studying.” she said,

(‘atl‘eine also works as a
diuretic. flushing out Impor
tant nutrients in our bodies
such as calcium. Kindy said.

She recommended ways
for students to perk up w itlIout
caffeine Students i I.i Iy he bei-
ier off by taking a in minute
walk or eating a nutritious
snack to give them some good
energy." she said

Students also turn to


est average was Sl-l-IIW for full
It professors at Harvard.

Looking only at public iinI
vei'sities. which employ about
’8 full-time fae
the lowest average salary
for a IIIII professor was 341.800
at .\ll‘.\'y'lllt' State l'iiiversity III

state support for higher educa

tion. siIIII- IIIIIIoi ty of II III.
IIIIc Iobs .IiI Ii public In rm
tIoiIs. survey .Iiiilioi
llaiiiel llaiiie rIIII -.sh III I I oiioiii
It"s pi‘ofI-ssoi .II it It I one I at
(if TI'Xiis

“ Ii the sixties Ili lllli ’llli
big lltllllli. the st Ite goyi riI Ill
Iiieiits threw iiIoiII-y Into tiizs
illllllt‘l'lI‘J-sll said

i“11i'llll'.'Ilfl‘. lost ground iii
the lit'fiis l'l‘I'l‘\\lilll Iiid It's
a slow tilIIIII lrick up until the
relatively substantial iiiI rease»
of i‘I-I‘ei‘It the ‘. ll"
siiryey found

To Kentoci'y i an than i’ It I-xeiiiier-

fun. I Irit'oiial II-IIleI ,:: . I;:.;-:ise-~

sill ‘l \







iii/Iiig that they have
:iiter'. ieiI.
lint lit"\’. '.I'tl'

fII Ill ‘I :Iis‘.

llt‘t’li II'II‘ii". .. III.


Iifii ,I‘IIII lll’

I'Isigts \II‘LI‘A(IIII

t‘lli litii‘Ig'IlI:
'lli il ‘.\'Iiili'l 1:.1

i‘IllIii‘. said

{no ,11I ..- II‘ ';.


since t‘tIIIH‘A‘IIIWIT
:::d tlzw pIIII ii from taiia‘g


is it‘ll Hii

ZDQZ Liiihoiifi‘l MAYORALR tMC

Scoop dreams Q

Asthemaiorul Iace's sprmzam approaches the
Kernel will present (1 chance to meet the condi-
dates Icitlz (1 profile and question and answer
session. The candidates will appear alphabetically
today through Thursday. The primary is May 28.


What Is your view of the

Lexington Area Party Plan‘.‘

The 1m Il’aity PlaiiI w as necessaiy at the time bI
cause theie w Is not a strong Iela ionship between all parties

Parking is a huge problem for both students and oth
er Lexington residents What solutions would you offer?

The city owns parking lots they've contracted out to
other places. We need to reconsiriI'-i‘ the management agree

ment to allow for downtown parking
come downtown

to encourage students to

. To what extent does Lee Todd's college to'w n y LsLI Ir; fit

into your vision of Lexington"

We (the
ship so far and I am
university. I have .I
wtth ['K.

Limit 1 Ii;IiIsi.ip

liars here Ifose It 1 i". while
bars in many other iargc cII'IIe . towns.
such as Ioiiisvil'e III opI- ii Is late as i
am. If elected would I ii do mything to

keep bars open latei

\Ve need to look (ii What other
metropolitan areas are doing to Itti‘act
nightlife. I am not prepared to otter .I solu
tion because I have not looked a: the
issue fully.

For those that are underage. if
they want to dance or have fun, they prct
ty much have to go to Richmond What
are your plans to provide entertainment
for the under-21 crowd?

It is not the role of government to
provide entertainment. but It Is the role of
government to provide the venue

In two sentences or why

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentuck , Lexington

city and 1K) h: Iie h III a tneinendI IiIs It i; t ..
Mooring. toiw'aid to woiking


Why students
don't vote
and why they
should I 3

0 & A's with
the mayoral
candidates I
- Tuesday:
Jim Gray

0 Wednesday:
Teresa Isaac
0 Thursday:
Ann Ross


Ls no 3 iw‘i

ltI'IIII‘ it’llit'
'll;II:I\ .yi- Ii-I'Iii'
Ill \YJ‘I



i‘l'I ll

iifIIii‘I. 'll“



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Call 257-1915 or

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it you have
email them to
Ashley York.
edtor in chief, at
kyternelcom or
call 257-t915.


011 grad advances in Met auditions

UK finished l-t'orZ at yesterday 's semi: inal
round of the National (‘ounctl Auditions .u the
New York Metropolitan Opera when graduate
Mark Whatley advanced to next Sunday ‘s tinals
"It‘s a little overwhelming and a little ham
tiling." Whatlev said of his finish yestcl‘ila‘. “l
was oyerwhelmed listening to all llit‘ other
singers. I‘ve never heard so many good singers
in one place." Whatley. who received his max
ter's lrom [K 111 2000. was one of time routes
tants chosen to advance to the finals I'lt's t‘oret
(rider. who w'ill tinish his master's in vocal pet
iormance m .\Iay. did not advance. Both students
studied under UK professor Stephen Kan: What
ley will spend the week working w ith tlte stall ol
the Met in preparation for the finals. tlr. Sunday
tive of the remaining nine singers w ill be award
ed 813.000 prizes.

UK awards top students for work

I'K will award students at the animal Hon
ors and Recognition Awards program ‘l‘ui-stlay
night. Awards include top I'K fellowships. un
dergraduate research awards. community ser
vice awards and academic awards. The ceremrr
ny begins at 7 pin. in the Student t‘eitter
(irand Ballroom.

Seven inducted into Hall of Distinction

On Friday. seven new members were induct
ed into the (‘ollege of Engineering Hall of his
tinctton. The inductees are Air Force Lt (ien
John H. (‘ampbell the current associate director
of the Central Intelligence Agency; William (‘.
Hopkins. a 196? medical engineering graduate
who worked for 30 years in nuclear engineering:
Betty Peters Preece. a 1947 electrical engineering
graduate who became the first woman to earn a
degree in engineering: Carl N. Kelly. a 1961 elec
trical engineering graduate who worked in the
information technology sector for more than to
years; Kenneth H. Kennedy. a 1968 civil engr
neering graduate who spent his career moy mg
through the ranks at Monsato Corp. starting at a
manufacturing plant in Illinois; James W Stuck
ert. a 1960 mechanical engineering graduate.
Russell M. Barnes. :1 1930 electrical engineering
graduate who worked in the aerospace industrv


Officials see big things for downtown

LOUISVILLE ~ Despite a sluggish economy
and too many empty rooms in downtown hotels.
city officials and investors contend that the to

. J
Pamela Anderson
can't seem to get
enough of rockers
-- the former Mrs.
Tommy Lee 15 now
engaged to bad-
boy musicran Kid
Rock The 34~year~
old actress, star of
the campy hit
W P Sdld yes
when boy-friend
Bob Ritchie - Kid
Rock‘s real name -
proposed lhursdav
night outdoors in
the Las Vegas
desert he!
publicist Marleah
tesi.e said today.
No wedding date
was set "She‘s
elated." Lesbe
said the Slryear-
Old rap-rock rebel
gave her a ring but
there were no
details, the spokes-
woman said. The
couple began
dating in April
2001. when they
met backstage at
VHl's diva salute to
Aretha Franklin at
Radio City Music
Hall In New York
City. lt Will be the
second marriage
for the former
"Baywatch" star,
who is locked in a
nasty child custody
battle over sons
Brandon and Dylan
wtth Lee. Last
month, Anderson
claimed she had
contracted the
potentially fatal
hepatitis C by
sharing a tattoo
needle With Lee.
The former Motley
Crue drummer
insists, however,
that he's never had
the disease.
Anderson said she
has been undergo~
ihg outpatient
treatment at
the Unwersrty
of California,

Los Angeles.

ture of Louisville's downtown has never been
brighter More than two dozen projects costing
$830 million are either slated for construction or
being built in downtown Louisville through
2005. although one-quarter are still seeking fi-
nancing or have unfinished plans, according to
(‘ourier-Journal research. Among those still
looking for money or investors is the $111 mil-
lion Marriott Hotel and the $40 million second
phase of Waterfront Park's transformation of the
Ohio River shore.

Priest retires amid abuse allegations

LOUISVILLE A Roman (‘atholic priest
has retired following allegations he sexually
abused minors in the 1900s and 1070s, a newspa-
per reported. The Rev. Louis E. Miller. 71. had
been barred from working with children since
January 1000. a month after Archbishop Thomas
Kelly received a complaint against him. said Bri»
an Reynolds. chiet~ administrative officer for the
archdiocese He was Working as a chaplain at :1
Louisville home for the elderly when he retired
last month. Reynolds told The (,‘ourier-Jtturnal


lRS paid $30 million for slavery

\‘VASHINU’I‘UN The Internal Revenue
Service mistakenly paid out more than Sill mil-
lion to tax filers seeking nonexistent slavery tax
credits in 2000 and 2001. according to a Treasury
Department investigation. A growing number of
black taxpayers are being misled by scams false-
ly claiming that. for a tee. they can get tax cred-
its or refunds as reparations for slavery. The
scams are given credence when some taxpayers
actually get money. The IRS received more than
77.000 tax returns last year claiming $2.7 billion
in reparations. up from 13000 the year before.

Arafat says Israeli pullout needed

RAMALLAH. West Bank Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat rebuffed Secreatry of State
Colin Powell's demand Sunday for a halt to vio-
lence. saying Israel first must withdraw its
troops from the West Bank. Powell. shuttling
back to Israel for a meeting in Tel Aviv. then
pressed Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for a com-
plete pullback. Sharon renewed his proposal for
an international peace conference without
Arafat. bttt with Lebanon. Saudi Arabia. Syria
invited. an aide said.

Court: Army must hand over bodies
rael‘s Supreme Court told the army Sunday that
it must give the Palestinians the bodies of those
killed in this refugee camp. The army gave jour—
nalists a limited tour of the devastation and de-
nied that mass killings took place. The court also
ordered the army to include workers from the
Red Cross in teams searching for the bodies fol-
lowing more than a week of battles in the camp.

Compiled from staff, wire reports


mKfihealth center
officials resign
following review

Ultimatum: Dean of College of Medicine
said committee's review found deficiencies


HAZARD. Ky. The top two officials of a University of Ken
tucky health center resigned after a review of the nationally
recognized center.

Loyd Kepferle. who had been head of UK‘S Center for Rural
Health since 1008. resigned effective immediately. as did his
deputy director. Karen Main.

"I‘d rather not discuss it." Kepferle said Friday when asked
about his sudden departure.

The center. based in Hazard. was established in 1990 to
improve health care in rural pans ofthe state. The center has de-
veloped grassroots health care programs that have been modeled
across the humor.

Main. who has worked at the center since 1991. said she was
surprised when she and her boss were told to resign or
be tired.

“All of our programs. everybody admits. are just spectacu-
lar." Main said

Dr. Emery Wilson. dean of the UK College of Medicine. said
the review. done by a committee of university staff and faculty.
found some deficiencies with communications and an inconsis-
tent outlook

“(lne of the concerns brought out by the review was prob-
lems with l‘(llllllllllllt‘ltlIllIIS within the center and the inability to
articulate a consistent vision." Wilson said.

The review committee also raised concerns about the cen-
ters residency programs for physicians and about a sharp de-
cline in the number of patients using the center's clinic.

The review committee recommended that the center seek fed-
eral grants to help fund the residency program.

Wilson said the center already has launched a nationwide
search for the next director. Meanwhile. Judy Jones. director of
the Kentucky State Office of Rural Health. will serve as interim

“In general. I would say the review shows that the programs
at the Center for Rural Health have been excellent.”
Wilson said.

“We have. had a number of programs that established a na-
tional presence and became models for rural health care nation-
ally. I would fully expect all of the current programs to continue.
and we want to build on them."

The National Rural Health Association recognized the center
last year as the best in the nation and as a health care initiative
that uses lay health workers.

The association was a finalist last year for the innovations in
government award from the John F. Kennedy School of Govern—
ment at Harvard University.




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MONDAY, APRIL 15. 2002 | 3

Wtinq gives students a voice

By Sonya Lichtenstein


Even though this year's
mayoral election is one ot‘ the
most competitive in a decade. ex.
perts worry students won‘t make
it to polls for the primary.

Some say that students' dis
regard for local politics comes
naturally because of their de
tachment from the community.

Yet professors say local poli-
tics afiect issues concerning

“(In recent cases) students
were targeted for punishment by
Lexington government." said
Steve Voss. a political
science professor.

Continued from page i

should students vote for you?

A Because I have been a
strong advocate for student is-
sues for a decade. I've worked
with sororities. fraternities.
SAB. Student Government and

To Work at the Mall

To Class at UK

\‘oss said students should
recognize their power in

"Democracy is set up so that
people can protect themselves
from government in the ballot
box." \‘oss said. “So when UK
undergi'aduates neglect local
politics as a group. they an;
nounce to city leaders that it‘s
open season on students."

While most students are not
registered in Fayette County.
they can still vote 111 the pri
maries. Students can vote in
Lexington as long as they are not
registered to vote in their home
city. They must also re-rcgister
to vote at the clerk's oitice in

many other organizations to as-
sue a better quality of liti-

Q W hat issue inattris to
you the most in this elec tion'.’

A. Education and working
with existing institutions to
ensure the best educational
environment in the country.

Q What did you do in

Fayette (‘ounty by April ‘39

Absentee ballots are avail
able for those who will not be in
lexington during the primaries.

Julie (iinter. an early child-
hood education sophomore. is
also concerned about students‘
lack of lllVUth‘IIlL‘ili. She said
that while she usually doesn‘t
follow Lexington politics. the ef»
feet the newly elected mayor
could have on student issues
concerns her.

[am hoping the new mayor
will help city council see that
regulations targeting students
like the (Lexmgton .-\rea Party
Plan). only tuither divide the
college crowd from permanent

college for fun on the weekends‘.’

A l was a member of

l~‘arinHouse (social traternity)
and active in different iil‘g’ttlllltc
tions. I spent weekend time in
the ROTC program.

If you could choose a
new mascot for Ni. ii hat would
it be and why‘.’

A A. Golden Retriever It

At" martian l rcrtNELsrArr

For thecause

Top: The American Cancer Society's
Relay tor Lite hold a walk-a-thon
Friday and Saturday at the William
T. Young Library. About 15 teams
participated in the event. which
raised money tor cancer research at
UK. Left: Members oi the CERES
sorority chat In the rain while walli-
tug at the event. Winona Palmer. the
56 press secretary, said so is
confident the event raised $10,000.

The Blue Route All the Way to Commencement


destination is a new career

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Now it's the Yellow Route to her new mt) at Beaumont Center

About half of our passengers rely on Lexlran for a regular ride to work or school, or both

to go wherever life takes you

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Lexington residents.“ she said.

Other students like Ashley
Bi‘atcher. a political science and
journalism senior. worry that
students' apathy will deter their
peers from voting in the primary.

"The turn out is so low in
primaries." said Bratcher. who
works on a mayoral campaign.
"lf young people would vote.
they could swing the vote. We
are the only group of people to
iindeivrepresent themselves in

Despite the unlikelihood of a
huge college turnout. this year's
mayoral candidates say the
voice of students is essential to
the race.

symbolizes the warmth of the
fine people who attend and
work at I'K.

Q What is your favorite

A (‘iuinness

Are you for or against
benefits for samesex paitners‘.’

A I am not in favor ofthat.


Continued from paqel

caffeine pills such as \‘ivarin
to help them stay awake during
Dead Week. Such pills list the
amount of caffeine on the label.
so caffeine intake can be

This is not the case with
fat-burning pills. which also
contain caffeine. Kindy said
that Zenadrin. Metabolife and
other fat burners are not FDA
regulated. The amount of caf-
feine in these pills vary. and a
person may ingest more
caffeine than planned.

Some students plan to avoid
caffeine during Dead Week.

“You can avoid caffeine by
pacing yourself. so that you are
not scrambling to get work
done during the last minutes."
said Justin Johnson. a telecom—
munication senior.

For those that will burn
the midnight oil and use caf
fr ine to help them along it is
import ant to be responsible
about one s intake. Kindy said
the etfects ofcatTeiney vaiy from
person to person.

"Know how much iyou are
usingi and how sensitive you
are to it." she said.

And at over 100.000 passenger rides per
week that s a lot of students and WOi'klt‘Q men and women getting to their destinations on time, and undet’ budget even when "‘9


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'Opomng Coromony Creation of the Sond Mandala-
'Swing Dance Lessons, ‘ Harv
‘UK Judo Club, ‘ i ~ 5%

‘Remember to Reregister tor your Student Organization

April 22. 2002 is me last day‘ Tues

'Muslim Students Assocration Meeting

'Islamic Study Group .
“Alpha Phi Omegoiservrce Iraternityl

'Lettlst Student Union Meeting
‘Tuesday Nights Together

‘Green Thumb Environmental Club

'Math Tutoring lor Math 100 level Courses
'Math Tutoring

‘Math Tutoring

'Math Tutoring

‘Math Tutoring

"Math Tutoring

‘History Tutoring

'History Tutoring,

‘Cherrustry Tutoring

‘English Tutoring .


'Comedy Caravan Costatu Economopoulos‘ 'The Biggest Name in Comedy Greg Hahn

'Roptor Rehab .

‘Monli Photo Exhibit .
’Creation of the Sand Mandala
'UK Tae Kwon Do Club .

Romambor to Rorogistor for your Student Organization
April 22. 2002 is tho last day‘
'Introductory Mooting of Buddhism » : . .0 . ‘ .
w .s,
'Pro- Physical Therapy Student Association
' r) i»: ' ii a: : . ..
‘Boolr ol Mormon Class ‘T ”i
'UK Femmist Alliance Meoting, -—
'Inatituta . ‘r : i t .
'Altomntive Spring Break Project. ' ’ ’ t ' ‘
Table Francoise French Conversation Group i

Encounter '

‘UK Equestrian Team

'SAB ’i: 'i' f- n ‘ ‘
‘Followshio of Christian Athletes l C" p"

'English Dopartmont Honors and Awards Day _
W‘T "'1 r "rif‘e l‘Yi’ ( rtrrin. i /
Math Tutoring tor Math loo~lovol Courses '
'Math Tutoring l‘ «34' My 'ifi.’ in», ‘
'MathTutoring 1”" wort, 'o' i 4..., .
Math Tutoring (MA 123l.1-,: . ' ». ' ’
‘Math Tutoring. “ ’ ‘3 ” JP" “
'HistoryllW/lOG/‘IOSL ‘ ‘T ‘1 ’ .l "

'UK Kondo bu club " "5 " "‘ r .m

'CAMPUS MTV lNVASION- Performances by Nickelback Default, and Inpoctod at Memorial

Colisourn 7: 309m, Events will tolto plICO on Stoil Field trom,12pm 59m, ALL ARE WELCOMEH

'Froo Advanced Screening Murder By Numaors ‘ ,r ' ' . ' 2* wt"
‘Monk Photo Exhibit - l is u or“: ,.

'Croation at the Sand Mandala v . tr ‘
'Film Sonos, .;i r t . .
'UK Judo Club ‘- 67 : ' '

' nice ‘ -: ‘1

Remember to Raregister lor your Student

Organization April 22 2002 is the. last day Th U rs
Freshmen Focus

‘Lanibdo Meeting ' ' ’

”Amnesty International Meeting


‘Math Tutoring for Math 100 level ICourses
'Math Tutoring

'Math Tutoring

'History Tutoring(107 I08/109l

'Biology Tutoring


'Kempo Seteretense


'Tibotan Monk Sacred Musm Sacred Door 9 tor World Healing

‘Monlr Photo Exhibit
'Creatian ol the Sand Mandala


'Romombor to Rongtoter for your Student Organization
April 22, 2002 to tho last day '
'lntocnotlonol Christian Fellowship Friday Fellowship

. , _


‘Math Tutoring tor Math 100 Iovol Cour-nos ’ ‘ V '
r :2 "i

'Moth Tutoring 3,; ‘rv ‘4"


Bonl nrty in i lqn‘ ”a“.

'chh Roar’donoo, hr n '


'Monh Photo Exhibit. ‘31: to orient " r .

'Cnation of the Sand Mandala, .. i7 ta‘


’UK Rondo-tau club, ' .5 . i, ."c


'UK TquonOoCIub ' 4 "irw


'Cathotrc Mass


’Kompo Sol! Deleon
'UK You Kwon 00 Club

Catholic Moo: 1 ‘4' i .

'Unhnntty WWW.

n -r Dn- air-finiv


'Mflh Tutoringflfl/‘NI, ‘ ‘ u "r” ' ".
'Mothhnorlngllfll. 9 ‘x " "t ' H‘ 'i AM

'I'llotory Tinorhglthos/WTI- ' ‘rin “new: 43
"Wow Tutoring. HOT/tall” ‘ " Gov" ! iw ‘ ,~ .
1 o 1) pr .. kg, was

'WMM s rm item. ~





Stacre Meihaus
Scene Editor


4 I" Quouoiv. APRIL 15, 77270972” | , ksnruckvkiriun



I. Sweetlecakes

2. An Obsessive Compulsive love Story
3. lndeflnltely and Wedding Advice: Speak
flow or Forever Hold Your Peace
Honorable Mention: Values



Stacie Meihaus


Any film that the promo describes as, "If Andy Warhol had made
a film in Northeast Switzerland, this would be it," has to have a bit
of character. Sweetiecalres definitely lives up to that character, giv-
ing the audience a love quadrangle in German. The film is original.
funny and plays well. An Obsessive Compulsive Love Story was the
most endearing real-life film that I saw this weekend. it's quirky but
very sweet. lndefinitely was a fun and funny piece about a wedding

A slice of cake

I. Sweetiecalres

2. The Terms

3. An Obsessive Compulsive Love Story
Honorable Mention: Horses on Mars and
American Coffee



[mill Hagyedorn
air—within VVVV A “l '—

ln Sweetiecalres, a Swiss Martha Stewart is taken on a roller
coaster of love and scandal as she debates her relationship to her
fiance. has an affair and is chased by paparazzi. All the while, the
baker retains her naive and sweet qualities. The originality alone
put it above the others. The Terms, an Irish film, is about a lather

Definitely ‘Indefinitely’

i. lndefinitely

2. Sweetiecalres

3. Chosthunter

Honorable Mention. Joyride
and Values


Patrick Avegy


Sims sun can?"

The outstanding flick of the festival, Indefinite/y was fun,
which is the greatest reason for my picking it as the best film.
It Is the story of a wedding videographer who Is making a

from Switzerland about a cake baker who is bored with her

MtlANlt BimqliAM
ERi(A BlAktly
HEAillHi B()Vl(lN
ERiN Cull

NAlAlir CONku/Riqln
Kle Drpp
JrssirA Dull

Kelly Kiny
SMilA KodAli
[.0th KUl-lNAplEl
Lizzie MANlON
KiM MAuioni
Btlh M( 310018
ANNlt PRrwin

vldeographer who decides that he needs to break up the couple he's filming. Wedding Advice: Speak flow or
Forever Hold Your Peace Is a documentary that examines the institution of marriage from different couples'
points of view. Often times hilarious. it's